Statuses about boys. Cool statuses about fights, fights and fights Statuses about fights with meaning

Hit each other only with words

Usually these statuses have a rather humorous tone. People, for the most part, are not at all eager to get into a fight. Therefore, they make fun of those who did not manage to avoid it.

Tactical retreat

  1. Before you send someone away, make sure they don't come any closer to you afterwards.
  2. You shouldn't be afraid of a fight if you have a way to escape.
  3. Don't hit me! Now I'm like... I'm going to run away!
  4. Having received a blow, you should think 100 times whether it is worth giving back to the offender. Otherwise, you can get such a loan that you won’t be able to pay it off for the rest of your life.
  5. Make sure you are safe before you threaten someone else.
  6. The unpleasant face of the interlocutor does not mean that a blow should be immediately struck at him.
  7. An unrecognized but working law of physics: when a person’s mind shrinks, then aggressiveness expands proportionately.
  8. If someone unexpectedly grabs your sleeve, then it’s better to leave it to him. It is possible that he needs it more.
  9. Do not get into a fight with a stranger, even if he seems small and thin. Not all people are boxing champions. There is also karate.
  10. Always keep the stone in your bosom until someone grabs your breasts.
  11. If someone takes a swing at you, don't get lost. Take a quick look around, and then run to a place where it will be difficult to catch you.

A fight you can't refuse

  1. In the dispute between the two young men, there were quite enough verbal arguments, but their fists were very itchy.
  2. The anxiety in him grew so much that it reached the neck of his interlocutor.
  3. A massacre is a sign of exclamation in a quarrel.
  4. Scientific disputes very often end in more expressive debates carried out with the help of physical force.
  5. If there is a frying pan next to a woman, she usually does not convince her husband with her fists.
  6. People get punched in the face for sheer nonsense, it’s just amazing.
  7. Explanation from the police: “And then he suddenly fell and hit my fist hard. 8 times in a row."
  8. 2 men, after drinking to meet each other, decided to celebrate with a fight. Now it has already grown into a close friendship. Its 1st anniversary was celebrated in Kolyma.
  9. When people don't like the bitter truth that is told right to their face, then a completely different thing often hits them in the face.
  10. Truth born in a brawl is easily questioned.
  11. The famous phrase “Look for the woman” is most often said when a fight has already broken out. Or even a crime has occurred.
  12. The wedding was such a success that the guests went back on buses. Driven in by riot police.
  13. If women fight, then it is better for men not to get involved in their mess.
  14. The couple had already lived together for so long that they started a fight without even having time to quarrel.
  15. Often cheerful celebrations in a restaurant end in an evening spent at the police station.
  16. In parliament, a left-wing deputy won the debate over the new bill. He struck his opponent with his left, after which he had no arguments left.
  17. After having a couple of drinks, sometimes they get a couple of blows to the neck.
  18. “Police?!” - “What happened to you?” - “Here two women had a terrible fight.” - “Are you not able to separate them?” - “Yes, here is my boss and her boss.”
  19. The motto “Start a fight and we’ll sort it out” often brings people to not so remote places.
  20. The corporate event was quite a success. Afterwards, the director of the institution had to go to the emergency room.
  21. A friendly conversation often ends with numerous bruises on the faces of the interlocutors.
  22. Many people, if their heart speaks, immediately punch them in the face.
  23. The wedding was not a success unless the groom beat up 7 former admirers of the bride. Apparently, he made a mistake in choosing his future wife.
  24. The two scientists exchanged pleasantries about their scientific works for so long that they did not notice how their dispute turned into a scuffle.
  25. Often stupidity hits one in the head, and a fist in the nose - another.
  26. Pasha realized that fighting was very bad only after he came home with a completely torn coat. His father's belt clearly showed him how bad it can be when others are offended.
  27. The mother-in-law’s birthday turned out to be so boring that the son-in-law got up and, with the words “Walk, walk like that,” drove into the neighbor’s ear.

How to avoid a showdown

Often there are also statuses about fights with meaning, which describe the advantage of intellectual fights over force. Defeating your opponent in an argument is much better than getting involved in a battle with him.

  1. Choose your opponent for any fight on your own. Match it with your strength and agility.
  2. If you don’t like scandals with assault, then don’t provoke people.
  3. First, weigh what is more important to you: self-esteem or peace of mind. And only then get involved in a showdown.
  4. Retreat is not a shame!
  5. When you are hit on your left cheek, it is better to offer your right cheek to the offender, but only to another person.
  6. Whoever starts a fight often has to run away.
  7. If you are wrong, then do not prove your influence by force.
  8. Do not touch me. I give up!
  9. In an argument, the one who is smarter always wins. In a fight, the one who is stronger is the one who is stronger. But it also happens the other way around.
  10. If you start a fight, be sure to win. And, if you’re not sure of winning, then just don’t get involved in the fight.
  11. They give - take, they hit - run!
  12. Before standing up for someone, you should first figure out who, in fact, was offended. Often what lies on the surface does not reflect the essence.
  13. A normal man will not get into a fight if the matter can be resolved peacefully.
  14. When you explain to some goat that he is a goat, the most important thing is not to suddenly run into his horns.
  15. If a dispute can be resolved with your head, then do not hit your interlocutor on the head.
  16. Men! Never get into a fight with a woman. Both victory and defeat will be the same shame for you.
  17. When it is possible not to engage in battle, then there is no need.

