15 Inspirational Robin Sharma Quotes on Success and Willpower

Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer, one of the TOP 5 experts in the world on leadership and motivation.

He is one of the most famous coaches in the world, as well as a motivational and business speaker.

I consider him my mentor. His bestselling books, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The Path to Greatness, have greatly influenced my business and life.

And not just for me. of such companies as Nike, BP, General Electric, NASA , FedEx, IBM, Microsoft, HP and Oracle received Robin Sharma's training lessons

Reports about him appeared on CNN, The Biography Channel and PBS.

Robin Sharma has formulated “200 Life Lessons” in which he shares his rituals, tactics and strategies for success in business and life .

I have chosen the ones that I use most often and share with you how you can implement them into your daily life.

(If you are excited about the topic of changing your mindset to increase your income, be sure to see this opportunity)

Lessons from Robin Sharma: Rituals

Lesson 1. Read in the evening by candlelight

It relaxes, creates an atmosphere of coziness, comfort, and helps you focus. home turn into a secluded place for 30 minutes where you can relax from the world.

If you want to relax even more, turn on calm music or special sounds for relaxation.

How I use it: I introduced the practice of reading by candlelight after diving into a biochemistry topic. Focus is better, sleep is better, insights from books go deeper.

Lesson 2. Every day, do 2 things that you don't like to do.

Clean the house, wash the dishes, talk to your subordinates, make a budget. It may be something very small, but when you do it, it will be a big victory over yourself.

Soon these actions will become routine for you, and you can move on to something bigger.

Your strength of character will strengthen, and with it your productivity will increase.

How I use it: For a long time I had resistance to doing live video broadcasts on social networks. However, over time, I realized that this is a huge lever for growing the company and establishing trust with clients.

Therefore, I wrote a receipt that I would broadcast for 60 days every day. It was uncomfortable. However, this gave birth to an idea for a very powerful new sales funnel.

Over time, broadcasting has become easier. As a result, I now continue to post on social media every day to raise awareness of the GoldCoach brand.

Lesson 3: Learn to meditate effectively

“Our mind naturally behaves like an unattached monkey that constantly wants to jump from thought to thought.

You need to learn to limit and discipline your mind if you want to achieve anything significant.

20 minutes of meditation in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening will give you amazing results if you do it regularly for at least six months."

How I use it: I meditate every day. I know that if I meditate in the morning, I will have a great day , I will be in a good mood, I will make more profitable decisions, I will work faster, and I will come home early. " (Robin Sharma, quote)

If I don’t meditate, the first fool on the way to the office will make me lose my temper , and the whole day will go awry. I will make mistakes, I will not be able to generate profitable ideas and I will lose money!

One minute of meditation gives me at least $1000 return on investment . I want you to try this “miracle” . Therefore, I opened access to my favorite sounds for meditation using this link:

Who is Robin Sharma and what does he do?

Robin Sharma is a famous writer, the author of many popular books, for example, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”, “Everyday Inspiration”, “The Leader Without a Title”. Quotes from these works instantly become public knowledge and slogans of successful individuals.

Like the heroes of his own books, Robin has come a long way to self-improvement. He received an academic degree and became a successful lawyer. But, despite his material wealth, he was aware of the inner emptiness, the poverty of his own soul.

It was at this point that he began to study Eastern spiritual practices. Combining them with classic motivational techniques, he created his first book. It sold out in an impressive circulation. This finally convinced Robin Sharma to retrain from a lawyer to a writer.

Over time, he also began to conduct seminars and trainings, which are still wildly popular to this day.

Lessons from Robin Sharma: Sports and health

Lesson 4. Take part in a 5K race and then a 10K race.

“The adrenaline of being able to run with several hundred other healthy people is exhilarating.

Constantly expand the boundaries of your abilities and your potential will quickly be revealed. Remember: your body only gives what you ask for.” (Robin Sharma, quote)

How I use it: I spent the whole of 2021 under the sign of Ironman.

I did 2 workouts a day for one and a half to two hours . Sometimes I went to sports training camps and was unavailable for several days.

At the same time, there was less time for work than in 2021.

However, here’s the paradox: net profit increased by 59% compared to 2016 . At the same time, my health and physical fitness are better than those of many fitness trainers.

In 2021, I plan to run marathons with the GoldCoach team and complete a half Ironman in less than 5 hours.

Lesson 5. Walk for half an hour in the evening

“It’s best to walk in a natural environment .

Walking is perhaps nature's most ideal exercise. When you walk, don't think about work, or bills, or the problems you have. This counteracts the benefits of walking.

