What is business analysis?
Business analysis of an enterprise is an analysis of all areas of its activity in order to identify deviations of actual indicators from planned ones or from the industry average. Business analysis is carried out by examining various business indicators. Based on the data obtained, management decisions are made to improve the efficiency of the company.
With the help of business analysis, you can identify shortcomings in financial and economic activities, find reserves for improving the financial condition of the organization, and plan financial results.
Business analysis includes several sections:
- resource analysis;
- the financial analysis;
- investment analysis;
- marketing analysis;
- marginal analysis;
- personnel analysis.
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System Analysis Aphorisms
. Having not achieved what they wanted, they pretended that they wanted what they had achieved. (Michel Montaigne) 85 percent of people in any profession are incompetent. (John Gardner) 90% of our worries are about things that will never happen. (Margaret Thatcher) The Achilles heel is often hidden in the head. (Leszek Kumor) The one who, unable to control himself, wants to control others is mad. (Pubilius) It is useless to say: “We are doing everything we can.” We must do what is necessary! (Winston Churchill) Business is often something like killing your beloved children so that your other children can succeed. (John Harvey-Jones) Wealth does not reduce greed. (Sallust) Big promises reduce trust. (Horace) Most people are only as happy as they decide to be. (Abe Lincoln) The boss isn't always right, but he's ALWAYS THE BOSS. (translation of the English proverb) Throw the straw up and you will see where the wind is blowing. (Selden John) Always be sincere, even if you have other things on your mind. (Gary Truman) There are services so great that the only way to pay for them is through ingratitude. (Dumas the Father) A budget is like a conscience: it doesn’t keep you from spending, but it makes you feel guilty. In business, no chance is lost: if you ruin it, your competitor will find it. There is nothing in life that needs to be feared, there is only something that needs to be understood. (Marie Skladovskaya-Curie) In every situation, you will find something comforting if you look hard enough. (D. Defoe) To the extent of your understanding, you work for yourself, To the extent of your misunderstanding, for those who understand more. (Folk wisdom) At the moment of making a decision, the best thing you can do is make the right decision, the worst thing is to make a wrong decision, and the worst thing is not to make any decision (inaction). (T. Roosevelt) In the pursuit of knowledge, we have lost wisdom. (T. Elliot) The phone book is full of facts, but not a single thought. (Mortimer Adler) Your well-being depends on your own decisions. (D. Rockefeller) Politeness is an artificially created good mood. Great opportunities come to everyone, but many don't even know they are there. (W. Channing) Great things need to be done, not thought about endlessly. (Julius Caesar) Loyalty to a company is not a profession: you still have to work. (P.S. Taranov) It is very difficult to manage if you do it in good faith. (Napoleon I) Attention to detail, which most people neglect, turned several people into rich people. (Wilhelm Busch) A well-timed barrel of wine turns popular unrest into festivities. (Mikhail Mamchich) The weak fight, the strong do not allow war. An impression of a company is created from the first telephone call to it. (principle of Japanese management) Time is always later than it seems to us. (Eastern wisdom) All the disasters of people are caused not so much by the fact that they did not do what is necessary, but by the fact that they do what should not be done. (Leo Tolstoy) Everyone complains about the lack of money, no one complains about the lack of intelligence. The entire art of management comes down to two things: rewarding and punishing. (Mohammed II, Turkish Sultan) Everything else seems like a mistake to us; If you get down to business yourself, you'll end up doing something twice as bad. (Krylov Ivan Andreevich) Everything can be known, but not yourself. (Stendhal) You cannot solve a problem until you admit that you have one. (Harvey Mackay) Budgeting is the art of distributing disappointments evenly. (Maurice Stans, Director of the US Budget Bureau) Where words are few, they carry weight. (W. Shakespeare) The main obstacle to the progress of the human race is that people listen not to those who speak most intelligently, but to those who speak most loudly. (Arthur Schopenhauer) Everyone has stupid thoughts, only smart people don’t express them. (V. Bush)
How it works?
Let's look at an example. Now, after many enterprises have been closed for three months, an important question arises: how to retain or reduce the workforce?
For the calculation, you can use an indicator such as human capital value added (HCVA - human capital value added). This indicator helps determine the real impact of personnel on profit.
The HCVA indicator is calculated as the difference between the company's income and expenses, excluding labor costs and compensation payments, and dividing the result by the number of full-time employees.
Suppose the company earned 120 million rubles per quarter
All company expenses amounted to 96 million rubles. The labor cost was 39 million rubles. Of these, 30 million rubles are wages, 9 million are insurance payments). Number of employees: 760 people.
We calculate HCVA:
HCVA = (120,000,000 -(960,000))/760= 82,894.74 rubles.
The company's income fell by 35% after the pandemic. That is, the income amounted to 78 million rubles. Expenses fell at a lower rate and amounted to 67.2 million rubles. At the same time, the owner tried to maintain the number of employees. Premiums and payments for wages and social insurance decreased by 13 million and amounted to 26 million rubles. Of these, 20 million are wages, 6 million are social insurance payments.
How has the added value of human capital changed?
