Cool words for teenagers: cool words, cool words for boys, boy quotes, boy statuses, boy quotes about brother

Being a teenager

Funny and life-like quotes about modern teenagers and their problems.

  1. To be a teenager is to be a nihilist, clearly expressing your unique individuality, which is no different from the individuality of all other teenagers.
  2. You begin to seriously worry about your child when he no longer slams the door before leaving.
  3. We live in amazing times - teenagers are growing up faster and faster, but they remain teenagers longer and longer...
  4. Teenagers suffer from boredom, but they themselves do not try to fight it at all.
  5. Children's teenage worries about girls go away around the age of 40.
  6. A teenager becomes a man much earlier than his parents think, but much later than he thinks.
  7. The image of today's teenagers: short pants, face on the phone - and don't care at all.
  8. The most terrible age in a boy’s life begins when he becomes independent...
  9. The process of growing up ends only when the process of aging begins...
  10. First, children learn from their parents, and then parents have to learn from their own children...
  11. The upbringing of a child can be considered successful only when he learns to provide for himself.
  12. Children who lacked love as children become overly loving adults.
  13. As a rule, you learn how to become a good child for your parents only when you become a parent yourself.

Laziness, Mistrust A wise parable for children and teenagers

Once upon a time, a wise man lived in the East, and one day five young, strong men came to him. They were all different, but they were connected by one single dream - to find their Happiness in this life. They asked the sage for advice on how to achieve Happiness, to which the sage gave them a map, which marked the path to the cherished Happiness. And this long, difficult path lay through beautiful places, picturesque countries, mysterious caves and lands.

The travelers set off on the road... they walked for a long time, but after going a fifth of the way, one of them said that he was tired of walking along the road and returned back, not finding happiness. After some time, when two-fifths of the entire journey was left behind, the second young man said: “The old man deceived us, there is no happiness,” and returned back. A lot of time passed before more than half the road was left behind, and then the third young man could not stand it and turned back with the words: “I believe in Happiness, but I cannot find it.”

The last two young men continued their journey. They continued to walk, strictly following the map... one of them was cheerful, talked with people he met along the road, enjoyed the singing of birds in the mysterious forests, greeted the dawn with a smile, and the second walked gloomily, not paying attention to anyone, grumbling about it When will this journey finally end? And so! The long-awaited day came, the travelers turned the last corner and now... they found themselves in front of the gates of their hometown, where the map led them. A cheerful, cheerful young man rushed into the arms of his family and friends, who had been waiting for him for so long; over time, he found a girl in his city, fell in love with her, got married and became happy. And the second, gloomy traveler, disappointedly returned to his ordinary life, having never found Happiness.

After some time, the young men met and decided to ask the sage why he deceived them by giving them a map that actually led not to Happiness, but back to home. After listening to the young men’s complaint, the wise old man replied: “In fact, I did not deceive you, the card that you received really led to happiness. But only three of you turned away from your path, some earlier, some later... one because of laziness, the other because of distrust, the third because of insufficient self-confidence. It doesn’t matter for what reason you turned away from this path, it also doesn’t matter at what point it happened, since the result was the same - you didn’t find your Happiness.”

To this, the gloomy young man, who had reached the end of the path, said: “What about me, old man? I reached my goal, but why didn’t I find Happiness?” The sage replied: “You walked without discerning the path, rejecting the beauties that surrounded you, you didn’t see people, you didn’t hear birds singing... your goal was not Happiness, but only the end of the path... that’s why you didn’t find Happiness.” And then the last young man said: “Tell me, sage, why did you send me on such a long journey? Yes, I walked through it with a smile and in the end found my Happiness, but I could have found it without going all this way.” The sage shook his head and said: “I gave you the map so that you understand that Happiness is not always as far away as we think. And the long path is not always the only true one; perhaps happiness is very close. But would you understand this if you didn’t have to go through so many roads on the way to him?”

This is how, to this day, Laziness, Mistrust, Insufficient self-confidence and Wrongly set goals prevent us from getting to our Happiness, which is actually not as far away as we think.

Short and reckless

Short quotes with meaning about teenagers and all sorts of teenage nonsense.

