Life motto for a successful person: aphorisms, sayings and apt phrases

Nowadays, few people need to explain why a slogan is remarkable, what it is and what features it differs from. Many people have heard famous phrases like “Don’t slow down - grab a snicker!” and “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.” The creative slogan “Your pussy would buy Whiskas” also managed to earn worldwide recognition. Such phrases are permanently fixed in the subconscious and are an integral attribute of the promotion of large brands.

How to come up with a memorable slogan? What is the difference between a motto and a slogan? What types of slogans are there? We will answer all these questions in this material.


A person’s motto in life should force him to make decisions and act. Often you have to change something.

If you think that you need to change something in this life, then you don’t think so. (Rinat Valiullin)

But how scary it is sometimes to force yourself to give up a stable life and step into nowhere. “I’ll work for another six months and quit,” “I’ll graduate from this educational institution and enter the specialty I want,” “I’ll watch one more episode and get to work, it’s not going anywhere” - we constantly come up with such excuses for ourselves in order to stay a little longer in safety, relative stability and comfort.

We think there is still time. Nothing will happen in six months, two educations are even better, one hour will not change anything. This is our mistake: life goes on, but we refuse it. Time waits for no one.

Although if you think about it, the changes themselves do not frighten a person as much as the difficulties that they will have to face.

If it's hard for you, it means you're going uphill. If it's easy for you, it means you're flying into the abyss. (Henry Ford)

Success does not come to those who simply wait. He always chooses the persistent, those who have fallen more than once, but found the strength to rise. Those who did their job through “I can’t” and didn’t complain, looked forward through tears and didn’t stop, believed in their life motto and didn’t betray themselves.

Quality work

The life motto of a successful person can be the most unpredictable. Some may be guided by the slogan: “You only live once,” while others prefer the saying that you need to take everything from life. And someone is guided in life by the principles of successful people and also achieves success. But not everyone is able to move from dreams to decisive action. It is for them that we need mottos that would help them wake up in the morning and force them to work.

To achieve success, you must first do your job well. In this case, the life motto for a successful person will have the following content:

The only way to do outstanding work is to truly love what you do. (Steve Jobs)

Even sitting in an office with a minimum salary, you should not work carelessly. First, when hired, the employee accepted certain obligations. Secondly, only those who work equally well for thirty dollars a month and for a hundred dollars an hour are able to achieve success.

It is necessary to maintain your brand at all times, and not just when management is looking at you. It is important for the rich to be surrounded by high-level people, be it a maid, a butler or a janitor. Employers tend to invest money in people who respect them and, regardless of the situation, do their work on time and efficiently.

How to come up with a slogan

How can you create a good slogan? Typically, people who need a slogan turn to a copywriter or an advertising agency. Some are trying to create it on their own. This option is quite acceptable if a person knows the product, brand, and his target audience very well.

The rhyming slogan generator and other similar services should not be used. However, they can refresh your memory and give you some new ideas. Or maybe vice versa - they will help avoid clichés.

With the help of one of these generators, we came up with a rather hackneyed, but very truthful slogan.

Of course, instead of online services, it is better to use the algorithm of actions indicated below. Try to work out several variants of the slogan, which you will later need to test in focus groups.

The following stages of creating a slogan are distinguished:

1. Conducting marketing analysis. It involves searching for answers to a number of classic questions:

“What are we selling?”

“Who is the product intended for?”

“What is the situation in the niche?”

“What objections do buyers have?”

“How do we compare favorably with our competitors?”

2. Drawing up an association map. When developing it, you should write down all the words related to your brand. There is no need to analyze and criticize them in detail. After all, many creative ideas may seem strange at first glance. It is recommended to structure and group associations that come to mind into various categories: quality, unique advantages, appearance, service.

3. Slogan generation. At this stage, you should try to compose a call based on key phrases or combine previously written words into sentences. Perhaps, at the moment when one of the phrases “hits the mark”, you will experience an epiphany. The words chosen in this way must coincide with the opinions of real buyers.