HCVA = (78,000,000 -(67,200,000 - 26,000,000))/760= 48,421.05 rubles.
HCVA fell 1.7 times.
Therefore, to return to the previous level of added value of human capital, it is necessary to reduce 316 people and leave only 444 people.
Aphorisms about work
“How much is opium for the people?” (Ostap Bender)Hello, dear readers! Send comments and suggestions to .
The actions of some politicians and famous people are touching. For example, Mr. Putin made a statement that he is “against increasing the length of the working week.” It immediately became clear why businessman Prokhorov was making statements about increasing the length of the working week (a kind of additional career lift). This performance is not something very interesting - everything is predictable, you can even go to Nostradamus :). We can only be glad that some particularly aggressive oppositionists who proposed “hanging them on poles” did not come to power. So, today’s topic is work... The term “work” can mean different things.
In some cases it is “something big and important,” and in others it is a routine, a tedious need to do something “for money.” We will not go into small details. For many, the topic of “optimal” employment is very relevant. There is a lot of “standard” advice that is only suitable for young professionals and “professional careerists.” Everyone else has a harder time. Often there is no choice, or the choice is too difficult. Today, so to speak, advice “from authoritative sources” on the topics: work, labor and the role of work in our lives.
Let your affairs be the way you would like to remember them in your declining years. (Marcus Aurelius)
The purpose of man is intelligent activity. (Aristotle) Great, true deeds are always simple and modest. (L.N. Tolstoy) To overcome the most severe suffering, there are two means: opium - and work. (Heine, Heinrich) Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need. (Voltaire) To live means to work. Labor is human life. (Voltaire) Most people (...) long to work longer than they can, (...) and old age itself is only a burden to them because it does not allow them to work. (Seneca) A person is born not to drag out a sad existence in inaction, but to work on a great and grandiose cause. (Alberti, Leon Battista) If you don’t act, the ward will be of no use. (Sh. Rustaveli) The greatness of some things lies not so much in their size as in their timeliness. (Seneca the Younger) You can best perform any position when you are not afraid of losing it. (V. Soloukhin) Every person should be judged by his deeds. (M. Cervantes) As soon as you imagine that you are unable to do something specific, from that moment on, its implementation becomes impossible for you. (B. Spinoza) The contemplative life is very joyless. We need to take more action. (N. Chamfort) Having less need for labor, we will better understand its dignity. (J. Hugo) It’s never too early to ask yourself: am I doing business or trifles? (A.P. Chekhov) If a person takes on two things that are directly opposite to each other, he will certainly fail in one of them. (Aesop) Anyone who works only for himself suffers. By working for others, a person shares their joy with them. (I. Goethe) Each person should primarily take on what is possible for him and what is decent for him. (Aristotle) It is better to do a small part of a task perfectly than to do ten times as much poorly. (Aristotle) All human skill is nothing more than a mixture of patience and time. (O. Balzac) What a person does is what he is. (G. Hegel) Small things give rise to small people. (B. Disraeli) Every day or every other day, force yourself to do something that you do not like to do, so that the hour of cruel necessity does not take you by surprise. (W. James) You need to be optimistic at the beginning of the work and full of doubts at the end of it. (L. Hirschfeld) You need to approach what is easy as if it were difficult, and what is difficult as if it were easy. (B.Gracian) The results of your deeds will be appreciated by others; Just try to keep your heart pure and just. (D. Ruskin) A lucky person is a person who did what others were just about to do. (J. Renard) A good start is half the battle. (Plato) When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening before falling asleep: “What have I done?” (Pythagoras) What you doubt, do not do. (Pliny the Elder) The most important thing in every task is to overcome the moment when you don’t want to work. (I.P. Pavlov) Working for nothing is better than idleness. (Persian proverb) It is not the one who has nothing who is wretched, but the one who does not work. (C. Montesquieu) The most unfortunate of people is the one for whom there is no work in the world. (T. Carlyle) Work is like a beautiful woman: she does not like to wait (G. Colette) The hardest work is the one we decide to start: it becomes a nightmare. (Charles Baudelaire) Working is not as boring as having fun (Charles Baudelaire) Useful work is a pleasure in itself - in itself, and not because of the benefits it promises. (Alain) Never start working before breakfast; and if you still need to start working before breakfast, eat breakfast first. (Shaw, Henry Wheeler) The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working, and idiots who are willing to work without getting rich. (Shaw, George Bernard) In order for nations to develop, grow, become famous, and think and work successfully, the idea of progress must be at the core of their lives. (Castelar, Emilio) If you work for the present, your work will come out insignificant; we must work with only the future in mind. (Chekhov A.P.) Labor ends, but work well done will not be lost. (Cato the Elder) Our favorite work raises us up early, and we happily take on it. (Shakespeare, William) The work we do willingly heals pains. (Shakespeare, William) If everything seems easy, this unmistakably proves that the worker has very little skill and that the work is beyond his understanding. (Vinci, Leonardo yes) True fame is when your name is valued more than your work. (Burstin, Daniel) Work is work, but you also have to do something useful. (Jagodzinski, Henryk) Great joy is work. All the happiness