What should be the motto of a kindergarten teacher?

Kindergarten teacher motto

A teacher is a very important person in the life of a child attending kindergarten. From 8 a.m. until the evening, the child is under the influence of the preschool teacher. This means that it is the teacher’s behavior and his lessons that become the decisive milestone in all matters of the child’s formation and development.

To ensure that the child attends kindergarten with pleasure, grows healthy, cheerful and develops well mentally, the teacher does simply titanic work. The work of a teacher is a huge responsibility. They are the ones who stand at the origins of the generation’s development.

“Are problems gnawing at you? Everything is empty!

A child’s heart is sacred!

The grain of goodness in the soul is small,

Make sure it grows up!”

Human values

The pedagogical credo of a teacher is formed not only from his personal beliefs and character traits. Of course, it is based on love, support, mutual respect, and purity of soul. He also argued that educating is much more difficult than imparting knowledge and teaching. After all, influencing the soul, beliefs, conscience of another - young - person has a moral right and can only be influenced by someone who constantly works on himself, is distinguished by a high level of reflection, and who is pure in heart. Customs and traditions, the political situation and the economic system may change. However, the basis on which the teacher’s pedagogical credo is formed is the timeless, including the long-known law of communication: treat another - a child - the way you would like to be treated.

Slogans and chants

What depends on the teacher and what should be the motto of a kindergarten teacher:

  1. Child's leisure. Fresh impressions and a variety of games are very important for preschoolers. The teacher’s credo in this matter is to saturate the children’s free time as much as possible, to interest them, not to let them get bored,
  2. Development. The child begins to learn from the first days of life. He absorbs everything new like a sponge. First he learns by imitating, then by mastering something through understanding and acceptance. The peculiarities of the child’s psyche are such that it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing for a long time. All these rules give rise to the pedagogical motto of a kindergarten teacher: “The best example is a personal example!”, “We learn by playing,” “The strength of a teacher is in a good example,” “It is more beneficial for a child to run, jump and play than to count and write.” , read",
  3. Mental health and emotional well-being. Children are not angels. They can be capricious, disobedient, eat poorly, do not fall asleep on time, and fight. Patience and love are important here: “My work is love and care,” “A teacher who does not love children is an artist without a brush, a singer without hearing, a sculptor without hands.” It is also very important not to dominate, but to walk alongside, to respect the child’s personality: “Don’t do, but help,” “Don’t tower over the child, but walk next to him,”
  4. Physical health. Parents trust the teacher with their most valuable asset – their children. The teacher must monitor the child’s behavior, prevent dangerous situations, and protect his students from bruises and injuries. The motto of a kindergarten teacher is suitable here: “Health is the key to a happy future”, “Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, run, jump, learn.”

Quotes about teachers (200 quotes)

The teacher gives children the best years, the warmth of his soul and does not expect grateful words in return. The work of a teacher is not just work, but, first of all, it is the ability and ability to give all of oneself, without reserve, and to see light and grace in this. The teacher becomes a “second” mother for the child. He completely replaces parents while they are at work. The teacher will dress you, feed you, explain what is good and what is bad, play with you, feel sorry for you and praise you. We have prepared quotes about educators for you.

There are two difficult things in the world - to educate and to manage.

One must be born an educator and a teacher; he is guided by innate tact.

Adolf Disterweg

Each person must engage in his own upbringing until his last day.

A teacher, like an artist, must be born.

Carl Maria von Weber

In education, the development of skills must precede the development of the mind.

In kindergarten, savvy teachers came up with a competition for children during quiet hours: whoever falls asleep first gets to stay awake.

Good parenting is not about not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but about not noticing if someone else does it.

A teacher needs to know life deeply in order to prepare for it.

A parent who tries to change his child without starting with himself is not just wasting his time, but is taking a very serious risk.

The teacher himself must be educated.

Karl Marx

And today let's clap for those people... who listen to our children for 8 hours while we bury ourselves in work.

