How does a woman influence a man's success? All about women's gratitude, faith and inspiration from men at any cost

How does a woman influence a man's success?

One day, Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were having dinner at a restaurant. As the couple sat down, the restaurant owner politely asked Obama if he could address the first lady privately. He didn't refuse.

Michelle spoke with the owner of the restaurant. After their conversation ended, Obama asked his wife, “Why was he so interested in talking to you?” Michelle replied that he was once in love with her.

To which Obama joked: “See, if you had married him, you would now be the wife of the owner of this restaurant,” to which Michelle replied: “No, if I had married him, he would have become president.”

Quotes by Bernard Shaw

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes from the British writer Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950).

It is not entirely clear what he is more famous for - his plays or his aphoristic sayings.

Quotes are summarized by topic: life ethics, women and men, human manifestations, relationships, love, about oneself, marriage, life, people, religion, happiness, truth and lies, children and parents, art, success, patriotism, money, attitude towards animals, friends and enemies, genius, fun, school, old age, alcohol, democracy, medicine, loneliness, work, wisdom, pessimists and optimists, rich and poor, war, history, revolution, Nobel Prize, vegetarianism, censorship, holidays, newspapers .

About life ethics

Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got.

Problems should force you to act, not make you depressed!

When we stop doing, we stop living.

The most important thing is to bring order to your soul. We follow three “don’ts”: don’t complain, don’t blame, don’t make excuses.

The secret of heroism: never let the fear of death rule your life.

Before you pour out your soul, make sure that the “vessel” is not leaking!

Distance doesn't spoil anything. The age difference doesn't spoil anything. Parents' opinions do not spoil anything. People ruin everything. Sami.

It's never too late to leave the crowd. Follow your dream, move towards your goal.

Do not rush to help those who did not ask you to do so. Don't give advice to those who haven't asked for it. Value yourself, your word, your thoughts.

The greatest human stupidity is fear. Fear of doing something, talking, confessing. We are always afraid, and that is why we lose so often.

A person who does not believe in anything is afraid of everything.

The question “What will people think?” - should be in the very last place. Basically, no one cares. Life is yours.

Every person has the right to his own opinion - provided that it coincides with ours.

To learn the laws of life means to experience a whole series of humiliations, just like learning to skate. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with the onlookers.

The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.

Never point out mistakes unless you know how to fix them.

Learning to speak means growing up; learning to remain silent means becoming wiser.

About women and men

No man is worth a woman unless she is a truly good woman.

A real woman is one who makes every unhappy person happy.

It is easier to live with a passionate woman than with a boring one. True, they are sometimes strangled, but rarely abandoned.

Friendship between a man and a woman is a relationship of either former lovers or future ones.

Women somehow immediately guess with whom we are ready to cheat on them. Sometimes even before it even occurs to us.

All men are the same in front of the woman they admire.

If a woman is waiting for tender confessions, then it’s just like a spider is waiting for a fly.

Women who think are those who don't think.

A smart young woman has to choose between stupid young men who are full of strength and health and smart and - how can I put it - old goats who are greedy for women.

The test of a man's or woman's good manners is their behavior during a quarrel.

There is no woman who could say “goodbye” in less than thirty words.

Love men. They really need your love. Even if they never admit it. Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him. And she truly loved.

By the way, quotes about women and quotes about men

About human manifestations

The man who keeps to himself everything not worth remembering sometimes achieves the highest of university degrees. And the only thing that can be done with such a person is to bury him.

When we don’t like a person, we will find any reason to refuse to help him, and if we like him, we will always convince ourselves that he needs to help.

Our behavior style is determined not by life experience, but by hopes for the future.

People get tired of everything in the world, and especially quickly of what they like most.

The thinner the ice, the more everyone wants to see whether it will hold up.

People only tell us interesting information when we contradict them.

Honesty and loyalty are an expensive gift that you should not expect from cheap people.

Virtue does not consist in abstaining from sin, but in not desiring sin.

There is no danger in being sincere, especially if you are also stupid.