of the earth comes from work! (Bryusov V. Ya) Work is sometimes something like fishing in places where there are obviously no fish. (Renard, Jules) The conviction that your work is extremely important is a sure sign of an approaching nervous breakdown. (Russell, Bertrand) It's amazing how important your job is when you need to take time off from it, and how unimportant it is when you ask for a raise. (Orben, Robert) Work fills all the time allotted for it. (Parkinson, Cyril Northcote) Work, in essence, is no different from alcohol and pursues the same goal: to be distracted, to forget, and most importantly, to hide from oneself. (Huxley, Aldous) Every employee strives to reach his level of incompetence, and all useful work is done by those who have not yet reached this level. (Peter, Lawrence) Amateurs, having done everything in their power, usually tell themselves as an excuse that the work is not yet ready. (Goethe, Johann Wolfgang) There are two types of slackers: some are infuriated by any work, others just whine about it. (Coster, Charles de) If you work for the present, then your work will come out insignificant; we must work with only the future in mind. (Chekhov A.P.) There is only one type of work that does not cause depression - this is work that you are not obliged to do. (Elgozy, Georges) Work is my first pleasure. (Mozart, Wolfgang) The most difficult work is the final finishing of the sculpture with a fingernail. (Polycletus) At present those who do the hardest work are paid the least; those whose work is easier have greater rewards. However, those who do nothing get the most. (Shaw, George Bernard) It's awfully hard work doing nothing. (Wilde, Oscar) Work is the last refuge of those who can’t do anything else. (Wilde, Oscar) For people, work is pleasure. (Aesop) To earn a living, you have to work. But to get rich, you need to come up with something else. (Carr, Alphonse-Jean)
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Alexander Green.
What are the popular business analysis techniques?
There are a great variety of business analysis methods. Among the most famous are SWOT analysis:
- S trends (strengths);
- Weaknesses (weaknesses);
- O pportunities (opportunities);
- T threats (threats).
There is a method of marketing analysis called the Boston Consulting Group matrix , where a company's products are divided into 4 groups depending on the growth rate of market share and the rate of sales growth.
A group with a high market share growth rate and a low sales growth rate is called “problem children.” It requires more investment, since it is the most promising product. A group of products with low growth rates in sales and market share are called “dogs.” They need to be phased out gradually.
In order to reduce production costs, the ABC method . Group A includes resources from the use of which the company receives the greatest income (80%), group B includes resources that bring an average income of 15%, and group C includes the lowest income of 5%.
Analysis and evaluation of quotes
– a verbatim excerpt from the text. The editor is entirely responsible for ensuring that there are no distortions in the text.
Quotes reflect printed or written reality, that is, they represent a reproduction of reality reflected in other works.
The quotation may completely correspond to the original, but the meaning will be distorted. This happens when a quote is arbitrarily cut off or taken out of context.
The author quotes from memory. An editor should not allow himself to do this.
Accuracy of citation involves evaluating the quotation on its merits, the legitimacy of its choice, and evaluating the methods by which it is introduced into the text. The meaning is also distorted in the case when words spoken about one subject and associated with a specific time and conditions, when quoted, refer to a completely different subject, time or conditions.
The editor should evaluate:
1) the relevance of quotations and the validity of their volume;
2) literal and semantic citation accuracy;
3) the correspondence of how the author interprets its true meaning with the content of the quote.
Relevance of quotations and validity of their volume
a) Validity of citation.
You need to know for what purpose other authors and other texts are quoted.
Common citation purposes:
1) resort to the statement of a recognized authority in order to rely on it in your evidence or refutation;
2) rely on the quote as an analyzed object in order to show the fallacy or correctness of the quoted object;
3) use an expressive, vividly shaped expression of thought to make the proof or refutation more convincing;
4) document your conclusions and provisions;
5) illustrate what is asserted or refuted in the text.
Knowing the purpose of quotation in a particular case, it is possible, by comparing the content of the quotation with the purpose for which the author inserted it into his text, to determine whether it is appropriate in this text or whether quoting is evident. Quotation
- these quotes are out of place or instead of your own thoughts:
1. When they try to replace argumentation with quotes. The reactor’s task is to criticize the author if he relies only on quotes in his evidence.
2. When the author simply cannot resist quoting, although there is no great need for this.
b) Volume of quotations.
The editor needs to define:
— are the quotes used reasonably, are they justified in essence and purpose;
- enrich or pollute the work;
- whether they help the author solve the problems he has set for himself, or are given out of a simple formality or due to the author’s lack of his own thoughts.
Citation accuracy
a) Literal accuracy of quotation
. The quote matches the original letter for letter, word for word. Deviations from the literal accuracy of quotation reveal distortions in the essence of the transmission of the opinions of the quoted author.
You can reduce errors in citation accuracy if:
1. Oblige the author to sign each quote, thereby confirming that it has been verified by the source.
2. If the source of the quotation is not indicated within the text, require the author to indicate the source in the margin of the original page.
