V.N. Fedotkin. Why do Russians take so long to harness?

V.N. Fedotkin. Why do Russians take so long to harness?

In 2021, the Ryazan regional branch of the All-Russian creative movement “Russian Lad” conducted a survey on the Russian issue. How people treat him. 88% of surveyed college students and 83% of university students are to one degree or another concerned about the fate of the Russian people

. At the same time, 26% in colleges and 32% in universities responded that this issue worries them very much. The highest rate is 95% among enterprise workers over 50 years of age.

So the talk that the Russians have already degenerated is deeply mistaken. The Russian spirit lives in Russia! And at some point, the solution to the Russian question may become truly important and decisive, fateful for the country.

Analysis shows that interest in the Russian issue among the people is growing. More and more often, people think: “Why are we Russians worse than others?” There comes, if not a moment of insight, then at least an awareness of injustice towards a great nation. Many people start asking questions. Not finding understanding and support from the current government, many people think about their significance and the history of the Russian people, trying to find parallels and answers in it.

This greatly worries the current masters of Russia, American and Western European politicians. They know how such a search for answers to unresolved questions usually ends. Hence, it is no coincidence that the organized and frenzied attack on the Russian people and their history.

Here it is worth remembering the words of the great Russian military leader Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev. In his entire life he did not lose a single battle and for this he earned the great title of “Suvorov’s equal” among the people. “The experience of recent years has convinced us that if a Russian person accidentally remembers that, thanks to his history, he still belongs to a great and strong people, if, God forbid, the same Russian person accidentally remembers that the Russian people are one family with the tribe Slavic, now tormented and trampled upon, then cries of indignation rise among home-grown and foreign foreigners.”

Why is there such pressure and noise around Russia? What are the claims of the United States and other countries against Russia based on? Because of Ukraine, Crimea? If we give up Crimea, will the attacks stop? Of course not. If they weren't there, they would have come up with other reasons. As they say in Krylov’s fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”: “Your only fault is that I want to eat.” There are very serious objective reasons


The fact is that Russia owns the largest living space in the world - the largest territory in the world. Countless natural resources, including forests and water. Other countries don't have this. They increasingly lack space and resources. It will get worse. As the world's population grows, the eyes of many countries will be even more attracted to our wealth, and they will become increasingly attached to Russia. These countries are neither bad nor good, neither evil nor good. Their authorities really think about the future of their country. They simply do not have enough living space. To survive, they need our wealth and a market for their products in Russia. To do this, it is necessary to suppress everything and everyone inside Russia who or what interferes with them. First of all, Russians as the main obstacle. At the same time, in the conditions of globalism, it is important to get ahead of other countries, because each of them tries to grab the most tasty morsels.

And neither we nor they will escape from this. Neither we nor they simply have nowhere to go. If we don't change the situation ourselves

, then the pressure on our country will increase until it crushes it.
The external environment will dissolve Russia, just as it dissolved the USSR. If we don’t change anything, it’s a matter of time. There is only one way to counter this: by increasing your economic strength and improving people's lives.
And this needs to be done as quickly as possible. “Today, many television and radio channels reassure us: “The Russians take a long time to harness, but they drive fast.” They promise: “Russia has a great future ahead.” There is only one point - do not rush to be indignant and protest. Everything will work out in due time. Today we need political stability. But this stability is not in development, but in extinction. Russia continues to remain not only a source of raw materials, but also a FINANCIAL and INTELLECTUAL donor to the United States and Western countries. They solved many of their problems at our expense. Nothing much is written about this.

With the current weakening, and in some areas, degradation of Russia, this is difficult to stop. The capitalism of individual countries has outgrown itself. A kind of dismantling of classical capitalism is taking place in the world. Power is increasingly being taken by supranational structures. This is already a fairly well-known fact. The mixing of states and peoples will increase. But how? Absorption of some by others. Will all states and peoples remain?

No. And Russia should be one of the first to fall.

The US and the West reason simply: why buy oil, gas, timber from the Russians if you can take everything for free. And to do this, create a situation in which the Russians and other peoples of Russia will get used to and come to terms with the idea of ​​Russia being subordinated to economically stronger countries. Moreover, they will find advantages in this against the backdrop of economic and social decline in our country. And it, this decline, will continue to be deliberately instilled. And the United States and Western countries want to come in the role of savior, including the Russian people. But we must remember the well-known truth: those whom the United States helped, they ruined. Will we have time to gather strength and defend ourselves?

