Quotes about toys and childhood

Quotes about toys and childhood

Collection title: Quotes about toys and childhood. Family is a theater where it is no coincidence. For all peoples and times. Entrance is extremely easy. And getting out is very difficult. I. Guberman

Manners should be well-mannered, but not cutesy. Hong Zicheng

Your children will learn to write faster if they are allowed to write on uncured cement.

Housewives who constantly lose or forget where they put their keys are, as a rule, women who do not want to come to terms with their role as a housewife. Alfred Adler

You go to a parent meeting and think half the night: How did we study? No coolers, no blinds...

Atheism, logically, should lead to the complete destruction of the family.

Children are more like their time than their parents.

If you know the means to strengthen the body, temper the will, ennoble the heart, refine the mind and balance the mind, then you are an educator. C. Letourneau

If the purpose of marriage is a family, then someone who wants to have many wives and husbands may get a lot of pleasure, but in no case will have a family. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

There are strange fathers who, until their death, are occupied with only one thing: to give their children reasons not to grieve too much for them. Jean de La Bruyère

The teacher influences the students not only by giving them certain tasks, but also by his behavior, lifestyle, and attitude to everyday phenomena. M. I. Kalinin

There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; Meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are educated properly. Y. Kamensky

We are all children, the only question is who has what toys.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

One mirror is more important than a whole gallery of ancestors. V. Menzel

A wise man will remain silent for a time; but the vain and reckless will not wait for time. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

A teacher, like an artist, must be born. K. Weber

When our children call us conservatives, let us console ourselves with the fact that our grandchildren will take revenge on them for us. I.D. Wilde

Any land cannot give birth to any plant. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Love for parents is the basis of all virtues. Marcus Tullius Cicero

He who bridles the tongue will live peacefully, and he who hates talkativeness will reduce evil. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

The kids are all crazy. That's why they don't go crazy

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. Oscar Wilde

A teacher must not only have knowledge, but also lead a correct lifestyle. The second is even more important. Thiru-Valluvar

In a heartless world, your loved ones are hearts that beat only for you.

The main road of human education is conviction. K.D. Ushinsky

A person shivers from the cold in the house when he has no relatives and is alone. Family means that no one will be forgotten, abandoned or frozen in their own home.

Like means that the person simply liked your photo. Understand? Nothing more. No family, no children, no holiday together in Turkey.

We are depriving children of their future if we continue to teach today the same way we taught it yesterday. D. Dewey

Only strong love can make up for those minor misunderstandings that arise when living together. Theodore Dreiser

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student. R. Emerson

The family does not only consist of children, it includes a man, a woman, pets and colds.

We would not believe in teaching, upbringing and education if it were confined only to school and cut off from the turbulent life. V. I. Lenin

Writers, like parents, love to endow their children with properties that they themselves lack. That’s why Maupassant’s heroes are always stupid, while Tolstoy’s are always smart. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Self-education is the most difficult type of self-service. Eugeniusz Korkosz

Mom is not a horse. The horse gets tired, but the mother doesn’t!

Fathers lie, claiming that they are pursuing a career for the sake of their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they do it for the sake of their mothers. — B. Pashkovsky

You can't have too many friends. Alexandre Dumas the father

Don't think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. A.S. Makarenko

Each person receives two upbringings: one is given to him by his parents, passing on their life experience, the other, more important, he receives himself. E. Telman

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself.

I am speaking, of course, only about good mothers, saying that it is useful for sons to have their mothers as intimate friends. N. G. Chernyshevsky

Jealousy is the art of causing more harm to yourself than to others. Alexander Dumas son

In education, the development of skills must precede the development of the mind. Aristotle

In family life, the most important screw is love Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

A person can achieve anything that his mind can generate and that he is ready to believe. Napoleon Hill

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. Faina Ranevskaya

Previously: “Hurray! To the dacha with my parents! Now: Hurray! Parents at the dacha!

The main thing in raising children is that they do not notice this.

When our company meets, we become the very ones from whom mother told us to stay as far away as possible.

