130 catchy phrases and word magnets for buyers

Wise and philosophical sayings about life

Many users are looking for very beautiful quotes with meaning for their blogs, Instagram pages and other social networks. The best of them are collected below.

  1. It is worth learning to be happy here and now. After all, it is from moments that human life consists.
  2. We must strive to be the kind of person whom we ourselves would be pleased to meet.
  3. Everyone's life is like a movie. And everyone can become a true hero.
  4. The world requires patience from people. The best things that can happen to us always happen through continuous work.
  5. Everyone has a person in their environment through whom God himself speaks to them.
  6. Everything happens when the right moment comes. You need to be able to wait.
  7. Tomorrow what fate has prepared will happen. No need to fuss.
  8. Everyone's main enemy is his own laziness and passivity.
  9. The most important thing for every person is to learn to be himself.
  10. Behind the most pretty appearance there can be hidden a wild passion.
  11. Every second should bring happiness.
  12. The future reveals only the best. The main thing is to believe in it with all your heart.
  13. There is no need to stop trying and trying. This is the only way to achieve everything you want.
  14. Only those people who can make you happy should be around.
  15. We have the right to evaluate other people only if we ourselves are perfect.
  16. Normal people rarely succeed. If you are not like everyone else, perhaps you have a different destiny...
  17. When you want to be happy, you don’t need to think too much about the consequences...
  18. We so rarely live real lives... Maybe stop looking at your phone all the time? Maybe it's time for real communication?
  19. The path to success never ends. This is the road whose construction does not stop even for a day.
  20. When the day comes to an end, you should forget it and let it go. After all, today you did everything in your power.
  21. If your heart tells you that this is yours, don’t hesitate! Take risks and you definitely won't regret it.
  22. You can be absolutely anywhere you want. The main thing is to want it the right way.
  23. Don't be afraid of change. If you are a coward, your dreams will never come true.
  24. Don't be upset or sad. Everything you lost today will certainly return - just in a different form.
  25. Don't try to be correct in everything. The one who knows how to be real is much happier.
  26. The most difficult step is a step into the unknown.
  27. You should not ask the Lord for a problem-free existence. It is better to ask him to make you wiser and stronger.
  28. It's very stupid to try to explain something to someone. The person who wants to understand you will always understand. And the one who doesn’t want to, won’t believe it, even if you give him a hundred reinforced concrete explanations.
  29. Important decisions should not be made in a state of irritability. And there is no need to make big promises to those who are happy.
  30. Some say that as he gets older he loses friends. But in reality we are just getting to know them better...

Now let's look at 21 words with which you can influence a client

  • Suddenly
  • Now
  • We announce
  • I present
  • Improvement
  • Awesome
  • Sensational
  • Great
  • Innovative
  • Amazing
  • Beautiful
  • Magic
  • Recommendation
  • Swiftly
  • Definitely
  • Just
  • Required
  • Requirement
  • Comparison
  • Operation
  • Hurry up

Where to use: titles, lists and enumerations, to develop the storyline.

Don’t forget to remind the client why he came to the site page. Many, after scrolling through a large amount of information, no longer remember why they came.

Phrases for people with character

Great quotes with meaning will be appreciated by self-confident individuals who always achieve their goals and do not lose heart in case of failure.

