Quotes about female beauty: sayings about the beauty of women and femininity

What is beauty? Is it possible to answer this question unambiguously? Each person sees it differently. And often, in order to see real beauty, you need to be able to see not with your eyes, but with your soul. After all, external beauty is so short-lived. This is precisely what is so subtly noted in quotes and aphorisms about female beauty.

Cool phrases about the beauty of women

Quotes about the beauty of a woman

  1. True feminine beauty lies within. If you know someone who values ​​a woman solely based on her appearance, then you know a very superficial person. (Author unknown)
  2. All women are beautiful, regardless of their appearance. You just need to touch their soul with respect and appreciation for their inner beauty and then you will be rewarded with joy. The heart is much more important than the packaging. Women are God's greatest gift to man, and we must cherish and protect each and every one of them. (Unknown)
  3. Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charming woman is one who notices you. (Adlai II Stevenson)
  4. A beautiful woman should be more responsible for her steps than just an attractive one. (Samuel Richardson)

  5. Women don't need a short and tight skirt or crop top to impress a man. They don't need a lot of makeup on their face to look beautiful. All they need is a pleasant personality, a natural smile and to be honest with themselves. (Unknown)
  6. Every woman is beautiful. In God's eyes they are all beautiful. So smile and accept yourself. God loves you and someday he will give you that man who will see you as the only and ideal woman for him. Who will cherish you and will do everything not to break your heart. (Unknown)
  7. When virtue and modesty illuminate feminine charms, then the brilliance of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven, and it is in vain to resist the influence of her power. (Akhenaton)
  8. Unfortunately, it was believed that it was much easier for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a beautiful woman. And all because of the imaginary danger of corrupting the “saints” who are unaccustomed to the phenomena of female beauty.
  9. Smile is definitely one of the best beauty products for women. With a good sense of humor and the right approach to life, a woman will always be beautiful.
  10. The shine of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars in the sky, so it is completely in vain to resist the power of her beauty. Especially when virtue and modesty highlight her charms. (In the article about female beauty through the eyes of men, you can find out men's opinions about beautiful women and femininity).

Wise Quotes

Mother Nature has arranged it this way that men cannot do without women, and we, women, cannot do without men. Unfortunately, despite the importance of these relationships, for some reason we are not taught how to build them correctly. And we often have to learn this from our own mistakes. I hope these quotes and aphorisms about the relationship between a man and a woman will help us at least a little to avoid them.

“The best thing a woman can do for a man is to accept him for who he is, regardless of his achievements. It is important for him to feel that he is still loved. The energy of unconditional love between a mother and wife provides inner support. This is how a leader grows from a boy, and a man from an insecure husband. It is the woman who gives the energy to gain strength.”

Oleg Gadetsky

“Men who do not forgive women for their little shortcomings will never enjoy their great virtues.”

Gibran Khalil

“A man loves a woman most often because she loves him; A woman loves a man most often because he admires her.”

“A man usually loves women whom he respects; a woman usually respects only the men she loves. Therefore, a man often loves women who are not worth loving, and a woman often respects men who are not worth respecting.”

Vasily Klyuchesvsky

“Women don’t like timid men. Cats don't like cautious mice."

Henry Louis Mencken

“Friendship between a man and a woman is impossible; between them there can be passion, enmity, adoration, love, but not friendship.”

“A man always wants to be a woman’s first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become a man’s last love.”

Oscar Wilde

“A man can give everything to his faithful friend - everything, but not the woman he loves.”

Henrik Ibsen

“If a woman belongs to another, she is five times more desirable than one who can be had—an old rule.”

Erich Maria Remarque

“When a man looks at a woman, the devil puts rose-colored glasses on him.”

Boleslaw Prus

“When there are no children, the relationship between men and women is their own matter, not affecting either the state or neighbors.”

