17 Inspirational Quotes When You Can't Let Someone Go

Let go of the past: 13 deep quotes

“A new life begins precisely at the moment when there is no longer room left for the old one inside.” (Author unknown)

“To move into the future, you must get rid of the past” (Forrest Gump)

“In order for the future to come, it is necessary to live without clinging to the past. And in order for the past not to hold you back, you must forgive and let go from your heart those who are no longer on the same path with you.” (Author unknown)

“Memory warms a person from the inside, and, at the same time, tears him apart.” (Haruki Murakami "Kafka on the Beach")

Memories are why we grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget. (Author unknown)

“The present never satisfies us, the future is unreliable, the past is irrevocable.” (Schopenhauer)

“A look into the past is a stab in the heart.” (Author unknown)

“The strongest hatred is the product of the strongest love.” (Author unknown)

“He who looks back on his past does not deserve the future.” (O. Wilde)

“The future worries us, but the past holds us back. This is why the present eludes us.” (Author unknown)

“The past cannot be returned. At least restore faith in the future.” (Boris Krutier)

“The past can always be erased by repentance, oblivion or renunciation, but the future is inevitable.” (O. Wilde)

“We cling to our past because we don’t trust the future.” (Author unknown)

Source: Let Go of the Past: 13 Deep Quotes We all have someone we find difficult to let go of in our lives and hearts. https://clutch.ua/lichnoe/psihologiya/otpusti-proshloe-13-glubokih-citat

Change the situation - change your attitude towards it?

“If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it! “Isn’t that a painfully familiar phrase? And there is a lot of common sense in it. You can't return what happened

But if the outcome of that situation torments you, then it’s worth working on your sense of what happened. To better feel the true reason for your difficult situation, try on the “skin” of the other side. The game “Topsy-turvy” will help with this.

Remember a situation that hurt you. For example, you refused a friend’s request to babysit her children when she needed to be away on an important matter, because of a promised

dating a man. Of course, your friend was offended, you had a conflict in which you did not feel as guilty as you were blamed. But the aftertaste from the quarrel haunts you. Then stand facing the mirror and imagine yourself as your friend. You urgently need to leave, and your friend, who made a promise, lets you down for the sake of going to the movies. Say out loud all the emotions you feel while thinking about the consequences of her carelessness towards you. Feeling yourself in her place, you will understand why she did what she did. Or maybe you would do the same yourself. You will understand your friend’s motives and emotions, and you will perceive the situation from a completely different perspective.

Let go of the past quotes

You must know that when you let go, the best things come to you. Do not be afraid.

If you want to live easily, learn to let go.

Let go of what is not yours anyway... Find what you have never lost.

Accept everything when it comes to you, enjoy everything while it lasts, let go of everything when it has to go. Nisargadatta Maharaj

Happiness will always find its way back.

It can really hurt when you're missing someone you love. For many missing someone, missing someone can be seen as a negative experience, but these quotes tell us that missing someone is not something we need to be afraid of. It's hard, but if we learn how to find our way through it, missing someone can be a form. It becomes a feeling that we can cope, although it makes our life more difficult, it will teach us which relationships are worth keeping and which are worth leaving behind.

Remember, beauty is in the silence between sounds. If you are absent or the quotes below will help you understand and express these feelings. Here is a collection of 31 quotes to express how much you will miss that special someone. ? For some, distance may feel like an enemy, but the kinder perspective is that it binds two lovers together and makes them stronger than yesterday. Because of the distance, you can miss someone so badly that you realize how much he or she matters to you.

Learn not to hold. The absence of certain people in your life can only benefit you. Don't be afraid to change your environment. You need to be able to let go of those people from your life who bring discomfort into it.

And that's what love is about. ? Love misses someone when you are apart but somehow feel warm inside because you are close in heart. — Kae Knudsen. ? There will be times when you need to be apart from your loved one, but in those moments, you know that missing that person doesn't have to be a sad emotion. You don't always have to see it as loneliness because when you love someone, no matter how close or close you are to each other physically, they will always be close in your heart.

? You are gone, and my heart is a constant preaching of loneliness. — Yases Tyler. ? Sometimes, often initially, absence can feel like it has drowned you in a form of loneliness. This is an important place of spiritual growth where we can learn not to become dependent and also to pay more attention to aspects of the person we love but were not fully aware of before.

Let go of everything, and yours will remain with you.

