Aphorisms about women of easy virtue

Quotes about a woman of easy virtue

Anyone who wants to appear beautiful refuses nothing.
Publilius Syrus

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A man can sleep with anyone at any time, but if a woman makes nineteen or twenty mistakes, she will be called a slut.

Joan Rivers

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Her idea of ​​fidelity is to have no more than one man in her bed at a time.

Frederic Rafael

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In a dispute between wives and girls, the main argument is always the same: we, thank God, are not like you.

Andrea Dworkin

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Happiness is a good cigar, a good dinner and a good woman. Or a bad woman - it depends on how much happiness you can afford.

George Burns

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There's nothing better than a good meal, good wine and a slightly spoiled woman.

Unknown author

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If the wife begins to give away tenderness on cards, the man goes to the black market.

Senta Berger

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Women, as a rule, are whores, but for some reason we always come across exceptions.

Arkady Davidovich

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A “woman of easy virtue” is a woman who has reached the moral level of a man.

Nancy Lynn-Desmond

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There is no price for free women.

Arkadi Davidovich

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There would be more frivolous women if we had fewer greedy men.

Philippe Bouvard

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A good world in which men reproach women for fulfilling their cherished desires!

Karl Kraus

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Irreplaceable women are being replaced by girls.

Arkady Davidovich

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We get to know many women, perhaps not from their best side, but from their most interesting side.

Alexander Kumor

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Aphorisms about women of easy virtue

Women of easy virtue in ancient times were called harlots. In addition, there was also the now abusive swear word “b...” (though only in one of the semantic meanings of this word, other meanings were “deception”, “nonsense, nonsense”, “deceiver”, “crazy”), in those years it was not yet obscene and therefore could be used even in a church document (Church Charter of Yaroslav the Wise): And there was the word “adulteress”, close in meaning, but different - a woman cheating on her husband.

A courtesan is a woman of light... ...show full text...

Women often make mistakes in their heads... but in their hearts, a Woman is rarely wrong!

Women are more photogenic: no matter how you shoot them, they look better. At least take it all off!

Now let's talk about us. I'm talking about representatives of the fair half. Let's start with the fact that there are no mentally healthy and adequate people, there are underexamined people and those who have not been burned.

There are women who inspire admiration and respect. But they also have a full pool of their own devils. And there are those that shock not only men, but also the rest of the female sex.

“A woman’s purpose is to give birth, and her destiny is a house, children and a husband.” I'm sorry, what? What about personal growth and development? And it would be nice to think so... ...show full text...

Seeing the woman of his dreams, he woke up in his wife’s bed.

Women's logic is an incorrect labyrinth. He will find a way out of any dead end.

Notes from the Night Watchman

A couturier makes beautiful clothes, and a woman makes clothes beautiful.

A woman is always full of temptation, only her eyes are often wet, and not everyone knows the reasons for crystal clear tears.

WOMEN about different things. THOUGHTS OF GREAT WOMEN.

"Love is the best cosmetic." — Gina Lollobrigida

“People can forgive a person’s intelligence, even talent, but never beauty.” - Monica Bellucci

“It’s easy to recognize a real lady: she doesn’t eat anything.” - "Gone With the Wind"

"I'm no longer looking for a prince, because I'm not a princess myself." — Fergie

