100 Inspirational Quotes Every Woman Should Read

Smart statuses for girls


The life of a young woman resembles an endless cycle of passions: they quarreled, made up, divorced and got married. Without meaning, but passionate and interesting!


The most beautiful statuses for a girl: Life has no meaning while a person is lonely.


All girls live by the motto: “Love cannot be used,” but where to put a comma, each one decides for herself...


Girls try to look older, but this makes them look old, then, on the contrary, they try to look younger, but this makes them look funny.


The girl is like a shadow - you go to her, she runs away from you, you run away, she runs after. But if you stop rushing about, she will be there. Always.


Beautiful statuses for a girl on VKontakte: It’s easier to stop the rain than a girl getting married.


Those girls who most often forgave and endured the longest usually leave unexpectedly and forever...


Fighting girls prefer to deal with blank cartridges rather than family cartridges.


A smiling girl is more beautiful than a girl wearing makeup.


The best decoration for a girl is modesty and a transparent dress.


The most difficult thing for a girl is to convince her boyfriend that he cannot live without her.


When a girl has no one to say the words: “I love you!” she starts saying them to everyone.


Oddly enough, but it’s those girls who catch your eye who never throw themselves at their necks...


The only girl who is not a bitch is kept in the Chamber of Weights and Measures in France. Moreover, in the warehouse, as not meeting the standards.


A beautiful smile of a beautiful girl is as beautiful as a blooming rose in the garden, but someday it will wither, this is inevitable.


The later a girl comes on a date, the more smiling she is.


Men hang noodles on our ears, and we carefully remove them and hang them on his horns.


What is the difference between male logic and female logic? Men's is more correct, women's is more interesting!!


Never doubt your attractiveness. Remember: scales lie, people are jealous, and the mirror is generally crooked.


You can’t find beautiful girls on the road; they need to be fought off from fools who simply don’t value them.


And why do they say that sins do not allow you to sleep peacefully? When I have a good sleep before bed, I sleep wonderfully!


A girl should belong to the man who will solve all problems, and not create new ones.


Naive eyes, long eyelashes, with a deceitful smile on her lips... the rustling of banknotes and club music is a pleasant mix in my ears.


Beautiful statuses for a girl on VKontakte: In principle, a girl can remain silent, but the fact is that there is no such principle


Cool statuses for girls - A girl should have a small riddle, not a two-sheet Japanese crossword...


Once upon a time there lived three sisters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed... And you still wonder why the prince chose the tiny little girl?


The brunette always has the last word in an argument, because her vocabulary is much larger.


Two blondes are walking down the street, one says to the other: I want to be in the middle!


Changed my hair color. Now I don’t understand: I’m still a hot oriental diva or a goth teenager.


A sophisticated lady, without a small dog, without stupid glamor, in ordinary jeans, sneakers, with headphones in her ears, but still a sophisticated lady...


We have love, we have brains, we have warmth - blondes have only dreams


Some women take what they don’t give


A woman talks most interestingly when she is silent.


A true blonde always remains herself, even if she is a brunette.


Their eyes met and they fell in love with each other,” the author of the Bremen Town Musicians subtly hints at sex between the prince and princess.


Every woman must: destroy a house, cut down a tree and raise a daughter!


Every beautiful woman suffers from at least two diseases - delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution.


As the classics said, relationships can be ruined either by women’s humor or by the lack of it in men.


Brown eyes are the color of shit, green are the color of swamp mud, blue are the color of a puddle, gray are the color of a dirty puddle, and my red ones, the most beautiful ones, are the color of the sun!


The Chinese character for "Trouble, Misfortune" literally reads as "two women under one roof."


I swear I’m not rude, this is just an obsession, but I can also take part in the discussion.


When the blonde thinks, her hair stands on end... with horror.


The most beautiful statuses for a girl: When a blonde thinks a lot, her roots begin to darken!


When the blonde begins to think out loud, the satirists rest.


When God gave women brains, blondes stood in line for hair dye.


When God decided to punish the man, he pulled out a rib from him and cloned the woman. At this point he calmed down and said: “And now she will pull the soul out of him herself.”


When God created the brunette, he showed the man two ways to command this cat. But, apparently, the man did not write down the instructions.