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be.

Anyone who wants to raise a child well is doomed to always adhere to fair views.

Honore de Balzac

Education needs three things: talent, science, exercise.

A month ago I got a job as a kindergarten teacher. Today on the bus I automatically straightened some guy’s sliding pants...

To educate a person intellectually without educating him morally means to raise a threat to society.

For pedagogical activity, it is necessary that, firstly, the teacher knows his pupil inside and out and that, secondly, there is complete trust between the teacher and the pupil.

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness.

He who flaunts erudition or learning has neither one nor the other.

Children are the flowers of life! My flower has fertilized itself again

No amount of success in social life can compensate for failure at home.

If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.

Education is a great thing: it decides a person’s fate.

Vissarion Belinsky

There is nothing more useless and even more harmful than instructions, even the best ones, if they are not supported by examples, and are not justified in the eyes of the student by the entirety of the reality surrounding him.

There is no person so bad that good education would not make him better.

Difficulties are the best educator in the world.

Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.

In education, it's all about who the educator is.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

There is no worse retribution for madness and delusions than to see your own children suffer because of them.

W. Sumner

Children are holy and pure... We ourselves can climb into any hole we want, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere befitting their rank. You can’t be obscene in their presence with impunity... you can’t make them the toy of your mood: either gently kiss them, or madly stamp your feet on them...

Even a chicken can love children. But to be able to educate them is a great matter of state, requiring talent and broad knowledge of life.

The instrument and mediator of education should be love.

The teacher is not an official; and if he is an official, then he is not an educator.

There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; Meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are educated properly.

Education and only education is the goal of school.

By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and therefore the history of the world.

The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Only that in a person is strong and reliable that was absorbed into his nature in his first period of life.

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it theoretically or practically.

A teacher who does not want unpleasant surprises and does not want to bear responsibility for what may happen is a tyrant.

Janusz Korczak

A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival.

I love my profession. My profession is to give the first knowledge to children.

It is not enough for education not to spoil us; it must also change us for the better.

Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the rank of angels. We ourselves can climb into any hole we want, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere suitable for their rank.

But only your mother believes that you will be happy with him, despite what your friends say. This is not fate!

A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

The more perfect the education, the happier the people.

Claude Helvetius

Habit is a person’s “second nature,” and education, which consists of acquiring skills, is what gives us this second nature.

An educator is not an official, but a good official must be an educator.

The upbringing of a person begins with his birth; He doesn’t speak yet, doesn’t listen yet, but he’s already learning. Experience precedes learning.

A teacher who does not have facial expressions, who cannot give his face the necessary expression or control his mood cannot be a good teacher. The teacher must be able to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry. The teacher must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants at the moment and what he does not want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate?

You will not deceive the child with your words; He will not listen to your words, but to your gaze, your spirit that possesses you.

Only strong love can make up for those minor misunderstandings that arise when living together.

Theodore Dreiser

One of the most malicious mistakes is the judgment that pedagogy is a science about the child, and not about a person. There are no children - there are people, but with a different scale of concepts, other sources of experience, other aspirations, a different play of feelings. One hundred children are one hundred people who will not once be there tomorrow, but already now, today they are already people.

The teacher and his way of thinking are the most important thing in any teaching and upbringing.

Adolf Disterweg

The goal of any education should be to create an active personality in the best ideals of social life, in the ideals of truth, goodness and beauty.

The child came home from kindergarten impressed: “Mom, you know, our teacher knows all the letters!” I suspected it! I must say, the teacher is a sweet woman and the child decided, it’s clear that since she plays with them, then she is a child.

If you are not well-mannered and are silent, then you are well-mannered, but if you are well-mannered and silent, then you are well-mannered.

It is pointless for a teacher to talk about curbing passions if he gives free rein to any of his own passions: and his efforts to eradicate in his pupil a vice or an obscene trait that he allows in himself will be fruitless.

For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One could just as well say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing.

