Sayings about two-faced people

Selected quotes about face

I was just smoking on the balcony and heard a neighbor say to her husband: “Sasha!” Don't put your muzzle in the cat's face!!!

I look at myself in the mirror and think: wow - time has photoshopped it!

I don’t know what it is about smart thoughts... but I always have a smart expression on my face))

A wise man once said: “Beauty can save the world. But who said it’s about appearance?”

Train a happy facial expression! It doesn’t matter whether others believe it or not. But what if you believe it yourself?

Statuses about the beauty of a woman

It's beautiful when it's modest. Only modesty can be considered true beauty. When it is simply beautiful, then it is not beauty, but just prettiness. Female attractiveness is a complex concept.

And female beauty does not lie in facial features or beautiful clothes. Only a woman's soul can reflect her real beauty. We must look at how a woman gives her love. And also: female beauty only gets better with age. The most striking sayings that will show where real beauty lies.

Only what is natural is beautiful.

A woman is as good on the outside as her inner world allows her to be.

A beautiful woman is not for home use.

What is beautiful does not need additional decorations - what makes it most beautiful is the absence of decorations.

You need to decorate yourself not in order to look good, but only in order not to look bad.

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive.

The meaning of the word "Belladonna": in Italy - a beautiful woman, in England - a deadly poison. A striking example of the deep similarity of two languages.

For a woman, the best mirror is the eyes of a loving man. You want to admire your reflection in them endlessly.

Women are more beautiful than they look.

The real beauty of a woman manifests itself early in the morning when she wakes up, and not in the evening when she is tired and falls asleep.

Quotes about humor

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about humor .

Most of all, we love it when we ourselves come up with .

Quotes are grouped by topic: people and humor, joke humor, humorists, serious and funny, life and humor, creativity and humor, sense of humor, love and humor, moderation and humor, women and humor, pain and humor, soul and humor, obscene and humor, fate and humor, tears and humor, talent and humor, intelligence and humor, humor and non-humor, truth and humor, peace and humor, words and humor, death and humor, marriage and humor, the influence of humor, humorist and humor, laughter for no reason, etc.

People and humor

Don't lose your sense of humor. Humor is to a person what fragrance is to a rose. (D. Galsworthy)

All high humor begins with the fact that you stop taking yourself seriously. (G. Hesse)

Humor is the smile of a person who knows how little there is to laugh at. (J. Falkenare)

Among those who love humor, there are also those who understand it. (A. Furstenberg)

Humor is a great strength. Nothing brings people together like a good, harmless laugh. (L. Tolstoy)

You can share laughter with everyone. (A. Griboyedov)

The qualities that people possess are not as funny as those that they claim to have. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

A person's character can never be understood more accurately than by the joke he takes offense at. (G.K. Lichtenberg)

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a person's face. (V. Hugo)

O people! A pitiful race, worthy of tears and laughter! Priests of the moment, fans of success! (A. Pushkin)

With the help of imagination, a person can imagine himself not as he really is. And with the help of humor, he can come to terms with his true self. (G.H. Munro)

There is only one way to joke well: to make toys out of people. (A. Green)

When you laugh at people, you don't get angry with them. Humor teaches tolerance, and a humorist - sometimes with a smile, and sometimes with a sigh - would rather shrug his shoulders than judge. (S. Maugham)

If you make jokes, people won't take you seriously. And these same people don’t understand that there is a lot that cannot be endured without joking. (E. Hemingway)

They say that in all of us there are germs of what we will someday do in life, but it always seemed to me that those who know how to joke, these germs are covered with better soil and more generously fertilized. (E. Hemingway)

Humor is perhaps the only invention that distinguishes people from animals and other people. (S. Jerzy Lec)

By the way, quotes about people

Joke of humor

Where jokes end, humor begins. (V. Fink)

Jokes are only good when they are served while they are still warm. (Voltaire)

A joke is a release of tension because it is relaxation. (Aristotle)

Humor is a very rare metal. (I. Ilf, E. Petrov)

Humor is the wit of deep feeling. (F. Dostoevsky)

Arousing compassion for the ridiculed and self-worthless beauty is the secret of humor. (F. Dostoevsky)

