50 quotes to help you let go and move on with your life

Let's decide why we should let this person go.

Let go if you know you will never be as happy together as before

As life goes on, we all change, and that's normal. We may suddenly realize that we and our once bosom friends now have completely different tastes, different aspirations, hobbies and dreams. That you no longer understand each other, and the connection between you hangs by a thread.

Think - isn't it time to accept this and let this person go? After all, this is much better than clinging to something that no longer exists, something that is unlikely to be returned, and something that may never have existed at all.

Let go if there is no room for trust and fidelity in your relationship

If you know deep down in your soul that you cannot trust this person, or that sooner or later he will betray you, should you ask yourself whether you even need him in your life. Trust and loyalty have always been the cornerstones of any friendship and personal relationship - and for good reason. If they happen to have disappeared somewhere, this will certainly lead to paranoia, irritation, tension in relationships and anger - in general, everything that you can do without.

Let go if you don't understand how you feel about each other

When a friendship or personal relationship does not have clearly defined boundaries, the relationship is neither enjoyable nor healthy. If only because you are constantly wondering what you mean to this person - and whether you mean anything at all. And if, being around him, you do not feel significant, think about why you allow someone to treat you this way.

Wouldn't it be better to be in the company of someone who enjoys having you as a part of his life, who is proud that he got to know you, and who is not afraid to tell you or anyone else about it?

Let go if your relationship or friendship with him is clearly detrimental to you.

If your friendship or personal relationship with someone makes you unhappy, or makes you feel sorry for yourself, it's time to break up with this person. You cannot live constantly feeling trapped, much less allowing yourself to be treated worse than you deserve.

So if someone constantly puts you down, fights with you, doesn't pay attention to you, doesn't care about your feelings, bullies you, makes you laugh, makes you doubt yourself, or just acts like they don't care. you don't care... rid your life of negativity. And as quickly as possible. Find at least a drop of self-respect in yourself - leave this person behind.

Let go if you can't understand each other

It is difficult to maintain any kind of relationship with a person if you are always arguing with him and cannot come to a common opinion on anything. If the only thing you agree on is that you don't agree on anything, maybe it's time to end this meaningless relationship?

Fate often brings together completely different people, and although in some cases they stay together no matter what, often this is not the case at all. And if you feel that your dissimilarity entails only disputes and conflicts, get out of such relationships.

Let go if you are the only one trying to save your relationship.

If you feel like you've taken on all the work of maintaining your relationship if only you give it all your time, feelings and effort, think carefully about whether it's worth it. If someone truly loves you, cares about you, wants to be around you, and needs you, that person will never let you take on too much of their burden.

So try to cast your lot in with someone who inspires you, who gives as much as he takes in a relationship with you, who is willing to fight to keep you in his life. Look for a person who will sincerely consider that he is incredibly lucky to have you.

Let go if he clips your wings

If you understand that your relationship not only does not inspire you, but, on the contrary, knocks you down to earth, we advise you to take a closer look at it. Know that you deserve to have someone next to you who can support you on your life’s journey and believe in you even when it’s difficult for you to do so yourself.

Let go if you're not getting what you want and need from your relationship.

Ask yourself, could you do without this relationship if you wanted? Or do they still give you something so important to you that you cannot even imagine a life in which they are not present? Yes, we are often told that we supposedly expect too much from people, but, on the other hand, why should we settle for anything less than real happiness?

Never, ever be ashamed of the fact that you want a truly loving, caring and sincere person next to you. Someone who can not only listen, but also understand, someone you can trust and who will trust you, someone who shares your aspirations. And the one who doesn’t clip your wings, but helps you fly to the top.

