Quotes from the tragedy “Faust” (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

The drama “Faust” is long and difficult to understand. Quotes from it are popular. Faust tells the story of a man who was a scientist obsessed with his research. But then he became disillusioned with both science and life, and entered into an agreement with Mephistopheles. The devil promised to help him during his life, and after death to take him to himself. Faust agreed.

And then his path is outlined, accompanied by Mephistopheles, who helps Faust achieve his goal - to experience life in its highest moments. The play “Faust” was staged only once during the author’s lifetime. Quotes from it are often given.

Scenes that everyone knows

The girl leaves the church, where she was absolved of her sins, but Faust immediately said: “I will take away this beloved beauty in my arms today.”

If desired, quotes from the work “Faust” are pulled out like strings. The character does not even think about the immorality of his actions. And Margarita, who is only fourteen years old, a simple and pure soul, a sparkling and shimmering pearl hidden under a rough shell, has a presentiment of evil.

Having met Gretchen, Faust immediately rushes to attack. Poor Gretchen asks herself: “What happened to me? I feel like I’m in a daze.” This is all the lyrical “Faust” by Goethe, quotes about love that will end tragically. After all, only Margarita loved, and she struck Faust as a phenomenon without affecting his soul. In the second part he doesn’t even remember her.

Quotes from the tragedy “Faust” (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)


Where there is no gut feeling, you won’t be able to help later.
The price for such efforts is a copper penny. Only sermons with sincere flight can be a good mentor in faith, And the one who is poor in thought and assiduous, Sprinkles in vain retelling Phrases borrowed from everywhere, Limiting the whole matter to excerpts. He, perhaps, will create authority Among children and fools of the narrow-minded, But without a soul and high thoughts, there are no Living paths from heart to heart. <…> Learn to honestly achieve success and attract thanks to your intelligence. And the trinkets, loud as an echo, are fake and no one needs. And too old to know only fun, And too young not to desire at all.

Parchments do not quench thirst. The key to wisdom is not on the pages of books. Whoever strives for the secrets of life with every thought, finds their spring in his soul.

Our liveliest and best dreams perish amid the bustle of life.

Only those who can apply the inheritance to life are worthy of inheriting. But the one who accumulates dead rubbish is pathetic. Whatever the moment gives birth to is for our benefit.

Stop, just a moment, you are wonderful!

Only he is worthy of life and freedom, Who goes to battle for them every day.

Desire has always struggled with reason, Contentment does not save you from fantasies, There is monotony in the usual happiness, Give people the sun - they will want to go to the pole.

Manage yourself, make a decision, Even at the cost of destruction.

We drape in every way Our lack of will, cowardice, weakness, laziness. The burden serves as a screen for compassion, And conscience, and any rubbish.

There is no use in what is known, only the unknown is needed.

We drape in every way Our lack of will, cowardice, weakness, laziness. The burden serves as a screen for compassion, And conscience, and any rubbish.

You are entirely faithful to one string and are not affected by another illness, but two souls live in me, and both are at odds with each other. One, like the passion of love, is ardent and greedily clings to the ground entirely, the other is all behind the clouds and would rush out of the body. Oh, if it were not for the kingdom of dreams, but in fact the heavenly whirlwind took me somewhere into the world of a new unknown life! Oh, if I took the magic cloak, I would fly anywhere! “I would rather have royal robes and powers than this traveling cloak.”

What are the difficulties when we interfere with and harm ourselves.

But again there is lack of will, and decline, and lethargy in thoughts, and confusion. How often does this disorder come after enlightenment!

We are unable to overcome gray boredom, the hunger of the heart is mostly alien to us, and we consider everything that is above everyday needs to be an idle chimera.

Let happy fate and unhappy fate alternate throughout the entire century. Man finds himself in tirelessness all the time.

I wake up in the morning with a shudder and almost cry, knowing in advance that the day will pass, deaf to my desires, and will not lead to their fulfillment.

But pathetic is the one who accumulates dead rubbish. Whatever the moment gives birth to is for our benefit.

Only from the soul should speech strive, To touch and captivate people’s hearts with true, genuine charm!

Whoever wants to act must forget peace.

Without a soul and high thoughts, there are no living paths from heart to heart.

Ah, two souls live in my aching chest, alien to each other, and long for separation!

So this is what it is, your work is venerable! Having failed to get along with the universe as a whole, are you harming it in small ways?

A blind man who proudly rushes around with dreams, Who is looking for our equals behind the clouds! stand firmly here and watch everything around you: for the practical, this world is not dumb.


It wouldn't be worth a damn to be just a devil without the devils

Well, here's the show for you! Eh, really, it’s a shame! It's hard for Satan to get involved with a fool.

No matter how bad the environment, everyone is alike, And man is unthinkable without people.

I would be glad to go to hell, If only I weren’t a devil myself!

