Generation P - quotes, phrases, statuses from the film.

Generation P

Once upon a time in Russia there really was a carefree young generation who smiled at the summer, sea and sun - and chose Pepsi.

I automatically fell into Generation P.

The work was simple, but nerve-wracking.

Cynicism, endless, like the view from the Ostankino Tower.

The absence of complaints does not exempt you from liability.

Life is a lonely journey, sometimes under the scorching sun, sometimes in the eternal cold.

Durex. English quality. Jaguar in the world of assholes.

Fuck all the best. You need to take it right now. Because when he is sober, the toad strangles him.

Creativity at work.

Our ears are on the top of our heads: discount on shell garages.

Soviet mentality? It must be squeezed out like a pimple: drop by drop.

Coca-Cola is more of an ideological miscarriage than a soft drink.

I communicate mainly with businessmen and advertisers. They just load it with lead.

In Ancient Babylon, by the way, they also made such a drink. Only in addition to fly agarics, red donkey urine was added there.

When you don't think, a lot becomes clear. Our mind and the world are one and the same.

So, there is no death. The strings disappear, but the ball remains.

Bro liked the coolness. He fried everyone else. Tick-tock with menthol. A real explosion of taste.

Why do you want me to let this “Tampaco” into my soul?

We don't fucking need creators here. Creator, Vovan, creator.

How much longer will the Davidsons ride our Harleys? Russia, wake up!

— I wonder how the spirits will guess that I’m from the advertising industry? Is this written on my forehead? - No, it’s written on the advertisement that it comes from your forehead.

A person becomes a program that watches another program.

- You need to live cleanly. - How is that? - Only LSD, only on an empty stomach, and only with prayer.

The fire in which you burn must be maintained. And you belong to the service staff.

But I can’t do anything else except write bad slogans! But for you, Lord, I’ll write a good one, honestly!

I didn’t graze goats in the mountains, but goats. And if you came to bully, I’ll put a ring through your nose.

- Have a seat. - We've been hooked for a long time.

Nothing shows that a person belongs to the lower classes of society more than the ability to understand expensive watches, cars...

Everyone who clearly knows what the collective unconscious is has been selling cigarettes near the subway for a long time. In one form or another, I wanted to say.

I like life to have big boobs.

Although small, it is Feuerbachian.

God's hamster Rostrapovich is awarded.

Listen, why show it to drunk people if it’s virtual?

I'm of little use. I tried to think several times, nothing came of it.

— Do you subscribe to Forbes? - And what? Chechnya is now part of Europe.

I don't need logic. I need incriminating evidence.

People need to keep their minds busy. And let the emotions burn out.

We are not introducing pickles, but patriotism.

If they give money, it means someone is interested in it.

Turn on TV. Get to work urgently. We have a crisis. Seva erased the entire government.

Vavilen Vladimirovich, the joker is in my pants.

I'm not Snickers to advertise me.

People won’t even notice that we’re not introducing gaskets, but anxiety.

So they take me for a hamster.

Nothing is happening anymore. Everything has already happened.

“Will I ever be strangled too?” - Well, it's part of the profession.

Don't pry. You'll be alive longer.

According to the ritual, the husband of the great goddess must be digitized.

The world is a place where business meets money.

We don't advertise products. Simple human happiness.


Mercedes - The car is certainly cool, you can’t say anything. For some reason, our life is structured in such a way that you can only drive it from one shithole to another.


But why did you eat it?

“I wanted to feel the beat of life,” Tatarsky said and sobbed.

- The beat of life? Well, feel it,” said Sirruf.


When Tatarsky came to his senses, the only thing he wanted was for the experience he had just experienced, for which he had no words to describe, but only dark horror, to never happen to him again. For this he was ready to do anything.


What is the main feature of the Russian economic miracle? The main feature of the Russian economic miracle is that the economy is sinking deeper and deeper into the ass, while business is developing, getting stronger and entering the international arena.


... Bowing his head to the window, he looked at the parking lot. There was the white roof of a second-new white Mercedes he had bought a month ago, which was already starting to act up a little.

Sighing, he swapped the “c” and “d”. It turned out “merdeces”.


True,” his thought trailed further, “somewhere from the five hundredth or, perhaps, even the three hundred and eightieth turbodiesel, this no longer matters. Because by this moment you become such a piece of shit that nothing around you can get dirty anymore. That is, of course, you become shit not because you buy the six hundredth Mercedes. Vice versa. The opportunity to buy a 600th Mercedes appears precisely because you become a piece of shit...


