Family mottos for the coat of arms: examples for kindergarten and school

The Internet today has become not just a toy, but a vital means of communication. Thanks to the development of technology, it has become much easier to work, have a social life and communicate with friends. However, there is not always time to tell all your friends and acquaintances important news. It is for these cases that statuses exist.

Statuses about family with meaning are messages intended for all your friends who visit your pages on social networks. Statuses can be different - short or long, serious or funny, by and large it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they correctly convey the emotional state.

Beautiful statuses about happiness with meaning.

Cool and funny statuses about family

You should not overuse funny statuses about your family, otherwise the information will not be perceived as intended; limit yourself to a few of the most original phrases that we have collected for you and this will have a stunning effect! Tears of joy, smiles, laughter, delight! With us you will always find something to say. We constantly update the database to keep it up to date. When you need special words, you could find them on our website!

A wife's salary is her salary! And the husband’s salary is the family budget.

The wife was waiting for her husband from the shift, and remembered every day: “How my proud reindeer works there, without affection.”

When my wife and I quarrel, I always look down on her, because I am the boss in the house, and it’s more convenient to prove it from the closet.

Marital happiness rests on three elephants: 1. Never tell your husband what your mother told you. 2. Never tell your mother what your husband told you. 3. Never, tell anyone, say anything about what is happening in your home.

It’s wrong to say: “The woman had a bad morning”... It’s more correct: “The whole family didn’t have a good morning!”

The most terrible beast is a wife who goes on a diet during critical days and at the same time quits smoking...

I lived with my wife and thought, where does she put the money? Got divorced. I lived alone for a month. Now I’m wondering where she got them from?

An ideal husband is one who comes home on time, buys groceries, cooks food, washes dishes, cleans the apartment, takes care of the children... Conclusion: the ideal husband is a wife.

Yes, I have never had such a virus before! The son-in-law said when he saw his mother-in-law at the computer.

A husband is someone who, simply by throwing out the trash, believes that he has cleaned almost the entire house.

- Dad, who did people come from? - Son, God created people! - And mom says it’s from monkeys. - She’s talking about her relatives.

A wife with a black belt in karate means a strong family, well-mannered children, a polite mother-in-law, a loving and faithful husband!

Tell me, were there any instances of megalomania in your family? — Yes, yes, sometimes my husband declares that he is the head of the family.

The principle of many wives: Of course, dear, you must have your own point of view... and now I will tell you it!

Take care of yourself - don’t look at your husband’s phone... Take care of your husband too. Move yours away!

The most incomprehensible debt is marital... No matter how much you repay, you still owe it!?!

If the husband is the head, and the wife is the neck, then is it the neck’s fault that the head is looking to the left?

Marriage is built on patience. Moreover, each spouse is sure that it is he who endures.

-Dad, who did you want? Girl or boy? -I wanted mom.

Petya suddenly ran into his parents’ bedroom and took the stork by surprise.

A wife is her husband’s face, so let it be perfectly well-groomed and beautiful.

Wife to husband: I'm leaving you! Husband in a panic: I'm with you!!!

For a man, helping with the housework means putting his feet up while his wife is sweeping!

Is it only in my family that they put on their shoes first and then trample through the rooms looking for the keys?

In the column of our family budget “unforeseen expenses” there are usually the following inscriptions: “Patishko”, “More payment”, “Beads”...

The husband hit the table: “Who’s the boss in the house? - wife: “Well, so what?” - Nothing, I just asked...

To maintain peace in the family, you need patience, love, understanding and of course 2 computers...

An ideal wife and an ideal husband. - Honey, go drink vodka! - Honey, I haven’t washed the floors yet!

Statuses about family and children

Neither an interesting job, nor good children, nor a beloved wife can replace you with a good rest from them.

True family happiness is when there are at least three of you.

When a child is born in a family... the apartment gradually turns into a toy store!

God has given us gifts, these are our husband, family and children, we love them all our lives alone, wonderful, sweet and dear.

Family starts with children. — A.I. Herzen.

When children stop asking questions, parents begin to do so.

The most valuable gift from God is a smiling child in the house!!!

Look for happiness in life, as well as positive advice. And may your family make you happy, and may your children inspire you.

A woman gives birth to her first child for herself, the second - for a good father...

A real family begins with the birth of the first child.

Over time, you realize that there is nothing more valuable than parents and children. The stream of life turns into a river, separating them on different banks...