Use your time profitably, You need to study according to the system. First, I want to oblige you to take a logic course. Your mind, untouched until now, will be taught discipline, so that it takes the direction of the axis, without wandering at random. What you are used to doing at home In one fell swoop, at random, How people drink or eat, You will be divided into three steps And into subject and predicate. In the brain, as in a manufactory, there are threads and knots. Sending the wrong figure Threatens to confuse the shuttles.

Appreciate time: days go by forever!

It's all about natural rights. And they are trampled into dust.

Go, eccentric, trumpeting about your genius! What would become of your bragging importance, If only you knew: there is no small thought that was not known before you!

Everyone involuntarily believes in the one who is most arrogant.

You are what you are. Put on a wig with a million curls, Raise your heels a few inches, You are just you, nothing else.

A cost-free way to survive without witches and grandmothers for a long time. Cultivate a field or garden, start digging or hoeing. Close the work in a tight circle. Find satisfaction in them. All your life feed on the fruits of your hands, following the cattle in humility. Get up with the cows early in the morning, Sweat and don’t be ashamed of the manure - Metamorphosis will rejuvenate you by eighty years.

...So who are you, finally? “I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good.”

Fools are content with seeing the meaning in every word.

Cats need a live mouse; you can’t tempt them with a dead one.

They do not understand, like small children, that happiness does not fly into the mouth. I would give them the philosopher's stone - a philosopher is missing.

Whoever has more power is right. No one will ask: “Whose wealth? Where did you get it and at what cost? War, trade and piracy are three types of the same essence.

To be afraid of grief is to not know happiness.

Unhappy lovers! Refusal is not a lesson for you. You are happy without an answer to look, with your neck twisted, after the object.

He who has lived for a long time has early experience and does not expect anything new in his declining days. During the years of numerous wanderings I met crystallized people.

It is always easy to put meaningless speech into words. From bare words, angry and arguing, they erect buildings of theories. Faith is only alive in words. How can you deny words?

A large number of simple minds Live by building houses of cards, Although during their lifetime even the most persistent Rarely completes the construction.

You are slim and in all your beauty, your appearance is arrogant, your gaze is distracted. Everyone involuntarily believes in the one who is most arrogant.

Abandoned in the distance, the native land is always in the distance of roads, like paradise.

I am a spirit always accustomed to deny. And with reason: nothing is needed. There is no thing in the world that is worth mercy, Creation is no good.

No, it's better to trust only yourself. Where are the ghosts, your man is a philosopher. He conquers with the depth of his questions, He destroys everything, but after all the scoldings, He opens up the darkness with new prejudices. Whoever has not lost his mind will not come to his senses, And if you are not a pathetic little struggler, Arise yourself, develop your wits!

I modestly expressed only the truth, without a doubt. After all, it’s only you, your absurd little world, who considers it to be everything, the center of all creation!

I'm not omniscient, I'm just sophisticated.

I am loyal to the humble truth. Only your human arrogance with bold conceit considers itself to be a whole instead of a part. I am a part of a part that was once everything and produced light. This light is a product of the darkness of the night and took away its place from itself. He won't get along with her, no matter how much he wants to. Its destiny is the surface of solid bodies. He is chained to them, connected with their fate, Only with their help can he be himself, And there is hope that when the bodies Destroy, he too will burn to the ground.

The way you entered is the way you come out.

What happened before is here: The whole world, loving only games and fun, In the end - one huge buffoon.

He who has fallen in love with stupidity is ready: He will give away the luminaries and constellations for fireworks - for the beauty's fun!



External brilliance is designed for a moment, but the truth passes into generations


When a gardener plants a tree, the fruit is known to the gardener in advance.

He who seeks is forced to wander.


The grain of science is buried under a layer of dust. Those who are not wise, the path is open to them without their efforts.


The reality of life is my idol. What could be more indisputable? Today, however, the outside world is fundamentally unacceptable to me.


Desires have always fought with reason, Contentment does not save you from fantasies, There is monotony in the usual happiness, Give people the sun, they will want to go to the pole.


All experience, experience! Experience is nonsense. Experience will not cover the value of the spirit. Everything that we have managed to find out so far is not worth searching for and is not worth knowing.


And whoever is not able to rule over himself wants to rule over his neighbors.


Students live, contrary to lessons, with their own minds.


Anyone who wants the impossible is dear to me.


In everything big there is gradualness, and not suddenness and instantaneity.

When you act among small ones, you become smaller, but among large ones you grow.


At least people pay with their own skin. Tyrants don't get smarter.


Existence on land Leads to insignificance, to soullessness


He who is blinded by the gods is pure in soul.


Our heart is only with those who speak from the heart.


Goethe and his Faust


The name of the greatest German poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749–1832) belongs to the best names that humanity is proud of.

