Short poems about happiness, beautiful pictures with poems

Short and beautiful poems about happiness

May God give you everything on your journey, Let you know - happiness has one essence: Only by making others happy - We make ourselves happy.

Happiness is when there is peace in the soul, When the heart does not groan in pain, When, while living your life, You yourself are the master of your chosen share...

Happiness has its own special taste, It is known with a full breath. And I know that I won’t be mistaken when I say about him: life is easy!

Just a little kindness A few more tender words I’ll add a drop of beauty And let love be on top Take a teaspoon at a time - Sorrows and bad weather will go away. Don’t be greedy, treat everyone. Perhaps this is how they distribute happiness!

What is happiness? Happiness is a world of miracles! Happiness is the sea, happiness is the forest. This is the path that goes up, Happiness is the hubbub of arriving birds! But the most important thing in the world is a child’s laughter, This is the smile that warms everyone. Happiness is the hands of mother and father, shoulder, Happiness is nearby, everyone has their own.

In spite of all the difficult troubles And envious colleagues, Distrustful girlfriends And neighbors, and the surrounding area - Be happy! For this, fate will illuminate you with light, suddenly give you all the blessings. Happiness is in the heart, not around!

And happy is the one who, at dawn, once managed to realize that he is alive! Hello! That the sun is shining! And there will be a new day again!

I'm gonna be happy! I firmly decided. After all, in my life I lived and sinned... What was, was... what will be, will be! Let it increase somewhere, let it decrease somewhere! I want to be happy! And I will - I know! Hey, my happiness! Where are you? I miss!

Happiness is not so easy to find. It is not possible for everyone to recognize Happiness without weight, without height... It is weighty in the heart.

Happiness is sleeping, And plowing until you're stupid... After a storm - calm and calm, After smoothness - a storm... On a hot day - a sip of water... Breaking old plans... Happiness is a couple of lines. From you. Unexpected.

Tell yourself in the morning: “Happiness, it’s time for us to get up!” So get up with happiness, don’t let go of yourself! Smile wider at him. And you will be happy in the world! Happiness loves to smile to those who love to admit that they are in love with earthly life, intoxicated with every breath... And do not want to see evil, sowing seeds of goodness!

What a Happiness it is to see and breathe, to Dream and Admire the Light, to decorate the Soul with Poems, to partake of the Love of the World. What happiness it is to walk along the Earth, washing yourself with the rays of the sun, to find your way among the roads, no longer doubting anything. Strive and strive upward, Uniting above the Earth, With that Joy - one for all, With that Grace - one for all.

Happiness has no purpose... There are no exact recipes either... There is a sea...wind blowing, Warmth of love and sunshine... A serene dream, a beautiful moment, A dream come true... May such happiness come as you are waiting for and looking for!

I want to be Happy in the World, So that laughter fills everything, So that it is easier to breathe in the World, And the night gives way to a Bright day. So that the bright light of the daytime Sun penetrates through troubles, grief, evil.

And I'm just living

The desire for simple happiness - is it really that much? And many envy other people, not realizing that envy does not lead to good things, but only takes away those grains of happiness that a person has, but does not notice at all. But just living is already HAPPINESS.

In this section, the poems about happiness are beautiful and meaningful.


And I just live, and I just love, Opening my arms to life. I pray, I fear, I breathe and seize every moment. I just want happiness! I don’t feel sorry for myself, giving someone warmth, Even if it doesn’t come back. I want people around me to be lucky! Their smile will resonate with me too. I want to trust without reproaches, insults, And from somewhere there is strength in me. If life is complicated, Life will answer us instantly. Just tell her: THANK YOU!


May there be so many wonderful moments in every day and every minute! Be happy, good people, Live without troubles and without unnecessary worries!

Happiness is in everything: in a bright, sweet smile, in the singing of birds, in warm meetings of friends, in tender love, in the aroma of a drink, in everything that is so important for us, for people!


Happiness! What else should I add? Feeling of spring. When everything around shines, We are clearly in love with life. So let's create happiness around us, increase it, and protect our land from everyday life and bad weather. So that happiness is complete, magical and new every time. So that the sun is like a foundation and green grass. And all around the eyes were shining and the children were laughing.


