Statuses and phrases about school, knowledge day - the first of September.

Popular phrases about September 1

On the first of September there comes a time when you start loving Friday again.

September 1 - the first teacher, the first bell, the first step towards science!

On the first day of school, you need to remember one rule: whatever you learn, you do it for yourself!

Bouquets of beautiful flowers, white bows, balloons, a ruler, congratulations, a school bell - I love September 1st!

Only he is happy and wise who was able to turn every first of September into a holiday, and every new day into a day of knowledge!

Only on the last day of knowledge do you understand that by receiving information, you gain freedom...

Congratulating a teacher on the first of September is like congratulating a horse on the start of plowing.

For some, September 1 is Knowledge Day, for some it is the end of vacation, but for everyone it is the beginning of autumn!

September 1 - 273 days left until the start of summer!

Schoolchildren and students know what could be scarier than Freddy Krueger - this is the night from August 31 to September 1!

And why go to school on September 1 if another end of the world is coming soon?

Cool statuses

On September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland. What will you do to avoid going to school?

On September 1 we celebrate Knowledge Day, a national holiday in Russia! Happy Day of Torment!

After 10 minutes of the first lesson, the entire class of first-graders asked one question: “Is summer coming soon?”

Crap! Tomorrow is the first of September, line, and as luck would have it, my headphones are broken!

Only students celebrate September 1 not as a day of knowledge, but as a meeting of friends after 2 months of separation.

At the school assembly on the first of September, it’s easy to see from their tans who doesn’t need to study to go to college.

September 1st is coming soon! The school year for mothers is like pregnancy: it lasts 9 months and you feel sick from the second week.

Every year, parents have to lie to their children that they loved September 1st.

The most relevant advertisement for September 1: “Take a loan to prepare your child for school.”

Why don't children like September 1st? I'll tell you why! Because crazy parents and teachers congratulate you on the start of school? No, to console...

September 1: the earlier we sit down, the earlier we leave.

Quotes about school

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about school .

The school evokes conflicting feelings among both students and parents, and probably also among teachers.

Quotes are grouped by topic: education and school, school teachers, students, the purpose of school, life and school, great people and school, society and school, education and school, mind and school, attitude towards school, learn to learn, family and school, school grades, classmates, religion and school, morality and school, teacher and student, control and school, parents and children, prison and school, people and school, school lessons, knowledge and school, school is, textbooks.

Education and school

We all learned a little something, somehow! (A. Pushkin)

It is not so important what is taught in school, but how it is taught. (M. Planck)

Nothing averages out like a good secondary education. (M. Werner)

Education is what remains after everything learned at school is forgotten. (A. Einstein)

Education helps a child understand his or her potential. (E. Fromm)

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. (J.-J. Rousseau)

The antidote to ignorance is education, with which the souls of young people should be nourished in schools. (Ya.A. Komensky)

Happy is the school that teaches you to zealously study and do what is good, even more zealously to do the best, and most zealously to do the best. (Ya.A. Komensky)

Teaching means doubly learning. (J. Joubert)

We study all our lives, not counting the ten years spent at school. (G. Laub)

That's how school works. The most important thing we learn there is that all the most important things we learn are not there. (H. Murakami)

Most of the things we are taught are, of course, quite true and correct, but you can look at everything completely differently from the teachers, and then for the most part they acquire a much better meaning. (G. Hesse)

Until now, schools have not taught students, like young trees, to blossom from their own roots; rather, they teach them to hang to themselves the branches plucked from the side... Meanwhile, the fundamental teaching of man is a tree with its own roots, which feeds on its own juices, and therefore always lives, grows green, blooms and bears fruit. (Ya.A. Komensky)

In our schools they do not teach the most important thing - the art of reading newspapers. (B. Russell)

By the way, quotes about education

School teachers

Those who know how do it, those who don’t know how to teach others. (B. Shaw)

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. (A. Disterweg)

If teachers treat students with love, then they will easily win their hearts so that children will enjoy being at school rather than at home. (Ya.A. Komensky)

Those from whom we learn are rightly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. (I. Goethe)

A teacher is an engineer of human souls. (M. Kalinin)

School teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of. (W. Churchill)

Only he can become a real teacher who never forgets that he himself was a child. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