A great national poet, an ardent patriot, an educator of his people in the spirit of humanism and boundless faith in a better future on our land - this is how Goethe is regarded by all Germans who sincerely strive to create a united, democratic, peace-loving Germany.

Goethe is undoubtedly one of the most complex phenomena in the history of German literature. The position he took in the struggle between two cultures - and they are inevitably contained in the “national” culture of any society divided into classes - is not free from deep contradictions. The ideologists of the reactionary camp tendentiously selected and continue to select individual quotes from the poet’s vast literary heritage, with the help of which they try to proclaim Goethe a mystic, an agnostic, even “an opponent of the national unification of the Germans.”

But these slander cannot, of course, shake the dignity and lasting glory of the poet.

If only the eye were not sunny,

How could he see the sun,

Goethe once said. The eyes of modern advanced humanity are “sunny” enough to discern the “sunny” nature of Goethe’s work, the progressive essence of the idea that animates his immortal dramatic poem.

Having strengthened his worldwide significance with the creation of Faust, Goethe is least of all “the author of one book.” Yes, this would not be reconciled with the main feature of his personality - its amazing universality.

The greatest Western European lyricist, in whose poems German poetry first spoke in the relaxed language of simple and strong human feelings, Goethe was at the same time the author of well-known ballads (“The Forest King”, “The Corinthian Bride”, etc.), dramas and epic poems and, finally, , a remarkable novelist who soulfully depicted in “The Sorrows of Young Werther”, in “Wilhelm Meister”, in “Poetry and Truth” the spiritual life of a number of generations of the German people.

However, even such a diverse and rich literary activity does not exhaust the significance of Goethe. “Goethe represents, perhaps, the only example in the history of human thought of a combination of a great poet, a deep thinker and an outstanding scientist in one person,” K. A. Timiryazev wrote about him. Goethe's research and scientific interests included geology and mineralogy, optics and botany, zoology, anatomy and osteology; and in each of these areas of natural science he developed the same independent innovative activity as in poetry.

In such universality of Goethe, most of his biographers wanted to see only the concern of the “great Olympian” for the comprehensive harmonious development of his own personality. But Goethe was not such an “Olympian”, indifferent to the needs and aspirations of the common people. Otherwise, how would such statements of the poet be combined with this, such as: “The fall of thrones and kingdoms does not touch me; a burned peasant yard is the true tragedy,” or the words of Faust from the famous scene “At the Gates”:

And in the distance in a clearing

Men are dancing in the village.

As a person, I am all with them:

I have the right to be him only here.

Goethe's appeal to various literary genres and scientific disciplines is closely connected with his ardent desire to resolve, on the basis of increasingly extensive experience, the question that constantly occupied him: how should a person live, zealous for a higher goal? Not tranquility, but struggle, a persistent search for truth in all available ways and means - this is what Goethe’s universality actually meant. While studying natural science, entering, as the poet put it, “in silent communication with boundless, silently speaking nature,” inquisitively delving into its “open secrets,” Goethe firmly hoped to comprehend at the same time the “mystery” (that is, the laws) of the historical existence of mankind.

Another thing is that the path that Goethe took in search of the “highest truth” was not a direct path. “Whoever seeks is forced to wander,” says the “Prologue in Heaven,” which opens “Faust.” Goethe could not help but “wander” - not make mistakes, not sometimes give incorrect assessments of the most important events of the century and the driving forces of the world-historical process - if only because all his activities took place in an extremely unfavorable historical situation, in the conditions of the wretched German reality of the late 18th - early XIX century.

Unlike his Russian contemporary and former classmate at the University of Leipzig, A. N. Radishchev, who philosophically generalized the experience of peasant uprisings, which were so rich in the history of Russia in the 18th century, Goethe had to reckon with the futility of the people's revolution in the then Germany. He had to “exist in a living environment that he had to despise, and yet be chained to it as the only one in which he could act...” [1].

Hence the flawed aspects in Goethe's worldview; hence the duality inherent in his work and his personality. “...Goethe in his works has an ambivalent attitude towards the German society of his time,” wrote F. Engels. - Then... he rebels against him, like Getz, Prometheus and Faust, showers him with the bitter ridicule of Mephistopheles. Then he, on the contrary, gets closer to him, “adapts” to him... protects him from the historical movement pressing on him... there is a constant struggle in him between the brilliant poet, who was disgusted by the squalor of his environment, and the prudent son of a Frankfurt patrician, the venerable Weimar secret an adviser who sees himself forced to conclude a truce with this wretchedness and adapt to it. Thus, Goethe is sometimes colossally great, sometimes small; sometimes he is a rebellious, mocking genius who despises the world, sometimes he is a cautious, contented, narrow-minded philistine. And Goethe was unable to defeat German squalor; on the contrary, it defeats him; and this victory of wretchedness over the greatest German is the best proof that “from within” it cannot be defeated at all” [2].