Bertrand Russell

Short quotes about the beauty of a woman

  1. A beautiful woman is like a melody that haunts you day and night. (Irving Berlin)
  2. A woman's greatest asset is her beauty. (Alexander Comfort)
  3. You can't take out a beauty loan at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it is because of your soul. (Mary Stopes)
  4. Beauty is power and makeup is what truly enhances it. This is a woman's secret. Charlotte Tilbury
  5. True beauty lies deep within. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, if you know you're beautiful, nothing can change that. (Amy Davis)
  6. What you do and how you think is what makes you beautiful. (Scott Westerfeld)
  7. I like to look at beautiful women. I recently decided not to deny myself these simple pleasures of existence. (John Green)
  8. There is no better cosmetic for beauty than happiness. (Maria Mitchell)
  9. There is nothing more rare and beautiful than a woman who is comfortable with herself in her perfect imperfection. For me this is the true essence of beauty. (Steve Maraboli)
  10. Love yourself for who you are. You are beautiful inside and out and no one can take that away from you. (Christina Milian) (Read what should a real woman really be like?)

Cool Quotes

Of course, we women are different from men. Sometimes it is difficult for them to understand our mood and the course of our thoughts, which is where, it seems to me, these humorous statements arise like “Women's logic. Volume One" and the like. Well, if it’s easier for men to understand us with the help of humor, then funny quotes and aphorisms about women will help them in this difficult task.

“A woman is a weak, defenseless creature from whom it is impossible to escape.”

“A beautiful woman pleases the male gaze, an ugly woman pleases the female gaze.”

“Ancient wisdom says, “What a woman wants, God wants.” This means that God wants flowers, French perfume and marriage.”

“A woman’s final decision is rarely her last.”

“If a woman asks for something, you must definitely give it to her. Otherwise she will take it herself.”

“Women's intuition is an amazing instinct that tells a woman that she is right, regardless of whether she is right or not.”

“There are two ways to command women. But no one knows them."

“There are many ways to make a woman speak, but there is none to keep her silent.”

“If a woman is silent, it is better not to interrupt her.”

“The woman is sure that two and two will equal five if she cry and make a scandal.”

“A woman doesn’t know how to hammer a nail, but she knows exactly where.”

“It is absurd to say that women have no logic. We don’t deny the presence of atoms just because we’ve never seen them.”

“A woman cannot be convinced. She can only be persuaded.”

Mikhail Grabovsky

“A man, even if he could understand what a woman is thinking, would still not believe it.”

Kozma Prutkov

Quotes about femininity, female tenderness and beauty

  1. A woman may develop wrinkles and cellulite. Her waist may lose its shape. The ability to give birth and a sense of humor may pass, but all this does not imply the loss of one’s sexuality and femininity.
  2. What is the essence of the very nature of femininity? She is part of the female mind to lean on the one who wants to possess her. So this is not a question: can a girl be feminine? This is an essential requirement! If you lose this quality, it means losing beauty.
  3. Femininity is like a vine that needs a tree to belong to it, twining and crawling along its branches. She needs the support of a tree, without which she cannot stand on her own roots. Likewise, femininity should belong to a woman, in tandem with whom they will form a majestic picture of female beauty.
  4. The requirement of femininity is that a girl devote her life to love: maternal romantic, religious, as well as tender and devoted care. The territory of the heart, admittedly, is the province of femininity, open to the entire fair sex.

  5. There is no doubt that a woman can look more feminine and desirable when she is in any stage of love: girl crush, unrequited feelings and even a broken heart. For the sake of this love, men suffered and achieved great feats.
  6. A woman gets more when she acts with her inherent femininity.
  7. Many beautiful girls have been made happy by their femininity, but never a stupid woman has been made happy by her own intelligence.
  8. The lotus is the most beloved flower of the East and its symbol, because it is the softest and most feminine flower. The lotus is a symbol of femininity, because men most often look for softness, femininity and receptivity in girls. (Find out men's opinion about femininity, what is it like in their mind?)

