Aphorisms, quotes, statements of great people on the topic of Patriotism

Quotes about homeland and patriotism

Better stale bread at home than a lot of dishes at someone else's table. P. Aretino

Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland. V. G. Belinsky

To love your Motherland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to contribute to this. V. G. Belinsky

Love for the fatherland must come from love for humanity, like the particular from the general. V. G. Belinsky

The voice of the Fatherland is the voice of the best muse. P. Beranger

Love for the homeland does not recognize half-heartedness; whoever does not do everything for her does nothing; whoever does not give her everything denies her everything. L. Burnet

Homeland. . We owe her our strength, inspiration, and joys. A. Blok

The Fatherland is the land where the soul is captive. F. Voltaire

You cannot forget your homeland. There is no more noble disease than homesickness. I. Gaman

The true courage of enlightened peoples lies in their readiness to sacrifice themselves in the name of their homeland. G. Hegel

Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world. K. Helvetius

A foreign land will not become your homeland. I. Goethe

In your homeland you have both a past and a future. In a foreign land there is only the present. L. Girshfeld

It is joyful and honorable to die for the fatherland. Horace

True patriotism is not the kind that fusses and swaggers in solemn moments, but the kind that daily and tirelessly cares about the common good and does not boast about it. A. Graf

Fatherland and smoke is sweet and pleasant to us. A. S. Griboyedov

Each of us feels the wound inflicted on the Motherland in the depths of our hearts. V. Hugo

To be an internationalist, you must first have a homeland. J. Duhamel

Patriotism should not blind us; love for the fatherland is an action of clear reason, and not blind passion. N. M. Karamzin

Where you spent your childhood, that’s where your homeland begins. Kuzma Chorny

A man without a homeland is a grain of sand, abandoned to the arbitrariness of time and space. J. Lacordaire

Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, consolidated by centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands. V. I. Lenin

The strength of patriotism is always proportional to the amount of personal labor invested: the feeling of homeland has always been alien to tramps and parasites! L. M. Leonov

He who lives everywhere lives nowhere. Martial

The best way to instill in children love for the fatherland is for their fathers to have this love. C. Montesquieu

Love for one's homeland is the first virtue of a civilized person. Napoleon I

A patriot is one who, in the most difficult moments for his homeland, takes on the most difficult tasks. P. A. Pavlenko

No! A person cannot live without a homeland, just as a person cannot live without a heart. K. G. Paustovsky

The easier and more freely a people lives in the world, the more they love their Motherland and their institutions. D. I. Pisarev

A true man and a son of the fatherland are one and the same. A. N. Radishchev

The greatest feats of virtue were performed out of love for the fatherland. J.-J. Rousseau

A person must grow with his feet into the soil of his homeland, but let his eyes survey the whole world. D. Santayana

People love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. Seneca the Younger

Love for the Fatherland and love for people are two fast streams that, merging, form a mighty river of patriotism. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Patriotism does not mean only love for one’s Motherland. It's much more than that. This is the consciousness of one’s inalienability from the Motherland and an integral experience with it of its happy and unhappy days. A. N. Tolstoy

Russia can do without each of us, but none of us can do without her. I. S. Turgenev

Without true love for humanity, there is no true love for the motherland. A. France

Only in a foreign land do you experience all the charm of your native language, only there do you feel what your homeland is like. G. Freytag

Only one fatherland contains what is dear to everyone. Cicero

The highest patriotism is a passionate, boundless desire for the good of the Motherland. N. G. Chernyshevsky

The historical significance of every Russian great man is measured by his services to his Motherland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism. N. G. Chernyshevsky

It is a sacred duty to love the country that gave us water and nurtured us like a mother. M. A. Sholokhov

A person has nothing more beautiful and dearer than his homeland. A man without a homeland is a poor man. Yakub Kolas

Wise quotes about love for the motherland, aphorisms of great people about patriotism that are put into our heads from a very early age.

stale bread at home than a lot of dishes at someone else's table.

P. Aretino


to the fatherland must come out of love for humanity, as the particular from the general.

V. G. Belinsky

Be in love

your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to promote this.

V. G. Belinsky


a noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland.

I. G. Belinsky

P. Beranger


to the homeland does not recognize half-heartedness; whoever does not do everything for her does nothing; whoever does not give her everything denies her everything.

L. Berne


We owe her our strength, inspiration, and joys.

L. Blok


- this is the land where the soul is captive.

F. Voltaire


The courage of enlightened peoples lies in their readiness to sacrifice themselves in the name of their homeland.

G. Hegel


for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world.

K. Helvetius


will not become a homeland.

I. Goethe

At home

you have both a past and a future. In a foreign land there is only the present.