Just enjoy the walk. Celebrate the richness of nature around you. Let your senses absorb the beauty of nature and the purity of the air .”

How I use it: I use nature walks to help me make better decisions.

I walk for about 15 minutes, not thinking about anything in particular. I allow myself to be in the flow. After 15 minutes I stop and ask the question I left with .

After that I concentrate on the trees, grass, leaves and sky.

The first answer that comes to me is what comes from my subconscious .

99% of the time I get the correct answer to very complex business questions this way.

How it works? I don't know.

I just know that nowhere have I received such a level of clarity as in nature.

Just being in the park makes me feel like I'm connecting to something bigger . Something that is outside of me.

Lesson 6: Schedule relaxation time into your week and stick to it.

“You wouldn’t think of scheduling something for the time when you have a meeting with the president of the company or with your best client?

Then why are you putting off time for yourself?

You need time to yourself to reflect, relax and recharge your batteries . This allocation of time allows you to work efficiently and is therefore especially valuable.”

How I use it: I schedule rest and recovery just like I schedule business meetings. Robin Sharma's lessons taught me to regularly set aside time to “reset my brain . I know for sure that a clear head can generate breakthrough ideas.

Lesson 7. Swim daily

“This will improve your health, allow you to relax and concentrate , and be in good shape.

Swimming is good for the body, gives good exercise to the lungs and takes little time.”

How I use it: I have loved water since I was a child. I've never had a fear of water. I learned to swim in a fish hatchery with toads, in the reeds, where the bottom is made of mulefish, the water is dark as night, but I always loved the feeling when the water envelops your body and you become lighter.

Our parents didn’t have money to buy us swimming trunks, so we cut off our pants to the knees and swam in them. Nothing will stop me from jumping into the water.

And now I swim almost every day. Recently I was swimming in the pool and on the next path I saw a very sick and very rich businessman . His tired look, weak body, broken soul - this is the price he paid.

This price is too high!

A person makes a choice every day: to take care of himself or not. Being healthy and energetic is a choice we all have.

Health affects happiness, happiness affects productivity, money and material success are the results of productivity.

Famous and wise quotes from him

Below are the most interesting and wise aphorisms of the author.

“Remember: a mistake is only a mistake if you make it twice.”

“Every second you spend thinking about the past, you steal from the future.”

“The tragedy of life is not death, but what dies in us through our oversight while we are still alive.”

“People are willing to do business with those who make them feel good. People are emotional creatures. We want to be with those who give us a feeling of happiness.”

The funny thing is that this is only a small part of all the interesting and memorable sayings. Every line of any of his works is a real masterpiece. Each chapter is a life lesson, sometimes lying on the surface, sometimes hidden quite deeply and appearing before the mind's eye only after reading the entire work.

The main ideas contained in the author’s works are very similar to those that you have probably heard from others. However, they are presented extremely elegantly.

It’s worth reading the author’s books even when you consider your life successful, in every sense, “correct.” Eastern teachings, taken as the basis for the works and trainings of Robin Sharma, may raise doubts, but the doubts are rational, allowing one to get rid of stereotypes imposed by society. Get rid of fears and an exhausting lifestyle, using your strengths more rationally for self-improvement.

Lessons from Robin Sharma: Productivity

Lesson 8. Set aside one hour in the morning for self-improvement.

“Meditate, visualize your day, read inspirational texts that set the tone for your day, listen to motivational tapes or read great books.

Use this quiet time to fill yourself with strength and energy for the day ahead.

Starting your day off right is a very effective way to make progress on your goals each day .” (Robin Sharma, quote)

How I use it: I don't allow myself to do 2 things in the morning:

  • Read news
  • View mail

These activities can ruin your morning .

Dealing with them means getting bogged down in problems. They will consume your time and energy and put your brain in an unproductive state.

I start the day with a positive attitude and dedicate the first hours of the day to what matters most.

When you do the most important and difficult things , you have a huge supply of energy for the whole day! You feel like a winner!

Believe me, this is a fantastic feeling!

Lesson 9: Write down your ideas

“Throughout the day, you probably have inspiration and great ideas . Keep a set of small cards and a pen in your wallet to write down these ideas.

When you get home, put these cards in a visible place and look at them from time to time. As Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote: “The human mind, once enlarged by a new idea, never returns to its former size.”

How I use it: I tried using cards, however it is awkward. They constantly get lost and are difficult to systematize.

This only brought more chaos and confusion into my life and my projects.