Collection of new and very rude and daring statuses

  • I realize with horror that I feel so good alone that I don’t want to be with my former, present, or future men...
  • Sometimes the presence of a man NEAR is not as important as the ABSENCE of a idiot... who drains all your LIFE FORCES!
  • If there are problems in a relationship, then it would be more honest to discuss them directly, rather than seek solace in the pussy of someone else's woman.
  • And I don’t give a damn... who’s with you and who are you with now.
  • – What advice would you give to your future man? – Don’t waste my trust...
  • Some people just want to say: “Did you bark?..., now Blow into the booth.”
  • Boys, YOU are not AIR. Life does NOT end after you leave. I collected my socks, panties, slippers, razor... and FUCK UP with the world!
  • I could never become the one you dream of. But I can be the one you give more fuck
  • I have long since passed the age of foaming at the mouth to prove my opinion... I will remain silent, mentally tell you to fuck off... and do it my way...
  • And you will meet... when you don't expect it. And you will find it not where you are looking.
  • Every beautiful woman has a LOT OF COURTS and always one, NON-PLEASURE piece of shit, whom She loves and who, bitch, USES it!
  • There is a condition when you really need a massage... or a man... or a drink... or better yet, a drunk masseur
  • Yes, yes, I’m shitty, angry, ungrateful and my character is not great, and I’m a fucking bitch, and in general I’m so inadequate, yes, I agree with you, ideal people, just fuck off, you’re fucked up.

Do you think these statuses are cool and daring enough? Share your opinion in our Facebook and VK groups

  • You, rival, do not be afraid!!! If I want it, it will be mine!!! But why the hell do I need him... After fucking like this...
  • And meeting your ex is like a silent movie. Having gathered my courage, I told him: “Bac has such a familiar face.” I didn’t fucking send you before?))
  • A real man knows that a woman with a complex character is the best choice.
  • Go to hell with your “there are no more worthy girls.” I was the one he dreamed of, and it was he who made the last bastard out of me.
  • When a woman lives alone, it’s not scary... It’s scary when she lives alone with a man...
  • A man should be a man, and not a mongrel - wherever he gets warm, he runs there.
  • We spend priceless things... but value rubbish...
  • Lord, give me another bag of nerve cells, otherwise the ones you gave at birth are already gone...
  • Days pass, weeks fly by... Fate teaches us to live with a smile... On our heels we spin those who are too weak to love us.
  • I know that I will be someone’s most important PRIZE and someone will whisper to fate at night: “I would fucking kill her for all her whims, but, Lord, THANK YOU that I still got it!”

Aphorisms about a woman

In the war of the sexes, carelessness is a man's weapon; vindictiveness - women. Cyril Connolly

A woman is not metal furniture; she is a flower. She doesn't want to be businesslike. She needs sunny, sweet words. It’s better to say something nice to her every day than to work for her all your life with gloomy frenzy. Erich Maria Remarque

Does it really matter whether you occupy a house in which many have lived or one in which no one has lived? And does it really matter whether you sail on a ship where thousands of people have already sailed, or where no one has sailed yet? It’s just the same whether you live with a woman whom many have already known, or with one whom no one has touched. Aristippus of Cyrene

Be sure, first of all, that you can master any woman - and you will master her, just set up your nets! Sooner will the birds stop singing, the grasshoppers will stop chirping in the summer, sooner will the Arcadian dog start running from the hare than will the woman refuse the insinuating proposals of the young man! Even someone whose consent you couldn’t even think of will agree. Ovid (Publius Ovid Naso)

Many of our obvious troubles come from the fact that we do not trust a woman. We have little respect for her. And in it is the holiness of motherhood and the wisdom of the ages. She is the antagonist of the crime because she is the mother. Vasily Vladimirovich Bykov

Female sensuality is the source in which male spirituality is renewed. Karl Kraus

If there were no women, there would be no money, and men would be a tribe of heroes. In the trenches we lived without women, and it was not so important who and where had some kind of property. One thing was important: what kind of soldier you are. I’m not advocating the delights of trench life, I just want to highlight the problem of love from the right perspective. It awakens the worst instincts in a man - the passion for possession, for social status, for earnings, for peace. Erich Maria Remarque

Women of easy virtue

Women of easy virtue

Easy behavior is the least drawback of women known for their easy behavior.

? Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Duke, French writer (17th century)

Cheap women often cost too much.

? Mieczyslaw Shargan, Polish aphorist*

A woman who values ​​herself too low brings down the price of all women.

? Nellie McClung, Canadian feminist writer*

Falls have brought more than one woman back to her feet.

