Aphorisms, quotes, statements of great people on the topic of Grief

Quotes about grief

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about grief .

Quotes cannot cure grief , but they can help a little.

Quotes are summarized by topic: people and grief, happiness and grief, deliverance from grief, soul and grief, words and grief, life and grief, joy and grief, society and grief, love and grief, time and grief, people and grief, grief - this is, old age and grief, loneliness and grief, tears and grief, creativity and grief, wisdom and grief, women and grief, war and grief, youth and grief, mother and grief, eyes and grief, fate and grief, work and grief .

People and grief

Having known a lot of grief, I sympathize with the grief of others. (Virgil)

People who have their own grief know how to console others. (M. Twain)

When grief strikes you, look around and be comforted: there are people whose lot is even worse than yours. (Aesop)

He lived with people, and then he turned gray from grief... (A. Platonov)

They don't mourn for strangers. (E. Canetti)

God sends us all to each other. For sorrow or for joy - it is unknown. (B. Pasternak)

In grief, people become sincere. (G.W. Beecher)

It's bad for a person when he is alone. Woe to one, one is not a warrior - every strong man is his master, and even the weak, if there are two. (V. Mayakovsky)

Man rose above the world of all living things primarily because the grief of others became his personal grief. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

We rarely listen to each other anymore. Without delving into the life of our neighbor, won’t we forget how to feel someone else’s joy, someone else’s grief, pain, and, lo and behold, when it hurts us, no one will help us, will not regret it, will not hear us. And will we not lose forever what is called the ancient good word - compassion? (V. Astafiev)

By the way, quotes about people

Happiness and sorrow

To be afraid of grief is to not know happiness. (I. Goethe)

The soul can, of course, hide grief, but it cannot tolerate secret happiness. (I. Goethe)

Happiness is just a dream, but grief is real. (Voltaire)

Happiness is beneficial for the body, but only grief develops the abilities of the spirit. (M. Proust)

Compassion is grief for someone else's misfortune, envy is grief for someone else's happiness. (Plutarch)

There is a degree of happiness and sorrow that goes beyond our ability to feel. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

How often the happiness of a whole life depends on a short word “yes”. And often, too often, the same short “no” entails terrible grief. (M. Reid)

And if there had been no grief in our lives, it would not have been better, it would have been worse. Because then... there would be no happiness either, and there would be no hope. Here. (A. and B. Strugatsky)

The amount of happiness and sorrow is laid down in us at birth. Financial vicissitudes have little effect on him. (D. Fowles)

Only grief is palpable. And happiness can only be realized when it has been taken away from you. (F. Begbeder)

I learned the main thing: to become happy, you must experience a state of terrible unhappiness. If you do not go through the school of grief, happiness cannot be lasting. (F. Begbeder)

Happiness is like a view from an airplane. Grief sees the earth without embellishment. There is something treacherous in happiness - grief will not betray a person. (E. Yevtushenko)

By the way, quotes about happiness

Getting rid of grief

- Take my grief, Fast River, with you... (Yu. Neledinsky-Meletsky)

Grief, like a drunken guest, always returns for a farewell hug. (S. King)

The most incurable grief is imaginary grief. (M. Ebner-Eschenbach)

Not every grief can be consoled; there is grief that ends only after the heart is exhausted, in long oblivion or in distraction among the current worries of life. (A. Platonov)

When so much is behind you, especially grief, don’t wait for anyone’s support, get on the train, land by the sea. (I. Brodsky)

I'm sorry no agreements will help. Only death can cure it, and everything else only dulls and numbs the pain. They say that time heals him. But if healing brings you something other than your death, then your grief is most likely not real. (E. Hemingway)

Soul and grief

Woe to him who loved bodies, forms, appearances. Try to love souls. (V. Hugo)

Grief is the restlessness of the soul when it thinks of a lost good that it could have enjoyed longer, or when it is tormented by an evil it is currently experiencing. (G. Leibniz)

A great personal disaster is a bad teacher of mercy. It dulls the sensitivity of the heart, which itself suffers greatly and is full of a sense of its own torment. (N. Leskov)

Woe to the one who gives his heart to illusion - this only reality on earth, but woe to the one who does not do this. One will face disappointment and pain, the other – belated regrets. (T. Dreiser)

By the way, quotes about the soul

Words and grief

Talking about your grief often eases it. (P. Corneille)

Grief can equally bind and loosen the tongue of the sufferer. (M. Cervantes Saavedra)

The trouble is that you can never know from words exactly why they were spoken. (D. London)

Better a little lie than big grief. (A. Maurois)

We are all like a person who, in his poor words, explains to the sad person that he has nothing to be sad about. But can a word cope with grief? (Saint-Exupery)