A teacher must have an unusually large amount of moral energy so as not to fall asleep under the soothing murmur of a monotonous teacher's life. (K. Ushinsky)

A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student. (M. Gorky)

A schoolteacher certainly earns too little as a nurse, but too much as a teacher. (F. Lebowitz)

We must place the people's teacher at a level at which he has never stood, does not stand, and cannot stand in bourgeois society. This is a truth that does not require proof. (V. Lenin)

Teachers to whom children owe their upbringing are more honorable than parents: some give us only life, while others give us a good life. (K. Prutkov)

By the way, quotes about teachers


Today's youth are accustomed to luxury, they have bad manners, despise authority, do not respect elders, children argue with adults, greedily swallow food, and harass teachers. (Socrates)

A teenager is a creature perfectly aware of everything that he was not taught at school. (M. Cox)

Modern children are well versed in everything except school subjects. (O. Makarova)

The independence of the student’s head is the only solid foundation of any fruitful teaching. (K. Ushinsky)

To succeed, students need to catch up with those who are ahead and not wait for those who are behind. (K. Prutkov)

Show a Russian schoolchild a map of the starry sky, about which he had no idea until then, and tomorrow he will return this map to you, corrected. No knowledge and selfless conceit. (F. Dostoevsky)

If your desk neighbor has become a source of infection, hug him and you won’t come to school for two weeks. (G. Oster)

Purpose of the school

The goal of the school should always be to educate a harmonious personality, and not a specialist. (A. Einstein)

The school is an enormous force that determines the life and fate of peoples and the state, depending on the main subjects and the principles embedded in the school education system. (D. Mendeleev)

School is needed not so that children can learn, they do this better themselves, but so that adults have guaranteed rest from the hectic activity in which children teach themselves. (E. Ermolova)

Since the whole subsequent life depends on childhood and upbringing, the goal will not be achieved if the souls of everyone are not prepared in advance for everything that lies ahead in life. Therefore, just as there should be cages for fish, gardens for trees, and schools for youth. (Ya.A. Komensky)

From school it is important to gain not so much theoretical knowledge as practical skills: the ability to communicate, build relationships, take responsibility for yourself - your words and actions, solve your problems, negotiate, manage your time... It is these skills that help you feel confident in adulthood and earn money for a living. (M. Labkovsky)

Life and school

We study, alas, for school, not for life. (L. Seneca)

School prepares us to live in a world that does not exist. (A. Camus)

School is one of the manifestations of life with its struggle and its desires to achieve eternal nature. (N. Pirogov)

School science is often taught in a dry and uninteresting manner. Children learn to memorize mechanically in order to pass an exam, and do not see the connection between science and the world around them. (S. Hawking)

Many children at school wonder what they are doing there. I think if you have answers to these whys and whys, you can be great at motivating people. In this case, they will see the target. (I. Musk)

Man is born to live, not to prepare for life. And life itself, the phenomenon of life, the gift of life is so excitingly serious! So why replace it with a childish harlequinade of immature inventions, these escapes of Chekhov's schoolchildren to America? (B. Pasternak)

By the way, quotes about life

Great people and school

No one has ever achieved greatness by following school rules. (R.W. Emerson)

The nugget has everything from God and nothing from a secondary school. (Don Aminado)

The greatest people in history were rarely the best students, and the best students rarely became great people. (O.W. Holmes)

No teachers were needed for those who were destined by nature to create a school. Bacons, Descartes and Newtons - these mentors of the human race did not themselves have any mentors; - and what teachers would lead them to where their mighty genius elevated these people? (J.-J. Rousseau)

There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; Meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are educated properly. (Ya.A. Komensky)

Society and school

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. (J.J. Danton)

It is easier to deny hospitals and schools than to treat and teach. (A. Chekhov)

Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day! (V. Chernomyrdin)

School everywhere and always constitutes the strongest and most impregnable citadel of all kinds of traditions and prejudices that prevent society from thinking and living in accordance with its real needs. (D. Pisarev)

One of such bourgeois hypocrisies is the belief that the school can be outside of politics. You know very well how false this belief is. And the bourgeoisie, which put forward this position, itself put its bourgeois policy at the forefront of school work and tried to reduce school work to training obedient and efficient servants for the bourgeoisie. (V. Lenin)

Education and school

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student. (R.W. Emerson)