But Goethe, of course, would not have been Goethe, would not have been the “greatest German” if he had not at times managed to win glorious victories over the German squalor that surrounded him, if in other cases he had not been able to rise above his environment, fighting for a better life and better ideals:

I was a man in the world,

This means he was a fighter! —

the poet spoke about himself in the decline of his life.

As a young man - following Lessing and in close collaboration with his comrades in the literary movement of “sturm und drang” - he rebelled against provincial German society, thundered against the “wrong power” in “Prometheus” (1774), in his rebellious odes, in “Goetz von Berlichingen" (1773), this "dramatic eulogy to the memory of a revolutionary", as F. Engels defined it.

A call for the renewal of German revolutionary traditions of the 16th century, when “German peasants and plebeians conceived ideas and plans that quite often lead to shudder and horror in their descendants” [3], for the violent abolition of the feudal fragmentation of Germany (then numbering more than three hundred independent principalities) and towards the creation of a single centralized German state - such are the political tendencies of Goethe's dramatic firstborn, this truly national historical drama. It is not surprising that the young author of Goetz von Berlichingen became the most popular writer in Germany.

It was not all-German, but worldwide fame that brought the young Goethe his second major work - “The Sorrows of Young Werther,” a novel in which the author with great force showed the tragic fate of an advanced person in Germany at that time, all the disastrousness of the continued existence of feudal orders for society and for the individual .

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Large courtyard in front of the
Torch Palace.
(as a caretaker, in front)
Here, here! Bolder, more friendly, Trembling lemurs [*], From veins, and ligaments, and bones, Intertwined figures!

(in chorus)
Everywhere, we are always behind you! Do you command, without a doubt, to expand the Lord's domain with a new country? We brought stakes with us and a chain for measure with us. What should we do? Why did we go? We ourselves forgot about that.


The work will be easy this time! Take yourself as the measure: Let the one who is the longest of you lie down, And the rest - remove the turf around And, as everyone does to their fathers, Dig a square in the ground under it. The house is cramped from the palace! People always end up with this kind of nonsense.

(swarming, singing with antics)
When I was young and ardent, Everything seemed sweet to me; Where there was a feast, there was a column of smoke, I was drawn there. But evil old age grabbed me with its stick, - And suddenly I stumbled over a coffin. Where are you from, grave?

(groping out of the palace, at the doorposts)
How the ringing of shovels caresses my ear! Here the whole crowd fulfills my plan: It puts a limit on the sea wave, Reconciles the earth with itself, Creates a strict boundary for the sea.

Only everything will benefit us! Both the pier and the dune are in vain here: You yourself are preparing for Neptune, the Monkfish[*], a glorious feast! No matter how hard you work, the results are bad! After all, the elements are with us. The whole world awaits destruction.






Pile up pile upon pile of workers here; Use bait, pay and reward, and encourage and force! And every day appear with a report, How far the ditch has been moved by execution.

(in an undertone)
And they tell me that it’s not a ditch, but the coffin is ready for you soon.


There is a swamp up to the mountains, polluting the air, It stands, threatening to ruin all the work. Away from the rotten water of stagnation - This is my highest and final feat! I will create a vast, new region, And let millions of people live here, All their lives, in view of the severe danger, Relying only on their free labor. Among the hills, in a fertile field, Herds and people will have freedom here; Paradise will bloom among my glades, And there, in the distance, let the sea abyss bubble furiously, let the dam wear away: Every flaw in it will be corrected instantly. I am committed to this idea! The years of my life have not passed in vain; the final conclusion of earthly wisdom is clear to me:

Only he is worthy of life and freedom, Who goes to battle for them every day! Let the Child, the husband, and the elder lead my whole life in a harsh, continuous struggle, So that I can see in the brilliance of wondrous power The free land, my free people!

Then I would say: a moment, you are wonderful, last, wait! And the flow of centuries would not have swept away the trace left by me! In anticipation of that wondrous moment, I now taste my highest moment.

Faust falls. The lemurs pick him up and put him on the ground.


Nowhere, anywhere did he have happiness - He fell in love only with his imagination; It was the last thing he wanted to hold on to, Poor man, an empty, pitiful moment! But time is King; The last moment has come, The old man who fought for so long has fallen, The clock is standing!


They're standing! Stopped and their arrow fell. Like the darkness of the night, They are silent.


Everything is over. It's finished!


It's gone!


Has it passed? What a stupid, empty sound! Why did it pass? What exactly happened? It passed and were not equal to each other! What is next for all creation? Everything, everything is heading towards destruction! Passed - what does that mean? It’s all the same, As if it didn’t exist at all, It was spinning only in the eyes, as if it were! No, the eternal Nothing is sweet to me!

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