9 wise quotes from successful women. They are amazing!

Great Thoughts of Great People

Topic: Personal, Author: raisa

Successful women - about business and family 9 quotes from influential and famous people

Successful women - about business and family

9 quotes from influential and famous people

Every year in the Forbes billionaires list

more and more
successful women
. This year there are a record number of them - 138. Many of the people on our list started their careers practically from scratch and succeeded thanks to perseverance, courage and talent. We have selected some of their statements that help to better understand the rules of life of these women.

“No one can make you strong except yourself.”

Beyonce Knowles,

actress and singer, Grammy Award winner

“No one can make you strong except yourself”

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook

“Fortune smiles on the brave. You will never know what you are capable of until you take risks."

Oprah Winfrey

, general director of the television project OWN

“Try to do the impossible. Fail. Try again. Only those who are afraid to act do not make mistakes. This is your moment. Don't miss him"

Sarah Blakely

, owner of the SPANX shapewear brand

“I deliberately don’t tell anyone about my plans. My advice: don’t share your ideas with others until you’ve put so much effort into their implementation that it’s too late to back out. After all, a new idea is very vulnerable: it can be killed by a single negative comment.”

Jennifer Nelson

, film director

“Sometimes the only way out is to go ahead and hold on through sheer force of will.”

Meg Whitman

, CEO of Hewlett-Packard “Over the years of work, I came to the idea: I can change anything, but not my gender - here, what is given by nature, will be. I must act not as a woman, but as an individual and, if necessary, make difficult decisions."

Marie Forleo,

writer, founder of the B-School business school

“Don't believe stories of overnight success. For the most part they are complete nonsense. I walked towards success slowly, persistently and gradually. I don't want to sacrifice my personal life just to show others how quickly I became successful. Choose your own pace"

Martha Stewart

, owner of
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
“I always ask myself: What can I do to improve the lives of clients, colleagues, shareholders, family and friends?”

Zhang Xin

, CEO of development company
SOHO China
“I devote a lot of time to my children. I always try to have breakfast and dinner with them, we spend every free weekend together. When I am at home - in China - I am always next to them, going to all their football and tennis matches. After dinner I help the children with their homework. It helps me remember that there are many other important things in the world besides business."

The richest women in Russia - 2013: Forbes Woman ranking


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21 August 2013, 14:19

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Tags: Beyoncé; Sheryl Sandberg; Oprah Winfrey; Sarah Blakely; Jennifer Nelson; Martha Stewart; Zhang Xin;

Business woman, business woman - quotes

A business woman is a woman who decides to build her happiness without the help of a man. V. Zubkov

Businesswoman: a woman who, when she sees children playing in a puddle, does not think about the washing machine. From the “Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions” by L. L. Levinson

Running your own business means working 80 hours a week so you don't have to work 40 hours a week for someone else. Ramona Arnett

Behind every successful man, there is a woman who aspires to take his place.

A woman's best protector is her thick wallet. Lucille Ball

Before the age of 18, a woman needs good parents, from 18 to 35 - good looks, from 35 to 55 - good character, and after 55 - good money. Sophie Tucker

Our motto: life is too short to stuff mushrooms. Shirley Conran

1. Every day, do something that you don’t dare to do. 2. Don't waste your energy on envy. Sometimes you find yourself ahead, sometimes behind. The race takes a long time, and ultimately it is a race with yourself. 3. Remember the compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed, tell me how. Mary Schmich

To make a career, a woman needs, firstly, good professional training, and secondly, a husband who rejoices at her successes, no matter how great they are. Kathleen Douglas

They say that behind every successful man there is a woman who supports him. And behind every woman who achieves success, there are three men who would like to stop her. Waltraud Schoppe

When a woman moves to some next stage, behind this they always and everywhere see one thing: who is she sleeping with? Even if she sleeps with those whom she then brings to power. Lyudmila Shvetsova

Careers are more difficult for women because they do not have a wife to push them forward. Yanina Ipohorskaya

A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't warm anyone on a cold night. Marilyn Monroe

Men consider it necessary to apologize for their weaknesses, women - for their strengths. Lowis Wise

A woman reigns, but does not rule. Delphine de Girardin

Any woman who understands the problems that come with running a home can understand the problems that come with running a country. Margaret Thatcher

The liver, brains and kidneys are of great value. The heart also finds some use, but very limited. “Cookbook” by Maria Monat (Poland)

A man who is about to take a decisive step thinks: “What will I say?”, and a woman: “How will I dress?” Madeleine de Puisier

In the business world, dealing with a woman is not easy. If you treat her like a man, she gets angry. And if you treat her like a woman, your wife begins to get angry. Robert Orben

Businessmen are afraid of strong women and view them not as potential wives, but as dangerous competitors. Konstantin Borovoy

It is enough to look into a woman’s purse to understand that money is not everything. Yanina Ipohorskaya

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