4. Sanding. You need to choose the best options, in your opinion, and take a short pause - the phrases should “rest” for a while. After that, start editing the slogans that come across as the most accurate. The phrase should be shortened to 2-3 words. Such slogans are better remembered by customers. If you have the proper creativity, the slogan can rhyme. But at the same time, a person steps on “thin ice.” Not everyone can rhyme a slogan so that it doesn’t look ridiculous. At the same time, if the situation is successful, such a call will definitely give a head start to the usual ones. After all, people readily and easily remember folding rhyming lines.

5. Testing the slogan on real people. The focus group should not consist of company employees, colleagues or relatives. The attractiveness of the appeal should ideally be assessed by buyers who belong to the target audience of the product. But even using this method does not give a 100% reliable picture, so the best test of a slogan is time and successful advertising campaigns.

Work is creativity

Each of us is a skilled creator. One problem: some realized this, while others decided not to bother with such a question. It doesn't matter what a person does, whether it's healing others or repairing cars, he's doing something creative, which can be good or bad. Successful people are a small handful of those individuals who were able to turn their work into socially useful creativity.

They approach their work with full responsibility and try to do it better than others. This argument should definitely become a life motto for those who want to succeed.

Take a step and the road will appear by itself. (Steve Jobs)

To become a successful and expensive specialist, you need to decide for yourself what you can do that others will appreciate. Do you have that notorious desire to create?

Types of slogans

There are different types and formats of calls. According to the most common classification, they can be:

  • image;
  • commodity.

The main task of an image slogan is to create the right image of the brand and product. It reflects the values, mission and various strengths of the company. Image slogans increase brand awareness. Their striking examples:

  • “The impossible is possible” – Adidas;
  • “There is an idea, there is Ikea!”

Product slogans clearly indicate the benefits of the product. They stimulate the consumer to purchase and reveal the USP.

Here are well-known examples of product slogans:

  • “Take a break and eat a Twix”;
  • “Buy domestic!”

There are several common slogan forms:

  • Question. Such a slogan invites a potential buyer to dialogue.
  • Statement. Such a slogan can voice the brand’s position or directly reflect the benefits of the product.
  • Appeal. A well-known example of such a slogan is “You deserve it!” It involves contacting the potential buyer directly.
  • Hyperbole, metaphor. Such a slogan adds significance to the product. A striking example of this is the call “Drive your dreams!”
  • A play on words. This slogan plays on the brand name in an unusual form: “Opel Corsa - Yes, of corsa.”

There are no problems

A person who hasn't made mistakes has never tried to do something differently. (Albert Einstein)

First of all, you need to give up the desire to get something for free. You have to pay for everything. Bulgakov said it well:

Never ask for anything. Especially those who are stronger than you. They will offer everything themselves and give everything themselves.

People give up so easily! It seems that’s it - just choose a motto for your life and live by its laws. But for some reason, the easiest thing for most people is to be offended by fate for the inability to make their desires come true and give up. If a person has an unattainable “I want,” he simply must fight for it. Any problems should be treated as tasks, the answers to which are necessary to achieve results. Isn't that what they teach in school?! I solved the problem correctly and received the highest score. Everything ingenious is simple.

Principles to consider when creating a slogan

So, the target audience has been determined, and its basic needs have been formed. Brainstorming was carried out and the best options were identified. The resulting slogans now need to be evaluated and the most suitable one selected. But how to do that? Below is a checklist for a good slogan.

A professional and well-developed slogan includes answers to the following questions:

  • Brief? Ideally, a slogan should contain from two to seven words.
  • Does the phrase have an emotional message? A good slogan contains a call or statement that motivates you to do something.
  • Is the phrase easy to remember? This effect can be achieved with the help of beautiful metaphors, rhyme or alliteration. They help to remember the slogan even if the buyer has never purchased the advertised product before.
  • Was it a simple call? When creating a slogan, you should avoid scientific and professional terms, slang, and English words. Except for those cases when your target audience likes such words.