Humor is the weapon of the unarmed. (A. Moravia)

Humor is the ability to see three sides of the same coin. (N. Rorem)

Humor is a sense of distance. (B. Brecht)

Humor is inseparable from the ability to choose. (J. Deleuze)

Humor grows around a tree like ivy. Without a trunk it is no good. (G. Heine)

Laughter thunders only in a company where everyone feels equal. (O. Balzac)

You need to joke and borrow money suddenly. (D. Rockefeller)

Humor is as personal as sex. (D. Shepherd)

The most perfect humor and irony are usually born completely unconsciously. (S. Butler)

The most fun laughter is to laugh at those who laugh at you. (V. Klyuchevsky)

Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. This procedure is of little interest to anyone, and the frog dies from it. (E. White)

Humor is difficult to define, because only the lack of a sense of humor can explain attempts to define it. (G.K. Chesterton)

Here is an excellent rule that should be followed in the art of ridicule and jokes: one must ridicule and joke in such a way that the person being ridiculed cannot become angry; otherwise, consider the joke a failure. (N. Chamfort)

It's all about sincerity. The old man slipped on a banana skin and fell - we're not laughing. But if the same thing happens to a pompous rich gentleman, we laugh. (C. Chaplin)


A comedian is a person who feels the disharmony of the world. (K. Hammaren)

A comedian makes you laugh. A comedian makes you think and then laugh. (D. Burns)

The comedian achieves superiority because he enters into the role of an adult, to some extent, as it were, identified with the father and mistakes other people for children. (S. Freud)

Comedians always sit at the children's table. (W. Allen)

A person who is not at least partly humorous is only partly human. (G.K. Chesterton)

Comedian: a person who juggles himself. (R.G. de la Serna)

A satirist is a person who learns unpleasant things about himself and then says them about others. (P. MacArthur)

If humor only caused laughter, then you could hardly show more interest in humor writers than you show in the private life of a clown. ...To the best of his ability and ability, he comments on the most everyday and ordinary actions and feelings of people. In other words, he takes on the duties of a weekday preacher. (W. Thackeray)

I am a professional laugher. I have faced a lot of difficulties in my life, and my country is still in its critical period. Nevertheless, I laugh often and my laughter is contagious. When people ask me how I find the strength to laugh in such a situation, I answer: I am a professional laugher. (Dalai Lama XIV)

Well, of course, I am surrounded by comedians, while I need a manifestation of tenderness. (A. Haley)

Serious and funny

Humor is the seriousness behind the joke. (D. Weiss)

The seriousness of a person with a sense of humor is a hundred times more serious than the seriousness of a serious person. (A. Chekhov)

Without the funny, it is impossible to understand the serious, and in general the opposite can be understood with the help of the opposite. (Plato)

If a joke is hidden behind something serious, this is irony; if serious for a joke - humor. (A. Schopenhauer)

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by the serious. (Aristotle)

You need to joke in order to do serious things. (Aristotle)

Everything must be taken seriously when humor fails. (S. Butler)

A joke or a mocking word is often more successful and better defines even important things than a serious and deep study. (Horace)

Humor is the only true test of seriousness, and seriousness is the only true test of humor. After all, an object that does not stand up to ridicule is suspicious, and a joke that does not stand up to serious examination is empty ridicule. (A. Shaftesbury)

To be able to easily move from a joke to a serious one and from a serious to a joke requires more talent than is usually thought. Often a joke serves as a vehicle for truth that would not have reached its goal without its help. (F. Bacon)

Life and humor

Humor is a lifeline on the waves of life. (D. Lubbock)

Humor is good-natured contemplation and artistic depiction of the absurdities of life. (S. Leacock)

Life is too short to be taken seriously. (B. Shaw)

Only the comic can give us the strength to withstand the tragedy of existence. (E. Ionesco)

Mom raised us with humor. She cultivated in us the understanding that not everything in life will be great, but how to laugh at it. (L. Minnelli)

And humor is life. This is a state. This is not a joke. It's the sparkle in the eyes. This is falling in love with your interlocutor and the willingness to laugh until you cry. (M. Zhvanetsky)

