Under the sky everything is only temporary. Quotes and aphorisms about time

Most of us know only a couple of quotes about time, which boil down to the fact that time, firstly, is money, and, secondly, business is time, and fun is an hour. The author of the first statement is the American scientist and politician Benjamin Franklin, and the second is the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. And, in principle, for many, the knowledge of smart and beautiful phrases about time ends there. What else do people know for sure about time, that it should be valued. True, despite this knowledge, some people prefer to “kill” time rather than spend it usefully. We suggest combining the first and second - spending a few minutes usefully: reading, perhaps, new quotes about time with meaning. After all, throughout the history of mankind, billions of people have tried to understand what time is, and thousands of writers and scientists have tried to give it their definition. We have collected their quotes on this matter especially for you.

Quotes about time with meaning

The past is a ghost, the future is a dream, and all we have is the present. Bill Cosby

Better late than never. Titus Livy

I never think about the future: it comes quickly enough anyway. Albert Einstein

Life is short, but the years are long. Robert Heinlein

I've been wasting time for a long time, and now time is wasting me. William Shakespeare

I believe that time, with its infinite capacity for understanding, will one day forgive me. William Saroyan

Everyone has their day, and some days are longer than others. Winston Churchill

Time is the coin of your life. You only have this coin, and only you have the right to determine what it should be spent on. Be careful that someone else does not spend it for you. Carl Sandburg

Happy hours are not observed. Alexander Griboyedov

Do not wait. The timing will never be perfect. Napoleon Hill

Time is a paradoxical thing. And people’s attitude towards him is the same. We seem to have learned to use it, but we still waste it and forget about its significance, the value of every minute, second, moment. We know that we cannot get back the wasted time, but we continue to waste it on unnecessary activities. Over time, we will all understand that our life passes unnoticed, and that we cannot return what has already passed. But it will be too late... We hope that these sayings and quotes about time will help you understand its value.

Time won't put everything in its place

If the spirit is at rest, it will equal thousands of centuries through the centuries, and if thoughts are broad, a tiny cottage will contain the whole world.

Most people live most of the time, and the little free time they have left, they are worried about, trying to get rid of them in every way.

I knew a gay man who, in an exaggerated sense of comfort, said, “Let’s stay late so we can finish early.”

Time is just a sequence of our thoughts.

Our soul is capable of self-immersion, it can create its own society.

No man can put aside time.

Are we wrong, says that time exists only because it wants to disappear?

In everyday life, it brings miracle and eternal youth.

And in my opinion, it doesn't suit me that it was a time when there was no time

Time never stands still, life is constantly evolving, human relationships change every fifty years.

We don't know what to do with our short life, but we still want to live forever.

Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love.

In fact, there is no time, there is no “tomorrow”, there is only the eternal “now”.

Only in the current time, which is taken away from the strong grain of life, and therefore not worth living.

Nothing happens to me more than time and space, but at the same time no less worries: I never think about anything else.

Time is a space for developing abilities...

You just have to look closely at the present, the future will suddenly come by itself.

Time is wonderment, concealment in moments of happiness and stretching in hours of suffering.

What has happened over the millennia, of course, comes back; Such ancient continuity.

Neither the river nor the passage of time can stop.

Time is an endless movement without a single moment of rest - and it cannot be imagined otherwise

Patience and time give more power or passion.

What has happened over the millennia, of course, comes back; Such ancient continuity.

If you want to spend your free time, don't waste your time.

The blue time distribution is the basis for the activity.

Among strangers in the surrounding nature, time is the most unknown, since no one knows what time it is and how to deal with it.

About irreparable insults Time brings healing.

Every lost moment is lost, lost well.

Only time belongs to us.

As in sea water, the water flows quickly, so that days and years pass into eternity.

Time is an honest man.

Nobody tells me that the movement of celestial bodies is time...

I see this time it's kind of an extension

Time must be observed.

A new star has appeared, then it will take a year. The old man will change the new: it was so, it will always be so.

And what is hidden underground will be revealed by time in the light of day!

You don't look all the time.

Time is a moving image of motionless eternity.

Anything that disrupts the unity of society is no better; all the institutions that deal with each other are worthless.