He didn't miss a single opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Seriousness is a small person’s attempts at greatness.

When a small-minded person does something shameful, he always claims that it is his duty.

Misanthropy is like spitting in the mirror.

Hatred is a coward's revenge for the fear he has experienced.

Silence is the most perfect form of expressing contempt.

About relationships

You can be endlessly right, but what's the point if your woman cries?

The only one who acted wisely was my tailor. He took my measurements again every time he saw me, while everyone else came up to me with their old measurements, expecting me to fit them.

The only great difficulty in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

The greatest sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity.

Beware of a person who does not respond to your blow: he will never forgive you and will not allow himself to be forgiven.

In both friendship and love, sooner or later the time comes to settle scores.

In the end, our relationship deteriorated to such an extent that there was only one thing left to do: agree that we respect each other extremely.

Do not force on anyone what you want for yourself: tastes vary.

The older and wiser a person is, the less he wants to sort things out. I just want to get up, wish you all the best and leave.

About love

Love is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everyone else.

In love, one always kisses, and the other only turns his cheek.

Ideal love is only possible through correspondence.

First love requires only a little stupidity and a lot of curiosity.

People have forgotten how to love, the world is ruled by consumer relationships.

If you start by sacrificing yourself for those you love, you will end up hating those you sacrificed to.

The world is so rotten that even falling in love with someone is the biggest risk we can take. We are squeezed from the inside by the possibility that this will not be reciprocated or will be received aggressively.

There are only two tragedies in life. One is to lose a loved one, the other is to find her.

If a person did not fall in love until he was forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that.

There is no love more sincere than the love of food.

By the way, quotes about love

About Me

The information I received at school was limited to the little that a prisoner can learn from his comrades.

I became a writer because an author rarely meets his clients and does not have to dress decently.

My fame grew with every failure.

Few people think more than twice or thrice a year; I have become world famous for thinking once or twice a week.

I quote myself often. This adds spice to my conversation.

My way of telling jokes is to tell the truth. There is nothing funnier in the world.

Mark Twain and I are in the same position. We must speak our minds in such a way that people who would otherwise hang us will think we are joking.

The inconstancy of the women with whom I was in love was redeemed only by the hellish constancy of the women in love with me.

I turn 56 on the 26th of this month and I am still not an adult.

About marriage

Family life (in our understanding) is no more natural for a person than a cage for a parrot.

An ideal husband is a man who believes that he has an ideal wife.

Marriage is an avalanche that a young man and a girl bring down on their heads while reaching for a flower.

Marriage is a union between a man who cannot sleep with the window closed and a woman who cannot sleep with the window open.

Marriage owes its popularity to the fact that it combines the greatest temptation with the greatest convenience of satisfying it.

Marriage is the long-term heroic work of a father and mother raising their children.

Home is a prison for a man and a workhouse for a woman.

The grounds for divorce accepted in our society are ridiculous, because bad character is a much more compelling reason for divorce than adultery.

By the way, quotes about weddings and marriage

About life

Life is too short to be taken seriously.

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Let's assume that the world is just one of God's jokes. Isn't that why it's worth turning it from a bad joke into a good one?

A life spent making mistakes is not only more worthwhile, but also more useful than a life spent doing nothing.

Life will not teach you if you don’t want to grow wiser.

The world loves miracles and heroes.

In our world, danger always threatens those who fear it.

Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim under water like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn to live on earth like people.

By the way, quotes about life

About people

A person is like a brick: when burned, it hardens.

Most of all, people are interested in what does not concern them at all.

There is no depth of thought or thoughtfulness in people; now there is more and more superficiality and lightness in people. The looks are empty and cowardly. People have become slaves to money, not to their souls.

2 percent of people think, 3 percent think they think, and 95 percent of people would rather die than think.

Fools are ready to sacrifice everything in the world for the sake of two acquisitions: happiness and freedom, but they are punished by the fact that they achieve their goal; and it turns out that they have no ability to experience happiness, and they have no idea what to do with freedom.

A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses even more so.

