Several reasons to read The Financier by Theodore Dreiser

Dreiser Quotes

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes from the American writer Theodore Dreiser (1871 - 1945).

It is still popular here, but has been forgotten in its homeland , America.

Quotes are summarized by topic: people, relationships, women, human manifestations, life, wealth, love, public opinion, words, mother, happiness, success, attraction, morality, marriage, change, separation, dreams, art.

About people

In moments of highest tension, a person grows most noticeably.

They are born, live and die without understanding anything in life. They appear, wander at random and disappear into the darkness.

Human nature, regardless of climate and all other conditions, is the same everywhere.

The most hopeless thing in the world is to try to accurately determine the character of a person. Each personality is a tangle of contradictions, and even more so a gifted personality.

Our civilization is still in the middle of its journey. We are no longer animals, because in our actions we are guided not only by instinct, but we are also not entirely human, because we are guided not only by the voice of reason.

A person becomes too wise to always listen to the voice of instincts and desires, but he is still too weak to always defeat them.

The man knows absolutely nothing. Neither in religion, nor in philosophy, nor in science can one find an answer to the riddle that is called life. Here is a tiny, faintly flickering world of human thought. And what is behind him, above him?

Almost all people are stupid from birth. They live as they deserve, and are not good for anything better.

Behind every pulse beat there is an equilibrium price - you are exactly what you believe in and with whom you are worth.

It's not a matter of age. Everyone gets old. The point is who looks at life how.

By the way, quotes about people

About relationships

It’s simply amazing how much you can achieve from a person if you pay due attention to his tastes, weaknesses, and desires.

Soul kinship is a strange phenomenon. It easily brings people together against their consciousness and will.

In the relationship between a man and a woman, the most difficult and painful moments are when mutual affection is sacrificed to external circumstances, so far from the strength and beauty of the feeling itself.

In order for a person to have any joy in the short part of the journey allotted to him, he must think and make plans to improve the situation not only for himself, but also for others, since the joy he experiences depends on how much he rejoices for others and how much others rejoice for him.

One person outgrows another. People's views change—hence changes in relationships. As for moral principles, some have them, while others don’t, and nothing can be done about it.

Changes in character and temperament inevitably entail changes in relationships. True, some are held back by dogma, others by fear. But there are people in whom the voice of nature sounds powerfully, and for such there is neither dogma nor fear. Society raises its hands to the sky in horror. But from century to century women such as Helena, Messalina, DuBarry, Pompadour, Maintenon and Nell Gwyn appear, pointing the way to greater freedom in relationships between men and women than was previously considered permissible.

About women

Of all living beings, women are most afraid of women, and especially of smart and beautiful ones.

She was ready to make everyone her slave, to put her beauty on a spit and languish in the juice of love torment.

No, before something terrible happens, it's better to quickly spend all the money on dresses!

The desire to be under reliable protection, to become the subject of tender care, to meet sympathy in everything is an integral feature of the female character. And if natural emotionality is mixed into this, then it can be difficult for a woman to refuse a man, and therefore it seems to her that she is in love.

Literature, not to mention the classics, gives us an idea of ​​only one type of mistress: the crafty, calculating temptress, whose main pleasure is to lure men into her network. Journalists and authors of modern pamphlets on moral issues support the same version with extraordinary zeal. One might think that God established censorship over life, and appointed extreme conservatives as censors. Meanwhile, there are love affairs that have nothing to do with cold prudence.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, women are alien to guile and deception. An ordinary woman, obeying the voice of feeling and deeply, truly loving, is incapable of deceit, just like a small child; she is always ready to sacrifice herself and strives to give as much as possible.

By the way, quotes about women

About human manifestations

Man has the happy ability to hate from the bottom of his heart those to whom he has done the most harm.

Everyone seeks pleasure for themselves, without thinking at all about the possibility of sad consequences for others.

Nothing is real and eternal except kindness, heartfelt human kindness. Everything else is transitory, like a dream.

Truthfulness is the breath of life, it is the basis of all dignity.

A person’s thoughts amazingly color all his actions.

It is difficult to have an idea of ​​what we have not seen, to feel what we ourselves have not experienced.

He again assured himself that he needed to put an end to it, and this internal debate lasted ad infinitum.

It is very foolish not to take advantage of any tool that will help you become what you want to become.

Nowadays, people don’t gossip only about those about whom there is nothing to say.

About life

In the end, the most important thing in life is life itself.