? Alexander Kumor, Polish aphorist*

There is no price for free women.

? Arkady Davidovich, Russian writer-aphorist

We get to know many women, perhaps not from their best side, but from their most interesting side.

A man can sleep with anyone at any time, but if a woman makes nineteen or twenty mistakes, she will be called a slut.

? Joan Rivers, American comic actress*

A “woman of easy virtue” is a woman who has reached the moral level of a man.

? Nancy Lynn-Desmond, American writer*

No person in their right mind would call me a nymphomaniac. I don't sleep with unattractive people.

? Fiona Pitt-Ketley, English writer*

Nymphomaniac: a woman who is obsessed with sex to the same extent as an ordinary man.

? Mignon McLaughlin, American writer*

I can't sleep with everyone I've slept with!

She looked like a million dollars, albeit in bills that had passed through many hands.

? Angela Carter, English writer*

She changed lovers like gloves. She never changed her gloves.

? Emil Krotky, Russian satirist writer

She’s one of those people who always says, “I’m not like that!”

? Maxim Zvonarev, Russian journalist

The difference between a loose woman and a woman of strict rules is that the former is usually more beautiful.

? Roberto Gervaso, Italian journalist and writer*

I once knew a man who stopped chasing singers because, according to him, they turned out to be just as hypocritical as decent women.

You're going to burst, baby!

Some girls have very strange ideas about the “ideal man”. Sometimes such ideas cross all the lines of good and evil. Statuses about cheap people who think they know their worth.

  1. On the street with the boys - he’s smoking, vulgar, hitting evenly and hard... And only with you he’s so gentle and exciting, and his eyes are so sad and happy at the same time... Is this the real man?
  2. No, baby, this is not pathos. I just had to turn into an asshole like me to shut up pompous bitches like you.
  3. Aren't you a sweetie to everyone's liking? Yes, you are just a corrupt woman.
  4. Tall if wearing heels? Kind, if not angry? Who needs you like that?
  5. You don’t need to ask a real guy for anything, because he owes you by birthright? Then a real girl also doesn’t need to ask for anything, because she should open her legs herself by birthright...
  6. Years will leave without return... suitable for debauchery.
  7. Bitch, if I put up with all your antics, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt me.
  8. A beautiful girl is one who is beautiful... and not one whose breasts are falling out of her neckline and her panties are falling out of her jeans.
  9. No need to look like glamorous hens, guys love gentle ones, guys love smart ones.
  10. The one who is silent knows twice as much as the one who speaks...
  11. Never say expensive words to cheap chickens...
  12. Remember me like this: strange, rude and nervous, I did not seem like a saint, but I was faithful to you.
  13. Love is harmful only when it is not love, but a pure wolf in sheep’s clothing...
  14. True skin should only protect the figure... the face will always be added.
  15. When a girl has no one to tell her that she is loved, she herself begins to confess her love to everyone.
  16. Maybe all people are brothers, but all women are definitely not each other’s sisters...
  17. Do you think you're a glamorous bitch? Yes, your selfies are used in memes, come to your senses...

Aphorisms about Women

***** Oh woman. The creature is weak and treacherous. Beaumarchais P. ***** A good woman, when she gets married, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for it. Klyuchevsky V. ***** One man is enough for a woman to understand all men; a man can know all women and understand none. Helen Rowland ***** A decent woman is a hidden treasure; Having found it, a reasonable person will not boast about it. Francois de La Rochefoucauld *****

