Statuses to spite enemies and envious people. About enemies statuses

Phrases about enemies

  1. There is no need to hate your enemies. After all, unnecessary emotions only interfere with thinking.
  2. Look carefully where your opponent is aiming. Often his own weak point is located there.
  3. Maybe I would give my delicious dinner to an ill-wisher. But is it possible to attack them all?
  4. If you can’t defeat your enemy alone, then you should use another strategy and defeat him with numbers.
  5. Who is the enemy? This is a person we know better than our loved ones and friends.
  6. There is no need to boast that you have no enemies; This only happens to complete nonentities.
  7. The person who is lenient towards his opponents actually deprives himself of mercy.
  8. If someone reliably knows about the presence of danger, but continues to remain silent, consider him your enemy.
  9. It is much harder to be at enmity with your own people than with strangers.
  10. If someone wants to make peace with an enemy, this always indicates his fatigue from confrontation, fear of failure and desire to achieve a more advantageous position.
  11. Do you want to know how many enemies you have? Count your slaves.
  12. If your friend begins to antagonize you, know that he is absolutely no different from an enemy.
  13. Much more dangerous than an enemy is a loved one who has become your sworn enemy.
  14. There is no need to assume that an exhausted enemy cannot harm you. This is the same as thinking that a spark cannot start a big fire.
  15. Offerings and gifts from enemies are always harmful.
  16. If a person points out your imperfections and mistakes, this is your spiritual teacher. If he always sees the good in you and notices the right actions, he is your close friend. But if someone flatters you, have no doubt, this is your enemy.
  17. Particularly irreconcilable can be the confrontation between those who were once close.
  18. Your worst enemy is yourself.
  19. A secret confrontation is always much more dangerous than an open one.
  20. A person who offends another cannot be called an enemy. An enemy is a scoundrel who commits evil deliberately.
  21. Often people are so similar to their own enemies that with a clear conscience they can be buried in the same mass grave.
  22. Why should you never trust your enemy? It's very simple: he is exactly the same person as you.
  23. If a person wants to rise, he will certainly have to make enemies for himself.
  24. Which ill-wishers should you be most wary of? Not the big ones, but the smallest ones - their plans are always distinguished by the greatest insidiousness.
  25. It is quite possible for a person to make promises - but only those that he will be able to fulfill in the future. After all, in this case he will have a chance to triumph over his ill-wishers.

About loving enemies and keeping peace

20 instructions from St. Silouan of Athos

1. Everyone wants to have peace, but does not know how to achieve it. Paisius the Great became irritated and asked the Lord to deliver him from his irritability. The Lord appeared to him and said: “Paisius, if you want not to be irritated, then do not wish for anything, do not judge or hate anyone, and you will not be irritated.” So every person, if he cuts off his will before God and people, will always be at peace in his soul, but whoever loves to do his will will never be at peace.

2. The Holy Spirit teaches the soul unspeakable love for the people and pity for all the lost. The Lord took pity on the lost and sent His Only Begotten Son to save them; and the Holy Spirit teaches the same pity for the lost who go to hell. And whoever has not acquired the Holy Spirit does not want to pray for his enemies.

3. Both commandments of Christ - about love for God and about love for neighbor, constitute one life, and therefore if anyone imagines that he lives in God and loves God, but hates his brother, he is in error. So the second commandment gives us the opportunity to check how truly we live in the true God.

4. Those who hate and reject their brother are curtailed in their being, and they have not known the true God, Who is all-encompassing love, and have not found the path to Him.

5. The Lord commanded to love enemies, and whoever loves enemies becomes like the Lord; but it is possible to love your enemies only by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and therefore, as soon as someone offends you, pray to God for him, and then you will maintain peace in your soul and the grace of God.

6. It is a great thing before God to pray for those who offend and insult us; for this the Lord will give grace, and you will come to know the Lord by the Holy Spirit, and then you will joyfully endure all sorrows for Him, and the Lord will give you love for the whole world, and you will fervently wish the best for everyone, and you will pray for everyone as if you were your own. soul.

7. If, after a spiritual state perceived as contemplation and communion with God, there is no love for enemies, and therefore for all creation, then this is a sure indicator that the contemplation was not genuine, that is, not in the true God.

8. If the fruit of contemplation “on return” was pride and indifference to the fate of the world and man, then, undoubtedly, this was false. So, the truth or deception of contemplation is known by its fruits.

9. Judging by the Scriptures and the character of the present people, we are living in the last days, and yet we must preserve spiritual peace within ourselves, without which we cannot be saved, as the great prayer book of the Russian land, St. Seraphim, said.

