The Power of Teamwork and Collaboration – 31 Quotes

You spend the lion's share of time with the team where you work. Therefore, all colleagues become close people, some - forcedly, because no matter how you treat them, you have to communicate with them every day. Some people are lucky with their colleagues; their team is friendly, cheerful and comfortable. Others complain about the team, because they don’t like anyone there. But in any case, you can put statuses about the team - friendly. Cheerful. Hated. Women's, men's and so on. Choose your status.

A jar of spiders is nothing compared to my favorite team

Statuses about the team are often written with a degree of irony or even resentment, and only sometimes with admiration and a desire to meet colleagues as often as possible. Choose the phrase you need:

  1. When I see colleagues, the question immediately arises: What to include – indifference or honest conflict?
  2. I don’t care what the team thinks about me, the main thing is that I don’t think about them at all.
  3. To be offended by colleagues is to not go to work.
  4. I always mirror my colleagues: kindness - kindness, indifference - indifference, and poisonous snakes - the antidote in the form of a smile and boisterous laughter.
  5. I so want to respond to the insult that my boss inflicts on me every day, but I just silently nod - soon the patience will end, I’m afraid to think - with what...
  6. precisely by indifference, so as not to hurt yourself and put your enemy in his place, then you can put the following statements:
  7. The long tongues of my colleagues have not yet reached me.
  8. The more my colleagues talk about me, the more interesting and extraordinary I am, apparently.
  9. Gossip in our team is the norm; the more absurd the gossip, the more willingly everyone believes in it.
  10. The sadder the work, the more fun it becomes.
  11. Seeing my colleagues, you can’t help but think – can there really be so many mediocre, evil people in one team?
  12. I feel sorry for my colleagues - everyone is silent and whispers in the corners, but they are afraid to speak out loud - they are trembling creatures and have no right.
  13. As soon as I leave work, I immediately forget all my colleagues.
  14. There are a lot of angry people, but at my job - everyone is.
  15. I don’t judge my colleagues for their weaknesses, but I don’t need such friends.
  16. Our team is friendly only in one case - at corporate parties, everyone hugs, kisses, dances - and it’s impossible to even imagine how all these people hate each other.
  17. My team has already been punished by fate - they work in our low-paying jobs.
  18. Colleagues are losers who are caught in a flock of sheep and cannot disobey the shepherd.
  19. My team consists exclusively of good people who are best left alone. Otherwise, your finger will be chewed off up to the elbow.
  20. So sometimes you want to let your team go on all fours. But there is no possibility. I’m not the boss, so I’m just mentally telling them to go to hell.
  21. It’s always a pity to waste your energy on fights in the team, but you have to.
  22. No one in our team can ignore the words of the boss; everyone agrees and continues to do nothing.
  23. Humor in our team is a good weapon of self-defense against stupid tasks and ridiculous orders.
  24. After communicating in a group, you want to forget yourself somewhere on an island, on the shore of some sea, so that there are no people at all.
  25. In our team, everyone has their own job: someone is spying. Some people eavesdrop, and there are those who sniff and suck up.
  26. I really feel sorry for my team, many colleagues are on the prowl in search of a victim in order to discredit at least someone in the eyes of their superiors, but they have nothing else to do.
  27. I like to set goals for myself at work and work hard so as not to notice the snakes hissing around me.
  28. In our team, the morning begins with a discussion of who has what cars, clothes, women, men, and you simply cannot be late for these gatherings - you will have to write an explanation why you missed the most important event of the working day.
  29. I am always aware of what they say about me in the team without me, because there are people who talk about them without them.
  30. I decided to completely ignore all the gossipers in the team - I had to ignore everyone.
  31. In our team, the essence of communication is to discuss and cover for someone who is not at work today, so I try to take less time off.

The Power of Teamwork and Collaboration – 31 Quotes

We are all part of a team project. That project where a person takes the lead, causing some participants to realize that their initiative is not welcome, while a select few ride on the backs of others.

With experiences like these, it's no wonder why so many people are traumatized by the nightmares of past group projects.

And yet, something incredible happens when interaction happens exactly the way it's supposed to. Everything changes when everyone on the team is fully invested in the common goal and task. You work faster, find mistakes more easily, and make changes better.

Eventually, you reach a point where you are confident that every person on your team is working as hard as you are—and your job satisfaction and productivity increases exponentially.

To inspire your team, we've collected some of our favorite quotes about the power of collaboration.