Envy is a bad feeling

This is the best motto in life: “Don’t envy! No one ever." Of course, when it seems that you are constantly on the bench, and life is boiling and seething around you and someone is taking everything from it, it is difficult to cope with the feeling of envy.

Every person encounters this feeling along the way; there is nothing shameful here. In fact, you should be ashamed of your reluctance to learn how to get rid of envy. It’s worth revealing a little secret: successful people never envy anyone, they rejoice in other people’s successes. After all, if a person cannot see someone else’s genius, he will not see his own.

I have always hated the role of observer. What am I if I don't take part? To be, I must participate. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

There is sun in every person. Just let it shine. (Socrates)

It's a wonderful feeling to know that you are the one building the world. (Isaac Asimov)

Differences between a slogan and a motto and USP

It is worth distinguishing between the slogan and motto of the company, examples of which surround us everywhere. A slogan is a succinct appeal that can be used during one or more advertising campaigns. However, it does not reflect the brand philosophy. The slogan can be changed to another creative appeal at any time. In turn, the motto is an integral component of the company’s corporate image. They are often placed on company logos.

An example of one of the most memorable ways to design a motto is an aphoristic expression that acts as a credo for the entire organization.

A slogan should not be confused with a unique selling proposition. USP is a unique characteristic of a product that helps to choose a specific product among similar products. Such criteria are usually more extensive and include a number of points. Whereas a slogan fits into one succinct phrase.

Know your weaknesses

No matter how bitter it may sound, everyone has their own weaknesses, people are imperfect, even if they don’t want to admit it. But the first step on the path to success is to know your weaknesses and accept all the negatives. This is the only way a person gets the opportunity to work on himself and change everything for the better. And you need to stop thinking that you still have a whole life ahead to improve. Time passes much faster, so the sooner a person decides on himself, his principles and purpose, the better for him.

If you want to do something great one day, remember: that one day is today. (George Lucas)

We are given few days to be offended. (Vera Matveeva)

Great things must be done, not thought about endlessly. (Julius Caesar)

When can you do without a slogan?

Of course, a slogan is not needed in every case. Let’s take for example an ordinary cafe where you can quickly and inexpensively have a snack. This establishment does not have any special characteristics. This cafe is not themed, not vegetarian, and does not serve exquisite signature dishes. What kind of slogan can you create in this case? “Come, we have delicious and inexpensive food”? Such phrases will only depersonalize the cafe, and will not allow it to stand out among its competitors.

Don't forget about health

In a healthy body healthy mind! This saying should also not be forgotten if you want to achieve success. It should become the main motto of a healthy life. Although this does not mean at all that it’s time to give up bad habits (a good idea) and switch to celery. You just need to stop brushing off unpleasant sensations, adjust your sleep schedule and don’t forget about regular visits to the doctor.

Many people may say that they are too busy achieving success and don’t have time for it. This can be explained by the following: a healthy body releases more serotonin, the hormone of joy. It is he who is responsible for positive thinking. Research by Barbara Fredrickson from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has scientifically proven that the perception of reality greatly influences a successful life. Positive thoughts make you take action. A person who is depressed due to an aching tooth will see only bad things around him, his ability to work will decrease, and the path to success will become several years longer. Her words are confirmed by life mottos, quotes and aphorisms of famous people.

Nothing is good or bad - it all depends on how we look at things. ( William Shakespeare)

If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it.