The subjects that children are taught must be appropriate to their age, otherwise there is a danger that they will develop cleverness, fashionability, and vanity. I. Kant

Of all generally immoral relationships, treating children as slaves is the most immoral. G. Hegel

Making a scandal out of the blue is not as easy as it might seem. First you need to be born a woman.

Mom's love is a cozy courtyard, which is always warm and sunny.

The head of the family is not a man or a woman, but the one who reproaches and clothes. Aurelius Markov

Wine and music gladden the heart, but better than both is the love of wisdom. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

As far as possible, strive, by weakening parental authority, to replace it in the child’s concepts with that self-government that comes from foreseeing the consequences arising from one or another course of action. G. Spencer

If we allow children to do whatever they want, and on top of that we have the stupidity of giving them reasons for their whims, then we will be dealing with the worst way of education; children then develop a regrettable habit of particular unrestraint, of peculiar behavior. speculation, selfish interest, the root of all evil. G. Hegel

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices. P. Buast.

Nature wants children to be children before they become adults. If we want to disrupt this order, we will produce precocious fruits that will have neither ripeness nor taste and will soon deteriorate. Let childhood mature in children. J.-J. Rousseau

An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. G. Maupassant

Blessed is he who honors his ancestors with a pure heart. I. Goethe

Only that teacher will act fruitfully on the entire mass of students who is himself strong in science, possesses it and loves it. D. I. Mendeleev - Quotes about toys and childhood.

A father should be a friend and confidante to his children, not a tyrant. V. Gioberti

Meet me, this is my friend, we have been fools since childhood.

Quotes about games

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about the game .

We are busy playing games from childhood to old age, often without really understanding what we are playing and why .

Quotes are grouped by topic: people and play, children and play, woman and play, life and play, war and play, man and play, theater and play, love and play, art and play, society and play, success and play, sports and play, work and play, games, nature and play, fate and play, winning, dance and play, business and play, rules of the game, creativity and play, Russians and play, parents and play, religion and play, death and play, entrepreneur and play, education and play, happiness and play, etc.

People and the game

Man is a playing animal. (C. Lam)

A person is fully human only when he plays. (F. Schiller)

Man is God's plaything. This is what we must follow. We must live by playing. (Plato)

People are like dice: we throw ourselves forward in life. (J.-P. Sartre)

The game has its own essence, independent of the consciousness of those who play. (H.G. Gadamer)

Anyone who doesn't take the game seriously ruins it. (H.G. Gadamer)

Men have never shown greater wit than in the invention of the game. (G.W. Leibniz)

If all people thought alike, no one would play at the races. (M. Twain)

We are, in essence, pawns on a chess field, and pawns do not know where the player’s hand will send them. (M. Sholokhov)

Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we could possibly win if we weren't afraid to try. (W. Shakespeare)

Remember: it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; All that matters is whether I win or lose. (D. Weinberg)

We don’t stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing. (B. Shaw)

Those who have lost peace of mind gamble the most. (E. Bern)

There is a good and a bad eye, but it would be better not to watch anyone: there are too many unknown, playing forces in each of us... (A. Blok)

Everyone in the world loves the game; and the most prudent people willingly surrender to it until they see all the violence, tricks, delusions, loss of money and time associated with it, until they understand that they can spend their whole lives on it. (S.L. Montesquieu)

A person can play many roles and be subjectively confident that each of them is him. In fact, a person plays each role in accordance with his ideas about what others expect from him; and in many people, if not in most people, the real personality is completely smothered by the pseudo-personality. (E. Fromm)

Fraudsters laugh at an honest person who plays fair with them. (S. Segur)

By the way, quotes about people

Children and play

Children's play often has deep meaning. (F. Schiller)

The child is not horrified by the fact that he is patiently preparing the old man within himself. He is a child and he plays his childhood games. (A. Saint-Exupery)

Children's games are not games at all, and it is more correct to look at them as the most significant and thoughtful activity of this age. (M. Montaigne)

