Statuses about pain in the soul and tears

Tears of joy and sadness

Statuses about tears are full of emotions and feelings. Whatever causes tears to fall from the eyes - from joy or misfortune - the color of the status will depend:

  1. When you remember the good moments in life, tears roll into your eyes - but they are warm and permeated with the most sincere thoughts.
  2. Dark thoughts depress and make you cry.
  3. Don’t forget the good and pleasant things that happened to you, then your tears will be tears of tenderness and joy.
  4. When you are happy, you can also cry, but from an excess of bright feelings.
  5. Life is generous with gifts and when it gives you the most precious of them - your child, it is impossible to hold back your tears, but they are the sweetest in life.
  6. Tears are unpredictable, when everything is wonderful, they flow from the eyes, when everything is terrible, they flow in a stream.
  7. When a person is pleased, he may cry - from an excess of feelings and emotions.
  8. When it’s good, tears fall with a special sound - joyful, ringing, when tears are from sadness - they fall in heavy, weighty, hot drops.
  9. Tears are a very individual manifestation of one’s feelings.
  10. Tears cleanse the soul and make room there to be filled with hopes and aspirations.
  11. When the sun shines brightly, tears may appear in your eyes - from the brightness of its rays, it’s the same in life - a bright, happy life also makes you cry with joy.
  12. Tears are the companions of the brightest events in life, but it doesn’t matter whether they are sad or happy.
  13. If you want to cry, never restrain yourself, even if no one understands your tears.
  14. If a person knows how to cry, he is alive, sincere and knows how to feel.
  15. When friends call and tell me how much they love me, I want to cry - because of my love for them.
  16. If you really want to, then you should always do it, even when everyone around you is having fun, and you have tears in your eyes, don’t hold back - cry, those who need to, will understand.
  17. I am very tearful and sentimental, I can cry even from reading a book.
  18. Tears are not only accompanying troubles and tragedies, they often accompany the most pleasant moments in your life.
  19. Communicate with nature more often, only there you can cry and scream from the heart.
  20. Tears are normalizers of internal harmony.
  21. When a person knows how to give, he may even cry with gratitude when they give to him.
  22. Joy and positivity cause the same tears as grievances, only their color is turquoise, and they themselves are transparent and pure.
  23. Don't be afraid to cry, be afraid to forget how to do it.
  24. When a person does not cry, this is a manifestation of a callous soul or a stony heart.

Status about tears in eyes

The tears of a stranger endear us to him before we know the reason.


  • Even a tear can be dropped on the floor with pride. Not to be confused with self-respect and self-control. If you cried yesterday and cry today, then you will definitely find a reason to cry tomorrow.


Perhaps our eyes need to be washed with tears from time to time so that we can see life more clearly.


I will always remember this phrase, an old man told me: “Eyes that have never cried cannot be beautiful.”

Crying is not forbidden, but is it worth it?

Statuses with meaning about tears may concern discussions about whether it is worth shedding them at all or whether it is worth doing something differently. Choose your phrase:

  1. Don't shed tears in vain, try to see the good sides of your bad life.
  2. If you were betrayed, don’t cry, let the traitor go and don’t think about him anymore - he doesn’t deserve your thoughts or tears.
  3. Immediately choose those in your circle with whom you will feel comfortable and well - then you won’t even have to shed tears.
  4. Children's tears always hurt parents; cry with your child when it is difficult for him, this will calm you down and instill confidence in your child - after all, he is not alone in this world.
  5. To avoid crying, try to move past troubles with the thought that your life consists only of pleasant moments.
  6. When you want to cry, start breathing deeply - both literally and figuratively...
  7. Are you choking your tears? Don't let them bubble up inside - let them pour out.
  8. After tears comes a great mood - after all, “there is purity in the soul, like in the blue sky after a downpour.”
  9. Take care of your parents, then you won’t have to cry because you didn’t have time to help them.
  10. Cry, and then take charge of yourself - overcome your fears, complexes, and start living your life.
  11. Crying publicly to be pitied is the lot of the weak; it’s better to cry in splendid isolation.
  12. When you internally enjoy every moment, tears can creep up only from tenderness and delight.
  13. If tears are frequent companions in your life, change your perception of the world and see all the positive things that you did not notice before.
  14. If you know how to remember only the good, and the bad does not linger in your memory, then tears will flow only from an excess of warmth and love.

