Essay on the topic: “The only happiness in life is constant striving forward”

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about goals and ideals.

More quotes about goals and ideals: 1234 More quotes about goals and ideals: 1234 The ideal is in yourself. The obstacles to achieving it are within you. Your position is the material from which you must realize this ideal. A mind that has no definite goal is lost; to be everywhere means to be nowhere. It is inherent in the concept of man that his final goal should be unattainable, and his path to it should be endless. If the whole goal of our life consisted in our personal happiness, and our personal happiness consisted only in love , then life would truly be a dark desert... But praise to eternal reason, praise to protective providence! There is also a great world of life for man, besides the inner world of the heart - the world of historical contemplation and social activity. The ideal is a guiding star. Without it there is no firm direction, and without direction there is no life. Let no one stray even a step from the honest path under the plausible pretext that it is justified by a noble goal. Any wonderful goal can be achieved by honest means. And if this is not possible, then this goal is bad. If only people knew that the goal of humanity is not material progress, that this progress is inevitable growth, and there is one goal - the good of all people... Nothing is done in history without conscious intention, without a desired goal. Striving forward is the purpose of life. Let all life be an aspiration, and then there will be highly beautiful hours in it. When nature deprived man of his ability to walk on all fours, she gave him an ideal in the form of a staff! And from that time on, he unconsciously strives for the best - ever higher! Trying to leave behind more knowledge and happiness than there was before, improving and multiplying the inheritance we have received - this is what we must work on. To set all our forces in motion, a person you need to place in front of yourself some noble goal that can inspire him. Taking the means for the goal, people become disappointed in themselves and others, due to which nothing comes of all their activities or the opposite of what they strived for comes out of. There is no need to be too moral, otherwise you risk indulging in self-deception. Your goal must be higher than morality. You have to be not just good, but good for the sake of something. I respect people who know exactly what they want. Most of the troubles around the world come from people not being clear enough about their goals. When they begin to erect a building, they spend too little effort on the foundation for the tower to stand.

Maksim Gorky. Quotes from work Maxim Gorky

M. Gorky “Below”, year of publication 1901-1902.

In transport from the past - you can't go anywhere...

It's always better to leave on time.

When work is fun, life is good!

When work is duty, life is slavery!

It turned out that you will not get prickly from the outside, everything will be deleted... everything will be deleted...

Man is free... he pays for everything that he himself: for faith, for disbelief, for love, for reason - man himself pays for everything, so he is free! ..

A person dying is never harmful...

Man can do anything... If I wanted...

I say talent is what a hero needs.

Talent is believing in yourself, in your strength.

A person should include everything, if possible, plus something else.

Human! You must respect the person! Don't apologize... don't embarrass him with shame... respect is due!

Behavior of big and successful people about goal setting

Everyone dies - real ones, but they live...

It seems to me that only unsuccessful people, unhappy people, like to argue. Good luck living in silence.

Knowing everything, then perhaps you will learn something.

Some people like to deliver bad news.

Often it seemed to be filled with other people before it was seen.

We must know: all women are very sick with loneliness.

Dear people, like dogs: the breeds are different, and everyone has their own habits.

It is necessary to protect the soul from the confusion of cruelty and regret and sadness.

A person is valuable to face his life force - if not, but he turns it in his own way - my respect to him!

After all, a happy person is a limited person.

Be yourself: hot and hot water inside - don't spray.

.People who give freedom to their imagination live easier lives.

Do you think I don't know what it means to be calm?

One is silent - don’t say anything, the other - no one can say.

A bug is happy to smell bad.

What can you think of that is more than reality?

A woman who is not jealous does not feel loved...

... in love there is no mercy.

You see, life should be built according to the type of orchestra: let everyone play their game honestly, and everything will be fine.


Gorky “Mother”, published 1936

Personal selfish child of the evil ones

Self-esteem is the worst kind of addiction.

Free - all heights available.