Taking a child away from play is no small matter. (A. Adler)

The child loves his game for the wrong reasons. that it is easy, but because it is difficult. (B. Spock)

Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood. (A. Chekhov)

Understanding the atom is child's play compared to the riddles of children's play. (A. Einstein)

Love childhood; encourage his games, his fun, his sweet instinct. Who among you has not sometimes regretted this age, when there is always laughter on your lips, and always peace in your soul? (J.-J. Rousseau)

The teenager recognizes his fantasy as a subjective activity. The child does not yet distinguish his imagination from the things with which he plays. (L. Vygotsky)

Many children's games imitate the serious activities of adults. (J. Korczak)

For children you need to play the same way as for adults, only even better. (K. Stanislavsky)

If it would be desirable to discourage children from playing, then the surest way is to force them to play with that toy for several hours in a row. (Catherine II)

As it happened in childhood, I wanted to play hide and seek again, When I lay down to rest in a secluded corner. (Saigyo)

It was May. On the trimmed Strelka they were already selling violets. The kids played with burners, And the horizontal bars basked. (I. Severyanin)

By the way, quotes about children

Woman and game

A woman in love is like a harp: she conveys her secrets only to those who play her well. (O. Balzac)

Let a woman be a toy, pure and graceful, like a precious stone, shining with the virtues of a world not yet created. (F. Nietzsche)

For centuries, a woman has played the role of a mirror, endowed with a magical and deceptive property: the figure of a man reflected in it was twice its natural size. (W. Wolf)

And the Lord came up with a toy - women's eyes. (M. Bulgakov)

The only thing women do not forgive is betrayal. If you immediately establish the rules of the game, whatever they are, women usually accept them. But they don’t tolerate it when the rules change during the game. In such cases they become ruthless. (G. Marquez)

When a woman is completely a woman, she is more valuable than when she plays the role of a man. To develop masculine qualities in a woman, neglecting her inherent qualities, means to clearly act to her detriment. (J.-J. Rousseau)

Women are adaptive creatures, like life itself. They, like water, accept any form of play: sexual, social, cultural. Men, on the other hand, are more like stones that change the trajectory and direction of the flow without changing the very essence. Water remains water. (S. Shnurov)

Sarah Bernhardt plays the role of the great actress perfectly. (B. Shaw)

By the way, quotes about women

Life and game

The whole world is a theater. There are women, men, all actors. They have their own exits, departures, And each plays more than one role... (W. Shakespeare)

The whole world is a theater, we are all unwilling actors, Almighty Fate assigns roles, And heaven watches our play! (P. Ronsard)

Doubt, faith, the ardor of living passions - A play of airy soap bubbles: That one flashed like a rainbow, and this one is gray... And they will all fly away! This is people's lives. (O. Khayyam)

Life is a game, and whether we like it or not, we have to participate in it. (T. Dreiser)

The great art of life is to play a lot but risk little. (S. Johnson)

Life is a game of money and time. (R. Kiyosaki)

In childhood, play is a preparation for life, and play in adulthood is an attempt to escape from real life. (A. Shlomo)

I could never fully believe that the affairs that fill human life are something serious. I didn’t know what was truly “serious”, but what I saw around me seemed like just a game - sometimes funny, sometimes annoying and boring. (A. Camus)

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War and game

War is an expensive game. (A. Baricco)

War is a game played with a smile. (W. Churchill)

He who wins a war will never stop fighting. (E. Hemingway)

If you want to win a war, you need to remember the old truth: the slower you go, the further you will go. (W. Churchill)

There are no winners in war, only losers. (A. Chamberlain)

Winning a war is as impossible as winning an earthquake. (D. Rankin)

They don't win wars at all. Everyone does nothing but lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace. (R. Bradbury)

The fastest way to end a war is to lose it. (D. Orwell)

We must be strong enough to win the war and wise enough to avoid it. (L. Johnson)

War, Your Grace, is an empty game. Today is luck, and tomorrow is a hole... (I. Brodsky)

