Relatives are people you don’t want to live without

Appreciate your loved ones!

Those who are deprived of the warmth of a family hearth know what real loneliness is. Their lives are simply meaningless. Therefore, they write about how important it is to be able to take care of your happiness.

  1. It becomes scary not even when there is no one to feel sorry for you. It’s scary when you have no one to tell about your joy.
  2. When your mother is sick, be afraid even if she sneezed. Otherwise, you risk missing the moment when she gets so sick that she will never recover.
  3. We are not interesting to anyone except our parents. Only to them do we seem beautiful and smart.
  4. If a person does not have people who will not turn their backs on him if he loses, then he is truly alone.
  5. There is no need to scream in pain when loved ones pass away. Better appreciate every moment while they are still with you.
  6. Even if you are sitting next to your father on a bench, then such memories are perceived as real happiness. But you will understand him only when he is gone forever.
  7. Anyone who abandoned loved ones in difficult times will burn in hell fire forever.
  8. Parents saw any person in the most unattractive moments for him and did not stop loving him. Let him find someone else who shows equally strong devotion. If he finds it, it means he is lucky.
  9. You are not even able to accept yourself completely. Why do you demand this from people? Only close relatives are capable of this. And even then not all.
  10. Have you seen sick people dragging themselves to the pharmacy, although they are barely alive? They are truly alone. They simply don't have anyone to save them the trouble of going there themselves.
  11. Today a person thinks that he will have time to discuss yesterday’s news with his grandmother. And today he is already crying at her grave.
  12. How scary it is when you want to say what you think and suddenly realize that you will never be allowed to be yourself again. Because no one else will listen to you, and even encourage your stupidity.
  13. A person always wants to achieve more than his parents. And only when they are no longer there, he understands that he will never be able to compare with them in kindness and wisdom.
  14. The main thing in life is health. But not the only thing. It is equally important that relatives are alive and healthy.
  15. His father's tie, hanging forlornly in the closet and no longer needed by him after death, makes him want to hang himself on it.
  16. You should never support someone who is against your family. Even if he is right.
  17. Children look up to their parents as gods. And parents also look at their children.
  18. After the death of your mother, every insult inflicted on her will burn your heart with fire. She forgave you a long time ago. And you won’t forgive yourself until the end of your days.

Relatives are different

Statuses about relatives are sometimes sarcastic in nature, when people close by blood cannot find mutual understanding and are not at all friendly with each other. Then the statements could be like this:

  1. You don’t choose your relatives—they live and die with them.
  2. It is sometimes harder to adapt to people close to you than to completely different people.
  3. Lend it to your relatives, you won’t see them again.
  4. It’s impossible to understand your relatives, and you shouldn’t – you just need to be friends with them.
  5. Relatives are different, there are such relatives that there is no need for enemies.
  6. For some reason, relatives begin to appear when there is a smell of frying or the division of property. Where were you before?
  7. Making friends with your family is a lot of work with your willpower.
  8. It’s touching to watch how loved ones have been searching for each other for years, in particular in the “Wait for Me” program. But here you don’t know how to get rid of intrusive relatives and you dream that they will get lost.
  9. I love my family so much when they are far away.
  10. Hey, relatives, why are there so many of you? Give answer. They don't give an answer.
  11. I managed to move to live in Moscow, now half of Russia turned out to be my relatives.
  12. I was so confused about who is whose uncle and whose aunt is my grandfather’s great-niece that I decided - well, well, all of them...
  13. My mother-in-law, affectionate, young, mischievous, agile - has not yet come to us and communicates exclusively on Skype.
  14. My wife has a twin sister, so sometimes I want to mix it up...
  15. My relatives without a king... in my head.
  16. Where should I take my relatives? Should I buy an island for them all?..
  17. Relatives are welcome twice – when they come to visit and when they go back.
  18. Relatives arrived - and I regretted that I was not a child of the orphanage.
  19. I have 7 brothers and everyone wants something from me. Why don't I want anything from them? It's time to want it.
  20. My brother is a good-for-nothing, although throughout my childhood he was held up as an example to me. He doesn’t want to work, but he loves money – nothing has changed since school.
  21. When I was a child, my brother and I fought over cars, now we fight over cars.
  22. The brother is like a natural disaster - he sweeps away everything in his path, including the entire contents of the refrigerator.
  23. Justice and honesty of my relatives ended with the words “my uncle died, he left two houses.”
  24. Life scattered my sister and me across different cities, we didn’t see each other for a long time, but after the meeting we decided not to see each other again for a long time.

Together is good, but apart... better

However, not everyone who is nearby evokes a surge of love and appreciation. Then meaningful quotes about relatives appear. In them, people hint that those around them do not always make them happy.