L. Girshfeld

Motherland and humanity, fatherland and foreign lands Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, consolidated by centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands. V. I. LENIN

We are full of a sense of national pride, and that is why we especially hate our slave past... V. I. LENIN

What could be more tragic than a man who, out of pure love for humanity, while remaining misunderstood by his contemporaries, commits the most comical extravagances? F. ENGELS

...In a decent person, patriotism is nothing more than the desire to work for the benefit of his country, and comes from nothing other than the desire to do good - as much as possible and as much better as possible. Y. A. DOBROLUBOV

Love goodness, and then you will necessarily be useful to your fatherland, without thinking or trying to be useful to it. V. G. BELINSKY

The greatest feats of virtue were performed out of love for the fatherland. Parents, children, relatives, and family are dear to us, but love for all of them includes love for the homeland. Ancient aphorism

We need our homeland to be more valuable to us than ourselves. Ancient aphorism

Always focus your thoughts on the benefits of your homeland. Afterwards - for the benefit of relatives, and then for your own benefit. LUCILIUS

You can not love your own brother if he is a bad person, but you cannot help but love your fatherland, no matter what it is: it is only necessary that this love should not be a dead contentment with what is, but a living desire for improvement. V. G. BELINSKY

The historical significance of every Russian great man is measured by his services to his homeland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism. N. G. CHERNYSHEVSKY

The highest and most beautiful thing in human nature is love for one’s native land, a sense of freedom and independence under the protection of domestic laws. I. GOETHE

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. I prefer to castigate my homeland, I prefer to upset it, I prefer to humiliate it, just so as not to deceive it. P. Y. CHAADAEV

First of all, you owe your homeland, as well as your friends, the truth. CHADAEV

Love for our own good produces in us love for the fatherland, and personal pride produces national pride, which serves as the support of patriotism. Y. M. KARAMZIN

Love for the homeland begins with family. F. BACON

Love for mother and devotion to her is the first school of collectivism; and if a person leaves this school illiterate, he will not be able to master the highest school of citizenship in the future - devotion to the interests of the Motherland. V. A. SUKHOMLINSKY

...The best way to instill in children love for the fatherland is for their fathers to have this love. CH. MONTESQUIE

Love for the fatherland must come from love for humanity, like the particular from the general. To love your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to promote this. V. G. BELINSKY

Living, active patriotism is precisely distinguished by the fact that it excludes any international hostility, and a person, inspired by such patriotism, is ready to work for all mankind, if only he can be useful to him. Y. A. DOBROLUBOV

Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world. C. HELVETIUS

Without true love for humanity, there is no true love for the motherland. A. FRANCE

The moral duty of a true patriot is to serve the people in humanity and humanity in the people. V. S. SOLOVIEV

Love for the homeland knows no bounds. E. LETS

He who does not love his own people will not love strangers. Ossetian aphorism

The more national we are, the more we will be Europeans (all people). F. M. DOSTOEVSKY

To hate internationalism is to not know or feel the strength of the national. A. A. BLOK

In recent times, patriotism consisted of praising everything good that exists in the fatherland; Nowadays this is no longer enough to be a patriot. Nowadays, to the praise of everything good, there has been added an inexorable censure and persecution of everything bad that we still have. Y. A. DOBROLUBOV

... Attacks ... on the shortcomings and vices of the nationality are not a crime, but a merit, there is true patriotism. V. G. BELINSKY

Patriotism should not blind us; love for the fatherland is an action of clear reason, and not blind passion. Y. M. KARAMZIN

The smoke of the fatherland is brighter than the fire of a foreign land. Ancient aphorism

There is nothing worse than wandering in foreign lands. HOMER

If you are the odd one out at home, will you become one of the strangers? Kyrgyz proverb

If you haven’t been to a foreign land, you won’t fully appreciate your country. Turkmen proverb

A person who has not experienced a foreign land does not know the value of a person. Turkish proverb

In a foreign land, the homeland is valued even more. Afghan proverb

The most precious thing for a person in a foreign land is his homeland. Arabic proverb

You can leave your home, but not your homeland. Azerbaijani proverb

Those who do not live in their homeland do not know the taste of life. Ossetian proverb

Anyone who has been to a foreign land becomes kinder. Persian proverb

People who leave their fatherland for foreign lands are not respected in a foreign land, but are shunned in their homeland. AESOP

Who, having left the Fatherland, will be able to escape from himself? HORACE

He who lives everywhere lives nowhere. MARCIAL

The people with whom we enter into mutually pleasant communication are what I call homeland. I. GOETHE

I feel at home anywhere in the world where there are clouds, birds and human tears. R. LUXEMBOURG

When you protect your homeland, you become a man. Uzbek proverb

Defense of the Motherland is defense of one’s dignity. ROERICH

Love for the Motherland begins with family. Francis Bacon

You cannot carry away your homeland on the soles of your boots. Georges-Jacques Danton

Where else can one find love for the Motherland and loyalty to the common will, if not among the people themselves? Maximilian Robespierre

Each of us feels the wound inflicted on the Motherland in the depths of our hearts. Victor-Marie Hugo

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my Motherland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!.. it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people! Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

First of all, you owe your Motherland, as well as your friends, the truth. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

To betray the Motherland requires extreme baseness of soul. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Love for the Motherland is the first dignity of a civilized person. Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

The easier and more freely a people lives in the world, the more they love their Motherland. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

A strange thing - patriotism, true love for the Motherland! You can love your Motherland, love it for eighty years and not even know it; but for this you need to stay at home. Love for the German fatherland begins only at the German border. Heinrich Heine

I don’t have a longing for my homeland, but a longing for a foreign land. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The more you feel connected to your Motherland, the more realistically and willingly you imagine it as a living organism. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Everyone has two homelands: one by birth, the other by citizenship. I will never refuse the name of my homeland to the first, even if the second is more extensive, and the first will only be part of it. Marcus Tullius Cicero

The despot's subjects have no homeland. The thought of it is crowded out by self-interest, ambition, and servility. Jean de La Bruyère

Love for the fatherland must come from love for humanity, like the particular from the general. To love your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to promote this. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Let the homeland reveal itself as the common mother of citizens; let the benefits they enjoy in their homeland make it dear to them; let the government leave them a sufficient share in the public administration to make them feel that they are at home; and let the laws be in their eyes only a guarantee for general freedom. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We are all exiles in our homeland. Petr Andreevich Vyazemsky

Only empty people do not experience the beautiful and sublime feeling of the Motherland. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when defending the Motherland. Guy de Maupassant

The historical significance of every Russian great man is measured by his services to his Motherland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

I prefer to scourge my Motherland, I prefer to upset it, I prefer to humiliate it, just so as not to deceive it. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

The Fatherland is the land where the soul is captive.