Quotes about female beauty: beautiful and meaningful

  1. The greatest strength in the world is the youth and beauty of a woman.
  2. Beauty is the first gift that nature gives to women and the first that she takes away.
  3. In the heart of every man there is a nerve sensitive to the fluctuations of female beauty.
  4. The true beauty of a woman lies in making a man the best in all areas.
  5. A woman's true beauty appears early in the morning when she wakes up, not in the evening when she falls asleep.
  6. Women's beauty does not require jewelry and cannot be hidden by makeup, it is only emphasized by it.
  7. Female beauty has its own rules, but it also has its own problems and disappointments.
  8. Since time immemorial, man seems to have associated the idea of ​​evil with female beauty.
    But he continued to turn to her all the time due to his hypnotic attraction. Beauty becomes alive and interesting when it is hidden by clothes. (Monica Bellucci)
  9. When I wear makeup, I don't do it to pander to outdated patriarchal ideals of female beauty. I do it because it makes me feel good. (Sofia Amoruso)
  10. There is no woman of exquisite beauty without some oddity in proportions.
  11. Happiness is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without happiness. (Christian Dior)
  12. Some women, regardless of age, will never lose their beauty. They will simply move it from their faces to their hearts.
  13. A woman always wants to belong to someone who will truly appreciate her beauty and femininity.
  14. There is nothing more beautiful than a gentle and beautiful girl with a peaceful spirit.
  15. Anyone who retains the ability to see female beauty never ages. (Franz Kafka).

Motivational quotes about feminine wisdom, sexuality and beauty

  1. She has the perfect body and is supposed to be sexy, but that doesn't turn me on. She has such an ethereal look, as if I was looking at a work of art. There are no carnal desires there - just enchanting beauty. (Hirukuma)
  2. Longing for love makes a woman beautiful and loved. (Debashish Mrida)
  3. There is betrayal in her hips, rebellion in her heart, and magic in her mind. (Curtis Tyrone Jones)
  4. When you walk into a room, you have the grace and authority of an empress, and I swear even the Deities have to stop to look at you. (Amelie Wen Zhao)
  5. Trust in your beauty so that the radiance of your eyes enters the souls of those who deserve you. (Melody Carstairs)
  6. She is a flower growing on the surface of the moon. Unique and mysterious, her beauty is a precious beautiful gift on the canvas of the Moon. (Sheikh Imran Hossein)
  7. A mind that attracts a sensitive intellect - a woman of complex and enduring beauty. (Richard L. Ratliff)
  8. When you first look at a woman, you don't actually notice her beauty. The true beauty of a woman is revealed only after meeting her. (Richelle E. Goodrich)
  9. Even the most beautiful woman will lose her taste. However, the scents of a woman who is constantly in touch with her sensuality will outlive her. (Lebo Grand)
  10. Not all women can be beautiful, but every woman can look beautiful. (Amit Kalantri) (Here are some tips on how to become a beautiful woman and stay that way for a long time).
  11. How beautiful a woman can be if her true beauty is kindness. (Debasish Mrida)
  12. A beautiful woman is a woman with a beautiful heart. She may be covered in dirt or sores, but only her foot fits the glass slipper. (Omoakhuana Anthony)

Quotes from great women about feminine beauty and elegance

  1. I have never understood why some women use plastic surgery to make themselves more attractive to men. The most beautiful woman is the one who is happy and always smiling. (Irina Shayk)
  2. Beauty is what you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes. It's not something physical. (Sophia Loren)
  3. I'd rather be a beautiful woman my age than desperately try to look 30. (Demi Moore)
  4. No matter how simple a woman is, if truth and honesty are written on her face, she will be beautiful. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  5. A woman is very beautiful when she smiles. Other than that, the most valuable tip I've learned is to always use a moisturizer. (Beyoncé)

  6. True beauty is being true to yourself. This is what makes me feel good. (Laetitia Casta)
  7. A rose can never become a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way and this also applies to women. I want to encourage them to embrace their uniqueness. (Miranda Kerr)
  8. Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. (Marilyn Monroe)
  9. Makeup is not a mask that hides your beauty. It is a weapon that helps you express who you are from the inside out. (Michelle Phan)
  10. Beauty is grace and confidence. I learned to accept and appreciate what nature gave me. (Lindsey Lohan)

Read about what a well-groomed woman means, what is she like through the eyes of men?

