Statuses about snakes. Cool and beautiful statuses about a snake

Aphorisms about the relationship between a man and a woman

As statistics say: women spend 85% of the family budget, 15% is spent on children, and the rest on men.

Girls are capable. They can do absolutely everything, and the guys can do everything else...

Men are capable of hatred, but women usually experience contempt, which is much more terrible and humiliating compared to hatred.

Never be ashamed of your own thoughts about your woman. Believe me, as a man, she thinks about you in a different way...

An ideal relationship is possible in a couple where both need a scandal at the same time.

A girl and a guy need to spend three weeks getting to know each other, love lasts exactly three months, getting in touch lasts three years, and you need to stock up on patience for thirty years...

A man appears in a woman’s life and creates his own life in her, introducing his own rules and subordinating her to his rhythm. He does not allow any planet to revolve around him.

No matter what a man says about his feelings, it is not worth even the slightest bit of what a woman is capable of feeling.

Friends love you for who you are; your wife loves you and wants to make you a different person - Gilbert Chesterton

Men live much better than women. Firstly, they marry later; secondly, they die earlier - Henry Louis Mencken

For an intelligent woman, men are not a problem; for a smart woman - a man - a solution - Sari Gabor

Quotes on the topic "Snake"

With a pleasant cold, the memory-snake wrapped itself around your back and neck, disturbing the hefty, rich scales pricking your hands, and your breathing is quieter, your breathing is worse...

from the vices of the soul one cannot recognize oneself, as if we had become related, laughing at the essence... sleeping, curled up in a ball, a snake leaning against my chest.

Olga Timanova, 2018

No matter how the Underwater Snake disguises itself, it will still show its teeth.

The nights are full of languid bliss, And the transparent sea is there, The plane trees are dozing there under the rustling of the waves, And fairies are gliding along the waves.

About what once happened to me in that wondrous distant land in the same distant southern spring, I will sing to you as best I can.

I was once carefree and young, I knew neither worries nor problems, I was full of courage, health and strength, and I knew no fear at all.

In a country where the expanse is blue up to the sky, I sat on the very edge of a rock cutting through the noisy surf, and in the sea I noticed a snake.

Trying to overcome the steep wave, she strove to the shore, But the wave carried her away from the shore into the stormy sea.

Sudden pity overwhelmed me, I lowered my hand into the wave, and a snake instantly wrapped itself around my hand. For the first time I felt fear.

The desire to shake off the deadly one, I admit, I had difficulty calming down. But then I heard a gentle whistle: “Savior, do not be afraid of me!”

I am an old Fairy, I am a thousand years old, I know your passions. I’ll tell you a secret for your salvation: Listen to the advice of the Snake.

You will conquer everyone with your nobility, And your hearth will not go out, When you follow these rules in your actions and speeches.

Quotes about attitude towards people. Quotes about relationships with people

On this page you will find quotes about relationships with people; you will definitely need this information for your overall development.

My character is changing a lot. I am no longer attracted to people without whom I could not imagine my life. My “former” acquaintances annoy me. I am not interested in communicating with those whom I considered interesting people. My circle of friends has narrowed and this makes me happy, because I began to better understand people and understand who is family and who was sent for experience.

It is not out of great intelligence that people throw shit at others, but only because their own internal shit spills over the edge.

In relationships between people, tenderness and lies are worth thousands of truths. Graham Greene

God, contrary to our will, destroys relationships with people so that the suffering of loneliness from the truths of society leads to the truths of the individual or from the narcissism of the individual leads to spirituality. Elena Ermolova

The shortest and most reliable way to ruin relationships with many people is to tell them the whole truth about them. Ali Absheroni

I doubt whether it is possible to be truly truthful and sincere alone with oneself. After all, truth, like time, is born from relationships between people and depends on them. BLIXEN Karen - writer

Relationships between people are rarely human. A. Underwater

Correcting yourself means correcting your attitude towards other people. Michael Laitman

People usually call friendship spending time together, mutual assistance in business, exchange of services - in a word, such relationships where selfishness hopes to gain something. F. La Rochefoucauld

To maintain relationships with some people, you need to get down on all fours. Valentin Grudev

Feel sorry for everyone? I don't have enough sting!