Time is a law worthy of respect.

The proximity of a loved one shortens time.

The average person is concerned about how to kill time, the person who is gifted wants to use it.

Take it every day, take it every minute!

Time is the only place where infertility deserves praise.

I like it? Tell your friends.

Statuses about time

on statusas.ru - in places funny and sometimes with a claim to wisdom.

We often hear that this time is a good teacher. But in the end he kills all his students.

Time is the most amazing thing. It's so little when you're late and waiting for you.

People think time is running out.

Time thinks that people pass by...

Time cannot be lost, everything serves something, everything leads to something and teaches something.

At leisure only means that you forgot a few things.

Sometimes it would be desirable for time to fly slowly and scan faster

It's enough to act as if you have 500 years to live!

Love helps kill time, time helps kill love.

Time flies - this is calculated a minute before the shift, but now you are counting the years until retirement.

Time doesn't improve, it just thinks and thinks differently!

Seconds without a loved one are an hour, an hour with a loved one is seconds.

Today, most who have money do not have time, and those who have time do not have money.

We like today what we may hate tomorrow, and we look for what we can avoid tomorrow.

Sometimes it would be desirable for time to fly slowly and scan faster

According to the laws of physics, if you miss time, it will inevitably be shortened.

Eternity is the time from the beginning of the working day to the end.

Wise sayings about time

While we put life on hold, it rushes by. Seneca

Time should be used creatively and always understand that any time is a chance to do great things. Martin Luther King

Time is the school in which we study; time is the flame in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz

There is no time for boredom. There is a time for work and there is a time for love. There is simply no time left for anything else! Coco Chanel

Have regular time for work and rest; Make each day both rewarding and enjoyable, and prove that you understand the value of time by using it well. Then your youth will be delightful, your old age will bring few regrets and your whole life will turn into a wonderful success. Louisa May Alcott

The hours pass and are added to our bill. Martial

Time is the longest distance between two places. Tennessee Williams

Do you love life? Then do not waste time, for it is from it that life is created. Benjamin Franklin

Do you know that in this very moment you are surrounded by eternity? And do you know that you can take advantage of this eternity if you wish? Carlos Castaneda

The years, passing by, take away one thing after another. Horace

For a better understanding, you can try to compare time to a fast and stormy river that cannot be stopped. It is like sand that slips through your fingers. That is why it is necessary to understand the value of every minute we live, it is important not to waste time on trifles. Time is merciless and inexorable, it takes away from us everything that is most precious, from youth to people dear to us. One of the quotes says that time is the best healer. Controversial statement. After all, it itself can cause pain. You could say time is a good teacher. This will be closer to the truth. Remember the value of time.

Phrases and quotes about time and its significance from great people

Alcohol, hashish, hydrocyanic acid and strychnine are just weak solutions. The most reliable poison is time. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I never watch the clock: time was created for man, not man for time. Francois Rabelais

People spend their lives in anticipation, determined to indulge in serene happiness sometime later, when they find time for it. But the present has one advantage over any other time: it belongs to us. Past opportunities have passed, the future has not yet arrived. We can store up pleasures for future use, as we would stock up on wine; but if we delay too much in using them, we will find that both have become sour over time! Charles Caleb Colton

Seize this hour before it slips away from you. Moments of life that are truly great and significant are rare. Friedrich Schiller

Time is the test of all inclinations, all feelings, all connections... Vissarion Belinsky

Time is a strange guy: he gives more than he takes (and he takes everything). Edward Estlin Cummings

Time calms, time clears, no mood can remain unchanged for several hours in a row. Thomas Mann

Time has a great ability to give validity to everything - even in the field of morality. Henry Louis Mencken

All we have to decide is what to do with the time we are given. John Ronald Rael Tolkien

I have to manage the clock myself, and not let the clock control me. Golda Meir

Whether we like it or not, our life is fleeting and there is no way to “pause” it in order to look around. As it was once said, in the next second we will not be younger than in this one. Such transience of time can be frightening, but you can treat it philosophically - as an inevitable fact. Understand that you need to live here and now. Perhaps meaningful quotes about time will make you think about this. After all, everyone can sooner or later be faced with the fact that, waking up one morning, they will understand that in their life they never managed to do anything that they dreamed of. Yes, time is cruel, it will not spare anyone. Therefore, you cannot put off your plans, dreams and desires for later.