Humor is for life what a temple is for a believer... man simply couldn’t come up with anything better! (L. Besson)

There are situations that are difficult to deal with, but you have to approach everything with humor and clearly understand that this is just part of the game. (D. Summer)

I think that if you don't approach life with humor, it will drive you crazy. (S. Connery)

Humor is a tool for learning about life: if you explore a phenomenon, then find what is funny in it, and the phenomenon will be revealed to you in its entirety. All this has nothing to do with professional humor and the desire to entertain the reading public. (S. Dovlatov)

By the way, quotes about life

Creativity and humor

Russian poetry in general is something serious, and people very rarely allow themselves to joke. (I. Brodsky)

In my play there was one honest, noble face. This honest, noble face was laughter. (N. Gogol)

There is no more alarming literary symptom than the desire to write about the funny - this indicates that your sense of humor has been irretrievably lost. (B. Shaw)

The writer must remain outside the conventions he creates: not outside his own creativity, but outside life, into the traps of which he should not fall. In short, he is like God, who is everywhere and nowhere. This is Flaubert's formulation. All writers who are worth anything are humorists. I'm not P. G. Wodehouse. I'm not a clown, but show me a great writer without a sense of humor. (V. Nabokov)

Humor is the first thing that gets lost in translation. (W. Wolf)

We treat popularity with humor. This is a random thing. (V. Tsoi)

I declare with full responsibility: I have never joked, I don’t joke and I don’t intend to joke. (S. Dali)

By the way, quotes about creativity

Sense of humor

A person with a sense of humor is one who knows how to make a well-aimed joke and one who can endure ridicule. (Aristotle)

A sense of humor is a great thing. Going through life without a sense of humor is as absurd as riding in a carriage without springs. (G.W. Beecher)

A sense of humor is a sense of proportionality. (D.H. Gibran)

A sense of humor presupposes the presence of some minimal optimism and sadness at the same time. (G. Bell)

Having a sense of humor, you find pleasure in the vagaries of human nature. (S. Maugham)

If a person lacks a sense of humor, then there was a reason for it. (D. Rudy)

Nothing reveals a lack of a sense of humor like laughter. (O. Hassenkamp)

If people had more of a sense of humor, we would live in a completely different world. (W. Allen)

If you want to make someone laugh at your jokes, tell them that they have a sense of humor. (G. Procnow)

Love and humor

Humor and love are two powerful painkillers. (B. Verber)

Love is like a sword, humor is like a shield. (B. Verber)

Differences in sense of humor are the cause of considerable difficulties in love. (D. Eliot)

Nothing hurts a romance more than a woman's sense of humor or a man's lack of it. (O. Wilde)

The most important thing is to find someone who shares your sense of humor. (B. Barnes)

What distinguishes us from animals is only a sense of humor and the ability to fall in love. (A. Ayckbourn)

You can't truly love a person with whom you never laugh. (A. Replayer)

Laughter is an excellent seasoning for passion, much better than the languid seriousness with which the heroes of melodramas attack each other... (M. Fry)

By the way, quotes about love

Moderation and humor

Joke, like salt, should be consumed in moderation. (Pythagoras)

You need to be moderate in jokes too. (M. Cicero)

You can laugh at anything, but not at any time. We joke about the deathbed, but not at the deathbed. Life is always serious, but you cannot always live seriously. (G.K. Chesterton)

Humor, of course, restores what pathos destroys, but when there is a lot of it, it itself begins to destroy. And chronic humor creates cynicism, which is very convenient to live with, because a person underestimates everything. He puts a low price on everything. (V. Tokareva)

Good taste in humor is nonsense; it's like an innocent whore. (M. Muggeridge)

Women and humor

Women, as a rule, lack a sense of humor, so they consider humor one of the virtues of men. (M. Houellebecq)

Do you know why God denied women a sense of humor? So that we can love men instead of laughing at them. (S.P. Campbell)

Women are already cooler than us, but if they also have a sense of humor, we’re screwed. (F. Begbeder)

I like women who laugh on their own and don't need to be poked in the face of a joke. (S. King)

Don't joke with women: these jokes are stupid and indecent. (K. Prutkov)