And why does the Motherland only call you to the barricades? At least once I would invite her to dinner.

My homeland is where there is freedom!

In the Russian hinterland, in the midst of devastation, at poor windows, like at the royal gates, old women sat on the rubble and sang quietly, looking at the sunset. No wheezing radio, no light, no eternal chickens diving in the dust... All that was left were songs for them... instead of milk rivers and earth...

For one, the homeland is the country where he was born, for another - where he took place.

When I'm abroad, I miss my homeland, and when I return, I'm horrified by the state.

Moral aphorisms about the Motherland

Vietnamese passenger (at the entrance to the Rodina cinema, with a strong accent, gently): - Yes, Rodina? Azerbaijani driver (with a strong accent, arrogantly): - Whose?

Without true love for humanity, there is no true love for the motherland.

Important moralizing aphorisms about the Motherland

Motherland is like... You have to love her just for what she is. Our mothers sometimes get sick, and different things can happen in the country.

The weather, like the homeland, is not chosen.

I don't think anyone can be delighted when they are thrown out of their home. Even those who leave on their own. But no matter how you leave it, home never ceases to be home. No matter how you live in it - good or bad -. And I don’t understand at all why they expect me, and others even demand, that I smear his gate with tar.

Patriotism does not mean at all that you are in the Motherland, patriotism is when the Motherland is in you.

Are you Norwegian? - By birth. In my heart I am a citizen of the Universe!

The homeland is not where it is better, but where... where it is more painful.

Today the Motherland is where the ass is warm, and you know this better than me.

Patriots always talk about their readiness to die for the fatherland, and never about their readiness to kill for the fatherland.

Don’t confuse politics and the Motherland... Politics is a disgusting monstrosity... And the Motherland is forests, fields and mountains... And only we cause it so much...

Many-wise moralizing aphorisms about the Motherland

A teacher friend told me. Now preparations are underway for the celebration of the next Victory Day. And so she taught a history lesson with a military-patriotic slant, told about the Nazis, about how people died, children, how children helped adults in factories, worked in the rear, etc. and at the end of the lesson she asked: “Children!” Could you do this - help defend our Motherland?! And in response... deathly silence. And one voice for the whole class: - Why? After all, if war starts, you can go to another country! In general, we have lost a generation...

A patriot is a person serving his homeland, and the homeland is, first of all, the people.

Why is it that a simple Russian landscape, why a walk in the summer in Russia, in the village through the fields, through the forest, in the evening across the steppe, sometimes brought me into such a state that I lay down on the ground in some kind of exhaustion from the influx of love for nature, from those inexplicably sweet and the intoxicating sensations that the forest, steppe, river, distant village, modest church brought to me, in a word, everything that makes up the wretched Russian, native landscape.

Fatherland: a human invention that allows us to hate our neighbors and still make a virtue out of it.

The easier and more freely a people lives in the world, the more they love their homeland.

Relatable moralizing aphorisms about the Motherland

If a Russian tells you that he does not love his Motherland, do not believe him, he is not Russian.

He tells me: “I’ll leave!” Russia is not that country... I looked at him and answered: “Or maybe the wrong people live in it!”

Nowhere does it say what to do during the singing of the anthem - stand, lie down or crawl. We must love our homeland.

Even in thoughts, it is sometimes pleasant, in the crowd of these hectic days, to find yourself in heaven, on your native land. To return to childhood again, to play carefree with friends. There to see a living father and a young mother. I wish I could stay there longer—a hundred years. A tear rolled down. The grandson shakes his hand: Are you crying, grandfather?

Let the homeland reveal itself as the common mother of citizens; let the benefits they enjoy in their homeland make it dear to them; let the government leave them a sufficient share in the public administration to make them feel that they are at home; and let the laws be in their eyes only a guarantee for general freedom.

White Rus' you are mine! White fog over the meadow. White ice on the lake. And there is a white flight of clouds over the Bug. Baskets of white-white mushrooms, white-white shoulders of birches, white-white drops of transparent dew with a blue reflection. White Rus' you are mine! There are bushes of white bird cherry trees, a white icy spring, a solemn cry of a bison over Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Summer, summer in white daisies, white lightning of May rains, pure, pure souls of your brave, free people. White Rus' you are mine!

I, of course, despise my fatherland from head to toe - but it annoys me if a foreigner shares this feeling with me.

Take a handful of earth, feel it in your hands. We are all made of earth, it is our mother, it is ourselves. If an ordinary civilian and a soldier love their land equally, there is no difference between them. And love for the Motherland does not mean at all that we should die on the field of pain, but in order to do something for the sake of our country, we need to fight! And not everyone is given such a chance.