Believe me, if a person talks about his misfortunes, it means that this topic gives him a certain pleasure - after all, true grief is wordless. (S. Johnson)

By the way, quotes about speech

Life and grief

Everything wears out, even grief. (G. Flaubert)

How poor a person is: passions mean grief and torment to us; Without passion, life is not life, but boredom: Love - and shed tears, Be calm - and yawn forever. (N. Karamzin)

Woe to those who live by example! There is no life in them. If you live according to examples, you live the life of that example, but who will live your life if not yourself? So live for yourself. (K. Jung)

By the way, quotes about life

Joy and sorrow

Let's drink from grief: where is the mug? The heart will be more cheerful. (A. Pushkin)

One can bear grief alone, but it takes two to joy. (E.G. Hubbard)

It is not difficult to taste joy, it is better to be strong in grief! (Sh. Rustaveli)

Joy crawls like a snail. Grief has a mad run. (V. Mayakovsky)

Society and grief

The son cannot look calmly on his mother’s grief, a citizen worthy of his homeland will not be cold in soul... (N. Nekrasov)

I am not calling for replacing the state with a library - although this thought has crossed my mind many times - but I have no doubt that if we chose our rulers on the basis of their reading experience, and not on the basis of their political programs, there would be less grief on earth. (I. Brodsky)

Love and grief

Woe to the heart that did not love from a young age! (I. Turgenev)

He who considers love only pleasure gives birth to grief, unhappiness, and tears. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

The passionate sounds of music penetrated his soul, mixing with his own love and his own grief, and he forgot about everything in the world. (S. Maugham)

Family life may never be a complete holiday. Know how to share not only joys, but also grief, misfortune, misfortune. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

By the way, quotes about love

Time and grief

What grief does time not take away? (N. Gogol)

It's hard not to bear grief, but to bear it all the time. (L. Seneca)

If you're going to drink grief, it's better to do it right away than to delay - but delay won't get rid of trouble. (A. Griboyedov)

They always grieve about one thing - about the time that has passed, leaving nothing behind, about the wasted days. (Saint-Exupery)

In endless everyday life and grief - holiday and fire - fun; on an empty face and a scratch is a decoration. (M. Gorky)

By the way, quotes about time

People and grief

It is good and should be studied; but woe to both the man and the people who will be an everlasting disciple. (N. Karamzin)

Woe to the land in which subordinates, superiors and courts, and not laws, govern citizens and affairs! (M. Kutuzov)

Woe to those nations who obey time instead of commanding it! (K. Berne)

Russian people, due to their poverty and meagerness of life, generally love to amuse themselves with grief, play with it like children, and are rarely ashamed of being unhappy. (M. Gorky)

Grief is...

Grief is the most persistent of all our feelings. (O. Balzac)

Grief hits harder if it notices that one is succumbing to it. (W. Shakespeare)

Every great sorrow inspires respect. (A. Dumas)

The grief of cancer alone is beautiful. (N. Leskov)

Even on patrol, you may not encounter an enemy... It’s not grief if your leg hurts... (V. Vysotsky)

Old age and grief

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country. (A. Makarenko)

Old age cannot be happiness. It was the ignoramuses who invented the words “happy old age.” Old age can be either peace or grief. Old age is peaceful when it is respected. Old age is sad when an old man is forgotten and left alone. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Loneliness and grief

Grief must be experienced alone, but joy - to be fully experienced - must be shared with another person. (M. Twain)

It is better to be together than alone, because if they fall, they will lift each other up, but woe if one falls and there is no other to lift him, and even if two are lying down, they are warm, but how can one keep warm? (Solomon)

By the way, quotes about loneliness

Tears and grief

Tears are the silent language of grief. (Voltaire)

You can't measure grief with tears. (D.S. Foer)

Not all smiles express joy, just as not all tears express grief. (A. France)

What is grief to sob so inconsolably, Or to lower the flags of joy at a feast? Before it brings bitter turmoil, it must be expelled from the possessions of the soul! (O. Khayyam)

By the way, quotes about tears

Creativity and grief

Art is born only from grief. And never from joy. (C. Palahniuk)

The imagination of a poet, dejected by grief, is like a foot enclosed in a new boot. (K. Prutkov)

War, however, brings nothing but grief and destruction, while painting sometimes represents a genuine sowing, although the harvest, of course, is not always reaped by the artist himself. (V. Van Gogh)

By the way, quotes about creativity

Wisdom and grief

Grief is the teacher of the wise. (D.G. Byron)

Through suffering and grief it is destined for us to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books. (N. Gogol)

Fate, the naughty minx, has determined it herself: For all the stupid, happiness comes from madness, for all the smart, grief comes from the mind. (A. Griboyedov)