31 sayings about the power of interaction and cooperation

  1. “You can only do so much alone; there is so much we can do together.” – Helen Keller
  2. “If everyone moves forward together, success will take care of itself.” – Henry Ford
  3. “Many ideas become better when they are transferred to other heads than where they originated.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
  4. “If I see further, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.” – Isaac Newton
  5. “Nobody can whistle a symphony. It takes the whole orchestra to play it.” – HE Luccock
  6. “Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision. Ability to direct individual achievements toward organizational goals. It is the fuel that enables ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results.” –Andrew Carnegie
  7. “The long history of humanity (and animals too) has shown that those who learned to cooperate and improvise more effectively won.” – Charles Darwin
  8. “Coming together is a beginning, being together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford
  9. “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan
  10. “The strength of the team is each member. The strength of each participant is the team.” – Phil Jackson
  11. “The best collaboration comes from people working independently, in harmony, towards the same goal.” – James Cash Penney
  12. “Politeness is poison to cooperation.” – Edwin Land
  13. “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler
  14. “In fact, change is almost impossible without full cooperation, cooperation and unanimity.” – Simon Mainwaring
  15. “Engagement starts with building trust. And the only way to do this is to overcome our need for invulnerability.” – Patrick Lencioni
  16. “You should be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, recognize their successes, and support them in their endeavors. When we all help each other, everyone wins.” – Jim Stovall
  17. “How a team plays as a unit determines its success. You can have the biggest group of world stars, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.” - Babe Ruth
  18. “There is no such person who would make himself. You achieve your goals only with the help of others.” –George Shinn
  19. “The truth, without exaggeration, is that you can succeed best and fastest by helping others succeed.” – Napolean Hill
  20. “The whole is not the same as the sum of the parts.” – Kurt Koffka
  21. “A group becomes a team when each member is confident enough in himself and his contributions to praise the skills of others.” – Norman Shidle
  22. “The “we” to “I” attitude is the best indicator of team development.” – Lewis B. Ergen
  23. “Individual commitment to a common effort is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi
  24. “One piece of log creates a small flame that is enough to warm you. Add a few more pieces and you'll have a huge fire, big enough to warm your entire circle of friends; Needless to say, individuality matters, but interaction explodes.” – Jin Kwon
  25. “No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you play a solo game, you will always lose to the team.” –Reid Hoffman
  26. “Stay away from people who try to diminish your aspirations. Little people always do this, but the truly great ones make you feel like you can become great too.” – Mark Twain
  27. “If you want to lift yourself, lift someone else.” – Booker T. Washington
  28. “Everything great in business is never done by one person; it’s made by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs
  29. “Alone we are one drop. Together we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro
  30. “Collaboration is the complete belief that no one can get there unless everyone gets there.” – Virginia Burden
  31. “None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” –Mother Teresa

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I'm lucky with my colleagues

The status about the team being friendly can be in all seriousness, when in fact the team has gathered people who are close to you in spirit, or with a bit of irony. When you are simply trying not to notice the flaws of your team, choose your status:

  1. The first 3 days in our friendly team are difficult until you understand that everyone wishes you well, even when they write anonymous letters about you.
  2. Our boss is a fair person, so he selected the same conscientious people to join the team - he was lucky.
  3. Only at corporate events, after the 5th glass, I see what kind people I am lucky to work with in a team.
  4. In the charter of our team there is a clause: “Do not discuss anyone behind the scenes - tell everything directly to the addressee,” we honestly follow this clause, so 5-7 showdowns happen a day.
  5. We have a wonderful team, excluding 6-7 black sheep, but we know them by sight and do not make direct contact with them.
  6. Our boss, apparently, read A. Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers” as a child, and always calls on us: “One for all - and all for one.” It’s good that his office is located remotely and isolated from all the musketeers of the team.
  7. The huge daily volume of work helps us remain a friendly team - we don’t even have time to quarrel with someone.
  8. In our team, there are often tolerant people who try not to notice each other’s shortcomings, this helps to maintain an outwardly healthy environment.
  9. Clearly defined tasks in the team help maintain friendship in the team, because everyone receives lyuli only for their own shortcomings.
  10. The biggest advantage of my team is that there is not a single informer in it. Although for some reason the management knows everything.
  11. Envy me - I have a friendly team, I would say more, but I signed a non-disclosure document.
  12. Friendship in our team is built on the principle that no one gives a damn, so there are no conflicts or scandals.
  13. It’s very joyful to see every morning my colleagues who just shut up when I came in, discussing me - after all, we have corporate ethics.
  14. When you don’t notice negative little things and petty people, the team seems friendly and whole.
  15. Look at your team from a different perspective and understand that all people have the right to their weaknesses, then you will definitely love your colleagues.
  16. When the boss is a darling, then the team is a safe cushion.
  17. I have a truly friendly team, they will never leave you alone with a problem - they will always attract the attention of their superiors.
  18. A friendly team is when during the working day you are ready to kill everyone, and outside of work you love them all madly.