  1. You need to be able to leave work on time, where your efforts are not appreciated; refuse uninteresting books; leave those people who are indifferent to you.
  2. Can you live in such a way that you can tell the truth to anyone at any moment?
  3. You need to be able to manage your feelings and emotions. They will fade away and leave you alone with the consequences.
  4. There is not much use in knowing a lot; it is much more useful to be able to draw appropriate conclusions.
  5. Stop living in illusions. It's time to see others as they are.
  6. It is impossible to forget those people with whom you laughed until you cried in the past.
  7. Being a worthy person is important and necessary; wasting energy trying to prove this is stupid and ridiculous.
  8. If a person knew how powerful his thoughts are, he would never allow a single negative idea into his head.
  9. Only the person who is walking can fall. A crawling person is automatically insured against such a disaster.
  10. There is only one way to improve yourself dramatically. And this is sport.
  11. If it’s hard for you, it means that you are going up. Well, if everything is easy and simple, it means that you are falling into the abyss with acceleration.
  12. There is no need to assume that goodness is weakness and arrogance is strength. Moreover, meanness is not a talent.
  13. Don’t even think that someone will come and change your reality or want to change yourself. Any transformation always starts with yourself.
  14. The hardest thing in the world is to keep in your heart what you can never say out loud.
  15. True spiritual beauty is always in the heart; it is reflected in the gaze; and makes itself felt in a person’s real actions.
  16. You can say whatever you want. But what a person does and how he acts invariably show his true attitude to the matter.
  17. It is very difficult to judge yourself - it is much more difficult than to wash the bones of others. But if you can become your own good judge, it means you have life wisdom.
  18. Who said that life must necessarily give us everything we want? We must gratefully accept from fate what it gives us. And be happy because things are exactly like this, and not worse.
  19. There are no saints who do not have a dark past; and there are no sinners who do not equally have a bright future.
  20. If we realized even for a minute how little other people understand us, we would much more often prefer silence.
  21. What will your tomorrow be like? It just depends on what you intend to do today.
  22. We are capable of achieving any goal we can imagine and believe in.
  23. You don't have to give up all your aspirations for success. Take care of the valuables that accompany it.
  24. There is nothing more difficult than taking action. The further path is much easier; how it goes depends largely on your efforts and perseverance.
  25. You will never be able to cross the endless ocean if you do not have the courage at some point to turn away from your usual shore.
  26. Some people talk too much about life and forget to feel.
  27. Sometimes we are indifferent to the dagger wounds that our enemies inflict on us. But a pin prick from someone who is important to us always brings the greatest torment.

Can one word change how you feel about an action?

Definitely yes!
Many years of research have shown that just one or at most a couple of words can change the mood of readers, the meaning of what is said and increase or decrease the motivation of the audience. It's no secret that a certain word has its own meaning. We capitalize on an article because its headline attracts attention, because it evokes a certain emotion. Therefore, there are techniques that help increase traffic to your pages, increase the number of clients and audience. Let's give an example that will show how, with just a couple of words, it is possible to achieve the maximum number of positive responses.

“Can I take your pen?” — only 50% answered positively.

“Can I borrow your pen, since I have very little time?” — 95% responded positively.

“Can I borrow your pen since I only need to sign a couple of pages?” — 92% responded positively.

10 words that have the greatest impact:

  1. We announce;
  2. Introducing;
  3. We improve;
  4. Required;
  5. Compare;
  6. Hurry;
  7. Fast;
  8. Wonderful;
  9. Magical;
  10. Offer.

5 phrases that hide exclusivity:

  1. Only for subscribers of our group;
  2. Get it first;
  3. Exclusive offer;
  4. To enter you must;
  5. Entry is not possible.

3 words you can use to engage the community:

  1. Become a member;
  2. Register;
  3. Go ahead.

7 phrases that mean deficit:

  1. Limited quantity;
  2. Will end soon;
  3. Supplies stopped;
  4. 5 places left;
  5. The goods are almost out;
  6. Only 5 on the right;
  7. Remaining to purchase at discount.

What do we usually see when we open a new email in our inbox?

  • "Registration"
  • "Add"
  • "Join"

All these phrases to attract attention are used for the sole purpose of getting you to leave your email address. But this is not obvious to all users.

Is it possible to influence your attitude towards any action with just one word? From my own experience I can say that yes. One intriguing word can radically change the meaning, motivate a person or affect his mood.

“One word can change your decision. One feeling can change your life. One person can change you."

— Confucius.

You may ask: what should you write in advertising to attract people? What words, phrases and headlines really sell?

