A selection of poems about a paper boat for 2nd grade

Quotes about ships

Stephen King. It

The ship dived with its nose, swayed, sometimes scooped up water, but did not sink. The two brothers did a good job keeping the sides watertight. I don't know where or if his voyage ended. Perhaps he reached the ocean and still plows its expanses, like a magic ship from a fairy tale. All I know is that he was floating on the surface and riding the crest of the current when he crossed the administrative border of the city of Derry, Maine, and thereby floated away from this history forever.

Galina Goncharova. The heart of a cruiser

She was no longer there. There was a huge ship. Almost a living organism. Cozy, calm, serious and collected. Aurora felt all of him. Entirely. Her hands were boats, her heart was the engine room, her wings were nozzles... impulses ran along the wires-nerves, transmitting her will... allowing wretched protoplasmic creatures to move through space... Funny people... Strange people. But what's the difference?

Arthur Rimbaud

Silver and copper chariots, Steel and silver bows of ships, Beat the foam, Raise layers of thorn bushes, The fluidity of the lands And the huge ruts of the low tide, Stretching in a circle to the east, Towards the pillars of the forest, To the middle of the embankment, The corner of which is beaten by whirlpools of light.

The Tale of Tsar Saltan (1984)

The wind is blowing on the sea And the boat is urging on; He runs in the waves on swollen sails.

Walt Whitman

Look - the boundless sea, And, having unfurled all the sails, the ship sets sail, The pennant flutters, the ship rushes forward confidently, Jealous waves run ahead of the ship, They surround the ship with the shine of living foam.

Evgenia Barbutsa. The universe is out of size

She lowered her hands into the golden liquid, fortunately the wounds had not completely healed, and plunged into the soul of the ship. I am the ship, the ship is me. There is no girl sitting in the pilot's seat, instead of her I am strong, powerful, wild. There is a threat ahead, there are weak, strange and clumsy people nearby, like me. They are not interesting. I want to go forward, to the stars, which are not visible because of the solid wall of stones. I don't like stones, they sting painfully. But that doesn't matter either. There is life inside me, hot, breathing, exciting. For her sake I exist.

Evgeniy Nosov

Our literature has run aground, like a ship from under which the water on which it once sailed with inflated sails has disappeared.

Stephen Callahan. Adrift: Seventy-six days captive at sea

The smaller the ship, the more acutely weather changes are felt on it.


- Nice ship! - It's a good ship. Only he is afraid of water.

Al Quotion. Collocation

And when sadness wakes up, a wave rises to the sky, crashing against a dark chest.

Serving the elements does not tolerate fuss

The weather was ordered for us by Luck itself, Quite a few feet under the keel were promised to us, And the sky shared its blue with the ocean - Two blues crossed at the horizon.

Isn’t it true, the intoxicating unprecedented expanse of the sea is akin to the mountains in madness, violence, meekness: The gray manes of the waves are pure, like snow on the peaks of the mountains, And the depressions between them are like abysses!

Serving the elements does not tolerate fuss, The meridian leads to the two poles. Blessed are the eternal ranges, Blessed is the Great Ocean.

To us, Great Chance is our brother, Luck is our sister, Although, just in case, we are alarmed. On land they wished us no peace, The constellations are perfectly located for us.

We are all lookouts, we all started with the basics, And if someone has bad luck - We change course, we go to SOS, as it is in the mountains - to the call, To help, interrupting the ascent.

Serving the elements does not tolerate fuss, The meridian leads to the two poles. Blessed are the eternal ranges, Blessed is the Great Ocean.

We will count the losses when the storm passes, - Not with gray hair, but with salt, - A stingy ocean huge tear will wash our enlightened faces...

The top has been taken - the bits have pierced the heavens! From heaven to earth - just for a moment: Having barely completed the voyage, we raise the sails - And begin the ascent again.

Serving the elements does not tolerate fuss, The meridian leads to the two poles. Blessed are the eternal ranges, Blessed is the Great Ocean.

Vladimir Vysotsky

Aphorisms about ships

Be afraid of your desires, More disappointment, For without the meaning of knowledge - This is a balm for the ignorant!

One rich merchant, dreamed of millions, having spent a large sum, insured the goods!

The goods were loaded onto the ship, and the ship set off. They decided to sell them far away, then turn home.