Statuses about women's snakes with meaning

It is very important for a woman to occasionally change her skin, like a snake.)))

Happy creeping New Year.

The snake-snake is kind... Yes, ignorance is our evil!


` While the snake was crawling into its corner, it touched a saw lying on the floor and injured itself. She instantly turned and bit the saw. Biting her in anger, she severely injured her mouth. Not understanding what was happening to her, and thinking that the hacksaw had attacked her, she decided to wrap herself around the hacksaw to strangle it, squeezing the saw with her whole body as hard as she could. Unfortunately, the snake was killed by the saw.

Aphorisms about friends and relationships between people

It's better to be alone than with just anyone. (Omar Khayyam)

If you were another person, would you want to be your friend? (Unknown author)

The most important art is the art of intimate conversation. A close conversation is when you try to understand the other person and hear his heart. (Oleg Torsunov)

Allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different. (Vadim Zeland)

Whoever gossips with you gossips about you. (Spanish proverb)

We are interested in other people when they are interested in us. (Publius Sirus)

A true friend is friends with you, regardless of your wealth, and the one who sticks to you only because he can profit from you is not your friend, but a vulture. (Darius (Philosopher))

If you want to get rid of a guest who bothers you with his visits, lend him money. (Benjamin Franklin)

Caring for others is recognized not in words, but in deeds. (Dalai Lama XIV)

Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

A happy person needs friends... and not in order to benefit from them, for he himself succeeds, and not in order to admire them, for he possesses the perfect delights of a virtuous life, but, in fact, in order to do good deeds for these friends. (Thomas Aquinas)

A good friend should come to joy when called, but to a friend’s misfortune he should come without being called. (Democritus)

There is little friendship in the world - and least of all among equals. (Francis Bacon)

Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice at their successes. (Oscar Wilde)

Friendship between a man and a woman is impossible; between them there can be passion, enmity, adoration, love, but not friendship. (Oscar Wilde)

The friendship of one reasonable person is more valuable than the friendship of all unreasonable people. (Democritus)

We should treat our friends the same way we would like to be treated by our friends. (Aristotle)

A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you. (Mark Twain)

It is not good to turn away from your friends when you reach a higher position in society. This is called snobbery. (Bernard Show)

He is a low soul who is ashamed of his friendship with people whose shortcomings have become known to everyone. (Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues)

Attract friends to you through good deeds. This is the meaning of true friendship. (Abu-l-Faraj)

If you are clearly trying to impress people and get them interested in you, you will never have loyal, sincere friends. Friends, true friends, are not made this way. (Dale Carnegie)

To become interesting, be interested. (Charles Northam Lee)

It's very important to have people around you who have the courage to tell you what you're doing is wrong. (Unknown author)

If you want to know how to make people avoid you, laugh at you behind your back, and even despise you, here's a great recipe for you: never listen to anyone for long. Always talk only about yourself. If a thought occurs to you while another person is speaking, do not wait for him to finish. What good can he say? Why waste your time listening to his idle chatter. (Dale Carnegie)

Never listen to those who speak bad about others and good about you. (Lev Tolstoy)

If we want to make friends, let's do something that requires our time, energy, unselfish feelings and consideration for others. (Dale Carnegie)

What is the greatest asceticism? - Cooperate with each other! This is a severe asceticism. It is much easier to go to the Himalayas, live with snakes and scorpions and fast, than to cooperate with others. Because that is the nature of false ego. I know - I lived in the Himalayas with snakes and scorpions in the jungle... It's so cool there! Then, when I moved to the temple, I had to cooperate with others and I realized that this is real asceticism. (Radhanatha Swami)

The main criterion that a person is going the right way is that he has the right friends; if your environment has not changed, then you are going the wrong way. (Oleg Torsunov)

The individual who takes no interest in his fellow human beings experiences the greatest difficulties in life and causes the greatest injustices to others. From among such individuals come losers and bankrupts. (Alfred Adler)

Numerous problems arise when we try to meet others' expectations instead of defining our own. (Carl Rogers)

What is the difference between high praise and flattery? It's not complicated. The first is sincere, the second is not. The first comes from the heart, the second - through the teeth. The first is true, the second is false. The first evokes universal admiration, the second - universal contempt. Be sincere in your assessment and generous with praise. (Dale Carnegie)

