Beautiful statuses for girls and women: short phrases with meaning

Wise statuses with meaning

A smile has a mirror effect - remember this. 18

Only the one who gives people joy, radiating simplicity, is good. 23

Ours will not leave us. What went away was not ours. 14

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. 18

Sometimes question what you take as axioms. 10

Until tomorrow comes, you will not understand how good you had today. 25

Wisdom is when you understand everything, but are no longer upset. 16

To be interesting, be interested. 22

If you endure it now, you will endure it tomorrow. 10

Don't look for the third end of the rope. 14

Time, which is also life, will never return to you. 8

If your emotions make your decisions for you, you will soon lose yourself. 18

Throw away your wisdom if it doesn't solve your problems. 19

Sincerity is the soul dancing in the rain. 10

The strength of a person lies in accepting one’s imperfections... and learning about the world of people just like you. 9

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with friends. 13

What's on the outside doesn't last long. What's inside sticks you for life. 15

There is only one thing that makes fulfilling a dream impossible - the fear of failure. 12

Life is a step forward and a step back... So I'm dancing for now. 20

Every person has desires that he does not communicate to others. And desires that he does not even admit to himself. eleven

Keep your soul light. Against all odds, despite everything. This is the light by which the same bright souls will find you. 19

Get drunk and you will be happy for several hours, fall in love and you will be happy for several years. Plant a garden and you will be happy for the rest of your life. eleven

If you sow weeds, you won’t reap grapes! 9

If you try, you have two options: it will work or it won’t work. And if you don’t try, there is only one option. 19

There is only the present - and by looking forward, you can change the future. And the past is no longer there. 17

If everything didn't turn out as expected, don't be upset. God's plans are always better than ours. 18

The problem is given to us not to complain, but to solve. 14

Everything is temporary. When the rich understand this, they cry. When the poor are poor, they rejoice. When lovers understand this, they begin to appreciate every moment spent together. 9

Our ideas about how things should be prevent us from enjoying the way things are. eleven

Take risks. If you win, you will be happy, and if you lose, you will be experienced. 21

Sometimes we want something very badly, but for some reason we do not dare to do it. But the desire does not weaken, it still lives in us, and at some point - when we are completely unprepared for it - it flares up and declares itself in full force. 5

To predict a person's future, you need to look at what he spends his money and time on. 13

Happy is the one who knows how to be simple in difficult situations. 16

Statuses about women

On one issue, men and women agreed: both do not trust women. 7

As long as women are alive, they will dream the impossible and strive for the miraculous. 15

To become a real woman, you need to be next to a real man. 8

A beautiful woman is worth her weight in gold, beautiful and loving is priceless. 7

Women cannot live without men. Men cannot live without women. But both of them stubbornly pretend that everything is the other way around. 2

A woman with whom you will not get bored will not let you grow old. -6

No serious problems affect a woman as much as the nonsense that she has just created in her head. 7

Every woman would rather be beautiful than good. eleven

The highest art of a woman is to appear accessible, but to be unattainable. 20

A woman never knows what she wants, but she knows perfectly well what she wants. 12

The girl’s weakness is one thing - she cannot pass by the mirror without looking at herself. 15

Women have an eternal problem: in winter it seems that there are too many summer clothes, in summer there are too many winter clothes, and there is always nothing to wear. eleven

A woman is only as beautiful as her self-confidence. 15

A woman, if she throws a good tantrum and cries, can prove that two and two are five or even six. 16

Women always guess everything. They only make mistakes when they think logically. 10

If a woman rejects a rich man, it means he is not that rich. 12

It’s bad without women and bad with women. But on the other hand, it’s good with women and good without them too! 14

A woman falls in love seven times a year. Six of them are in shoes and a dress. 17

A woman is happy when she sees the smiling eyes of her beloved and knows that she is the reason for this joy. 10

An experienced woman is one who knows how to pretend to be inexperienced. 14

The man has one thing on his mind, the woman – I don’t know what I want. 8

And God created woman... Since then there has been no rest for either man or God! 23

Research has shown that 25% of women take anti-anxiety medications. This means that the remaining 75% are walking around in a rage! 16

A quiet man is a thinking man. The quiet woman has already thought of something. 15

It's a diabolical misunderstanding - you may not fit into the dress, but the cake always fits. 13