All about untold wealth, It was not the poor merchant who dreamed. I did not know about the treachery of fate, A messenger arrived with news:

Was the captain clumsy? The ship was sunk by a dashing storm. However, the Merchant received the insurance amount a hundredfold.

He became incredibly rich, his wish quickly came true! However, what a curse! Something happened to his son!

On that ill-fated ship, my only son died! Prosperity does not please, It is better to be simple and poor!

Be afraid of your desires, Not knowing where they will lead you! The price of what suffering, They, fulfilled, will take! 12/09/2014

One of the two is always the navigator, the other is the ship. you said: take it by storm. but suddenly it cooled down. If you want to appear wise, it’s time for you. the morning becomes gloomy, the pier is empty.

Prayer to the sea

Marina Tsvetaeva

The sun and stars are in your depths, the sun and stars are above, in the vastness. Eternal sea, Give me doubly surrender to the sun and stars.

Let me reflect the darkness of the nights and the smile of the dawn in my calm gaze. Eternal sea, put my children’s grief to sleep, heal, dissolve.

Pour a living stream into this heart, Give a break from patience - in an argument. Eternal sea, I betray my helpless spirit into your powerful waters!

Quotes about ships

And as long as there are bridges on earth, there will be those who burn them. And while the ships are leaving ports, there will be those who are waiting for them. And while the sunset is spreading in the sky, there will be a new dawn. And there will always be someone who is very happy to see you, and those who are not... Sasha Otradnaya

A ship is not just a keel, a deck, and sails. Just a ship - the Black Pearl - this is freedom. Pirates of the Caribbean

If you want to build a ship, then do not gather people to bring timber, and do not distribute tasks, but rather awaken in them a longing for the endless expanse of the sea Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

God created the sea, we are the ships, God created the wind, we are the sails, God created the calm, we are the oars. It's time to go to the sea, it's worried there without us.

A ship going to sea either floats or sinks. Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door

A ship in a harbor is safe, but is that what a ship is made for? William Shedd

We are all flying off into the distance on the same planet—we are the crew of the same ship. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A big ship has a long voyage. — Gaius Petronius

Sometimes the ship stops sinking as soon as the rats leave it. L. Kumor

We are all lonely ships on a dark sea. We see the lights of other ships, we cannot reach them, but their presence, the light of these lights, and a tragic situation similar to ours give us great consolation in our existential loneliness. Irvin Yalom, "The Love Cure"

A ship does not sink when it is in water. It sinks when there is water in it. It doesn't matter what happens around us. What matters is what happens inside us.

Why does the ship defeat the waves, although there are many of them, and he is alone? Because the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. Winston Churchill

The doomed ship will also crash against the lighthouse. Andrey Koval

A small leak sinks a big ship. Benjamin Franklin

You can't steer a ship from the shore! Titus Livy

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In the kingdom of birds

The wind is whistling all around... There are waves in white foam... The gray coast is covered with fog... Not a soul... I am alone on the top of the cliff, Above the ocean roaring in the morning! There is white moss on the rock, and there is ice in the crevice... The old snow is lying there, not melting... Wild stone rises everywhere like a black mass, Yes, the stream runs down the gorges... Along the cornices all around there are still birds in the darkness, There are still gray birds in rows. You look at them from below, like a cloud on a rock, Like a cloud lying over the waves... Eternal din, chatter... Someone's screams in the distance... It's as if someone is crying over the sea... Yes, on the very edge, ships are still sailing, A white sail sometimes flashes...


Maksim Gorky


Over the gray plain of the sea the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel soars proudly, like black lightning.

Now touching the wave with his wing, now soaring up to the clouds like an arrow, he screams, and the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of the bird.

In this cry is the thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the confidence of victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.

The seagulls moan before the storm - they moan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.

And the loons also groan - they, the loons, cannot enjoy the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.

The stupid penguin timidly hides its fat body in the rocks... Only the proud Petrel soars boldly and freely over the foam-gray sea!

The clouds are descending darker and lower over the sea, and they sing, and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.

Thunder rumbles. The waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Now the wind embraces flocks of waves in a strong embrace and throws them with wild anger onto the cliffs, smashing the emerald masses into dust and splashes.

The petrel soars with a cry, like black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, tearing off the foam of the waves with its wing.

Here he is rushing around like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!