Only in Russia can laughter be heard from an overturned car!

Homeland is where you were born, you need to live where you feel good.

Picture moralizing aphorisms about the Motherland

If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland.

What is the first duty of a soldier in war? - Die for your homeland! - Wrong. The first duty of a soldier is to make sure that enemies die for their homeland!

When a Frenchman talks about his country, he will usually call it la belle France - beautiful France, an Englishman will say a few words about merry old England - merry, or kind, old England, a German will start talking about something treudeutsch - purely German. And only a Russian will begin to appeal not to an aesthetic, ethical or political ideal, but to a moral and religious ideal - Holy Rus'!

Mississippi is like a mother to me. Only I am allowed to complain about her. But beware of anyone who dares to speak ill of her in my presence, unless, of course, she is his mother too.

Even the flowers at home smell different.

I love repeating folk names! The soul becomes brighter from the words: datura grass, marsh marigold, goose onion, river hemlock. Ivan da Marya - marriage inflorescences, spring clear, rank, string, tartar - a red monument to the century when villages were plundered by a horde... Immortelle - an eternal symbol of hope, violet-lyubka - a slender candle. Let us drink from each name of living water, as if from a pure spring. Fields, meadows, impenetrable swamps - everything has been passed around by native rumor... As long as folk names are heard, our language lives. And the Motherland is alive.

What is the word “my”? After all, it does not mean what belongs to me, but what I belong to, which contains my entire being. This “that” is mine only to the extent that I belong to it. “My God” is not the God who belongs to me, but the one to whom I belong. The same applies to the expressions: “my homeland”, “my calling”, “my passion”, “my hope”.

Homeland - America? America is like... an office chair! Convenient, functional, there are handles everywhere, you can customize it to suit yourself. But it's boring. And England? England is like an old leather chair. Clumsy, heavy, worn out in some places, full of holes in others. But cozy! And a unique smell... And the former Soviet Union? Hmm... Garden bench. Hard. Splinters. It blows... But our names are carved on it...

Every person is aware of his blood ties and spiritual kinship with the Fatherland.

A civilized people has a great dignity - love for the Motherland. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Connection with the homeland in the mind of a citizen is a feeling for the living native land and the people inhabiting it in general and specific terms. – A. A. Blok

The Fatherland and Motherland are the land where the soul languishes and suffers. – Voltaire

In the family unit, love for the Motherland arises. – F. Bacon

Two feelings that bother us. In them the body finds a soul. Love for home. Craving for paternal penates. – Pushkin A.S.

A true homeland can provide unlimited freedom and obligatory duty. – T. Jefferson

The wound inflicted on the homeland is felt by the entire state and each of its individual citizens. – V. Hugo

At the word “Fatherland,” the timid become brave, rejecting death and disease. –Lukain

Rodina is a specific person with whom I feel comfortable having a conversation. I. Goethe

A son cannot look calmly at the troubles of his dear mother; a person worthy of his father will not turn his back to the Fatherland - N. A. Nekrasov

Read more quotes on the following pages:

Anyone who does not love his country cannot love anything. – Byron D.

Anyone who does not consider himself connected with his fatherland has nothing connected with humanity. – Belinsky V. G.

It is gratifying and honorable to die for the fatherland. – Horace

The love of the sons of Russia strengthens the fatherland in spirit and hand; Everyone wants to shed all their blood, the sound of the menacing invigorates them. – M.V. Lomonosov

A true man and a son of the Fatherland are one and the same... He is truly noble, whose heart cannot help but tremble with tender joy at the single name of the Fatherland... - A.N. Radishchev

Patriotism in the national sense is the same as egoism in the individual sense; both, in essence, flow from the same source and bring similar benefits and similar disasters. Respect for your society is a reflection of respect for yourself. – Spencer G.

The smoke of the fatherland is so sweet to us and we love it! - Griboyedov A.

You cannot be a hero while fighting against your fatherland. – Hugo V.

There is nothing worse than wandering in foreign lands. – Homer

It is better to die far from your homeland than to live without a homeland in your soul. – V. Delaunay

Defense of the Motherland is defense of one’s dignity. – N. Roerich

The good news about our side is sweet to us: The Fatherland and the smoke are sweet to us. – Derzhavin G.R.

In places where there are no free rights, there is no homeland of the region. – L. Becherel

Russia - Sphinx. Rejoicing and mourning, And shedding black blood, She looks, looks, looks at you, And with hatred and with love!.. - Blok A.A.

Rulers should not blame people for lack of patriotism, but do everything in their power to make them become patriots. – T. Macaulay

I fell in love with you, my uncomplaining country! And for what - I can’t understand. Your manifestations with the arrival of the spring-blooming season are joyful to me. – Yesenin S.

Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world. The people, acquiring the light of knowledge, do not cause harm to their neighbors. On the contrary, the more enlightened states are, the more ideas they communicate to each other and the more the power and activity of the universal mind increases. – Helvetius K.

There is no higher idea than how to sacrifice your own life, defending your brothers and your fatherland, or even simply defending the interests of your fatherland... - F.M. Dostoevsky

We adore our homeland not because it is huge in size, but because it is close to us. – Seneca

In order to destroy an entire homeland, even one scoundrel may be enough: there are multiple historical examples of this, confirming the death. – Napoleon I

The homeland is where you feel freedom. – Abul-Faraj

While we are burning with freedom, while our hearts are alive for honor, my friend, let us devote our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses! – A.S. Pushkin

The best purpose is to defend your fatherland. – Derzhavin G.R.