Smart thoughts about time

The hand of time can tame. John Henry Newman

Everything matures only with time; no one is born wise. Miguel de Cervantes

Time makes everything easier. Sophocles

Nine-tenths of all wisdom lies in the wise use of time. Theodore Roosevelt

You can forget about time only by spending it usefully. Charles Baudelaire

For people, time is a good angel. Friedrich Schiller

I advise you to take care of the minutes, and the hours will take care of themselves. Philip Stanhope Chesterfield

Time reveals the truth. Seneca

The future cannot come, because when it comes, it is already the past. Henrik Ibsen

The past, present and future in reality are one and the same: they are all today. Harriet Beecher Stowe

With every passing second, a person inexorably becomes older, and because of the wasted time allotted to him, he loses a lot. Undone things, missed opportunities, wasted weeks, months and years. All this is the result of the inability to manage your own time. But, unfortunately, you realize this too late.


Seconds die in flocks of sixty, forming minutes Beigbeder F**

Time flies like an arrow, although the minutes creep by Mendelssohn **

Nothing distorts the idea of ​​time more than a watch. S. Fedin **

The bones of minutes crunch under the boots of a frantic day. They crackle. It’s as if brushwood is being crushed. In the oven, behind the door, there are tentacles of fire.

They jingle. Past. Like the rains. They whistle. Like sand from your hands. Tingling. Small. Like in my chest... But the day is great. And there is a main sound in it.

And if you live, you must live like Croesus. Not measured. Backhand. Not enough.

This is how we live... But suddenly it burns like a whip: The bones of minutes crunch. Irina Snegova**

I stroke the face of time - The dial on my hand, And time is moving towards the end, And death is not far away.

But I am not embarrassed by death, the sea view disturbs me: In the square hole of the window, blue freedom trembles. I. Lisnyanskaya **

Short quotes about time

Time changes everything - except for something inside us that is always surprised by the change. Thomas Hardy

The past has undoubtedly been great, but I truly believe that the future will be even more wonderful. Swami Vivekananda

The arguments of time are stronger than the arguments of reason. Thomas Paine

Sooner or later, everything happens to everyone - as long as there is enough time. George Bernard Shaw

As we speak, merciless time is flying away. Seize this day, trusting the next one as little as possible. Horace

There is enough time for everything. Thomas Edison

To secure the future, you must respect the past and not trust the present. Joseph Joubert

What use is immortality to a man who cannot make good use of even half an hour? Ralph Waldo Emerson

Modern man believes that he loses something - time - when he does not do something quickly enough. However, he does not know what to do with the time he gains - he only knows how to kill it. Erich Fromm

The ability to concentrate and use time well is everything. Lee Iacocca

Although the duration of time is clearly measured in seconds, minutes, hours, and so on, the perception of time differs depending on age. Children believe that time passes, it doesn’t even go, but drags on, very slowly. They want to grow up faster. Adults, on the contrary, believe that time flies and, unfortunately, often flies by. Adults would like to return the happy moments of their childhood, but it’s too late. And the best quotes about time will confirm this to you. There is something to think about...

The world is a clock, it's counting down the remaining time

Quotes and aphorisms about time and clocks


It is impossible to turn back the clock, but it can be wound again. Edna Ferber


Time spares no one: neither the poor nor the rich. Everyone has 24 hours. Use your time wisely and a lot will change.


Time is measured by clocks, and human life is measured by time; but how, tell me, will you measure the depth of the Eastern Ocean? Kozma Prutkov


Why do you need to know how a clock works? Just look at the time sometimes.