And yet nothing unites better than one boss

This is most clear in statuses about colleagues at work.

  1. Colleagues at a new job seem so decent until some corporate event comes up
  2. Surprisingly, to be a good boss, all you have to do is not interfere with your employees.
  3. I'm not alone as long as I have colleagues who, damn it, need constant help!
  4. When your colleagues talk over you, this is, of course, good. It’s just not fun to reread a line a third time.
  5. Sitting alone in an office is boring. But it makes you feel like a boss :).
  6. If you have a fancy mouse pad, don't bring it to work. You will go on vacation, and the rug will not only be yours.
  7. Why talk to each other at all if you can just click keys on your keyboard?
  8. The most talkative colleague should be seated by the window. Let him look at it and be silent for at least a little.
  9. That same feeling when at work you were congratulated on your birthday better than at home :(.
  10. I think many of my colleagues started smoking on purpose so that they could take more breaks.
  11. One of the achievements of the 21st century: a colleague is sitting on the next chair, and you still send him a message...
  12. Believe me, every work colleague knows more about you than you can even imagine.
  13. We all know how our colleagues actually studied. And if you are a doctor, knowing about this is especially scary...
  14. I don't want any corporate events. I don’t even want to know what my colleagues do outside of work!
  15. Oh, these market relations: you give your colleagues a birthday cake, and they give you a gift.
  16. We are all serious employees until the boss leaves and we start rolling on chairs down the corridor.
  17. An idyll is when the boss knows who really needs to be removed from the team, no matter how cruel it may sound.
  18. You don't have to work hard to have a good salary. More precisely, you need to know who to do it instead.
  19. Why don't we have stairs in our office? You can't really hide from your colleagues in an elevator.
  20. And yet, it’s not in vain that employers began checking their colleagues’ pages on social networks
  21. I thought only my colleagues were doing the work that should have been done yesterday. It turned out that the whole country works this way.
  22. Popular wisdom says: as soon as you start working, they will immediately send you some funny picture on the Internet.

If you don't have enough adrenaline, start working in a women's team

The women's team's statuses are full of humor, positivity, and sometimes even indignation - after all, the women's team itself is very extraordinary. There is everything there - from a kind smile to hateful spitting in the back. Choose your status:

  1. In a female team, you shouldn’t be surprised by anything, even when you find out the most unpredictable fables about yourself - apparently, someone was just bored.
  2. If a man gets into a women's team, then you shouldn't think that there are a lot of beautiful women around, there are just brightly colored snakes around.
  3. In a women's group you only need to walk with your shoulders back, a smile and your head held high. If you don’t do this, you will be blacklisted as a loser from whom “even your husband ran away.”
  4. I stopped paying attention to the wrong “friends” in my women’s group who are constantly trying to harm me, life is already difficult for them.
  5. Not a day goes by in the women's team without being pricked or pinned - why then are there stilettos and high heels?..
  6. In a women's team, live participation is simply curiosity, and how is it going on your personal front.
  7. Being honest and telling the truth is not about the female team, here smiling, hugging and quietly hating is real friendship among women at work.
  8. Trust and respect in a women's team is very different from other teams; it is among women that these concepts take on a nuance - as long as you don't have it better, and if you have it worse, you are the best professional.
  9. Men should not work in a female team at all - they will either be accused of harassment, or of being unconventional...
  10. Men, be glad that only women work nearby, but don’t come close to them.
  11. In a women's group, it is indecent to be poor and sick - you must always keep your cool.
  12. When there are a lot of women in a team, there is no time to think about work at all...
  13. When you used to work in a men’s group, and then found yourself in a women’s group, be prepared for the fact that no one will wipe your tears, sincerely sympathize with you, but will simply slam you and dance on you.
  14. In a women's team you can never show weakness - only a masculine, steely character.

For a business woman

Statuses about business women will appeal to women who have chosen a difficult way to earn money.