Copywriting and the science of human psychology give a marketer the opportunity to study and understand what words are needed to get to the heart of the client. So as not to leave him a chance to leave for a competitor.

Below I will give a list of catchy words and intriguing phrases that will not leave the slightest chance of the client leaving for your competitors.

Why are you clicking on the title? Because these words attracted attention. Aroused some emotions in you. Let's look at a plan to convince subscribers to sign up for a procedure at a manicure salon.

  1. “Dear girls! In April we will have 5 places for manicures. Hurry up to sign up” - 56% response
  2. “Dear girls! In April we will have 5 places for manicures because the master is going on a long vacation. Hurry up to sign up” - 97% response
  3. “Dear girls! We have 5 spots left for manicures. Hurry up to sign up, because the master is going on vacation and will only be able to accept a few people” - 95% response

Short, concise phrases

The most beautiful quotes with meaning don't have to be long; Many phrases are short, which does not in any way affect their value.

  1. Life transforms because we create these metamorphoses.
  2. I am like an open book, but not everyone can read it.
  3. A happy person does not notice whether it is spring or autumn outside the window.
  4. Don't trust the shell - after all, salt is often similar to sugar.
  5. The morning should start with optimism and a smile.
  6. Life is a holiday.
  7. There is no better beauty than kindness.
  8. While others are lazy and struggling with depression, develop yourself!
  9. You should never be afraid to forget the past and start from scratch.
  10. Purity and beauty - simplicity contains all this.
  11. You need to be able to play a major role in your own life.

12 phrases that suggest exclusivity can help in assigning such qualities

  • Exclusively for members
  • To enter you need
  • Full group
  • Entry is currently not possible
  • Request an invitation
  • Try it out to become a beta member
  • Exclusive offer
  • Insider
  • Be one of the few
  • Access by subscription only
  • First to receive
  • Stay in touch

Where to use: login form, call to action, text subheading to attract customers.

They can finally persuade the client to buy, whet his interest or speed up the decision-making process

Beautiful phrases in English with translation

In fact, even one beautiful word in a sentence will make it more sophisticated. We recommend learning a few sonorous words to use on occasion. Here are some beautiful phrases that you can remember:

  • Endless love - Endless love
  • Forever young - Forever young
  • Spread eagle - Soaring eagle
  • Little by little - Little by little
  • Mother nature
  • Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast
  • Freedom and peace - Freedom and peace
  • Love and hope - Love and hope
  • Aspire to inspire - Strive to inspire
  • Perfectly imperfect - Perfectly imperfect

Do you need headlines on social networks?

Headings are what the reader notices first. Regardless of where the headline is used (in regular text or on a social network), it is the headline that is responsible for attracting readers. Whatever text the title is used in, it is definitely necessary. It is the title that will sell your text. Or it won’t sell if it doesn’t hook readers.

Take, for example, the social network Facebook, where short texts, the length of which does not exceed 300 characters, are read 70% more often than longer articles. Not all readers want to waste their time on an article whose headline does not attract attention. But if the title of your article turns out to be intriguing, then it is likely that it will be read. Ideally, the title should be as meaningful, short and intriguing as possible. As a rule, the number of words in headings should not exceed 7.

If you are posting text that does not exceed 100 characters, then the first sentence can serve as the title. Only in this case, you need to work on its design - separate it from the text, write it in capital letters, design it with emoticons. Your intuition will tell you how to act. Read your headline, and if you yourself want to read what it hides, then your audience will be interested in reading the article.

Beautiful quotes in English with translation

  • Now or never! Now or never!
  • Temporary happiness is like waiting for a knife. Temporary happiness is like waiting to be stabbed by a knife.
  • Everyone has one's own path. Everyone has their own path.
  • Music is the soul of language. Music is the soul of language.
  • When you start thinking a lot about your past, it becomes your present and you can't see your future without it.