If you do something beautiful and sublime, and no one notices, don’t be upset: the sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still sleeping at this time. (John Lennon)

Examples of great slogans

Successful and memorable slogans include the following:

  • "You deserve it." L'Oréal cosmetics are promoted with a clever advertising campaign that helps women respect themselves. Thanks to this slogan, choosing this brand means not only buying skincare products, but also declaring your love for yourself.
  • The Dove brand decided to go even further, adopting the ideology of “body positivity.” Dove stars girls of completely different builds in its advertising and says in its slogan: “Every body is beautiful.”
  • "Here is what I like". Fans of McDonald's have long been able to appreciate the veracity of this slogan from their own experience. And if you sing “param-pam-pam-pam” in the right rhythm, then any person will understand what kind of love object we are talking about.
  • “There are things that cannot be bought. For everything else there is MasterCard.” Indeed, money does not make a person happy by definition. However, financial well-being provides comfort and confidence in future endeavors. This advertising slogan served as the basis for the plots of many excellent commercials for the company. Some of them even won prizes at advertising film festivals.

Not a place, but an experience

For some reason, many people believe that success is the final destination; in fact, it is the experience that a person gains while pursuing his dream. Everything can start with the smallest thing, but this “small” will be enough to take on a larger task next time.

For example, in modern society it is considered a feat to create your own business. Of course, there will be many obstacles on the path to success, but the main problem is the fear of the unknown. There is no need to dive headlong into icy water; you should get used to it gradually. From the first “swim” no one will be able to create a multi-million dollar company with branches in different countries. You need to start with a small store/restaurant/grocery store, etc. This will be your first experience. Then you can expand the business, and then a little more, and so on to the size of a real industrial conglomerate. Experience accumulates gradually, if we speak with humor, the saying in life can be: “He who is in a hurry makes people laugh.”

Although, on the other hand, there is no need to stop either, because life is movement:

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. (Lao Tzu)

A thing is like a car: by itself it will only move downhill. (Commandment of American Managers)

Life is an inclined plane. You either move up or you fall down. (Chinese wisdom)

How does success come?

Each person has his own life priorities and principles. Some choose family, some choose business, and some choose travel. But regardless of goals, a person is faced with the impossibility of realizing them. What should you do at such a moment? Act. Scientific research has repeatedly shown that action is the best means to achieve a goal.

You can’t sit back and have your head in the clouds, thinking about a cloudless future. Dreams are wonderful, but when they become the only outlet in a world where life has long turned into a stagnant swamp, something needs to be changed immediately.

It's terribly hard work to do nothing. (Oscar Wilde)

The writer is completely right, it is really difficult to do nothing. It’s just that over time a person gets used to passive hope and expectations, and he becomes absolutely indifferent to what is happening in reality, he just wants to indulge in dreams of a bright future that will never come.

The slowest person walks faster than the one who wanders aimlessly.

Life is a marathon, and you can always catch up, catch up with those who are ahead, and be the first to reach the finish line of this race. The main thing is to see your goal and move closer to it step by step, without stopping. Real success comes only to such people, while others will only see it in their dreams.

For girls and more

Life mottos for girls and guys if they want to succeed are no different. In business, it makes no difference what gender you are, you must make decisions, lead and move forward with purpose. As for relationships, you can give some practical advice that will come in handy for everyone sooner or later:

To love means to stop comparing. (Grasse)

If you want to be loved, love. (Seneca)

To love means to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. (Leibniz)

What are slogans?

A slogan is a succinct phrase that contains the main message of the brand to customers. It helps to understand what exactly the company can offer the consumer.

It is precisely to give the buyer information about the quality and features of the proposed product in marketing that such a thing as a creative slogan appeared. Examples of successful implementation of a brand idea can be found in the largest modern manufacturers. Thus, from the slogan “Dumplings without haste,” the buyer can understand that purchasing such a product frees you from hassle in the kitchen. The phrase “Your pussy would buy Whiskas” means that cats would actually like this food if they could do their own grocery shopping.

But Snickers bars offer “not to slow down and grab a snicker” right on the go, without breaking away from your busy life schedule.

Creating a slogan is a whole science called sloganing. Unlike naming, it involves the use of verbs rather than nouns. After all, the main purpose of a slogan is to tell how the brand operates. Therefore, it embodies the energy of movement.

