../../You cannot remain in the shadows if you yourself emit light (the author’s selection of poems and aphorisms for lovers of existentialism)

From the editor: We usually do not publish poems on hpsy.ru, except as quotations in the text of an article, where they are given in line with the author’s thoughts. But Mikhail Gerstein’s poems were repeatedly quoted by visitors to discussion sections on our websites about the meaning of life and loneliness, so we began to recognize them as if they were old acquaintances. Then we met their author, and in the process of our communication the idea arose to offer this collection to the readers of our site. It seems to us that these poems will find their place on our site; there is something simple and close in them, and that is precisely what is dear and important. We hope that getting to know them will make you want to return again and again to their simple warmth. Or maybe some of you will find in them a starting point for your attempts to comprehend life and practice.


Ten Commandments

  1. If you passed without a ticket, sit in the best place.
  2. Happiness is an everyday skill.
  3. My lunch is the most delicious.
  4. Life is richer than any fantasy if you constantly invent it.
  5. Don't wait for better circumstances, but do it as soon as you can.
  6. In the beginning there was a feeling.
  7. God did not promise us luck, but He promised to give us a try.
  8. Circumstances may be stronger than a person, but they must prove it to him.
  9. Success often depends on the determination to follow the chosen path rather than on the path itself.
  10. I use longing for the passing to sharpen the feeling of the present.

1998, Boston

Twelve lines

  1. I see deception in difficulties.
  2. Our goals are our goals.
  3. My destiny is my people.
  4. A day is the only gift.
  5. Reality is not that real.
  6. You need money to forget about it.
  7. Death is just a reason to live.
  8. Life begins today.
  9. The law of the night is simple: you really want it!
  10. Love without jealousy is half love.
  11. You can't stay in the shadows if you're shining the light.
  12. Living now is a blast.

1978-2007, Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) - Boston



The snowflake is innocent, but the eye is a Don Juan. He will put it on her eyelash lasciviously, He will squint with a half-smile - with a question: Is everything so clean? Is it really that simple?

1976 Gorky (N. Novgorod)

* * *

Why don't you write? Do you think the dust of the streets will replace you? Why don't you hear? Do you think Heartbeat will replace you? Why aren't you sleeping?

1979 Gorky (N. Novgorod)

* * *

I? Close your eyes, cover them with your palms, and you will see green spots - This is Me! And you? You bend, You entangle me in the fairy tales of your hair, And I go deaf from the gentle fury of your scent.

1979 Gorky (N. Novgorod)


I am surrounded by the best people and the most beautiful women. My lunch is the most delicious, and my work is the most interesting. And only I myself decide what is important and what is not important.

1980 Gorky (N. Novgorod)

* * *

I invent life by three quarters, and for this, with the last quarter, it excites me and grants me insight.

1982 Gorky (N. Novgorod)

* * *

Life begins today, and life ends today. Yesterday is like an empty house, And tomorrow is like a hungry dog. And I need both a house and a dog, So that I can grow into today.

1982 Gorky (N. Novgorod)

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Universe? So here she is - At the bathhouse around the corner, Where Eternity whips with a broom and slaps with its wing.

1984 Gorky (N. Novgorod)

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Constantly want and decide on something, and at the same time remain a fool more than once. And consider that to freeze, Avoiding decisions - This is the worst of defeats!

1985 Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod)

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Courage is paid with blood, And love is paid with treason. And those who are bored are simply hastening death. And we will also play with Venus and Melpomene, and with our fire we will tickle the explosive mixture of life.

1996, Boston

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You listed people’s complexes - Like, remove them - And the person will be happy. And for me, all this meant a Plan for turning the beds of Siberian rivers. Leave me my nose, Fieryly crooked, Leave me jealousy - I owe her love, And if I am all connected with complexes, Then this is a connection with life...

1996, Boston

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Our goals are in us and they target us And they target us - Look, they almost ate Our tremulous time!

1996, Boston

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You need money to forget about it. I feel sorry for the beggar, but more pity than the castrati, whose philosophy, life and destiny are only the arithmetic of banknotes.