We raise our daughters like saints and then sell them like young mares.

A teacher without love for a child is like a singer without a voice, a musician without hearing, a painter without a sense of color. It is not for nothing that all the great teachers, dreaming of a school of joy and creating it, loved children immensely.

Teaching means doubly learning.

The teacher influences the students not only by giving them certain tasks, but also by his behavior, lifestyle, and attitude to everyday phenomena.

Mikhail Kalinin

Whoever has not been a student will not be a teacher.

You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can raise him so that he is happy.

If you know the means to strengthen the body, temper the will, ennoble the heart, refine the mind and balance the mind, then you are an educator.

Play is, in essence, the growth of the organism.

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, our guilt before other people.

The student who is not superior to his teacher is pitiful.

Leonardo da Vinci

In education, it's all about who the educator is.

Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood.

A teacher is an engineer of human souls.

Mikhail Kalinin

A habit is strongest when it begins in youth; This is what we call education, which is, in essence, nothing more than early formed habits.

In a poorly educated person, courage takes the form of rudeness; erudition becomes pedantry in him; wit - buffoonery, simplicity - uncouthness, good nature - flattery.

We would not believe in teaching, upbringing and education if it were confined only to school and cut off from the turbulent life.

Children need a role model more than criticism.

Education is a specific, purposeful and systematic influence on the psychology of the person being educated in order to instill in him the qualities desired by the educator.

No one in the world feels new things more than children. Children shudder at this smell, like a dog at the scent of a hare, and experience madness, which later, when we become adults, is called inspiration.

It is easy to follow correctly those who walk ahead correctly.

Jan Komensky

Education is not limited to school.

Young people behave badly most often because their fathers raise them poorly.

Respecting guys doesn’t mean pandering to them or following their lead. The children respect a teacher who firmly implements his educational requirements.

Happiness is soft, warm palms. There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa. There is no simpler answer to what happiness is. Everyone who has children has happiness.

In peacetime, sons bury their fathers, and in war, fathers bury their sons.

Nothing hurts more than high hopes.

By teaching I learn.

The task of the educator and teacher remains to introduce every child to universal human development and make him a person before he masters civil relations.

Adolf Disterweg

Education develops abilities, but does not create them.

Of all creations, the most beautiful is a person who has received an excellent upbringing.

The lower the spiritual level of the teacher, the more colorless his moral character, the more concerned he is about his peace and comfort, the more orders and prohibitions he issues, allegedly dictated by concern for the welfare of the children.

Dull and incapable of learning minds are a thing as unnatural as monstrous bodily deformities; but they are rare.

Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond in your life.

Nine-tenths of the people we meet are what they are - good or evil, useful or useless - due to education.

Our educator is our reality.

Teachers to whom children owe their upbringing are more honorable than parents to whom children owe only their birth: some give us only life, while others give us a good life.


If we allow children to do whatever they want, and on top of that we have the stupidity of giving them reasons for their whims, then we will be dealing with the worst way of education; children will then develop a regrettable habit of particular unrestraint, of peculiar intellectualism. , to selfish interest - the root of all evil.

Education lies in the fact that the older generation passes on its experience, its passion, its beliefs to the younger generation.

Education is the highest of goods, but only when it is of the first grade, otherwise it is good for nothing.

Child prodigies tend to be the children of imaginative parents.

Your dynasty is the best team you could ever ask for.

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.

In every country the art of forming people is so closely connected with the form of government that any significant change in public education is hardly possible without changes in the state system itself.

It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but first of all and for the longest time - people. Of these, parents and teachers come first.

In education lies the great secret of improving human nature.

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.

Before a meeting of elders, do not talk too much and do not repeat the words in your petition.

The teacher must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants at the moment and what he does not want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate?

Education should primarily sow our hearts with habits that are beneficial to the individual and society.

The most important part of education is character education.

There is nothing more difficult than re-educating a poorly educated person.