3. Check quotes by source, at least selectively.
4. Check quotations in proofs against the source or against a previously verified original.
b) Semantic accuracy of citation
. The meaning of a quote is essentially distorted when:
1. The quotation is cut off where the words that agree with the point of view of the quotator end, and the words that diverge from it begin.
2. Quoted words or sentences are taken out of context in order to make it easier to criticize the quoted author.
3. They quote some proposition that relates to certain conditions and a certain time as a universal one, but from the quote itself the reader cannot always understand and appreciate this.
4. Retell the quoted author, inserting some words enclosed in quotation marks.
5. The quoter comments or interprets the quote in a distorted way.
A distorted interpretation of a quotation occurs when the quotator professes the principle “the end justifies the means.”
c) Hidden quotation
. The text of the quotation cannot be corrected, even if the author of the quoted text made a clear mistake.
d) Authorship and character of the quote
. It happens that authors attribute a quote to a different author than the author to whom it belongs, or attribute the character in it to another person.
Citation rules
1. It is necessary to check the quotation with the source in the context of everything that the cited author writes about the subject. You need to read in the source not only the part of the text that is quoted, but also the preceding and subsequent parts.
2. Check the quote only against the original source.
3. The author must not be allowed to be quoted from old editions of his works if there are new ones, clarified and corrected or revised by the author. Prefer to check quotations from classical authors against the most authoritative publications or publications known to be textually verified.
4. It is imperative to compare the meaning of the quote with its interpretation and commentary, with the conclusions that, based on it, the quoter draws.
Rules for citing techniques
1. The text of the quotation must correspond exactly to the source. Exceptions:
— spelling and punctuation are modernized according to modern rules. Except in cases where modernization affects forms characteristic of the era or the author;
- abbreviated words not accepted in this edition are expanded, enclosing the expanded ending in square brackets;
- obvious errors and typos are corrected, with a reservation if this is a scientific publication, and without a reservation if this is a mass publication;
- the emphasis of words, phrases and sentences in the quotation, which belong to the quoting person, are specified in an in-text or interlinear note or for the entire book in the preface.
2. It is allowed to omit words, phrases and phrases or larger texts within the quotation, if the omitted text is not needed by the quoting person and if the thought of the author of the quotation is not distorted. The reader is notified of text omitted from the quotation by an ellipsis when words and phrases are omitted, and by an ellipsis in angle brackets when a phrase or several phrases are omitted.
What problems does business analysis solve?
Business analysis tasks:
- evaluate the efficiency of resource use,
- determine the development prospects of the enterprise,
- calculate possible risks and offer options for insuring them,
- drawing up a business plan for an enterprise based on an analysis of past periods,
- study the extent to which the plan indicators were met and find reasons for deviations of actual indicators from standard indicators,
- assessment of final financial results,
- searching for reserves to increase production and sales.
What are the underlying principles?
The basis of business analysis is its principles:
- systematicity - the study of any enterprise as a system,
- complexity - assessment of processes in the enterprise as a whole,
- scientificity - selection of reliable methods and procedures of analysis,
- regularity - analysis should be carried out at a certain frequency, which each enterprise chooses itself,
- specificity, that is, conclusions must be quantified,
- objectivity, that is, the ability to prove the conclusions of the analysis,
- effectiveness - determining the impact of identified facts on the results of the enterprise’s operation,
- continuity - analysis done over different periods had to be comparable,
- cost-effectiveness - the cost of conducting the analysis should be comparable to the effect it gives,
- democracy - increased responsibility of employees for the results of the analysis
What will we get as a result?
The main result of the analysis is an assessment of the current state of the enterprise. As a result of business analysis, the reasons for the increase or decrease in sales or expenses are determined. Changing these indicators affects the final result - profit.
A complete diagnostic of an enterprise makes it possible to determine in detail the bottlenecks of the business. Knowledge of the situation allows you to make informed management decisions. This should lead to an increase in the final financial result and increased efficiency in the use of enterprise resources
Business analysis allows, based on available accounting, tax and management accounting data, to determine the development trends of the enterprise. Financial analysis allows us to determine the solvency and financial stability of an enterprise, resource analysis allows us to determine the efficiency of their use, marketing analysis allows us to determine how justified advertising costs are, and investment analysis allows us to determine the feasibility of attracting investments.
Analysis of financial and economic activities. Cheat sheets
Compiled by Alexander Evgenievich Zaritsky
1. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise: goals, objectives, subject, functions
The content of the analysis of financial and economic activities consists of a comprehensive study of the technical level of production, the quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, the supply of production with materials, labor and financial resources and the efficiency of their use. This analysis is based on a systematic approach, comprehensive consideration of various factors, high-quality selection of reliable information and is an important management function.
The purpose of analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is to increase the efficiency of its work on the basis of a systematic study of all types of activities and generalization of their results.
The objectives of analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise are
• identification of the real state of the analyzed object;
• study of the composition and properties of an object, its comparison with known analogues or basic characteristics, standard values;
• identifying changes in the state of an object in a spatiotemporal context;
• establishing the main factors that caused changes in the condition of the object and taking into account their influence;
• forecast of main trends. The subject of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is the analysis of production and economic results, financial condition, results of social development and use of labor resources, the state and use of fixed assets, costs of production and sales of products (works, services), assessment of the effectiveness of the organization.