An offended woman is capable of any action except the appropriate. 12

The contradictory nature of women - they can’t stand lies, but they love compliments. 13

One woman sees right through another. 9

No matter how much a woman works, she should always look like a beautiful slacker. 13

A woman who loves you will forgive you all the bad things. A woman who stops loving you will hate you even for good things. 15

Women's tears can mean anything. But in most cases, the woman just wants to cry. eleven

Women are always right. Do you know why? Because. 22

In every decent woman there lives another, completely indecent one. The main thing is to use it in the right proportion. 14

With bad women there is no peace, but with good women you die of boredom. 9

Time often hurts us

  1. Life has taken a lot from me, but in return it has given me a real family.
  2. It’s so difficult to realize that everything that can happen happens now, and after death there will be only emptiness...
  3. You can go through difficulties with a smile on your face. The main thing is that it does not turn out to be tense.
  4. If someone abandoned you, give vent to your feelings, cry and suffer. But not for long - you don’t need to get hung up on anything.
  5. A person's character is measured by things that can cause him to take offense.
  6. Before you start pursuing something, make sure you don't actually enjoy suffering.
  7. You can survive any difficulties, but forcing yourself to live in the moment is almost impossible.
  8. Remember: you can only trust yourself, and even then not always.
  9. Perhaps life is a mirror. The main thing is not to stumble upon a curve.
  10. If a person has not given you anything good, you can reassure yourself with the phrase: “It was an experience.”

Short and to the point

Who understands you the most? Husband, girlfriend, parents? Have you noticed that if you put it as precisely as possible, the wall of misunderstanding simply melts... Especially for you - short statuses for women and with meaning :

  1. Shake only outstretched hands.
  2. Requirements - only at work.
  3. More often you can be on the same wavelength in silence.
  4. Care - at any age.
  5. Famous is not always successful.
  6. Your path may be wrong.
  7. Female infidelity is much worse.
  8. Kindness is criticism, condemnation is evil.
  9. Feminism is not about making men suffer.

Beautiful for the beautiful

It doesn’t matter your origin, the number of expensive dresses in your wardrobe and broken hearts. The main thing is how open your heart is and how much kindness you are ready to bring into this world. The most beautiful female statuses with meaning have been compiled just for you. :

  1. He is the head, she is the neck. He thinks, she thinks.
  2. You can ignore everything, but not your own experience.
  3. The more sincere love you have, the more you see it around. Remember, there are too many bad things in the world to notice.
  4. Give your dazzling smile at least to yourself.
  5. It's up to you to decide whether to open your feelings, but it's a pity that it's not up to you to decide who to have them for.
  6. The ability to negotiate will come in handy in different life situations: when passing exams, in trade, in marriage...
  7. If a woman does not know what the psychology of poverty is, then she is either terribly rich or terribly poor...
  8. Laugh, cry, have fun and be sad, but don’t despair!
  9. Having made envious women, do not rush to enjoy a good life: always be on your guard.

Phrases from the life of the fair sex

  1. The happiness of family life depends on both, comfort - on its owner.
  2. A cigarette makes the strongest woman helpless.
  3. Sometimes I wonder who I am: too strong a girl or not a strong enough guy...
  4. Happiness lies in cooking when you want.
  5. A woman's strength is shown during her child's tantrum.
  6. The petty girl immediately scolds the guy, the wise one corrects him.
  7. You can allow a man a lot, but you still shouldn’t allow him.
  8. The strongest is the one who does not go to the pages of his exes.
  9. A woman who doesn't drink is both good and strange at the same time.

Statuses for girls with meaning that will receive comments

Don't think too much or you might create a problem that didn't even exist.

You smell like ulterior motives, get away from me.

I really don't care if anyone doesn't like me. I'm not here to entertain you.

Never become so desperate that you settle for less than you deserve.

We can complain because roses have thorns. Or rejoice because the thorns have roses.

Some people will love you. Others - to hate. The rest quietly dream of being you.

Before you judge me, make sure you are perfect.

Silence is a girl's loudest cry.

A girl should be of two types: cool and fabulous.

Behind the girl’s favorite song lies some kind of personal story.

Never underestimate a girl's ability to figure something out.

Girls upgrade their looks, not their minds, because they know that most men are stupid, but not blind.