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. – Seneca

The smoke of the fatherland is sweet. – Homer

Sacrificing your life for your homeland is a happy destiny: He who dies with valor is immortal forever. – Corneille P.

Patriotism, no matter who it is, is proven not by word, but by deed. – Belinsky V. G.

As soon as you get to a foreign land, you will begin to claim that here we have roasted pigs walking around. – Petronius

I am fully convinced that not a single people in the world is endowed with any ability preferentially over others... - G. Lessing

The good news about our side is dear to us: the fatherland and the smoke are sweet and pleasant to us. – G.R. Derzhavin

For a person to be completely happy, it is necessary to have a glorious fatherland. – Simonides of Keos

What is more humanly beautiful, purer than the holy struggle for the homeland? – F. Schiller

The sun does not warm in a foreign land. – T.G. Shevchenko

The historical significance of every Russian great man is measured by his services to his homeland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism... - N.G. Chernyshevsky

The best way to instill in children love for the fatherland is for their fathers to have this love.

But even then, When the enmity of tribes passes throughout the entire planet, Lies and sadness disappear, - I will sing with all my being in the poet The sixth part of the earth With a short name, Rus'. – Yesenin S. A.

To betray the homeland requires extreme baseness of soul. – Chernyshevsky N. G.

A good name belongs to every honest person, but I based my good name on the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity. Self-love, often a submissive cover of fleeting passions, has never controlled my actions. I forgot myself where I should have been thinking about the common good. My life was a harsh school, but my innocent morals and natural generosity made my labors easier: my feelings were free, and I myself was firm. – Suvorov A.V.

A patriot is a person serving his homeland, and the homeland is, first of all, the people. – Chernyshevsky N. G.

While we are burning with freedom, While our hearts are alive for honor, My friend, let us dedicate our Souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses! – Pushkin A.S.

And the month will float and float, Dropping oars across the lakes, And Rus' will still live the same, dancing and crying at the fence. – Yesenin S. A.

For us, Russians with a soul, one Russia is original, one Russia truly exists; everything else is only an attitude towards it, a thought, Providence. We can think and dream in Germany, France, Italy, but we can only do business in Russia. – Karamzin N.M.

You can’t understand Russia with your mind, you can’t measure it with a common yardstick: It has become something special - You can only believe in Russia. – Tyutchev F.I.

To betray your country, you must have an extremely low moral spirit. – Chernyshevsky N.

You must devote your life to your fatherland if you want to be an honest person forever. – D.I. Fonvizin

It is permissible, I think, for every true Russian, who sincerely loves his Fatherland, at this decisive hour to be slightly annoyed with those who, through their influence, direct or indirect, pushed into a disastrous war, who did not take into account his moral and material resources and accepted their theories as true the country's politics, their unfinished research - for a genuine national feeling, who, finally, prematurely singing victory anthems, misled public opinion, when it was not too late to stop on the slippery path along which frivolity or mediocrity carried the country. It is permissible, I think, in the face of our misfortunes not to share the aspirations of unbridled patriotism, which has led the country to the edge of the abyss, which is thinking of getting out, persisting in its illusions, not wanting to recognize the desperate situation it has created. – Chaadaev P. Ya.

The best way to instill in children love for the fatherland is for their fathers to have this love. – C. Montesquieu

Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world. The people, acquiring the light of knowledge, do not cause harm to their neighbors. On the contrary, the more enlightened states are, the more ideas they communicate to each other and the more the power and activity of the universal mind increases. – C. Helvetius

Find where your roots are and don't fuss about other worlds. – Toro G.

Our parents, dear children, loved ones, relatives are dear to us; but all ideas about love for something are united in one word, fatherland. What honest man would hesitate to die for her, if he could benefit her by doing so? – Cicero

In a full and healthy nature, the fate of the homeland lies heavily on the heart... every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland. – V.G. Belinsky

The smoke of the fatherland is sweet. – Homer

Without true love for humanity there is no true love for the motherland... - A. France

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us - In them the heart finds food: Love for the native ashes, Love for the tombs of our fathers. – Pushkin A.S.

But I love you, gentle motherland! I can’t figure out why. Your short joy is merry With a loud song in the spring in the meadow. – Yesenin S. A.

But who will sleep alone in his corner when great things are happening in his homeland? – F. Schiller

Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, consolidated by centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands. – Lenin

I, of course, hate many things in my native places - but I am very sad if a stranger also shares these feelings with me. – A. Pushkin

Moscow, how immeasurably much is contained in this word. So, uniting Russian souls, as if it calls for something in the hearts of people! – Pushkin A.S.

A statesman, more than other fellow citizens, must be animated, motivated and guided by love for the Fatherland. He must live by love for the Fatherland, pour it into his subordinates and be an example in it to the entire state. – Derzhavin G.R.

If the holy army shouts: Throw away Rus', live in paradise!, I will say: No paradise, Give me my homeland. – Yesenin S. A.

The most courageous thing is to defend your country. - Derzhavin G.

There are no small nations in the world... The greatness of a people is not at all measured by its numbers, just as the greatness of a person is not measured by its height. – V. Hugo

Loving feelings for one’s homeland give rise to civilized qualities in a person. - Napoleon.