I am sure that the leadership of our country understands this very well, but is in no hurry to do anything. Perhaps all their accusations of Western countries of Russophobia and sanctions are just a coordinated political game.

The world is changing. Russia has changed. But the main problem is not in the USA and the West, but in ourselves, including the Russians. Of course, the Russians have a lot of problems. But the biggest of them is our disunity.

It is quite obvious that the Russians will not shy away from a real fight. And the later we understand this, the worse it is for us. Our tolerance has gone too far. We saved a lot of others. It's time to save yourself! How?

Through the efforts of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian organization “Russian Scientists of Socialist Orientation”, the All-Russian organization “Russian Scientists of Socialist Orientation”, a large block of socio-economic proposals has been prepared both for bringing Russia out of the crisis and for further development. It was adopted at the Oryol Economic Forum organized by them. It has already been written about him more than once. Carrying out the decisions of the Oryol Forum, the Communist Party faction in the State Duma introduced a number of very important bills. The official authorities are silent and do not criticize them, because there is nothing to criticize. They must be accepted and implemented. This is the salvation of Russia!

Many people rightly do not like our common home – Russia. Some scold him in the kitchen. Others go abroad. But the question is: who should clean up your house, your apartment? Who are you waiting for? Put things in order yourself. The one you need. This is salvation. The only thing that should not happen is inaction.
At the same time, of course, the historical merits of the Russian people are important.
But no less important is what are we like now, in the 21st century? Of course, the services of our ancestors to the Motherland and people are very important. And what services do we have now to them and to the future? Why do Russians take so long to harness?

FEDOTKIN – member of the board of the VSD “Russian Lad”, doctor of economics. Sciences, Professor Ryazan Region Fedotkin society protest patriotism capitalism


Quote from Lenavolgina's message

Read in full In your quotation book or community!

Russians HARNESS for a long time, because they don’t like to rush and don’t like war, but they DRIVE quickly. The whole world knows this. The ancient SLAVS did not like to fight at all, with no one and never, and no one could force them to fight. But one day, the SLOVEN were FORCED to enter into battle and were forced to stand and line up in a multi-kilometer line - a rank, on the battlefield, against an enemy army of many thousands. But when the declaration of war and its beginning were read out, a flock of hares ran between the lined up armies and the entire army of SLOVENs, as if on command, chased after this flock of hares, preferring a PEACEFUL hare hunt to WAR against people.

A lot of time has passed since then, but the Russians still don’t like to fight to this day, unlike the whole world and all the peoples who, every single one of them, fought with Russia, attacking it both in the neighborhood and in the compartment, en masse, going to beat and kill Russia in world wars. But no one could ever defeat Russia, and she always won, everyone who came with a sword and weapons to kill Russia. Whoever came with a sword and weapons. All the neighbors came, with WEAPONS AND SWORDS next to them.

This is not a complete list of neighbors who came to fight and kill Russia. Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Danes, Poles, Germans, English, Austrians, Hungarians, Romanians, French and (all Jews in a bunch and in droves and individually). Turks, Tatars, Mongols, Chinese, Japanese and all sorts of people came to fight with Russia. And from the NORTH and from the WEST, from the SOUTH and from the EAST, and even from overseas America.

Today, again, overseas warriors, accustomed to fighting WITH OTHER HANDS, PEOPLE and NATIONS, arranging and organizing fights and wars all over the world, in order to take away everything they have from opponents weakened by war and battle, fights, and take them into their slavery and bondage. and profit from the war. That's who needs it. This is where war is like a mother and Satan is like a father. They came with the whole world, more than once, to beat, kill and rob Russia 100 years ago in 1914, then again 27 years later, feeding the BEAST of fascist Germany with the Nazi and maniac Hitler, fed especially for Russia by all of Europe and America and the whole world, with so that he would kill and swallow Russia.