If you argue, rage, and rebut, you may sometimes win, but it will be a useless victory because you will never win the goodwill of your opponent. (Benjamin Franklin)

The first and most important thing we should do for a friend in order to develop relationships is to participate in life, serve and help in difficulties. (Oleg Torsunov)

If you managed to deceive someone, do not think that he is a fool, he just trusted you more than you deserve. (Unknown author)

We will not help people by doing for them what they could do for themselves. (Abraham Lincoln)

In your interpersonal relationships, you should never forget that you are communicating with people who are in dire need of being appreciated. Appreciation is a legal tender used in communication, and it is necessary to pay with it to everyone. (Dale Carnegie)

A person can only admit his mistake to someone he loves and respects. (Oleg Torsunov)

A friend is someone who gives you complete freedom to be yourself. (Unknown author)

The shortage of good people is not a reason to cling to just anyone. (Unknown author)

By being genuinely interested in other people, you can make more friends in two months than you can make in two years by trying to interest other people in your special someone. (Dale Carnegie)

The most vile crime is abusing a friend's trust. (Henrik Ibsen)


Statuses about women's snakes with meaning

The year of the snake is approaching... Some people don’t even need to sew a suit.
So..., wipe the scales and accumulate some poison. From the life of a snake: she hugged, wrapped around, looked into the eyes and... strangled the reptile.

Love slim ones... Remember - there is no fat on snakes!)

For those who love skinny girls, remember: snakes are never fat...

About the negative in people:

Before the bite you don’t always understand whether the snake is poisonous or not.

A ball of kissing snakes

Somebody began to call the social gathering “a ball of kissing snakes.” The metaphor took root and expanded its meaning.

A ball of kissing snakes will eventually pinch itself. Someday he will roast himself on hellish slow fire.

In a ball of kissing snakes From all sides there are only stings. Vipers, cobras... And snakes have never been there since birth.

The kissing sting is akin to the lips of Judas, And the hugging boa constrictor does not know what pity is. full text...

When you hear a hiss, move away. For safety's sake. )

It's not just snakes that make hissing sounds.

So that thinness does not attract you too much, remember, there is no fat on snakes!

An eagle cannot be called a bird, just like a python cannot be called a snake.

As soon as the bird got away from its flock, the snakes crawled out of their holes.

- Well... Did you wait?! The hedgehog said to the hedgehog when she was bitten by a snake.

I don’t wish people harm, But I won’t turn the other cheek either, If a “snake” crawls into my house, I’ll immediately behead it!

When a snake bites you, the main thing is that you don’t panic, because it’s not snake bites that hurt, but people’s caustic words.

Caution saves half your life.

The snake is soft on the outside, but poisonous on the inside.

In Israel there is snake massage. Large reptiles, with their weight, stretch the patient’s joints and muscles, while small reptiles relieve stress and calm. Well, yes, in principle, it’s very calming when snakes crawl all over you. ;-)

Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. — There is a snake in my apartment. — Try to carefully lure it out, then cover it with a plastic bucket. Be careful not to break her tail... - Yes, I'm afraid of her! — Nothing, be patient, act carefully (then 40 minutes of persuasion on how to handle snakes)… — Help, it’s poisonous! — Tell me, are you not a member of the Animal Welfare Society? - No. - Not a journalist? - No. — Not a fan of writing slogans “let’s save the poor animals”? - Damn, I'm a plumber. - Then kill her with a shovel and throw her in the trash.

Pets look like their owners, he chooses them for himself. What do you expect then from a person who has a snake at home?

The class teacher calls the mother of one of her students at home: - Hello! Tomorrow the whole class would like to come on an excursion to your work! - Oh, why? We don’t have anything interesting in our store... - In the store. And your son said that you work in the serpentarium... We are just passing snakes...

Quietly the snake crawled, curled its tail in a ring. This is a hint to the boys - The deadline for gifts has come! The girls all behaved well during the holidays! They set the tables and prepared feasts for you! You guys don’t know, we need to encourage work. We girls have hearts that are very greedy for rings... And the snake hints that there are not enough gifts!

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