To be created to create, to love and to conquer is to be created to live in the world. But war teaches us to lose everything and become something we were not. (A. Camus)

Those who know how to fight do not know how to make peace. Those who sign a peace treaty that is beneficial to themselves would never win the war. (W. Churchill)

By the way, quotes about war

Man and game

Men lead the game, and women know the score. (R. Waddis)

Men can be frivolous when it comes to work or politics, but they always take their games seriously. (B. Shaw)

A real man wants two things: danger and games. And therefore he is looking for a woman as the most dangerous toy. (F. Nietzsche)

In a real man there is always hidden a child who wants to play. Find the child in him, the woman! (F. Nietzsche)

Dreams, toys, deception - all this is suitable for women and children, but a man needs to know the matter as it is. (I. Goncharov)

Deep down, a man wants the battle of the sexes to remain a game for him, while a woman puts her destiny at stake. (S. de Beauvoir)

Evil lurks in men who avoid wine, games, the company of lovely women, and table conversation. Such people are either seriously ill or secretly hate those around them. (M. Bulgakov)

The car is the favorite toy of adult men. (M. Dietrich)

By the way, quotes about men

Theater and play

A performance only occurs when it is performed. (H.G. Gadamer)

I don't recognize the word "play". You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You need to live on stage. (F. Ranevskaya)

One cannot demand more from the viewer than an understanding of the external game. (F. Kafka)

When an actor does not understand who he is playing, he inevitably plays himself. (V. Klyuchevsky)

I believe that playing a role means getting as far away from yourself as possible. Take a vacation from your own self. Become someone else, step into the skin of another person. (H. Ledger)

Play so that I don’t see what you have memorized. (M. Shchepkin)

The worse the play, the better the actors perform. (A. von Haller)

If a play is bad, no amount of acting can save it. (S. Maugham)

To check whether the actors are playing correctly or not, you need to put thick glass between them and the audience; if the audience can’t hear it, but understand it, then they are playing correctly. (A. Efros)

When you play the good one, look for where he is evil, and in the evil one look for where he is good. (K. Stanislavsky)

By the way, quotes about theater

Love and game

Love is the only game in which the amateur has a better chance of perfection than the professional. (A. Pushkin)

Love is a bridge game in which everyone bluffs: men to win, women to avoid losing. (A. Hitchcock)

Love is a game for two, and both win by losing their hearts. (E. Gabor)

As long as you love, the game is worth the candle... (E. Hemingway)

The fate of love is to play blind man's buff. (A. Griboyedov)

A love adventure is a game in which people always cheat. (O. Balzac)

And the next day I’ll play my role again And laugh at random again. Remember you said that love is pain? You made a mistake. Love is hell. (A. Akhmatova)

Do not act against the deity of lovers: no matter what means you use, you will lose the battle, rest assured. (Dante Alighieri)

By the way, quotes about love

Art and play

Art is a divine game. These two elements - divinity and play - are equivalent. It is divine, for it is precisely this that brings man closer to God, making him a true full-fledged creator. For all that, art is a game, since it remains art only as long as we remember that in the end it is just fiction. (V. Nabokov)

If we remember the elementary fact that every feeling is an expenditure of the soul, and art is certainly associated with the stimulation of a complex play of feelings, we will now see that art violates the principle of economy of forces in its immediate action... (L. Vygotsky)

Play is largely the basis of all human culture. (A. Lunacharsky)

Poetry is a play of feelings into which reason introduces a system; eloquence is a matter of reason, which is enlivened by feeling. (I. Kant)

Cinema is a mechanical medium, it is partly a game, a game of illusion. Technology will change, and cinema will change. Someday it will be made on a computer. (J.-L. Godard)

By the way, quotes about art

Society and play

Every citizen must play his role in society according to his personal abilities. (Plato)

Revolutions are like a game of chess, where pawns can destroy the king, save him, or take his place. (P. Buast)

What an irreparable nonentity one must be to play only one role in life, to occupy only one place in society, to mean only one thing! (B. Pasternak)

