Status about hypocrites and two-faced people. Statuses about hypocrisy

How bad it is to be good

  1. People are all different. Someone seems like a monster, but is a child at heart, another is in prison, but is honest. And others with vile hearts judge others.
  2. What do people have in common with nuts? You split someone else, and inside there is rot.
  3. If the stairs are slippery, there are no intelligent people on them.
  4. It is difficult to call some of my acquaintances human without reservation.
  5. People are neither good nor bad. They are.
  6. In fact, people are like they are on public transport in the morning.
  7. When pulling off a person’s mask, think: what if it’s a muzzle?
  8. If a person’s eyes have stopped seeing, he will understand it immediately. If your heart stops feeling, never again.
  9. I want a heart made of stone so as not to be disappointed in humanity.
  10. The world would be so good... If it weren't for people.
  11. He will never lose his conscience. Because he didn’t have it in the first place.
  12. I don't argue with hypocrites. This way you can sink to their level, but I have no authority there!
  13. There are mature, self-possessed, honest people in the world. And there is you...
  14. In your eyes, I have nowhere to fall.
  15. If a person loves me, I love him. If a person tolerates me, I tolerate him. But if a person hates me, but says he loves me... I hate him.
  16. What people say about others describes them perfectly.
  17. Girls want men to accept them for who they are. That is why there are entire armies of cosmetologists, hairdressers, manicurists, etc.
  18. I thought I knew everything about myself! But there were those who knew much more...
  19. If people don't change depending on the situation, I respect them.
  20. His nickname best characterized him. Vane.
  21. True intimacy is not trying to make a good impression on each other.
  22. If a person knows what a bastard you are, but still communicates with you, he is your friend.
  23. The one who talks a lot blurts out his plans to someone and then implements them.
  24. Watch your tongue. After all, everything you say can later turn against you.
  25. When a person urges you to stay in the shadows, he is afraid that you will outshine him.
  26. If people don't know how to do something, they try to convince you that you can't do it either.
  27. Duplicity hides behind a mask of decency.
  28. I love people who honestly say that they don't like me. They are much better than those who spit behind my back.
  29. The most important part of a masquerade is to reveal your true face.
  30. It's difficult with a two-faced person. You still don’t know which face to punch him in...

Statuses about hypocrisy

When a person says one thing to your face and does something completely different, it at least causes some indignation.

Statuses about hypocrisy provide an opportunity to show how bad it is and that it is necessary to be honest, despite the possible consequences that such honesty may entail.

Smart statuses make one despise such people, because insincerity and falsehood force a person to reconsider his attitude towards another person. Excellent statuses, a selection of which can be seen below, make you understand how terrible and destructive such insincerity can be.

She just wants love, but despite the fact that everyone likes her, she has no one. And all because she has a child. People, our selfishness and hypocrisy ruin the lives of others, we can only think about ourselves..

Personally, evil lives in me and the feeling of hatred clouds my mind. But look at yourself first, people. After all, you are the embodiment of fear, meanness and hypocrisy. Have the courage to be responsible each for yourself.

ABOUT! And we were just talking about prostitutes and hypocrites... About you, in short.

And yet this world is very complex: there are so many lies, hatred, betrayal and hypocrisy around... I miss my childhood terribly.

Best status: You open up your whole soul to him and try to become a better person for him. And he is a hypocrite all the time. He doesn't really care.

A person has 364 real happy days in a year, and only on your birthday does everyone try to play a hypocrite in front of you.

The world is so accustomed to lies and hypocrisy that it is now very difficult to deceive someone.

Sponges in a bow near the mirror? In the hands of an I-Phone? Clubs? Pink dresses? Hypocrisy? Stop! It's time to stop!

If you are caught in duplicity, it means you have lost your face... (Lyudmila Morozova / HYPOCRISY)

The extreme degree of hypocrisy is honesty.*

Harmful. But not hypocritical.

amidst the carnival of hypocrisy, it’s a sin not to be a hypocrite yourself

She is sick of women's empty talk, of these endless hypocritical disputes...

I couldn’t stand salesmen: they brought down the price!

Behind the point of view there was an ellipsis... (Mikhail Mamchich / POINT OF VIEW / HYPOCRISY)

I just... I just want to take a deep breath, tell this theater of human hypocrisy to hell... and fall in love - clearly, purely, childishly stupid, but strongly - strongly... there is only one question left - CAN I STILL CAN DO THIS?

Master of all hypocrisy and pretense.

I hate hypocrisy...

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The masquerade is organized so that everyone can show their face.

These scum are hypocrites without being embarrassed, the rest have to hide their eyes.

Theater? For what? He surrounds me anyway. A masquerade of human lies, indifference... A game of feelings and destinies. Pathos... Hypocrisy... Performance... Game over?

Yes, I'm a crazy hysterical! Yes, sometimes I may not control my emotions and yell and then sometimes cry... But it’s better to be like this, alive and with emotions, than a nurse who cannot stand up for herself and cries for no reason!..