Love sometimes hurts

When love is unrequited, the other half suffers and experiences pain in the soul. Then statuses about pain in the heart from love are appropriate:

  1. My love is a punishment for me.
  2. Love not only pleases, but also hits hard.
  3. If a person truly loves, then there is more pain in such feelings than pleasure and joy.
  4. When love hurts, run from it.
  5. Without pain there is no love.
  6. Still, love should be filled with light and warmth, and not with pain and suffering. It turns out that this is no longer love, but some kind of torment.
  7. Only sick love brings pain.
  8. Don’t endure the pain of love - either change yourself or your partner.
  9. With pain in the soul, love loses its attractiveness.
  10. Do not love someone who cannot reciprocate, although you cannot order your heart.
  11. Love is a huge country where there is a place for both pain and sadness.
  12. When it hurts for a long time from unrequited love, a wound appears in this place, requiring treatment and care.
  13. To truly love is not only to experience torment and anxiety, but also the joy of communication and inspiration. If the latter is not there, then do not torment your soul with a one-winged feeling.

Don't cry girl

Statuses about a girl's tears can relate to the topic of love, separation, betrayal, betrayal, or maybe about tears of joy, when everything is wonderful, choose yours:

  1. You are not around, tears flow from your eyes.
  2. I'm tired of crying, I want to forget everything that happened with you.
  3. Girls, don’t cry because of men, tears cause swelling and wrinkles, but you still have to look for a good man.
  4. The girls have tears - as if on order: they roar when it’s really good, when it’s bad, they also roar. Sometimes it’s not even clear whether she’s good or bad...
  5. Girls consider those moments when tears rolled from their eyes from happiness to be good. And the memories of these tears warm their souls for a long time.
  6. If a girl’s loud laughter abruptly turns into tears, then she is not at all happy.
  7. Girls can not show their sadness and have fun even when their souls are filled with tears.
  8. Only the pillow knows how many tears are cried into it at night, but it will not tell anyone about it.
  9. Tears of love make your soul warm and light.
  10. My tears are like the surf - they wash away all the dirt from the shores of my soul.
  11. When I'm happy, tears appear in my eyes, but they are so warm and transparent...
  12. When I feel bad and tears well up in my eyes, I immediately begin to mentally return to where I was warm, cozy and joyful, and the tears of sorrow go away - others come - tears of tenderness and quiet sadness that nothing can be returned.
  13. There is no need to accumulate grievances and suspicions; let them come out with tears.
  14. When a girl begins to understand that life is really fleeting, she no longer wants to waste precious time crying because of someone who simply did not appreciate her.
  15. If you betrayed, don’t cry, let those who did this stupid thing cry - betrayed you.
  16. When you appreciate every moment, you try not to notice resentment and adversity, because it is better to rejoice than to shed tears and grieve.
  17. We had a good time together, now he’s gone - I wanted to cry, but decided to move on - without him.
  18. When sadness overwhelms you, you have a choice - howl into your pillow or call a friend, I always choose the second.
  19. Prolonged tears can drag you into a quagmire of disappointments and resentments, then you begin to feel sorry for yourself - and cry again.
  20. You can cry because of an insult, but not for long - your friends are already gathered to console you and are waiting for your signal.