The object of analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is the work of the enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions (shops, teams, sections), and the subjects can be government bodies, research institutes, foundations, centers, public organizations, the media, analytical services enterprises.
The functions of analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise are: control, accounting, stimulating, organizational and indicative.
2. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise: significance and objectives
The financial condition of an enterprise is an economic category that reflects the state of capital in the process of its circulation and the ability of a business entity to self-develop at a certain point in time. The financial condition of an enterprise is characterized by a set of indicators that reflect the process of formation and use of its financial resources. Financial condition can be stable or unstable
(pre-crisis) and
The ability of an enterprise to make payments on time, finance its activities on an expanded basis, withstand unexpected shocks and maintain its solvency in adverse circumstances indicates its stable financial condition, and vice versa.
An integral part of financial work at an enterprise is financial analysis and assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise.
Financial analysis includes blocks:
• general (preliminary) analysis;
• analysis of financial stability;
• balance sheet liquidity analysis;
• analysis of performance results;
• comprehensive analysis and assessment of activities.
The specific direction of analysis, its constituent blocks, and set of indicators are determined by the goals and experience of the financial analyst.
The objectives of the analysis are:
identification of changes in the values of financial indicators that occurred during the period;
• determination of the most likely trends in changes in the financial condition of enterprises;
• determination of factors influencing the financial condition of the enterprise;
• establishing measures and levers of influence on the finances of the enterprise in order to achieve the desired financial result.
The results of the analysis are necessary for internal (enterprise services, management) and external users (enterprise managers, owners, creditors, investors, suppliers).
The information base of financial analysis is accounting and reporting data, the analysis of which helps to restore all the main aspects of the enterprise’s economic activity in a generalized form, i.e., with the degree of aggregation necessary for analysis.
Are there any disadvantages?
It happens that at enterprises analysis in one form or another is done formally, and the results of the analysis are not used in enterprise management.
What textbooks, manuals and works can beginners read in order to better understand the essence of the process.
For a more detailed study of the topic, we can recommend such textbooks as:
- “Business analysis of the activities of organizations”, textbook edited by Professor L.N. Usenko,
- Bernard Marr, “Key Performance Indicators. 75 indicators that every manager should know"
- Savchuk V.P. "Enterprise financial management"
- L.S. Vasilyeva, M.V. Petrovskaya “Financial analysis”
- N.N. Solovyova, A.F. Ionova “Financial analysis. Financial management"
Quotes about science
Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin
I present to you a selection of quotes about science .
In our time, science has somewhat lost the romantic aura of previous eras, but has become even more powerful.
Quotes are summarized by topic: religion and science, scientists, people and science, life and science, peace and science, morality and science, truth and science, scientific progress, the purpose of science, Russia and science, society and science, pedagogy and science, scientific experiments, scientific hypotheses, scientific theories, creativity and science, science and practice, wisdom and science, reason and science, etc.
Religion and Science
Knowledge is infinite... it is completely opposite to faith. (I. Goethe)
He who has science does not need religion. (I. Goethe)
A mathematician is not sane if he wants to measure the divine will with a compass. The same is true of a theology teacher if he thinks that one can learn astronomy or chemistry from the psalter. (M. Lomonosov)
The clergy should not become attached to teachings that demonstrate physical truth for benefit and enlightenment, and especially not to criticize science in sermons. (M. Lomonosov)
Science says: love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest. (F. Dostoevsky)
Between religion and real science there is no kinship, no friendship, no enmity: they are on different planets. (F. Nietzsche)
Even though the spheres of religion and science are themselves clearly demarcated, there is a strong relationship and interdependence between them. The situation can be described figuratively as follows: science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind. (A. Einstein)
Anyone who seriously engages in science comes to the realization that in the laws of nature there is manifested a Spirit that is much higher than the human - a Spirit in the face of which we, with our limited strength, must feel our own weakness. In this sense, scientific research leads to a special kind of religious feeling, which indeed differs in many ways from a more naive religiosity. (A. Einstein)
Materialism is an assumption, a superstition of the scientific world, just as God, heaven and hell are superstitions of the religious world. (Osho)
Many people have a deep-rooted conviction that the method of philosophizing based on atoms either cannot explain the origin of things, or, since it can, rejects God as the Creator. In both respects, of course, they are deeply mistaken, for there are no natural principles that could more clearly and fully explain the essence of matter and universal motion, and none that would more urgently demand the existence of an omnipotent engine. (M. Lomonosov)
It seems that things are heading towards the fact that Science will discover God. And I tremble in advance for his fate. (S. Jerzy Lec)
By the way, quotes about religion