- Don't be afraid to look like a fool. On the contrary, be afraid of appearing too smart.

- Why?

- Because then the question will immediately arise: if you are so smart, then why are you hired for a job and not hired for it?

“It’s logical,” said Tatarsky.


About ten years ago, a new pair of sneakers, brought by a distant relative from overseas, became the starting point of a new period in life - the design of the sole was like a pattern on the palm, by which one could predict the future a year in advance. The happiness that could be derived from such an acquisition was immeasurable. Now, in order to earn the right to the same amount, you had to buy at least a jeep, or even a house... Inflation of happiness.


Nothing shows that a person belongs to the lower classes of society more than the ability to understand expensive watches and cars.


Mercedes - The car is certainly cool, you can’t say anything. For some reason, our life is structured in such a way that you can only drive it from one shithole to another.


Let's just say I like life to have big boobs. But the so-called Kantian boob inside me does not cause the slightest excitement, no matter how much milk splashes in it. And this is my difference from selfless idealists like Gaidar... <...> in the coffin I saw any Kantian tit in myself with all its categorical imperatives. In the market for tits, only Feuerbach's tits for us evoke tenderness in me. This is my vision of the situation.


– ...Have you heard the expression “Last Judgment”?

- Heard.

– In fact, there is nothing terrible about him. Besides the fact that it began a long time ago, and everything that happens to us is just phases of an investigative experiment. Think about it - is it difficult for God to create this entire world with all its eternity and infinity out of nothing for a few seconds in order to experience the one and only soul standing before him?


Nobody really understands anything about this world.

“Here’s Azadovsky,” he said, “why is he taking everyone away and loading everyone up here?” Yes, because it doesn’t even occur to him that there is something strange in all this. Such people are born once every hundred years. The person, one might say, has a sense of life on an international scale...


Squinting his eyes, Tatarsky read the stucco inscription under the very roof: “Eternal glory to the heroes!”

“Eternal glory will be too much for them,” he thought gloomily. “A pension would be enough.”


In an absolutely free market, by virtue of this definition, the services of limiters of absolute freedom must be provided.


It is not things that are always advertised, but simple human happiness. They always show equally happy people, only in different cases this happiness is caused by different acquisitions. Therefore, a person goes to the store not for things, but for this happiness, but they don’t sell it there.


A person thinks that he consumes, but in fact the fire of consumption burns him, giving him modest joys.


Our cosmonauts receive twenty to thirty thousand dollars for a flight. And the American ones are two or three hundred. And ours said: we won’t fly to thirty grand, but we also want to fly to three hundred. What does it mean? This means that they are actually flying not to the twinkling points of unknown stars, but to specific amounts in hard currency. This is the nature of space. And the nonlinearity of space and time lies in the fact that we and the Americans burn the same amount of fuel and fly the same number of kilometers to get to completely different amounts of money.


Now, even with a sincere desire to be deceived, it was almost impossible to believe in the correspondence of the external sold to the implied internal. It was an empty form, which for a long time no longer meant what it should have meant at face value.


The history of parliamentarism in Russia is crowned by the simple fact that the word “parliamentarism” may only be needed to advertise “Parliament” cigarettes - and even there, to be honest, you can do without any parliamentarism._


The basic economic law of the post-socialist formation: the initial accumulation of capital is also final in it.

Tatarsky understood how the era of decay of imperialism differs from the era of primitive accumulation of capital. In the West, the advertising customer and the copywriter together tried to brainwash the consumer, but in Russia the copywriter’s task was to brainwash the customer.


“In general,” said Morkovin, “it happens something like this. A man takes out a loan. With this loan, he rents an office, buys a Cherokee jeep and eight boxes of Smirnovskaya. When Smirnovskaya ends, it turns out that the jeep is broken, the office is vomited, and the loan must be repaid. Then a second loan is taken out - three times more than the first. The first loan is paid off from it, a Grand Cherokee jeep and sixteen boxes of Absolut are bought. When "Absolute"...

“I understand,” Tatarsky interrupted.


Eternity could only exist on state subsidies - or, what is the same thing, as something prohibited by the state. Moreover, she could only exist as a half-conscious memory of some Manka from the shoe store. And for her, just like for himself, this dubious eternity was simply inserted into her head in the same container with natural history and inorganic chemistry.