The more a woman spins around the mirror, the more men spin around the woman!


Beautiful statuses about love for a girl: A blooming girl does not cause allergies!


Arguing with a woman about cutting a pig - there is no wool, but there is a lot of squealing...


Princess girls only exist in fairy tales. In fact, we also smoke, drink beer and change the tires on our cars ourselves!


Men hang noodles on our ears, and we carefully remove them and hang them on his horns.


A real girl should have time to do three things in her life: wake up, get dressed and put on makeup!


If a girl saves your time, energy and nerves, does not get jealous and does not make scandals, then do not rejoice, she is simply indifferent to you.


Some women touch the heart, while others get stuck in the liver.


Give a beautiful status to a woman: What a woman has on her mind, a man cannot afford.


Beautiful women are rarely alone, but they are often lonely.


Either she’s smart, or she’s stupid... Gentle at night, gloomy in the morning, now with hugs, now with cold... Either she’s not sweeter, or she’s not worse...



Voice declarations of love to a guy

Quotes about women and fashion

Do you remember the story of Eve? As soon as the woman comes to consciousness, her first thought is a new dress. Heinrich Heine

No wonder some sage said that women owe half of their beauty to dressmakers. Lone de Vega

Just as a fish must be measured without taking into account the head and tail, so women must be examined without paying attention to their hairstyle and shoes. Jean de La Bruyère

First a beautiful dress, then a beautiful man to worship her - these are the ordinary desires of a woman. Bovi

Any overdressed woman is a danger to society. Therefore, when I see a dressed-up woman, I want to shout: policeman! Lev Tolstoy

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. Marilyn Monroe

Fashion doesn't just make women beautiful, it gives them self-confidence. Yves Saint Laurent

An outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the entire book. Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort

I know what women want. They want to be beautiful. Valentino Garavani

A woman wants to dress like others, and suffers if she actually dresses like others. Leszek Kumor

Short statuses about women

For a smart woman, every man is her first. 8

Controlling oneself is the lot of men, but I shouldn’t bother with it so much; I am a woman! There are a million reasons to always be what your heart wants! 16

A woman differs from a man in that she thinks through not her steps, but her gait. 9

“I’m already leaving” - as a rule, I’m not dressed, not wearing makeup and still near the computer. 18

We are women! Peace is unknown to us! And at the moment when our wings are clipped - Let's take off on what's at hand! 10

A woman's best accessory is a rich husband. 10

Attractive women are distracting. 14

Whatever one may say, a beautiful girl in bed is good from all sides. 10

Women's memory perfectly remembers everything - what happened and what did not happen. 13

Every woman should have a zest, the main thing is not instead of the brain. 13

A woman has only one truth. What benefits her is the truth. eleven

A beautiful woman is pleasing to the eye, a kind woman pleases the heart. One is a beautiful thing, the other is a treasure. 13

Being a woman is when nothing happens at all, but the mood changes every minute. 14

A woman is your shadow: when you follow her, she runs away from you; when you leave her, she runs after you. 10

A woman can forgive a man everything, even if he is not guilty of anything. 12

To hide her face, a woman only needs to wear a miniskirt. 9

A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of it. 10

For a smart woman, one look at a man is enough to understand that he is her next mistake. 12

It's good when a woman is a little stupid. Not so much, but just a little, just a little. 10

There is nothing worse than a decent woman. You feel like a scoundrel. 10

A woman is happy even when she just lies there and no one touches her. 10

What a woman wants, God wants. But only God knows what she wants. 10

If a woman is successful, irresistible and happy with life, it means she is taking revenge on someone. eleven

A woman is a mystery covered with a dress. 12

A real woman knows how to roll everything: banks, eyes, hysterics. Out of nothing he can make a dinner, a hairstyle, a scandal. Take out both the trash and the brain. 15

There are much fewer girls with a sense of humor than beautiful ones. 10

When a woman says "What?" that doesn't mean she didn't hear you. It just gives you a chance to change what you said. eleven

Women's logic is like a license agreement - nothing is clear, but you have to agree. eleven

God makes a woman beautiful, and the devil makes her pretty. 10

Nature does not know a creature more resourceful and insidious than a woman who has firmly decided to get married. 14