Fortune can shout “Ay!” for ages, but in the end, alas, you won’t be able to shout out. I will help you in this matter - I give you a magic spell for happiness!

Read it fifteen times in the morning, Then twelve more at lunch, Sing it seven times when it’s time to bye-bye, So that your neighbor can hear it.

The text is easy and remembering is not a problem, even children learned it in a minute. So repeat: “Why should I hang my nose? I am an example of the luckiest people on the planet!”


Everyone wants happiness, but what kind of happiness is it? Alas, only a few people know this. Happiness is waking up, seeing the dawn and knowing that there is no sin on your soul; Walk on the cool grass barefoot, Walk to work calmly, on foot; See the smiles of happy children, Have few, but true friends; Do not hide heavy grievances in your heart And act as our conscience tells us; Live in peace with yourself, with nature, with people, And in old age be surrounded by children; And be grateful to fate for this... I wish you this happiness!


Happiness is when there is peace in the soul, When the heart does not groan in pain, When, while living your life, You yourself are the master of your chosen share...

Happiness is when you are healthy, And your loved ones nearby are healthy, When every sip of life You savored like moisture in the desert.

Happiness is if a loved one shares words and actions. When, having lived a measured century, You enjoyed every minute...

Happiness is when, when you leave, you leave a mark on your life With a warm feeling that you didn’t live in vain, And it doesn’t matter how many years you’ve lived.


Happiness is clouds in the sky, Happiness is puddles on the roads, Happiness is tanned sides, Happiness is if someone needs you!

Happiness is snow, green grass, Happiness is a yellow leaf, streams in spring, Happiness is hearing tender words, Happiness is if you are with me!

Happiness is the trampling of children's feet, Happiness is the babble of children early in the morning, Happiness is mother's apple pie, Happiness is a thrill of love in the heart!

Happiness is a state of mind, Happiness is even a rainy day, Happiness is life, just don’t rush, Happiness is understanding that this is happiness!

Short poems about happiness with meaning

Love and life - they are inseparable, If you know happiness, your soul will sing... By combining all this together, You will understand that life is damn good!

Earthly happiness was given to me, But I did not accept it: My feeling yearned for something else, I was looking for another happiness! Did you find it? - here the lips are silent. My boat is still on the way, There is still fog and waves all around, And what will happen? - I do not know!

Where there is peace, there is happiness. Where there is light in the soul - There will never be darkness. Where the truth erases lies overnight There is love, there is truth - there is “I” And let our fate not be in our power. Even though we are not Gods, we do not live in heaven. But we have the power to give someone Happiness and share a spark of warmth!

And happiness is buying wallpaper, having a family, and being patient. And happiness is two people in the kitchen, drinking tea and spreading jam on bread.

And happiness is not Rome and Cuba, not a bunch of clothes, not entertainment. And happiness is too dear lips, a cozy house and tea with cookies.

We always only remember about happiness. And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it’s this autumn garden behind the barn and the clean air flowing through the window.

In the bottomless sky, a cloud rises with a light white edge and shines. I have been following him for a long time... We see little, we know little, And happiness is given only to those who know.

Give kindness - a miracle of miracles... With all your heart - easily and unselfishly. Let a man-made forest grow of the kindest words and noble thoughts. Good is like clean air on earth, It cannot be unnecessary and in vain. Give - the world around you will become brighter from the petals of donated happiness!

If you’re happy, you’re happy, you fool, don’t be foolish. If you become unhappy, don’t feel sorry for yourself. Do not throw evil and good indiscriminately at God: God, the poor, is a thousand times harder!

Omar Khayyam

Since everyone who comes here for a while only cries that he must leave forever, Happy is the one who was happy at least for a moment, And calmer is the one who has never lived.

Omar Khayyam

Oh, Happiness, where can I find you? The crystal shore is astern. The Ship of Life sails through the desert, rocking, after the Dream. My dream, what's wrong with it? What kind of flame burns in it? And is there a lot of warmth and enthusiasm in her? And what does she hide within herself?

You don't need words for happiness, There are too many of them, you can get lost. Looking for words, you can't get to the essence. For happiness does not need words. For happiness you need a gentle, warm look, When you quietly pronounce your name, When you carry such a storm within yourself, To melt the blizzard and snowfall, Casting only one happy glance.

