Phrases with meaning about vision. Quotes and statuses about the look

Eyes are the mirror of the soul... Perhaps this is the most famous proverb about the human organ of vision. Indeed, the eyes can tell a lot: You can know an animal by its claws and teeth, but you can see a person by its eyes. And then, as if in contradiction to the first, the proverb sounds: With eyes and braids, but straight with soul. We see that the eyes do not always reflect the inner essence. In addition to philosophical thoughts, proverbs with the words “eyes” and “eyes” give apt characteristics: The eyes are cut like sedge.

On this page we tried to collect the most apt and interesting proverbs about eyes and eyes.

Proverbs with the word “eyes”, “eye”

Sadness is visible in the clear eyes, and sadness is visible in the white face.

And her face is white, and her eyes are cheerful. One eye can see far. The eyes are eagle, and the wings are mosquito. It flatters your eyes, but it hurts your eyes. The woman scolds the prince for their eyes. Don't praise to your face, don't scold behind your eyes. Don't believe the words, but believe your eyes. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. The eye sees, but the tooth numbs. The fascist eye sees Moscow, but the tooth gnaws. The eye sees far, but the mind sees even further. Where the heart lies, there the eye runs. The envious eye sees far. Don't look too high, you'll spoil your eyes. The eye will not be satisfied with sight, nor the mind with wealth. The master's eye watches over everything.

Statuses about a girl's eyes

What is a woman's appearance? Deception! There is poison in her, a bewitching dope, her eyes are the mirror of the soul... there is not a shadow of falsehood in them...

We met our eyes, and I suddenly realized that dreams have colors...

I don’t know what I will do when I see your eyes... After all, the heart says: “I love...” And the mind whispers: “I hate”

Oh, those women's eyes! They are fog, a deep pool, they will lift you into the heavens, and all sorrows will drown in them.

Don't look, I'm all empty. My look will not give you an answer. I learned to lie with my eyes and lost my conscience somewhere.

Any girl becomes chic when she is with a man who knows how to light up her eyes and decorate her life.

Proverbs with the word "eyes"

A beard is no substitute for eyes.

The eye is small, but it sees far. The eye is black, the look is lively, the habit is wolfish. Eyes without a soul are blind, ears without a heart are deaf. The eyes are turquoise, and the soul is soot. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. The eyes are like bowls, but they don’t see a crumb. Eyes are wet. The eyes are droopy, the mouth is yawning. The eyes are cut like sedge. With eyes and braids, and straight soul. And one eye and a keen eye - you don’t need forty. It is not the eyes that see, but the person; it is not the ear that hears, but the soul. One eye on us, the other on Arzamas. One eye on the mill, the other on the forge. An arrow will land between the red-hot eyes. He sits and blinks his eyes. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Don't believe your ears, but believe your eyes. Your own eye is a diamond, someone else's is glass. You can know an animal by its claws and teeth, but you can see a person by its eyes. There are no eyes on the back of the head. The eye sees, but the tooth is numb. An envious eye sharpens the soul. Someone else's eye sees more. Eyes would not see, ears would not hear. Out of sight, out of mind. The eye does not see, the soul does not hurt. The eyes are envious, and the hands are raking. Our eyes are pits, and our hands are rakes. The eyes are ashamed, but the soul rejoices. Don't give your eyes free rein. She cries with her eyes, but laughs with her heart. Fear has big eyes.


Not in either eye. He has eyes in the back of his head. His eyes are wider than his belly. Talk face to face. He lies and doesn't blink an eye. Go wherever your eyes lead you.

Descriptive sayings about eyes

You can’t ignore those quotes about looks that mention their color. These statements are not used too often, but are interesting in their own way:


  • Anyone who looks at the world with blue eyes through rose-colored glasses is always happy. Everything is purple for him!


  • Gray eyes are found in those who carry desert in their souls.
  • I used to have eyes as blue as the sky. And now they are gray, like love.


  • The best in the world. Green is the color of hope.

At the moment there is no collection of quotes about views. Aphorisms on this topic are evenly distributed across such sections as “Love”, “Ideas”, “Relationships”.

Women's eyes are always beautiful, no matter what color they are.

How great it is to be loved, always in a hurry to go on a date, and see how he hastily kisses you with his eyes.

Only for your sake, my love, will I believe in reality, only for the sake of your amazing eyes am I ready to die and be resurrected.

The eyes are always more tender than the heart.

It’s unlikely that there is a person who can read the whole truth in my eyes without saying a word... But I’m looking for him. Still looking...

Mmm, what eyes. -Which? -Green. -Do you like it? -Not really! They are just a little more beautiful and kinder than others.

