Quotes about people leaving your life. Sad statuses about life

Quotes about letting someone go (70 quotes)

Sometimes it is very important to let someone go, no matter how hard it may be. Perhaps, by letting go of what does not belong to you, you are only improving your life and the life of the person you need to say goodbye to. In return, life will definitely give you something better and more. Quotes about letting a person go are presented in this collection.

As we get older and wiser, we begin to understand what we need and what we need to leave behind. Sometimes leaving is a step forward.

It's not enough to just let go of someone's hand. We must also forget her touch.

When you let someone go, it doesn't mean that you no longer care about that person. This means that you have realized that the only person you can control is yourself.

You will never achieve what you are capable of if you are too attached to things that you need to let go of.

Letting go of a person does not mean forgetting, but more means getting rid of the stupid idea that he is “yours.”

You can't hold on to someone who wants to leave, you know? You can only love what you have while you have it.

Sometimes something comes into our lives that shouldn't linger. Sometimes unwanted changes are necessary changes for our growth.

Letting go of LOVE, there is pain in the heart, but there is no evil...

When my handsome prince exchanged me for some girl in thick, ugly glasses, I spent whole days, covered in tears, circling around the city without stopping. Stopping meant immediately crying. And only when I was walking quickly, almost running, at the limit of my breath, then I didn’t cry. I rushed around “with the breeze”, and passers-by did not have time to see my distorted face, only a draft blew across them. But there was no shame. There was a lot of sadness, which slowly went away with tears (at night), with fatigue and silence (during the day). With words, everything is simple - I couldn’t talk about him, and I couldn’t talk about him without crying either.

At some point you realize that you have done too much for someone, that the only possible next step is to stop. Leave him alone. Leave. This doesn't mean you give up, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try. This means you have to draw the line from despair. What is yours will be yours in the end, and what is not will never be yours, no matter how hard you try.

Growth and change can sometimes be painful, but the most painful thing in life is staying out of place.

Often we leave to be held, so a smart woman leaves only twice.

If a person was not suitable for you in 2017, then he will not be suitable for you in 2018. Let him go.

The hardest part of growing up is letting go of what you're used to and moving on with something new.

We broke up for good. Or not quite for good.

Let go of attachment, learn a lesson.

Accept what is, let go of what was, and believe in what can be.

- But are you happy that you left him? - Crazy! I only looked back at my past life once to make sure I had locked the door behind me.

Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.

Don't be afraid of change. There is a reason for everything. Deal with it. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

I don't feel lonely, but I feel abandoned.

You didn't love her, you just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe she was good for your ego, made you think better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her because you wouldn't destroy the person you love

Letting go and moving on is usually quite difficult, but once you do it, you will feel free and realize that it was the best decision you have ever made.

They tried to live without each other, moved away and reunited again, like the edges of an unhealed wound.

Some people believe that not forgetting someone is a great power. But in reality it takes a lot more strength to put someone down.

Never let fear determine your future.

It doesn't matter if it's a relationship, lifestyle or work. If it doesn't make you happy, let it go.

Fear is just a figment of your imagination. Sometimes it is difficult to decide to follow your heart, but you will make a huge mistake if you allow false fears to stop you.

“She will break up with him at the airport, and they will never see each other.” - You said it was a love story? — Don’t love stories end tragically?

Sometimes something good falls apart to make something even better.

You can't wait forever for the perfect moment. Sometimes you have to let go of doubt and take risks because life is too short to wonder about what could have been.

The world was a much happier place until people came up with the stupid word “goodbye”...

She won't let go until she sees for herself that there is nothing left to hold on to.

You are not the same person you were a year ago, last month or last week. You are constantly evolving. Nothing stands still. That is life.

... you can part with what is dear without regret for the sake of the one who is dearer than anything in the world.

The longer you are with the wrong person, the less chance you have of meeting the right one.

One of the most rewarding moments in life is when you finally find the courage to let go of what you cannot change.

Yes, and you will go your way Sprinkling joyless days, Just don’t touch the unkissed, Just don’t beckon the unburned.

Sometimes you need to cut some people out of your life to make room for someone better.

You should never force things. Do everything that is required of you and let life take its course. If something is supposed to happen, it will happen. Don't tie yourself to something you can't control.

Leaving is always much easier than staying.[/su_note]

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

When you stop expecting people and events to be perfect, you can begin to appreciate them for who they are.

We didn’t meet to part like this... Do you hear me? I don't want to be left without you.

Holding on to what is gone means believing that there is only the past. Letting go means knowing there is a future.

Live simply. Love with all your soul. Speak sincerely. Breathe deeply. Try your best. Leave everything else for something that is higher than us.

Again, a strange feeling, as if important threads were about to break, and I couldn’t do anything.

One day someone will come into your life and make you understand why it didn't work out with anyone else.

Surrendering and letting go are two completely different things.

You should break up when you don’t love a person, and not when you love him madly.

What is destined will come true in any case.

Moving on does not mean forgetting. This means that you chose happiness over pain.

What to do, my love, if you can’t leave yet...

Giving up does not always mean showing weakness. Sometimes it just means that you are strong and smart enough to let go and move forward.