By the way, quotes about people

About religion

There is only one religion, but in a hundred guises.

Courage is already a religion; Without religion we are all cowards.

The Lord is always in creation.

Faith is purely a matter of taste.

The view that a believer is happier than an atheist is as absurd as the common belief that a drunk is happier than a sober one.

All religious organizations exist by selling themselves to the rich.

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell.

By the way, quotes about religion

Oh happiness

We have no right to consume happiness without producing it.

If you ever find it while chasing happiness, then, like the old woman looking for her glasses, you will discover that happiness was right on your nose all along.

If a person is healthy and has a goal, he does not think about whether he is happy or not. Sometimes he doesn't even think about whether others are happy or not.

For every minute you are angry, sixty seconds of happiness are lost.

By the way, quotes about happiness

About truth and lies

If you once tell the truth, they will never believe you again, no matter how much you lie later.

Nature abhors a vacuum: where people do not know the truth, they fill in the gaps with speculation.

Architects hide their mistakes under ivy, housewives hide their mistakes under mayonnaise, and doctors hide them underground.

The idea behind the trial is that if you force two liars to expose each other, the truth will come out.

The liar's punishment is not that no one believes him anymore, but that he himself can no longer trust anyone.

By the way, quotes about truth and quotes about lies

About children and parents

The first half of our lives is spoiled by our parents, the second by our children!

The main danger from which children must be protected is their parents.

If only parents could imagine how annoying they are to their children!

The world is ruled by the young - when they grow old.

I am sure that if I had to choose: to live where the noise of children does not stop for a minute, or where it is never heard, then all normal and healthy people would prefer incessant noise to incessant silence.

By the way, quotes about children

About art

Reading made Don Quixote a knight, and believing what he read made him crazy.

A great work of art is a painful victory of a brilliant mind over a brilliant imagination.

Books gain a lot by not being read. Just look at our classics.

The worst thing is this. Since a person for the most part mentally imagines himself as he is described in books, he ultimately accepts the false idea of ​​​​himself that literature imposes on him, and proceeds from it in his actions.

Sarah Bernhardt plays the role of the great actress perfectly.

By the way, quotes about art

About success

The secret to success is to outrage as many people as possible.

I don't like to fight, I like to win.

What we call success is in reality the compensation of every person who is deprived of talent.

People always blame circumstances. I don't believe in circumstances. In this world, only those who seek the conditions they need succeed and, if they do not find them, create them themselves.

By the way, quotes about success

About patriotism

Patriotism is the belief that your country is better than others because you were born in it.

Patriotism is a destructive, psychopathic form of idiocy.

A 100% American is a 99% idiot

A healthy nation is as oblivious to its nationality as a healthy person is to its spine.

About money

Money is not the most important thing in life. But don’t forget to get them before you say such nonsense!

What's the point of money if you have to work for it?

How mercantile you are, my friend. Remember: everything that money can buy is already cheap!

Debt is like any other trap: it is very easy to get into, but quite difficult to get out of.

By the way, quotes about money

About attitude towards animals

Atrocities do not cease to be atrocities if they happen in laboratories and are called medical experiments.

If you cannot achieve knowledge without torturing dogs, do without knowledge.

A person is as cultured as he can understand a cat.

When a man wants to kill a tiger, he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to kill himself, a person calls it bloodthirstiness. The difference between crime and justice is no greater.

About friends and enemies

I thought they lose friends in quarrels, but they simply disappear into business, money and time!!!

Recently I made an incredible discovery: we are told to love our enemies because this love will bring them to the grave.

How many times have I told you to make as many enemies as you want in front, but not leave any of them behind!

By the way, quotes about friendship

About genius

Genius does what it must; talent is what it can do.

The most effective way to silence a genius is to accept his ideas on faith, admit that he is a great man, and forget about him.

The enemies of a great artist are found among artists, and not among the ordinary public.

Oh fun

People who know how to have fun don't have money, and people who have money don't know how to have fun.

Sometimes you need to make people laugh to distract them from their intention to hang you.