People chase happiness every day from dawn to dusk... But they don’t know about the law of life - Happiness is what you have inside...

Maybe gullibility is better? Maybe love is better than calculation? God will reward and help those who give... Fate will take away from those who take...

One Hundred Hours of Happiness

No one is alien to happiness, and for no one this state goes unnoticed. Many famous poets also wrote poems about happiness, expressing in them their feelings, the wonderful experiences that it generates in the soul.

This section contains a selection of poems about happiness by Russian classical poets.

One hundred hours of happiness...

One hundred hours of happiness... Isn't that enough? I washed it like golden sand, collected it lovingly, tirelessly, bit by bit, drop by drop, spark by sparkle, sparkle by sparkle, created it from fog and smoke, received it as a gift from every star and birch tree... How many days did I spend in pursuit of happiness? on the chilled platform, in a rattling carriage, at the hour of departure she overtook him at the airfield, hugged him, warmed him in an unheated house. I cast a spell over him, cast a spell... It happened, it happened, That I extracted my happiness from bitter grief. It is in vain that they say that one must be born happy. It is only necessary that the heart is not ashamed to work for happiness, that the heart is not lazy, arrogant, that it says thank you for the little things. One hundred hours of happiness, pure, without deception. One hundred hours of happiness! Is this not enough? Veronica Tushnova

What a blessing it is to simply live

What a joy it is to simply live, to breathe, to walk, to meet the dawn, to follow the white cloud, to want to say: “Thank you for the bright and cozy home, for all the relatives living in it, for what I value in life and where I find joy. For the forest, the overgrown path, For the spikelet and cornflower, For the hedgehog, the leaf, the blade of grass, For the light of true friendship. For the generous summer and winter, For the aroma of ripe apples, For the wonderful spring pictures And for the fall of autumn leaves.” What a blessing it is to get up in the morning and continue to live in the world!!! Zinaida Polyakova

What is happiness?

What is happiness? Some say these are passions: Cards, wine, hobbies - All the thrills. Others believe that happiness is in a large salary and power, in the eyes of captive secretaries and the awe of subordinates. Still others believe that happiness is a great participation: Care, warmth, attention and commonality of experience. According to the fourth, it’s to sit with your sweetheart until dawn, confess your love one day, and never part again. There is also an opinion, That happiness is burning: Search, dream, work And daring wings of take-off! And happiness, in my opinion, simply comes in different sizes: From a hummock to Kazbek, depending on the person! Eduard Asadov

This is stupid happiness

Here it is, stupid happiness With white windows into the garden! The sunset floats quietly across the pond like a red swan.

Hello, golden calm, With the shadow of a birch tree in the water! A flock of jackdaws on the roof Serves the evening star.

Somewhere beyond the garden, timidly, Where the viburnum blooms, A gentle girl in white sings a tender song.

The night chill is spreading from the field like a blue cassock... Stupid, sweet happiness, Fresh rosy cheeks! Sergey Yesenin


How festively the garden was bloomed with purple and white lilacs.
Today is a special, lilac day - the beginning of a blooming summer. In just a few days, the bushes were dressed up, newly opened leaves, into large and lush clusters of flowers, into thick and moist brushes.

And we remember with what simplicity, with what hope and passion we searched for five-petalled “happiness” between the stars in a dense cluster.

Since then, the bushes of this generous lilac have bloomed in front of us so many times. And if we haven’t found happiness yet, Then maybe it’s only out of laziness. Samuel Marshak

Poems about happiness and love

There is no such thing as unhappy love. It doesn’t happen... Don’t be afraid to get into the epicenter of a super-powerful explosion, which is called “hopeless passion.” If a flame bursts into the soul, souls are purified in the fire. And for this, with dry lips, “Thank you!” Whisper to Spring.

Don’t be afraid to say: “I love you!” to those who are dear to you endlessly! After all, in this World we are not eternal - we are always on the edge, on the edge...

Don’t be afraid to lose yourself, Giving the enthusiasm of Smiles! And the insignificance of mistakes. Learn to sincerely forgive!