Inequality is not evil, but the basis for good, if you can harmoniously combine all the different elements of the game, forming a meaningful unity. (D. Guzman)

Conscience is a trick that others play on you - others tell you what is right and what is wrong. They impose their ideas on you, and have been constantly imposing them since childhood. Conscience is a strategy of society aimed at enslaving you. (Osho)

Success and game

Success is a crappy teacher. It provokes sensible people to think that they cannot lose. (B. Gates)

If A is success in life, then A=x+y+z, where x is work, y is play, and z is keep your mouth shut. (A. Einstein)

Success is a wonderful and very pleasant thing. But what does this compare to the happiness you feel when you play bocce ball with your friends? (A. Celentano)

Without self-discipline, success is impossible. Don't let the fear of losing be stronger than the excitement of winning. (R. Kiyosaki)

I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career and lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted to take the final winning shot and missed. I failed again and again and again. And that's why I was successful. (M. Jordan)

By the way, quotes about success

Sports and game

Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. Serious sport is war minus murder. (D. Orwell)

The game is my wife. It requires loyalty and responsibility. She gives me a feeling of peace and tranquility. (M. Jordan)

No matter who I play with, my main rival is the girl in the mirror. (S. Williams)

Winners play until they achieve what they want. (B.D. King)

I play every match the same way, as if it were a final. (L. Messi)

In sports, as in casinos, it is very difficult to win by chance. (G. Alexandrov)

Football as a game is an order of magnitude higher in intelligence than chess. (D. Bronstein)

Golf is a sexy game. After all, the task is to drive the ball into the hole. (D. Timberlake)

By the way, quotes about sports

Work and play

What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. (A. Makarenko)

Being able to blur the line between work and play is a great achievement. (A. Toynbee)

Work is what a person is obliged to do, but Play is what he is not obliged to do. Therefore, making artificial flowers or carrying water in a sieve is work, but knocking down skittles or climbing Mont Blanc is fun. (M. Twain)

Work is torture for me. I can't help but feel like I don't know anything. And over the years, playing only becomes more difficult. You doubt more and more. In yourself. In your skill. In professionalism. (E. Leonov)

Show me a man who knows how to lose, and I will show you a man who plays golf with his boss. (D. Murray)

By the way, quotes about work


The game attracts the player, engages him and keeps him engaged. (H.G. Gadamer)

Every Game is first and foremost a free activity. Playing by order is no longer a game. (J. Huizinga)

When playing an unfamiliar game, never make the first move. (D. London)

There are no pessimists among those who enjoy gambling. (R. Akutagawa)

People usually start playing because they have nothing to do, the continuation is driven by the thirst for profit, and as a result we have an addiction. (F. Brewes)

And now, let’s continue our games, as the editor of the humor magazine said, opening the next meeting and looking sternly at his employees. (I. Ilf, E. Petrov)

Nature and play

Man can play with the forces of nature only to certain limits; what you have created will turn against you.. (H. P. Lovecraft)

Today spring has decided to be not so much poetic as noisy and cheerful. She released a flock of random, rare clouds into the sky, she swept away the last snow from the roofs, she painted the hills everywhere - in a word, spring was playing with might and main in April. (T. Jansson)

I love the thunderstorm at the beginning of May, when the first thunder of spring, as if frolicking and playing, rumbles in the blue sky. (F. Tyutchev)

By the way, quotes about nature

Fate and the game

Fate shuffles the cards, and we play. (A. Schopenhauer)

To play is to experiment with chance. (Novalis)

Fate plays a cruel game. You must either play by her rules, or force her to play by yours. (Don Aminado)

No matter what Walter or Descartes interprets, The world for me is a deck of cards, Life is a bank: fate threatens, I play. And I apply the rules of the game to people. (M. Lermontov)

By the way, quotes about fate


To win, you first need to play. (A. Einstein)

Conquer yourself and you will win thousands of battles. (Buddha)

Someone who always wins is not a real gambler. (M. Montaigne)