  1. The most obnoxious teenagers usually become the biggest pride in the family.
  2. No matter how hard you try to raise a child, in adolescence he will give you a hard time.
  3. Every teenager needs a father who will tell him what to do... and a mother who will help him do it.
  4. If you want your teenager to grow up faster, stop preaching to him.
  5. By raising your hand to your children, you risk being left without them when they reach adolescence.
  6. Teenagers need your love just when it seems to you that you are no longer able to love them.
  7. You have to be on your guard with the little asshole - you never know when he'll take a shit again.
  8. If your child remembers where he threw his socks before bed, then all is not lost.
  9. During adolescence, children think their parents are idiots. And only by the age of 30 do they begin to appreciate parental wisdom...
  10. Every teenager once wonders how his stupid parents were able to give birth and raise such a treasure...
  11. If teenagers seem too loud to you, then you probably haven't raised babies.
  12. Teenagers never change. They are just as much of their mother's rebels as their parents were.
  13. A teenager is a person who does not yet realize that one day he will understand as little in life as his parents.

Love, wealth and luck Wise parable for children

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards in the street courtyard. She didn't recognize them. She said, “You probably don’t know me, but you must be hungry. Please come inside and eat." “Is your husband at home?” they asked. “No,” she replied. "He's not there." “Then we cannot enter,” they replied. In the evening, when her husband returned home, she told him what had happened. “Go and tell them that I’m home and invite them to the house!” said the husband. The woman came out and invited the old men. “We cannot go into the house together,” they replied. “Why?” she was surprised. One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another, “And his name is Luck, and my name is Love.” Then he added, “Now go home and talk to your husband about which of us you want in your home.” The woman went and told her husband what she had heard. Her husband was very happy. “How good!!!”, he said. “If we have to make a choice, let’s invite Wealth. Let him come in and fill our house with wealth!” His wife objected, “Darling, why don’t we invite Luck?” Their adopted daughter listened to everything sitting in the corner. She ran up to them with her proposal: “Why don’t we invite Love? After all, then love will reign in our house!” “Let’s agree with our girl,” the husband said to his wife. “Go and ask Love to be our guest.” The woman came out and asked the three old men, “Which one of you is Love?” Come into the house and be our guest." An old man named Lyubov walked in the direction of the house. The other 2 old men followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Luck: “I only invited Love, why are you coming?” The old men replied: “If you had invited Wealth or Luck, the other two of us would have remained on the street, but since you invited Love, where she goes, we always follow her. Where there is Love, there is always Wealth and Luck!”

Important stuff

Beautiful and sad quotes about teenagers - about life, love and all that.

  1. Teenagers mature differently. Some learn to love, while others learn to think...
  2. The most terrible age for a child begins around the age of 12-13 and ends at the age of 40.
  3. The world's problems have become so complex that even teenagers have stopped offering solutions to them... Well, except for Greta, of course!
  4. Nature gives about 12 years to love your children enough to not hate them when they become teenagers...
  5. In my opinion, the length of service of parents should be taken into account taking into account bonuses for harmfulness...
  6. If you think your child is not mature enough, then don’t expect him to behave like an adult.
  7. When an adult begins to behave like a teenager, it is called a midlife crisis. And when a teenager begins to behave like an adult, they refuse to sell him alcohol...
  8. A teenager is a person who already knows enough of everything that school teachers will never teach him.
  9. A teenager becomes an adult when he stops taking money from his parents and starts borrowing.
  10. A person receives a ticket to old age when he ceases to be a teenager.
  11. The golden principle of education: if you don’t give a teenager a lot of free time, then he won’t have time to do something irreparable.
  12. No, I understand why teenagers want popularity among their peers so much... but I don’t understand at all the ways in which they achieve it.

Boyish quotes and statuses with meaning

The ability to correctly express your thoughts and feelings is an indicator of wisdom and intelligence. But while quotes from world classics are great for some people, this is not suitable for a guy from the area. With cool words, sharp movements and a clear understanding of how to “go through life”, the same cool boy statuses, quotes and reflections on life will look relevant. We provide a small list of quotes that will appeal to you.