10. If kings and rulers of nations knew the love of God, they would never fight. War is sent for sins, not for love. The Lord created us out of love and commanded us to live in love and glorify Him.

11. If leaders kept and observed the commandments of the Lord, and the people and subordinates obeyed them in humility, then there would be great peace and joy on earth, but for the sake of the lust for power and disobedience of the proud, the whole universe suffers.

12. If we get used to fervently praying for our enemies and loving them, then peace will always abide in our souls, and if we hate or condemn our brother, then our mind will be darkened, and we will lose peace and boldness towards God.

13. The Monk Paisius the Great prayed for his disciple, who had renounced Christ, and while he was praying, the Lord appeared to him and said: “Paisius, for whom are you praying; after all, he denied Me?” but the Reverend continued to feel sorry for his disciple, and then the Lord said to him: “Paisio, you have become like Me in love.” This is how peace is acquired, and there is no other way except this. If someone prays and fasts a lot, but does not have love for his enemies, then he cannot have peace of mind.

14. A brother must be admonished meekly, with love. The world is lost if the soul becomes vain, or exalts itself in front of a brother, or condemns someone, or admonishes a brother, but not meekly and not with love.

15. It is necessary to judge so that a person corrects himself, and one must have pity on every soul, all creation and all creation of God, and oneself must have a clear conscience in everything, and then there will be great peace in the soul and mind. Let us live in peace and love, and then the Lord will listen to us and give us whatever we ask that is useful.

16. It is difficult for a boss and regrettable if people do not obey him, but in order to maintain peace, he must remember that although people are disobedient, the Lord still loves them and died in suffering for their salvation, and one must pray earnestly for them and then the Lord will give prayer to the one who prays, and you will know from experience how the mind of the one who prays has boldness and love for God, and although you are a sinful person, the Lord will give you to taste the fruits of prayer, and if you get used to praying for your subordinates, then you will have greatness in your soul peace and love.

17. An irritable person himself suffers great suffering from an evil spirit. He suffers this torment for his pride. The subordinate, whoever he is, must know this and pray for his boss, who is sick in soul, and then the Lord, seeing his patience, will give him (the subordinate) forgiveness of sins and constant prayer.

18. It is impossible for the soul to have peace if we do not ask the Lord with all our might to love all people. The Lord knew that if we do not love our enemies, there will be no peace in our souls, and therefore he gave us the commandment: “Love your enemies.” If we do not love our enemies, then only at times the soul will be as if calm, but if we love our enemies, then peace will remain in the soul day and night.

19. He who loves God with the Holy Spirit certainly loves all of God’s creation, and above all man. He knew this love as a gift of the Holy Spirit; he perceived it as an action of God descending from above; and on the contrary, he experienced complete immersion in God, which came through the power of gracious love for his neighbor.

20. God is love, absolute love, which in abundance embraces all creation. God is present in hell as love. The Holy Spirit, giving a person, to the extent of his capacity, to effectively know this love, thereby opens for him the path to the fullness of being.

Sayings about enemies and friends

As for the statuses about the enemy and the friend, one can see in them the opposition of these hypostases.

  1. Who can be a better friend than an exhausted enemy, and the worst of enemies than an envious friend?
  2. Friends are always dear to us, because they illuminate the path of life. However, we must remember that enemies can also be useful - they show us our shortcomings.
  3. Whoever hangs out with you only for the sake of benefits is not a dear friend, but an evil, insidious enemy.
  4. As a rule, an enemy is a former friend.
  5. If your friend hangs out with your opponent, forget about friendship.
  6. This man had no enemies. However, the friends he had simply hated him.
  7. You need to be courteous to both friend and enemy. After all, if you are good in your relationship with a friend, this will strengthen the friendship. If you can charm your enemy, you will find another friend.
  8. What are the good things about ill-wishers? The fact that they will always tell the truth straight to the face. Unlike friends who are constantly afraid of offending us.
  9. Why, when I asked the Higher Powers to save me from evil enemies, did my friends begin to disappear from my life?
  10. Two to watch out for. First of all, a strong opponent; secondly, a cunning and treacherous friend.
  11. The older a person gets, the more difficult it is to understand who is really next to you: a friend or an enemy.
  12. A person must certainly have enemies. Otherwise, this role in his life will gradually be occupied by friends.
  13. When friends say too many good things to you, it's easy to start doubting their honesty. But when your enemies envy you, you can never doubt the truth of their feelings.
  14. We often think much more about our enemies than about our closest friends.
  15. It is always much easier to hate your enemy than to love your friend with dignity.
  16. Often, enemies turn out to be much more dangerous than friends. After all, we always avoid enemies, and in front of friends we keep our hearts wide open.
  17. If a person is afraid of enemies, it is unlikely that he will ever be able to make true friends.
  18. Do you have no enemies or enemies? Perhaps exactly the same situation awaits you in relation to your friends.