Life is truly beautiful only when there is tragedy in it.

Life is a game, and whether we like it or not, we have to participate in it.

Life is learned from books and works of art, perhaps even more than from life itself.

Life cannot be squeezed into any framework, and people should once and for all give up such attempts.

In the end, life is very much like a farce. A stupid comedy, and nothing more. The only thing you can do is to preserve your “I”.

Life is a fight. If you want to get something, you have to fight for it.

By the way, quotes about life

About wealth

Half of a person's wealth lies in his ability to get along with the right people.

It must be admitted that no one boasts more about the external manifestations of wealth than someone who has recently acquired this wealth.

If a person is rich, he resembles a cat with a bell around his neck. Each mouse knows exactly where he is and what he is doing.

Who wouldn't agree to grieve while sitting in a golden chair?

So life, having elevated a person to the pinnacle of well-being, continues to tease and torment him there. There is always something unattainable ahead, eternal temptation and eternal dissatisfaction.

By the way, quotes about money

About love

Sadly, it must be admitted that most love unions cannot withstand the onslaught of everyday storms, and only true love - a complete organic fusion of two beings - is able to withstand everything, but it usually ends in a tragic ending.

Don't laugh at the pain of unrequited love. Jealousy has an icy embrace, tenacious as the embrace of death.

I loved you. And now I love it. This is what I also wanted to tell you. It seems strange, but besides you, I have never truly loved a single woman. We shouldn't have separated.

By the way, quotes about love

About public opinion

People think about us what we want them to think.

Price yourself cheaply - they will neglect you, they will trample you underfoot. Value yourself highly, even if not according to your merits, and you will be respected. Society as a whole is remarkably poor at understanding people. His only criterion is “What others will say.”

The only thing I don't like about you is your eternal: "What will people say." “People” don’t build your life. And even more so, mine. Think about yourself first. You must arrange your own life. Will you really allow what others think to come between you and your desire?

About words

Words are just small links that connect big feelings and aspirations that we don’t talk about out loud.

Words are just pale shadows of the countless thoughts that swarm in our heads.

People in general attach too much importance to words. They think that words are always extremely effective. In fact, words usually have very little persuasiveness. They only vaguely convey those deep, violent feelings and desires that are hidden behind them. And the heart listens only when the tongue stops bothering it.

By the way, quotes about speech and words

About mother

A mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish, and at the same time selfless. It doesn't depend on anything!

Every home rests primarily on the mother - but they understand this only when the end is already near.

Parents are usually confident that they know their children very well, and time only strengthens them in this misconception.

By the way, quotes about mom

Oh happiness

The goal must be happiness, otherwise the fire will not burn brightly enough, the driving force will not be strong enough - and success will not be complete.

Every person strives for one thing: to be as happy as possible. Life has other tasks, in any case, it cares very little about the well-being of individuals.

By the way, quotes about happiness

About success

One word from a rich person is often enough for a business to succeed. No money, no guarantees, no specific security is needed - nothing, just his word.

A person must build a career for himself, otherwise his destiny is a dull and joyless existence on the margins of someone else’s success.

By the way, quotes about success

About attraction

Sensual attraction has such power that it can triumph over both reason and will.

In strong natures, the attraction to a woman usually does not fade away, and is sometimes only suppressed by stoic abstinence.

About morality

There are storms in life in which ordinary maps and compasses of moral criteria become useless.

Humanity is besotted with religion, whereas one must learn to live from life, and a professional moralist, at best, fabricates a cheap commodity.

About marriage

The union of two people must be based on a strong desire to live together, and on nothing else.

Only strong love can make up for those minor misunderstandings that arise when living together.

By the way, quotes about marriage and weddings

About change

The seed of any life change is difficult to comprehend, because it is deeply rooted in the person himself.

The road down has few stops.

About separation

Sometimes you leave because you really really want to stay.

In the simple expression “I’m leaving” lies a whole world of feelings that cannot find an outlet.

About dreams

How scary dreams look when they come true.

Dreams are lost. Reality is mocking.

By the way, quotes about dreams

About art

Art is a powerful means of correcting human imperfections.

Art is the nectar of the soul, collected in labor and pain.

By the way, quotes about art

About miscellaneous

Apart from love, travel brings us the most joy and consolation.

Any popularity has a great attractive force.

I despise lack of taste, this is the biggest crime.

Politics is not a bed of roses on which you can rest until the end of time, if you have already laid down on it once.