And only looking into your eyes, I understand how much I love you. Perhaps I get into your soul, the soul that I love.

You were leaving with your girlfriend, but you stayed for a minute. In my eyes there is resentment, anger, pain. but your eyes said “I’m still yours!

What did you give dad for his birthday? - Money. Tomorrow we'll go buy mom shoes.

It's not scary to die looking into your eyes.

Women's eyes are always the ocean: sometimes the Pacific, sometimes the Arctic.

Don't you want to love me just for my beautiful eyes? … . Then love me for my raspberry lips, vanilla-scented hair, and strawberry nose.

To set your heart on fire with love, your eyes are enough!

Those who see only with their eyes miss a lot.

when the eyes just shine, you can conclude... this person is in love...

Well, where are you, my happiness with blue-gray eyes?

Only by the eyes can one understand the sincerity of a person.

And when our eyes met, I realized that you are the one I’ve been waiting for for so long...

Look into the eyes for a few seconds, you know how the soul is visible through...

To understand a person, look into his eyes; his lips regularly lie.

People in whose eyes there is nowhere to fall lower are called friends.

He says: “I’m even better without her now - look!!!”, and he hides his eyes when they meet.

A soul that can speak with its eyes can kiss with its gaze...

She looked at me like I was looking at an unoccupied taxi.

The eyes are the most perfect lie detector.

For some reason, a person with dark eyes looks more interesting, mysterious and sexy.

This is how man is made. He can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes. This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that happens inside.

How to sleep? -Well, go to bed, close your eyes and pass out!

Learn to give signals in Morse code: short and long glances

One day you will look into my laughing eyes and cry.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own soul.

And only looking into your eyes... I understand why I am still alive...

The most beautiful eyes. Not blue and not brown. The most beautiful eyes. Not big and not small. The most beautiful eyes. Not wide and not narrow. The most beautiful eyes are the ones you love. It is in your beloved eyes that you can see the reflection of your love.

The eyes are the window of the soul.

Say about a person only what you could repeat when looking into his eyes.

Her eyes are open wide, there is a smile on her face, sliding across his features with a familiar lunar glare. Her words are funny, simple and frank, she is not someone from whom you should expect betrayal.

They say you can describe a person by his eyes. The blue ones hide the endless ocean, the green ones hide the virgin forest, but the brown ones contain chocolate.

They say that people with blue-gray eyes are very reliable, practical, generous and romantic...

The face is a portrait of your soul, and the Eyes are a sign of your intentions.

I cheated on you! - How? - I looked into the eyes of another - Well, this is not cheating - And I fell in love...

Eyeliner is another way to hold back tears...

There are men who are more eloquent than women, but not a single man has the eloquence of a woman's eyes.

Your eyes look, but through me...

I dissolve in the depths of my beloved eyes, fly away, forgetting the day and hour. I die and am born again and again and I know that love leads us along the same path.

The eyes of a liar are a crooked mirror of the soul.

The main thing is not to turn around and not see your eyes...

Women's eyes speak louder than words.

They undress some with their eyes, while they try unsuccessfully to dress others.

The eyes are a window behind which the human soul is magnificently visible. You just need to be able to look through this window.

He has beautiful eyes, and then everything somehow happened on its own.

There is so much softness and tenderness in the green color of the eyes that you can’t help but believe in the sincerity and loyalty of their owner.

Men make eye contact much more often than women, because women have two pairs of equally expressive eyes.

By putting on dark glasses, a person tries to protect himself from the invasion of uninvited guests into the world of his soul.

Looking into a person’s eyes, you need to see his soul in them, and not just your own reflection.

If you hold an eloquence competition between men and women, then the latter will a priori win, because no man can overcome the eloquence of a woman’s eyes with any words.

One careless, accidentally intercepted glance can sometimes say more than a long intimate conversation.

A stranger is a person whom you have not looked into the eyes, because one glance is enough to understand a lot.

When a man looks into my eyes, I feel uncomfortable. There is a feeling that either he examined everything else, or considered that there was nothing to look at.

You can carry on a conversation without opening your mouth - your eyes do an excellent job of this.

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

The eyes are afraid and the legs are running

Some are undressed with their eyes, while others are tried unsuccessfully to be dressed.

The eyes are always more tender than the heart.

The eyes are the most perfect lie detector.

Eyes are the most expressive part of a woman's face

Why don't people believe their eyes? Even those eyes, looking into which they see tears?

The most beautiful eyes in the world are the eyes that look at you with love!!!

Women's eyes often fail.

Some people who look into our eyes are just looking for their reflection there.