Aces don't win every game! (K. Prutkov)

The winner will never say, “It’s just a game.” (G. Copeland)

When two people fight, the third one wins. (W. Churchill)

There's no point in coming to the NBA if you don't believe you can win it all. (L. James)

Dance and game

Life is an endless dance! If you don't dance, then the music of your life is playing in vain! (M. Bejar)

Dancing is for women what playing cards is for men: a wonderful free time for the tongue, which is often useful and often harmful. (J.P. Richter)

What a crazy thing the waltz is! You spin and spin, not thinking about anything. While the music plays, an entire eternity passes, like life in novels. But as soon as they stop playing, there is a feeling of scandal, as if you were doused with cold water or caught undressed. (B. Pasternak)

Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer. (D. Balanchine)

By the way, quotes about dance

Business and game

Business is a game, the greatest game in the world if you know how to play it. (T. Watson)

Business is a fascinating game that combines maximum excitement with a minimum of rules. (B. Gates)

Life is a game and money is a way to keep score. (T. Turner)

Money allows you to keep score of the game, but that is not the reason I founded my business. (B. Tobacco)

A gambler is someone who spends days and nights sitting in front of slot machines. I prefer to own them. (D. Trump)

By the way, quotes about business

Rules of the game

If there are no rules, then there is no game. (J.F. Lyotard)

Each game has its own rules. (J. Huizinga)

The laws of the game operate outside the norms of reason, duty and truth. (J. Huizinga)

You need to learn the rules of the game. And then you need to start playing better than everyone else. (A. Einstein)

You need to know the rules of the game, but it’s better to set them yourself. (A. Stock)

In love and in politics, the winner is the one who does not recognize any rules. (Ya. Rutkovskaya)

The problem with referees is that they know the rules, but they don't know the game. (B. Shankly)

Creativity and play

Compared to writing, horse racing is a solid, reliable business. (D. Steinbeck)

If you want to see your child's creativity, then stop giving him toys for a while. (N. Douglas)

You won't become a genius by playing at being a genius unless you play too hard. (S. Dali)

I consider the performing arts to be creativity, and the actor to be an original creator, and not a slave of the author... the actor... complements the author's idea with his acting, and it is in this complement that his creativity consists. (V. Belinsky)

By the way, quotes about creativity

Russians and the game

Five out of six people will confirm that Russian roulette is completely safe. (B. Shaw)

Russian people, due to their poverty and meagerness of life, generally love to amuse themselves with grief, play with it like children, and are rarely ashamed of being unhappy. (M. Gorky)

Play, children! Grow in freedom! That's why you were given a red childhood, So that you can forever love this meager field, So that it always seems sweet to you. (N. Nekrasov)

By the way, quotes about Russian people

Parents and play

The little son has all the toys his father dreamed of. (R.E. Whitten)

Parents are mountains that you spend your whole life trying to climb, until one day you notice that you yourself are playing their role. (M. Levy)

Fatherhood and motherhood are extremely risky pursuits; The life of a parent is the life of a player. (S. Smith)

I'm writing a song about my child, but I wish I could play catch with him instead of writing this damn song. (D. Lennon)

By the way, quotes about parents

Religion and play

God doesn't play dice. (A. Einstein)

God is in the veins of days. All life is His game. From mercury it is living silver. It will sparkle with the moon, become silver with a fish... He is all flexible, and death is His game. (O. Khayyam)

In any case, there will be a lot of pretty people in hell, where you can play charades. (A. Pushkin)

If angels played billiards, not a single star would remain in its place. (R.G. de la Serna)

By the way, quotes about religion

Death and the game

In death, play and heroism find their true meaning. (A. Camus)

A suicide is always bankrupt, it is always a person at a dead end, a person who has lost life and does not have the will to continue it. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

Immortality is not a jewel that you can get and keep with you forever, but just a game of hide and seek with death in the alleys of time. Anyone who wants to become a good player should study the scene like the palm of his hand. (M. Fry)