The ideal clock moves steadily, the ideal time moves faster and slower. Stanislav Jerzy Lec “Uncombed Thoughts”


The hands of the old clock still remember the youth of our views on time... Gennady Malkin “A thought cannot be invented”


Clock stopped. There is no more movement. The dawn stands without flaring up outside the windows. And for eyeless eternity the order and harmony are silent. Time has stopped. The hours and hours are standing. Zinaida Nikolaevna Gippius


In heaven they don’t keep track of time; in hell they count minutes and hours. Valentin Petrovich Rychkov


Our life is a magic watch, a mechanism made of a thousand parts. The pulse in my temples is beating like little walkers. We move from joy to sadness. Anna Mikhailovna Ostrovskaya


No matter how great a watchmaker is, he cannot create a watch that will last forever. Everything goes wrong. People and even entire worlds. "Mechanical Planet"


Is it really possible for time to stop? Even if it’s my fault that all the clocks at the Parisian station stop, time will not stop moving, life will go on! Brian Selznick "Keeper of Time"


The world is a clock, it counts down the remaining time and its progress has nothing to do with it. The world has always been a clock. Rick Yancey "The Endless Sea"


And a stopped clock sometimes shows the exact time. Milorad Pavic "Horses of St. Mark"


... Deprived of a clock, he loses his sense of time and space. Jean-Christophe Grange "Passenger"


The clock is not in a hurry - time is in a hurry. Evelyn Waugh "The Trial of Gilbert Pinfold"


Time was divided into hours and minutes by limited people who were unable to enjoy it entirely. Alexey Nikonov

Nothing happens forever. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Meaningful words about seconds, minutes and hours

Wasted time is time in which we have not lived a full human life, time not enriched by experience, creativity, joy and suffering. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

There is no greater evil than wasting time. Michelangelo

Time lost in pleasure is not lost. Bertrand Russell

We are doomed to kill time - this is how we gradually die. Octavio Paz

A year is a period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments. Ambrose Bierce

How little has been lived - how much has been experienced! Semyon Nadson

Delay is dangerous. Titus Livy

I do not believe that the human mind is capable of comprehending the past and the future. Both are just illusions that can make you think that there are some changes in this life. Bob Dylan

If someone is simply ahead of their time, then the day will come when it will catch up with them. Ludwig Wittgenstein

I'm not going to take revenge or look back on the past. We must forget the past and look forward to the future. Jomo Kenyatta

You should try to enjoy every moment. Don’t be afraid to love, don’t be afraid to live, don’t be afraid to look for yourself, don’t be afraid to agree to adventures and don’t be afraid to refuse offers that you don’t like. The main thing is to always remain in harmony with yourself and the outside world. And then time, although it will not slow down, can become our faithful ally.

Statuses about time are short and beautiful

  • We are all mired in the sands of time and have no control over it.
  • Time does not heal, the one who hugs you tighter each time heals.
  • Life is a game of money and time.
  • What seems very important today will turn out to be a trifle over time...
  • I will always remember those moments when I wanted to stop time.
  • Time does not heal or teach - it simply goes away along with what was...
  • Why wait? The dream is now!
  • Tomorrow means working on today's mistakes.
  • It’s not time yet - it’s no longer time, but in the interval - life.
  • Sometimes our tomorrow becomes our yesterday without ever becoming our today.
  • Our biggest misconception is that we still have a lot of time.
  • He was clumsily killing time, which was skillfully killing him.
  • Time has only one problem - sooner or later it runs out.
  • Age is something that exists in our thoughts. If you don't think about it, it doesn't exist.
  • Tomorrow is already too late.
  • Anything is possible, the impossible just takes longer.
  • Don't waste your time, it's the stuff life itself is made of.
  • Happy people count time in minutes, while for unhappy people it lasts for months.
  • Stop acting like you have 500 years to live!
  • Luxury is the ability to manage your time.

But not everyone has time...


We share everything around, Love and hate, at least... We share heaven, earth, spirit, We have a rich man with a bar.

And in different directions, Almost like good and evil, We are trying to divide the entire earthly world, We share EVERYTHING!

With such sadness we look at our actions, But we will repeat it again! Hands cannot reach a part of the divine, And we do not pour wine into wine!

And lost the meaning somewhere in the pan, I don’t know: “What, when and why”, And you can’t find the answer, And don’t find yourself!

And may he always be convinced of his actions, Yes, doubt for a moment! And the poet must write the lyre, He will complete his creation.

Everything for everyone, Because this is the beginning and the end. And everyone experienced passion, love, sharing. But not at all, Time has stopped here... But not at all...

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