When you start thinking a lot about the past, it becomes the present, and you no longer see a future without it.

  • Advice is like snow; the softer it falls the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. - Advice is like snow: the softer it lies, the longer it lies and penetrates deeper.
  • Remember who you are. -Remember who you are.
  • Music creates the feelings which you can't find in life. -Music creates feelings that do not exist in life.
  • Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul. -Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.
  • It's better to bum out than to fade away. - It's better to burn out quickly than to fade away slowly.
  • Life is beautiful. Life is Beautiful.
  • Enjoy the ride.-Enjoy the ride.
  • The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it. -The inevitable price we pay for happiness is the eternal fear of losing it.
  • Life is a journey.-Life is a journey.
  • In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man. -In love or in anger, a woman is much tougher than a man.
  • Illusion is the first of all pleasures.-Illusion is the highest pleasure.
  • We frequently die in our own dreams.
  • All we need is love.-All we need is love.
  • Some people give and forgive and some people get and forget... -Some people give and forget, while others take and forget...
  • Enjoy every moment.-Enjoy every moment.
  • The most dangerous demons live in our hearts. -The most dangerous demons live in our hearts.
  • Only my dream keeps me alive. -Only my dream keeps me alive.
  • Tears are the silent language. -Tears are silent speech.
  • The only thing in life achieved without effort is failure. - The only thing in life that is achieved without effort is failure.
  • It is useful sometimes to recall your past in order to stronger value your present. -Sometimes it is useful to remember the past in order to value the present more strongly.
  • I will get everything I want. -I will get everything I want.
  • Feel the rain on your skin. -Feel the rain on your skin.
  • If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself. -If you want to be someone, someone really special, be yourself.
  • The flame has burnt away, the ash remained, the joy has gone, the sadness remained.
  • Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you. - Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.
  • I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong. -I learned that he who is weak is cruel, nobility is the lot of the strong.
  • Never look back.-Never look back.
  • All would live long, but none would be old. -Everyone wants to live long, but no one wants to be old.
  • A life is a moment. - Life is a moment.
  • There is nothing scary in the darkness, if you encounter it face-to-face.
  • It's better to have ideals and dreams than nothing. -It's better to have dreams and ideals than nothing.
  • The earth is my body. My head is in the stars. - The earth is my body. My head is in the stars.
  • Follow your heart.-Follow your heart.

The most popular headlines on Facebook and Twitter

Each social network attracts its own audience. Therefore, the content for each social network is different. Articles that are successful on Facebook will not be as read on Twitter. Conversely, content that will be in demand on Twitter will not appeal to Facebook users.

For Facebook, the types of headlines that carry emotional content will be relevant. Use the following words often:

  • Shock;
  • Sadly;
  • I cried because...

In addition, headlines like: “What happened next was incredible”, “You don’t need to do this, otherwise ...” work well here. Such headlines attract an inquisitive audience, which is why they are popular.

For Twitter audiences, headlines that encourage readers to download something work well.

Wise Quotes

“The eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. Everything is visible: who has great dryness in his soul, who can poke the toe of his boot into his ribs for no reason, and who is afraid of everyone.”

Michael Bulgakov

“When you want to know a person, look into their eyes, they are the mirror of the soul.”

“When my eyes say one thing and my tongue says something else, an experienced person believes the former more.”

Ralph Emerson

“This is how a person works. He can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes... This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that's going on inside."

Olga Anina

“The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, but its mirror windows: through them it sees the street, but the street sees the soul.”

Vasily Klyuchevsky

“A kind soul has the most beautiful eyes.”

Taguhi Semirjyan

“What is called the soul, the heart, does not have clear outlines, but is a much more tangible symbol of human relations.”

Kobo Abe

“The question “Can a soul exist without a body?” contains a whole absurd reasoning that preceded it and is based on the fact that the soul and body are two different things. What would you say to a person who asked you: “Can a black cat leave the room but the color black remain?” You would consider him crazy, but both questions are exactly the same.”

