30 wise, caustic and very relevant quotes from Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Uniqueness and individuality

Do you often tell yourself: “Yes, I’m not perfect”? Statuses are an opportunity to discuss your imperfections and talk about what is most valuable in a person - his uniqueness.

  1. Smart women strive to be perfect. Wise people value themselves as they are.
  2. Yes, I am far from the standards. But I'm not going to live up to them. It’s better to be unique and piece-made than stamped!
  3. Do you want to please everyone? So you need to turn into a wad of green bills! There is simply no other way.
  4. Do you think that if you become perfection itself, a prince on a white horse will immediately arrive? No, you will simply attract a person who sees only the shell and does not value the inner world.
  5. In the quest for perfection, many people forget to live.
  6. Plump lips, long eyelashes, slender figure... Unfortunately, this is not all about me. And this is about me: an excellent sense of humor, a subtle mind, the ability to carry on a conversation on any topic.
  7. Looking at pictures of slender models on Instagram, we must not forget about one thing. About the fact that there are a lot of photo editors in the world!
  8. There are no perfect people. There is good retouching in photos.
  9. I don’t want to fit anyone’s idea of ​​beauty. I want to be myself. And this is my final decision.
  10. In a world ruled by glossy standards, being an individual is a real feat.
  11. A real woman does not have to be beautiful, she has to be happy.

Happiness is not in beauty

Many people believe that in order to find happiness in their personal life, they must have an ideal appearance. Do you tell yourself, “I'm proud that I'm not perfect”? Statuses in your own words will help you share your point of view.

  1. As practice has shown, ideal women do not always have ideal relationships!
  2. Stupid men look for a girl who meets all standards. Smart people need someone who suits their spiritual qualities.
  3. Be like everyone else? A toned butt, extended nails, pouting lips? No, I'd rather become the best version of myself than a pale copy of someone else.
  4. I watch with horror how pretty girls turn themselves into dolls in pursuit of the ideal. Soon we will be surrounded by an army of beautiful, but absolutely identical clones.
  5. My main task is to be myself, and not to be someone’s erotic dream.
  6. It's time for people who come up with glossy standards to go outside. There are no ideal girls, and reality is much more beautiful than pictures in magazines.
  7. Yes, I'm not ideal. But those who judge me are also far from perfect!
  8. Ideals change, beauty starts depend on the social situation. And I want to love myself for who I am! And no one has the right to refuse me this.
  9. There is nothing more beautiful than a self-aware individual.
  10. So what if you're overweight? In Rembrandt's time I would have been the standard of beauty. And I would even be considered thin!
  11. Beauty standards are only needed to sell more clothes, cosmetics and weight loss programs. And to be happy you need a warm blanket, an interesting movie, hot tea and delicious ice cream!

Quotes on the topic “There are no perfect people”

