30 Inspirational Quotes About Change and Uncertainty in Life

Most of us know only a couple of quotes about time, which boil down to the fact that time, firstly, is money, and, secondly, business is time, and fun is an hour. The author of the first statement is the American scientist and politician Benjamin Franklin, and the second is the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. And, in principle, for many, the knowledge of smart and beautiful phrases about time ends there. What else do people know for sure about time, that it should be valued. True, despite this knowledge, some people prefer to “kill” time rather than spend it usefully. We suggest combining the first and second - spending a few minutes usefully: reading, perhaps, new quotes about time with meaning. After all, throughout the history of mankind, billions of people have tried to understand what time is, and thousands of writers and scientists have tried to give it their definition. We have collected their quotes on this matter especially for you.

Quotes about time with meaning

The past is a ghost, the future is a dream, and all we have is the present. Bill Cosby

Better late than never. Titus Livy

I never think about the future: it comes quickly enough anyway. Albert Einstein

Life is short, but the years are long. Robert Heinlein

I've been wasting time for a long time, and now time is wasting me. William Shakespeare

I believe that time, with its infinite capacity for understanding, will one day forgive me. William Saroyan

Everyone has their day, and some days are longer than others. Winston Churchill

Time is the coin of your life. You only have this coin, and only you have the right to determine what it should be spent on. Be careful that someone else does not spend it for you. Carl Sandburg

Happy hours are not observed. Alexander Griboyedov

Do not wait. The timing will never be perfect. Napoleon Hill

Time is a paradoxical thing. And people’s attitude towards him is the same. We seem to have learned to use it, but we still waste it and forget about its significance, the value of every minute, second, moment. We know that we cannot get back the wasted time, but we continue to waste it on unnecessary activities. Over time, we will all understand that our life passes unnoticed, and that we cannot return what has already passed. But it will be too late... We hope that these sayings and quotes about time will help you understand its value.

Temporal Concepts

The practice of three thousand years of study of time has developed four basic concepts, which have already been mentioned above. Let's take a closer look at them.

Relational (relative). Time does not exist separately from objects, since it is a manifestation of their properties. Aristotle introduced the relational concept based on the movement of physical bodies in time. His statement details: “time is the number of movements in relation to the past, future.” The theory of relativity confirms the essence of the concept, according to which it is a relationship between physical moments and objects.

Substantial. It is determined by time by an independently existing reality, just like space and matter. Descartes considered it a void containing all the diversity of the Universe. Newton saw the concept as independent of objects and background events.

Static. Accepts the events of reality as real moments of the present. The time arrow is missing. The writer Lightman, based on the static concept, suggested the existence of a large number of Universes.

Dynamic. The dynamic concept assumes a timeline that contains past, present, future. The system confirms their clear relationship, the preservation of integrity against the background of changes, and the influence of the past on the future. The dynamic tendency brings greater fundamentality to the concept than matter and space due to the linear form.

Wise sayings about time

While we put life on hold, it rushes by. Seneca

Time should be used creatively and always understand that any time is a chance to do great things. Martin Luther King

Time is the school in which we study; time is the flame in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz

There is no time for boredom. There is a time for work and there is a time for love. There is simply no time left for anything else! Coco Chanel

Have regular time for work and rest; Make each day both rewarding and enjoyable, and prove that you understand the value of time by using it well. Then your youth will be delightful, your old age will bring few regrets and your whole life will turn into a wonderful success. Louisa May Alcott

The hours pass and are added to our bill. Martial

Time is the longest distance between two places. Tennessee Williams

Do you love life? Then do not waste time, for it is from it that life is created. Benjamin Franklin

Do you know that in this very moment you are surrounded by eternity? And do you know that you can take advantage of this eternity if you wish? Carlos Castaneda

The years, passing by, take away one thing after another. Horace

For a better understanding, you can try to compare time to a fast and stormy river that cannot be stopped. It is like sand that slips through your fingers. That is why it is necessary to understand the value of every minute we live, it is important not to waste time on trifles. Time is merciless and inexorable, it takes away from us everything that is most precious, from youth to people dear to us. One of the quotes says that time is the best healer. Controversial statement. After all, it itself can cause pain. You could say time is a good teacher. This will be closer to the truth. Remember the value of time.

Time With Your Loved One Quotes

Topic of the collection: Time with your loved one quotes. To become happy, you need to constantly strive for this happiness and understand it. It depends not on the circumstances, but on you. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The best way to keep a man's love is not to marry him. Catherine Deneuve.