... The only dubious echo of this slogan in the snowy advertising space of Moscow was the phrase “From the ship to the ball,” taken by an unknown colleague of Tatarsky from the same Griboyedov. She flashed at one time on a billboard advertisement for menthol cigarettes - a yacht, blue, a cap with a crab and long legs. Tatarsky felt a pang of jealousy about this, but not a strong one - the girl from the menthol advertisement was selected to suit the tastes of such a wide target group that the text spontaneously read as “From the ship to the fuck*.”


... So, let's summarize.

Identicalism is dualism at that stage of development when the largest corporations complete the redistribution of human consciousness, which, being under the continuous action of oral, anal and repressive wow impulses, begins to independently generate three wow factors, as a result of which there is a stable and constant repression of personality and the emergence in its place is the so-called identity. Identicalism is a dualism that has a threefold feature. This is the dualism of a) dead, b) rotten, c) digitized.


— Al-Gazzawi had such a poem. "Parliament of Birds" This is about how thirty birds flew to look for a bird named Semurg - the king of all birds and the great master.

- Why did they fly to look for the king if they had a parliament?

- Just ask them. And then, Semurg was not just a king, but also a source of great knowledge. But you can’t say the same about parliament.

- And how did it all end? - asked Tatarsky.

“When they passed thirty tests, they learned that the word “Semurg” means “thirty birds.”

- From whom?

- A divine voice told them this...


- How strange it is - he died, and we live... Only I suspect that every time we go to bed, we die in the same way. And the sun goes away forever, and the whole story ends. And then non-existence gets boring with itself, and we wake up. And the world arises again.


If cocaine were sold in pharmacies for twenty kopecks per gram as a rinse for toothache, he thought, only punks would snort it - as, in fact, it was the case at the beginning of the century.

But if “Moment” glue cost a thousand dollars per bottle, all Moscow’s golden youth would eagerly sniff it, and at presentations and receptions it would be considered elegant to spread a volatile chemical smell around oneself, complain about the death of brain neurons and retire to the toilet for a long time.


Endless happiness is not conveyed through visuals.

Once upon a time in Russia there actually lived a carefree young generation who smiled at the summer, the sea and the sun - and chose Pepsi.

It is now difficult to establish why this happened. Probably, it was not only the wonderful taste of this drink. And not in caffeine, which makes children constantly demand a new dose, reliably leading them into the cocaine channel from childhood.


- You will promise the district police officer. If you survive until morning.

- What?

- And that’s the same thing. Do you even know that this pass is for five people? And you are here alone. Or are you five?

When Tatarsky came to his senses again, he thought that he really was unlikely to survive tonight. Just now there were five of them, and all of these five felt so bad that Tatarsky instantly realized what happiness it was to be in the singular, and was amazed at the extent to which people, in their blindness, do not appreciate this happiness.


“If you look at what is happening from the point of view of pure animation,” he thought, looking at the crews of his neighbors in a traffic jam, “then all our concepts are upside down. For the heavenly “Silicon”, which is shortchanging this entire world, a crumpled “Zaporozhets” is a much more difficult job than a new “BMW”, which was blown in wind tunnels for three years. So it's all about the creators and screenwriters. But what kind of reptile wrote this script? And who is the viewer who eats his pizza while looking at this screen? And most importantly, is all this really happening just so that some fat overworldly carcass can make some kind of money for himself from something like advertising? Ah, it seems. After all, it is known: everything in the world is based on the likeness of..."


“A person has a world in which he lives,” Sirruf said edifyingly. – A person is a person because he sees nothing but this world. And when you take an overdose of LSD or overeat on panther fly agarics, which is completely disgraceful, you are committing a very risky act. You are leaving the human world, and if you understood how many invisible eyes are looking at you at this moment, you would never do this. And if you saw even a small part of those who are looking at you at the same time, you would die of fear. With this action you declare that being a human is not enough for you, and you want to be someone else. First of all, to stop being human, you have to die.


As far as I know, the most profound revelation that has ever occurred to a person under the influence of drugs was caused by a critical dose of ether. The recipient found the strength to write it down, although it was extremely difficult. The entry looked like this: “The whole universe smells of oil.”


A revelation of any depth and breadth will inevitably run into words. And the words will inevitably run into themselves.