I close my eyes - a lot of money, a car, a dacha in Cyprus. I open my eyes - no money, no car, no dacha. Maybe there's something wrong with the eyes?

Envying eyes can even embrace the immensity.

Burning eyes do not always emit light.

Some are undressed with their eyes, others are tried to be dressed.

All the power is in the eyes, sometimes they are more useful than their owners.

You can drown in blue eyes, like in the ocean... or you can swim out, if you know how to swim... it’s not clear what to do with green eyes, it’s like a swamp, if you get stuck, then that’s it

Eyes are the initials of the soul.

There should be a reflection of happiness in the eyes of beautiful and big ones.

Yes is a word that women pronounce more easily with their eyes than with their lips.

In the mirror of her soul there are only shadows.

Eyes are the initials of the soul

Beautiful eyes don’t lie, they’re just cunning.

Only a deep neckline can distract from bottomless eyes.

My mirror is the eyes of my man. I am always irresistible in it!

Penetrating eyes know how to look behind the image.

The eyes are a very perfect lie detector that is always with you.

And only the eyes can tell about what cannot be expressed in words...

First one after another, then another - you need an eye and an eye, but you can’t get enough eyes.

The eyes of a liar are a crooked mirror of the soul. (Yuri Tatarkin / EYES)

No matter how much you eat with your eyes, you won’t be full.

Only when you set out on your final journey can you close your eyes to everything

Women's eyes speak clearer than words

A woman has no age... A woman has eyes... They cut out light... A tear runs out of them... They contain her secret and treasure... Losses and the joy of meetings... How a woman needs to be understood!!! How a woman should be protected!!! There is as much beauty in her, As there are stars in her soul... And the key to her dream is Surprisingly simple... If only there were eyes nearby, In which the count of winters was lost... Then the rest cannot but be given away to others.

Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Her beautiful legs are in my mirror of the soul.

Website of one-eyed people - Admiral Nelson, Kutuzov, S.B. etc.

To understand how smart a dog’s eyes can be, just take a closer look at the owner’s gaze...

The most beautiful place in a person is the eyes. The best moments in life are when those eyes look at you.

My eyes didn’t betray me, but my heart beat...

You can fly into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes all your life. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, may the cross-eyed forgive us.

Other eyes are like fragments of a broken mirror of the soul

The eyes contain a million times more than their most complex structure.

There is no microscope that magnifies as much as the eyes of a person admiring himself.

You can fly into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes all your life.

This is how man is made. He can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes.+ This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that happens inside.

When you don't take your eyes off a woman, she becomes prettier before your eyes.

Other eyes are like fragments of a broken mirror of the soul. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I like your eyes, dark and beautiful, like my soul.

Hold your gaze on my eyelashes and you will understand that you simply need these eyes...

Only when you set out on your final journey can you close your eyes to everything.

How painful it is to look into the eyes that you love and that do not love you.

Sincere emotions and feelings are revealed by the eyes... They glow with happiness, they wither in pain... They tear up when the soul suffers and the heart groans mercilessly in the chest... They tear up from the happiness of meeting and love...

We have closed our eyes to this, but we can still open them!

The teeth are kept on a shelf and the eyes are on a leash.

We don't need extra eyes. Extra eyes result in extra mouths.

Eyes are the gates of the soul...

Women look in the mirror to see themselves through a man's eyes.

Take care of the sparkle in the eyes of dear people... Once extinguished, you will never return the old sparkle...

I believe! These eyes don't lie. After all, how many times have I told you that your main mistake is that you underestimate the value of human eyes. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never! You are asked a sudden question, you don’t even flinch, in one second you control yourself and know what needs to be said in order to hide the truth, and you speak very convincingly, and not a single wrinkle on your face moves, but, alas, the truth, alarmed by the question, with the bottom of the soul jumps into your eyes for a moment, and it’s all over. She's spotted and you're caught!

The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also the mirror of deception.

They say that you can like gray eyes... you can fall in love with blue ones... and only brown ones make you crazy... I have one question: what should I do with green ones:?)

You should not walk with your back, but with your eyes! (the student walked along the corridor with his back) – Yukina E.A.

Women's eyes are not a mirror, but an optical sight.

Appearance is deceptive, a smile is not always sincere... And only the eyes have not yet learned to lie...

The eyes always see something that is difficult to refuse.

Appearance is deceptive, a smile is not always sincere... And only the eyes have not yet learned to lie...

Prolonged eye contact immediately generates a strong feeling of affection.

A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but a searchlight of the soul.