Coco Chanel quotes about the beauty of a woman

  1. A woman with good shoes is never ugly.
  2. I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without preening herself, at least out of politeness. Besides, you never know, maybe this is the day when you have a date with destiny. And the best thing is to be as beautiful as possible for fate.
  3. Simplicity is the key to true elegance.
  4. You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.
  5. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
  6. Costume jewelry is not created to give women an aura of wealth, but to make them beautiful.
  7. Women hide their flaws instead of accepting them as extra charm.
  8. Men always remember a woman who made them feel anxious and desire.

Quotes about female beauty with humor

  1. A beautiful woman should have four animals in her life. A mink coat in your closet, a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in your bed and a donkey who pays for it all. Paris Hilton
  2. The rarest thing in the world is a woman happy with her appearance in a photograph.
  3. The reason why there are so few women in politics is because it is too troublesome to do makeup on two faces at the same time.
  4. Men love to fantasize about a beautiful woman, but when she is better than them, men get scared. Scare them a little more.
  5. Natural female beauty requires a girl to sit in front of the mirror for at least two hours.
  6. The beauty of a woman is like a powerful alchemy that transforms men into donkeys. (I advise you to read the list of compliments to a girl about her beauty and charm).

Sayings about female beauty

  1. Girls of all kinds can be beautiful: thin and fat, tall and short, black and white, awkward and shy - everyone has their own beauty. This is not easy for many to admit, because society has placed beauty within narrow boundaries. Therefore, try to look beyond the box, and then when you look at yourself in the mirror, you will find your unique beauty.
  2. For centuries, masculine qualities have been highly valued.
    It's time to give up all this nonsense. Man has been in power long enough and his dominance has been destructive. Only stones remained. Humanity has suffered greatly precisely because of the glorification of male aggressiveness, competition and strength. Now society's efforts should be focused on praising female beauty - receptivity, openness, femininity. The world needs this. A beautiful woman is listened to not so much with her ears at first, but with her eyes and an enthusiastic soul. (Leonid Sukhorukov)
  3. A woman can be naturally beautiful. She can work or stay at home, be aggressive or passive. She can become whatever she wants. But every time, choosing what to become, she needs to be firmly convinced that this was the best option, emphasizing her beauty. (Find out what you need to be to always please men?)
  4. Women become beautiful when they want to be feminine, kind, amiable, and not dominate others. Because it is the dominant women who push themselves into work and lose their beauty. These are the consequences that power entails.
  5. The contrast effect is when a woman feels more beautiful around ugly people and uglier around beautiful women. These social comparisons occur constantly and automatically, and not just when she consciously studies passersby.
  6. There is no need to hate yourself for wanting to be beautiful. A beautiful woman reaps real benefits in life, both social and economic. Advantageous offers from employers, as well as romantic marriage proposals.
  7. Much that is said about beauty and its importance in our lives ignores the minimal beauty of a simple woman. However, these beauties have a much greater impact on the decisions we make than the great works of art that (if we're lucky) occupy our leisure hours.

Aphorisms about the beauty of a woman

  1. A woman's greatest asset is her beauty.
  2. Beautiful women have two weapons - cosmetics and tears.
  3. A woman's beauty is always reflected in her eyes.
  4. A girl with an open and joyful smile is always beautiful, no matter what she wears.
  5. Every woman is beautiful, you just need to choose the right man who notices this.
  6. Feminine beauty can be considered God's trademark in his creations.
  7. Every woman deserves the right to consider herself beautiful.
  8. A witty woman is a treasure; witty and beautiful - this is power.
  9. Female beauty is worse than wine, since it intoxicates not only its owner, but also the viewer.
  10. If you see yourself as beautiful, then don’t wait for others to agree.
  11. Beauty is in a girl's heart, not in her face.
  12. Female beauty is like a tea bag. It's only when it's in hot water that you realize how strong it is.
  13. A girl should be like a butterfly. Beautiful to see, hard to catch.
  14. Femininity and tenderness are a manifestation of the wisdom of God.
  15. Loving only the beauty of a woman’s body means not experiencing the beauty of the heart.