*** As soon as I let the cat out into the street, right under the balcony there is a cat roar and a fight... Is he really getting this excited at home... *** Even if it is clear in advance that the matter is doomed to failure, you need to fight so that the enemies do not get anything for nothing. *** I will hit hard, but carefully! *** In our area there was one rule: if you get into a fight, don’t think about whether you will fall or not fall to the ground, think about what you will do when you get back on your feet. *** In street and tavern fights, only one law applies: maximum violence at the very first moment. *** Due to the lack of arguments, I propose to immediately move on to the fight. *** You did not understand. In fights with my boyfriend, you have to worry about the enemy... *** During the exchange of pleasantries, they didn’t even notice how the first blow missed... *** Don’t blow my mind!!! ...otherwise I’ll blow your jaw out! *** If the heart does not answer, you need to knock on the liver. *** When the Chinese fight area to area, the fight can be seen from space. *** And before the wedding, it is necessary to discuss in advance which of the guests will be paired with whom when the fight starts) *** Seven thousand hedgehogs can kill an elephant, but they cannot eat it. There is so much senseless cruelty in the world... *** For the bazaars when you meet, the answer is guaranteed, one blow to the liver - it leaves you speechless! *** I’ll fight with you, puppy, and then I’ll drink to my victory. *** A fight is true in the eyes, in the body and in the ear. *** There were 20 of them, 5 of us, we would have kicked them off, but they didn’t catch up with us. *** A wedding without a fight, there will be no happiness. *** Don’t hit a woman, otherwise you won’t get rid of her later. *** To win, you need to choose the right place for the fight. *** Never get into a fight with freaks. They simply have nothing to lose. *** - Why did you start a fight on the street? - I didn’t have the money to rent a room for this... *** Mat is an opportunity to harmoniously move from: “Sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose” to the fight itself *** At school, a physical teacher and a Trudovik fought at the graduation... Trudovik won, because that karate is karate... and a hammer is a hammer))))))))))) *** Any clash with a deaf-mute, with an idiot, with a teenager is fraught, because you are responsible for it, not them. *** When life gives you a fight, learn to love it for it. When life offers you love, learn to fight for it. *** Before you get involved in a fight with a weakling, consider the power of his patrons... *** A fight that started as a drunken fight ended with a drunken brawl. *** An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. What if gynecologists fight? *** Quite often, drinking for an acquaintance smoothly turns into an excuse for a friendly fight. *** Since there was nothing to reproach each other for, they fought in silence. *** Courage is no longer found in starting a fight, but in being able to avoid it. *** If you get into an unequal fight, at least choose a weapon. *** A new resource will appear soon - Yandex Fights. “Today there are fights of 6 points, it’s normal, you can go to the center, but with a tire iron” *** Yesterday on Manezhnaya Square there was a fight between Spartak fans and Zenit fans... The riot police fans won. *** Beat the bastard! The main thing is to fail, and then we’ll stumble. ***You haven’t seen me in a fight yet! I'm so fucked! *** I watched the wedding of Prince William... Mortal melancholy: no toastmaster for you, no fight... *** For your gentle smile, for your tender eyes, angels fight in heaven, but on earth I suffer... *** Why fight with me? I'll lie down on the floor and count to ten myself! *** What would a Russian wedding be without a fight? Hooray! Cool statuses about fights, fights and fights

Don't forget about honor!

Young people often publish statuses about fights on VK. Often they are intended for real men and call for the fight to be exclusively worthy.

