Beautiful sayings about children's drawing. Quotes about children drawing

Quotes about drawing

The Vampire Diaries

Drawing is a metaphor for control. I choose everything - the canvas, the colors. As a child, I had little understanding of the world and my place in it, but drawing taught me that you can achieve your goals with ordinary willpower. It’s the same in life: you can simply not let anyone get in your way.

Leonardo da Vinci

A painter who sketches senselessly, guided by practice and the judgment of the eye, is like a mirror that reflects all the objects opposed to it, without having knowledge of them.

Robert Rodriguez

I chose cinema because it can combine photography, drawing, music - everything I did

Joshua Reynolds

The habit of drawing accurately what we see gives a corresponding ability to accurately draw what we conceive...

Al Quotion. Improvisation spare part

And still, withdrawing into myself, I continue to draw birds. And sometimes, looking in the mirror, I notice that I myself am nothing more than an unsuccessful sketch of a bird, written by the hand of an unknown master on a crumpled piece of random reality.

Robert Banks (Banksy)

I drew rats for three whole years, and then someone said to me: what a talented anagram of the word “art” (English rat and art). And I had to pretend that I knew about it all my life.

Multicolor (Karafuru / Colorfull)

- Not bad! Then will you draw me? — I don’t draw people. - Why? - I hate them. mostly. - Is that so? I hate people too. Hey, let's get something to eat.

Vladimir Nabokov. Luzhin's defense

It was a pleasure to draw. He drew his mother-in-law, and she was offended; I drew a profile picture of my wife, and she said that if she was like that, then there was no point in marrying her.

Stars on the Ground (Taare Zameen Par)

Why is art needed? Express innermost thoughts and feelings. If you are happy, you don’t hesitate to take on brighter colors. And if you had a bad lunch, dull, dull colors fall on the paper.

Stars on the Ground (Taare Zameen Par)

- Draw, paint, do whatever you want. - But what should we draw, sir? There's nothing on the table. - On this table? This table is too cramped, my friend. Too small for your wonderful imagination! Look into your thoughts, find a beautiful picture, pull out an image from there. And splash it out on paper!

I draw because I can’t do otherwise

Drawing means showing love for life. This is exactly what statuses about drawing on VK tell us.

  1. Creations make the artist immortal.
  2. Paintings are visible poems.
  3. When creating a painting, the artist paints his own self-portrait.
  4. The picture can be anything, the main thing is that it excites hearts.
  5. Drawing should be based on love.
  6. Painting is one-of-a-kind. She demands that the artist devote himself only to her.
  7. Painting should not be too close to reality. It could kill her.
  8. Any seeker of the ideal should take a closer look at painting.
  9. The plot of the picture cannot be described in words. It must be felt.
  10. Being in a state of mental comfort, an artist rarely creates a true masterpiece. Creation with a capital C requires a storm!
  11. The artist does not have to prove anything. He just shows.
  12. There is no room for fuss in the life of an artist.
  13. You can learn to draw, but not to create.
  14. When we admire a painting and do not think about the artist who painted it, we give him the best compliment.
  15. Only someone whose life is rich in events and experiences can create.
  16. The artist's hand is guided by providence.
  17. To draw, you need a burning heart!
  18. What is contemporary art, you ask? I'll explain it to you! This is when I bought a painting to cover a hole in the wall, hung it up, looked at it - and realized that the hole was more beautiful!
  19. Drawing is useful if it enriches the mind and does not distract it from development.
  20. Painting, understandable to everyone, becomes a great creation.
  21. Truly beautiful is the one who is able to see, feel and convey this to paper.
  22. The subjects of great paintings are always relevant.
  23. The artist himself judges the whole world.
  24. Painting shouldn't teach you anything. It should change us for the better.
  25. In drawing, you can choose an unmistakable style - imitation of nature.
  26. A smug artist usually produces mediocre paintings.
  27. A gifted artist is able to draw even emptiness.
  28. Good paintings should not be overly graphic.
  29. Drawing can be different in terms of goals and results. Both a portrait painter and a caricaturist can draw, but how different are the fruits of their creativity!
  30. I am an artist and I think with lines and strokes!
  31. A talented artist must resist evil with his creativity.
  32. Artist, aren’t you competing with the creator?!
  33. Painting picks up external signals, even when left alone with itself.
  34. In the world of painting, everything is possible and nothing is impossible.
  35. An artist must always improve his talent.
  36. The desire for excessive wealth deprives a person of the right to be called an artist.
  37. One of the few ways to leave a mark on this world is to paint pictures.
  38. By drawing, we introduce our personality to the world.
  39. The means of painting are so rich that they make it possible to depict not only a person, but also his creator.
  40. Love and craftsmanship come together to create a masterpiece.
  41. In the heat of inspiration, you can draw a sketch. To create a painting requires a lot of work, study and deep knowledge of art.
  42. Every artist is in love with nature.
  43. An artist seeking profit creates dead works.
  44. The life of an artist is not entirely mundane, although temptations regularly plague him.
  45. Every artist needs to see perspective!
  46. If people freeze in silence in front of a painting, they are loudly praising its creator.