Statuses about female beauty

  1. To be beautiful means to be yourself and accept yourself.
  2. Beauty is what's under the makeup, not something created by it.
  3. Makeup can create the perfect appearance, but not the perfect personality.
  4. The heart can see female beauty invisible to the eyes.
  5. The intelligence and charm of femininity will never cease to be beautiful.
  6. Beauty is the result of a woman taking care of herself.
  7. A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is joyful is always beautiful, no matter what she wears.
  8. Don't read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel terrible.
  9. Elegance and femininity are silver in your hands, and the tenderness and wisdom of a woman are gold in your chest.
  10. True female beauty is not what polishes the body, but natural skin and a pure heart.
  11. Beauty is not in the way people look at me, but in the way I look at myself.
  12. Beauty on the inside, cutie on the outside, combine the two and you will get an understanding of the natural beauty of a woman.
  13. It's not the dress that makes you feminine. It is you who make the clothes look beautiful on you.
  14. A woman's most beautiful outfit is charisma, her most beautiful accessory is her smile, and her best pair of heels is her confidence.
  15. What makes a woman beautiful is not her looks or the beauty of her hair, but her femininity and youthful mind.

Coco Chanel

Who else can speak so aptly and accurately about the fair sex than one of those whose enormous influence on the female deity - Fashion - was unconditionally recognized throughout the world? Coco Chanel's quotes about women are as bold and ingenious as her clothes.

“When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.”

“At twenty years old you have the face that nature gave you; at thirty you have the face that life has sculpted for you; and at fifty you have the face you deserve.”

“Age is not the most important thing for a woman: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.”

“There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”

“A woman’s best fashion accessory is a handsome man.”

“They say that women dress for the sake of women, that they are inspired by the spirit of competition. This is true. But if there were no more men left in the world, they would stop dressing.”

“I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without tidying up, at least out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe on this day you will meet your destiny. So it’s better to be as perfect as possible to meet fate.”

“To restrain yourself when it’s offensive, and not to make a scene when it’s painful - that’s what an ideal woman is.”

“If you were born without wings, don’t stop them from growing.”

“A woman cannot be happy if she is unloved, and that’s all she needs. A woman who is not loved is zero and nothing more. Believe me: young or old, mother, lover... A woman who is not loved is a lost woman. She can die in peace, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

Quotes of great men

Always and at all times, people of art and talented extraordinary personalities recognized that life without women is meaningless and dull, they admired their beauty, femininity and ability to quietly conquer the male world. Quotes and aphorisms about women with meaning from great people, sometimes with humor, but more often with admiration, reveal the secrets of simultaneous female weakness and strength.

“The ideal man should talk to women like goddesses and treat them like children.”

Oscar Wilde

“Forget peace, whoever decided to rule over a woman.”


“Men are surprisingly illogical: they insist that all women are the same, and constantly change one for another.”

Sidonie-Gabriel Colet

“God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men.”

Faina Ranevskaya

“A woman never notices what is done for her, but she will always notice what is not done for her.”

Georges Courtelin

“A woman’s field is to arouse in a man the energy of the soul, the ardor of noble passions, to maintain a sense of duty and the desire for the high and great - this is her purpose, and it is great and sacred.”

Vissarion Belinsky

“Whoever first called women the fair sex perhaps wanted to say something flattering to them, but in fact he expressed something more.”

Immanuel Kant

“When God created women, he did not give them a sense of humor, so they are only able to love men, instead of laughing at them.”

Ingmar Bergman

“If there were no women, all the money in the world would mean nothing.”

Aristotle Onassis

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