But this campaign against Russia, by the whole world, turned into the greatest disgrace for the whole world and all 100 countries, who went out in droves to beat, kill and rob Russia. This was the second campaign of the world or the attempt of the world on Russia. 78 countries of the world took part in the first campaign against Russia, against Russia alone. So, Russia is no stranger to defending itself, not only from any and every BEAST, but also from a whole pack, arava and flock of BEASTS, today again trying to bite and kill Russia. All these 72 years that have passed since the beginning of the Second World War (WWII), those who prepared two world wars against Russia and to kill it, feeding Hitler all these years, they were preparing for a new war with Russia, which is in their throats and does not allow them to turn the world into a trash heap and Satan and godlessness and madness. Today the same world DIRECTORS and puppeteers, masters of the world, world rulers from the underground of the Bildberg Club of the WEST, EUROPE and AMERICA, sitting in neutral Switzerland, this viper satanic nest on gold stolen from the whole world and puppeteering with their marionettes, EUROPE and the entire WEST, have again prepared a new world war and want to kill Russia again. For this, they have already prepared not only Ukraine from the WEST, but also the entire ARAB WORLD from the SOUTH, where the fire has long been kept burning by constantly adding oil to the fire of Syria, Turkey, Israel and the entire Middle East and Asia.

It’s time for everyone who gapes at someone else’s loaf and pie, Russia, to understand that GOD Reason is always with her. She is chosen today by God Reason. God protects and protects Russia, which today in the world is a SYMBOL OF REASON, A SYMBOL OF GOD, which has to fulfill the WILL of the Mind of the Universe of God, UNITE the whole world in the HOLY SPIRIT, in the SPIRIT OF GOD, in this 21st century of the HOLY SPIRIT and this era, the era of the HOLY SPIRIT. And no one is able to prevent this and violate the WILL of the ALMIGHTY. Today, with the change of eras, changes have begun, according to the Will of God of Reason, in the CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE WHOLE WORLD OF PEOPLE, of all peoples and of every person. These dramatic changes will last 15 years.

The world will be united. A new SPIRITUAL TEACHING will be created in Russia, which will become an IDEOLOGICAL MIRACLE for the whole world and a NEW UNIFIED WORLD SPIRITUAL TEACHING, instead of all the religions of today, which have reached a complete dead end, are ineffective, not viable and do not meet the requirements of the life of today's world of people, with all their They live out the last years of their lives in false external splendor and inner emptiness.

On their basis, or rather on the primary sources of TEACHINGS of all beliefs and religions, the FOUNDATION of this simple GLOBAL SPIRITUAL TEACHING will be created, it is in Russia and not anywhere else like Russia, its SPIRIT today is a nest or refuge or TEMPLE for God.
So, Russia, God has given you a GREEN LIGHT for all your THOUGHTS, WORDS and DEEDS. God Reason places his HOPE in you RUSSIA and BLESSES you for RIGHTEOUS and HOLY and REASONABLE deeds. Russia can neither be KILLED, nor BUYED, nor intimidated. You will survive everything. God Reason is with you. The time to look back and be equal to Europe, the West and America has passed. Go Russia. God is with us. https://galaktika.mirtesen.ru/blog/43544277164/

New in blogs

First things first

Let me give you one quote:

“Pushkin’s idea expresses the ideal of our Fatherland , that is, the pinnacle of development of the identity of the union of the Slavic and Turkic peoples: friendliness, desire for good, tolerance and compliance, lack of arrogance and the desire for equality, gullibility. This desire for spiritual unity of people of opposite temperament and understanding, the desire for versatile, close and reliable relationships between people is manifested in Russian communalism .

Pushkin wrote: “It is in the character of the people not to be afraid of fatigue or physical suffering;

in the character of this nation one can observe patience and activity , gaiety and sadness, it combines the sharpest contrasts ... The people who, a hundred years ago, defended their beard, will defend their head in our time.”[1]

The goal of the Russian cultural-historical type is the developed spirituality of the social system. Follower of Pushkin N.Ya. Danilevsky developed thoughts about the Russian spirit: “It is not interest that constitutes the main spring, the main driving force of the Russian people, but an internal moral consciousness, slowly preparing in its spiritual organism, but completely embracing it when the time comes for its external practical discovery and implementation...

Another conclusion from the historical peculiarities of the development of the Russian people is the enormous preponderance of the national Russian element over the personal, individual element ” [2] .

Pushkin spoke about democracy: “In my opinion, democracy in the form it is understood is just a word - nothing more. At all times there have been elected leaders. The world was ruled by thought: the rational will of a few and a minority ruled humanity . In the mass of wills, the wills are separated and the one who masters it will merge them together . In a fatal way, people, under all types of government, were subject to a minority or units; so the word “democracy”, in a certain sense, seems to me to be meaningless and devoid of soil.” Already in our time, the correct translation of the word “ democracy ” has been found - this is not the power of the people, but “ oppression of the people ” (translated from Arabic by N.N. Vashkevich ). So Pushkin was right, and we see directly ourselves the oppression from the Jewish “democrats”.