A true chemist must not only be a practitioner and theorist - he must also be a philosopher. (M. Lomonosov)
True scholars are like ears of corn in a field. While the ear is empty, it grows cheerfully and proudly raises its head; but when he swells, fills with grain and ripens, he becomes humble and lowers his head. (M. Montaigne)
A scientist without talent is like that poor mullah who cut up and ate the Koran, thinking to be filled with the spirit of Mohammed. (A. Pushkin)
Only learned people, and even the Greeks, are accustomed to reasoning without preparation on a given topic. (M. Cicero)
Great learning is worse than illness. (D. London)
For a fool, old age is a burden, for an ignoramus it is winter, and for a man of science it is a golden harvest. (Voltaire)
I cannot imagine a true scientist who does not have deep faith. This can be expressed this way: you cannot believe in godless science. (A. Einstein)
A scientist is one who knows a lot from books; educated - one who has mastered all the most common knowledge and techniques of his time; enlightened - one who understands the meaning of his life. (L. Tolstoy)
The word “scientist” sometimes contains only the concept that a person has been taught a lot, but not that he himself has learned something. (G. Lichtenberg)
One of the greatest disasters of civilization is the learned fool. (K. Chapek)
People and science
Where science stands high, man stands high. (A. Polezhaev)
The business of science is to serve people. (L. Tolstoy)
Oh, how many wonderful discoveries are prepared for us by the spirit of enlightenment And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, And genius, friend of paradoxes. (A. Pushkin)
Concern for man and his fate should always be at the forefront of any technological development. Never forget this among your equations and diagrams. (A. Einstein)
Science is the best way to make the human spirit heroic. (D. Bruno)
At the entrance to science, as at the entrance to hell, there should be a requirement: “Here it is necessary that the soul be firm; here fear should not give advice.” (K. Marx)
At the entrance to science, like at the entrance to hell, there should be a requirement: “Self-respecting people should not blindly trust each other.” (K. Marx)
People are idiots. They did a lot of stupid things: they came up with costumes for dogs, the position of advertising manager and things like the iPhone, without getting anything in return except a sour aftertaste. But if we developed science, explored the Moon, Mars, Venus... Who knows what the world would be like then? Humanity has been given the opportunity to explore space, but it wants to engage in consumption: drink beer and watch TV series. (R. Bradbury)
Let us be human at least until science discovers that we are something else. (S. Jerzy Lec)
By the way, quotes about people
Life and science
Science reduces our experiences of fast-flowing life. (A. Pushkin)
For a scientist and educated person, living means thinking. (M. Cicero)
There is a very close, inextricable connection between science and life, and for neither of them is in the least humiliating connection: the more science serves life, the more life enriches science. (G. Plekhanov)
To accept one basis for life and another for science means admitting a lie from the very beginning. (K. Marx)
The only thing my long life has taught me is that all our science, in the face of reality, looks primitive and childishly naive - and yet it is the most valuable thing we have. (A. Einstein)
Science explains what works, not what is. (A. Camus)
Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again. (A. Camus)
In a good marriage, people always teach each other. You teach each other the science of life. By touching each other every day, lying on the same pillow, you influence each other against your will. (R. Bradbury)
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Peace and science
Science is nothing more than a reflection of reality. (F. Bacon)
The aim of scientific pursuits should be to direct the mind in such a way that it makes sound and true judgments about all objects encountered. (R. Descartes)
Already in his early youth, a scientist must come to terms with the idea that he is destined to know very little about the world around him. (A. France)
Theories put forward to explain the laws of nature must be as unique as nature itself. (A. Conan Doyle)
The laws of mathematics that have any relation to the real world are unreliable; and reliable mathematical laws have no relation to the real world. (A. Einstein)
The greatest economy that is possible in the field of thought is to agree that the world is unknowable and to concern ourselves with man. (A. Camus)
The test of nature is difficult, but pleasant, useful, holy. The more mysteries her mind comprehends, the longer our zeal in it extends, the more abundantly it collects fruits for the needs of everyday life. (M. Lomonosov)
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Morality and Science
Morality should be the polar star of science. (S. Bouffler)
There can be no scientific morality; but in the same way there cannot be an immoral science. (A. Poincare)
He who moves forward in science, but lags behind in morality, goes backward rather than forward. (Aristotle)
The science of good and evil, which alone constitutes the subject of philosophy. (L. Seneca)
We are more likely to confess our moral errors, mistakes and sins than our scientific ones. (I. Goethe)
The sciences and arts owe their origin to our vices; we would doubt their merits less if they owed their origin to our virtues... Without human injustice, why would we need jurisprudence? What would happen to history if there were no tyrants, no wars, no conspirators? (J.-J. Rousseau)
Truth and Science
True science knows neither likes nor dislikes: its only goal is truth. (W. Grove)
The love of science is the love of truth, which is why honesty is the cardinal virtue of a scientist. (L. Feuerbach)
Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, the enlightenment of the mind, the immaculate joy of life, the praise of youth, the support of old age, the builder of cities, regiments, the fortress of success in misfortune, in happiness - an adornment, everywhere a faithful and constant companion. (M. Lomonosov)