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“The future is in the present, but the future is also in the past. We are the ones who create it. If it is bad, it is our fault.” Anatole France Anyone who does not remember his past is condemned to relive it. George Santayama

It just so happens that we live in a subjective world and we perceive everything that happens around us through what we “carry” from childhood: attitudes, rules, beliefs of our ancestors. All this forms in a person a whole set of pathological scenarios that determine our behavior at important moments in life. And, which goes without saying, often this very life seems more hostile to us. Examples? Please: everyone will like the desire, but envy of everything that is “higher, steeper, stronger”

, and eternal resentment towards the world around! Besides this, we have an inner world where something is constantly happening: we remember the events of our lives, have conversations with virtual people, scold ourselves or someone else. And here the most interesting thing is that all this internal drama is based on the fact that a person has to turn to his “past”. Only the past comes in two forms.

  • The first type of past is events that actually happened in a person’s life some time ago.
  • The second type of past is how past events are recorded in a person’s head, and how he relates to these events.

The first type of past cannot be changed. What was, was, and now it is no longer there. It seems that this is a thing of the past. But when a person constantly remembers this, constantly turns to the events of the past, constantly replays the events of the past in his head, then, in fact, he makes his past his present.

Let me give you a small example of fear from the past. Male, 37 years old. Small but stable business. Several branches of his business are located in different parts of our vast homeland. And accordingly, he has to periodically fly on airplanes. For as long as he can remember, he has always had a fear of flying. Most often, he relieved this fear with alcohol, although he himself is not an alcoholic. At one point, alcohol no longer helped. And he turned to our center for help. The study of fear revealed the following situation. At the age of 7, he was traveling with his older brother and sister on a plane to visit relatives. First time. He got seasick and vomited on the plane. The brother and sister were very unhappy. I would even say they were very dissatisfied: on the plane they shamed him very much for this act, and later, when they were already there, his brother beat him “a little” for it. The sister stood and grinned. So, the fear of flying in the present turned out to be actually the fear of the past, the fear of condemnation and humiliation of his personality.

In this way, we can highlight our inner world and the “past living in the present,” which this inner world greatly distorts. The inner world has a greater influence on a person’s destiny, shaping his behavior and reaction to actions occurring in the outside world, and therefore requires constant development. A person who has stopped improving his internal qualities stops developing as a person and becomes unattractive to the outside world.

Behind most problems of the inner world there is often a fear of failure and the danger of repeating a mistake that happened in the past. The main task of a person who strives, despite all limiting factors, to become a successful person, is to get rid of his fears and prejudices as quickly as possible. In other words, a person’s goal is to correct his inner world, replacing negative thoughts of the past with positive ones, and replacing negative habits of the past with positive ones.

In the world, there are many ways to form a positive worldview in a person, a person’s awareness of his own “I”. The problem is that not all of the existing methods are suitable for people due to the specific character of each person. Fortunately, there is a therapy method that has no contraindications, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many people around the world, which is applicable even for people with mental disorders. This method is called psychodrama. It is this method that is best suited for changing the past and, as a result, improving a person’s inner world.

Almost everything that exists in a person’s inner world can be played out on a psychodramatic stage. This does not require any acting skills, because it is not the ability to pretend that is valued, but spontaneity. Drama can be used in different areas of our lives - business, interpersonal communication, education, etc. But still, the main purpose of this method is to correct oneself, correct one’s beliefs, correct one’s thinking.

In psychodrama, we can consider any problem: finding a job, choosing a “life partner,” communicating with relatives, finding the meaning of life. By playing “difficult” scenes from the recent or very distant past, you can “return” to them and understand what exactly happened in that difficult situation between people, and what kind of feelings were experienced during that difficult period. This allows a person to “experience” these feelings and let go (forever) of the situation or question that tormented him.

I would like to note one interesting effect: reliving your past makes it possible to form a new scenario, new feelings, a new attitude towards the “past”. Thus, quite often children grow up in single-parent families. And many have never seen their father, never experienced his love and attention. And the use of psychodrama methods makes it possible to meet the “father” “for the first time” in order to hear and feel love and acceptance of his personality from him. For many, this is very important, and sometimes frank.

Now, of course, we talk more about the past and present, although all this leads us to the future. Thanks to psychodramatic work, it is possible to project, and moreover, to play out the future. Such playback makes it possible to add details, discard unnecessary things, and feel whether we really need it. Moreover, when meeting with his future, a person begins to consciously think about his “true” goals. Let me make a reservation right away that the real future always turns out different from the one played out in psychodrama, but the experience of the played out future often turns out to be important for life in the present.