Quotes about drawing

What I have never tried to do is draw. Only a self-confident person can calmly distort reality without experiencing discomfort.

The habit of drawing accurately what we see gives a corresponding ability to accurately draw what we conceive...

I chose cinema because it can combine photography, drawing, music - everything I did.

Paint ? it is first of all to look, observe, discover. You need to draw to penetrate into the depths of what you see, so that it remains in your memory for a lifetime.

The most capable monkey will not be able to draw a monkey, only a person can do this, and only a person considers such an ability to be a virtue.

To draw differently means to see differently.

Drawing is not the same as form. This is how you see the form.

I draw what I see in my dreams.

A painter who sketches senselessly, guided by practice and the judgment of the eye, is like a mirror that reflects all the objects opposed to it, without having knowledge of them.

"Leonardo da Vinci"

Improve yourself by drawing objects large, approximately the same as they are in reality. In a small drawing, even large flaws are not easy to see, but in a large drawing, small flaws are clearly visible.

"Leon Batista Alberti"

All good and true artists draw lines according to the picture imprinted in their minds, and not according to nature.

His room was a cold, square box, but also a refuge, since he could draw here without anyone looking over his shoulder.

Why is art needed? Express innermost thoughts and feelings. If you are happy, you don’t hesitate to take on brighter colors. And if you had a bad lunch, dull, dull colors fall on the paper.

A happy life needs to be painted with light strokes - this is the only way to capture the beauty of elusive feelings.

Whenever possible, I look at children's drawings. It seems that none of them are bad. It's always terribly interesting.

Proverbs and sayings about the genres of fine art

The task of art is not to copy nature, but to express it. O. Balzac

The truth of nature cannot and will never be the truth of art. O. Balzac

You can be a scientist with scientists, but with artists you need to be a poet. O. Balzac

Painting argues and competes with nature. Leonardo da Vinci

Great objects of art are great only because they are accessible and understandable to everyone. L. N. Tolstoy

It is an axiom that beauty is a necessary condition for art, that without beauty there is and cannot be art. V. G. Belinsky

True artists are equally successful in types of scoundrels and decent people. V. G. Belinsky

A true depiction of moral ugliness. more powerful than all attacks against him. V. G. Belinsky

With works of art, as with people: they can be sweet even with the greatest flaws. L. Burnet

Statuses about drawing

. Outside there is only night and bad weather. The frozen maple yearns for the drops... I draw ordinary happiness - Unpretentiously, I just draw.

Like a quiet first-grader, I draw strokes and circles. On a piece of paper from a school notebook I dream again on a November night:

This is heaven. And there, you see, the sun. A little lower are purple mountains. And the straight horizon is just the sea, the huge sea!

Swift-winged, idle seagulls plow through the water as if along a highway, And with a coastal wave rocks an elegant yacht at the pier...