We'll have a lot of fun once you get tired of having fun.

About school

Those who know how do it, those who don’t know how to teach others.

It makes me furious to think about how much I would have learned if I hadn't gone to school.

A textbook can be defined as a book that is not suitable for reading.

By the way, quotes about school

About old age

Getting old is boring, but it's the only way to live long.

Old age has its own timidity, just as timidity is characteristic of youth.

As one wise man noted, youth that forgives itself nothing is forgiven everything; and old age, which forgives itself everything, is forgiven nothing.

About alcohol

Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to endure the operation called life.

Alcohol is very useful. He always helps - if not the sick, then the doctor.

Alcohol helps parliament decide matters at eleven o'clock in the evening that no one in their right mind could resolve at eleven in the morning.

About democracy

Democracy is a balloon that hangs over your head and makes you stare up while other people pick your pockets.

Democracy is a mechanism to ensure that we are governed no better than we deserve to be governed.

Democracy cannot rise above the level of the human material from which its voters are composed.

About medicine

The reputation of a doctor depends on the number of outstanding personalities whom he sent to the next world.

Doctors are terribly poor. Any category of people, finding themselves in such a situation, gravitates towards the category of robbers, and doctors are no exception.

We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God to medicine.

About loneliness

To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift.

Loneliness is a great thing, but not when you are alone.

By the way, quotes about loneliness

About work

The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working, and idiots who are willing to work without getting rich.

Work by obligation is work, and work by inclination is leisure.

By the way, quotes about work

About wisdom

The wisdom of people is measured not by their experience, but by their capacity for experience.

Mistrust is the wisdom of a fool.

By the way, quotes about wisdom

About pessimists and optimists

Optimists' dreams come true. Pessimists have nightmares.

A pessimist is a person who lives with an optimist.

About rich and poor

Rich men who lack convictions are more dangerous in modern society than poor women who lack morals.

A person suffering from toothache considers everyone happy who does not have toothache. The poor man makes the same mistake about the rich.

About war

War is a wolf, and it can come to your door.

The army is a bad school, since war does not happen every day, and the military pretends that their work is permanent.

By the way, quotes about war

About history

The only lesson that can be learned from history is that people do not learn any lessons from history.

What will history say? — History will lie, as always.

About the revolution

Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny; they merely shifted the burden from one shoulder to another.

The reformer for whom the world is not good enough ends up with a man who is not good enough for the world.

About the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is a life preserver that is thrown to a swimmer once he has safely reached the shore.

I am ready to forgive Alfred Nobel for inventing dynamite, but only the devil in human form could invent the Nobel Prize.

About vegetarianism

Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends.

All the doctors who tormented me, claiming that I could not live without meat, have long since died.

About censorship

Censorship eventually comes to the point where all books are banned except those that no one reads.

Murder is an extreme form of censorship.

About the holidays

Only a fool would celebrate the years of death's approach.

Christmas is the time of year when we are supposed to buy things no one wants and give them to people we don't like.

About newspapers

A newspaper is a printed organ that does not see the difference between falling off a bicycle and the collapse of civilization.

You should read only one newspaper: reading several is confusing, not to mention a waste of money.

About miscellaneous

What is a peak? The last step before the descent.

If my neighbor hits his wife every day and I never hit him, then statistically we both hit our wife every other day.

Obscenity can be found in any book except the telephone book.

If you have an apple and I have an apple, and we exchange these apples, then you and I each have one apple left. And if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange them, then each of us will have two ideas.

Everything always ends well for a fool.

When reading a biography, remember that the truth is never fit for publication.

All great truths began as blasphemies.

Reputation is a mask that a person has to wear just like trousers or a jacket.

Titles and ranks were invented for those whose services to the country are indisputable, but are unknown to the people of this country.

It is always better to keep secret what everyone knows about.

The longer I live, the more inclined I am to the idea that in the solar system the Earth plays the role of a madhouse.

Martyrdom is the only way to become famous without having any abilities.