  1. After a man has defeated his first opponent, he is no longer afraid of any other fight.
  2. Victory in battle is considered deserved only if it is won fairly.
  3. Shame on a man who raises his hand against a woman.
  4. It is not the one who is stronger who starts the fight, but the one who has more anger.
  5. Cool guys don't expect apologies. They forgive only those who wash away the insult with a real fight.
  6. The man stops when he realizes he has the upper hand. The woman continues to beat until she loses her soul.
  7. Hold yourself tightly. But don't fall at your opponent's feet.
  8. Only those who are able to fight back are suitable to sort things out like a man. The rest will simply be beaten.
  9. If you get into a fight, then believe in yourself until the end.
  10. The guys find out which of them is stronger. And the girls find out who is meaner.
  11. A brawler is rarely an intelligent person.
  12. No animal will ever beat the mother of its own young.
  13. Getting into hand-to-hand combat is, of course, very bad. But it is even worse to endure undeserved beatings.
  14. You shouldn’t be afraid to hit someone who wasn’t afraid to hit you first.
  15. The more evil a person is, the more likely it is that he will come to a bad end sooner or later.
  16. Often it is the one who shook your hand who then raises it against you.
  17. In politics, the winner is often not the one who is very smart, but the one who has the strongest fist.
  18. A smart person hits hard, but so that there are no traces left.
  19. When 2 guys are fighting, don't rush to join them. First find out what happened. Call the police later. And only if all else fails, separate them.
  20. Even a very weak person is capable of outright winning a fight if he has a strong incentive to fight.
  21. A real man's hand works faster than his opponent's reaction.
  22. The fight ends. Life goes on.
  23. Don't kill boredom with a brawl.
  24. If you get hit, don't be afraid to continue. Insolent people should be taught.
  25. Grandfather used his false jaw to beat up a scumbag who was trying to take away his pension.
  26. Starting landfills is very bad. But it’s even worse to stand and watch a defenseless person be attacked.
  27. Anyone who beats a woman forever loses the right to be called a man.
  28. Never be the instigator of a fight, but always try to end it.

Such statuses come in a wide variety. But more often than not, the people who post them advise others to think twice before starting a conversation from a position of strength.

Statuses about wrestling and wrestlers

To make the harvest of victories abundant, you need to be strong-willed, technical, and strong!

Fury in the eyes, courage in the heart, kindness in the soul.

You have to believe in yourself, especially in those moments when no one believes in you

4.3 / 5 ( 30 votes)

To make the harvest of victories abundant, you need to be strong-willed, technical, and strong!

Fury in the eyes, courage in the heart, kindness in the soul.

You have to believe in yourself, especially in those moments when no one believes in you

Every workout is a step forward. Every missed workout is two steps back

There is nothing better than living life striving to become better.

Fight is life! Training is the place where you relax your soul and body.

Smoking is harmful, booze is poison. To love a FIGHTER - advice of the Ministry of Health!

Healthy neck, broken ear. Wow, bro! Yes, you are a wrestler!

A judoka, a freestyle wrestler, a sambo wrestler, we are all great fighters.

They don’t hit with their hands, they don’t wave their legs, these are WRESTLERS - they fuck deflections!!!

Fight and fight, fall but don’t give up!!!!!

The wrestling hall is a wonderland, I went in with my ears and came out without

Mou eyes didn't remember when Xunkal came to mind =D

If you go against a fighter, you will be left without a face!!!

A judoka is a person who thinks only about three things: judo, mother and girl.

boxers rule, karatekas rule, and wrestlers sit in the back seat and show where to steer

When you fight, you never get bored, just as some people never get tired of sex, so I never get tired of fighting

First they don't notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

JUDO is one of the best types of wrestling! When you are a judoka, you are both a sambo wrestler and a freestyle wrestler at the same time!

Only a shooting coach can argue with a wrestling coach.

I could have taken up ballroom dancing... I could have gone to chess since childhood... but the Lord gave me the opportunity to fight on the tatami

One throw, another pass, the opponent eats sand!!!!!

Sambo is a sport, everything is fast, beautiful, and deadly!

a fighter is not stubborn, he is consistent

Love in the Caucasian way is when you call a two-meter, unshaven goofball with a meter-long shoulder span, who engages in wrestling and walks around in all black, the sun.

There is a problem? deflection is guaranteed for you

Wrestlers are like children, they can break things!

capture, interception, pinning, holding and nine months later a little wrestler...

The struggle for survival - some have “classical”, some “freestyle”, some have “sambo”.

live to fight, fight to live!!

If you touch a wrestler's girl, you will become a mystery to the surgeon!

Loving a wrestler is pride. Forgetting a wrestler is meanness, but to be with a wrestler is an honor, because not every girl has one...

wrestling is a secret weapon that is always with you

I didn’t break my hands, I didn’t break almost anything!!! I’m just hesitating and that’s it!!

One bend and you're dead

Broken ears will come for your souls

When I am among wrestlers, I feel not like among close friends, but like among close relatives.

Don't cry Father, your son is a FIGHTER, cry is the Father whose son is a SWIMMER!!!!!!

While fighting with a pig to see who will throw whom into the mud, you gradually understand that for you this is a struggle, but for the pig it is pleasure.

wrestling free girl happy

The struggle for survival - some are “classical”, some are “freestyle”, some are “judo”.

Strength is not the result of victory. Strength is the result of struggle. When you overcome difficulties and decide not to give up, then you have strength...

Wrestlers remember, boxers make a note!

Greco-Roman wrestling: strength, agility, beauty!

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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