A child who has received education only in an educational institution is an uneducated child.

A family is a group of people who are united by blood and quarrel over money issues.

No matter how many correct ideas you create about what needs to be done, if you do not cultivate the habit of overcoming long-term difficulties, I have the right to say that you have not cultivated anything.

If you don’t demand a lot from a person, then you won’t get much from him.

Nothing in the world purifies, ennobles, or preserves adolescence so much as a strongly aroused public interest.

A true student learns to develop the unknown with the help of the known and thereby approaches the teacher.

The well-being of the entire people depends on the proper upbringing of children.

When the word does not hit, then the stick will not help.

If you want to convince a person that he lives badly, live well; but do not convince him with words. People believe what they see.

Between the ages of 12 and 16, I was introduced to the elements of mathematics, including the basics of differential and integral calculus. At the same time, fortunately for me, I came across books that did not pay too much attention to logical rigor, but the main idea was clearly highlighted everywhere. The whole activity was truly exciting; there were ups and downs in it, the power of impression was not inferior to the “miracle”...

Those from whom we learn are rightly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name.

The paradox of education is that those who do not need education respond well to education.

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student.

The task of education is one of the most difficult. The best teachers consider it not only a matter of science, but also of art. They mean school education, which is, of course, relatively limited. But there is also a school of life in which there is a continuous process of educating the masses, where the educator is life itself, the state, the party, and the educated are millions of adults, different in their life experience and political experience.

It's only a step from a five-year-old child to me. There is a terrible distance from the newborn to me.

Without parental help it is difficult to become a parasite.

Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, instruction and application in practice.

Those who save on schools will build prisons.

Do not offend children with ready-made formulas; formulas are empty; enrich them with images and paintings that show connecting threads. Don't burden your children with the dead weight of facts; teach them techniques and methods that will help them comprehend them. Don't teach them that benefit is the main thing. The main thing is the education of humanity in a person.

Our educator is our reality.

The most reliable, but also the most difficult means of making people better is bringing education to perfection.

Thanks to them, children grow up, knowing how to behave and live. Educators! There is no kinder person in the world! We wish you to be happy!

A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student.

If you yield to the child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute.

In the Chisinau kindergarten, the teachers did not keep an eye on the children during a walk, and in an hour they built a cottage and a sauna in the sandbox...

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours.

Taking a city by storm, sending an embassy, ​​reigning over the people - all these are brilliant deeds. Laughing, loving and gentle with your family, without contradicting yourself, is something rarer, more complex and less noticeable to others.

We are depriving children of their future if we continue to teach today the same way we taught it yesterday.

A simple, uncouth person can be re-educated, but a person who imagines himself to be refined is incorrigible.

You cannot preach to people what you deny yourself.

Summer. Pioneer camp. River. Teacher for children - Whoever drowns will no longer swim!

Education means nourishing the child’s abilities, and not creating those new abilities that he does not have.

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do and to insist on your own.

Don't kill the child's unclear mind, let it grow and develop. Don't invent childish answers for him. When he starts asking questions, it means that his mind has started working. Give him food for further work, answer as you would answer an adult.

Consider that day and that hour unhappy in which you did not learn anything new and did not add to your education.

To be human means not only to have knowledge, but also to do for future generations what previous ones did for us.

Listen - and you will forget, look - and you will remember, do - and you will understand.

To fashion a beautiful statue and breathe life into it is good; but to develop a young mind, to fashion a young soul in your own way and to breathe into it a sense of truth is even better.

The prosperity of the state and the well-being of the people depend indispensably on the goodness of morals, and the kindness of morals invariably depends on education.

Everyone considers himself well-mannered.

Whoever undertakes to give instructions must consider himself more skillful than those to whom he gives them: his slightest error deserves censure.

Good upbringing most reliably protects a person from those who are poorly brought up.

Family education begins with a well-educated family.

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children.

In a friendly family, mom thinks that the money is on the table, dad thinks that the food is in the refrigerator, and the kids think that the stork brought it.