Freedom means responsibility. This is why most people are afraid of freedom.

A reasonable person adapts to the world; unreasonable - tries to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, progress always depends on the unreasonable.

A thief is not the one who steals, but the one who is caught.

A cigarette is a fuse with fire at one end and a fool at the other.

Fashion can be likened to an artificially caused epidemic, and this proves that an epidemic can be caused by traders.

Dance is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.

People who do not have it often call the feeling of objective perception of reality cynicism.

Every profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated.

The art of government is to organize idolatry.

A scientist is a lazy person who kills time with work.

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies!

So, it seems that Bernard Shaw did not fail to go through everything . Of course, he succeeded quite well - the quotes, let’s say, are juicy. But I must admit that by the end of compiling this review I already wanted it to come sooner.

Quotes about Bernard Shaw

  • O. Wilde: There are different ways to dislike Shaw. You may not like his plays, or you may like his novels. (by the way, quotes from Wilde)
  • N. Rees: In all cases of doubt, the quotation should be attributed to George Bernard Shaw.
  • A.K. Doyle: It is strange that all those harmless vegetables on which he ate made him more quarrelsome and, I must add, more unmerciful than a carnivore, and I have never met a writer more ruthless in regard to the feelings of other people.
  • L. Tolstoy: He has more brains than he needs. (by the way, quotes from Tolstoy)
  • K. Capek: It is never known whether this person adheres to principles out of principle or for his own pleasure.
  • W. Churchill: In any case, I retained vivid impressions of this bright, intelligent, ardent and understanding person, a kind of Santa Claus dancing in a circle of solar sparkles - an image that I would not like to lose. (by the way, quotes from Churchill)

Next, you can move on to other collections of quotes:

  • Mark Twain quotes
  • London quotes
  • Orwell quotes
  • Einstein quotes
  • Shakespeare quotes
  • Chekhov quotes

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The Right Expression of Faith

  • Expressing faith is one of the key skills of a professional woman.

Even if a man has a complete rush at work, even if the company collapses and all the employees quit. Your unshakable faith in a man is the key to the success of your family.

But here it is important to understand that you can express confidence in a man’s success in different ways. Agree that the dry “I believe in you” or “you’re great” is not inspiring. At all. So grab a notepad and pen and get ready to write down “lessons of faith.”

Faith must be unconditional and unconditional. It's not easy, but if you truly love and believe in your man, then this feeling will help him move mountains.

What qualities of a woman contribute to a man's success?

  1. Self-sufficiency. In order to give love to a man, a woman must be fulfilled and do what she loves.
  2. Femininity. A man should feel that you need his care and guardianship.
  3. Self-love, do not confuse it with narcissism. A woman who takes care of herself, develops, and takes care of her appearance is always interesting to her partner.
  4. Weakness. A woman who “stops a galloping horse and enters a burning hut” is more likely to arouse in a man a feeling of competition than tender feelings. If there is a man nearby, ask for help. This will make him feel important to you.
  5. There is no need to be a victim, to dissolve completely in a relationship, so the woman’s needs remain unmet and she begins to experience negative emotions. Feminine energy is blocked and the woman begins to nag her husband.

Success in all a man’s endeavors depends on the woman who is next to him.
If she is spiritually and physically devoted to her partner, fulfilling her feminine destiny, then the man will be truly happy. It is important to be happy in a relationship, appreciate every moment of life and thank each other. If both parties in an alliance psychologically favorably influence each other, then it is easier for them to endure difficulties and achieve success in one area or another. The mood around your loved one is important. A woman herself can decide how to influence a man: positively or negatively. What goes around comes around. Support each other, no matter what, radiate kindness and love, then this is what you will get in return.

Which women bring luck to men?

In many cultures, a woman is treated with reverence, believing that she is capable of both raising her companion to the skies and destroying him, destroying his entire life without even leaving ruins. Smart men with inherent potential for success subconsciously choose girls who can “set the tone” for enrichment, success and great achievements.