  • Hopelessness is when the earth falls on the lid of the coffin, everything else is an unsuccessful turn along the line of life;
  • With a new dawn comes new victories, which means there is always a way out;
  • Fortune favors the brave, success favors the smart;
  • The Ministry of Health warns, but I don’t;
  • Don't dive into the water if you don't know the bottom. Appreciate your friends, and even more so, your freedom;
  • It is necessary to dream, but it is better to act correctly;
  • A girl's integrity is her boyfriend's pride;
  • The best you can get is what you give to yourself;
  • You can refuse or not allow yourself, but never allow others to prohibit themselves from doing anything;
  • Don't be afraid to fight those who are stronger. You may have an advantage during the fight - no one is invincible;
  • It’s stupid to be jealous, even stupider to be not the only one;
  • Even after a black night the dawn comes;
  • You feel bad? Look around - there are those around you who need you: homeless people, orphans, street cats and dogs. Straighten your shoulders and fight!
  • Always take what is rightfully yours, always take what you want;
  • There is firewood in the yard, there are lads on the firewood, the lads have grass, all the lads are used for firewood;
  • Believe only in yourself, fight for life - live beautifully;
  • Happiness is not in banknotes, but it is better to be sad in a Bentley, not in a trolleybus;
  • It doesn't matter if your brother is right - if he's your bro, fight for him!

Cool Quotes

  • Anyone can upset, but not everyone has time to apologize before kissing the asphalt;
  • Pasha, think and success will come, you just need time;
  • I love only with all my soul, I live only beautifully, I think only globally, I rely only on myself;
  • Trust is a complicated thing; if you deceive once, you will remain a buffoon forever;
  • It’s easy to betray, but don’t expect loyalty from others later;
  • Appreciate only those who are time-tested, but trust only yourself;
  • If you don’t love me, tell me right away, the universe is like a boomerang, tomorrow you will gnaw the earth, but it will be too late;
  • It’s easy to choose friends, only time will leave friends;
  • A woman as a weapon is dangerous in the hands of a fool;
  • Learn from those who are stronger and wiser, but do not bend under anyone;
  • Listen to everyone, listen to the advice of the few, make the decision yourself;
  • You are either on top, or you will be mixed with the ground;
  • Life is a theater, and it doesn’t matter how long you live, what matters is what kind of applause awaits you at the end;
  • Don’t be afraid to let go of those who leave, but don’t forget to tell them how valuable they are if there is a place in your soul for them;
  • Learn to build new bridges in places that have burned down - this is the only way you will gain wisdom and happiness;
  • Leave gracefully - leave behind fame and memory;
  • Go to the end, crawl to victory, but never give up;
  • Someday the world will go crazy, but you have to hold on;
  • What you couldn’t do today, complete tomorrow. Withstand every blow and victory awaits you;
  • The strong fight to the end, the smart fight to victory;
  • Your people are those in front of whom you can speak without hesitation;
  • In a cold world, only a faithful heart warms;
  • What does sex mean to me? Yes, thanks to him I was born!
  • It’s not scary when they scream, it’s scary when there’s a silent knife in the back;
  • I always want a couple more minutes to be with my loved ones;
  • Strike first, don’t wait until you have to fight back;
  • Those who rush forward make mistakes. It is better to survive a thousand mistakes and be a winner than to shepherd those left behind;
  • The same one will love you, even if you are lying in the dermis. He will extend his hand and take you home. And the rest are just skins;
  • I can't go back to change the past, but I can ride into the sunset to change the future;
  • You cannot escape from fate, it will loom on the horizon again and again;
  • If you were able to leave, it means she’s just a mistake, and that same one is ahead;
  • Having no luck with women? Look at your friend who is always there, maybe it’s fate?
  • My rudeness is my experience, and my softness is only for one;
  • Love is too personal to listen to outside advice;
  • Rough, tired and angry, but faithful to his one;
  • A girl goes with someone else and smiles at you? Don't think you're special, think she's a whore;
  • Learn four things in life: to end relationships correctly, count your money, love and protect your children, and tear up anyone who offends your loved ones;
  • She screams as if she has a collection of spare jaws;
  • Say goodbye without regrets to those who are not afraid to lose you;
  • Go forward, even when the whole world has stopped. Develop even in a crisis, this is the only way you will win in life;
  • Smile at everyone, look at the faithful, love one;
  • Respect cannot be demanded, you must act in such a way that even old jackals respect you;
  • It is always difficult to rise; it is easy to float;
  • The most valuable thing is to have true friends;
  • When you hit a woman, you kill the man in you;
  • If I smile, it's just a smile. The soul may have craters of pain;
  • Did fortune help you take off? Remember, she has tough bills that she cashes out at the most inopportune moments;
  • They love neither beauty nor heroism in men, they love care and attention;
  • Strength does not belong to the one who has never fallen, strength belongs to the one who has learned to get up from his knees;
  • Believing in yourself is an advantage that only a few have;
  • Goodbye, but go away. Don't keep crap in your soul, let it float away with the scoundrels.