Many people tend to confuse two concepts: Fatherland and Your Excellency. – M. Saltykov-Shchedrin

The best way to instill in children love for the fatherland is for their fathers to have this love. – Montesquieu




“Whoever could not share the grief with the people will not be happy about the common holiday” (Leonov L.M.)

A joint business brings people together. Everyone can easily confirm this long-known truth by their own example. When we have good support behind us, we are able to act quickly, almost without thinking. Courage comes from knowing that there is someone who cares about what is happening. Common grief unites people, joy makes them practically spiritual brothers. Quotes about patriotism are filled with a sincere desire to make the lives of your compatriots happy and prosperous. That is why any leader must have the makings of a generous person who strives to benefit everyone around him.

“A patriot is one who will not spare his life for the rise of his homeland, love for the people” (Akhundov M.F.)

It is a rare person today who dreams of dedicating his existence to his own country. Most people live in selfish desires to satisfy their needs and turn a blind eye to what is happening around them. Such an attitude cannot but have a negative impact on the country as a whole and on the individual himself. As a result, a generation grows up that is indifferent to everything and cannot be surprised or interested in anything. Such people's character is dominated by material satiation; they simply have nothing to desire. Individuality is destroyed at the root, and vices develop rapidly, since nothing limits them.

Quotes from great people about patriotism make it possible to understand what a significant role the homeland plays in the development of a person and how easy it is to lose it.

Quotes about relatives

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about relatives .

Native people and native places leave a strong imprint on us .

Quotes are summarized by topic: native country, relationships and relatives, home, hometown, love and relatives, life and relatives, children and relatives, native language, soul mate, family and relatives, dear person, brother, sister, marriage and relatives.

Home country

Our native Rus' interests us most of all with its great future, for which we want to work tirelessly, unselfishly and ardently. (N. Dobrolyubov)

There is no happiness outside the family and outside the homeland: everyone sit on his own nest and take root in his native land. (I. Turgenev)

The native land of long-suffering, you are the land of the Russian people! (F. Tyutchev)

It is a sacred duty to love the country that gave us water and nurtured us like a mother. (M. Sholokhov)

Love for one's native country is impossible without love for its nature. (K. Paustovsky)

You can not love your own brother if he is a bad person, but you cannot help but love your fatherland, no matter what it is: it is only necessary that this love should not be a dead contentment with what is, but a living desire for improvement. (V. Belinsky)

There is nothing more dangerous than a person who is alien to humanity, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor, to everything except the fate of the altyn he has put into circulation. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

The son cannot look calmly on his mother’s grief, a citizen worthy of his homeland will not be cold in soul... (N. Nekrasov)

I want to be understood by my country, but I won’t be understood - so what?! I will pass through my native country like slanting rain. (V. Mayakovsky)

By the way, quotes about Russia

Relationships and family

Enmity and quarrels with relatives are endured much more painfully and painfully than with strangers. (Democritus)

The closer people are in kinship, the more acute the feeling of enmity they feel towards each other. (Tacitus)

I don’t understand at all why a family connection should necessarily arouse mutual sympathy in people. (D. Harris)

I will always be by your side. After all, we are family. (K. Niimura)

If you cannot accept your family with all their shortcomings, no stranger will suit you. (C. Palahniuk)

There will always be something to share with family and friends and something to quarrel about! (P. Kvyatkovsky)

That's the problem with close relatives. Like perverted doctors, they know where the sore spots are. (A. Roy)

I didn’t quarrel with any of my relatives, but the relationship was distant. It’s easier to say, they weren’t there at all. (G. Musso)

Auntie, being a naturally kind and even sensitive woman, belonged to that extremely strange breed of people who consider it shameful to express their affection to anyone and manage to do everything to make the life of those closest to them completely unbearable. (L.M. Alcott)

– But I realized this only now. Amazing, right? Relatives often know us better than we ourselves... (V. Schwab)

What do we know about brothers, about friends, what do we know about our only one? And about our own father, although we know everything, we know nothing. (E. Yevtushenko)

By the way, quotes about relationships

Native home

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us - In them the heart finds food: Love for the native ashes, Love for the tombs of our fathers. (A. Pushkin)

There is no place sweeter than home. (M.T. Cicero)

It is infinitely difficult to be ashamed of your home. (C. Dickens)

If my dear people are next to me, it means I’m at home. (A. Jolie)

When the old life is crumbling and the new one has not yet improved, there is no place better than home. No matter how old you are. (S. Kinsella)

You have the right to talk about evil in your home only when you have done something good. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Of course, you are not sorry to leave me. For people like you and me, home is where we are not. (F.S. Fitzgerald)

The bird has a nest, the beast has a hole... How bitter it was for the young heart, When I left my father’s yard, To say “I’m sorry” to my home. The beast has a hole, the bird has a nest... How my heart beats sadly and loudly, When I enter, crossing myself, into someone else's rented house With my already old knapsack. (I. Bunin)

By the way, quotes about home


Still, your hometown is a high concentration of impressions. Not something specific, but everything at once. Strong, weak, joyful and sad - in such a powerful flow that you simply choke. (E. Safarli)

This city, to which I so rarely return, has again contrived and stuck an awl in my heart - through everything that I have managed to come to terms with in life, through my jacket, sweater and chest. (M. Ketro)