By the way, quotes about women

Pain and humor

Great pain and joke always go side by side. (D. Lennon)

Don't listen to our laughter, listen to the pain that lies behind it. (A. Blok)

Humor is essentially a cure for pain. And we use it as a band-aid. If a person knows how to joke, then his whole life becomes easier and better. (Y. Somerhalder)

My pain may be the reason for someone else's laughter, but my laughter should never be the reason for someone else's pain. (C. Chaplin)

The heart of grief is painful, And often there is nothing to help it, - Then we successfully treat the pain of the heart with a funny joke! (M. Gorky)

By the way, quotes about pain

Soul and humor

Laughter is the truest test of the soul. (F. Dostoevsky)

Those people who joke the most are those whose hearts ache... (M. Gorky)

Humor is not a gift of the mind, it is a gift of the heart, a virtue itself, coming from a richly endowed heart if it is not allowed to follow its own impulses. (K.L. Burne)

The habit of finding only the funny side in everything is the surest sign of a shallow soul, because the funny lies on the surface. (Aristotle)

Laughter and Smile are the sun and the air: they drive away sadness and loneliness from the human soul. (M. Jackson)

By the way, quotes about the soul

Obscenity and humor

Laughter is exclusively or almost exclusively caused by the designation or indication of something obscene without obscenity. (M. Cicero)

A joke makes it possible to satisfy the lustful or hostile instinct, despite the obstacle in its path. (S. Freud)

If sexual relations provide the easiest material for jokes, always at hand, ready and accessible even to weak wit, as the abundance of obscenities shows, then this is explained by the fact that they are based on something deeply serious. (A. Schopenhauer)

Fate and humor

Humor is always a little protection from fate. (K. Chapek)

Humor is a declaration of dignity, an assertion of a person's superiority over what happens to him. (R. Buissance)

Kindness is a defensive reaction of humor to the tragic meaninglessness of fate. (S. Maugham)

Humor does not submit to fate, it is stubborn and marks not only the triumph of the Self, but also the triumph of the principle of pleasure, which is capable of establishing itself here despite the unfavorable circumstances of reality. (S. Freud)

By the way, quotes about fate

Tears and humor

Laughing is better than crying. Especially if both are useless. (E.M. Remarque)

Laughter is pink foam on the tears of life. (V. Shukshin)

Humor is a salvation. And tears are life. Therefore, laughter through tears is our most important achievement in all the years of our existence. (M. Zhvanetsky)

Youth is not free to make mistakes: Without tears, grief is not clear to her, Without laughter, joy is not visible... (N. Nekrasov)

By the way, quotes about tears

Talent and humor

Humor is the talent to spontaneously put one in a good mood. (I. Kant)

Humor is a rare state of a talented person and a talented time, when you are funny and smart at the same time. (M. Zhvanetsky)

Humor is one of the primary elements of genius, but as soon as it begins to excel, it is only a surrogate for the latter; it accompanies decadent art, destroys it, and ultimately destroys it. (I. Goethe)

Intelligence and humor

Humor activates the mechanism of thought. (M. Twain)

Only stupid people live without humor. (M. Prishvin)

Humor is an inversion of life. Better this way: humor is an inversion of common sense. Smile of reason. (S. Dovlatov)

There is a humor of ideas, a combination of thoughts that have never before met each other in the human head, a civil marriage between jokes and wisdom. (G. Heine)

Humor and non-humor

Humor is when the scary is funny, satire is when the funny is scary. (S. Jerzy Lec)

Humor is the art of the surface, opposed to the old irony - the art of depth and height. (J. Deleuze)

Cynicism is humor in a bad mood. (G. Wells)

Only bars separate humor from the insane asylum. (G. Heine)

Truth and humor

Where there is humor, there is truth. (E. Ryazanov)

Who stops you from laughing and telling the truth? (K. Flaccus)

My way of telling jokes is to tell the truth. There is nothing funnier in the world. (B. Shaw)

To be afraid of the funny is to not love the truth. (I. Turgenev)

Only that humor will live that arose on the basis of life's truth. (M. Twain)

By the way, quotes about the truth

Peace and humor

To a cheerful person the whole world seems cheerful. (I. Goethe)