That's all... I'll put the marker down! A yacht in a haze, like a cloud, melts... On a piece of notebook happiness Only you and I are missing... - иz -

Girl at the window

During class, eighth-grader Seryoga Bulyzhnikov was drawing another battle in his notebook to the measured voice of his literature teacher. A lone musketeer fought bravely against a crowd of cardinal's guards

-Can you draw a naked woman?! - Breathing hotly right into his ear, asked Seryoga’s temporary neighbor at his desk, the notorious slacker Valerka. “I can, but I won’t,” Bulyzhnikov answered calmly. - Why? - I won’t, that’s all! - If you don’t know how, just say so! He’s also an artist for me, you idiot! - I can’t do this? This... full text...

Draw me boldly. Draw, but don't lie. Draw me with chalk and quickly erase me.

And in this movement there will be an accurate portrait And almost a comprehension of all the lost years.

Let only a small white streak remain. Like a true and bitter unfinished verse...

I will draw a cozy house: Behind the curtain there is a trembling light. The glass is covered with thin ice. A frozen trace of a narrow palm. I’ll draw a fireplace: the firewood is quietly crackling... Your silhouette is somewhere there, in the window, - You can barely distinguish it through the snowfall. I will draw (believe me!) At the very end of your path, a couple of steps, a porch and a door, so that you can enter this house. I’ll draw a spruce tree and two chairs. An old candlestick with a candle in it... Will the drawing turn out to be banal? Yes! - That's exactly what I want.

I draw HER, with my breath on my frozen window, two hearts - one consciousness... I am in her, and she is in me... without touching, but one whole, and without words, but everything is clear... caught fire with her, were brave, blazed love fire... fingers intertwined again, by accident... a shiver through the body, a love current, and we wanted so desperately to nirvana, one step...

No kingdoms gone into darkness, Not a single king - Assyria! — I remembered drawing One.

There are evil Assyrians with spears and shields, Floating along the entire page On bull's bubbles.

It’s so wonderful to sail without a boat! And the splashes are not visible, And the flat beards touch the waves.

It's so fun to ride the wave with everyone. “Hey, warrior in a sharp helmet, Isn’t it scary in war?

Hey, warrior in a sharp helmet, you’ll stay at the bottom!” But the warrior in the sharp helmet does not answer me.

I'll completely forget about them. God knows in what year I will rummage through the trash - I will find that textbook

Bound in cardboard. And I will hear splashing in it. "Are you still swimming?" - “We are still sailing!”

I paint with a ray of sunshine, I paint with raindrops, I paint with a temporary sword, I paint - this is my life!

In life, everything is important, just as every detail is important in a drawing. Something may not work out, hurt, slow down, or be unpleasantly surprised. It is important to be able to gather yourself, to be able to create in your life such a general context in which it will still be possible to live and rejoice.

Quotes about drawing

Drawing is a metaphor for control. I choose everything - the canvas, the colors. As a child, I had little understanding of the world and my place in it, but drawing taught me that you can achieve your goals with ordinary willpower. It’s the same in life: you can simply not let anyone get in your way.

This is a perfect copy of reality. But the purpose of the painting is not to reproduce reality, but to interpret it, improve it, show it with your own eyes.

A painter who sketches senselessly, guided by practice and the judgment of the eye, is like a mirror that reflects all the objects opposed to it, without having knowledge of them.

I chose cinema because it can combine photography, drawing, music - everything I did

I tried to do the impossible - to paint the light itself.

Who is more difficult to draw

They once asked the artist: “Who is the most difficult to draw?” The artist answered: “The most difficult thing to draw is a rooster.” – Who is the easiest to draw? “The easiest thing is to draw a god or a ghost,” answered the artist. People were surprised: “How is it that it’s difficult to draw a rooster, but easy to draw a god or a ghost?!” The artist said: “Because people see the rooster all the time.” As soon as an artist draws him without a comb or a tail, with horns or on three legs, everyone will say that the artist does not know how to draw. But no one has seen or will see God or a ghost. And therefore drawing them is easy and simple. No one will say that the artist painted it wrong.


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