Free fragment – ​​Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world

Even fear is softened by habit.

If you cannot escape death, at least die with glory.

A true friend is known in misfortune.

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.

He who brags to those who know him deservedly laughs at himself.

You will almost always achieve more with affection than with brute force.

People who leave their fatherland for foreign lands are not respected in a foreign land, but are shunned in their homeland.

Many, for their own benefit, are ready to confirm any fables with a false oath.

Not a single good deed, no matter how small, is wasted.

One swallow does not make spring.

Self-deception can lead to self-destruction.

Fate is changeable, and it usually changes only for the worse.

The consolation for the unfortunate is to have companions in misfortune.


551–479 BC uh

A noble man lives in harmony with everyone, but a low man seeks his own kind.

A noble husband thinks about what is right. A low person thinks about what is profitable.

Let neither friendship blind you to the shortcomings of your friend, nor hatred to the good qualities of your friend.

It is enough that the words express the meaning.

A worthy person does not follow in the footsteps of other people.

A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.

The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.

When you don’t know words, there’s no way to get to know people.

He who repeats the old and learns the new can be a leader.

Delacroix E.

Greece, on the ruins of Missolonghi

It's easy to be rich and not boast about it; It's hard to be poor and not complain.

A wise man is ashamed of his shortcomings, but is not ashamed to correct them.

Observe a person’s behavior, delve into the reasons for his actions, look closely at him during leisure hours. Will he then remain a mystery to you?

Changes do not occur only with the highest wisdom and the lowest stupidity.

Without knowing fate, you cannot become a noble husband.

Without mastering decency, you will not establish yourself.

Visiting and listening to evil people is already the beginning of an evil deed.

A respectful son is one who upsets his father and mother only with his illness.

The word by which you can live your whole life is indulgence.

Those who do not think about distant difficulties will certainly face near-term troubles.

A scholar seeking the truth, but ashamed of poor clothing and rough food! What else is there to talk about!

Learning without reflection is useless, but reflection without learning is also dangerous.


c.540–c.480 BC uh

Immortals are mortal, mortals are immortal; They live by each other's death, they die by each other's life.

Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears.

Let us not guess at random about the greatest.

Trusting unreasonable sensations is a characteristic of rude souls.

If a blind person were asked what vision is, he would answer that it is blindness.

If happiness consisted only in bodily pleasures, we would call the oxen happy if they found peas to eat.

Sometimes even a pile of rubbish, scattered at random, can yield something beautiful.

Animals, living with us, become tame, and people, communicating with each other, become wild.

From diversity comes perfect harmony.

When we live, our souls are dead; when we die, our souls come to life.

Much knowledge does not teach intelligence.

People's opinions are child's play.

We enter and do not exit into the same river, we are the same and not the same.

Self-will should be extinguished sooner than a fire.

It is difficult to fight anger: for everything he wants, you pay with your life. Dealing with pleasure is even more difficult than fighting anger.

The mind is a god for everyone.

Lao Tzu

VI–V centuries BC uh

The trouble of the whole world comes from little things, just as great things come from small things.

The voice of truth is disgusting to hear.

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