It should be remembered that the word “democracy”, which is often used in modern media, is not at all the same word “democracy” that was common in the 19th and early 20th centuries. These are so-called homonyms; the old word “democracy” was derived from the Greek “demos”, and the new one from the expression “demo-version”.


Any image has a clear monetary value. Even if it is emphatically non-commercial, the question immediately arises as to how commercially valuable this type of non-commercialization is. Hence the familiar feeling that everything comes down to money.


Who is trying to replace the already lost Homo Sapiens with a cubic meter of emptiness in a state of cold?


The tablet looked like a tank on the table in the central square of a small European town. A closed bottle of Johnny Walker standing nearby resembled a town hall. Accordingly, the red wine that Tatarsky finished drinking was also thought of in this series. Its container—a narrow, long bottle—resembled a Gothic cathedral occupied by a party building, and the emptiness inside this bottle was reminiscent of the ideological exhaustion of communism, the meaninglessness of historical bloodshed and the general crisis of the Russian idea. Leaning to the neck, Tatarsky drank the rest of the wine and threw the empty bottle into the waste paper basket. “The Velvet Revolution,” he thought.


The hands of Allah are only in the mind of Buddha. But the whole point is that the consciousness of Buddha is still in the hands of Allah.

In the end, everything in this world is a matter of interpretation, and the quasi-scientific description of a seance is as true as any other. And then, any enlightened spirit will agree that it does not exist.


Tatarsky, of course, hated Soviet power in most of its manifestations, but still it was not clear to him whether it was worth changing the evil empire for the evil banana republic, which imports bananas from Finland.


It was also impossible to say that the world had become different in its essence, because it now had no essence.


When the subject of eternity disappears, then all its objects disappear, and the only subject of eternity is the one who remembers it at least occasionally.


It turned out that eternity existed only as long as Tatarsky sincerely believed in it, and, in essence, it did not exist anywhere outside of this belief. In order to sincerely believe in eternity, it was necessary for this belief to be shared by others, because a belief that is not shared by anyone is called schizophrenia.


An anti-Russian conspiracy certainly exists - the only problem is that the entire adult population of Russia is participating in it.

It is necessary, first of all, to take into account,” he wrote in the concept, “that the situation that has developed to date in Russia cannot exist for long. In the near future, we should expect a complete shutdown of most vital industries, financial collapse and serious social upheaval, which will inevitably end with the establishment of a military dictatorship. Regardless of its political and economic program, the future dictatorship will try to appeal to nationalist slogans; the dominant state aesthetics will be the false Slavic style. (We do not use this term in a negatively evaluative sense. Unlike the Slavic style, which does not exist in nature, the false Slavic style is a developed and clear paradigm.) And in its sign-symbolic field, traditional Western advertising is unthinkable. Therefore, it will either be banned completely or will be subject to strict censorship. This must be taken into account when drawing up any long-term strategy.

Consider the classic positioning slogan “Sprite – the Uncola.” Its use in Russia seems extremely advisable, but for slightly different reasons than in America. The term “Uncola” (that is, non-cola) extremely successfully positions Sprite against Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola, creating a special niche for this product in the minds of Western consumers. But, as you know, in Eastern European countries, Coca-Cola is more of an ideological fetish than a soft drink. If, for example, Hershey's drinks have a persistent "taste of victory", then Coca-Cola has the "taste of freedom", as was declared in the seventies and eighties by a number of Eastern European defectors. Therefore, for the domestic consumer, the term “Uncola” has broad anti-democratic and anti-liberal connotations, which makes it extremely attractive and promising under military dictatorship.

Translated into Russian “Uncola” will be “Nekola”. By its sound (similar to the name “Nikola”) and the associations it evokes, this word fits perfectly into the aesthetics of the probable future. Possible slogan options:


(It makes sense to think about introducing into the consciousness of the consumer “Nikola Spriteov” - a character like Ronald McDonald, only deeply national in spirit.)



(The second slogan targets marginalized groups.)

In addition, it is necessary to think about changing the design of the product sold on the Russian market. Here, too, it is necessary to introduce elements of the false Slavic style. The ideal symbol is the birch tree. It would be advisable to change the color of the jar from green to white with black stripes like a birch trunk. Possible text in the promotional video:

"I'm in the spring forest

I drank birch Sprite.”

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