I think that a lot more can be written and a lot can be told about how to “leave” your past and start living. Still, I think it's enough. The only thing I still wanted to highlight was the very concept of “psychodrama”. In Russian speech, the word “psychodrama” does not evoke very favorable associations. Here you have “psycho”, and “drama”, and theater, and passions. And as a result, it’s scary and very sad. But everything is radically opposite. Everything happens here: laughter and tears. Psychodrama is a journey into one’s own inner world, in which a person can meet a variety of “himself.” This Journey allows you to better understand yourself, and having understood, find a way to change something.

And, in conclusion, I would like to quote the lines of Omar Khayyam: “Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday’s losses, Do not measure today’s deeds by tomorrow’s yardstick. Trust neither the past nor the future minute. Believe the current minute, be happy now!”

When the nights are long and you can't sleep due to sadness about unresolved issues in the past; when you cannot accept the future and move on; when the past haunts you both in your waking hours and in your sleep... it is likely that you are in the grip of anxiety and inertia. There always comes a point at which you must stop dwelling on the past, or it will define your behavior and mark your every move from now on.

Love that survives separation is rewarded with eternity

Quotes about love and separation


When it all ends, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the love experienced. It is difficult to withstand this pain, because the person immediately begins to be tormented by memories.


Love that survives separation is rewarded with eternity.


It sometimes happens that life separates two people only to show both how important they are to each other.


One day we leave our loved ones, only to mentally return to them throughout our lives...


I have a lot to say to you, I have to never return to you one day. What a pity that we have to lose the People with whom we so want to wake up.


Take care of those who love you: they come suddenly and leave silently.


How terrible it is to break up if you know that you love and it’s your own fault for the breakup. Vladimir V. Mayakovsky


The best love is the one you will soon part with, which never bristles with the thorns of hatred, but quietly fades into the past, leaving not painful stings, but only the fragrant aroma of regret. Richard Aldington


In love, advice is superfluous, friends. It is difficult to understand other people's affairs. Let everyone decide whether to love or not? And where to converge and where to separate? Eduard A. Asadov


Parting is for love what the wind is for a fire: it will extinguish a little love, but it will ignite a big one even stronger Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin


There is no need to be afraid of breakups. And at a distance you can love deeply, and up close you can quickly part.

Quotes about breaking up with a loved one


Don't be silent... life is so short. One second sometimes makes all the difference. And when you can’t find the right words, just tell the person: “I need you, don’t leave.”


Gasping for breath, I shouted: “It’s all a joke. If you leave, I’ll die.” He smiled calmly and creepily and told me: “Don’t stand in the wind.” Akhmatova Anna A.


Goodbye my friend, goodbye! My dear, you are in my chest, a destined parting, promises a meeting ahead Sergei Yesenin


If you have irretrievably broken up with your loved one, there is no need to live in memories of him. It's like remembering and waiting for your childhood. Almost as pointless...


Parting with a loved one is a happy ticket to a new life. A life full of loneliness and sad songs.

Quotes about breaking up with a guy


Broke up with a guy. I wrote in the status: “The prince is fired, the position is vacant.”


If after a breakup a guy hates you and throws mud at you, know: you broke him...


In order to get to know a man well, you need to break up with him. Olga Anina.

Quotes about breaking up with a girl or a woman


Here are three phrases that should be said when breaking up with a woman: “I’m leaving you,” “It’s all over between us,” and “I’ve stopped loving you.” As long as they are not pronounced, everything is still fixable.


I’m leaving you... I’m not leaving you, I’m not abandoning you, I’m not betraying you, I’m not cheating on you... I’m just leaving you... Let fate itself choose the next option for you. Andrey Mironov


You can have many women. But you will forever remember only one of them. The one who was faithful to you. But you will understand this only when she leaves you. It's only men who return. Women leave forever.


When a woman leaves, tell her thank you for putting up with you for so long.