It is better to have one good teacher at school than a dozen excellent teachers. (K. Ushinsky)

The basis of education should be the personal activity of the student, and the entire art of the educator should be reduced only to directing and regulating this activity. (L. Vygotsky)

The schoolteacher and professor raise only species, not individuals. (G.K. Lichtenberg)

Natural educational talents, which in themselves pave the way for education, are less common than any other talents, and therefore one cannot count on them where many thousands of teachers are needed. (K. Ushinsky)

Mind and school

Classrooms are full of cute children, but the world is full of stupid people. (C. Helvetius)

Some children have a habit of thinking; one of the purposes of education is to rid them of it. (B. Russell)

The school must instill in its pupils such logical thinking skills that would be in harmony with human nature itself. (I.G. Pestalozzi)

Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. (V. Klyuchevsky)

I do believe that the over-emphasis on a purely intellectual stance in our education, often focused entirely on practice and facts, has directly led to a devaluation of ethical values. (A. Einstein)

By the way, quotes about the mind

Attitude to school

It makes me furious to think about how much I would have learned if I hadn't gone to school. (B. Shaw)

I never allowed school to interfere with my education. (M. Twain)

The only thing stopping me from studying is the education I received. (A. Einstein)

My studies tried to make me a standard idiot, but I was at least non-standard. (S. Dali)

I don’t like school: they force you to focus on what you don’t want to know. (L. DiCaprio)

And I don’t like school because it’s where a little person meets the state for the first time. (E. Grishkovets)

Learn to learn

You can't learn everything at school - you need to learn how to learn. (V. Meyerhold)

The purpose of educating a child is to make him able to develop without the help of a teacher. (E.G. Hubbard)

I don’t teach my students anything, I just create the conditions in which they themselves will learn. (A. Einstein)

An education that includes learning to learn does not immediately become obsolete... Rather, it prepares students to engage in sustained intellectual conversation with the world and thereby continue to grow intellectually. (C. Temple)

Family and school

Schools, educators, and preachers can only develop and in some way direct the education of children in the right direction. The basic mentality of an individual is born in the family. (Ya.A. Komensky)

The home environment can negate much of what school is trying to instill. (R. Bradbury)

Tell a child in adolescence: “Son, school doesn’t bother us, we don’t bother you. If, God forbid, the school wants to see us, you start having real problems at home - you are deprived of gadgets, entertainment and everything else. How you learn, we don’t know. How you behave is generally only your problem. If school doesn't bother us, we think you're fine. She touches us - we touch you. (M. Labkovsky)

By the way, quotes about family

School marks

The current school certificate only certifies that its owner has the ability to withstand so many years of schooling. (P. Lawrence)

The mark should reward hard work, and not punish laziness and carelessness. If a teacher sees a two and a one as a stick with which to spur a lazy horse, and a carrot in a four and a five, then soon the children will hate both the carrot and the stick. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

The one I teach is first of all a living person, a child, and then a student. The rating I give him is not only a measure of his knowledge, but, above all, my attitude towards him as a person. (V. Sukhomlinsky)


Schoolmates are better educators than parents, because they are ruthless. (A. Maurois)

Children in schools are a ruthless people: individually they are angels of God, but together, especially in schools, they are very often ruthless. (F. Dostoevsky)

The laughter of the human herd is the nightmare from childhood and school that I have carried with me all my life. (S. Dali)

In schools, children are largely objects of social selection for conformity. (V. Efroimson)

A child from the first grade of school should be taught the science of loneliness. (F. Ranevskaya)

Religion and school

Those who do not have religion and do not feel the need for it cannot raise children. (K. Ushinsky)

Secular schools are unacceptable because there is no religious instruction in them, and general moral education without a religious basis is built on air; therefore, any education of the individual must proceed from faith. We need believers. (A. Hitler)

Thank you, Lord! You can, if you want! As any schoolteacher would say about you: capable, but lazy. Exactly. (M. Fry)

By the way, quotes about religion

Books and school

The list of torments that our people have endured should include compulsory school reading. (S. Jerzy Lec)

One of the truths of my pedagogical faith is my boundless faith in the educational power of the book. School is, first of all, a book. Education is, first of all, words, books, living human relationships. A book is a powerful weapon. A smart, inspired book often decides a person’s fate. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