That's why I use Electronic Brain, a combination of GTD and Evernote.

Evernote is installed on your phone, and it is very convenient to enter information on the fly. And GTD helps to systematize all this and save every idea.

This greatly relieves the brain and helps keep everything under control.

If you also want to be more productive, download the free checklist for creating a project plan in 44 minutes and read it to the end.

Lesson 10. Learn to manage your time

“There are 168 hours in a week.

This is enough to achieve your desired goals . Manage your time strictly. Take a few minutes every morning to plan your day.

Plan according to your priorities. I recommend not focusing too much on urgent, but not the main tasks (for example, phone calls, sorting mail, turnover).

Pay attention to those tasks that are important, but not urgent , because they are what develop you as a person and a professional .

Important and non-urgent activities are those that produce important long-term results and include strategic planning , relationship development and professional education.

Never let the things that matter most to you take a backseat to the things that matter least to you.”

How I use it: Every Sunday from 2pm to 8pm I make a plan for the next week .

The first step is to clean out your mail, Viber, Evernote.

Then I look at what projects I have coming up, determine my next steps for them, and put them in Google Calendar.

I always know when and what meetings I have , when the deadlines for projects are, when to pick up the child. This helps you pay attention to what's important.

Lessons from Robin Sharma: Thinking

Lesson 11. Never complain

“May you be known as a positive, strong, energetic and enthusiastic person .

Anyone who complains is always cynical and looks for the negative in everything. Such a person scares people away and rarely succeeds.

From a purely psychological point of view, everything is created twice : first in the mind and then in reality. Focus on the positive.

Be strong spiritually so that nothing can turn you off your intended path to success. Visualize what you want and believe in it strongly. This will definitely happen."

How I use it: I never complain.

I understand the difference between “feeling better” and “getting better . These two things have nothing in common. To feel better, just complain and get approval from others .

It's fast and it's easy. You immediately feel better.

The second way to feel better is to become a better person . A much less attractive thing and even less commonly practiced.

There are no quick results here, it’s difficult, long, hard. Sweat, blood and ridicule from others .

(While you go jogging at 7am, everyone thinks you're an idiot. You read a book while everyone is hanging out making fun of you. You started meditating and got signed up for a cult.)

However, if you see the goal and understand why you are doing it, it goes much easier, and you no longer “feel better,” but actually become better.

Lesson 12: Create an image of yourself as a highly competent, strong, disciplined, calm and decent person.

“Find the right balance between your image to the outside world and your character.

Don't tell anyone everything about yourself, your strategies and aspirations . Successful entrepreneurs, geniuses of sports and art think three times before saying something, because the words that come out cannot be caught.

Show ease in everything you do , and people will consider you naturally talented. Say only good things and people will always flock to you.

Never talk bad about others and everyone will know that you don't judge people behind their back. Work to improve your character and practice high principles in life."

How I use it: My GoldCoach and Footyball teams have a lot of guys who are 22-23 years old. They are smart and good .

I see them making the same mistake. They are all worried about where they will be at 25-26-30 years old. Everyone wants to earn as much as I do . Some even ask how much I earned when I was 26 years old.

I just smile in response to this question.

I see that on a weekly, minute-by-minute basis they are too patient.

They think a lot. They spend 2 hours a day on Instagram and another 2 hours on Youtube. They talk a lot and talk about the future instead of silently acting .

They take 4 hours to complete a task that can be done in 30 minutes. A decision that can be made in 5 minutes takes 3 months to make.

Everyone is very impatient on the macro level and too patient on the micro level .

Everything should be the other way around - “macro patience, micro speed.” And a lot of discipline when ambitions are supported by actions.

I am incredibly patient for years and decades , but incredibly impatient and hyperactive on a daily and minute-to-minute basis. Therefore, from the outside it seems that everything comes easy to me.

Lesson 13. When you look for something, you will find it.

“If you constantly expect exceptional success , you will definitely achieve it.

Throughout the day, mentally return to your goals. Do this at least 5 times a day and imagine yourself doing them .

If your goal is to get rich, imagine the house you will live in, the car you will drive, the feeling of wealth and pleasure from achieving your goals.

Return to your desires again and again until you are completely sure that you will make them come true. And this will definitely happen."

How I use it: I've been visualizing for a very long time. According to scientists, the subconscious mind does not see the difference between what really happened and what you visualized.

For example, I need to visualize an income of $1,000,000.