The more spacious the heart, the more it can accommodate loved ones; the more sinful it is, the tighter it is, the less capable it is of containing loved ones - to the point that it is limited to love only for itself, and that is false; we love ourselves in objects unworthy of an immortal soul: in silver and gold, in fornication and the like. St. Righteous John of Kronstadt

My love for the fatherland does not force me to turn a blind eye to the merits of foreigners. On the contrary, the more I love my fatherland, the more I strive to enrich my country with treasures not extracted from its depths. Voltaire

Love life, and life will love you too. Love people, and people will love you back. A. Rubinstein.

Beauty is the quality with which a woman charms her lover and terrifies her husband. Ambrose Bierce

Love is the most powerful and effective balm for the soul.

Love gives nobility even to those to whom nature has denied it. William Shakespeare

This is how life works: as soon as you feel even a little happy, it will not hesitate to call you to order. Frederick Beigbeder. Love lives for three years

It is not words, but misfortune that is the teacher of fools. Democritus

There is a degree of happiness and sorrow that goes beyond our ability to feel. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

One smart woman once told me a phrase that perhaps sheds light on the nature of the weaker sex: When a woman chooses a lover, it is not as important to her whether she likes him as whether other women like him. Nicola Chamfort

A person loves and respects another until he can judge him, and longing for love is a consequence of insufficient knowledge. T. Mann.

Old love gets younger with age. Arkady Davidovich

When we want something from others, most often we want it in ourselves. We try to see ourselves in people, to find ourselves. The desire to find a friend can betray us at any moment.

There are many more lovers in the world than lovers. M. Safir

Happiness is where you are - where you are, there is happiness. It surrounds you; this is a natural phenomenon. It is just like the air, just like the sky.

Only that love is fair that strives for the beautiful without causing offense. Democritus

Love is the occupation of the idle man and the leisure of the busy. E. Bulwer

Love is not blind. Until she has fulfilled her destiny, she sees even more than what actually exists. Wilhelm Schwöbel

The cycle of nature has the power to revive everything again, but not love. Alexander Pope

Poor in love? So you are angry in life! Don't try to understand someone who doesn't love you!

He carried his love like a banknote, which no one wanted to exchange. G. Malkin

Love is the most intimate and inviolable feeling. Take care of the secrets of love. Vasily Sukhomlinsky

There was love without joy, Separation will be without sadness. Mikhail Lermontov

Love is not obedience, like family, but boldness, free flight. Love does not interfere with the family category, does not fit into any categories, does not fit into the world. Nikolay Berdyaev

Of all the living creatures on earth, I would like to have only a dog as a friend, only it is not capable of betrayal. Tikhonov Alexander

Love is important not as one of our feelings, but as a transfer of all our vital interest from ourselves to another, as a rearrangement of the very center of our personal life. Vladimir Soloviev

Love is the only way to understand another person in the deepest essence of his personality. No one can understand the essence of another person before falling in love with him. Victor Frankl

Love leaves like a true gentleman, without saying goodbye, in English,

Love and life - they are inseparable... If you know happiness, your soul will sing... Putting it all together, you will understand that life is damn good!

One of the first and universally recognized conditions of happiness is a life in which the connection between man and nature is not broken, that is, life in the open air, in the light of the sun, in the fresh air; communication with the earth, plants, animals. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The only way to overcome love is to run away from it. M. Cervantes

Love is both bitter and sweet. I think the bitterness is to better appreciate the sweetness.

First love, then marriage: first flame, then smoke. Nicola Chamfort

Misfortune is difficult to bear, happiness is terrible to lose. One is worth the other. Jean La Bruyère

Woe to the man who tries to bring sincerity into love. George Sand

Love stems from the delusion that one woman is different from another. Henry Mencken

Love is the only power that can turn any enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King

Only in the darkness of life does the luminary of friendship shine brightly; the brilliance of happiness darkens its light. Francis Bacon

Of all the living creatures on earth, I would like to have only a dog as a friend, only it is not capable of betrayal. Tikhonov Alexander

Love is stronger than self-love: you can love a woman even when she despises you. There is less tenderness in compassion than in love. Vauvenargues

The most perpetual motion machine is love. And he never runs out of fuel. It's self-charging.

The only happiness in life is constant striving forward. Emile Zola

There are many more lovers in the world than lovers. M. Safir

It seems to the people that they are free in revolutions. This is a terrible self-deception. There is and cannot be freedom in revolution; revolution is always hostile to the spirit of freedom. Revolution happens, just like illness, misfortune, natural disaster, fire or flood happens. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev

Gone love does not return. Frederic Beigbeder "The French Novel"

Happiness knows my phone number, but for some reason doesn’t call...