Remember the parable about the man who spent his whole life looking for the ideal woman? Having found her, he could not be with her, because she had been looking for the ideal man all her life... I dedicate this essay to women who prefer to remain in splendid isolation, looking for only the ideal option. I had experience communicating with such women and, in principle, I did not hear anything new from them in the parameters of their searches. A man must be wealthy, must be responsible, must be confident, must be strong, must be faithful, must pursue a woman, must be generous, must be caring, must be romantic, must love children, must be able to care, must be humorous, must be able to appreciate/love/adore... A man MUST. Do you understand? Must, must, must... I stopped the endless listing of the man’s debts and asked a counter question: “What are you ready to give to such an ideal man who will have all these qualities?” And here the mode of misunderstanding turned on: “What should I give in return? Wouldn’t it be enough for him that I’m beautiful, I have tits/ass, and in general I’m a woman who should be sought after!” She should be sought after because she is a woman. Dot. A curtain. There are no words... Dear candidates for ideal men. I may hasten to disappoint you, but in this world, a priori, there are no ideal people. There is THIS MINE and THIS IS NOT MINE. For each woman, “THIS IS MINE” is individual. Perhaps this will come as a surprise to you and you will be extremely surprised, but in order for YOURS to become YOURS, it is necessary to make some efforts on your part. If you are looking for a rich groom, then just an ass with tits will not be enough, you also need brains. Even in a low-income man, a wise woman is able to see the potential for development and inspire him to build career growth. Don't confuse wisdom with greed. A greedy madam doesn’t want to inspire anyone or expect anything, she doesn’t want to invest her energy in future investments, it’s easier for her to cry and abandon a long-term project. She needs everything at once, in one bottle, without much effort. That’s why she lives alone for such a long time, finding sponsors for herself only for an hour... “Why should I inspire or guide anyone?” - a similar question is inherent in narrow-minded women. They will never understand that only thanks to a woman’s energy a man becomes what they want him to be. Yes, a man achieves a woman, but only thanks to her energy message. Yes, a man can become rich, but only THANKS to or even despite (in spite of) a woman!!! Yes, a man can love/appreciate/pamper, be the best - but all this is driven by his WOMAN!!! I am not belittling the role of men in all movements, but you, my dears, must understand that any man begins to move mountains when he is MOTIVATED by a woman. It’s like a female calling her male invitingly and he, breaking obstacles, rushes towards her and acts... In an active search, sitting on your butt straight, whining that there are no men and waiting by the sea for weather is, of course, the easiest way. Desperately sort through the dozens of potential suitors writing to you, who is richer and where the better option is, so as not to be left in the cold. And then, look, Masha grabbed a rich man for herself through correspondence, without even straining, now she lives with him and the children will soon be worse than me, right? Only you, dear, will never know, in fact, what personal weapon in the form of her energy Masha used in relation to her fiancé, thinking that she got everything for free... Your mistake is in envy and in the inability to understand that even a turnip itself If it doesn’t grow for itself, it needs to be planted! Men, especially wealthy ones, are far from idiots to waste their millions on empty chickens. Without giving your energy in return, you run the risk of being left in fools and splendid isolation. All the best.

Ideal mothers

Many women worry that they are not ideal mothers. But is it possible to achieve perfection in the difficult task of raising a child?

  1. I don't want to be a perfect mother. I just want to be a good mother for my beloved baby.
  2. On Instagram, all the mothers are well-groomed, with clean apartments and perfect hair and manicure. And my house is upside down, my hair is always disheveled and the child is again drawing something on the wallpaper. But I am real, and they are not!
  3. I am not ashamed to say that I am just learning to be a mother. I'm not Miss Perfect. I'm just on the way to understanding myself and my baby.
  4. I can’t imagine how some women manage to be such perfect mothers. Apparently their children are also ideal. Fortunately, I have an ordinary child and I love him for who he is, and do not try to seem like someone I am not.
  5. Dear young mothers! Don't try to be perfect! Think about yourself and don’t waste your energy on unimportant things.
  6. There are women who, in their quest to become ideal mothers, forget about their child. Are a picture on Instagram and a thousand likes really worth more than the time spent with your baby?
  7. You can't compare yourself to anyone. We must try to become a better mother than we were yesterday, learn something, learn more about our child. This way you will not become perfect. But you will become a wonderful mother for your little miracle!
  8. Yes, I'm not a perfect mom. Yes, I get angry and upset sometimes. Yes, sometimes I want to run away or cry into my pillow. But I'm not shy about talking about it. Because the only thing I am absolutely perfect at is the ability to tell the truth.
  9. Whatever you are, if you try hard enough and spend time with your baby, when he grows up, he will consider you the best mother in the world. Is there a person whose opinion is more important to you?
  10. There is no need to try to become a standard and correspond to all the stupid stereotypes. If you love your baby and do everything you can for him, you are already a good mother! And everything else is just the path to neurosis.
  11. Save strength for your baby! Don't try to be the perfect mom. They live only on Instagram and hide under a bunch of layers of Photoshop!

Being authentic and not striving to be perfect is a difficult task. Sometimes you may encounter misunderstanding and even condemnation from society. But the main task of any person is to know himself. And in attempts to correspond to fictitious beauty templates, this is not possible!