One of the easiest ways to love the city you live in is to look at it through the eyes of a stranger from time to time. (M. Fry)

We love not the cities where we were born, but those. what they conquered. Napoleon did not turn away from Paris to reminisce about Ajaccio, and Catherine did not move the capital of her empire from St. Petersburg to Stettin. (B. Shaw)

Cypress trees, plane trees and roofs, evening sadness, street noise coming from the neighborhoods below the slope, the cries of merchants and the voices of children playing in the courtyard of the mosque - all this merged together in my head, and I realized that I could no longer live anywhere else except my city. (O. Pamuk)

By the way, quotes about the city

Love and family

I think it’s better to be lonely than to give the heat of your soul to “someone”. Having given a priceless gift to just anyone, having met your loved one, you will not be able to love. (O. Khayyam)

You only fall in love with someone else’s, your own - you love. (M. Tsvetaeva)

The feeling of homeland and kinship has nothing to do with the rational accumulation of knowledge. But love for one’s family is also not blindness. To love means to criticize, that is, to find positive and negative in a loved one. (A. Losev)

I wanted to shout after him: “Come back, I have become close to you!” But for a woman there is no past: She fell out of love and became a stranger to her. Well! I’ll light the fireplace, I’ll drink... It would be nice to buy a dog. (I. Bunin)

By the way, quotes about love

Life and family

In general, relatives are the scourge of God, but they give a person a certain weight. (O. Wilde)

It's good to visit family and friends, but not to live near them. (T. Fuller)

Dear people are like this: We are obliged to caress them, Love them, respect them sincerely And, according to the custom of the people, Visit them on Christmas Or congratulate them by mail, So that the rest of the year they do not think about us... (A. Pushkin)

By the way, quotes about life

Children and relatives

If a child’s character deteriorates, it’s his relatives who are to blame! (F.S. Fitzgerald)

How these kids' hair smells! The sun, grass, a warm pillow and something else infinitely familiar. And they themselves - this flesh of his flesh - are like tiny steppe birds. (M. Sholokhov)

He was the only son, his sisters were proud of him, his father and mother were proud of him, and, not wanting to contradict his family, he was proud of himself. (E. Gaskell)

When I feel a burning sensation in my chest, I see little Olya rushing towards me from the other end of the field with a heart-rending cry: “Grandfather, wait a minute...” And I’m good, I’m still going and, it seems, I can endure any flour, While I still hold that tiny hand in my exhausted hand. (L. Filatov)

By the way, quotes about children

Native language

The native language is the main, central subject, included in all other subjects and collecting their results. (K. Ushinsky)

My king! my slave! native language! (V. Bryusov)

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies! (B. Shaw)

I will not be deceived by my native tongue, by its milky call. I don’t care which Misunderstood one I meet! (M. Tsvetaeva)


In our youth we are looking for a beautiful body - over the years we are looking for a soul mate. (M. Zhvanetsky)

There are only too many relatives; there are never enough kindred spirits. (B. Krutier)

Their whole soul burned out Far from loved ones and relatives. (N. Zabolotsky)

A soul mate is someone who has the keys to our locks, and whose locks our keys fit into. When we feel safe enough to open our locks, then our most authentic selves come out to meet each other and we can be fully and authentically who we are. (R. Bach)

By the way, quotes about the soul

Family and relatives

Call it clan, networks, tribe, family: whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need it. (D. Howard)

A family is a group of people who are united by blood and quarrel over money issues. (E. Ray)

How do you begin to introduce yourself to a little cross, to a small town, Well, how can you not please your dear little one! (A. Griboyedov)

A family that knows only family ties easily turns into a ball of snakes. (E. Mounier)

That which is far, although close: relationships between brothers, sisters and other relatives in an unfriendly family. (S. Shonagon)

By the way, quotes about family

Native person

You are dear to me through and through, as terribly, terribly dear as I myself, without any comfort, like the mountains. (This is not a declaration of love, but an explanation of fate). (M. Tsvetaeva)

There must be someone in the world who needs only one thing from you: that you are alive and that everything is fine with you. (B. Akunin)

The exhausting search for a loved one anywhere and everywhere, even when you know his specific location, is what is most irresistible in longing. (E. Safarli)

By the way, quotes about people


And a dear brother can sometimes be a treacherous enemy. (W. Shakespeare)

It’s hard and sad for me to see how my dear brother dies. (S. Yesenin)

So much evil is done in the world in the name of brotherhood that if I had a brother, I would call him cousin. (B. Disraeli)

By the way, quotes about brother

Native sister

If it is difficult for you to accept your own sister with all her shortcomings, in the future you will be dissatisfied with everyone. (C. Palahniuk)

Grief for one's own sister can bring forth tears, while everyone cries for himself. (G. Heine)

By the way, quotes about my sister

Marriage and family

You marry not only a woman, but also her relatives. (V. Van Gogh)

Whoever got a good son-in-law gained a son, and whoever got a bad one lost a daughter. (Democritus)

As you can see, quotes about relatives most relate to relatives of the country, home, city, relationships and love.

Then you can move on to other collections:

  • quotes about parents
  • quotes about mom
  • quotes about father
  • quotes about daughter
  • quotes about son
  • quotes from Marina Tsvetaeva

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About the Motherland with humor

Statuses about your Motherland can reflect your sense of humor, which sometimes helps you survive and maintain composure in the most difficult situations.