  1. They say that women are incapable of running their own business. I proved the opposite. Verb in your strength, in your mind and in your abilities!
  2. A woman's place is in the kitchen? Well, maybe so. I only earned money for my luxurious kitchen myself.
  3. Women can achieve more than men. We are not only persistent, but also flexible, we know how to hear our interlocutor and are ready to make mutually beneficial compromises.
  4. They scared me that ladies had no place in business. Either I’m not a woman, or I’m taking someone else’s place. But in any case, I'm happy with the situation.
  5. Don't believe anyone who says women are too weak to succeed in business. Thousands of examples indicate the opposite. We are strength!
  6. I refuse to be weak and dependent. My place is not in the kitchen, but on the front page of Forbes magazine!
  7. I am a woman, and that means I am successful!
  8. Success comes to those who know how to work and are ready to spend all their energy on development. And it doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman.
  9. I am proud of myself, because I was able to realize myself both in business and in the family. The impossible is possible!
  10. I am happy that I live in the 21st century. I can manage my money myself, run my own business and not depend on anyone. And for those who dream of feeling like a weak woman, I can only sympathize.

Being the owner of your own business is not easy. However, many people have already managed to achieve success and earn big money. Join the club of the rich and successful! Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to move forward despite everything!

Well, Ivanovich, so...

Quotes about the work team can be with humor and self-irony when you find yourself among the hard workers, and you yourself are an aristocrat inside:

  1. In a work team, everything is simple: take more, throw more.
  2. When someone in a work group tries to start a conversation about ethics and morality, everyone simply starts yawning - they don’t care about subtle matters.
  3. Physical labor is exhausting, so the work team does not have the intrigues, investigations and gossip that always exist in other teams.
  4. In a work team, everything is simple - there is a task, it is ordered to be completed.
  5. In the work team, all phrases are clear, short and in pure Russian.
  6. When I came to work in the work team, everyone looked at me suspiciously only until the first phrase: “What the f... hatched?” Afterwards we became friends instantly.
  7. There is no point in belittling work teams - and there are many intellectuals there who could not find work in their field.

Funny statuses about work

Do you want a vacation, but don’t have enough money for a trip? Donate with the whole department for a trip for the boss, relax!


A person is never as close to perfection as when filling out a job application.


Doing all sorts of crap at work not only improves your hearing but also develops your peripheral vision.



Olga, 32 years old, manager

You can make friends in the office, but it’s unlikely that you will make real friends. Close communication with colleagues lasts only as long as you are connected by work. And as soon as someone quits or simply moves to another department, the friendship ends. I know a lot of such examples. While people work together, they are almost friends with families - they go to visit each other, to restaurants and cafes in the evenings. And as soon as they are no longer connected by a common cause, they forget the name of their former friend. It is for this reason that I try not to have overly warm relationships with colleagues. Due to my character, I become attached to people very quickly. And when the friendship ends, I feel hurt and offended. I already had a similar experience. At work I became friends with a girl. The relationship was great, it seemed quite natural for me to continue communicating even after I quit. At first, I often called my friend and offered to meet, but she constantly refused. I realized that our communication had become a burden to her and she didn’t know how to get rid of me. It was very unpleasant for me to feel that I was intruding. In addition, I was constantly haunted by the feeling that I was thrown into the trash after I stopped being useful to my ex-girlfriend. In general, I was very worried then and for quite a long time. I don't want such disappointments anymore.

Oleg, 52 years old, engineer

I try to make friends at any job. Firstly, I believe that friends are never superfluous. The more close people you have, the better! And secondly, in our time it is almost impossible to get a job without good friends. Every time I moved to a new place, I was recommended by one of the former colleagues with whom we became friends while working together. And I myself have helped my friends with employment more than once. It’s easier for me this way: I want people to work with me on whom I can rely, who will definitely not let me down. So every time I change jobs, I little by little begin to “entice” my team to a new place. With good people, work goes much faster, everyone understands each other perfectly, no one starts conflicts out of the blue.

Nina, 40 years old, accountant

I believe that at work you need to work, and not waste time on empty talk. It takes too much time to maintain friendships, and I can't afford to endlessly drink tea and gossip about my bosses and colleagues. This is probably why my colleagues consider me unsociable. But my career moves much faster than those with a large number of friends. Many people are surprised how I manage to do everything. There is no secret here - I don’t go on half-hour smoke breaks with my girlfriends and don’t drink tea at the buffet for several hours in a row. That’s why my work is always done on time, and I leave home on time without staying up late.

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