By the way, quotes about wisdom

Women and grief

Women endure grief more easily than men, that’s how they are created! They live only by feelings, and are occupied only with them. (O. Wilde)

Beware women! Woe to him who entrusts himself to her fickle heart! The woman is treacherous and resourceful. She hates the snake out of professional envy. The snake is its competitor. (V. Hugo)

By the way, quotes about women

War and grief

Only a few, whose vile well-being depends on the people's grief, make war. (E. Rotterdamsky)

Woe to the statesman who does not take the trouble to find a basis for war that will still retain its significance even after the war. (O. Bismarck)

By the way, quotes about war

Youth and grief

There is no grief in the world that youth cannot heal. (W. Irving)

Youth is not free to make mistakes: Without tears, grief is not clear to her, Without laughter, joy is not visible... (N. Nekrasov)

Mother and grief

For a mother who has lost her child, time does not bring oblivion. This kind of grief never gets old. Mourning dresses wear out, but darkness remains in the heart. (V. Hugo)

I never had a mother. I think a mother is the person you run to with your grief. (E. Dickinson)

By the way, quotes about mother

Eyes and grief

A person cannot truly share someone else’s grief, which he does not see with his own eyes. (A. Camus)

How much grief and melancholy still fits in two such small spots that can be covered with one finger - in human eyes. (E.M. Remarque)

By the way, quotes about eyes

Fate and grief

And grief awaits around the corner. (A. Griboyedov)

Fate runs and runs, and woe to those who, through laziness or stupidity, lag behind its magical run. It's impossible to catch up with her. (A. Kuprin)

By the way, quotes about fate

Work and grief

Work that we enjoy heals grief. (W. Shakespeare)

The only salvation in mental grief is work. (P. Tchaikovsky)

By the way, quotes about work

About miscellaneous

Woe to the one who increases the power of others, for it is obtained by skill or strength, and both of these virtues do not inspire confidence in the one who receives the power. (N. Machiavelli)

If there is grief in the chest, you need to either sleep or eat something tasty. (A. Platonov)

What does it mean to be Jewish? Why does this exist? How is this unarmed challenge, which brings nothing but grief, rewarded or justified? (B. Pasternak)

If you want to be at peace, do not take grief and troubles personally, but always attribute them to the government. (K. Prutkov)

As you can see, quotes about grief are associated primarily with people, happiness, soul, words and getting rid of grief.

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  • quotes about pain
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  • quotes from Andrey Platonov

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Grief. Highly moral sayings about grief

No one can cause a person as much grief as he himself.

Grief hits harder if it notices that one is succumbing to it.

When a stone falls on a jug, woe to the jug. When a jug falls on a stone, woe to the jug. Always, always woe to the jug.

What grief does time not take away? What passion will survive the unequal struggle with him?

They don't mourn for strangers.

There is no better remedy for grief than work.

You don’t have to go overseas to find grief—there’s enough of it at home.

Grief can equally bind and loosen the tongue of the sufferer.

The cure for unhappiness is not to think about it. When you think about misfortune, it does not go away, but increases.

You get terribly tired from grief.

Highly moral sayings about grief

You can’t carry grief inside yourself, that’s why people exist, to share with them.

She continued to cry, but her eyes remained dry. They say these are the worst tears in the world. Such things happen only from inconsolable grief.

Happiness and grief are two sides of a coin that life periodically turns on its edge.

Intelligent, highly moral statements about grief

A person who has suffered grief changes once and for all, his entire way of thinking suffers an inevitable collapse.

In great sorrow, a person needs neither consolation nor witnesses.

How can a person recognize happiness if he has never experienced grief?

Grief is a sharpener for a strong mind.

Mom drowns her grief at work. I don't have a job. Grief drowns me.

Participation does not always bring relief; sometimes it is better to cry out your grief.

Believe me, a person gets used to everything, even to grief.

Each of us has joys and misfortunes, but we try to share joy with loved ones, and we strive to experience grief alone.

You cannot achieve absolute happiness without experiencing grief.

Happiness and sorrow enter through the same door.

Talking about your grief often eases it.

Work that we enjoy heals grief.

More often than not, it is not the sorrows themselves that destroy us, but lost hopes.

The most real consolation in every misfortune and in every suffering lies in the contemplation of people who are even more unhappy than we are - and this is available to everyone.

If there is a drop of water at the bottom, the sea roars in it. I know a tear, even one will bring grief...

Poor, highly moral statements about grief

Everything wears out, even grief.

Real grief is shameful.

Maybe I'll say something cruel, but grief and joy are like milk and cookies. There is no sorrow without joy, just as there is no milk without cookies.