[1] Pushkin. PSS. ed.2. Moscow. Resurrection. 1997. v.8, p.153

[2] Danilevsky N.Ya. "Russia and Europe". 6th ed. St. Petersburg "Verb", 1995, p. 164.

(From the book by V.M. Lobov. “The Third Yoke of Russia” https://pushkins1.narod.ru/new2.html

As it is easy for the attentive reader to notice, this saying, expressed in a concentrated form, has its detailed interpretation in the words of N.Ya. Danilevsky: “It is not interest that constitutes the main spring, the main driving force of the Russian people, but the internal moral consciousness that is slowly being prepared in its spiritual organism , but completely embracing it when the time comes for its external practical discovery and implementation..."

In my opinion ( Afanasy...etc. ), in order to increase the speed of “harnessing” you should, as they say, “sit on the heels” of V.M. Lobov and work hard to “prepare your spirit” for the upcoming “fast ride” .

We harness for a long time, we drive quickly. Is it far...


How to start the path to your goal and stay there.

Oh, how I want to become slim, my legs are from my ears. And you walk down the street in a beautiful dress, the wind plays with the hem, you shyly hold it.

Men look after you with admiration, and women feign indifference...

Oh, how great!!! Yes Yes. Starting Monday, I definitely, I just swear, will go to the gym. And I will study there day and night. And now why shouldn’t such a beauty eat that cream cake?

One of my friends, when she is about to take up some “grand” project to change her life, writes oaths in all seriousness: “I, last name, first name, patronymic, solemnly swear: from tomorrow I will stop eating sweets, go on a diet, go to gym, etc.” Then this document is shown to friends and family, so that they put pressure on their conscience when it breaks down.

By the way, her sports bag with her things has been at work under her desk for almost 2 years now. “Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today. That's what lazy people say" - German folk saying.

How to start the path to the goal and stay on it?

First and foremost! Choose a goal that interests you. Down with the dreams of girlfriends and their invitations to “go out for company.” Just something personal and very desirable.

Do you want to learn English? First decide - why do you need it?

“Just to know” is rather weak for the purpose.

“I want to work at the Sladkie Pliushki company, go on business trips abroad” - better.

“I need to communicate with friends and colleagues right now in order to grow above myself” - strong motivation! In this case, you will not only learn, but also practice, which will greatly increase your chances of success.

Honestly, good English is my personal real goal, because I plan to move to Bali. Yes, yes, I don’t waste time with my goals and work hard towards them.

Second. Write your goal down in a nice notebook.

Enter today's date.

Now develop a step-by-step plan in large paragraphs.

For example, find foreign language courses, find a private teacher, watch educational videos, listen to audio, talk with a native speaker on Skype, etc.

And go ahead! I listen to audio while driving, cram 20 new words and sentences every day, and watch movies only in English. Nowadays you can find a lot of material on the Internet for any level of knowledge.

Third, very important. Reduce the significance of your actions. No solemn beginning, oaths, witnesses. Take small steps towards your goal.

Not “from next Monday, month, year,” but right now I got up and went...

Walk 45 minutes around the area or watch a 15-minute story in English. Maybe read one chapter from a textbook, give up just one piece of bread at lunch or one piece of candy after lunch.

Fourth. I beg you - no “feats”! A powerful start only leads to fatigue, disgust and breakdown...

All in small but persistent steps.

How babies learn to walk - the first step, slap, cry, stood up, took two steps. Every day, all the time. And there, you look, he’s already running around, playing football. One step is always better than none!

Remember that in any business there are ups and downs. Somewhere you can allow yourself to slack, somewhere you can strengthen yourself. The main thing is to go towards the goal without stopping!

Fifth. Never scold yourself, only praise and encourage yourself.

And repeat your positive affirmations several times a day:

— I easily learn 20 English words a day.

— I have excellent British pronunciation.

- I am resilient and flexible.

— I eat delicious natural foods.

— I have a slim, fit, athletic figure.

- I'm young and beautiful.

When you compose an affirmation, remember the rules: only about yourself, positive statements, present tense, no denials “no, no, never.”

There are such wise words: “Run towards your dreams! If you can't run, go. If you can't walk, crawl. If you can't crawl, lay your feet in her direction. Rest and continue on your way."

If you need help finding motivation, feel free to knock, I’m nearby at www.elenacentr.ru. Or I keep my blog on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yes_molodosti/. There we talk a lot about motivation, achievement and goal setting. Maybe you will be interested too.

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