Children are very often smart, like adults, and always honest.

Tomorrow children are our judges.

A day is a small life, you have to live as if now you are going to die and you suddenly got another day.

Improving a person is the meaning of life...

Both are at a loss due to the fact that they stop next to them - nothing to lose.

Mother is always against death.

Don't feel that striving for yourself means not living.

Don't write on the blank pages of your heart with foreign words.

Life changes the cards, and only after an accident, and then not for long, do we find ourselves in place.

When a person wants to know - he explores, when he wants to hide from the fear of life - he composes.

The power of knowledge is doubtful.

Beauty and wisdom are in simplicity.

Learn from everyone - don't imitate anyone.

The consequences of love are always the same - a new person!

Children live with the flowers of the earth...

M. Gorky “The Old Woman Izergil”, published 1952

… Those who don’t know how to live fall asleep.

Those who love life sing.

Do not move the stone out of the way of the lime.

The beautiful is always bold.

And I see that people don’t live, but everyone tries to do it all their lives. And when they steal and spend time, they will begin to cry about fate. What is fate? Everyone is their own destiny!

Nothing - neither work nor women exhaust the bodies and souls of people, since thoughts are exhausted.

Male punishment in it.

I've never met anyone with whom I like anything.

These are definitely bad encounters with the dead.

Who does nothing, so nothing happens.

If you want to live, we have to do something.

Freedom from everything is punishment.

In life, or you know, there is always room for action. And those who do not find this for themselves are simply lazy or cowardly, or they do not understand life, because if only people understand life, everyone wanted to leave their shadow in the shadow.

And then life will not be pushed around by people without a trace...

You said: “Take it!” And I took the lead!

He shouted to Danko, standing on their chest. “I have the courage to lead, so I led you!” And you? What have you done to help? You were just walking around and you didn't know how to save your strength in the long run! You just walked and walked like a flock of sheep!

No dreams - no goals!

Quotes about dreams and goals


Dream. Imagine the goal, and most importantly, how you achieve it. Visualize your path to achieving your goal step by step. And at the end, when you have reached your goal, imagine these sensations. These emotions will give you hope.


Not a single ship leaves the port without a clear route. Dream and goal - your route!


It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream.


Dream... And never think that dreams will not come true. They become your goal, desire for something, desire. Even if you have to wait a long time, do not think that it is in vain. Decent people's dreams always come true. You just have to be able to wait... Anaticula


Don't listen to anyone who says you can't do something. Even me. Understood? If you have a dream, protect it. People who can’t do something will insist that you can’t do it either. Set a goal - achieve it! And period. Gabriel Muccino


The main thing is to remember that no excuse can lead you to your cherished goals and dreams. Only a great desire and constant work on yourself can lead you to your cherished goal. It's time to act! After all, if not now, then when?

M. Gorky “Foma Gordeev”, published 1953

Tell me - and what should I do to live peacefully... is that I am satisfied with myself?

- To do this, you need to live restlessly and avoid, like a bad disease, even the opportunity to satisfy yourself!

You should always love what is not available to you... A person grows taller because he stretches...

Love for a woman is always fruitful for a person, regardless of whether he only suffers - and there is always great value in them.

Anyone who misses a lot is always smart.

Son - study...

Some people are always lucky - not because they are gifted and diligent, but because they have a lot of energy reserves that they cannot - on the way to their goals - cannot even think about choosing resources, and I don’t I know no other law except his own desire.

You only like happiness... Well, it's not soon... It's like a sponge in the forest, the search requires it to break the last part of it... and to find - without scratching?

Sometimes people here, like an owl in the daytime, in my life... Looking to find their place, beating, beating - feathers just fly away, and everything was to no avail... beating, running away, molting everything, but with zooming and diving at random, just taking a break from your colleague.

The mind is at least a little, but one.

There is no person on earth who is worse or worse than the one who gives mercy, no one is more miserable than the one who receives it!