There are many examples. In his interviews, Igor Krutoy more than once emphasized that it was his second wife who inspired him to achieve those lofty goals that before her he considered sky-high and unattainable. With her enormous faith, she forced him to believe in himself and begin to act. She brought him luck and prosperity. Another example is the success story of Boris Berezovsky. Before meeting his second wife, he was a simple teacher. Poor, without prospects and without much desire for change. She turned his life around and helped him find the strength to act decisively. She forced me to set big goals for myself and boldly move towards achieving them. And this woman brought her husband good luck!

Let's not get too distracted by analyzing fascinating stories from the lives of celebrities. Let's move on to specific facts.

First you need to understand the character traits of a woman who brings good luck. A strong, happy family is based on the balance of “give and take.” All representatives of the fairer sex can be divided into 3 groups:

Giving woman

She positions herself as a victim who gives everything without receiving anything in return. She herself shows weakness, “puts everyone on the neck,” and allows herself to be used without demanding compensation. The only thing she can do to at least attract a little attention to herself is whining about her difficult life and endless streams of tears.

Such a woman will not receive even a hundredth share of the wealth, love and care of her neighbor that she could claim. False pride forces you to demonstrate your independence and endurance to others. She doesn’t even dream of reward for her efforts and feels awkward if she is presented with gifts. The praise of others makes her blush, she protests in confusion, and cannot accept and thank her with dignity. It’s even difficult for her to ask her boss for a promotion. She does not know how to ask or accept benefits from others.

Husbands of sacrificial ladies, as a rule, subconsciously feel guilty for their unhappy wife. They have nowhere to draw energy for great things, and why should they, because nothing special is required of them. There are frequent scandals in the family, there is no respect for each other. The wife is not even able to ask normally, let alone put forward fair claims.

If, for example, her husband gives her the wrong flowers that she wants, then instead of calmly talking about her preferences, she will lead to a scandal. Insults are used (fool, idiot...) and phrases: “You still don’t know what I love” or “You’ve ruined my whole life.” Some manage to get so mixed up in reproaches that they may end up getting punched. And this does not surprise her, this is exactly how she sees her life - a martyr carrying her cross. How can such a woman bring good luck?

Taking woman

This person professionally manipulates her chosen one. She puts material values ​​first in relationships. Moreover, she will not give anything in return. She can only take. In order not to leave her husband the opportunity to get off the hook and leave the family, she erects material labyrinths through which he cannot pass.

Given the increasing needs of the grabber wife, the husband may achieve short-term success, but very soon runs out of steam. He gets tired of the consumer attitude towards himself, and he turns “left”. There he looks for and very often finds that tenderness and care that his wife did not give him. And things remain without proper attention, business declines. And the insatiable predator turns into a “treasure keeper.” Such families are doomed to disintegrate or become forced cohabitation. And it’s certainly not such a companion that brings good luck.

A woman who knows how to give and take

Experts consider the ability to give and take equally easily as the main sign of inner harmony. A psychologically healthy companion, who does not have various complexes, can do a lot for the benefit of a loved one and accept the appropriate reward with dignity.

Such wives know how to correctly assess the size of their desires, clearly outline the boundaries of what is permitted and try never to cross the line. They take exactly as much as they need. They set specific tasks for the partner, and in a calm, friendly atmosphere. Men always feel when they just want to “fuck” them, and when the desire is completely justified. In this case, when the requirement is completely thoughtful and restrained, he will complete the task faster and easier. Luck accompanies him in everything.

And this applies not only to material wealth. Let's take, for example, a situation where a wife feels a lack of attention from her husband. Different types behave differently:

  • “Sacrificial” - false pride does not allow her to “beg” for the attention of her husband, she remains silent and accumulates resentment. When the cup of patience is full, without warning or explanation, a big scandal begins with tears and reproaches: “You don’t devote any time to me at all! Bastard! The consequences arising from this are not difficult to imagine.
  • “Predator” - will urgently demand attention to her person, will shame her husband, and instill in his heart a feeling of guilt towards her. Requires you to buy something. Moreover, this little thing is not really needed, it just needs to demonstrate (once again) its power. Sometimes she is carried into such wilds that her husband runs away as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
  • A feminine companion will calmly ask her husband: “Give me half an hour of time, I want to chat with you / look at the stars / etc.”