If you wear a mask for too long, facial wrinkles will appear on it. (Leszek Kumor / HYPOCRISY)

You say smoking is the most harmful habit? But what about hypocrisy, betrayal, egocentrism?3

* Hypocrisy in love is the highest love for hypocrisy. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

A person’s upbringing is determined by the ability to listen to all sorts of bullshit for a long time without giving the impression that he’s tired of listening...

Is it possible to remain the king of beasts while refusing meat food? (Oscar Boethius / HYPOCRISY)

There are two ways of self-praise: one is to say good things about yourself, the other is to bash others.

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It's a shame when a person... the one you trusted turned out to be a hypocrite...

There is nothing worse than hypocritical praise of stupidity.

You are right, he is not two-faced; but his one face is so disgusting! (Charles Percy Snow / HYPOCRISY)

- This is hypocrisy... You say one thing and think another... - If I say “eight” and think “yyy” is this hypocrisy?

A low bow - what else is needed to spit on the sly... (Mikhail Mamchich / RELATIONS / HYPOCRISY)

People! It will be at least a little easier! Less hypocrisy, pathos and pride! Well, it really infuriates...

Everyone in this world is a hypocrite, they know no limits in their lies, and are good only in words...

Now it’s fashionable to eat sushi, smoke hookah, drink champagne from beautiful glasses, photoshop photos and generally pretend to be someone you’re not...

It is hypocrisy to call mistakes experience, insignificance modesty, and stupidity optimism.

Playing on stage. Hypocrisy in life.

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Damn, it's already painful. ) Many people have the “hypocrite” application in their contacts, and when you send an invitation, a picture with the inscription “Hypocrite” is displayed on the invitee’s wall. And they all answer in unison: “Why do you think so?” Am I a hypocrite? Am I a hypocrite? And so on. Unsuccessful invitations.

Hypocrites do not feel, hypocrites play.

Everyone in this World is a hypocrite, they know no limits in their lies, and are good only in words...

Skinning a wolf is much easier than skinning a wolf in sheep's clothing.

He looked into his mouth so deeply, as if he was about to spit into his soul. (Mikhail Mamchich / PERSON TO PERSON / RELATIONSHIPS / HYPOCRISY)

Piglet was a bargaining chip for Winnie the Pooh. (Mikhail Mamchich / RELATIONSHIPS / HYPOCRISY / JOKE)

Rudeness may hide a good heart, but it repels and makes one prefer flattering hypocrisy.

* Falling low, he pretended to bow deeply. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

haha. And who are you? my friends? native? Sorry, I didn't recognize. How betrayal and hypocrisy change faces!

Put on a smile, baby... and go. Hypocrisy is now our best friend

The face is smart, but the muzzle is cunning

We post statuses about duplicity to express what is boiling over. After all, the reason for them is most often given to us by people whom we trusted just yesterday.

  1. A two-faced person is not afraid to lose face.
  2. If you want to sit on two chairs, you will end up on the floor.
  3. People make the sign of the cross, but quietly sin.
  4. A loud sympathizer most often does not sympathize at all.
  5. A hypocritical person cannot have his own opinion.
  6. Every unit of my duplicity experienced a split.
  7. What if a two-faced person has a split personality?..
  8. It looked like a suitcase. It had a double bottom.
  9. It seems to me that two-faced people have a forked tongue.
  10. If you hit the back of the head, two-faced becomes normal.
  11. Russian priests usually drive Mercs, but during Lent they switch to Audis.
  12. The speeches of a flatterer are like balm for the soul.
  13. He was not a very good person, so he talked about himself in episodes.
  14. Hypocrisy is like double-mindedness.
  15. If you thought one thing about a person, but he turned out to be completely different, you should not call him two-faced.
  16. Never invent characters. Get to know people for who they are.
  17. If they say bad things about me behind my back, perhaps I have nothing to blame those people for. It is not their fault that I let them into my life.
  18. I understood from the “poet’s” comments: I don’t need a duet with him!
  19. There are pious people who would rather not look inside.
  20. Everyone would live as they say.
  21. It's better to be lonely than to have two-faced friends.
  22. At first they lie and feel embarrassed about it, then... the embarrassment goes away.
  23. Remember, everyone, that you are not as good as they tell you to your face. But it’s not as bad as they say behind your back.
  24. The duplicity of a man is to disappear for a week, and then appear and say that you cannot live a day without your beloved.
  25. Do two-faced ladies really need to buy twice as much cosmetics?
  26. Meanness always uses good intentions as an excuse.
  27. With a friend who constantly changes his opinions to the opposite, you will never get bored...
  28. As children, we were taught that every person has a personality. And my ex-wife has two of them!
  29. Why is it that when someone’s mask falls off, what appears behind it is not a wonderful and kind person, but quite the opposite?

Statuses about hypocrisy and duplicity

Deceit is not in infidelity, but in the hypocritical caresses of the infidel. Infidelity can be forgiven, deceit can never be forgiven

Statuses about hypocrisy

You say smoking is the most harmful habit? But what about hypocrisy, betrayal, egocentrism?