  1. Caring for small children takes away the best years of a person's life. And in the end, when he himself already needs the care of children, they are most often not around.
  2. Many people say to their aunt, “Thank you for existing.” And “Thank you very much” when they inherit the remaining apartment from her.
  3. How much you begin to love your family when a huge number of kilometers separate you from them.
  4. Old people, who have given their whole lives to their loved ones, then often suffer their disgust when they become weak and unkempt.
  5. If strangers deceive people at every step, then relatives deceive people at every breath.
  6. At her brother’s funeral, her beloved sister will wipe away her tears with one hand and count the money she received after his death with the other.
  7. Anyone who has never heard from his relatives that he is a worthless person, trampling the earth in vain, apparently lives alone.
  8. How your mind becomes clearer when your parents leave. All their words immediately take on a clear meaning.
  9. Our fathers are the only ones who are sure that all men are just waiting for us to marry them.
  10. Anyone who was not punished by their parents for poor performance does not know what betrayal is.
  11. When a person abandons his relatives in old age, he begins to prepare himself for a nursing home.
  12. The worst thing is that when loved ones leave, love for them continues to live. And it is she who causes unbearable pain.

Let me kiss you now

Words of gratitude and appreciation to loved ones can be said not only to their faces, but also by putting a status - my dearest and most beloved:

  1. I'm lucky - I have the best relatives.
  2. Don’t look for flaws in loved ones - you still won’t find them.
  3. Relatives are my outlet, only with them can I be myself.
  4. All my friends are replaced by my relatives - they were the only ones I could trust.
  5. My family will never ask too much or leave me in trouble. Some say you're lucky. But is it really different?
  6. Relatives are for life, they cannot be replaced, so do not swear or be angry with your relatives.
  7. Just being silent with loved ones means finding complete understanding and support.
  8. Never quarrel with relatives - no real estate or money is worth the understanding and support of people related by blood.
  9. If relatives call, never ignore them, what if they are in trouble?
  10. The distance between beloved relatives is an illusion; mentally they are always with you.
  11. You won’t find relatives like mine—with him you won’t be lost at all.
  12. Any holiday without close relatives is an ordinary drinking party.
  13. You are the best relatives in the world, we are very lucky.
  14. Without my family, days seem empty.
  15. Our dear relatives, take care of yourself for us, we want you to be with us forever!
  16. My family and I are one.
  17. Thank you for being with us.

Is a big family always happy?

It’s not even worth talking too much about relatives. Everyone understands the meaning of statements about them at a glance. Therefore, quotes about relatives are offered with meaning, short and succinct.

  1. A family is a small beehive. But wasps also live in it.
  2. You can only enjoy life as long as you have a family.
  3. You miss your grandmother most often when you see her once a year.
  4. Death is not scary when there is no one to part with.
  5. Many people love their loved ones only on social networks.
  6. When a mother leaves, happiness disappears from life forever.
  7. But it’s not so much strangers as relatives who are suing over housing.
  8. There are many people whom there is no one to even mourn.
  9. A loving father sees in every man a potential abuser of his daughter.
  10. Having an old and frail grandmother is happiness. Grief is losing her.
  11. Children don't adore you as much as their parents. And grandchildren - not as much as children.
  12. Wealth has many friends. In poverty there are not even relatives.
  13. I'm not interested in my aunt's opinion about my personal life.
  14. You should not think that a loving husband will replace a father, and an affectionate wife will replace a mother.
  15. When trouble happens, most of the relatives disappear somewhere.
  16. People meet individual family members only at funerals.
  17. An atheist also prays – to his parents.
  18. In the eyes of a person who has lost his mother, longing settles forever.

Are they my family too?

Life teaches us that family happiness is an idyll. In fact, not very pleasant things often happen in the house. Quotes about relatives clearly demonstrate the difficulties of living in a large clan.

  1. There are uncles and aunts whom you love most when they live on the other side of the country.
  2. A large number of relatives turns into a small number when parents leave. It turns out that they considered themselves their relatives, not yours.
  3. When your cousin needs money, she will get you out of the ground. But don't expect her to give you anything if you need it.
  4. I really like fathers who abandoned their children in their onesies, and then come and say: “You must feed me in my old age.”
  5. As long as there is a family, a person does not seem to need relatives. But when he is left alone, he realizes that even distant relatives are not so bad.
  6. If someone thinks that he has a nephew and therefore is not alone, then he simply has not yet reached old age.
  7. Often elderly parents get sick and do not receive proper care because it is difficult for their children to come to them from another city. But how quickly the same children get to the vacated apartment after their death.
  8. If family ties were so strong, then the Family Code would not be required.
  9. After the departure of parents, the price of life for any person decreases significantly.
  10. If you abandoned your child for a charming young blonde, then do not count on your son to understand and forgive you. What will remain before his eyes forever is not her charms, but his mother’s tears.
  11. If family happiness were as wonderful as they say about it on social networks, no one would make friends.
  12. At the end of his life, a person realizes that only his parents truly loved him. All the rest of the family just crowded around.
  13. Mother needs only 1 thing from you: that everything is fine with you. Everyone else needs only 1 thing from you: your apartment, especially in a big city.