You are my beloved and dear, you are the sweetest pig. You are a mischievous fidget, my dearest child!

So, daughter, one small step, one more step. Well done. Vova, quickly bring the camera - your daughter has returned from the CLUB.

The time will come, and everyone will understand for themselves that in this world, only our parents truly need us...

Live happily, joyfully! Protect the family! Holy bonds! Love each other and children!

First we lead children by the hand, so that later they will lead us by the nose.

Our most important wealth is not money and power... but a strong, happy family... with charming smiles... beautiful kids!!!

Morning in the family: - Honey, I’ll quickly look on the Internet... - Of course! I will feed the children dinner myself.

Don't have children for the sake of family happiness - have children in happy families.

Mom and dad live forever!!! We will do everything for your life...

When controlling children, you need to learn and trust them.

With meaning

Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities. (A. Schopenhauer)

And also have a fresh breakfast in the morning and wear clean, ironed shirts...)

In family life, one must take into account the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and aspirations of a loved one. While maintaining your dignity, you must be able to give in to each other. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Spouses must be able to give in to each other, then their relationship can be called love.

In family life, the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long. (A.P. Chekhov)

Over the years, love develops into a habit.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Family happiness is similar - busy weekdays and happy evenings, but everyone has their own misfortune.

In family life, the most important screw is love. (A.P. Chekhov)

To prevent the family from falling apart, this screw must be constantly tightened.

If the family is not filled with children's screams, they are more than compensated for by adults...

In a family without children, it becomes boring and spouses begin to find fault with each other.

FAMILY means happiness, love and luck, FAMILY means trips to the country in the summer. FAMILY is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation. FAMILY means work, taking care of each other, FAMILY means a lot of homework. FAMILY is important! FAMILY is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels, I want your friends to say about you: HOW GOOD THIS FAMILY IS!!!

I really want all families to be strong and to say about each of them “What a good family this is”!

The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state.

In it, mom is the President, dad is the Prime Minister...)

Good spouses have the same goals.

And one desire - to be together forever!

Family is not a place where everything is perfect, but where they forgive each other!

There are troubles in any family, but not everyone knows how to forgive them.

A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget that they are lovers during the day and forget that they are spouses at night.

Friends by day, lovers by night - these are the ideal spouses.

Don’t complain to anyone about your man, because, most likely, tomorrow you will make peace, and in the eyes of your friends he will remain a “bad person” who does not deserve respect.

It's too late to complain when the choice has been made.

If you take Love and Loyalty, add the feeling of Tenderness to them, multiply everything by years, you get FAMILY!

Love and loyalty are the main components of a family.

The only thing you should worry about is your family, and let him worry about the rest!

Only people close to you are worthy of your worries.

Why do we need a family motto in Russia?

In Europe, the slogan of groups, families, institutions is a completely common tradition. In Russia, such an innovation appeared recently. Initially, the motto was used in television programs, then it migrated to, and now competitions are organized on various topics with the creation of short and succinct phrases.

Now in educational schools and kindergartens it is necessary to come up with chants for classes, institutions, and families. Why do we need a family motto for kindergarten? Typically, such a task is given on the holiday of July 8, when Russians celebrate fidelity and love. On this day, sports competitions are held for parents.

The family motto in Russia is also used as a tool for psychologists and psychotherapists. The essence of this method is to characterize a family at different periods of life with a certain sentence that can be invented or taken from proverbs and sayings. For example, the phrases “Cancer, swan and pike” and “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” certainly indicate difficulties.

Love is a gift

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A Brazilian travels 36 km by bike every day to take his loved one home.

Charlie Chaplin also argued that your naked body should belong to only one person, the one who bared his soul to you.

Love should always act for the highest good of the loved one.

Marriage is like a gift. It should be opened and enjoyed.

Ernest Hemingway wrote that when a person wants to open up completely, they never listen to him. Give your significant other the opportunity to speak out.

According to Thomas Hardy, the brightest is new love, the greatest is love with a term, and the most tender is reborn love.

An old wedding parable says that you need to love a person especially when he least deserves it. It is during this period that he needs love more than ever.

Why are they needed and what were they like?

It may seem that the family motto is a completely unnecessary thing. But the same can be said about a person’s name. Christian philosophers of the twentieth century wrote a lot about the creative power of the word, and especially the name. Christians believe that God the Word created the whole world. And man is given the power to create with words. Man in this sense is like God, his word is effective.