Here you are breaking up with a person. We've already broken up. He is no longer in your life. And you are still, out of inertia, looking at what the astrologers promise him for today. You understand that it’s nonsense, but you look. And you can’t help yourself. And this continues until a new zodiac sign appears in your life.

It is painful to leave those we love, but it is a hundred times more painful to break with those who do not love us.

Stop focusing on your stress level and remember how lucky you are. Things could have been much worse.

You're hurting, accept it. Be patient until it passes, until time erases all traces.

Friendship. It begins when two people choose each other. But what happens when we outgrow our choice, when our paths gradually diverge, our needs change? And one day we wake up and realize that we must choose something else...

Whatever upsets you, let it go! There is no need to accumulate negativity. Stay calm and have a positive outlook on life. Something good will definitely happen to you.

She was suffocating without him.

I know I ruined everything, but I will always love you.

Some people cannot accept the fact that you are moving forward in life, and therefore they will try to cling to your common past. Don't condone their behavior. Keep moving forward.

All your life you will say goodbye, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop loving.

Loving someone who was taken away from you is such a pain...

No matter what you do, someone will always be unhappy. So live by your principles and make sure that you yourself do not end up disappointed.

The most unpleasant thing about a breakup is not the breakup itself. And the fact that they constantly tell you that you made a mistake. And as a result, you stop trusting yourself for a while.

— About a year later we broke up. Her quirks began to bother me. - It's clear. In the language of men, the word “quirks” means feelings.

Love yourself! Forgive yourself! Accept yourself! You are you, this is the beginning and the end - and no regrets.

When a girl grabs the handle of the front door - brought up on fairy tales, she dreams of being stopped. This never happens. There are no miracles.

Ironic phrases about leaving

You can express your intentions in different ways. If it’s not in your nature to post sad statuses, “I’m leaving your life” can be said with a dose of sarcasm and irony. And sometimes even blaming themselves for the breakup.

  1. I ran away from you, no need to chase me. In the chase, you may miss something important in life. The best thing to do is just start changing for those who deserve it.
  2. The best medicine will help you cope with the fact that I left - new love.
  3. The guy left - what a fool! You have 200 such applicants on VKontakte.
  4. If you love it, let it go; if it comes back, it means no one else liked it.
  5. The first couple of times it’s hard to leave, but then you get used to it and start waiting for this moment.
  6. If you leave, but no one calls you back, then you are heading in the right direction.
  7. They say that if you lose something, you can gain something valuable. I hope after I leave you will finally find your brains!
  8. I left and closed the door behind me. All you have to do is not open it again.
  9. You abandoned me and I left. Don't meddle in my life ever again.
  10. When you leave, they accompany you for two reasons: with the hope of returning you or with the desire to make sure that you are gone forever.
  11. Is it worth waiting for the one who left and falling at his feet, losing dignity? You shouldn’t ask to come back, because such a person doesn’t care about feelings.
  12. Men don’t know how to leave, and women don’t know when to leave.
  13. When leaving, I reserve the right to return to your life as a winner.
  14. Leaving is not a feat - it is a feat that they will not return.
  15. When leaving, I prefer to throw flowers behind me, in the hope that they will grow. This time it would be better if I threw matches, in the hope that everything would explode or the bridges would burn.
  16. How can you love so much that you leave forever? This is no longer love, but a battle of characters.
  17. Now we live in different directions. I went there, and you went back.
  18. Don’t tell me: “My little fool, come to me.” I left, I’m no longer yours, but once upon a time I really was a fool.
  19. I left and access to my heart for you... Closed!
  20. That's why it's like this: a properly abandoned man returns like a boomerang.
  21. If after I leave you say nasty things about me, then I broke you.
  22. I left because you reached the limit of my patience. Be happy!
  23. You expected more from me than I could give. It's not my fault, but your mistake!
  24. I left and am now married to someone else. All that remains is to put a stamp in your passport.
  25. I left and learned to say NO. No to you! And are you surprised?
  26. Gone. Goodbye darling, if I call you, don’t pick up. I'll only want to contact you if I'm drunk.
  27. I was the best and didn't suit you. Now I'm gone and you're seriously running after me?!

In anticipation of danger, a feeling of uncertainty.

No one leaves anyone, someone just moves forward. The one who lags behind believes that he was abandoned. Mikhail Litvak. Sperm principle


  • Never pretend that you are leaving, my child. This remedy is useless. Jean Anouilh. Invitation to the castle.


And then he left. Quit. It was as if Vasily Dmitruk and Yuri Moiseev had read a book and returned it to the library. It's time to live


When the best words have already been said, all possible tricks have been done, beautiful moves and turns of the head have been demonstrated, all that remains is “I love you.”


When I left that evening, I wanted to come back. I almost did it. But I knew that if I returned, I would remain the same, and he would not change. My Blueberry Nights


  • Maybe the main luck in life is to leave on time and without pain. From an unloved business. From unnecessary relationships. From someone else's life. And from yours too.


When she leaves, she will take all the colors and emotions with her. The very air he breathes will be taken away. Christine Feehan. Dark Prince

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