Popular statuses about envious people

  • With every success I have, somewhere my enemy dies.
  • The enemy is immediately visible by a feigned smile.
  • I feel sorry for my enemies, they have a big problem - ME!
  • I had a friend, but as soon as I became happy, he immediately turned into an enemy.
  • I don't have one, I have them!
  • Sometimes a person's worst enemy is himself.
  • Only enemies always tell each other the truth.
  • Enemies are unpleasant individuals.

To make it easier to deal with them, you can use original statuses about enemies:

  • Remember, if you have enemies and envious people, it means you live very well!
  • Former friend - new enemy...
  • God, grant my friends and enemies all that they wish for me. Only four times more.
  • There are no good or bad people. There are only friends and strangers. We can forgive our people everything, even very bad things. But we cannot forgive even good things to strangers.
  • Enemies do not deserve a place even in our thoughts.

Enemies and understanding ourselves

Statuses about enemies with meaning are often dedicated to the role that the enemy actually plays in the process of a person’s formation and self-development.

  1. Sometimes enemies are given to us in order to better understand ourselves.
  2. The level of anger in society is off the charts. But if a person tries to devalue the good that is in another, he becomes his own worst enemy.
  3. There are people who are much more useful to have among your ill-wishers than among your friends.
  4. It is very easy to see enemies in everyone around you. After all, this position makes it possible to blame anyone for your troubles, but not yourself.
  5. Sometimes a person creates the image of an enemy for himself. To escape from those problems that are truly significant.
  6. There is no need to look for enemies outside. It is better to pay attention to the Evil that is in ourselves and fight against it.
  7. Enemies are nothing more than a shadow of a person. The longer and darker this shadow, the more majestic the person.
  8. There is no better stimulant and motivator than an enemy.
  9. Don't neglect your own opponent. He always notices your shortcomings faster than others - which means it will be much easier to deal with them.

Serious and funny statuses about enemies and envious people

  • Former friends can always become your worst enemies.
  • Sometimes only the enemy can tell you the truth to your face.
  • A person who is often jealous of others kills himself every day.
  • You won't know in advance who fate will bring you together with. Who will become a friend, who will become an enemy, and who will become a passerby, just like that...
  • If there are only envious people around you, you can rejoice, your life is brighter than theirs.
  • Be afraid of betrayal by friends, because enemies do not betray.

If enemies are bothering you in life, don't despair. Use enemy statuses against them.

  • I am not afraid of my enemies; I prefer not to communicate with fools at all.
  • Be kind to your enemies and they will never defeat you.
  • The best defense against enemies is a smile.
  • God forbid you have an ex-girlfriend around you...
  • Smile more often, it pleases your friends, it hurts your enemies!
  • My enemies are extremely good... on skewers)
  • I asked God to remove all my enemies, but for some reason half of my friends disappeared along with them.

Some funny sayings

You can also find funny statuses about enemies. They explore the theme of confrontation from a humorous point of view.

  1. Of course, we do not need to forgive our enemies - God will completely forgive them. Our goal is only to work hard to organize their meeting.
  2. Once upon a time, an ancient sage was beaten by ill-wishers, but he did not take revenge. They asked him: “Sage, what’s wrong with you?” He replied: “I am too wise to confront you. My disciples will beat you.”
  3. The main task in war is not to die for the Fatherland. And to make sure that the enemy had to die for the Fatherland.
  4. Love those who hate you. And they will go crazy when they try to understand what you are up to.
  5. What could be more terrible than an enemy in wartime? - Stupid commander.

Features of reading prayers

An Orthodox believer cannot imagine his existence without communication with the Creator. This relationship is accomplished through prayer. It is important to clearly know how to pray for your enemies and ill-wishers. There are certain recommendations for this.

Being the main component link in the chain of the Orthodox religion, prayer connects the Lord with people and contributes to the elevation of the human spirit.

When starting church life, most believers perceive prayer as a tool that will help fulfill all desires. It is human nature to demand well-being from the Creator in exchange for the promise of a pious life and observance of the Lord's commandments. Such relationships are a kind of barter. Good behavior in return for fulfillment of desires. But this is completely wrong.