In the rage of thunder, - a sensitive demon, - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds will not hide the sun - no, they will not!

The wind howls... Thunder rumbles...

Flocks of clouds burn with blue flames over the abyss of the sea. The sea catches the arrows of lightning and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, the reflections of these lightnings curl into the sea, disappearing.

- Storm! A storm is coming soon!

This brave Petrel soars proudly between the lightning over the angry roaring sea; then the prophet of victory shouts:

- Let the storm blow harder!..

V. S. Vysotsky

Quotes about the ship

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Sasha Cherny

From Heine

The sea is sleeping... The sun shoots arrows from a height into the water. And the ship in trembling sparks drives the tail of green furrows.

At the helm, on his belly, the boatswain sleeps and snores quietly. Covered in tar, the cabin boy is at the mast, crouching, repairing an old sail.

Through the stained cheeks, the color flared up, the mouth tightened in a grimace, and the gaze of the eyes, large and tender, was full of sorrow.

The captain bent over him, tearing and throwing, and raging: “Thief and swindler! You, the villain, stole the herring from the barrel!”

The sea is dozing... From the abyss a clever fish emerges, warms its head in the sun and playfully splashes its tail.

But out of the air, like a stone, a seagull falls on a fish - And with an easy prey in its beak, the seagull soars into the azure again.


Quotes about the ship

A collection of quotes on the theme of ship.

Total 118 quotes , filter:

„Don't be afraid of the future. Look at him, do not be deceived about him, but do not be afraid. Yesterday I climbed onto the captain's bridge and saw waves as huge as mountains and the bow of a ship that was confidently cutting them. And I asked myself why the ship overcomes the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? And I realized that the reason is that the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always get where we want.”

— Winston Churchill British statesman and politician, military man, journalist, writer 1874 - 1965

“If we are surrounded by rats, then the ship is not going down.”

— Eric Hoffer American philosopher 1902 - 1983

“The world is a sea. Do you want to swim? “Build a ship out of good deeds.”

- Rudaki Tajik and Persian poet 858 - 941

“Whenever I notice sullen folds in the corners of my mouth; every time a dank, rainy November reigns in my soul; every time I find myself stopping in front of undertakers' signs and positioning myself at the tail of every funeral procession I come across; in particular, every time hypochondria takes hold of me so much that only my strict moral principles do not allow me, going out into the street, to stubbornly and diligently knock off the hats of passers-by, I understand that it is time for me to set sail, and as soon as possible. This replaces a bullet and a gun for me. Cato, with a philosophical gesture, throws himself on the sword with his chest - but I calmly climb aboard the ship. And there is nothing surprising here. People simply don’t realize this, otherwise many sooner or later, in their own way, begin to experience almost the same feelings about the ocean as I do.”

— Herman Melville American writer 1819 - 1891

The sea is my life

Statuses about marine life, which not everyone can comprehend - share your wise words about your hobby!

  1. I'm not saying that life on the shore is boring and disgusting, but I would prefer the sea under sail!
  2. The best sailboats go to those who yearn for the sea...
  3. Once you get caught in sea nets, you will never be able to be a land rat again!
  4. Those born to swim on the shore die...
  5. Speed, drive and a storm of emotions – that’s what sailing is!
  6. I just sometimes feel it coming over me... the desire to quickly spread the sails.
  7. I am a simple person, I don’t need much... A good yacht and an endless horizon are enough for me!
  8. The trembling of the sails carrying you towards victory cannot be compared with anything!
  9. The pre-dawn haze, you and your vessel – that’s what I dream about on the shore.
  10. Yachtsmen on the shore begin to experience unbearable withdrawal symptoms. And nothing can stop this withdrawal. Alcohol helps, but not for long.
  11. There are things that are almost impossible to describe in words. For example, love or the feeling of victory. They just exist, they speak for themselves, but at the same time they don’t say anything. Sailing is also one of those things.
  12. As you waste your life, you become disappointed in many things that you passionately believed in 5-10 years ago. But you will never be disappointed in sailing!
  13. Give up the mooring lines! We are sailing to win!
  14. The sea is a dream. One big endless dream... It is impossible to become a yachtsman without being a dreamer.
  15. Raising the sails, catching a fair wind and racing towards victory is the best thing a person can experience.
  16. Sailors created this world as you know it. And now all we can do is compete with each other in speed...
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