There are no unattainable goals - there is a high laziness coefficient

Motivational Quotes to Achieve Goals


Half of the people give up on the path to their goal because no one told them: “I believe in you, you will succeed!”


When it is obvious that goals cannot be achieved, do not adjust the goals, adjust the practical steps. Confucius


Don’t postpone your plans if it’s raining or strong wind outside. Don't give up on your dreams if people don't believe in you. Go against nature and people. You are a person. You are strong!


There are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.


Do you know what our most common mistake is? We give up quickly. We quickly abandon the goal, justifying it with the banal “what can you do, it’s not fate.” But sometimes, in order to get what you want, you have to try one more time. Knock, come back, try a second time... And even if it doesn’t work out again, don’t waste time on self-torture. You cannot dwell not only on what has been achieved, but also on what has not been achieved. To get to your goal, you must first walk. Elchin Safarli


It’s better to move towards your goal at a snail’s speed than to come up with excuses at the speed of light for why you’re standing still.


To reach your goal, you must first go. Balzac


Failure is not a crime; It is criminal to set goals below your capabilities. Lowell

Quotes about achieving the goal of great people


Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation. Goethe Johann Wolfgang


Goals should be clear, simple and written down on paper. If they are not written down on paper and you review them every day, they are not goals. These are wishes. Robert Kiyosaki


Knowing the goal you are striving for is prudence; to achieve this goal is the fidelity of the view; to dwell on it is strength; to go further than the goal is impudence. Charles Duclos


The great goal of every human being is to realize love. Love is not in another, but in ourselves, and we awaken it in ourselves. But in order to awaken her, this other one is needed. The universe only makes sense if we have someone to share our feelings with. Coelho Paulo


Until a person has determined his main goal, he scatters his energy and thoughts on so many objects and in so many directions that this leads not to strength, but to indecision and weakness. Napoleon Hill


If you set off towards your goal and start stopping along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal. Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich


The greedy is always poor. Know the purpose and limit of lust. Petrarch Francesco


When you don't move forward and up, you slide back and down. Akunin Boris


A person grows as his goals grow. Schiller Friedrich


To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; In fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed. F. La Rochefoucauld


No goal is so high as to justify unworthy means to achieve it. Einstein

Quotes from millionaires about goals and achieving them


The only reason why only a few achieve their goal is the lack of concentration: we never concentrate on our goal. Many people just float through life, never deciding what they want. Tony Robbins


Setting goals is the first step in turning your dreams into reality. Tony Robbins


Only having a goal brings meaning and satisfaction to life. This not only promotes better health and longevity, but also gives you a little optimism during a difficult time. Steve Jobs


Obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry Ford


If people don't laugh at your goals, then your goals are too small. Azim Premji


The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achieving a goal. The antidote to this is to think every evening that you can do better tomorrow. Ingvar Kamprad


I spend almost all my time on Facebook. I have practically no time for new hobbies. That's why I set clear goals for myself. Mark Zuckerberg


Achieving your goals requires patience and enthusiasm. Think globally - but be realistic. I waited as long as thirty years to achieve some of my goals. Donald Trump

Quotes about striving for goals


My path is not easy, but I am walking, wind and snowstorms are in my face, but I believe that I will reach my intended goal... Yuri Kolchak


Often, people go out of their way to try to achieve their goals, but this does not surprise those who are unable to fight even with themselves. Tatyana Egorovna Solovova


He who strives for a great goal should no longer think about himself. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich


A purposeful person finds means, and when he cannot find them, he creates them. Channing


The easier a goal is to achieve, the weaker the desire for it. Pliny the Younger


Serious pursuit of any goal is truly half the success in achieving it. Humboldt Wilhelm

When you go somehow and somewhere, you will end up somewhere. Set goals, then the path will be more successful. Galina Pryimak

"Progress is the goal of life"

If you are in a hurry, you will not arrive on time or there.