1996, Boston

"In the beginning was the word"

In the beginning, it is not a word, but a feeling. It gives birth to both life and art. And thought, like a servant, is ready to serve them, And only then does the word come to life.

1997, Boston

* * *

Love without jealousy is half love, There is too little real flesh in it, So the mind was a toy until the madness of passion overtook It.

1997, Boston

It snowed through the evening

Snow fell through the evening, lanterns touched the eyelashes with their rays. Snowflakes of slow birds flew to melt on the lips. The open coat swung open, Like the flapping of wings - It was no less than the whole life. And the body's own heat shone in the eyes of the walking women.

1997, Boston

* * *

I am a patriot of what life has given: Accidents of birth and warmth, Accidents of the Jewish movement, My destiny and the lines of a poem.

1997, Boston

From the bustle

Go outside - Morning, Sun and fresh wind. Listen to how birds quickly and tenderly live in the world. Feel how the trees grow their roots into the ground... Only by living in the moment, You can not be slaves.

1998, Boston

* * *

Perhaps I wanted to sit at the table, Watch the path of the sun in the ocean And absorb the waves of the running force, And notice how the sky turns pink From contact with the earth, As if the earth hurts a little... And the wind of the heart flew by like a seagull.

1998, Boston

* * *

I don’t like those who are above the fray, With their grin, intelligence, and acumen. I don’t like their cowardly fates, neither unhappy nor happy.

1998, Boston

And every day with you...


For whom love is food, For whom love is trouble, And with you, every day turns into love.

September 12, 1998, Boston

* * *

A Paris of excesses, oysters, legs, And the crampedness of the human community, Where only life is an excuse to live, Where there is no purpose or reason, Where it is so criminally delicious to be And share your body with everyone, And at night to swim through the lights With the water of the leisurely Seine.

1999, Paris

I agree, life is just a particularity

Arkasha Gershtein

I agree, life is just a particular thing, A remark in an old dispute, A jackdaw on the fence in the morning And a random line. And I am happy with every line, Every meeting, every kidney, Every slice of lemon, Every mug of milk.

2000, Boston

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“A thought expressed is a lie,” A thought written down is doubly a lie, But the most deceiving of all are those That lurk in silence!

2000, Boston

* * *

I got up in the morning in love, on the third floor. I saw a white light that was already hitting the windows. I saw white snow, flying from above, swift, thick, just like you love. And the sky on Earth, and the sky above, and everything between them belonged to me.

2002, Boston

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I peer into life - Its answer is already touching my shoulder, And the anticipation of revelation is sweet... If only I could understand - What is the mystery?

2004, Boston

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Don’t say that I’m only about forty years old, I’ve lived in the world so many times, there are no such numbers! My destiny is my people, to live and die with them, and every day with the ray of dawn to rise from oblivion.

2004, Boston

And from your hands


And from your hands the current flows from Life, And from your voice the Body sings a song, And from your eyes - A mischievous fire. And I fly to him, And I burn in him.

June 10, 2004, Boston

I know how to see a kitten in a cloud...

I know how to see a kitten in a cloud and remember that it’s not a kitten at all. I can see a child in a woman and feel that she is not a child at all...

2005, Boston

* * *

Death is only a reason for life, The edge of life is a wing. And, no matter which way it leads, We’ll grab the rhythm that comes up with a rhyme, Let’s fly...

2005, Boston

You bring the world to life with your gaze


You bring the world to life with your gaze. At least he was before you, but he wasn’t. By touching your Soul you return the body.

2005, Boston

* * *

Living now is a blast, to everyone that is around: Every ray is my light, Every heartbeat,

Every look and sigh, There is snow outside the window. Every day is my God, Every moment is my century.

2007, Boston

Quotes About Shadow Man

A collection of quotes on the theme of shadow.

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  • World
  • Light
  • My
  • Time
  • Love
  • Sun
  • Friend

Total 235 quotes , filter:

“The sun went out and the shadow disappeared, the cities fell asleep. But we hang out in this ocean until the morning, if only we had enough strength.”