The worst thing is not parting with your beloved girl, but betraying your best friend!


But why? you left me, breaking my heart, crippling my soul... Now I’m wandering through life like a wolf, and only the Moon is alone, next to me... Yuri Kolchak

Separation is sweet sadness.


Part 1

Change your way of thinking

Part 2

Start feeling good

Part 3

Developing yourself for the future

  • Letting go is not easy, but once you find the strength to do it, anything is possible.
  • You can start again at any time you choose.
  • Some losses are not forever. Many of the pleasures you may have been denied as a child are still available and enjoyable as an adult. Maybe not exactly the same, sometimes, but in the adult equivalent. Other joys remain as pleasant as if you were little. Start collecting comics even if you've grown up, or dolls, or whatever you couldn't do before. You can grow to such an extent that childlike wonder remains throughout your life, even if you feel that you were not that way as a child because you survived your literal youth.
  • Always believe in yourself, never listen to any demotivation or take it to heart - they are said to deliberately take you back to the past.
  • Every time you need to let something go, follow the steps above again. The point is that we will need to let go of this or that time. But the time is ours.

Quotes about people leaving your life. Sad statuses about life

I know that sometimes ships sink at sea. They, like me, swam into someone’s heart, but could not get out of there.


You are in the middle of a meadow, there are billions of stars in the sky.. - Do you think I broke up with him in vain? - In a place where you feel good, they don’t ask questions.



Perhaps all breakups are like jumping off a cliff. The hardest thing is to decide. Once you're in the air, you have to let go.


He is such a. so desirable, mysterious, extraordinary, fabulous, necessary, unique, bright, irreplaceable, long-awaited. ))) my vacation


  • What I want most now is to be at the airport and hear that my plane is taking off to the sea in a few minutes.


Summer, sun, sea, beach, children, bags, husband, luggage, room, bunk, shower, hubbub, was it a vacation, you’ll understand


Everyone who has returned from vacation definitely has a friend who will slap you on your burnt shoulder and ask: “So, how was your rest?”


  • Avoid living in the past as an excuse for not improving the present. When things in your life aren't working out right now, sort them out instead of dwelling on how good they used to be. You are an innovative, creative, adaptable person who is capable of making choices to live a better life, but trying to compare your current situation with your past increases the risk of setting you back in time.
  • Unhappy childhoods are neither unique nor objective. Using it as a constant excuse for not improving yourself and your situation is ultimately an excuse that is destined to cause you more pain than the initial problems you faced as a child. Agree that what happened during an unhappy childhood was not right and good; recover properly (see a therapist if necessary), but don't let the past ruin your current chances of leading a fulfilling life. If you do this, the demons of the past will win.

Let go of the past: 13 deep quotes

“A new life begins precisely at the moment when there is no longer room left for the old one inside.” (Author unknown)

“To move into the future, you must get rid of the past” (Forrest Gump)

“In order for the future to come, it is necessary to live without clinging to the past. And in order for the past not to hold you back, you must forgive and let go from your heart those who are no longer on the same path with you.” (Author unknown)

“Memory warms a person from the inside, and, at the same time, tears him apart.” (Haruki Murakami "Kafka on the Beach")

Memories are why we grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget. (Author unknown)

“The present never satisfies us, the future is unreliable, the past is irrevocable.” (Schopenhauer)

“A look into the past is a stab in the heart.” (Author unknown)

“The strongest hatred is the product of the strongest love.” (Author unknown)

“He who looks back on his past does not deserve the future.” (O. Wilde)

“The future worries us, but the past holds us back. This is why the present eludes us.” (Author unknown)

“The past cannot be returned. At least restore faith in the future.” (Boris Krutier)

“The past can always be erased by repentance, oblivion or renunciation, but the future is inevitable.” (O. Wilde)

“We cling to our past because we don’t trust the future.” (Author unknown)

Source: Let Go of the Past: 13 Deep Quotes We all have someone we find difficult to let go of in our lives and hearts. https://clutch.ua/lichnoe/psihologiya/otpusti-proshloe-13-glubokih-citat

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