Simply put, whatever the ship is called, that’s how it will sail. A family motto, passed down from generation to generation, can determine a person’s actions and model his behavior. A motto for a family is an analogue of a surname, a family calling card.

Verbal mottos briefly, in a few words, express the credo and life rules of the family. Previously, they were compiled in one of the common European languages, most often in Latin.

Here, for example, is the family motto on the coat of arms of the Counts Golovkin:

“Dedit haec insignia virtus” (“Valor gave this coat of arms”).

Princes Vasilchikovs:

"Life to the King, honor to no one."

Counts Vyazmitinovs:

"The path of truth and diligence."

We immediately understand that for these families the main ideal in life was service to the Fatherland.

On the motto ribbon of the coat of arms of the Lermontov family were written the words:

“Sors mea – Iesus.”

It is clear that in this family Christian ideals were considered the most important.

How to better reflect the essence of your family and come up with an original chant

  1. What is the theme of the competition? The theme should be at the core of the motto and highlight the necessary qualities. For example, in psychological competition, feelings are important, in sports - physical qualities, in female competition - culinary abilities or the beauty of the fair sex.
  2. How does family fit into this competition? The motto needs to show family unity and strong qualities to “intimidate” rivals. Allegories and comparisons with natural force will help with this.
  3. The family motto should be short, understandable, congenial and memorable. Children most often start shouting their rivals' chants because of their simplicity and beautiful sound.

You can come up with a chant yourself or use sayings and proverbs that reflect the family’s worldview. If the slogan has an ambiguous interpretation, then you can come up with a verse explaining the main features.

What is a motto?

Remember the expression: “Brevity is the sister of talent”? This way we can characterize the term “motto”, which is expressed in a short phrase that defines the main essence of the thoughts and behavior of a specific group of people. The motto united a certain group of people. It could be expressed in writing, drawing, coat of arms, symbols, where each sign could mean something.

Noble families had their own distinctive signs and passed on the family motto from generation to generation. In fact, he was the guide for all family members. His phrase contained a deep meaning and a characteristic feature of a whole family. For example, the Sheremetyevs had a family motto: “God preserves everything,” and the Stroganovs: “I will bring wealth to the Fatherland, I will leave a name for myself.”

Over time, the slogan began to be used in competitions between organizations, work teams, families, children, in sports, and in children's camps. It has become a distinctive element of a certain group of people. For example, in the children's camp, the Akuna-Matata detachment chose the appropriate motto: “Live freely without worries every day.”

In sports you can’t do without a motto

However, it is more common for Russians to use chants in sports. Its importance is invaluable - you need to unite different team members into a single whole, direct their thoughts and actions in the same direction, force them to think in the same direction.

When passing tests, saying a “magic phrase” to yourself in such a group increases the chances of winning. This is due to the fact that the person who pronounces the sports motto feels how the forces of the team flow into him. This method in psychology is called “self-hypnosis”.

In addition, at the moment of failure and failure, the team chant lifts the spirit and in the last minutes helps to snatch victory from the hands of the opponents! But this is the case if the team cares about each of its members, and everyone moves towards the same goal together.

The effect of the motto in sports can be compared to the battle cry of primitive people hunting a mammoth, who are “infected” by courage from each other and get rid of fears. follow the same plan. Shouting the family's sports motto helps fans feel supported and empowered.

Marriage is work

Family relationships are a small thing that makes a huge difference.

Small efforts every day will lead to big gains in marriage, achieved slowly over time.

“If you want your marriage to be extraordinary, make it so yourself.” (Justin Davis)

Everyone has their own gaps. Fill in each other's blanks.

In a successful marriage, people fall in love with each other many times throughout their lives.

“Memories are the heart of a marriage” (Bill Cosby).

Ultimately the bond of all partnerships, be it friendship or marriage, is conversation.

If the grass in someone else's yard seems greener to you, it means that the owners take better care of it.

“If we don't change, we won't grow” (Alice di Lorenzo).

With good company the road becomes short (proverb).

The shortest distance between people is laughter.

“Marriage is our last, best chance to grow upward” (Joseph Barth).

“The first duty of love is to listen” (Paul Tillich).