Aphorisms and quotes about ideals

We judge ourselves by our ideals; about others - by their actions. Harold Nicholson

Idealism increases in direct proportion to the distance to the problem. John Galsworthy

An idealist is a person who allows himself to be fed with beautiful words, even if they are wrapped in the dirtiest newsprint. Hot Petan

The reformer for whom the world is not good enough ends up with a man who is not good enough for the world. George Bernard Shaw

Ideals serve as blackmail. And they live thanks to blackmail. Karol Izhikowski

The ideal is a manner of grumbling. Paul Valéry

Please don't use that foreign word "ideal". Just say, in our words: “lie.” Henrik Ibsen

They die only for what is worth living for. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Hitch your wagon to a star. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The value of personality presupposes the existence of supra-personal values. Nikolay Berdyaev

Idealist: a person who, having noticed that a rose smells better than cabbage, concludes that the soup made from it tastes better. Henry Louis Mencken

Faith in a holy cause often replaces lost faith in oneself. Eric Hoffer

They say to me: “We need high ideals” in the same tone in which they say: “We need good finances.” Jean Rostand

There are idealists even in our world. There is only one way to save them - by marrying girls with a sensitive heart and a fairly large dowry. George Bernard Shaw

The truth is the same for everyone, but every nation has its own special lie, which it calls its ideals. Romain Rolland

An ideal is a manner of grumbling. Paul Valéry

Preaching the highest ideals serves nothing if one does not see a positive path to achieving them. Henri Barbusse

The ideal is nothing more than the culmination of logic, just as beauty is nothing more than the pinnacle of truth. Victor Marie Hugo

Pathetic is the one who lives without an ideal! Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

It is the absoluteness, and, consequently, the unattainability of the ideal that is the best guarantee of the infinity of movement towards it. S. Bulgakov

Between the ideal and reality, between the demands of conscience and reason and life, we have a huge gap, there is a terrible discord, and from this discord we become sick. S. Bulgakov

It can easily happen to someone who denies the ideal that he will mistake the vulgar for the beautiful. I. Goethe

Reality is always the embodiment of an ideal, and when we deny or change it, we do this because the ideal that we embodied in it no longer satisfies us - we have created another, better one in our imagination. M. Gorky

When nature deprived man of his ability to walk on all fours, she gave him, in the form of a staff, an ideal! And from then on, he unconsciously, instinctively strives for the best - ever higher! Make this striving conscious, teach people to understand that only in a conscious striving for the best is true happiness. M. Gorky

The ideal torments even the roughest natures. The savage who gets tattooed, smears himself with red and blue, sticks a fish bone into his nostril... is looking for something higher than what exists. T. Gauthier

Without ideals, that is, without at least somewhat defined desires for the best, no good reality can ever emerge. F. Dostoevsky

Every person, great or small, is a poet if he sees an ideal behind his actions. G. Ibsen

The ideal is within yourself. The obstacles to achieving it are within you. Your position is the material from which you must realize this ideal. T. Carlyle

The ideal is the realization of one's own Self. D. Moore

The ideal is movement: grief and happiness can equally open and close the path G. Plekhanov

Choose the one whose life and speech and even the face in which the soul is reflected are pleasant to you; and let him always be before your eyes, either as a bodyguard or as an example. We need someone to model our character after. Seneca

The most perfect of people can be considered the person who strives for perfection; The happiest of people can be considered the one who realizes that he is already achieving his goal. Socrates

Take the hero of ancient times as your model, observe him, follow him, catch up with him, overtake him - glory to you! A. Suvorov

The ideal is the guiding star. Without it there is no direction, and without direction there is no life. L. Tolstoy

The coincidence of the line of life with the line of the ideal is happiness... L. Tolstoy

Our ideal is not a disembodied, abstract being; our ideal is an integral, real, comprehensive, perfect, educated person. L. Feuerbach

Only the consciousness of common tasks and ultimate ideals makes a person persistent and consistent. S. Frank

The spirit inevitably strives upward - towards ideals. Cicero

We are fascinated by everything in which our ideal, goal and object of our desires and our love are manifested. N. Chernyshevsky

As far as I know people, I am convinced that there is hidden within them aspirations for an ideal far beyond anything that has ever come to the surface. Just as the spring that comes out of the earth is only a small part of an invisible stream, the idealism that we observe is only a small part of the idealism that people carry within themselves in a bound or barely manifested form. Untie what is connected, bring underground water to the surface! Humanity is waiting for someone who will do this work. A. Schweitzer

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  • Ideal – aphorisms and quotes
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