There are two types of misfortune: firstly, our own failures, and secondly, the successes of others.

Grief does not show its wounds; humiliation does not count insults.

Accept the inevitable with dignity.

There is no point in defending yourself against grief. Maybe it’s even better to let him completely crush you - it will at least be somehow proportional to what happened. If you subsequently manage to rise and straighten, the memory of the one you lost will also straighten. The very memory of him will help you straighten up.

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Humor carries the soul across the abyss and teaches it to play with its grief.

His grief was too much for his education.

You know, my grandmother always said: “This too shall pass.”

Grief is the most enduring of all our emotions.

Sometimes grief is so great that even death recedes.

The soul can, of course, hide grief, but it cannot tolerate secret happiness.

Unbridled, highly moral statements about grief

There are unexpected winds and clouds in the sky, and a person has sorrows and happiness.

How can you be happy when there is so much grief all around!

She thinks about her grief little by little, just a little, a little today, a little tomorrow...

It is unbearably difficult to survive after your life has been cut in half, and it is almost impossible to survive it again.

You cannot express true grief in words, you cannot feel real pain with your hand.

To be afraid of grief is to not know happiness.

People don't like grief, and you can't blame them for that.

He is your friend who, in times of misfortune, helps you with deeds when there is a need for it.

Woe to anyone who would try to implement the ideal of justice on earth...

If you want to be at peace, do not take grief and troubles personally, but always attribute them to the government.

There are only two types of grief in life: not getting what you strive for, and getting it.

Every great sorrow inspires respect.

If you spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all your grief.

I learned the main thing - to become happy, you need to experience a state of terrible unhappiness. If you do not go through the school of grief, happiness cannot be lasting.

Those whose grief is silent suffer the most.

Until you know grief, you will not become an adult. But even when you become an adult, you cannot cope with every grief.

Short moral statements about grief

The grief of cancer alone is beautiful.

There is no grief in the world that youth cannot heal.

People should not live with past grief. But they must remember those who saved them from grief!

In misfortune, one can only be consoled by the misfortune of others.

Grief is when you have nothing left. It’s like you’re being buried, like you’re drowning in muddy yellow-brown water. With every breath, dirty liquid pours into your throat. There is nothing to grab onto here, no chance of breaking through to the surface. There's no point in fighting. We must leave everything as it is. You feel pressure from all sides, your lungs are compressed. You don't resist and go deeper and deeper. There is nothing, just the bottom. Only the taste of iron, echoes of the past and days that seem like continuous night.

Happiness is just a dream, but grief is real.

Not to feel your grief is not human, and not to endure it is unworthy of a husband.

To turn possible sorrows into joys means to know how to live.

There is a threshold of pain. A man loses consciousness so as not to die. And there is a threshold of grief - suddenly it stops hurting. You don't feel anything. Nothing at all.

Happiness is beneficial for the body, but only grief develops the abilities of the spirit.

Grief is the uneasiness of the soul when it thinks of a lost good that it could have enjoyed longer, or when it is tormented by an evil it is currently experiencing.

And in bitterness the heart finds delight.

Death brings with it grief, and sometimes this grief overshadows death itself.

Someone else's grief is lighter than a feather.

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Methods for dealing with grief

We can say with confidence that there is no point in once again chewing on what grief is, what its causes are, and so on. Let's get straight to the point: how to avoid misfortunes and, along with them, a melancholic state? No way. Troubles and misfortunes will haunt us throughout our lives, unfortunately, this is an integral part of it. It's unavoidable. But how a person will perceive unpleasant moments in life depends only on him. There is, by the way, a good quote about grief by Paine Thomas:

I honor a man who can smile in adversity, draw strength from sorrow, and find the source of courage in reflection.

After all, there really is no point in grieving over what has already happened. This will not solve the problem, but will only make it worse. The only thing that can be done in the current situation is to accept it, extract some benefit from it, and draw appropriate conclusions. You can also say: “Thank God it’s so little.”

But the question immediately arises: “How holy does a person have to be to react to troubles in this way?” Without a doubt, this is extremely difficult. Probably, we should move from theory directly to practice.

There is one great way. You can clarify statistical data, for example, about the mortality rate of the world population and its causes. Interesting fact: about a hundred people a year die from champagne corks. What can we say about more serious reasons, such as road accidents, various diseases, etc.

After reading such information, a person will most likely think about how he can even complain that something in life did not go according to plan or that everything is bad. As they say, if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.

How lucky people are, frankly, to even wake up and get out of bed. Many simply fall asleep, metaphorically speaking, in eternal sleep. Therefore, we must appreciate what we have at this moment. After all, life can end at any moment.

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