Yankovsky Stas

He is approaching the goal - it does not mean that if you reach it without reaching one step, you may encounter a chasm that you will not cross.

Blessed Louise Auguste

High goals, even unfulfilled ones, are more valuable than low goals, even though they are achieved.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

To achieve a goal and give it up, every woman could not.

Alexander Green

If an item is not suitable for one purpose, you can use it for another.

Lao Tzu

There are two levers for moving people: fear and self-interest.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Climbing the road ahead of a rider who has lost his way.

Francis Bacon

Sure, think about the “what,” but you mean more about the “how”!

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Those who want to achieve great things must have high standards.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

I have people to enjoy this time while they want something, somewhere looking for something, trying... but if they have already reached their goal and stopped, then they are not interested.

Maksim Gorky

We should always fall in love with what is beyond your reach.

A person grows taller than he grows.

Maksim Gorky

Follow your path and let people tell you things.

Alighieri Dante

The meaning of life is beauty and the power of effort for goals, and it is extremely important that every moment of existence has its purpose.

Maksim Gorky

First, you need to engage in a serious battle and you will see there.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Longing is the purpose of life.

Keep your life alive and then she will have a very good hour.

Maksim Gorky

Only when we reach the goal do we decide that the path is right.

Paul Valerie

Problems are approaching the goal.

But let everyone calmly climb the stars, not bothering themselves with compliments, but constantly strive for their intended goal.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Each person, person and all together, you can say there is a known purpose for which they prefer to choose one, avoid others.


To go beyond the goal is to fail to achieve the goal.

Honoré Balzac

Chrome, who runs along the road, is opposite the one who runs without the road.

Francis Bacon

To reach a goal, we must first go.

Honoré Balzac

I unconditionally set various goals to prevent him from leaving the chain.

Sarah Bernhardt

Striving will always come in handy

If there are no aspirations and desires, then life loses its meaning. Only impetuous, achievement-oriented people can achieve what they want and put statuses about their desire:

  1. If you have run out of desires and no aspirations, you can rest on your laurels or simply vegetate.
  2. Without aspirations, life loses all meaning.
  3. You can strive not only for the ideal, but also simply for better than now.
  4. Impetuous people are aimed at one thing and hit one point.
  5. No aspirations? It's a pity, then there is no life.
  6. Without aspirations and focus on results, you can do nothing at all.
  7. If you don’t want to strive for anything, then it’s unlikely that anything will make you happy.
  8. You get joy from every step you take towards your goal; only the desire to achieve it can overcome all the obstacles along the way.
  9. Yes, I don’t want to strive for anything, it’s better to vegetate.
  10. Living a full and interesting life means constantly keeping your goals in mind and striving to get closer to them.
  11. Losers dream, successful people achieve with courage.
  12. Don’t give up on your aspirations, because they are yours and you should be at one with them.
  13. Laziness hinders the impetuous and helps the insecure.
  14. You don’t want to repeat the fate of your parents, you want to be more successful and help them. Then it’s worth understanding one thing - set a high bar and strive to achieve it.
  15. The desire to embrace the immensity sometimes brings us almost closer to the goal.
  16. The desire to jump over the bar at a height greater than one’s height does not obey the saying “you can’t jump higher than your head.”
  17. I decided to do what I dreamed of - desire and confidence are your friends.
  18. Striving is when you walk and don’t look back, and when you’re scared, but you go anyway.
  19. The desire to achieve what you want can only arise in the minds of inquisitive, courageous and strong people.
  20. If you are mentally weak, then your aspirations end at the first failure.
  21. The impetuous ones win, the insecure are left alone with their uncertainty.
  22. Aspiration is 90% of success.
  23. Don’t be afraid of your goals, they are achievable if you have your desire to live a better life next to you.
  24. Aspiration and reason are twin brothers.
  25. Success consists of a clear goal, character and desire to achieve your cherished dream.
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