I close my eyes and play a movie about how I get this money . I can imagine how I feel when I see this number in my bank account. I can imagine how much that is in cash. How I hold them in my hands...

The main thing is to experience strong emotions from what you imagine .

Emotions increase the impact of visualization on the subconscious hundreds of times, which means you will reach your goal faster.

The great book of success and happiness from the monk who sold his Ferrari (collection)Text

"Peter and the Magic Thread." Peter was a very lively boy. Everyone loved him: both in the family and at school. But he had one drawback. - Which one? “He didn’t know how to live in the present.” He did not know how to enjoy the simple “process of life.” While sitting in class, he dreamed of playing outside. While playing on the street, he dreamed of summer holidays. Peter always lived in dreams, unable to enjoy the opportunities that the day brought him. One fine morning, Peter was walking in the forest, not far from his house. Feeling tired, he decided to rest on the lawn and fell asleep. Soon he heard someone calling him. "Peter! Peter!" – came a sharp voice from above. He slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to see an old woman standing over him. She was probably over a hundred years old. Her snow-white hair fell below her shoulders. In her wrinkled hand she held a small magic ball. A long golden thread hung from a hole in the middle of the ball. “Peter,” she said, “this is the thread of your life.” If you pull it just a little, the hours will pass in seconds. If you pull a little harder, the days will pass in minutes. And if you pull with all your might, months - and even years - will begin to fly by in a matter of days.

Peter was very happy about this discovery. “How I wish I had this!” - he said.

The old woman quickly bent down and handed the boy a ball with a magic thread.

The next day, Peter sat in class and was bored, unable to wait for the end of classes. Suddenly he remembered his new toy. He pulled a little string and immediately found himself at home, in his garden. Then Peter realized the power of the magic thread and he soon got tired of being a schoolboy. He wanted to turn into a young man and experience all the delights and feelings of this age. He pulled out the ball again and pulled the golden thread hard.

And now he is already a young man. Next to him is his girlfriend, the beautiful Eliza. But Peter is unhappy again. He never learned to enjoy the present and enjoy the simple miracles of each period of life. He dreams of becoming an adult. And again he pulled the thread - many years flew by in an instant. Now he has turned into a middle-aged man. Eliza had already become his wife, and his house was full of children. But Peter noticed something else. His once black hair began to turn grey. His mother, once young and cheerful, whom he loved so much, has grown old and weak. But Peter didn't know how to live in the present. So he pulled the magic thread again, waiting to see what would happen next.

Now Peter has turned into a ninety-year-old man. His once thick black hair turned white as snow, and his beautiful wife Eliza also grew old and had been dead for several years. His wonderful children grew up, moved away and began to live their own lives. For the first time in his life, Peter realized that he had never been able to enjoy the miracle of the very process of life. He had never been fishing with his children and had never walked with Eliza by moonlight. He never grew a garden or read those wonderful books that his mother loved to read. Instead, he rushed through life, never stopping to take in the beauty along the way.

Peter was very sad when he realized this. He decided to go to the forest where he walked as a child to think things over. Entering the forest, he saw that the young trees had grown into mighty oaks. The forest itself turned into a heavenly riot of nature. He lay down on the lawn and fell deeply asleep. Soon he heard someone calling him. "Peter! Peter!" – called a sharp voice. He looked up in surprise and saw that it was the same old woman who had given him the magic ball with the golden thread many years ago.

- Well, did you like my gift? – she asked.

Peter answered very directly and frankly:

“At first I really liked him, but now I just hate him.” My whole life passed before my eyes, without giving me the opportunity to enjoy it. Of course, there could have been sad moments in addition to beautiful ones, but I didn’t know either one or the other. There's emptiness inside me. The gift of life passed me by.

“You are very ungrateful,” said the old woman. “And yet I will give you the right to one last wish.”

Peter thought only for a second and quickly replied: “I would like to be a schoolboy again and live my life again.” And he again fell into a deep sleep.

Peter heard someone calling him and opened his eyes. -Who could it be now? - he thought. Opening his eyes, he saw in admiration that his mother was standing near the bed. She was young, healthy and smiling radiantly. Peter realized that the unfamiliar old woman he met in the forest really fulfilled his wish and he returned to his old life. - Hurry up, Peter. You've been sleeping too long. If you don’t get up this minute, then because of your dreams you’ll be late for school,” the mother persuaded. Needless to say, that morning Peter jumped out of bed and began to live the way he wanted. From that moment on, he led a life full of joys, discoveries and victories. But it all started from the moment he stopped sacrificing the present for the sake of the future.

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