Those who are so hard to get used to

They say that a mother-in-law is a man's friend. But quotes about in-laws most often refute this truth. It’s enough just to read what women who are wise in family life write.

  1. In cramped conditions, but not offended. And in constant scandals, finding out whose turn it was and who took my things.
  2. Why are those who don't love me called my relatives?
  3. How does a mother-in-law manage to love her grandchildren and hate their mother at the same time?
  4. It’s rare to hear strangers say that you’ve grown old, looked ugly, or dressed in some kind of trash. But your husband’s relatives will be happy to tell you about this.
  5. Okay, I'm ready to feed the government. But why did my husband’s brother also decide that he would live at my expense?
  6. Remember the simple truth: your husband’s parents are not happy to see you.
  7. It's hard to consider a woman who hates you a mother.
  8. If a girl is poor, then she should not expect that the groom’s relatives will accept her into the family with open arms. Even strangers won’t tell her to her face that she’s coveted other people’s money. And from them she learns a lot of new things about herself.
  9. No matter how far away the husband’s relatives live, there is still a certain risk that they will come to visit.
  10. For some reason, mothers-in-law are firmly convinced that you stole their son from them.
  11. You can still avoid visiting your spouse’s relatives, but nothing will save you if his mother decides to visit you.
  12. For some reason, jokes about mother-in-law are funny stories. And you can’t scold your husband’s relatives under any circumstances.
  13. For a mother-in-law, the best daughter-in-law is a woman who has not married her son.
  14. Why don't guys protect their girlfriends from their families?
  15. How can you love your son but despise his choices?
  16. There is a joke: “At the mother-in-law’s funeral, they tore 3 button accordions.” But try to tell me that at the funeral of your husband’s mother you lost your throat, singing funny songs. Not only will they call you heartless, but they will also doubt your normality. Where is the difference?
  17. Everyone has heard that there are good mothers-in-law. But no one saw them.
  18. But in old age, the same “nasty girl who sticks to him like a burdock” will look after the spouse’s parents.

A family is not just a collection of relatives. It contains a small world for every person. That is why quotes on such a topic are of interest to literally everyone.

The most dear person, the closest, the dearest

Anyone who has developed a warm relationship with at least one relative can put the status about a loved one. And it doesn’t matter - mother, father, brother, matchmaker, godfather... The main thing is that these relationships last a long time - sometimes all their lives, they are strong and inextricable. Then the statuses may sound like declarations of love and gratitude that this loved one simply exists in their life.

  1. “My brother will not leave you in trouble. He won’t ask too much, that’s what it means to be a real brother.”
  2. Only with my mother I always remain a little girl with pigtails, although I have had a short haircut for a long time.
  3. My father is my support in everything.
  4. My older brother protected me as a child, and now he will give everyone cabbage soup.
  5. My brother, I will say without embellishment, will rush to the call at the same hour.
  6. Even though Dad has gray hair at his temples, there is still the same honor and depth in his soul.
  7. When guys asked me out on a date, they always said about me in the yard: “But she won’t come alone, with a blacksmith.” That’s how the brother’s nickname – blacksmith – stuck. And rightly so, today he is the smith of my happiness.
  8. There is no one dearer than your mother - don’t tell her about all your problems - take care of her.
  9. Only mom is always on your side - it doesn’t matter to her whether you’re right or wrong.
  10. When my brother went out into the yard, all the hooligans began to give me flowers, picking them right from the flowerbed.
  11. My mother always taught me that goodness must come with fists, but at the same time she was only kind.
  12. My older sister spoiled me from childhood and gave me all the best, and even now she never ceases to amaze me. I met some guys and brought him to introduce me. He says: “Do you like it? Take it!” I'm shocked.
  13. My sister's shoulder was always wet from my tears as a child, and now we cry together.
  14. My sister never betrayed my secrets if she felt that I was doing the wrong thing - she raised me herself.
  15. It is desirable for every woman to have at least two beloved men - a father and a husband, and whoever is luckier has three - and also a son. And the happiest are four - father, son, brother and husband.
  16. The father’s words are an axiom that does not require confirmation.
  17. Only my own brother can have fun and joke when I drunkenly stumble into his room at 3 am with the words: “Are you my brother or not my brother? Are you happy with me or not? And he's really happy.
  18. The word of the father in our family was not subject to discussion, over the years everything has changed - he asks us for advice.
  19. Happiness is when brothers have true brotherly friendship.
  20. I received a diploma, and my brother has a secondary education. For some reason I constantly borrow money from him. Paradox.
  21. My sister and I are completely different, but we complement each other in such a way - what I can’t do, she can do, what she doesn’t know, sometimes I don’t know either.
  22. Phrase: “We won’t go to school one more time!” connected my sister and I since childhood - at first we hung out in the kitchen - and ate cake. Now we are drinking stupidly in the kitchen, and we both work at school.
  23. Every relative I have is a nugget!
  24. Not relatives - but a constellation, one star brighter than the others.
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