Fate saved us, or God punished us. Perhaps it's better that it didn't work out. Perhaps the case saved it from disaster.

Don't try to keep anyone or anything in your life. This will only lead you to suffering. Take a look around. Nature is very wise. Everything around is made up of elements. Try to hold the fire and you will get burned. Wind, water or earth, and they will rush to pour out through your fingers. Everything is born free. Your task is only to create conditions for the fire to burn brighter, but not to hold it, otherwise it will consume you. Freedom is what matters. Give people and things around you freedom, do not hold them, do not cling to them, to ideas about them. And then you will create the most comfortable conditions for your free life and for the lives of those around you. People themselves will strive to be with you, because you give them the most important thing - freedom.

? Every goodbye is a type of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven. — Trion Edwards. ? There can be no better event in life than being reunited with the people you love - be it friends, family or others. That moment when you can finally hold them in your arms is a magical moment. Recognize that the joy of that moment was fueled by the absence before.

? You have no idea how difficult it is to force yourself to stop thinking about you. - Anonymous. ? We all have different ways of forgetting. Some people need to travel, others need some time. Some people want to stay busy until they finally forget the person they're trying to forget, but the first step is always the hardest, no matter your method of forgetting.

“Some people consider persistence and holding on to something to be signs of great strength. However, there are times that require much more will to know when to let go and then do it.” — Ann Landers

When we let go of something or someone, it doesn't mean we no longer care about them. It just dawns on us that the only thing we can truly control is ourselves, right here, right now. It is a necessary process of adaptation to the ever-changing realities of life—leaving the past behind to make way for the present.

? In true love, the smallest distance is too far, and the greatest distance can be overcome. — Hans Nouwens. ? True love is hard to find, but if you find it, the distance can be overcome. You will miss them every day when you are apart, but in true love, their absence will act as a bridge between you both. No matter how far the distance is, love and longing will bring them a little closer.

? Thinking that someone is very popular when they are not. It's like every single cell in your body wants to be with them, and as they happen, you tend to both think and feel longing and absence that your whole being is missing them.

Here are 50 quotes from various articles that will help you let go and start living happily.

1. As we get older and wiser, we begin to understand what we need and what we need to leave behind. Sometimes leaving is a step forward.

2. You will never achieve what you are capable of if you are too attached to things that you need to let go of.

? The pain of missing you is a beautiful reminder of the joy of loving you. — Dean Jackson. ? Instead of dwelling on your strong emotions, think about how much you will miss them. Try to diffuse the emotions and ask yourself if you missed someone before, or why exactly you miss them so much. Remind yourself of the joy you shared before the sadness had to occur. This way, their absence will not be so difficult.

? Have you ever found someone special? That person who feels like your universe. Does that person who makes life seem so simple and free? Think about life without them every day and reflect with gratitude on their presence.

3. Sometimes something appears in our lives that should not linger. Sometimes unwanted changes are necessary changes for our growth.

4. Growth and change can sometimes be painful, but the most painful thing in life is staying out of place.

5. The hardest part of growing up is letting go of what you're used to and moving on with something new.

? We are just parting to meet again. — John Gay. ? The fact is that many people consider a negative loss. Instead, just focus on the idea that you will meet again someday. Maybe as lovers, after all, or maybe just friends. This is an amazing moment in life. This is something worth celebrating.

? When you run out of words to express how much you miss someone. When you run out of tears or when you don't want to be negative anymore, let go of it. Missing someone isn't that bad. It's a hard emotion, but it doesn't have to be that bad.

6. Accept what is, let go of what was, and believe in what can be.

7. Don't be afraid of change. There is a reason for everything. Deal with it. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

9. Never let fear determine your future.

10. Fear is just a figment of your imagination. Sometimes it is difficult to decide to follow your heart, but you will make a huge mistake if you allow false fears to stop you.

? Sometimes that's the only thing we need. There's always a lot going on whether you're in a relationship or not, and most of the time we forget about our worth. We forget that we are actually people, possibly impacting other people's lives. Thus, it is wise to let your lover and almost everyone else know that they have been missed. Because it will remind them of their worth and their impact and their value. It may not solve anything, but it will definitely improve the way they feel.

? Without you here the sun forgets to shine. - Anonymous. ? Sometimes the universe just feels you. When you want someone, there will be days when the universe will make you feel the same way and the sun will appear as if it is not shining. Remember that the night is darkest before sunrise.

11. You can't wait forever for the perfect moment. Sometimes you have to let go of doubt and take risks because life is too short to wonder about what could have been.