About the main thing and more

Just about the complex - wise quotes about the life of a teenager and the problems he faces.

  1. With today's youth... I would rather have a dog than my own children.
  2. Adolescence is when a child will have to walk a fine line between playing sports and drugs.
  3. Parents should not be responsible for the sins of their children...
  4. A teenager leaving his parents' home is the greatest happiness in his parents' lives.
  5. A university dorm is a place where your child's entire upbringing will be erased on the first evening.
  6. Teenagers are an explosive mixture of love and hatred for themselves and the world around them.
  7. My parents think I have problems... Oh, if only they knew what problems I really have!
  8. Every good girl dreams of a rebel who, nevertheless, will please her mother...
  9. Don't apologize to teenagers - they won't appreciate it anyway, and you'll look stupid.
  10. Do not worry! Around age 30, your teenager will begin to try to be independent...
  11. Today's teenagers have only one passion - the passion for popularity on the Internet.
  12. Every age has its own language. Only teenagers have this language that is too loose...

VK status for boys aged 12

First love is not only unforgettable, but, in most cases, very difficult. What to deliver during this period?

  1. Brother, remember, praise and compliments are not love at all.
  2. Over time, you understand how important it is to find a simple person among selfish animals.
  3. Often unrequited love is a banal attempt to fill the emptiness in the soul of someone who does not reciprocate.
  4. No quarrel is a reason to let go of the one for whom you are ready to do anything.
  5. I can do a lot, and when my other half believes in me, I can do absolutely anything.
  6. Don't you dare lay your eyes on my girl, you'll need it later.
  7. Yes, she is not my most beautiful. But it is enough for me that she is faithful and kind. She is my princess.
  8. The first step is not for a man, but for a real man.
  9. Think about it, this particular love cannot be repeated.
  10. Look for a girl only if you are ready to be with her. And if you don’t, then someone else will be nearby.
  11. Only someone with whom you can allow yourself to be yourself can become a support.
  12. I love her not because she is kind and sweet, but because she is like that only with me.

Age of Hope

Short quotes about teenagers and adolescence, which is full of adventures and surprises.

  1. We all knew how to dream as children... but only a few of us retain this skill as adults.
  2. Any self-respecting teenager should run away from home at least once...
  3. Adolescence is an age in which falling in love passes faster than hunger.
  4. You will know that your children really love you if, during their teenage years, they begin to imitate you.
  5. A teenager can only learn from his own mistakes...
  6. Every teenager is a bit of a superhero. After all, he has to go to school every day...
  7. Modern youth can’t even take a shit without posting a couple of photos of the toilet on Instagram...
  8. Teenage love is the sweetest thing we remember about our own childhood.
  9. All teenagers dream of freedom, but most of them do not even realize that freedom implies financial independence.
  10. The main piece of wisdom that can be learned from adolescence is that you should always be yourself.
  11. You understand that the very teenagers you are now making fun of will have to change this world for the better?
  12. Perhaps the worst thing that could happen to me was my adolescence.