When encountering and dealing with people, keep the word love in your heart and, listening to it, talk to everyone with love and goodwill in your heart. Never let this word out of your heart when you encounter a neighbor: it greatly contributes to strengthening the heart in love.

The greatness of some things lies not so much in their size as in their timeliness. A friend’s loyalty is needed even in happiness, but in trouble it is absolutely necessary. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Young love, charming, poetic, taking you to the world of dreams; on earth only it can give happiness!

Love is a crisis, a decisive moment of life, awaited with trepidation by the heart. .

Like a fire that easily flares up in reeds, straw or hare's hair, but quickly goes out if it does not find other food, love blazes brightly with blooming youth and physical attractiveness, but will soon fade away if it is not nourished by the spiritual virtues and good character of young spouses . Plutarch

Love for others comes and goes. Self-love - sits down and sits.

Love may be blind, but neighbors are not. Evan Essar

For any mother, happiness and children are one and the same!

Love for every age has its suffering.

Love on earth is the only force worthy of wonder. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Happiness will definitely come - he is also interested...

Love laughs at obstacles. Mine Reed "The Headless Horseman"

Love for an ideal is an active feeling and passionately inclined towards sacrifice.

Then the lover is completely dead. When the beloved responds to love, then the lover, at least, lives in him. There is something amazing about this. M. Ficino

Love is a delicate plant and does not live long if it is watered with tears. Fenimore Cooper

If love has passed, remain human!

Your love is too heavy. - Too heavy? Love either exists or it doesn’t. Easy love is not love at all. Toni Morrison "Beloved"

Love is an unknown land, and we are all sailing there, each on our own ship, and each of us is the captain of our own ship and leads the ship in our own way. Mikhail Prishvin

If love does not demand anything, it is only because, as it seems to it, it already possesses everything.

It is in work, and only in work, that a person is great, and the hotter his love for work, the more majestic he himself is, the more productive and beautiful his work is. Maksim Gorky

If a person’s life consists of nothing but happiness, then the very first problem becomes its end.

A child is love made visible.

Marriage is the reality of love. Only a fully mature soul can truly love, and in this case love sees in marriage its highest reward and with the shine of the crown it does not fade, but blooms its fragrant color more magnificently, as in the rays of the sun Vissarion Belinsky

Love is giving good to another person.

Love can be preserved for reasons that have nothing to do with love. For example, for moral reasons. Albert Camus

Love is strong as lightning, but penetrates without thunder, and its strongest blows are pleasant. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

Love is pain. He who does not hurt (about another) does not love (another). Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov

Many people talk about love on VK, but only a few have seen it...

No matter how much you love a woman, if she is bored at the same time, she will value the most ardent and selfless love no more than old gloves or an out-of-fashion hat. A. Carr

Intelligence is undoubtedly the first condition for happiness. Sophocles

After the discovery of sexuality, nature wonders how best to unite those whose offspring would bring her the greatest joy. Love in this regard has not justified itself, since the children of love do not always turn out to be worthy of it. Wilhelm Schwöbel

In a friendly family, mom thinks that the money is on the table, dad thinks that the food is in the refrigerator, and the kids think that the stork brought it.

What happiness is friendship such as the one that exists between us. You know that I don’t value any relationship so highly. Karl Marx

The most unbearable thing in love is calmness. Cloudless happiness can become boring; in life you cannot do without ebbs and flows: with obstacles, love flares up more strongly, and pleasure is valued more. Moliere

Love gives nobility even to those to whom nature has denied it. William Shakespeare

Love is hunger for a person, a feeling of incredible psychological need for him. This is perhaps the most acute spiritual hunger, and the stronger it is, the more space a loved one takes up in the soul. When falling in love, a woman wants to tie the knot, and a man wants a knot as a keepsake. Konstantin Melikhan

Those who abuse trust may not hope for love. Wilhelm Schwöbel

When we are happy, we fly up to the clouds, rush towards the sun and stars. But one day, dreams will be destroyed, happiness will disappear and only regret for what has been lost will remain.

Love is a petty theft that the natural order of things manages to commit from the social order. Antoine de Rivarol

When love breathes for the first time, wisdom will suffocate at the same moment!

Do nothing to please yourself, but do everything to help and please those around you; and you will practice self-sacrifice and love. Saint Theophan

It is a small misfortune to serve an ungrateful person, but a great misfortune is to accept a service from a scoundrel. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

To be left without friends is the worst misfortune after poverty. Daniel Defoe

Faith generates love and joy in the Lord, and love generates joy, good will and freedom in the soul, which willingly serves its neighbor and does not take into account gratitude and ingratitude, praise and blasphemy, gains and losses. Martin Luther King

love is when you have no money in your account, you have the last twenty in your pocket, and like a fool you put it automatically on his number.