“A bad friend is like a shadow. When the sun shines, you cannot escape from it; If the clouds gather overhead, you won’t find him.”

— Abay Kunanbayev Kazakh writer, thinker and storyteller 1845 - 1904

“The Soviet army arrived and what was expected happened. Taking advantage of the created confusion, several Armenians - degenerates not fed by the milk of their nation - have already gotten down to business. They - mostly shoemakers - as police agents, accompanied by armed Bulgarian police, go from house to house and look for me. Forever despicable slaves who, for their dark purposes, have always used foreign forces to quench their impotent anger and to destroy their “enemies” among their compatriots! No less disgusting, however, are nationalists who are such only in name. As creatures with bazaar morality, in their selfishness they have sunk to the bestial level. Acquaintances, friends, relatives - no one will open the door for such a person, even if he, with the Nazarene cross on his back and a crown of thorns on his bloody forehead, seeks refuge with them. They forgot, everyone forgot that only thanks to my efforts they did not suffer the fate of the Jews, and for four years they only got richer and richer. Those who yesterday were looking for your glance and greeting, today run from your name alone, even from your shadow. The Reds are waiting for me: a hundred times lower is the one who, under all circumstances, prefers life to death. Let the inevitable happen! Today I am connected with life only to the extent that I feel obligated to serve Armenia. Where are you, where are you, the ruler-honoring and idolized people of Armenia, whose soul has always been able to ennoble itself in times of danger?! Colony, you once again made me experience the bitterness of shame. Shame on you!"

— Garegin Nzhdeh Armenian military and statesman 1886 - 1955

Excerpt from autobiography

Source: Garegin Nzhdeh (Brief biography and chronicle of life). Author Rafael Ambartsumyan https://nashasreda.ru/garegin-nzhde/#_ftn6

“No matter how you look at it, there is only one woman in a man’s life. All the others are her shadows...”

— Coco Chanel French fashion designer 1883 - 1971

“Everything, including lies, serves the truth. The shadows don’t extinguish the sun.”

— Franz Kafka, Austrian writer, founder of modernism in literature 1883 - 1924

“The word is the shadow of the deed.”

— Democritus, ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer

„Be the last. Walk through the world as if you don't exist. Don't be competent, don't try to prove your importance - that's not necessary. Remain useless and enjoy. You judge people by their usefulness. I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything useful. Do useful things, but remember that the real and greatest experience of life and ecstasy comes from doing useless things. It comes through poetry, painting, love, meditation. The greatest joy will fill you only if you are able to do something that cannot be reduced to a product. The reward is spiritual, internal, it is manifested by energy. So, if you feel useless, don't worry. You can become a huge tree with a large crown. And people who have entered into useful activity... they really need to relax in the shade sometimes.”

— Lao Tzu ancient Chinese philosopher -604

“Although youth can be beautiful, at the same time it can be short and passes quickly; she is like a shadow: she can hide dangers behind her.”

“Knowledge is a refuge and shelter, convenient and necessary for us in our old age, and if we do not plant a tree while we are young, then when we are old we will have no shade to hide from the sun.”

— Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield English statesman, diplomat and writer 1694 - 1773

“The finest hair also casts a shadow.”

— Johann Wolfgang Goethe German poet 1749 - 1832

Das kleinste Haar wirft seinen Schatten. "Conversations in Prose", III

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“A bad friend is like a shadow: run on a sunny day and you won’t run away; seek on a cloudy day and you won’t find it.”

— Abay Kunanbayev Kazakh writer, thinker and storyteller 1845 - 1904

“Every shadow, in the end, is also a child of light, and only the one who has known light and dark, war and peace, rise and fall, only he has truly lived.”

— Stefan Zweig Austrian writer 1881 - 1942

"Yesterday's world. Memoirs of a European"

“To make a career, you should dress in all gray, stay in the shadows and not show initiative.”

— Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord French politician and diplomat 1754 - 1838

“Nights are like people: they don’t become interesting right away. Around midnight they reach maturity, at two - adulthood; from two to half past three is their finest hour, but already at half past three they begin to wilt, and by four o’clock in the morning only a pale shadow remains of them. Their death is terrible... Indeed, what could be more terrible than dawn, when the bottles are empty and the guests look like drowned people..."

— Aldous Huxley English writer 1894 - 1963

“Don't rely too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.”

- Ibn Taymiyyah Islamic theologian 1263 - 1328

“Friendship in the monastery has not yet given me this joy, I don’t know a heart in which truth would live!” It would be better to stay away from a bunch of hypocritical friends, It’s enough for me to support these unnecessary acquaintances! Friends don’t fuss because your share is close to them: They demand their share and are looking for a piece of sweets. They look for your support when you are healthy and rich, but on your black day they run away and don’t look you straight in the eyes. If wealth decreases, love will immediately decrease. If you want not to be despised, dinars, prepare dinars! Friends brought you harm, caring about their own benefit. Expecting praise from them, dispel your strength for them. You are cheerful while you are in power - the years pass easily, But need will force anyone to become restless and gloomy! In vain do you look for reliable friends like chain mail: No one can untie your tangled web! Remember, friends are no good either in the cold or in the heat. They cannot stand the cold wind; they will escape the heat in the shade. But a sage calls a friend someone who has been tested more than once, who will never leave a friend, neither in a bitter nor in a joyful hour, will calm him down with support, and will keep his secret, and will serve as a support for his friend in his sorrows and grievances! He who has girded himself with the treasured belt of friendship forever, who has not languished with the happiness of his friends, has not cut it off at the root. He wishes life to those living, gives his strength to his friends, does not bend his soul: what he feels, he says. A friend is a pure mirror of a friend - they are mirrors to each other, Mutually friends reflect hearts, and dreams, and deeds. A wise man does not seek reciprocity of kindness and friendship from a fool: Their thoughts will never converge, their hearts will never sing. One is incomprehensible to the other, which means that always and everywhere One is unpleasant to the other - like fire and water! Only a fool is good for a fool, but friendship will not go well: They will begin to quarrel for no reason. - one whips at the other! Two wise people are quite suitable for friendship. They will trust each other with beautiful secrets in silence! They won’t hurt each other in any way, that’s why they’re always friendly. They don’t need lies, foul language, stupidity, and nonsense. And remember well where the enmity comes from. From idle, stupid ridicule, which is alien to friendship. Hold your tongue, sometimes being in evil impatience, Don’t bare your teeth - don’t make empty witticisms your craft! You yourself hit your own skinny legs with an ax, And by exposing your leg to your friends, you are exposing your neck to your enemies. Do you see with your inner eye - the face of the one who lies or sneers in vain and blasphemes his friend does not shine! But a slanderer, a mockingbird, is not at all in the honor of people: Even if he has not committed a crime, in my opinion, he is still a villain! Even if you were a king, mockery would dishonor you, laughing, Even if you were tall for a month, it would throw you into the mud in the square! The soul strives for perfection, the crafty tongue strives for ridicule, and everyone is accustomed to both, without being firm. The mind is proud of knowledge, having accepted the lofty word, When it proudly disdains vanity and lies - it is right! I wither away, my soul dies, I am busy with empty idleness; Her daily torture is ridicule, lies, vanity... The soul, enlivened by the truth, plays, breathing freely, A person’s disposition becomes beautiful and sweet, like the soul! Give up violence and take justice as your friend, And those who are not afraid to administer unjust judgment are savages. You need someone else's wealth, you don't see any joy in anything else... How long will you revel in violence with black wine. What good will you take from this fragile monastery? You liked the silk shroud, but the canvas one is not good for you. If you are not ashamed of others, be ashamed of yourself: Not people, but shameless dogs, unable to look up!”

“Wise man, look at the world today: The fool is held in high esteem – the knowledgeable one is in the shadows.”

- Yusuf Balasaguni Turkic writer 1020 - 1075

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