The world is a big mirror A wise parable for children

One day a student asked his teacher: “Teacher, does the world around us bring good or bad luck to a person?” “Let me tell you a story,” he said. A long time ago there lived a Shah, and he decided to build a castle full of wonders. And he made a hall in this castle, in which all the walls, floor and ceiling were covered with mirrors. And the walls there were arranged in such a way that if someone said out loud, “Who’s here?”, they would immediately hear “Who’s here?” “Who’s here?” “Who’s here?” One day a dog ran into the hall and froze in amazement in the middle - a whole pack of dogs surrounded it on all sides, above and below. The dog, just in case, bared its teeth; and all the reflections answered her in the same way. Seriously frightened, the dog barked desperately. The echo repeated her bark. The dog barked louder. Echo did not lag behind. The dog rushed back and forth, biting the air, its reflections also rushed around, clicking its teeth. The next morning, the servants found the unfortunate dog lifeless, surrounded by millions of reflections of dead dogs. There was no one in the hall who could cause her any harm. The dog died fighting his own reflections.” “Now you see,” finished the dervish, “the world brings neither good nor evil in itself.” He is indifferent to people. Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions. The world is a big mirror...

Notes from a boy

A real man is noticeable at 17, 14, and 12. Honor and pride do not depend on age. See statuses on VK for boys 14 years old.

  1. Even though I can’t get married yet, I will definitely take you home.
  2. And, you know, I'm not afraid to die. I'm afraid that someday those I really value will no longer exist.
  3. Let's dream less often about money and cars, and more often appreciate the little that we already have.
  4. The fashion for thinness is created by gays, and an attractive girl is always curvy.
  5. I don't owe anything to you, or her, or him. I am only infinitely indebted to my parents.
  6. As soon as the speed exceeds one hundred, remember about your mother, who is always waiting at home.
  7. If you ask me for help, don’t you dare sling mud behind your back.
  8. The more complex the character, the purer the soul.
  9. Time is like cigarette smoke: it never goes back.
  10. Betrayal can be forgiven, but then be prepared for the fact that you will have to forgive again and again.
  11. No matter how beautifully you know how to speak, you also need to be able to remain silent. Sometimes this is much more important.

Parable of Anger

“The father told his hot-tempered son to drive a nail into a tree in a moment of anger. Every day the number of nails hammered decreased. And then the day came when he never lost his composure. When the father found out about this, he told his son that the day he managed to control himself, he could pull one nail out of the tree. Finally the day came when not a single nail was left in the tree. The father said: “You have worked hard on yourself, but you see that this tree will never be the same as before. When you say something evil to a person, he also gets a scar. It hurts even more for a person than for a tree.”

Quickly conclusions

One old woman told a man that his neighbor was dishonest and that he might even steal an axe.

The man came home. And - immediately look for an ax.

No axe!

I searched the whole barn - there is no ax anywhere!

Goes out into the street. He sees the neighbor coming. But he doesn’t just walk: he walks like someone who has stolen an axe, and he looks with squinted eyes like someone who has stolen an axe, and he smiles like someone who has stolen an axe. The neighbor even said hello, like a man who had stolen an axe.

“What a dishonest neighbor I have!” - the man decided.

He harbored a grudge and returned home. Lo and behold, there’s an ax lying under the barn. His axe! Apparently one of the children took the ax but didn’t put it back. The man was happy. Satisfied, he leaves the gate. And he sees that the neighbor is not walking like someone who has stolen an axe, and he is looking with narrowed eyes, not like someone who has stolen an axe, and he is not smiling like someone who has stolen an axe.

“What an honest neighbor I have!”

Phrases for young dreamers

  1. I don't want to love anymore, I just want to sleep peacefully at night.
  2. Sometimes I'm so glad that she lives. But I’m upset as soon as I remember that she doesn’t live for me.
  3. Only the strong can express everything in person; only the strongest can be patient.
  4. Love can be hidden for years, but it can be revealed in an instant.
  5. Fate has constrained suffering in my heart, I am here alone, I have no place with you.
  6. I want to disappear from the bustle in which no one notices me.
  7. What never happened will remain between us forever.
  8. Yes, I'm not perfect, it's hard to call me beautiful. But what makes me worthy is the ability to feel other people’s pain.
  9. The simpler you approach life, the more joy there is in it. Happiness does not tolerate reasoning.
  10. The meaning of life may well replace the bitterness of routine.
  11. After meeting you there is always a sad song on repeat.
  12. It's amazing how we manage to be both a loyal friend to someone and an intolerable enemy to someone else at the same time.
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