They love because they love. Love does not accept arguments.

Friendship is love without wings. George Noel Gordon Byron

Betrayed by friends? Say thank you and move on in life without traitors.

Jealousy sometimes is not only the death and destruction of the lover, but often kills love itself. Giordano Bruno

Coquettes pretend to be jealous of their lovers, wanting to hide the fact that they are simply jealous of other women. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

You don't need much to be happy. Hot chocolate, favorite music, a warm blanket and now you are happy.

Family love is the most common among people, the most important and the most beneficial of all good human feelings. Nikolai Chernyshevsky

When love is damaged, how the shadows and outlines change! Familiar outlines are distorted, the funny and ugly sticks out. Romain Rolland

He carried his love like a banknote, which no one wanted to exchange. G. Malkin - Time with your loved one quotes.

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Passionate love is absurd. This is a ridiculous invention of writers. Paul Valéry

When love is the goal of your desires, it turns out to be selfishness. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Phrases and quotes about time and its significance from great people

Alcohol, hashish, hydrocyanic acid and strychnine are just weak solutions. The most reliable poison is time. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I never watch the clock: time was created for man, not man for time. Francois Rabelais

People spend their lives in anticipation, determined to indulge in serene happiness sometime later, when they find time for it. But the present has one advantage over any other time: it belongs to us. Past opportunities have passed, the future has not yet arrived. We can store up pleasures for future use, as we would stock up on wine; but if we delay too much in using them, we will find that both have become sour over time! Charles Caleb Colton

Seize this hour before it slips away from you. Moments of life that are truly great and significant are rare. Friedrich Schiller

Time is the test of all inclinations, all feelings, all connections... Vissarion Belinsky

Time is a strange guy: he gives more than he takes (and he takes everything). Edward Estlin Cummings

Time calms, time clears, no mood can remain unchanged for several hours in a row. Thomas Mann

Time has a great ability to give validity to everything - even in the field of morality. Henry Louis Mencken

All we have to decide is what to do with the time we are given. John Ronald Rael Tolkien

I have to manage the clock myself, and not let the clock control me. Golda Meir

Whether we like it or not, our life is fleeting and there is no way to “pause” it in order to look around. As it was once said, in the next second we will not be younger than in this one. Such transience of time can be frightening, but you can treat it philosophically - as an inevitable fact. Understand that you need to live here and now. Perhaps meaningful quotes about time will make you think about this. After all, everyone can sooner or later be faced with the fact that, waking up one morning, they will understand that in their life they never managed to do anything that they dreamed of. Yes, time is cruel, it will not spare anyone. Therefore, you cannot put off your plans, dreams and desires for later.

Smart thoughts about time

The hand of time can tame. John Henry Newman

Everything matures only with time; no one is born wise. Miguel de Cervantes

Time makes everything easier. Sophocles

Nine-tenths of all wisdom lies in the wise use of time. Theodore Roosevelt

You can forget about time only by spending it usefully. Charles Baudelaire

For people, time is a good angel. Friedrich Schiller

I advise you to take care of the minutes, and the hours will take care of themselves. Philip Stanhope Chesterfield

Time reveals the truth. Seneca

The future cannot come, because when it comes, it is already the past. Henrik Ibsen

The past, present and future in reality are one and the same: they are all today. Harriet Beecher Stowe

With every passing second, a person inexorably becomes older, and because of the wasted time allotted to him, he loses a lot. Undone things, missed opportunities, wasted weeks, months and years. All this is the result of the inability to manage your own time. But, unfortunately, you realize this too late.

How philosophy explains time

A concept has an indefinite, intangible essence. It is like a starting point. If we talk about definition, then time in philosophy is the irrevocable alternation of past, present, future. Within the boundaries of alternation are the events of human existence. But even with such clear words it is impossible to give an accurate description. For centuries, humanity has been guessing about the nature of the concept; various generations and cultures have made assumptions on this matter. To this day there is no specific proven definition.

Some thinkers consider time to be an objective concept, others a subjective one. Ancient civilizations noticed cyclicality. Sunrise - sunset (day), spring - winter (year). Later, the human thought process stated its linearity, its relationship with space. Medieval sages discovered an interdisciplinary direction - temporology. There was even an International Research Organization, whose president (J.T. Fraser) put forward the theory of the universality of the concept. Within the walls of the society, based on theoretical interdisciplinary materials, colossal research took place. Experiments only confirmed the impossibility of one-sided study.

The history of the development of society traces four concepts: relational, substantial, static, dynamic.

The concepts differ in how they express the relationship between objects and time.