Which of them do you think will achieve their goal faster and easier? The answer is obvious.

It's about the ability to take. As for the ability to give, this is the line between imposing one’s feelings or services on a partner and completely neglecting his needs and requirements. This is a kind of borderline, characterized by the ability to give exactly as much as you are asked or as much as he really needs. Then the man considers the family a quiet haven; he likes to return here, to hide from the aggressive outside world. He will make every effort, will do any feat, just not to upset the fragile balance, to maintain an atmosphere of love and tenderness in the family. She brings him luck, and he tries to reach unprecedented heights that he never even dreamed of.

What kind of ladies do you think men like? Women who bring them luck! Yaroslav Samoilov, psychologist, expert in the field of relationship psychology, talks about all this:

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!


Become a princess.

A man next to a princess feels like a prince. This applies not only to clothing and manners, but also to self-awareness and inner attitude. And this brings him good luck in business!

A woman needs to have desires. Seeing your aspirations, the man also “harnesses”, and your wishes come true. Otherwise, why would he make unnecessary movements?

Plan your man's luck.

Men and women plan differently. His plans include getting more while remaining in the same position. There are clearly defined tasks and deadlines.

A woman’s planning is associated with self-hypnosis - to clearly imagine her prosperous future, paying attention to the little things and nuances. Let yourself through, feel and get used to the new atmosphere of wealth and luxury. Instill in yourself the idea that you are rich and behave accordingly. When you finally get into the role, the surrounding reality will change in an amazing way, giving you good luck. The biggest incentive for a man will be his wife, who sees both herself and him as rich people living in luxury, recognized by society. An important point is that a woman’s plans necessarily include a partner. She makes a plan for success for him, and therefore for herself. She brings him good luck!

Respect a man, thank and admire him.

Remove reproaches and hysterics from communication with your spouse. Don't constantly remind him of his mistakes. Do not aggravate the conflict, do not fan the flames of discord. This will achieve nothing!

Learn to sincerely admire his virtues and actions, even the most insignificant ones. He is your hero, he is the best of the best, you are proud of him. And he should know about it. Better yet, remind him of this more often. You will bring him good luck when he is ready to receive it!

Admiration, gratitude and respect - a man should see this in you, hear it from your lips. Rest assured, he will free himself from complexes, and then nothing will stop him from improving and developing. And you will become his only source of inspiration - he will draw strength from you. Luck will smile on him. And everything will work out for him in the best possible way.

Be wise, not smart.

A smart wife becomes a competitor to her husband. The wise woman will do everything so that her husband considers himself the main one: he makes decisions himself and is responsible for everything that happens. A wise wife needs to skillfully present her desires, in a soft form, as if asking him for advice. "How do you think…?" “Is it worth...?” Do not deplete his reserves of vital energy by starting meaningless disputes about leadership in the family. While he is arguing with you, luck will turn away from him.

Help your spouse with his financial affairs.

If your companion finds himself in a financial hole, do not burden him with your reproaches and claims. Support him, find words of approval even for small achievements, try to reassure him. Switch his attention from unpleasant thoughts to something joyful and warm. “Don’t worry so much! It's just money - you'll definitely earn it. Better look at what kind of children we have. I appreciate and love you very much!”

Try postponing your search for an answer until later. Morning, as you know, is wiser than evening. Sometimes the solution comes on its own, or the problem disappears.

Another important point: don’t let yourself whine for a long time or get hung up on unpleasant thoughts. Give a little time, just enough time to describe the essence of the problem. And quickly move on to discussing another topic, less painful. It is a well-known fact: when you think about a problem for a long time, it becomes huge and insurmountable.

Be his ally, don't become a judge or accuser. He needs help, not evaluation of his actions! He needs a woman who brings good luck!

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