You're right, he's not two-faced, but his one face is so disgusting! (Charles Percy Snow / HYPOCRISY)


- This is hypocrisy You say one thing, but think another - If I say “eight”, but think “yyy” - is this hypocrisy?


277 beautiful quotes hypocrisy

The façade we put on to deceive man will never deceive God, who sees through our hypocrisy.


In England a lot of the media is very, very, very, very, and I'll say it again, very hypocritical.


A hypocrite is a man who killed both parents and asks for leniency, citing the fact that he is an orphan.

Statuses about hypocrisy and duplicity of people. Statuses about hypocrisy

Everyone is wearing masks, wigs, all as one. Some are fabulous, and some are literary. My neighbor on the right is a sad harlequin,

Another is an executioner, and every third is a fool.


I join the round dance laughing, But still I’m not at ease with them, But

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Cruelly from under the mother-in-arms, from evil, from afar, sting the heart with a wasp, mocking. You will grow old from anger, before your time,

Swimming in cold solitude


  • Don’t repent, but don’t stumble on the ice, which, instead of
    show all text


How often do we hear words about friendship, loyalty and honor, And it’s a pity that only on the lips

In fact, it’s different everywhere.


Animals, unlike people, do not know how to lie and be a hypocrite. And they really love

A two-faced person has asymmetrical logic

It’s sad when statuses about two-faced friends become relevant. But it’s even sadder if such a person continues to be your friend.

  1. Our politicians have two faces. One for yourself, the other for the crowd.
  2. You can live with a person and not know him at all.
  3. No matter how much hypocrisy hides behind a mask, someday it crawls out of it.
  4. How we treat others... That's how they use us.
  5. My friend is two-faced. In fact, he is much better than he shows.
  6. If you succeed, how many people will silently rejoice for you? And how many will demonstrate joy, but grieve in their souls? So draw your conclusions.
  7. Cynical people cover up their meanness.
  8. On the one hand, it is white and fluffy... on the other hand, I don’t even want to look.
  9. Women are two-faced. The second essence appears if you touch the first one.
  10. She assured me that she was multifaceted, but she turned out to be simply two-faced.
  11. He is simple-minded, they told him two-faced.
  12. I even like being honestly bad among such hypocritically good ones.
  13. An evil person is better than a hypocritical good-natured person.
  14. What do bees and some people have in common? Both have sweet lips, but there is a sting hidden inside.
  15. If they enthusiastically lie to you, and you pretend to believe, then who is two-faced?
  16. You come into society and say: “Hello, dears!”, but at the same time you think: “May you die!”...
  17. He had a pleasant face and a repulsive muzzle.
  18. It must be difficult for a two-faced person to drive a car. One side of him tells him to go left, the other - to the right...
  19. And yet: do we not like cunning people or do we admire them?
  20. My wife turned out to be two-faced, and now I am a polygamist...

It's better to be careful than to be cunning

There is no need to turn your soul inside out. There are too many people around who would do well to read statuses about the hypocrisy and duplicity of people.

  1. Isn't the makeup that girls put on themselves every day an element of hypocrisy?
  2. I bought liverwurst at the market, and told the saleswoman that it was for dogs... Wow, it’s delicious!
  3. If she often twists her heart, she will develop scoliosis.
  4. Whatever you say, it’s more pleasant to communicate with polite hypocrites than with honest boors.
  5. Those who want to be everyone's favorite have to put up with hypocrites around them.
  6. I'm not two-faced! – But you’re cheating on your wife! - This is different.
  7. In life, as in the theater. People do not live, but play some roles, following a script written by someone unknown.
  8. If you laugh loudly in society, you will be publicly condemned. And if you enthusiastically become a hypocrite, they won’t even blink an eye.
  9. The hardest thing for some people to say is, “I’m happy for you.”
  10. When there seem to be two people living inside you, it is very difficult to maintain a sober lifestyle. After all, they both want a drink!
  11. Politeness is the same duplicity. If I could say what I really feel, no one else would shake hands with me.
  12. Friends are standing in front of me. Behind me are hypocrites. And who am I then?..
  13. There can be nothing sincere in a two-faced person. Today he loves something or someone, and tomorrow there is a revolution in him.
  14. If one of the strangers constantly praises you, he is probably jealous of you.
  15. Do not be fooled by flattering speeches, do not be offended by truthful ones.
  16. If you are poor, everyone will point out your unworthy appearance. If you are rich, you can even wear rags - they will consider you an eccentric, but they will not even think of making a remark.
  17. It's hard to have a party with two-faced friends. You never know how to calculate the amount of drinks and snacks...
  18. How can you call those who are not a person two-faced?
  19. Even if it’s cheap, it’s still praise...
  20. A two-faced person quickly changes his shoes.
  21. Why did you give it back, fraer?
  22. Are women against duplicity? Why then do they paint?
  23. The problem with honest people is that they expect others to be honest.

Remember, behind duplicity lies self-interest. No one will ever lie for no reason. For personal gain only. Keep this in mind when placing flatterers and double-dealers around you.

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