Entrepreneur and game

The meaning of the word “entrepreneurship” can be reduced to another word – “game”. (R. Branson)

The entrepreneur indulges his neighbor's most depraved dreams, playing the role of pimp between him and his needs, arousing in him an unhealthy appetite and observing every weakness in order to later demand a reward for this labor of love. (E. Fromm)

Education and play

Now children do not play, but study. They study and study and will never begin to live. (A. Green)

Game shows are designed to make us comfortable with the random and useless remnants of our education. (C. Palahniuk)

The future of secondary education lies in games - computer, sports, intellectual. (P. Durov)

By the way, quotes about education

Happiness and play

Only at that moment when all the trump cards are already in hand, but not yet on the table, can a player be truly happy. (M. Fry)

The happiest games are unplayed, the purest love is unloved, the best songs are unsung. (V. Astafiev)

The happiest of players is the one who just went broke from the game. (M.-G. Safir)

By the way, quotes about happiness

Thoughts and play

Walking and movement promote brain play and thought. (J.-J. Rousseau)

The ability to think is like playing the violin or piano; it requires daily practice. (C. Chaplin)

The card game is a clear manifestation of mental bankruptcy. Unable to exchange thoughts, people throw cards. (A. Schopenhauer)

By the way, quotes about thoughts

Marriage and play

A marriage is not happy if there is no play in it. (L. Tolstoy)

Most husbands remind me of orangutans trying to play the violin. (O. Balzac)

When your wife is right always and in everything, you cannot cope with it. Generally not possible. It's even impossible to get a divorce. You'll still lose. (M. Stepnova)

Family and play

In a family where people know how to negotiate, there is always a chance to continue the game. (E. Sivanova)

Man and woman are an eternal battle. Love lasts until there is a winner, until one has spoken out completely and there is a secret. And when someone lost, but the other did not show it and began to tactfully support the weakest, then a family arises. (T. Van Geren)

By the way, quotes about family

Animals and play

Animals play just like people. (J. Huizinga)

Have you seen dogs playing in the living room? They really seem to be having fun. They roll a ball, chew things, breathe heavily and look happy. Humans are designed the same way. We should be quite happy. I don't know why we can't do it. (D. Lynch)

By the way, quotes about animals

Conversation and play

Conversation is a kind of game. Everyone must wait for their turn. (J. de Stael)

When you have a conversation or argument, conduct it as if you were playing chess. (B. Gracian)

Expressing an opinion is like moving a pawn in a chess game: the pawn may die, but the game begins and can be won. (I. Goethe)

By the way, quotes about speech

Politics and the game

Politics is not a game. This is serious business. (W. Churchill)

In political games, unlike the game of blind man's buff, only a few see everything, and everyone else has blindfolds over their eyes. (P. Buast)

The one who sits in first place rarely plays the first role. (I. Goethe)

By the way, quotes about politics

Humor and play

Humor carries the soul across the abyss and teaches it to play with its grief. (A. Feuerbach)

There is only one way to joke well: to make toys out of people. (A. Green)

There are situations that are difficult to deal with, but you have to approach everything with humor and clearly understand that this is just part of the game. (D. Summer)

By the way, quotes about humor


After all, you need to be able to lose. Otherwise it would be impossible to live. (E.M. Remarque)

When you lose, don't lose your accumulated experience. (Dalai Lama XIV)

If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory. (W. Bolt)

Science and play

Play is the highest form of exploration. (A. Einstein)

Like science, play creates events from structure: this explains why competitive games thrive in our industrial societies. (K. Lévi-Strauss)

By the way, quotes about science

Passion and play

The passion for the game is the strongest of passions. (A. Pushkin)

I would even play football for free. (L. Messi)

Cat and game

When a cat and I play, there is still a question of who is playing with whom—me with her or she with me. (M. Montaigne)

There is nothing more playful than a young cat, and nothing more sedate than an old one. (T. Fuller)

By the way, quotes about cats and cats

Music and game

Playing music is almost the same as flying in the sky. (H. Murakami)

Music always plays for victory, even when it is sad. (A. Platonov)

As you can see, quotes about games are dedicated primarily to people, children, women, life, war, men.

