A selection of quotes about the sky, stars and clouds

I would like to know why the stars glow. Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs again.


Each person has their own stars. They show the way to those who wander. For others, they are just lights.


“If I don’t wipe the stars every evening,” thought the hedgehog, “they will definitely fade. »


My lord, the enemies have more soldiers than stars in the sky! Great, when I was a kid I always dreamed of reaching them with my sword.


A philosopher once asked the question: are we human because we look at the stars? Or do we look at the stars because we are human?


Listen! After all, if the stars light up, does that mean someone needs it? So it is necessary, So that at least one star lights up over the rooftops every evening?!

If you could tear your heart out of your chest and put a cold star in its place, it would be much better and sometimes even easier.


Love is stronger and it helps us grow. She teaches us to understand angels, stars and miracles.


Music is God's little reminder that there is something greater in this world than us. Harmonic connection between all living things and the stars.


If suddenly the heavens cry with rain, know that it is I who miss you, if a bright star flashes at night, it is I who am giving you my love.


Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you might wake up and realize that you've lost the moon while counting the stars.


  • For some reason, these stars in the painted sky seemed more real to him than the real ones in the real, real sky.


The stars are amazing laboratories, giant crucibles that no chemist can dream of.


Whether you are a billionaire, an oligarch, a super star, if you do not know how to live and survive according to the laws of nature, it will destroy you.


I have stars in the sky, but I miss so much the little lamp that is not lit in my house.


  • How to tell what kind of flowers Edelweiss is? In general, they look like little stars, wrapped up to their necks in white fur so as not to freeze from the touch of ice.


Two things that never cease to amaze me are the starry sky above and the moral law within us.


Isn't the galaxy like the cream in a cup of coffee, where every sparkling white dot is a star?


To look millions of years ago, you don’t need a time machine, just raise your head and look at the stars.


Guess, if you want, by the stars in the branches of oak trees, Short nights in July are more valuable than dreams. Having tossed a coin, walk away and forget to pick it up. And it doesn’t matter where you are, as long as you’re alive.


If stars appeared in the sky only once every thousand years, how fervently people would believe and worship!


  • I am a horseman made of ice A star twinkles above me, But in the spring The ice always melts, Only I never!


I would like to know why the stars shine, probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs again.


So why cry under a star that still cannot be removed from the sky? She will follow the path laid out for her. And you do yours.


Perhaps the stars in the sky seem clear and pure to us only because they are so far from us and we know nothing about their private life.


Just as stars adorn the sky on clear nights, and flowers adorn green meadows in spring, so sparkles of wit adorn pleasant conversation.


  • From the roof, of course, the stars are visible better than from the windows, and therefore one can only be surprised that so few people live on roofs.


If every time I thought of you a star would fall, then the moon would know what loneliness is.


Mother always seemed to me like a fairy-tale princess, a radiant being, an omnipotent mistress of untold riches. She shone to me like an evening star.


Every fool knows that the stars cannot be reached, but the smart ones, not paying attention to the fools, try.

Stars are secret witnesses of feelings for lovers

Beautiful statuses about stars are one way to remind you of your feelings:

  1. The best gift for a woman is not a diamond, but the stars you look at in the arms of your loved one.
  2. The stars are shining in the sky, I hasten to you on scarlet sails!
  3. Even when love passes, it will leave a trace, like a star, having gone out, radiates light.
  4. I don’t count how many stars there are in the sky, how much water there is in the sea, but how many times you think about me I can count endlessly.
  5. Don't lose the person who cares about you; you'll lose the moon while counting the stars.
  6. They say stars fall because of the beating of lovers' hearts.
  7. Even the stars suffer from your smile and eyes, but how can I live on earth, watching your beauty.
  8. There is love, like the flight of a star that has fallen. Morning came and love was gone.
  9. Love so that the stars applaud you.
  10. If every time I remember you, a star falls, the moon will get bored of being alone.
  11. Look at the starry sky, no matter how far we are from each other, the sky is the same for us.
  12. If love blows your mind, you can see the stars better.
  13. I don’t like the dawn, it steals the stars and you from me.
  14. Astrology is for lovers; no one except the stars understands the depth of their feelings.
  15. Getting a star from the sky is as unrealistic as being together.

Quotes of great men

The sun, moon and stars would have disappeared long ago if they were within the reach of raking human hands. Henry Havelock Ellis

He fell in love with dense groves, Solitude, silence, And the night, and the stars, and the moon... A. Pushkin

The starry night is chilling, and the moon is wrapped in a pale rainbow shawl. Vera Kamsha

Moonlight was the first ray in the knowledge of the world. It was the dawn, heralding the emergence of science, which over the centuries conquered all the stars, the entire vast Universe. Camille Flammarion

And there are stars in the sky. The most ordinary stars in the most ordinary sky. And I don’t know and don’t want to know their names. I just want to look, point my finger at them, smiling, and tell you: “look how beautiful it is.” Al Quotion

The night sky, sparkling stars, the moon illuminating the road, dreams, complete silence and short-lived loneliness.