Science is always wrong. She is not able to solve a single question without raising a dozen new ones. (B. Shaw)
The science of our time is a lie and a crime. And to read, I already expand my horizons of knowledge with analysis under my own supervision. I need myself, not another, stuffed with other people's judgments. (S. Yesenin)
Science confirms our misconceptions. (S. Jerzy Lec)
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Scientific progress
Moving forward, science constantly crosses itself out. (V. Hugo)
The limits of science are like the horizon: the closer one approaches them, the more they move away. (P. Buast)
I think the scientists lied, there is a hole in their theory, a cut: development does not proceed in a spiral, but at random, peddling, across. (V. Vysotsky)
Science is the basis of all progress that makes life easier for mankind and reduces its suffering. (M. Sklodowska-Curie)
Our main problem seems to be that we are improving the methods but getting confused about the goals. (A. Einstein)
Subsequently, natural science will include the science of man to the same extent that the science of man will include natural science: it will be one science. (K. Marx)
Purpose of science
The true and legitimate goal of all sciences is to endow human life with new inventions and riches. (F. Bacon)
Sciences nourish young men, serve joy to elders, decorate them in a happy life, protect them in an accident... (M. Lomonosov)
Just as for some science seems like a heavenly goddess, so for others it seems like a fat cow that gives them butter. (F. Schiller)
The role of the sciences is service; they constitute a means to achieve the good. (D. Mendeleev)
Science consists in such a grouping of facts that allows one to derive general laws or conclusions based on them. (C. Darwin)
All science is prediction. (G. Spencer)
Science is the systematic expansion of the field of human ignorance. (R. Gutovsky)
Russia and science
I have a presentiment that someday, and perhaps in our lifetime, the Russians will put to shame the most enlightened peoples with their success in the sciences, tirelessness in their work and the majesty of their firm and loud glory. (Peter I)
For the common good, and especially for the establishment of sciences in the fatherland, and against my own father for sin I do not set myself up to rebel... I dedicated myself to this, so that until my grave I could fight the enemies of Russian sciences, as I have been fighting for twenty years, I would stand for them from a young age, I won’t leave in my old age. (M. Lomonosov)
Some fellows even discovered Russian science: with us, they say, two and two are also four, but it turns out to be somehow more lively. (I. Turgenev)
There is no national science, just as there is no national multiplication table; what is national is no longer science. (A. Chekhov)
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Society and science
Society can be divided into two parts: those who believe that science can do everything, and those who are afraid that it will be so. (D. Ray)
A teacher, if he does not want to lower his level himself, should never interrupt his active participation in public life and should not sit forever locked up in his office or in his laboratory, like a rat that got into cheese, without interfering with life, social and political struggle of his contemporaries. (K. Marx)
To build, you need to know, you need to master science. And to know, you need to study. Study hard and patiently. Learn from everyone - both enemies and friends, especially enemies. Study, gritting your teeth, without fear that your enemies will laugh at us, at our ignorance, at our backwardness. (I. Stalin)
Pedagogy and science
Education is a matter of conscience; education is a matter of science. Later, in an already mature person, both of these types of knowledge complement each other. (V. Hugo)
A teacher only becomes an educator when he has in his hands the most subtle instrument of education - the science of morality, ethics. (V. Sukhomlinsky)
When there are parents and children who love each other, no advice is needed. Although from the point of view of psychologists and teachers, education is a science. But this, you know, is without fish. (G. Oster)
A child from the first grade of school should be taught the science of loneliness. (F. Ranevskaya)
Science refines the mind; learning will sharpen your memory. (K. Prutkov)
Scientific experiments
I think to first conduct an experiment, and then find evidence why this experiment should go this way. And this is the right rule that observers of natural phenomena have to follow. (L. da Vinci)
I value one experience higher than a thousand opinions born only of imagination. (M. Lomonosov)
Explore everywhere, all the time, What is great and beautiful. (M. Lomonosov)
No amount of experimentation can prove a theory; but one experiment is enough to refute it. (A. Einstein)
Scientific hypotheses
Science is a graveyard of hypotheses. (A. Poincare)
Hypotheses are scaffolding that is erected in front of a building and taken down when the building is finished. (I. Goethe)
In order for any science to move forward, so that its expansion becomes more perfect, hypotheses are necessary in the same way as evidence from experience and observation. (I. Goethe)
Hypotheses make scientific work easier and correct—the search for truth, like a farmer’s plow, makes it easier to grow useful plants. (D. Mendeleev)
A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction. (V. Vernadsky)
Scientific theories
Theories are like mice: they go through nine holes and get stuck in the tenth. (Voltaire)
When you come across a fact that contradicts the prevailing theory, you need to admit the fact and reject the theory, even if it is supported by big names and accepted by everyone. (K. Bernard)
Marx's teaching is omnipotent because it is true. (V. Lenin)
Celestial bodies rotate in the same orbits, but each time according to different laws. (S. Jerzy Lec)
Creativity and Science
The fruits of true science and true art are the fruits of sacrifice, not of material gain. (R. Rolland)
You can't be a real mathematician without being a little poet. (K. Weierstrass)
Many so-called scientists transpose the world of the poet into another, scientific sphere and in this way achieve fame and weight. (F. Kafka)