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Cool statuses and quotes about childhood
is when you can show your age on your fingers.
*** Childhood
is when you go to pick berries and ask your grandmother about each one: “Can I get this one?”
*** Childhood
: you run out of money - go, pick it up, keep playing!
*** for myself
I'm big, strong and I can do anything. I feel sorry for the girl I was many years ago. She is so small and she dreamed, but I... couldn’t help her... Make her dreams come true. I'm sorry... *** I
want to remain a child forever... But not because a child has no responsibility or anything.
But because adults’ games are not interesting... *** Only
in childhood can you be bald, toothless and still remain a beauty


I didn’t like kindergarten because you have to sleep there!
What a fool she was! *** Childhood
is the light at the beginning of the tunnel.
*** And
in general, as a child, I thought that Easter cake was a middle name.
*** I
decided to remember my childhood and jumped into a snowdrift... who knew there was a bench there?
*** Be
children, they have less worries... ***
does childhood go?
To where it plays! *** In
a survey on the Odnoklassniki website - Who was vaccinated against measles in the 3rd grade, you don’t know if it’s already possible to wash?
*** As
people get older, they don’t stop playing, it’s just that toys become more expensive and more dangerous.
*** Childhood
is a time of many questions, possibilities and consequences.
*** And
the watercolor is honey.
A taste familiar from childhood. *** Childhood
ends when you want your wishes to be fulfilled not by Santa Claus, but by the Snow Maiden.
*** we
couldn’t be driven home so that we could at least eat. Now they can’t kick the children out into the street so they can at least breathe.


As a child, we didn’t worry about how we should dress, our parents bought all our clothes for us, and now you look at children’s photographs and understand that your parents didn’t really worry about how you should dress either. ***
I was little, I was very harmful, but now I grew up and the harmfulness, in my opinion, grew up with me.
*** I am
from a generation of people who, as a child, looked at the carpet on the wall before going to bed.
*** With
neg... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.
*** When
you come up with pranks as a child, thinking with your head, you get your ass kicked.
With age, everything changes: when you think with your ass, for some reason they hit you in the head... *** In
kindergarten, with love, everything was super... you went up to the girl you like and said, “I’ll love you”... and she, “And I’ll love you” lublu”... we took each other’s hands and let’s kiss each other’s necks... ***
happiness is when you blow soap bubbles and they don’t burst when they touch the ground... ***
long as our parents are alive, we are still children... * **
sometimes, we do stupid things just not to admit that we have already matured... ***
your childhood, good fairy tales, because then we didn’t wear masks yet... ***
remember my childhood, and my heart aches with tenderness .
*** As
a child, I played with a doll, and my brother was fiddling with the soldier... But time passed and everything changed, my brother got a doll... And I have a soldier... ***
stages of childhood: Stage 1: “Mom and Dad “Don’t go, I’m scared without you!”
Stage 2: “Parents, are you leaving? Oh, okay." Stage 3: “Ancestors, are you still here?!” *** me
as a child that I was a very kind and sweet girl... In general... they jinxed it, you bastards... ***
grow up only when we start to avoid puddles!
*** Eh
, somewhere is the golden time, when you were praised for what you ate!... ***
been a hacker since I was 5 years old, it all started when I hacked into my grandmother’s sideboard, hacked a few candies from there, for that he was brutally banned from the street for 2 days.
*** to
*** I
remember as a child I told everyone that I would not drink, smoke or swear!
Now, in addition to drinking and smoking, I even swear in my thoughts! *** best
proof in childhood: “Don’t believe me?
Ask my mom!” *** I want to
go to kindergarten.
Sleep. Eat. Play. I'm tired of it. I don’t get enough sleep, I don’t eat. Yes, there is no one else to play with. *** In
childhood, life had meaning and you were killing time, but now - nonsense has life and time is killing you.

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Jokes about kindergarten
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