Democracy must be watched with both eyes until only one remains. (Vladimir Borisov

The eyes are the mirror of the soul... So we have to wear black glasses so that not everyone looks into the soul...

Women’s eyes are always the ocean: sometimes the Pacific, sometimes the Arctic...

The seemingly honest eyes turned out to be just empty...

The eyes are afraid, and the legs are running!

Beautiful eyes don't lie, they're just cunning.

Most people often use aphorisms in their conversations without knowing it. Aphorism translated from Greek means “definition.” It conveys a laconic form of human thought from different eras of existence. Thus, people of different generations in any life situation are able to express their thoughts with the help of the established wisdom of centuries. Many aphorisms can be found about eyes. We often say: “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” And all because they are able to tell much more than words. The eyes will not hide the resentment, anger and sadness. It is easy to recognize sparkle and sincerity in the eyes. That is why this selection of aphorisms about the eyes will be familiar and close to many.

The eyes are always more tender than the heart. Etienne Rey

Rather, because everyone’s eyes are in plain sight...

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. Ralph Emerson

And it is right! You can say anything...

There is no microscope that magnifies as much as the eyes of a person admiring himself. Alexander Pope

This is especially true for girls))

People's ears are more mistrustful than their eyes. Herodotus

Because you can hang noodles on your ears!

Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears. Heraclitus of Ephesus

Well, it’s not for nothing that they say: it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times

A good, benevolent and sincere person can be recognized by his eyes. Marcus Aurelius

I think if you know how to read eyes... it happens that a person has such eyes that seem to be honest, but in reality he is a liar(((

Eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. You can see who has a great dryness in their soul, who can poke the toe of a boot into their ribs for no reason, and who is afraid of everyone. Michael Bulgakov

Bulgakov is a wise man!

The interlocutor’s eyes are a world of crooked reflections. Angelika Miropoltseva

Damn good expression!

Of all the people I've met over many, many years, she was the first one I really liked. She was the only one I remember who looked me straight in the eyes - as if I meant something. Ray Bradbury

Ah, this wonderful Bradbury, each of his words is worth its weight in gold))

Infinity is the eyes in which you always want to drown. Angelika Miropoltseva

These are dangerous eyes...

Of all the human sense organs, the eye has always been recognized as the best gift and the most wonderful product of the creative power of nature. Hermann Helmholtz

But there is a phenomenon of blind artists, deaf composers... What to do?!

Children's eyes are always open wide to the world. Old age often just squints at him. Leonid Sukhorukov

Children are simply always open to new things...

This is how man is made. He can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes. This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that happens inside. Olga Anina

Yes, excitement and fear are immediately visible in people's eyes

Proverbs about eyes and the ability to see

In someone else's soul there is not water in a ladle: you can't see it right away.

The gaze of an eagle and the flight of a falcon. The crooked one can see who is wearing a bad caftan. An owl is visible in flight. You can see a falcon by its flight, and a good fellow by its steps. Everyone is a sight for sore eyes. It turns white and blushes, but still doesn’t look good. He has big eyes and mouth, but there is no way to him. And the pockmarks - yes love; and braid - yes, he looks like me. From underneath Friday, Saturday is visible. Just as fire is not visible in flint, so in a person there is a soul. As he looks at the forest, the forest withers. Between the blind and the crooked in honor. Don't look at the face, but look at the custom. Pakhom is not worth a penny, but looks like a nickel. If you turn away, you won’t see enough. He spread his fingers and spread his ears. He looks like a morel and braids the porridge like a hero. He looks like a falcon. Someone else's soul is not a threshing floor: you won't look in. He sees half a finger into the ground. Look at both, and see at three. Whatever you look at is what you see. Seen is better than said. I looked but didn’t see, listened but didn’t hear. He looks far away, but does not see under his nose. You can see the owl by its flight, and the girl by its gait. The cat sees milk, but its snout is short. The dog sees milk, but it’s deep in the jug. The bird is visible in flight. It is better to see with your own eyes once than to hear a hundred times. What I don’t see, I don’t rave about. The blind are no guide to the blind. And a blind horse is lucky if a sighted person sits on the cart. To the blind hen it's all wheat. The blind man said: Let's see.