12. You are not the same person you were a year ago, last month or last week. You are constantly evolving. Nothing stands still. That is life.

13. One of the most pleasant moments in life is when you finally find the courage to let go of what you cannot change.

? Lack of distance or time can diminish the friendship of those who are fully convinced of each other's value. — Robert Soutey. ? If there is one thing that holds people together stronger despite distance, it would be recognizing each other's worth. If you know that this other person is worthy of your love and your time; if you know she is worth waiting for, then you will wait.

? Sometimes when one person is missing, the whole world seems empty. - Lamartine. ? There are some special people who walk into our lives who feel like they have a gravitational pull. The absence of the departed is then felt as a vacuum of energy in our lives, a strange morphing effect. Experiencing these is vital to understanding their role in our lives.

14. You should never force things. Do everything that is required of you and let life take its course. If something is supposed to happen, it will happen. Don't tie yourself to something you can't control.

15. When you stop expecting people and events to be perfect, you can begin to appreciate them for who they are.

16. Live simply. Love with all your soul. Speak sincerely. Breathe deeply. Try your best. Leave everything else for something that is higher than us.

17. Surrendering and letting go are two completely different things.

19. Giving up does not always mean showing weakness. Sometimes it just means that you are strong and smart enough to let go and move forward.

20. Stop focusing on your stress level and remember how lucky you are. Things could have been much worse.

21. Whatever upsets you, let it go! There is no need to accumulate negativity. Stay calm and have a positive outlook on life. Something good will definitely happen to you.

22. Some people cannot accept the fact that you are moving forward in life, and therefore they will try to cling to your common past. Don't condone their behavior. Keep moving forward.

23. No matter what you do, someone will always be unhappy. So live by your principles and make sure that you yourself do not end up disappointed.

24. Love yourself! Forgive yourself! Accept yourself! You are you, this is the beginning and the end - and no regrets.

25. You are good enough, smart enough and strong enough. You don't need anyone else's approval to know that you are valuable.

26. One of the most liberating things life teaches us is that we don’t have to love everyone, everyone doesn’t have to love us, and that’s absolutely okay.

27. Try not to take too seriously what other people say about you. What they think and say is a reflection of themselves, not you.

28. If you worry too much about what other people think of you, in some way, you will always be their prisoner.

29. Sometimes we expect more from others because we ourselves would do the same for them. Keep loving. Eventually you will find out who is worthy.

30. Not everyone is able to appreciate what you do for them. You must understand who is truly worthy of your attention and who is just trying to take advantage of you.

31. To say “yes” to happiness, you must learn to say “no” to people and things that cause you pain. Be wise to avoid negativity.

32. If you allow something, it will continue. It's better to be alone than to let negative people and their judgments influence your life.

33. If you feel like your ship is going down, perhaps it's time to throw away everything that weighs you down. Let go of the people who bring you down and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.

34. Just because someone has been a part of your life for many years does not guarantee that one day there won't be a moment when you finally decide to let them go.

35. One of the most difficult tasks in life is to cut someone out of your heart.

36. You must understand that people come and go. That is life. Stop holding on to those who let you go a long time ago.

37. Sometimes we forgive others not because they deserve it. We forgive them because they need it, because we ourselves need it, and because without it we cannot let go and move on.

38. The one who asks for forgiveness first is the bravest. The one who forgives first is the strongest. The happiest one moves forward first.

39. Don't be sad about the past, it won't come back. Don't worry about the future, it hasn't come yet. Try to live in the present and make it beautiful.

40. Be wise enough to let go when necessary and strong enough to hold on when required.

41. Don't let minor troubles overshadow your happiness. True wealth is the ability to feel and appreciate every moment for what it brings.

42. Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself. Learn to accept and forgive. By letting go of yesterday's troubles, you take the first step towards happiness today.

43. Worry casts a big shadow over small matters. In the end, you can focus either on what is tearing you apart, or on something that helps you pull yourself together.

44. Old concerns - down payments on problems you may never have to deal with. Let them go. Today is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again.

45. Smile even when everything seems to be falling apart. Smiling doesn't always mean you're happy. Sometimes it just means that you are strong.

46. ​​There comes a time when you stop thinking about your mistakes and move on. No regrets - just life lessons that show you the way.