The perception of such a widespread approach is unacceptable for Orthodoxy. The importance of prayer is valuable not for the Creator, but for the human soul. The omnipresent Creator knows the thoughts of every person. Therefore, the main purpose of prayer is to create a spiritual connection between a person and the Lord. Let's consider the features of reading prayers.

The importance of purity of thoughts

When reading a prayer that mentions enemies and ill-wishers, it is important to wish these people all the best. And specifically for them, and not for themselves personally. Such rules apply not only to prayers, but also to everyday things and spiritual gifts. Therefore, a believer should wish happiness to those close to him.

There are special prayers that include listing the names of everyone affected by the appeal. When visiting a temple, you can leave notes on which you need to write a list of names. The great power of such church commemoration has long been known.

It is necessary to pray not because the Lord is unaware of human needs. It is important to ask that the soul be saved. Therefore, the requests mention the wish for eternal life.

Let's sum it up

Christian truths are impressive in their depth. Orthodox prayers teach how to treat enemies. Great wisdom lies in the ability to forgive offenses, as Jesus demonstrated to humanity the great gift of forgiveness. And awaits its manifestation from every true Christian.

Evil should not defile the human soul, destroying it after exposure to negative energy. Therefore, it is important to be able to turn to the Creator with a request to forgive ill-wishers and grant them prosperity.

There are special prayers for enemies at work. They protect a person from the negativity of others. In today's cruel world it is so easy to offend each other.

Prayer texts about ill-wishers can be addressed to the Creator, the Mother of God and the holy apostles. When reading such appeals, it is necessary to create an appropriate environment. If the prayer is said at home, you need to place an icon in front of you and light a lamp.

The main rules for turning to the Creator are purity of thoughts and absence of malice.

It's not just the beautiful and happy who become heroes of gossip

If people are gossiping about you, it means you are on the right track. Nevertheless, the status “envy of people” is still worth establishing.

  1. I don't want to know whether your smiles are false or not. I just want to live the way I live now.
  2. You can envy me as much as you want. But only silently, please, silently.
  3. We can admit anything, but not that we gossip. But it’s not that we envy.
  4. Have you ever heard the phrase about gossips and fly? So, it is still relevant!
  5. When I envy, I think: what else can I do to get at least the same thing? And so do you.
  6. You know, I'll give you a gift for your birthday. A book. So you know what to do instead of discussing me.
  7. Being unhappy is not beneficial for others: then little by little you begin to envy.
  8. Many great things are considered abnormal. Who are they considered? First of all, losers.
  9. Why slander others? Yes, because it’s easier than just thinking about how useless your life is...
  10. Washing bones together is often confused with friendship. That's how it is with us.
  11. Don't judge me. You are long past school age, and judging by your intelligence, you don’t really look like a teacher.
  12. You know, if a person feels good, he doesn’t care about gossip. He begins to notice them only when things go downhill.
  13. I look at some people and I understand: you don’t have to be me to know how I’m doing.
  14. If people say nasty things about you behind your back, you are worth something.

Keep your friends close to you and your enemies closer

Quotes about enemies will guide you on the right path that will lead you to victory in the confrontation.

  1. Should you forgive your enemy? God will forgive him! And your task is to arrange this meeting
  2. If you have opponents, it means that you once managed to defend something in your life.
  3. You shouldn’t hate those who tell the truth face to face - such people will never stab you in the back
  4. Every strong, persistent and purposeful person has ill-wishers. So their presence in your life speaks more about your strengths than about your weaknesses.
  5. A person carries his worst enemy inside himself.
  6. You shouldn’t boast that you have no enemies - this only happens to complete insignificance
  7. Enemies are the shadow of a person's personality. And the more significant the person, the longer this shadow
  8. Beware of a humbled enemy
  9. If you want to defeat the enemy, take away not his courage, but his hope
  10. I dream of throwing flowers at my enemies. In a coffin
  11. If your enemy praises you, it means you did something stupid
  12. A thousand enemies outside the walls of a house are not as dangerous as just one - inside
  13. You shouldn’t completely trust a person who has no opponents at all.
  14. Do not lament that you have enemies, remember that it could have been worse: your enemies could have turned out to be your friends
  15. Sometimes you have to overcome your disgust for the enemy - suddenly you need to devour him
  16. When the opponent rubs his hands, it means the right moment has come. Don't miss it and give free rein to your hands
  17. If you want to defeat your enemy, raise his children
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