If you know more than one rhyme for the word “star”, you are a real poet!

The stars told me that today I need to drink. Who am I to argue with the stars?

Squeeze your tits, pout your lips, put on glasses, take a photo of yourself, you're a contact star.

Friends are like stars. They are always with us, when we feel bad and when we feel good, but when we feel good, we try to protect our closed world from them, value your friends.

If I fell, don’t rush to laugh, it’s better to make a wish, because a star has fallen.

The most precious gift is not a diamond, but stars for two.

Happiness is when a star has fallen - and there’s nothing to wish for.

She looks at the stars, dreams every day and believes that someday she will be happy...

For the umpteenth time on New Year's Day on television, old stars sang their old songs about the main thing. About money.

Happiness is when you lie on the grass at night and look at the stars.

The Russian language is great and powerful, and the rhyme for the word “star” is always the same.

I don't want to be a TV star. I want to be a bandit and drive around on a helicopter.

You just need to understand that every moment of time is truly the best in your life. And you shouldn’t blame the stars, the Moon, if something doesn’t happen the way you would like - they have nothing to do with it.

The star lit up. Christ was born and the world was illuminated with love! Let happiness enter every home! Have a wonderful and bright Christmas!

The father of 16 children is looking for the beast who at the wedding wished for the children like the stars in the sky

The star burns for those who look into the sky.

There are no dreamers who have never looked at the stars while thinking about a dream.

She spends hours looking at the starry sky, waiting for a falling star. She still believes in miracles

  1. Happiness comes when you look at a shooting star and have nothing to wish for.
  2. You will remember your cherished dream, look out the window at the stars, and then return to your phone to watch the stars make their dreams come true.
  3. The star will burn for those who do not forget to look at the sky.
  4. My dreams are like stars, all that remains is to put them together into a constellation like puzzles.
  5. Looking at the stars, you want to dream, sing and dance.
  6. There are real dreams, and there are unrealistic ones. These are the ones we remember when looking at distant stars that we cannot reach.
  7. You will see a real dream only when small desires are fulfilled, just as the stars shine brighter when all the lights go out.
  8. Sometimes you can’t reach a dream like a star, but the stars and aspiration will certainly lead to destiny.

There's no point in blaming the stars if things don't go well in life.

In an original form, statuses about stars in the sky will help remind a loved one that they need to take responsibility for their actions:

  1. Why remove a star from the sky? She has her own path and you find your way.
  2. Don't give up! The star will have nowhere to land.
  3. Despair is when stars fall in the soul.
  4. If you live according to a regime, you risk not seeing the stars.
  5. Navigating by the stars is easier than it seems; where the stars are, there is the sky.
  6. If the lover has stars in his eyes not from a blow to the head, then everything goes according to plan.
  7. If the husband offers to get a star from the sky in the evening, it means that his friends are waiting in the bathhouse.
  8. If you don’t see a girl as a future wife, be careful with your dates; she might wish on a falling star to marry you.
  9. I was born under a lucky star, I would have been born two hours later, I would have gone with the nomads to discover the meaning of life, two hours earlier, I would have lost all my property at cards.
  10. The stars hint which path to choose, but do not force you to follow it.
  11. The stars don't lie, you're just misinterpreting their wink.
  12. Everyone believes in their own individuality, but character stubbornly continues to be justified by the location of the stars.
  13. To become a star means to shine, emitting light.

Quotes about stars

It’s just amazing - how do scientists know the names of all these stars? Unknown author

The stars are not as close to each other as they seem. Mark Twain

The stars are the street lamps of eternity. Unknown author

If stars appeared in the sky only once every thousand years, how fervently people would believe and worship! Ralph Waldo Emerson

If angels played billiards, not a single star would remain in its place. Ramon Gomez de li Serna

The stars are amazing laboratories, giant crucibles that no chemist can dream of. Henri Poincaré

Perhaps the stars in the sky seem clear and pure to us only because they are so far from us and we know nothing about their private life. Heinrich Heine

Plot your course by the stars, not by the lights of passing ships. General Omar Bradley

It's not a thing to see stars at night. Jerzy Lec

Don't look for any "star" above your hut and you will find millions of stars. Wilhelm Fischer

The stars incline, but do not force. Astrology

A person reaches out to the starry sky, forgetting that the earth itself is a star. Ivan Efremov

In our darkest hour we see the stars. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stars are amazing creatures.

If you admire them while sitting in cozy lounge chairs set out on the front lawn, taking a sip of mulberry vodka, inhaling the smell of the marinade that has soaked the chicken, ready to brown on the skewers, and enjoying the warm evening, the stars seem like cute kittens.

They are charming and flirtatious, like girls who have barely entered that sweet time when the body smells not of milk, but of jasmine.