47. Remember the good times, be strong in difficult times, love every moment, laugh more often, live honestly and be grateful for every new day

48. You can't let one bad thing ruin a bunch of good times. Don't let silly daily dramas get you down.

49. If you are diligent and patient, everything you really need in life will come to you at the right time.

50. In the end, everything will fall into place. Until then, learn everything you can, laugh as much as you can, enjoy every moment and remember that it is worth it.

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Source: Letting Go of the Past Quotes You should know that when you let go, the best things come to you. Do not be afraid. If you want to live easily, learn to let go. Let go of what is not yours anyway... Find what is never yours anyway https://etoizmena.ru/life-after-divorce/let-go-of-the-past-quotes/

Quotes about letting someone go (70 quotes)

Sometimes it is very important to let someone go, no matter how hard it may be. Perhaps, by letting go of what does not belong to you, you are only improving your life and the life of the person you need to say goodbye to. In return, life will definitely give you something better and more. Quotes about letting a person go are presented in this collection.

As we get older and wiser, we begin to understand what we need and what we need to leave behind. Sometimes leaving is a step forward.

It's not enough to just let go of someone's hand. We must also forget her touch.

When you let someone go, it doesn't mean that you no longer care about that person. This means that you have realized that the only person you can control is yourself.

You will never achieve what you are capable of if you are too attached to things that you need to let go of.

Letting go of a person does not mean forgetting, but more means getting rid of the stupid idea that he is “yours.”

You can't hold on to someone who wants to leave, you know? You can only love what you have while you have it.

Sometimes something comes into our lives that shouldn't linger. Sometimes unwanted changes are necessary changes for our growth.

Letting go of LOVE, there is pain in the heart, but there is no evil...

When my handsome prince exchanged me for some girl in thick, ugly glasses, I spent whole days, covered in tears, circling around the city without stopping. Stopping meant immediately crying. And only when I was walking quickly, almost running, at the limit of my breath, then I didn’t cry. I rushed around “with the breeze”, and passers-by did not have time to see my distorted face, only a draft blew across them. But there was no shame. There was a lot of sadness, which slowly went away with tears (at night), with fatigue and silence (during the day). With words, everything is simple - I couldn’t talk about him, and I couldn’t talk about him without crying either.

At some point you realize that you have done too much for someone, that the only possible next step is to stop. Leave him alone. Leave. This doesn't mean you give up, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try. This means you have to draw the line from despair. What is yours will be yours in the end, and what is not will never be yours, no matter how hard you try.

Growth and change can sometimes be painful, but the most painful thing in life is staying out of place.

Often we leave to be held, so a smart woman leaves only twice.

If a person was not suitable for you in 2017, then he will not be suitable for you in 2018. Let him go.

The hardest part of growing up is letting go of what you're used to and moving on with something new.

We broke up for good. Or not quite for good.

Let go of attachment, learn a lesson.

Accept what is, let go of what was, and believe in what can be.

- But are you happy that you left him? - Crazy! I only looked back at my past life once to make sure I had locked the door behind me.

Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.

Don't be afraid of change. There is a reason for everything. Deal with it. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

I don't feel lonely, but I feel abandoned.

You didn't love her, you just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe she was good for your ego, made you think better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her because you wouldn't destroy the person you love

Letting go and moving on is usually quite difficult, but once you do it, you will feel free and realize that it was the best decision you have ever made.

They tried to live without each other, moved away and reunited again, like the edges of an unhealed wound.

Some people believe that not forgetting someone is a great power. But in reality it takes a lot more strength to put someone down.

Never let fear determine your future.

It doesn't matter if it's a relationship, lifestyle or work. If it doesn't make you happy, let it go.

Fear is just a figment of your imagination. Sometimes it is difficult to decide to follow your heart, but you will make a huge mistake if you allow false fears to stop you.

“She will break up with him at the airport, and they will never see each other.” - You said it was a love story? — Don’t love stories end tragically?

Sometimes something good falls apart to make something even better.

You can't wait forever for the perfect moment. Sometimes you have to let go of doubt and take risks because life is too short to wonder about what could have been.

The world was a much happier place until people came up with the stupid word “goodbye”...

She won't let go until she sees for herself that there is nothing left to hold on to.

You are not the same person you were a year ago, last month or last week. You are constantly evolving. Nothing stands still. That is life.

... you can part with what is dear without regret for the sake of the one who is dearer than anything in the world.

The longer you are with the wrong person, the less chance you have of meeting the right one.

One of the most rewarding moments in life is when you finally find the courage to let go of what you cannot change.