By the way, quotes about books

Morality and school

A teacher only becomes an educator when he has in his hands the most subtle instrument of education - the science of morality, ethics. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Care should be taken as much as possible to ensure that the art of truly introducing morality is properly taught in schools, so that schools become, as they are called, “workshops of people.” (Ya.A. Komensky)

Your boy will not learn bad habits properly unless you send him to a good school. (G.H. Munro)

Teacher and pupil

The student who does not surpass his teacher is pitiful. (L. da Vinci)

A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival. (V. Belinsky)

Good teachers create good students. (M. Ostrogradsky)

Teaching is not a mechanical transfer of knowledge from teacher to child, but first of all human relationships. A child’s attitude towards knowledge and learning depends to a great extent on how he relates to the teacher. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Control and school

A school without discipline is like a mill without water. (Ya.A. Komensky)

School has nothing to do with education. This is a control institute where children are taught basic social skills. (W. Churchill)

Schools, in fact, are not so much a tool for transmitting knowledge as a tool for control. The child spends six to seven hours there. This is necessary in order to tame his dance, his song, his joy; this is required in order to control it. (Osho)

Parents and children

Without good fathers there is no good education, despite all the schools, institutes and boarding schools. (K. Ushinsky)

If, while a girl is preoccupied with the issue of breast growth, and a guy is irritated by his acne, you, like wounded parrots, talk to your child about studies, exams and the fact that “if you don’t pass the exams, you’ll go to work as a janitor,” consider that you have lost contact with the child for life. (M. Labkovsky)

By the way, quotes about mom and quotes about dad

Prison and school

Those who save on schools will build prisons. (O. Bismarck)

He who opens a school closes a prison. (V. Hugo)

The information I received at school was limited to the little that a prisoner can learn from his comrades. (B. Shaw)

I had to serve my sentence three times: in school, in the army and in prison. (Ya. Kuron)

People and school

I want education for the people only in order to save those drowning Pushkins, Ostrogradskys, Filarets, Lomonosovs. And they swarm in every school. (L. Tolstoy)

You can be a sweet and smart boy, do well at school, do well in university science courses - and after several years of regularly visiting the cinema, turn into an idiot. (I. Ilf, E. Petrov)

By the way, quotes about people

School lessons

Boring lessons are only good for instilling hatred both towards those who teach them and towards everything taught. (J.-J. Rousseau)

When assigning homework, teachers target students and end up targeting parents. (J. Simenon)

No one, under any pretext, should be allowed to skip classes or avoid lessons. (Ya.A. Komensky)

Knowledge and school

Alas, school gives knowledge, not wisdom. (G. Bert)

The school gives knowledge only to those who agree to take it. (S. Skotnikov)

Teachers, as local luminaries of science, must stand at the full height of modern knowledge in their specialty. (D. Mendeleev)

Today, schoolchildren are obliged to know what they were previously obliged not to know. (E. Diamond)

School is...

The school is a place where cobblestones are polished and diamonds are destroyed. (R. Ingersoll)

School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future slip out of your hands. (A. Barbusse)

School is a place where teachers demand knowledge from students in all subjects, while they themselves know only one. (K. Melikhan)


A textbook can be defined as a book that is not suitable for reading. (B. Shaw)

Textbook: a book that continuously opens America. (V. Bulatovich-Wieb)

Learning is light, but textbooks are darkness! (V. Skuratovsky)

About miscellaneous

It is good and should be studied; but woe to both the man and the people who will be an everlasting disciple. (N. Karamzin)

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there all their lives. It is from them that scientists emerge. (H. Steinhaus)

Success in war is determined by two factors: a new type of gun and a school teacher. (O. Bismarck)

I decided in art school that if I was going to be an artist of any kind, I wanted my work to be known to as many people as possible. The idea of ​​quietly painting in my attic and not showing anything to anyone is not for me. (D. Lennon)

As we can see, the greatest attention in the quotes is paid to the connection between school and education and life, school teachers and students, and the purpose of the school.

With some surprise, we can state that almost all quotes, starting with Socrates’ quote about modern youth, have not lost their relevance . It's hard to say whether this is good or bad.

Next, you can go to phraseological units about school, study, literacy and other collections:

  • quotes about children
  • quotes about friendship
  • quotes about thoughts
  • quotes about son
  • quotes about daughter
  • quotes by John Amos Comenius

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