Study as if you constantly feel the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge.

Education is an adornment in happiness and a refuge in misfortune.

Education is an adornment in happiness, and a refuge in misfortune.

My dad and mom made me sweet, my teachers made me well-mannered, my teachers made me educated, and my husband made me happy.

Beware of children! Someday they will take over the world!

Of all generally immoral relationships, treating children as slaves is the most immoral.

To make a child smart and reasonable, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion!

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless it is learned.

Initial education is most important, and this initial education undoubtedly belongs to women.

The fools are more stupid, the blind are more blind Those who have not raised children.

Treat your child like the best guest in the house.

Laziness is a mother. She has a son - theft and a daughter - hunger.

Great is the teacher who puts into action what he teaches.

Children have neither a past nor a future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present.

We are largely responsible for the development of the inclination invested in us.

Intimidation can only instill baseness, depravity, hypocrisy, vile cowardice, and careerism in a child.

Newborns cry the same everywhere. When they grow up, they have different habits. This is the result of upbringing.

Let the child's first lesson be obedience - then the second can be what you consider necessary.

Returning home from a nightclub where you left a couple of hundred dollars for the evening, you realize that the nanny who was babysitting your children had a much more interesting time.

A mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires.

When your money runs out and you have nowhere to go, your family will always accept you and be happy to see you.

It is necessary to watch over the school, as over the cradle of the people's spirit, with tragic attention and spare no effort to defend its tasks.

A child knows how to love someone who loves him. And he can only be raised with love.

The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life, until the grave.

Raising children is a craft where you need to be able to lose time in order to win it.

Each person is an island within himself, and he can build a bridge to another if... he is allowed to be himself.

A family is like a balloon—someone has to control it, but it can’t be done without ballast.

It is necessary to call for pedagogical work, as for maritime, medical or the like, not those who seek only to ensure their lives, but those who feel a conscious calling to this work and to science and anticipate their satisfaction in it, understanding the general national need .

Excessive severity and blind discipline are cursed teachers for children.

They say that the best rule of politics is not to manage too much. This rule is just as true in education.

“Children are the flowers of life,” well, if they don’t grow wild.

Respect your child's ignorance! Respect the work of knowledge! Respect failures and tears! Respect the current hour and today! How will a child be able to live tomorrow if we do not allow him to live a conscious, responsible life today?

Over the years, emptiness and disappointment develop in those young people whose childhood and adolescence were a thoughtless satisfaction of their needs.

In pedagogy, elevated to the level of art, as in any other art, it is impossible to measure the actions of all figures by one standard, it is impossible to enslave them into one form; but, on the other hand, we cannot allow these actions to be completely arbitrary, incorrect and diametrically opposed.

True education strives for natural development, but not for premature maturity.

Teachers to whom children owe their upbringing are more honorable than parents: some give us only life, while others give us a good life.

Dear parents! Please do not believe everything your child tells you about kindergarten! In turn, we promise you not to believe everything he tells about you...

The student is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit, and only the one who burns himself can light the torch.

Socrates made his students speak first, and then he spoke himself.

A teacher must not only have knowledge, but also lead a correct lifestyle. The second is even more important.

The ultimate goal of any education is to foster independence through self-activity.

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it.

They say that the best rule of politics is not to manage too much. This rule is just as true in education.

Choosing a Communication Style

From a theoretical point of view, a pedagogical credo, for example, can be based on any concept.

Montessori, the Waldorf system, Ushinsky or Korczak... But in practice it is realized not in postulates, not in slogans and mottos posted on the wall, but in communication with a specific child and his parents. The pedagogical credo of a preschool teacher should guide not only methodological skills, but also the behavior of the mentor. By choosing a mentor, he will not be able to achieve trust. An authoritarian approach will suppress the baby’s individuality. But a partnership style based on the principle of “mutual learning” will help realize pedagogical goals much more effectively.

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