Your main mistake is that you underestimate the value of human eyes. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never! Michael Bulgakov

What is not in the thoughts will not be in the eyes. Mongolian proverb

To find a friend, you need to close one eye; to hold it, you need to close both. Norman Douglas

The beauty of a woman should be visible in her eyes, it is the door to her heart, the place where love lives. Audrey Hepburn

The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, figure or hairstyle. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives. Audrey Hepburn

Beautiful are those eyes that try to see only the good in people.” Audrey Hepburn

They say: eyes are the mirror of the soul. But for many they are like fogged glass: inside, in the soul, the embers of feelings and hopes are still smoldering, and outside, in reality, the cold winds of betrayal and betrayal are raging with might and main... Oleg Roy

It’s not for nothing that they say that your eyes give away your age. It happens that it is possible to completely erase all individual features, all signs of age from the face, leaving a smooth white sheet. But you can't help your eyes. Oleg Roy. Bankruptcy of imaginary values

Eyes can speak. Scream with happiness or cry. With your eyes you can encourage, drive you crazy, make you cry. You can deceive with words, but with your eyes it is impossible. You can drown in your gaze if you look carelessly. Omar Khayyam

If we listen to the child living in our soul, our eyes will regain their sparkle. Paulo Coelho

The mind of people is in their eyes. Persian proverb

Just as one should not try to treat the eyes separately from the head and the head separately from the body, so one should not treat the body without treating the soul... Plato. Dialogues

Open your eyes wider, live as greedily as if you will die in ten seconds. Ray Bradbury

Tired eyes benefit from looking at greenery. Seneca

I close my eyes and the whole world dies; I open my eyes and everything comes to life again. Sylvia Plath

You don't need eyes to see Dancer in the Dark

Eyes are the windows of the soul. Turkish proverb

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart, which is why the winged Cupid is depicted as blind. William Shakespeare

Often happiness is sought in the same way as glasses: when they are on the nose. Francoise Droz

Our eyes, like an imaginary movie camera, snatch out pieces of stories from which the pictures of someone's memories are gradually put together. Haruki Murakami. Aftergloom

Sunglasses protect from the sun, but not from men. Yanina Ipohorskaya

The eyes are as eloquent as the lips. Japanese proverbs and sayings

The eyes have the amazing ability to begin a conversation before the lips move, and can continue to speak when the lips have long been closed.

There are such eyes in the world that when you look at them, you don’t mind dying... Even if the Sun isn’t shining, you look into them and it becomes hot... And from birth people have been looking for them... Both in warm weather and when there is bad weather... Those eyes are those of the one who loves us... This is reflected in them... Happiness!

The mirror of my soul is the eyes. They give me away without knowing shame.

Carrots are definitely very good for the eyes. Have you ever seen a hare with glasses?

They cry when I shouldn’t cry... Or they get angry, changing their color.

They may even feel sad and look in the mirror everywhere.

Fortunately, they only know how to lie. I won't teach them this!

Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes.

Don't believe your ears, believe your eyes.

There is nothing sweeter than life, nothing faster than the eye.

Until your heart hurts, your eyes don't cry.

In my opinion, the most beautiful eyes are those who look at you with love. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they are brown, blue or green.

The most beautiful part of the body is loving eyes.

The most beautiful eyes are those who look at you with love. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they are brown, blue or green.

The tongue can say anything, but the eyes will never lie.

The tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes never can!

The worse the vision, the fewer illusions. Alexander Kulich

In order to wear glasses, it is not enough to be smart, you must also have poor vision. V. Dubinsky

Nothing distinguishes humans from animals more than glasses. Harry W. Smits

The eyes are a window behind which the human soul is magnificently visible. You just need to be able to look through this window. Jassim Farid

Language is not always able to express what the eye sees. James Cooper

This sadness was so enormous, so burning and terrible that it was unbearable to see. It’s scary to watch how her soul shines in a woman’s eyes. John Steinbeck. Golden Cup

When the eyes are directed to the sky, the sky is reflected in them. When they look at a swamp, the swamp is reflected. Our will and choice is where to turn our eyes. Dmitry Yemets

Women feel if a man, looking into her eyes, sees another. The Notebook

What the eye does not see, the soul does not care about, it simply does not exist. David Herbert Lawrence. Lady Chatterley's Lover

All my life I have looked into people's eyes, but this is the only part of the body where, perhaps, the soul still resides. Jose Saramago. Blindness

I see everything too clearly and it hurts my eyes. Jules Renard

Not a single mind in the world who had the agility of a teacher managed to open his eyes to someone who himself was not going to open them. Igor Guberman

Ears deceive, eyes are truthful. Kalmyk proverb

A woman is happy when she sees her husband's smiling eyes and knows that she is the reason for this joy. Kurban Said. Girl from the Golden Horn

A good, benevolent and sincere person can be recognized by his eyes. Marcus Aurelius

We love with our hearts, but we fall in love with our eyes. The Mentalist

Oh, eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. Everything is seen. Mikhail Bulgakov, “Heart of a Dog”

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