Woe to the one who gives his heart to illusion - this only reality on earth, but woe to the one who does not do this. One will face disappointment and pain, the other – belated regrets.

We consider ourselves individuals, standing outside and even above the influence of our homes and things; but between them and us there is a subtle connection, due to which things reflect us to the same extent as we reflect them. People and things mutually impart to each other their dignity, their refinement and strength: beauty or its opposite, like a shuttle on a machine, scurries from one to another.

There is something unchangeable in the world, whose name is beauty; she can be dressed in the rags of a philosopher and in the silks and satins of a spoiled coquette.

As you can see, although Dreiser is especially famous for his novels about business people, the quotes given are increasingly about relationships, women, love, and human manifestations.

Quotes about Dreiser

  • C. Chaplin: This is a kind man, seething with anger. (by the way, quotes from Charlie Chaplin)
  • M. Cowley: Dreiser is a “raw” genius, not refined and not supported by talent, but a genius. He is our great primitive!
  • S. Anderson: When Dreiser leaves, we will write books, many books. The books we write will contain all the qualities that Dreiser lacked. We will have a sense of humor, but everyone knows that Dreiser has no sense of humor. Moreover, we will have grace, lightness of stroke, dreams of beauty breaking through the shell of life. Yes, those who follow Dreiser will have many things that he did not have. The miracle and beauty of Dreiser is that we will have all this thanks to him.
  • W. Faulkner: Sherwood Anderson was the father of my generation of American writers. His work is a wonderful legacy that we must preserve. It has not yet been fully appreciated. Dreiser is his older brother, and I would call the father of both of them Mark Twain.
  • S. Lewis: Following his lonely path, Dreiser, generally misunderstood and often hated, did more than anyone else for many American writers, freeing American literature from Victorian and Howellsian timidity and pretentiousness and setting it on the path of honesty, courage and passion. images of life.
  • G. Mencken: He was a great artist; no other American of his generation left such a lasting and beautiful mark on our national literature. American literature before and after his time is almost as different as biology before and after Darwin.
  • R. Lingeman: His portraits and his analysis of our society are as topical now as they were 70 years ago. This is the story of how the famous American dream can turn into a nightmare.

Then you can move on to other collections:

  • Mark Twain quotes
  • London quotes
  • Hemingway quotes
  • Rockefeller quotes
  • Kuprin quotes
  • Bunin quotes

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The economic crisis forces us to save on everything, even on books... ***
want so much money that I can hide books in it.
*** The
more government there is in the economy, the less savings there are in the government.
*** no
impossible cases, there is insufficient funding.
*** In
economics, everything affects everything, in more ways than one.
*** Economists
most often rely on two types of premonitions: either erroneous or later.
*** Let
finance sing romances.
It's better than singing a swan song... *** Anything
the private sector can do, the government can do worse.
*** Political
problems are insoluble, and economic problems are incomprehensible.
*** A
financier is an investor driven into the framework of a project ***
a financier goes bankrupt, the courtiers say: “This is an upstart, a nonentity, a boor.”
If he succeeds, they ask for his daughter's hand in marriage. Jean de La Bruyère *** An
economist is a specialist who will know tomorrow why what he predicted yesterday did not happen today ***
laboratory of finance ***
find me a one-eyed economist.
Otherwise all I hear is: “If you look from one side...”, “If you look from the other side...” *** Reditors
have a better memory than debtors.
Benjamin Franklin *** no
great achievements without financial difficulties ***
times two is four.
This is if in real money. According to barter - three. According to mutual offsets - eight. *** The
main task of an investor is not to talk about what is being told to him.