***** There are women created for love, and there are women created for intrigue. W. Thackeray ***** A woman before marriage is a provocateur; after marriage - gendarme. Henry Louis Mencken ***** There are women with whom no one falls in love, but whom everyone loves. There are women with whom everyone falls in love, but whom no one loves. The only happy woman is the one whom everyone loves, but with whom only one is in love. Klyuchevsky V. ***** A woman gets more pleasure from betrayal than a man: for him this is not God knows what event, but for her betrayal always means revenge, or passion, or sin. Etienne Rey ***** There are few women in the world whose virtues outlive their beauty. François de La Rochefoucauld ***** Without women, the beginning of our lives would be deprived of support, the middle - of pleasure and the end - of consolation. N. Chamfort ***** A woman loves or hates: she has no third. Publius ***** It’s funny, really: the women who are nearby, you don’t think about them. But you cannot forget those women whom you have lost or whom you have not yet had. Chuck Palahniuk ***** God makes a woman beautiful, and the devil makes her pretty. Hugo ***** Only women can be not only the best judges of women, but also their executioners. M. Twain ***** Women have an extraordinary ability to create illusions, to be different from what they really are. Berdyaev N. A. ***** Let a woman live for a few days the kind of life you cannot offer her, and you will probably lose her. Erich Maria Remarque ***** Easy virtue is the least drawback of women of easy virtue. Francois de La Rochefoucauld ***** It is easier for a woman to defend her virtue from men than her reputation from women. Rochebrune ***** No matter how badly a man thinks about women, every woman thinks even worse about them. Chamfort ***** I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world. Marilyn Monroe ***** Women are not aware of the vastness of their coquetry. Francois de La Rochefoucauld *****

***** A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and ascribed to herself. A. Carr ***** A woman understands children better than a man, but there is more childishness in a man than in a woman. Nietzsche F. ***** Every time women don’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on their face, and then it seems that they understand everything. Etienne Rey ***** Most honest women are hidden treasures that are intact only because no one has yet looked for them. Francois de La Rochefoucauld ***** A woman who could govern the state very wisely will tomorrow create for herself a master who cannot be given even ten chickens to manage. Cardinal Mazarin ***** Some women think that they have learned the world by learning what men need from them. Wilhelm Schwebel ***** Women are prone to extremes: they are either much worse or much better than men. Jean de La Bruyère ***** A woman will flirt with anyone as long as they look at her at the time. Oscar Wilde ***** A woman is always changeable and fickle. Virgil *****

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Not girls, but skins

It just so happens that sometimes you have to go through a lot of crap, pain and lies in order to find your treasure. Well, until this happens, put statuses about skins - girls who couldn’t.

  1. Don’t worry if you dressed stylishly, put on beautiful makeup and stayed at home. Go on... go to Instagram.
  2. You are so alone. And I won’t have another one like you, because you’re so special? And thank God!
  3. It’s a shame when you talk to them about lofty things, about feelings... and these skins accuse you of alcoholism!
  4. The look of a tigress, the pose of a predator... the appearance of a hamster.
  5. A real socialite can drink a bottle of whiskey, beat a guy with her purse and walk home along a dark street alone. But she will drag the same typical girlfriend with her to the toilet!
  6. They say that a girl should be like a Swiss watch: expensive, desirable and for men to wear in their arms. But they forget that Swiss watches are also trouble-free...
  7. Not mine - so I’m happy as hell!
  8. I love to eat. And who doesn't love it? Only idiots and fools. Anorexia will destroy you. Those who like to eat are great!
  9. She was so sexy that even the chair touched her ass!
  10. Hey princess, less stress!
  11. I wanted love. And you just wanted me, stupid skin.
  12. Love is like smoke, today it exists, but tomorrow we don’t smoke...
  13. Are you a girl without complexes, but with a lot of principles? More likely a TP with complexes, without principles!
  14. What happens if you die tonight? Nobody cares...
  15. But I don’t smell like vanilla, and I don’t drink martinis every night. I don’t smoke after every failure. I rarely drink coffee. I'm not like you. I am normal.
  16. Do you think you are such a lioness-tiger? Perhaps, but in sheep's clothing...
  17. Are you hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget? Congratulations, apparently you are a dirty sock!
  18. She wants all the chicks to be like her... but she's the one who looks like everyone else.
  19. A guy is something you bitch can't survive without. So love, appreciate and enjoy!
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