If you give a woman a doll, she will hold it and put it aside. But if you give a man a slingshot... 10

There's a woman sitting here. Apparently it doesn't do anything. But in reality he’s furious, he wants cake and he hates his exes and his current exes. 9

By the age of thirty, a woman’s ears weaken and the noodles no longer stick to them. 14

A girl truly blossoms when love, stability and security appear in her life. 10

Sayings of great women

Women die later than men because they are always late. Faina Ranevskaya 10

People are like candles: they either burn or fuck them. Faina Ranevskaya 7

A husband is a person who always forgets your birthday and never misses a chance to tell you your age. Marilyn Monroe 10

My God, how life has slipped by, and I have never even heard the nightingales sing. Faina Ranevskaya 10

Fashion passes, but style remains. Coco Chanel 11

It is easier to defend your virtue from men than your reputation from women. Brigid Bordeaux 13

Money gets in the way both when it is not there and when it is there. Faina Ranevskaya 12

I receive letters: “Help me become an actor.” I answer: “God will help!” Faina Ranevskaya 11

not to worry, but to worry! Marilyn Monroe 18

Children, especially girls, should always be told that they are beautiful and that everyone loves them. If I have a daughter, I will always tell her that she is beautiful, I will comb her hair and I will not leave her alone for a minute. Marilyn Monroe 16 - quotes from great women

I find the plots of my detective novels while washing dishes. This is such a stupid activity that the thought of murder inevitably comes to mind. Agatha Christie 13

I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world. Marilyn Monroe 12

I gave men my youth and beauty. Now I give my wisdom and my experience - the best I have - to animals. Brigid Bordeaux 9

I started my career as a stupid blonde slut. And I’ll end the same way. Marilyn Monroe 11

I am indebted to friends who honor me with their visits, and deeply grateful to friends who deprive me of this honor. eleven

I married an archaeologist because he is the only man who becomes more interested in his wife the older she gets. Agatha Christie 12

Women, as a rule, choose a nightgown for themselves much more carefully than a husband. Coco Chanel 11

There are two things that a man cannot comprehend: the secret of Creation and his wife’s hat. Coco Chanel 11

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. there is no other time left. Coco Chanel 12

About Alain Delon: Of course, Alain is handsome. but the Louis XVI style chest of drawers in my living room is also very beautiful. Brigid Bordeaux 12

It has always been a mystery to me how great actors could play with artists from whom there was nothing to catch, not even a runny nose. Faina Ranevskaya 11

A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't warm anyone on a cold night. Marilyn Monroe 14

Starring in a bad movie is like spitting into eternity. Faina Ranevskaya 11

A sex symbol is just a thing, and I hate being a thing. but if we're going to be a symbol, it's better a symbol of sex than anything else. Marilyn Monroe 15

How little first love requires. She doesn't demand anything - not a look, not a word. Pure adoration. Agatha Christie 11

It doesn't matter at all. That's why it's so interesting. Agatha Christie 9

I love it when fashion comes out into the streets, but I don't allow it to come from there. Coco Chanel 11

There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms. Faina Ranevskaya 12

Your face at twenty years old was given to you by nature; what it will be like at fifty depends on you. Coco Chanel 8

I was smart enough to live my life stupidly. Faina Ranevskaya 11

Quotes about women and men

A woman is a man’s guardian angel at all stages of his life. She is the representative of grace on earth, the priestess of love and selflessness; she is a comforter in the disasters and sorrows of life, a man’s joy and pride. Vissarion Belinsky

A woman is a man's great educator. Anatole France

The devil puts on rose-colored glasses for a man looking at a woman. Boleslaw Prus

Gold is tested with fire, woman with gold, and men with woman. Seneca

No matter how badly a man thinks about women, every woman thinks even worse about them. Sébastien-Roc Nicola de Chamfort

The love of a wise woman can save a man from an inferiority complex. Friedrich Nietzsche

No matter how happily a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried. Henry Louis Mencken

A man usually loves women whom he respects; a woman usually respects only men whom she loves. Therefore, a man often loves women who are not worth loving, and a woman often respects men who are not worth respecting. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Women even make the male sex more sophisticated. Immanuel Kant

You must be able to often obey a woman in order to have the right to sometimes command her. Victor Hugo

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