Many slogans, striking in their creativity, appeared in the USA. In this country, the advertising industry plays the role of an independent art. Therefore, in the USA they know a lot about how to come up with a memorable slogan for a colorful sign or an interesting video, and this is where this culture originated.

How the rich and successful think

Those who have achieved success have thoughts of a completely different kind in their heads than those who are just about to take this path. Speaking on behalf of ordinary people (the so-called gray masses), successful people are strange. Their thoughts can become excellent short mottos for life:

I control my destiny.

I create my own luck.

The economy doesn't affect me at all.

Health helps me earn more money.

Our education system only teaches people how to become good employees.

The government wants employees, not business owners.

Every dollar I don't spend is another dollar I make.

Negativity creates poverty.

Poverty is a temporary condition.

I always knew that one day I would become rich.

Most people don't really want to become rich once they find out how hard it is.

If you want to get rich, you need to change most of your relationships.

Self-education is the key to success in life.

Anyone can become rich.

Being a voracious reader is one of the keys to success in life.

Success is built on a mountain of mistakes. The more mistakes, the higher your mountain.

Everyone has the potential to be a genius.

Happiness and poverty are habits.

The only valuable education in life is the education you use to make money.

As we see, these people are a completely different Universe, a different world and our era. They believe in themselves and never rely on luck. Old Lady Fortune changes her favorites like gloves, and only effort guarantees a person stable support under his feet.

Annoying mistakes when creating a slogan

Here are the main mistakes you can make when creating a slogan:

  • Using humor that is completely incomprehensible to the target audience - shocking or inappropriate. For example, the use of youth slang in advertising a luxury real estate district. The majority of potential buyers in this segment are adults who may simply not appreciate this approach.
  • The desire to stand out at the expense of truthfulness. Intentional belittling of competitors and the desire to win against their background.
  • Development of a slogan “for everyone”, without taking into account the target audience. The main secret of successful advertising is an individual approach. It is important to hit the target, not to please everyone.
  • “Pile up” of product benefits. The best design, the fastest speed, a 100-year service life and a free lifetime warranty - so many bonuses always look suspicious and reminiscent of the "Shop on the Couch" program from the repertoire of 2000s television.
  • An arrogant attitude is unacceptable when developing a slogan. It involves an attitude towards the consumer in the style of “you are so inexperienced, but we will help you.” The buyer must feel respected - this is one of the main criteria for success.

Now that we have examined well-known examples of slogans, and also studied their main types and errors during development, we can begin to practice.

Create something eternal

Seneca said that it is important for a person to create something eternal. His life path is limited by time, so he needs to leave something behind. Each of us is the creator of our own destiny, or, as Paulo Coelho said:

Every person on earth, no matter who he is, plays a major role in the history of the world.

There is a huge potential hidden in a person, which he is not even aware of. Someone says that they have no talent, abilities, or strength. But if only these “incompetents” knew how much time and effort they spend on their “talents” in order to achieve results. If only they knew what it’s like to say to yourself “It’s not all yet,” when the brain already refuses to work and meaningfully hints that it’s time to sleep.

Pushing forward: nothing in the world can replace persistence. Talent will not replace it - there is nothing more common than talented losers. Genius will not replace it - unrealized genius has already become the talk of the town. A good education will not replace it - the world is full of educated outcasts. Only perseverance and perseverance are all-powerful. (Ray Kroc)

The people who are now at the so-called peak did not fall there from the sky. They climbed up there on their own. And to be honest, most people have the same resources: they have arms, legs, a head on their shoulders and 168 hours a week to achieve success. For some, this is enough; such people have a simple rule: “I’ll die, but I’ll do it.” But for some, this is not enough; it is easier for them to blame everything on the political situation, the economy, other people and aimlessly indulge in dreams of a successful life, by inertia switching TV channels in the long evenings.

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