  1. Do you want to know how your fatherland treats you? Don't watch the news. Go to the nearest budget clinic.
  2. I was taught for a long time to love my native country. It's a pity that no one taught her to reciprocate.
  3. To love our country, sometimes you have to make a lot of effort. But they will definitely pay off. Some day. Maybe.
  4. Sometimes it is better to love your homeland from afar. Preferably, while being in a civilized European country.
  5. I love our country so much that I constantly look towards the West. How is he doing, poor thing? Does it continue to rot?
  6. Perhaps, in our case, love for the fatherland can be mutual only in one case: you come from a family of very rich parents. It seems that our country is truly a woman.
  7. Love for the Motherland begins with clean entrances, good hospitals, officials with human faces, and not at all with a picture in a primer.
  8. Sometimes I want to flee our country. But something is holding me back. Either love for the fatherland, or lack of money for a ticket to Europe...
  9. I was taught for a long time to love my native country. And only recently I realized that they were essentially explaining to me what an abusive relationship is, where you give everything, but get absolutely nothing in return.

“Patriotism lies not in loud words, but in feeling for one’s country” (Belinsky V.G.)

Many people like to brag about their own achievements. Moreover, the more dubious and unreal they are, the more insistent the words sound. Such pretentiousness is due to the urgent need to prove to oneself that life is lived under the correct motto. In fact, a person not only does not know where to move next, he is completely lost, he lacks a significant goal. Loud words by themselves do not solve anything and cannot serve as confirmation of one’s own worth.

Quotes about patriotism highlight the undeniable importance of being an honest and worthy citizen of your country. A person whose life is dedicated to serving his homeland simply cannot be two-faced or a traitor. Sincere service cultivates morality, reveals the best qualities of character in a person, forces him to make bold decisions and move forward. Great quotes about patriotism are quickly remembered due to their expressiveness and focus on everyone's well-being.

We are waiting for changes

Quotes about love for the Motherland can show that you dream of changes for the better. Just post them on your page and you will definitely meet like-minded people.

  1. Love is not the desire for stability when everything is bad. True love involves the intention to change what needs to be changed.
  2. It's like we're living in a huge swamp. And standing water always starts to smell bad over time. This is the law of nature.
  3. We are not allowed to express our opinions. We are jailed for reposting. We are not allowed to demonstrate. But they don’t know: the longer the spring is compressed, the more painful it will be when it hits the forehead!
  4. Bend but don't break. Move forward, wait for change, hope for the best. And don’t stop, because otherwise they will understand that they have defeated you!
  5. They are afraid of us. They are afraid of change. They are afraid that we will sweep them away like a wave. And they are absolutely right.
  6. You must love your native country not like a child who sees his mother as ideal, even if she drinks and beats him. But as a doctor who can hurt a patient for the sake of his healing.
  7. Leavened patriotism is shouting that your country is the best in the world. True patriotism is trying to actually make it that way.
  8. I love my country. But every year it becomes more and more difficult to do this.
  9. I see changes. But they are all leading our country into the abyss. Think about it: if we don’t change the direction of movement, sooner or later everything will end in tears.

When you want to run

Quotes about the Motherland can reflect your despair and inability to change anything.

  1. Every day it’s the same... And nothing can change. No matter how hard you try. I'm not talking about relationships and unrequited love. I'm talking about what's happening around us.
  2. We are told that we must love our Motherland and repay our debts to it. But I don't feel like I owe this country that much...
  3. Do you want us to love the country? No need for propaganda. Just create human conditions for us. Let us live, not survive.
  4. I no longer believe that a good future is possible for us. Nowhere to run. There is nothing to hope for. The savior will not come.
  5. You can love your country only if the state takes care of you. Otherwise, what you end up with is not love, but life in captivity of an insane maniac who can take your life at any moment.
  6. How did I realize that I no longer loved my home country? When I realized that power works not for me, but for itself and its children. The state machine is capable of destroying the brightest patriotic feelings.
  7. The more I am forced to “love my Motherland,” the more I am drawn to buy a ticket to another country and start a new life.
  8. When I hear people talk about patriotism, I know something bad is about to happen.
  9. Inflation, denomination, depreciation of the ruble, constant crises... You can love our country only if you are a real masochist.

Love to motherland

Almost all of us love our home country... Even if it is not easy.

  1. Loving your country means at least taking your trash to the trash can. And not shout loud slogans at demonstrations.
  2. Do you want to change something in the country for the better? Start with yourself, and soon your efforts will bear fruit.
  3. Love for one’s native land is work for people, it is a desire to change something, it is an intention to make the world a better place.
  4. A true patriot takes small steps every day to make life in the country better. The one who only shouts about his love does nothing. This is the main difference.
  5. I will always love our country. They don't love the state. They love nature, people, history.
  6. It is important to love the fatherland, without accepting shortcomings and striving to correct them. Blind love is the path to nowhere.
  7. Once you understand what love for your fatherland is, you will never again passively watch as everything slides into the abyss. You will strive for change. You will do something to make life good not only for you, but also for others. You will not stop and will achieve your goals.
  8. If you truly love your country, it will definitely reciprocate.

Is there love for the Motherland? Everyone must find the answer to this question on their own. Remember: love must be active! Change the world for the better, and you will see the results of your efforts.

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