Alexander Herzen

“Man... is a union of soul and body, the separation of which produces death.”

Nikolai Kuzansky

“The mind is the eye of the soul, but not its strength; the strength of the soul is in the heart.”

Vauvenargues Luc de Clapier

“As the body grows, the soul shrinks more and more. I feel it myself... Ah, I was a great man when I was a little boy!”

Carl Berne

“If the soul exists, it would be wrong to think that it is given to us already created. It happens on earth throughout life. Life itself is nothing more than this long and painful birth. When the creation of the soul, which man owes to himself and to suffering, is completed, death comes.”

Albert Camus

“The greedy soul is the beginning of all evil deeds.”

John of Damascus

“I am convinced that the soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another.”

Thomas Jefferson

Effective magnet words to attract customers

Magnet words are specific words that influence consumers. These words encourage you to perform some action. Such words are used by many copywriters to increase performance indicators or create the most catchy headline. They are used when creating videos. As a rule, the overwhelming number of people, having heard magnet words, realize the need to take a certain action. This happens subconsciously. The same advertisement, which is shaped differently, will show different performance indicators.

Here's a list of 24 words and creative advertising phrases to ease your client's fears.

  • Anonymity
  • Popular
  • Possibility of cancellation at any time
  • Certified
  • Approved
  • Guarantee
  • For life
  • We'll refund your money
  • Without obligations
  • No questions asked
  • You don't risk anything
  • No tricks
  • Officially
  • Confidentially
  • Protected
  • Verified
  • Possibility of return
  • Testing
  • Result
  • Results
  • Safely
  • Tests have been carried out
  • You can try before you buy
  • Absolute

Where to apply: payment form on the website, registration field, review block.

To create an advertisement from just a few words, you can use one of these

How to write good headlines for social media posts yourself

It’s quite difficult for novice bloggers to come up with headlines that will “pop” on their own. Therefore, if you have just started running your channel, a page on a social network, or a blog on the Internet, then first use the experience of others. Browse the Internet, read popular headlines on your topic, and analyze how you can apply them to your needs. At the same time, do not forget about uniqueness.

When writing headlines, adhere to the following rules:

  • Use words that are inherent in viral posts to the maximum: historical, big, critical, etc.;
  • Write down the names of social networks, such headings receive maximum coverage (for example, “What is the social network VKontakte hiding from you?”);
  • Insert words that relate to learning: tips for beginners, do it yourself, etc. People want and will learn, which means they will pay attention to your content;
  • Keep your headlines short and captivating. Their main goal is to attract attention, and not to reveal the entire essence of the article;
  • Focus on the urgency: remove these things from your life, otherwise it will be too late later, etc.;
  • The negative form will get more coverage. For example, instead of a headline like “The 10 Most Interesting Home Improvement Ideas,” choose a headline like “The 10 Worst Home Improvement Examples.”
  • Insert verbs and adverbs of the present form: do, achieve, etc. These words receive the largest number of transitions due to their ease of reading and relevance;
  • Use lists. This is a fairly old, but still relevant method for attracting an audience. Even though some articles have too many of them, such articles still get the maximum number of responses;
  • Keep nouns and even adjectives to a minimum. Too much use of adjectives makes the headlines too uninteresting and busy;
  • Be specific;
  • Talk about the benefit;
  • Insert interrogatives;
  • Evoke as many emotions as possible. Headlines that evoke feelings of fear, happiness or anger in readers can increase the number of clicks. However, inducement should not be confused with manipulation;
  • Use information from insiders. Messages will be popular if they contain promises of revealing a particular secret;
  • Don't get too carried away. You might think that headlines with a predominance of long and abstruse words will pique the interest of readers, but this is not the case. It is recommended to provide readers with as simple and clear information as possible about what exactly this article will be about.

The success of your content directly depends on the quality of your headlines. That is why, take the time to test different header options to understand which ones will show the best results.

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