Let's assume that the world is just one of God's jokes. Isn't that why it's worth turning it from a bad joke into a good one? (B. Shaw)

Humor is a wonderful way to deal with reality when it hits you. (M. Levy)

By the way, quotes about peace

Words and humor

Liven up your speech with humor. (M. Cicero)

Humor is the only truthful way to tell a sad story. (D.S. Foer)

Humor is the space left between word and word, between word and thing, and is filled arbitrarily. (L. Ginzburg)

By the way, quotes about words

Death and humor

They kill not with anger, but with laughter. (F. Nietzsche)

If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago. (M. Gandhi)

Jokes about death from afar as boldly as you like: But death up close is a completely different matter. (I. Krylov)

Marriage and humor

Of all clownish things, marriage is the most clownish. (P.O. Beaumarchais)

A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore. (O. Balzac)

I don’t understand how a normal person with a sense of humor can seriously want to get married! (M. Fry)

The influence of humor

Thanks to humor, we will see the irrational in the rational, the unimportant in the important, humor helps us survive and maintain our sanity. (C. Chaplin)

A joke will bribe the listener with the lure of pleasure, so that without delving into the problem he will accept our point of view. (S. Freud)

Comedian and humor

When a joker laughs at his own joke, it loses its value. (F. Schiller)

There is no more pathetic sight than a man explaining his joke. (M. Twain)

A joke that has been explained ceases to be funny; any commentator on wit is simply a fool. (Voltaire)

Laughter for no reason

Laughter for no reason is the best laughter in the world - all this joyful effervescence of young, fresh life, this impulse forward - anywhere, as long as forward. (I. Turgenev)

Laughing for no reason is a sign that you are either an idiot or a pretty girl. (M. Zhvanetsky)

Audience and humor

If you want the audience to laugh, go out on the stage and stand silently until someone laughs. (D. Kharms)

If you manage to make the audience laugh, they start listening, and then you can say almost anything. (G. Gardner)

English humor

Don't confuse English humor with "good nature" or "gaiety". Often it's the opposite. (K. Fox)

The difference between English humor and American humor is $150 per minute. (E. Idle)

Men and humor

Humor is mostly a man's business. (K. Chapek)

As women age, they rely more and more on cosmetics, and men on their sense of humor. (D. Nathan)

By the way, quotes about men

Truth and humor

Buffoonery is the secret chastity of truth. (F. Iskander)

Humor is the court jester in times when truth does not ring like bells. (K.L. Byrne)

Girls and humor

If you can make a girl laugh, then you can make her do anything. (M. Monroe)

A girl who loves to laugh is on her way to tears. (V. Hugo)

By the way, quotes about girls

Sadness and humor

The secret source of humor is not in joy, but in sadness; there is no humor in heaven. (M. Twain)

We joke and joke, but the melancholy grows and grows... (M. Tsvetaeva)

By the way, quotes about sadness

Friendship and humor

Friendships based on laughter are always strong. (S. King)

Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it. (O. Wilde)

By the way, quotes about friendship

Grief and humor

Humor carries the soul across the abyss and teaches it to play with its grief. (A. Feuerbach)

The comic quickly becomes mournful if it is human. (A. France)

By the way, quotes about grief

Great and funny

From the great to the ridiculous - one step. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

One step not only from great to funny, but also from funny to great. (S. Butler)

Religion and humor

No man with a sense of humor was the founder of a religion. (R. Ingersoll)

God has a lot more humor than we think. And much less compassion. (E.M. Remarque)

By the way, quotes about religion

About miscellaneous

A good laugh is a sure sign of spiritual health. (M. Gorky)

A sense of humor is part of the art of managing, interacting with people and getting the job done. (D.D. Eisenhower)

The teacher is a person with humor. Imagine a teacher without humor and you will understand that he will not last long, and if he does, it will, unfortunately, last only his legs. (A. Ryzhikov)

As you can see, quotes about humor are primarily dedicated to people, comedians, life, jokes, humor, the serious and the funny.

Then you can move on to other collections:

  • quotes with humor
  • quotes about smile
  • quotes about mood
  • quotes about joy
  • quotes about heart
  • Mark Twain quotes

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