Dostoevsky gives me more than any scientific thinker, more than Gauss. (A. Einstein)
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Science and practice
Science is the commander, and practice is the soldiers. (L. da Vinci)
A true scientist is a dreamer, and whoever is not one calls himself a practitioner. (O. Balzac)
Workers, of course, know how to appreciate the benefits brought to them by the practical devices of mechanical science, but they remember the old days with pride and love. (N. Leskov)
Wisdom and Science
Wisdom is the most exact of sciences. (Aristotle)
Wisdom is the source of science. (M. Cicero)
Science is organized knowledge, wisdom is organized life. (I. Kant)
The more comprehensive the meaning, the less comprehensible it is. Infinite meaning necessarily lies beyond the comprehension of a finite being. This is the point where science gives way and wisdom takes over. (V. Frankl)
Reason and Science
Science is a drama of ideas. (A. Einstein)
Reason, with the help of science, penetrates into the secrets of matter and indicates where the truth is. Science and experience are only means, only ways of collecting materials for the mind. (M. Lomonosov)
Science is, in essence, an innate respect for reason and rationality in the broadest sense. (A. Fet)
The beginning of science is reason, the beginning of reason is patience. (E. Kapiev)
One should love mathematics because it puts the mind in order. (M. Lomonosov)
Every natural science contains as much truth as there are mathematicians. (I. Kant)
Mathematics is the only perfect method for fooling yourself. (A. Einstein)
The power of numbers is the more powerful the less one understands them. (Voltaire)
Geography is the only art in which the latest creations are always the best. (Voltaire)
Anyone who has an understanding of national profits can easily judge how much benefit comes from geography to the human race. A unified representation of the state of states, and especially one’s fatherland, produces great pleasure in the heart... (M. Lomonosov)
War and Science
Military science is the science of winning. (A. Suvorov)
The general needs to educate himself in the sciences. (A. Suvorov)
Oh, if only all the work, worries, expenses and endless numbers of people, exterminated and destroyed by the ferocity of war, were turned to the benefit of peaceful scientific navigation! (M. Lomonosov)
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Scientific discoveries
The process of scientific discovery is, in essence, a continuous flight from miracles. (A. Einstein)
Of all the inventions and discoveries in science and the arts, of all the great consequences of the amazing development of technology, printing takes first place. (C. Dickens)
Who's stopping you from inventing waterproof gunpowder? (K. Prutkov)
Books and science
Book learning is an ornament, not a foundation. (M. Montaigne)
Abuse of reading is killing science. Excessive reading only creates arrogant ignoramuses. (J.-J. Rousseau)
Following the thoughts of a great man is the most interesting science. (A. Pushkin)
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Philosophy is the mother of all sciences. (M. Cicero)
If there is a science that man really needs, it is philosophy, which teaches how to properly take a person’s assigned place in the world - and from which one can learn how to be in order to be a man. (I. Kant)
Money and science
Science is the best way to satisfy the curiosity of individuals at the expense of the state. (L. Artsimovich)
We must understand that the work of a scientist is the heritage of all humanity and science is the area of greatest selflessness. (M. Gorky)
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Scientific achievements
The success of science is a matter of time and courage of mind. (Voltaire)
There is no wide highway in science, and only those who, without fear of fatigue, climb its rocky paths can reach its shining peaks. (K. Marx)
Happiness and Science
My faith is the belief that the progress of science will bring happiness to humanity. (I. Pavlov)
"What are you doing?" - I asked. “Like all science,” said the hook-nosed man. “Human happiness.” (A. and B. Strugatsky)
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Knowledge and Science
Scientific knowledge is not needed anywhere except science. (S.N. Parkinson)
Science is often confused with knowledge. This is a gross misunderstanding. Science is not only knowledge, but also consciousness, that is, the ability to use knowledge properly. (V. Klyuchevsky)
Fantasy and Science
Science wins when its wings are unfettered by imagination. (M. Faraday)
Reason and imagination are equally necessary for our knowledge and have equal rights in science. (Yu. Liebig)
Every great success of science has its source in the great audacity of the imagination. (D. Dewey)
Work and science
In any profession, love for it is one of the conditions for success, but this is especially true for research work. (I. Joliot-Curie)
A scientist is a lazy person who kills time with work. (B. Shaw)
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The most useful thing for the human race is medicine. (M. Lomonosov)
Is medicine a science, or just a way to feed off human ignorance? (M. Twain)
Time and science
Life is short, science is endless. (Hippocrates)
Time is the best judge of scientific work. (L. Pasteur)
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Politics and science
Politics is the best of sciences. (Aristotle)
Politics is not an exact science. (O. Bismarck)
Selected sciences
Aesthetics is the science of taste. (N. Karamzin)
Astronomy is a science of mysteries. (N. Leskov)
About miscellaneous
There can be neither patriotic art nor patriotic science. (I. Goethe)
Doubt is a rule that should often be followed in history and in philosophy. (Voltaire)
The key to all science is the question mark. (O. Balzac)
Freedom is for science what air is for a living being. (A. Poincare)
To understand any science, you need to know the history of this science. (O. Comte)
As we can see, in quotes about science, the greatest attention is paid to the relationship of science with religion, people, life, the world, and morality.
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