Short quotes about time

Time changes everything - except for something inside us that is always surprised by the change. Thomas Hardy

The past has undoubtedly been great, but I truly believe that the future will be even more wonderful. Swami Vivekananda

The arguments of time are stronger than the arguments of reason. Thomas Paine

Sooner or later, everything happens to everyone - as long as there is enough time. George Bernard Shaw

As we speak, merciless time is flying away. Seize this day, trusting the next one as little as possible. Horace

There is enough time for everything. Thomas Edison

To secure the future, you must respect the past and not trust the present. Joseph Joubert

What use is immortality to a man who cannot make good use of even half an hour? Ralph Waldo Emerson

Modern man believes that he loses something - time - when he does not do something quickly enough. However, he does not know what to do with the time he gains - he only knows how to kill it. Erich Fromm

The ability to concentrate and use time well is everything. Lee Iacocca

Although the duration of time is clearly measured in seconds, minutes, hours, and so on, the perception of time differs depending on age. Children believe that time passes, it doesn’t even go, but drags on, very slowly. They want to grow up faster. Adults, on the contrary, believe that time flies and, unfortunately, often flies by. Adults would like to return the happy moments of their childhood, but it’s too late. And the best quotes about time will confirm this to you. There is something to think about...

Representation of time in literature

In literature, the concept is defined as a temporary construction, conveyed from different perspectives of transformation, action and understanding through literary works, as a type of art. Art acts as an information medium.

In a literary work, the action takes place between three subjects - the author, the main character, and the reader. It follows from this that the text is related to time by the following coordinates:

  • The actual period of creation - century, date, length of the creation process;
  • The period of use is a measurement of the functioning of a word in a specific work (parchment, papyrus, book, information source);
  • Reader perception period.

The time a literary publication is found has nothing to do with the time it reflects, since the work is an object of aesthetic comprehension. It shows temporal distance: the image of reality as a complete picture; transfer of the conditions of existence of an object; display of the past, present, future; changes in the same artistic image. An object of non-aesthetic understanding does not convey dynamics.

There is a fourth coordinate - artistic time (the external event background of the artistic reality of the work). The plot (the possibility of actions, reactions, gestures of the character) is part of it. It is necessary for specific dating of actions, a sense of the reality of the created reality.

In fact, for the author, the concept acts as a way of depicting the main character of life.

Meaningful words about seconds, minutes and hours

Wasted time is time in which we have not lived a full human life, time not enriched by experience, creativity, joy and suffering. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

There is no greater evil than wasting time. Michelangelo

Time lost in pleasure is not lost. Bertrand Russell

We are doomed to kill time - this is how we gradually die. Octavio Paz

A year is a period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments. Ambrose Bierce

How little has been lived - how much has been experienced! Semyon Nadson

Delay is dangerous. Titus Livy

I do not believe that the human mind is capable of comprehending the past and the future. Both are just illusions that can make you think that there are some changes in this life. Bob Dylan

If someone is simply ahead of their time, then the day will come when it will catch up with them. Ludwig Wittgenstein

I'm not going to take revenge or look back on the past. We must forget the past and look forward to the future. Jomo Kenyatta

You should try to enjoy every moment. Don’t be afraid to love, don’t be afraid to live, don’t be afraid to look for yourself, don’t be afraid to agree to adventures and don’t be afraid to refuse offers that you don’t like. The main thing is to always remain in harmony with yourself and the outside world. And then time, although it will not slow down, can become our faithful ally.

Statuses about time are short and beautiful

  • We are all mired in the sands of time and have no control over it.
  • Time does not heal, the one who hugs you tighter each time heals.
  • Life is a game of money and time.
  • What seems very important today will turn out to be a trifle over time...
  • I will always remember those moments when I wanted to stop time.
  • Time does not heal or teach - it simply goes away along with what was...
  • Why wait? The dream is now!
  • Tomorrow means working on today's mistakes.
  • It’s not time yet - it’s no longer time, but in the interval - life.
  • Sometimes our tomorrow becomes our yesterday without ever becoming our today.
  • Our biggest misconception is that we still have a lot of time.
  • He was clumsily killing time, which was skillfully killing him.
  • Time has only one problem - sooner or later it runs out.
  • Age is something that exists in our thoughts. If you don't think about it, it doesn't exist.
  • Tomorrow is already too late.
  • Anything is possible, the impossible just takes longer.
  • Don't waste your time, it's the stuff life itself is made of.
  • Happy people count time in minutes, while for unhappy people it lasts for months.
  • Stop acting like you have 500 years to live!
  • Luxury is the ability to manage your time.
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