I want to compare them with diamond carnations, holes in the velvet blanket of heaven, the gaze of angels - poets go crazy, painters go crazy, another sip of vodka, and the secret will be revealed in all its splendor.

Stars for a romantic are not the same as stars for a cynic

Some statuses about the starry sky are not without humor, and skeptical people are happy to use them:

  1. Parents of 15 children are looking for the one who at their wedding wished them as many children as there were stars in the sky. They ask for a reward to exchange the desire for at least teeth in the mouth.
  2. Don’t take a star from the sky, but nail a shelf.
  3. If you get lost in the forest at night, find the polar star, realize the scale of the tragedy and shout the guard.
  4. One capricious girl managed to destroy an entire galaxy while she was deciding on her desire.
  5. When a woman, looking out the window, thinks that it’s time to wash it, and not about how beautiful the stars are outside the window, send her on vacation.
  6. If a man promises to give you a star, think about his financial well-being.
  7. When the stars fall, they don’t laugh, but make a wish.
  8. I don't need a long-legged star, I need an ordinary wife.
  9. It's good to lie in a forest clearing and watch the stars. The only bad thing is that the tent was stolen.
  10. Some shining stars no longer exist, but we all use them to predict the future.
  11. The stars always predict events correctly, just not very specifically. It is never clear what will happen, when and to whom.
  12. Having determined your fate using star maps, then try to explain your mistakes.
  13. It’s scary when people know conscience, like stars, from afar.

Philosophers find inspiration in the stars

Statuses about stars with deep meaning make you think about life values:

  1. They say that people are like stars, each shines in its own way, but when united, their light turns into radiance.
  2. Navigators have replaced stellar landmarks, but when the soul gets lost, the eyes involuntarily turn to the sky in search of an answer.
  3. A good deed becomes a star in the sky, and a bad deed becomes a star in the sky.
  4. When you run after a guiding star, do not trample the flowers under your feet.
  5. Only by exploding will a person become something new, like a supernova.
  6. Stars do not shine in the light; to see their light, you need darkness.
  7. The brightest and most distant stars remained in the city of childhood.
  8. Friends are like stars, it is important to know that they exist, even during the day, even when the clouds have covered the sun.
  9. If you die, then look at the stars.
  10. When you see a twinkling star, it seems that someone is winking from above, sending greetings from distant planets.
  11. He looked at the stars and disappeared.
  12. Everyone knows that they will not reach the stars, but there will always be those who try. But time will tell which of them is right.

Among the huge number of statuses with stars in the leading role, everyone can choose for themselves the one that beautifully and wittily expresses their thoughts.

Best Quotes

For tourists, stars are names. Alpha of the Spider, Beta of the Serpent, Lambda of the Lesser Chariot. Cautions: on planets like Kitta, it is recommended to wear dark glasses, and under the rays of the double luminary Yezdan-Dasta, drop cilocarpine into the eyes three times a day.

Voice of the informant: “On the highway in the area of ​​​​the Elephant Head, fluctuation activity was recorded... adjustments have been made to the route...” A tourist walks along the stars, like an ordinary person - along the cobblestones of an ancient pavement, rarely looking at his feet: step, two, tenth, take a sip of vodka, chew on a green onion , and moved on.

If you take an encyclopedic infocrystal and type “Star” in the search menu - hydrogen, carbon and helium, dwarfs and giants, core and corona, Kress-Rensprung diagram, Chandramanya limit, spectral classes and the parallax method will kill the romance outright.

Diamond studs will turn into rusty screws. They will screw into your quivering brain. The glances of the angels will dry up, becoming a drug in the laboratory. The kittens will run away, the jasmine will be replaced by formaldehyde. Astrophysicists will show the Universe a “goat”, the next sip, the vodka pleasantly burns your mouth, and quickly get away from here.

The stars sit on the black lawn of space, in rocking chairs, sipping mint liqueur and laughing at attempts to discern their true essence. Because you can't see anything from afar. And up close, no one can look at a star without blinking.

At midnight the universe smells like stars. Erich Maria Remarque

The most beautiful stars are on a winter night in the mountains. If you lie on your back in thick snow... you feel like you're flying. You float without movement, without sound in the black sky, and only stars around... Olga Brileva

In moments of night we catch a glimpse of ourselves and our world, surrounded on all sides by a stream of stars - mortal wanderers sailing between horizons on the eternal oceans of space and time. Henry Beston

Night. You can't hear the city noise. There is a star in the sky - and from it, like a spark, a thought sank secretly into my sad heart. Afanasy Fet

Night, you are beautiful! You cover the Earth carelessly with tender velvet, You weave stars into your braids, O witch, The strange magic of the witch night...

I love the night. Because you can think about a lot and no one bothers you. At night you can be alone with yourself. I especially love the night when the moon is full and the stars are visible.

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