And may the light not go out in the Soul, And may we be unarmed in Love, But the happiness of being needed by someone is nothing more important in our Life!

I wanted to kiss you - your hair, lips, eyes. I wanted to hug you and caress you all night until the morning. But I just can’t snuggle up to your warm chest. Because my ray of happiness is far away from me...

Don't be afraid to love, Believe in love, Follow it forward! Unhappy is the one who did not love, He simply does not live.

You drink your life from the spring, May the water in it be purer from happiness, May they love you and not judge you strictly, And may your hand always reach out to your hand!

For a woman’s happiness, I need a little... Let the morning knock on the window with joy... My beloved husband’s breath is nearby... Well, in general, I don’t need much for happiness... I want the children to have good luck... They are all right - that means I’m happy... And let the house bypass bad weather... I don’t need much to be completely happy!

What is happiness? Moment, Sweet moment. There will be more such minutes, without a doubt. Happiness is a cry from the soul, Let it be loud. Let only the eyes sparkle, Let the laughter be only ringing.

Happiness - Hearing your voice and dissolving in it, And carefully drinking tenderness drop by drop... Soul to soul, breaking boundaries, Collecting pearls of words on a thread...

Happiness - Seeing emerald caress in your eyes, Touching your shoulder with your breath... And again believing in a crystal fairy tale, Having barely sipped the magic on your sweet lips...

Happiness - Press your beloved cheek to the palms of your loved ones And greedily inhale the aroma of their warmth... And you know, I’ll tell you a secret - After all, before you... it’s as if I never lived...

Happiness - Give a smile and joy with every breath, And repeat your prayer to Heaven - “Oh, God! Don’t let him feel bad!” I can’t stop the pain in my heart then...

Happiness - Loving you every moment of the century, Ringing dawn and velvet dreams... Sparkling snow, daisies in the summer... Each rain... inhaling Love...

Life is not a walk, not a novel, Not an eternal holiday of contemplation, Fate has one flaw, It gives us trials, Half a life of battle, half a life of pain, And only a moment of joy, You can’t wash away the salt from emotional wounds, But in these wounds there is healing, While they are in you they burn, And make your heart beat, Your gaze will not become cold, And your spirit will not turn into stone, The years fly by, they do not feel sorry for us, We are all in the power of time, Disdaining suffering and sadness, Find your ray of Happiness in the darkness!

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Happiness loves silence...

They say that the less people around us know about our personal life and our plans, the better and more successful everything turns out. And it’s true: you’ll think of something and share it with your friends, and then all your plans will be upset... “Happiness loves silence” - Yuri Kalugin’s poem is about how important it is not to ruin everything with a hasty, inopportunely spoken word.

Happiness loves silence

How our happiness loves silence... A calm look and a kind word.
Don't break the thinnest string, So as not to remain lonely again. Keep, cherish, protect always, Do not let it wither without love and affection. Then, having lived together for years, Love’s colors will sparkle as before.

There is no need to flaunt your happiness, There have been enough envious people in all centuries. Trouble will come, believe me, more than once. And there was no silence in the house...

Appreciate the one who is nearby in difficult times. He didn’t run away, didn’t hide, didn’t renounce. It happens in our lives that sometimes we take it on a relative and get burned.

Try to smooth out the stupid dispute, Understand, forgive for the spoken word. Don’t take all the rubbish out of your doorstep, Happiness will perish stupidly, stupidly.

Let him take a nap to his heart’s content at least once, Believe me, it is also not two-core, In everyday life, don’t let it bury itself in the abyss, After all, happiness gets tired, and very much...

Take a little burden on yourself, You will see how your eyes suddenly sparkle. They will hug you tenderly, lovingly, All the feelings that have faded away will be reborn.

Close your front door from the past, Don't worry about what will happen next. Trust the one who is with you now, Don’t be afraid of your nightmares anymore.

Wrap you in a blanket, hug quietly, And gently kiss happiness on the sly. The novel has just begun, look at the book... We have marked life with a bookmark again.

How our happiness loves silence! Even if this is not new for many. Don’t break the string of your love, So as not to be lonely again... Yuri Kalugin

Pictures with captions about happiness

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