Girlfriends are like breasts: some are real, others are fake. (We recommend reading more beautiful quotes about friendship).

We spend time searching for the perfect lover rather than creating the perfect love.

If you don't want your heart to be easily broken, then don't allow yourself to be taken easily.

Girls are like policemen. Even when they have all the evidence, they still want to hear the truth from you.

Girls are like telephones, they like to be held and talked to, but if you press the wrong button, the connection will instantly be interrupted.

A little black dress is one of a girl's best friends.

Keep your heels, head and standards high.

Girls who don't ask for much deserve it all.

My motto: always stylish, never vulgar and a little daring.

I love the confidence that makeup gives me.

Always act as if you are wearing an invisible crown.

Girls are beautiful, not hot. They're not temperature. (I advise you to read quotes and sayings about the beauty of a woman).

I'm jealous, so don't touch my hair, face, phone or boyfriend.

Life statuses for girls about relationships with a guy

  1. Bad relationships become character weaknesses.
  2. Never lower your standards for a guy, make him raise his standards for you!
  3. It only takes one bad guy to realize that you deserve so much more.
  4. Don't look for a man who will solve all your problems. Find someone who won't let you face them alone.
  5. Sometimes I wish I could be a little girl again because bruised knees heal faster than a broken heart.
  6. Make the girl happy! This is the most amazing feeling she has ever experienced.
  7. No guy is worth your TEARS , and the one you have now will NEVER make you cry.
  8. Every girl needs a good guy who will teach her to laugh when she thinks she'll never smile again.
  9. Someday you will understand that I am the best thing that happened in your life, but it will be too late.
  10. When guys get jealous, it can be quite cute. When girls start to get jealous, World War III begins. (Find out what to do when a guy is jealous).
  11. Don't compare me to other girls. There's no competition. I'm one of a kind.
  12. You will find a girl more beautiful, smarter and funnier than me, but you will never find one like me.
  13. My knight in shining armor turned out to be a loser in aluminum foil.
  14. Love is a form of amnesia when a girl forgets that there are several billion other guys in the world.
  15. Dear guys, I sent you a “Friend Request” and not a “Marriage Proposal”, so please stop overacting.
  16. Some guys smell like headaches and drama. Please stay away from me.
  17. It's better to be strong than beautiful and useless.
  18. I'm the girl everyone wants to be with, not the girl everyone had.
  19. Wave in his face and say, “Bye, honey.”
  20. You don't deserve my tears. I think that's why they don't exist.

About the most painful things

Sometimes you want to invite your best friend, grab a bottle of good wine from the supermarket and be properly sad. But we all know that this does not always work out. In return, you can at least amuse yourself with meaningful female statuses :

  1. Nothing adorns a girl more than a moderately sober lifestyle.
  2. No perfume is much better than cheap perfume.
  3. A successful marriage is like good breasts: depending on your luck.
  4. The less you eat, the slimmer and sadder you become.
  5. Beer is a drink, including for ladies who are left alone.
  6. There is the gift of nightingale singing, there is the gift of supernatural flexibility, and there is the gift of painting your own nails.
  7. If your woman asked for flowers, be glad it wasn't a fur coat. A fur coat? Be happy it's not a car...
  8. Your man doesn’t have to be very successful: at least he shouldn’t go into the red during his life with you.
  9. If a guy is supposed to be a little more handsome than a monkey, then a girl is a little smarter?!

Women's statuses about high

Who can give us the best advice? Of course, only great... women. Their expressions are worthy of beautiful statuses for a woman with meaning.

  1. When choosing a career, remember that there must also be someone with whom you should spend wonderful evenings. M. Monroe
  2. It’s not a shame to have a weak point, it’s a shame to not know about it and let it be used for someone else’s purposes. M. Dietrich
  3. Have you decided to transform yourself? Start from within! K. Chanel
  4. Can't change a flaw in your appearance? Pretend it doesn't exist... S. Lauren
  5. Learning something important means suffering. A. Jolie
  6. When creating yourself, it is impossible not to experiment. Madonna
  7. To be defeated does not mean to stop living. M. Thatcher
  8. The closer a person is to you, the more difficult it is to love him. Mother Teresa
  9. Violence interferes with the happy life of the one who commits it. I. Gandhi
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