We are together, and therefore we are stronger

  1. A good family is not only when you do something together. It is also when you dream together.
  2. There must be children in the family. And if you haven’t understood this yet, then you’re still too young.
  3. A family doesn't have to be perfect or anything like that. But the family must be strong!
  4. What we think about marriage until we enter into it are only sweet dreams. But we must learn to live in reality.
  5. Mutual understanding is when you still leave a piece of chocolate for your loved one...
  6. I don't wish my friends any tinsel. I wish to be loved by loved ones!
  7. Did someone overstep their pride for you? This is the guy you need to start a family with.
  8. I know we can quarrel. And I also know that at night you will still turn around and hug me.
  9. Children should be loved just like that, for nothing. Then they will do the same.
  10. Allow yourself a little more, don’t be shy, don’t regret it. So create a good family for yourself!
  11. A person should be interested in how you look when they meet you. Then he should be interested in how you feel.
  12. And, you know, you are exactly the man from whom I wanted children. Everything has come true!
  13. A husband, first of all, must be loving. And only then beautiful, strong and rich.
  14. Growing up, you understand that family is also work. And it’s not a fairy tale for you!
  15. But the fates of all families are strikingly similar. But their members behave completely differently.
  16. Happiness is in small things. Or to be more precise in small children. And whoever is wrong is wrong :3

What is the meaning of the slogan for the family itself?

For Europeans and Americans, a family motto is a kind of unification of relatives and differentiation from other families. They even host regular family sports competitions. For Russians, family relationships come first, not public verbal descriptions.

If you come up with a motto for competitions, then parents often put a thematic result into them. For example, “We are invincible”, “We are like a glove, always together”, “One for all and all for one”. The motto of family for children is most likely fun to spend time with their parents. But over time it can carry a deeper meaning and define

The motto can be dynamic and static. In the first case, it is compiled for a certain period of time and can reflect problems, situations, and the nature of the family. In the second, he defines life principles and principles. For example, a saying about family honor and hard work can outline the moral character of subsequent generations, but only if parents proudly talk about the family motto as a distinctive feature of their family!

Statuses about a happy family

Happiness is when you don’t have time to go online because you constantly spend time with your family.

Family is the most comfortable and warm place on Earth. And in this place you are truly happy!

When you see a happy family, don’t be jealous. They went through all the same difficulties as you, but they didn’t give up.

To appreciate marital happiness requires patience; impatient natures prefer misfortune. — George Santayana.

Happiness is when you have a large, friendly, caring, loving family in another country.

So what is the secret of family happiness? - in the wife’s immeasurable patience...

For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just a pretty appearance is enough.

A good woman, when she gets married, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for it.

“Happiness is when everything is perfect in the family! When the children are healthy and the relationship with the husband is good!”

Family is a great work that cannot be postponed or abandoned by going on vacation... but the reward is happiness!!!

In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money comes from the nightstand, the husband thinks that the food comes from the refrigerator, and the children think that it was found in the cabbage.

Love it! And appreciate Happiness! It is born in the Family! What could be more precious than Families on this fabulous land!!!

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that your family loves you, loves you for who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.

You cannot find happiness in marriage unless you bring it with you.

A family is strong if the moment of happiness is repeated many times. - V. Havel.

If the woman in the house is happy, then the whole family is happy!

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. - L.N. Tolstoy.

Happiness is when they adjust your blanket at night and kiss you on the cheek, thinking that you are sleeping.

Examples in verses

Sometimes you need to come up with a family motto in verse for a competition for school or kindergarten, for example, a sports motto for a family team, or a creative one for a family business card. Let us give examples of such slogans.

In order for the family motto to always “work”, it would be a good idea to decorate it beautifully and hang it in the place in the apartment where all family members most often gather.


The word motto comes from the Latin “devidere” and means “set apart.”

It is always located separately, outside the main field of the coat of arms, below, on the motto ribbon. Based on their form, mottos are divided into three groups: figurative, figurative-verbal and verbal. For example, the figurative motto of Scotland is the burdock, and that of England is the rose. In figurative-verbal mottos, the figurative part is called the “body of the motto”, and the verbal part is called the “soul”.

Verbal is the most common group and there are at least 10 types:

  1. personal,
  2. generic,
  3. state,
  4. mottos of heads of state,
  5. cities,
  6. monastic,
  7. regional,
  8. military,
  9. order,
  10. corporate.

For example, pre-revolutionary Russia had a motto:

"God is with us".

Personal motto of A.V. Suvorov had the words:

“I must mean I can!”

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