Proverbs in Azerbaijani with translation into Russian

Phrases in Azerbaijani language

The article contains phrases and quotes in the Azerbaijani language:
I think about you - mən səndən fikirləşirəm.

Dunyada bir çox insan var. Bezisi duyğulu bezisi duyğusuz, bezisi qorxulu bezisi qorxusuz. Bezisi ağlayıb bezisi gulur amma gozelliklere ve xoşbextliye layiq olan bir insan var o da indi mesajımı oxuyur. There are many people in life. Some are romantic and some are not. Some are ugly and some are not. Some cry, some laugh, but there is one who deserves the best beauty and happiness, this is the one who reads this message.

You are so warm-hearted, sincere, noble, graceful, refined, subtle - sən çox naziksən.

Take care of yourself - özünü qoru.

You are so sincere - Sən çox səmimisən.

I hug you - bağrıma basıram.

You are so (very) beautiful - Sən çox gözəlsən.

You (giving excitement, excitement) are so emotional, exciting - Sən elə emosionalsan.

You are beautiful - Sən gozəlsən.

You are exquisite, subtle - Sən çox zərifsən.

You are very pleasant, sweet, interesting - Sən çox maraqlısan.

My sun - Günəşim mənim.

My angel - Mənim mələyim.

We are so understanding, quick-witted - Sən çox başa düşənsən.

Her eşqin goy uzunde bir meleyi varmış. Yer uzunde tukenen her eşq uçun goy uzunde bir melek ağlarmış. Inan ki, bizim meleyimiz heç ağlamayacaq. Every love has its angel in heaven. On earth, when someone's love ends, then their angel cries. Our angel will never cry.

You are so honest - Sən çox vicdanlısan.

I miss you very much - mən sənsiz darıxıram.

En gozel deniz sahilinde uzulmemiş olandır, en gozel uşaq daha boyumedi, en gozel gunlerim seninledir ve sene soylemek istediyim en gozel soz daha soylenmemiş olandır; Seni sevirem. Eşq gulu tikanıyla dermeye oxşayır. Ellerin qan içinde qalır amma tikana gore gulu atmaq olmaz. The most beautiful sea is the one that has not quarreled with its shore, the best child is the one that has not grown up, my best days are those that we were together, and the most beautiful word is the one that I did not say to you - Love you. Love is like picking a thorny flower. Your hand is covered in blood, but you can’t throw away a flower, no matter what happens.

You are so wonderful - Sən belə qəribəsən.

Senin uçun uzaqdan sevmeyi, baxmadan gormeyi, toxunmadan hiss etmeyi, eşitmeden dinlemeyi, goz yaşlarımla gulmeyi ve qovuşmaq uçun sebr etmeyi oyrendim ancaq sensizliyi esla! For your sake, I learned to love from afar, despite seeing, feeling without touching, listening without hearing, laughing in tears and enduring in order to be together. But I can’t bear to live without you!

You are so talented - Sən çox talatlısan.

My love – Sevgim mənim.

You are so attractive, seductive - Sən çox cazibədərsən

My (my) sweet (s) - Mənim şirinim.

You are so extraordinary - Sən çox qeyri-adisən.

Sweet dreams - gecən xeyrə.

You are so (sugar) adorable - Sən çox füsünkarsan.

You are so faithful, devoted - Sən çox düzgünsən.

That one is so soft - Sən çox yumşaqsan.

The collection contains: statements, quotes and phrases in Azerbaijani with translation into Russian.



ZeroSyfyr, nol
One hundredYuz

Proverbs are the wisdom of centuries. Part 1

In the Azerbaijani language, the word “proverb” (“atalar sözü”) literally means “words of the fathers.” For many generations, proverbs are a rich heritage of collective thought and experience. These short sayings, a concentrate of the wisdom of past generations, are accessible to current and future generations. There are thousands of Azerbaijani proverbs. Who knows how many years some of them have existed - centuries, perhaps even millennia. Azerbaijanis are extremely fond of using them in conversation to add expressiveness to their statements and convince others of the “correctness” of their opinion.

Like proverbs from other parts of the world, Azerbaijani proverbs cover a wide range of topics: family, friendship, stinginess, deception, betrayal, deceit, generosity, jealousy, etc. There are so many of them that sometimes you can find a statement that proves any point of view, and even those that contradict each other.

Although some proverbs are very specific, usually those that gain the most popularity and recognition eventually begin to reflect the value system of the people as a whole.

If you want to master the Azerbaijani language, do not neglect these expressions, since it is not always possible to find out their meaning by translating them word for word. For example, if they want to know what a guest came with - good or bad news, then they ask:

The answer “with the boy” (oğlan) means “with good news.”

Here is a selection of some popular proverbs that reveal the Azerbaijani character.

Azerbaijani proverbs about beauty

The most important aspect of beauty is the choice of clothing. You don't need to be naturally beautiful to be attractive. But you must know how to dress well.

Beauty is ten, of which nine are this dress Gözəllik ondur, doqquzu dondur

About business

Don't try to do many things at once. To emphasize this idea, the image of sewing is used: before you do anything, calculate everything well.

Measure a hundred times, cut once Yüz ölç, bir biç

About relationships

It is considered good form if a person knows how to get along with different people, even if their character is completely different from himself.

Common expressions

GoodbyeSag olun
How are you?Natersen
Thank youSag olun, tes ekkur (tesh ekkur)
PleaseZehmet Olmasa
SorryKhakhish edirem, bagyshlayin
What is your name?Adyniz nadir?
Do you understand Russian?Siz rusja bashadusyursyuz?
What do you recommend to see in the city?Siz sheherde naye bakhmagi tevsiye ederdiniz?
What is your nameAdyniz nadir

Aphorisms in Azerbaijani with translation

It is known that proverbs very accurately reflect the richness of culture and the mentality of the people. In this topic, I invite users to provide Azerbaijani proverbs in the following format:

A proverb in Azeri, then a translation into Russian of its meaning, and, if desired, a literal translation (for those studying Azeri in all details

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