Yes, and you will go your way Sprinkling joyless days, Just don’t touch the unkissed, Just don’t beckon the unburned.

Sometimes you need to cut some people out of your life to make room for someone better.

You should never force things. Do everything that is required of you and let life take its course. If something is supposed to happen, it will happen. Don't tie yourself to something you can't control.

Leaving is always much easier than staying.[/su_note]

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

When you stop expecting people and events to be perfect, you can begin to appreciate them for who they are.

We didn’t meet to part like this... Do you hear me? I don't want to be left without you.

Holding on to what is gone means believing that there is only the past. Letting go means knowing there is a future.

Live simply. Love with all your soul. Speak sincerely. Breathe deeply. Try your best. Leave everything else for something that is higher than us.

Again, a strange feeling, as if important threads were about to break, and I couldn’t do anything.

One day someone will come into your life and make you understand why it didn't work out with anyone else.

Surrendering and letting go are two completely different things.

You should break up when you don’t love a person, and not when you love him madly.

What is destined will come true in any case.

Moving on does not mean forgetting. This means that you chose happiness over pain.

What to do, my love, if you can’t leave yet...

Giving up does not always mean showing weakness. Sometimes it just means that you are strong and smart enough to let go and move forward.

Here you are breaking up with a person. We've already broken up. He is no longer in your life. And you are still, out of inertia, looking at what the astrologers promise him for today. You understand that it’s nonsense, but you look. And you can’t help yourself. And this continues until a new zodiac sign appears in your life.

It is painful to leave those we love, but it is a hundred times more painful to break with those who do not love us.

Stop focusing on your stress level and remember how lucky you are. Things could have been much worse.

You're hurting, accept it. Be patient until it passes, until time erases all traces.

Friendship. It begins when two people choose each other. But what happens when we outgrow our choice, when our paths gradually diverge, our needs change? And one day we wake up and realize that we must choose something else...

Whatever upsets you, let it go! There is no need to accumulate negativity. Stay calm and have a positive outlook on life. Something good will definitely happen to you.

She was suffocating without him.

I know I ruined everything, but I will always love you.

Some people cannot accept the fact that you are moving forward in life, and therefore they will try to cling to your common past. Don't condone their behavior. Keep moving forward.

All your life you will say goodbye, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop loving.

Loving someone who was taken away from you is such a pain...

No matter what you do, someone will always be unhappy. So live by your principles and make sure that you yourself do not end up disappointed.

The most unpleasant thing about a breakup is not the breakup itself. And the fact that they constantly tell you that you made a mistake. And as a result, you stop trusting yourself for a while.

— About a year later we broke up. Her quirks began to bother me. - It's clear. In the language of men, the word “quirks” means feelings.

Love yourself! Forgive yourself! Accept yourself! You are you, this is the beginning and the end - and no regrets.

When a girl grabs the handle of the front door - brought up on fairy tales, she dreams of being stopped. This never happens. There are no miracles.

Quotes about the past

The past can be too heavy to carry around with you everywhere. Sometimes it is worth forgetting about it for the sake of the future.

To go into the future, you need to get rid of the past.

There is so much to think about. Why bother yourself with what you can’t get back - you need to think about what else can be changed.

Never go back. There is no point in going back anymore. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts were drowning. Even if you are drawn to where everything was so nice, don’t ever go there, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this, forget it, don’t ever go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, they once left you. They killed faith in their souls, in love, in people and in themselves. Just live what you live and even though life looks like hell, look only forward, never go back.

Just yesterday you believed in a wonderful future with her, but today you live in the past and don’t understand why you need the present.

You shouldn't try to get rid of memories, you need to learn to live with them.

The past is a lie, there is no way back for memory, every past spring is irrevocable, and the craziest and most enduring love is just a fleeting feeling.

(The past is a lie, that memory has no way back, that all previous springs are gone forever and that the most reckless and stubborn love is just a transitory truth.)

I still don’t regret anything, if only because it’s pointless.

I miss. This is the only explanation for my craving for the past. No advice or psychotechnics help. You can only come to terms with it, try to be bored more and more quietly, with the hope of someday learning to just remember.

Think about the past only when it brings back only pleasant memories.

(Think about the past only if the memories are pleasant to you.)

Source: Quotes about the past Quotes about the past. The past can be too heavy to carry around with you everywhere. Sometimes it is worth forgetting about it for the sake of the future. https://itmydream.com/citati/proshloe

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