I know the password, I see an ATM, it seems to me that my husband will not be happy in the morning.
*** Everyone
knows that money doesn’t buy happiness, but everyone wants to see for themselves.
*** suitcase
with the money is lost.
At least return the money. *** I
would like to contact your bank!!!
*** Girl
, do you give me credit?
*** Economics
is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources ***
depth of knowledge of economics and finance when you are broke.
*** Economist
, deprived of independent thinking, is at best an accountant, at worst a cashier.
*** of
some skills and abilities, but also of courage ***
you thought that I expressed myself clearly enough, then you misunderstood me.
*** The
economy breathes through holes in taxation.
*** A
recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a crisis is when you lose your job.
Harry Truman *** An
economist is a person who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but can make you believe that it’s your fault.
*** If
all economists are lined up in one line, they will still point in different directions.
*** An
economist is a person who knows how to make money and earns it, but not for himself, but for others.
*** When
you listen to economic wizards talk about recession, it seems that everything will get better as soon as everything gets worse.
*** political
economy because it has nothing to do with either politics or economics.
*** Where
there are three economists, there are five opinions.
*** “The
normal state of the economy” exists only in economic textbooks.
*** Increasing
wealth is not the same as decreasing poverty.
*** Economics
is the only field in which two people can receive a Nobel Prize for statements that are exactly the opposite.
say that the first economist was Columbus.
When he set out to discover America, he didn't know where he was going. When he reached it, he did not know where he was. And he did all this with public funds. *** The
fastest way to win the war against poverty is to stop pretending that we are rich.
*** Three
economists went hunting.
Seeing the wild boar, the first economist shot and missed by a meter to the right. The second shot and missed by a meter to the left. The third, seeing this, did not shoot, but yelled joyfully: “Guys, on average we shot him!” *** A
balanced economy: one half works, the other half goes on strike ***
economist is a person who knows more about money than people who have money.
Funny congratulations on Financier's Day in verse and prose
Anecdotes about financiers and economists

Jokes about Sberbank

Jokes about accountants

Accountant statuses

Jokes about cashiers


I remember reading Dreiser’s “The Stoic” and was sure that the previous two books did not contain the same characters, that it was just a conventional cycle united by some common idea. And now my surprise knows no bounds... This is still a trilogy with one character. Well, I knew the ending, and now I know the beginning...

Frank Cowperwood truly has a special magnetism. As far as I know, this is not a completely fictional character, he has a prototype. But personally, I saw someone else in him. One of my friends actually repeats the life of this hero, and about 10 minutes ago, talking to him on the phone, I asked if he had read the book. The answer was no. But I was sure that once he simply saw a hero whom he wanted to be like... Well, no, no, but it still won’t cancel the similarity. Besides, knowing him, I also perceived Frank differently. Do you know what is the magnetism of such people? When you hear about them, about their actions, you think that you would not communicate, that you are not impressed by such people, but when you meet them in person, for some reason you don’t just talk, but try to understand the person, look for the reasons for their actions and even admire their willpower. But with all this, you continue to push away the person inside you, realizing that he is just a collection of everything that you don’t love. People are a mystery, people are a puzzle that I am still trying to understand.

We encounter Frank when he was a boy, we see his first attempts in the financial sphere, his first deal, his first money, his brain turned to operations, speculation, money and profit. And also, a nature that is drawn to women. It’s difficult to talk about love for women, but rather self-love. All actions that are associated with the fair sex actually satisfy some of their own needs, and I’m not talking about carnal pleasures, sometimes it’s the desire to be loved, to be recognized, the desire to hear praise, to be in demand, to be the one to whom the other half dissolves and sees his hero. Through the eyes of such women, Frank grows, he does not stop, he drinks this love and it is she who gives him strength. Even when you read, you see that he is ready to sacrifice his women for the good of business, for some gain...Is this love? I don't think. And you know, it’s strange to me how they reacted to him, why doesn’t anyone see this double bottom? Why - love? May be. But to be honest, even moments like these lowered Frank in my eyes.

The second thing that let me down was, of course, lack of principle. Such people have always been unpleasant to me, because they find loopholes, adjust, wriggle, and always end up emerging from the most difficult situations. Envy on my part? “Perhaps I won’t argue.” But at the same time, there is also a rejection of the fact that people put their own good above others, that at some stage they forget that they too were once omitted in the same way, and now they themselves are omitted... A short memory, in which there is a memory only of one’s own grief and resentment.

Despite all the negativity above, I can't help but admit that Frank is a genius. Yes, he is truly a genius, and he is the one who built himself, the one who did not break, who fell to his knees and rose again. He’s great, but again, we’re not on the same path.

Speaking of the book, I am wildly delighted. Everything in it is very consistent, detailed, but there is no feeling of being drawn out. There is not one problem here, but a bunch of different aspects that you look at from different angles. The book contains real events that are mixed with fictional characters. But at the same time, the psychology of the characters is at its best, you believe these characters, you understand that there are people like me next to me, and this makes you believe the book.

Well, the language is written in such a way that you fly across the pages, you want to read. The first part of the trilogy truly becomes a desire, only yours, and a desire to find out what’s in the next part.

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