I will smile even with a mental wound

It is simply necessary to fight the internal state when the soul hurts. After all, each of us must continue to live - and not only for ourselves, but for the sake of those people who are nearby. These could be parents, sisters, brothers, children, friends. You can become limp and depressed, but by doing so you will do harm to those who truly love. Therefore, it is better to fight your inner pain and set yourself up in a positive way, then statuses will help a lot - smile even if your soul hurts:

  1. Living with pain while smiling is an art and takes into account strong people.
  2. Mental pain makes strong people stronger, but crushes weak ones.
  3. Don't show your pain, it will make you stronger. And strong people cope with it more easily.
  4. A smile attracts positive energy. Deal with your pain this way.
  5. A smile on the face is not always a sign of joy, sometimes it is a reflection of inner sadness.
  6. Smiling when it hurts is a sign of a strong-willed person.
  7. Nobody knew about your pain? You were able to defeat her.
  8. Victory over mental pain can only be achieved by smiling and being positive.
  9. When you are struggling with pain in your soul, take a smile as your ally. Let her be tense at first, but continue to be friends with her, soon your whole soul will be illuminated with light.
  10. Smiling when cats scratch your heart is given only to wise and empathetic people. They don't want to disturb others.
  11. Tears cannot drown out pain, but a smile can attract goodness and light.
  12. Tears, groans, howls when there is pain in the soul are good in moderation, a smile can always accompany it.
  13. They beat you, but you smile, you yourself will become stronger and you will not please your enemies.
  14. After insults and disappointments, you shouldn’t walk around with a fast face - why please those who wanted to see it.
  15. If they expected to trample you, then seeing your smile, they themselves will be depressed.
  16. All enemies are afraid of one thing - your cheerful mood, despite everything.
  17. You should smile not only when you really feel good, but even when you don’t want to please envious people.

Don't hold back your tears

If we talk about the most touching thing that happened in your life, then you can do this by setting statuses that make you cry:

  1. It's a shame when you dedicate your life to a person, but he doesn't even notice it.
  2. When a loved one betrays you, you feel as if your pure and vulnerable soul has been walked on with dirty boots.
  3. Don't forgive the traitors, they will strike you again.
  4. Don't tell people bad things. Whatever is going on in your life, they will then turn it all against you.
  5. Sharing your impressions of pleasant moments in your life can create envious people who can hit you hard later.
  6. After the birth of children, postpartum depression often occurs, and it occurs mainly in those who are deprived of a real man nearby, even if they have a husband.
  7. While your parents are alive, you are simply a happy person; when they are gone, you will understand how happy you were then.
  8. When all your relatives and friends are alive and well, you should not shed tears over those who are not relatives or friends at all.
  9. Never expect someone to bring you joy and positivity on a silver platter, try to look for it yourself in everyday life.

Sad statuses about women's tears

Women endure worse sorrows than those for which they shed tears.


Girls have such tears that they definitely need to cry, at any time of the day or night, cry so that everything inside burns out


Let the weaklings with broken hearts cry, but I laugh. Because my heart is as cold as ice. If you don't come, someone else will come. I'm too good for tears!


One wise woman said: “There are 3 occasions for tears: weddings, funerals and the birth of a child, and the rest is all bullshit.”


I’ll leave, holding my head up proudly, clicking my heels, and behind the door I’ll slide down the wall in tears, but you won’t see them anymore.


A woman's tears are seen by a pillow A woman's secrets are seen by a friend For the rest, under the instrument of torture - Only smiles, only smiles

My tears - when necessary, then I shed them

Women's tears statuses are given by women who rarely cry and do it alone; they have something to tell young girls who shed tears in vain. Choose your status as a strong woman:

  1. Only over the years do you begin to understand that a whole sea of ​​tears was cried for the wrong reasons. Especially when I cried because of men - there is not a single one worthy of tears.
  2. If you want to cry, it’s better to have fun with your friends, and finally do what you’ve been wanting to do for a long time: dance on the table, stand on your head, break dishes in the end - someone won’t understand, but you’ll get great pleasure.
  3. Sometimes it’s worth crying to realize that this fact is not worth your tears at all.
  4. When you burst into tears in the midst of a fun party, then you should leave it and, in general, send away that lifestyle that does not bring you pleasure.
  5. I myself am the creator of my life, I will do what I want.
  6. You woke up in the morning and got out of bed - this is already happiness, you don’t have to go to work, it’s a day off - double happiness, the phone is silent - dial whoever you want - give yourself triple happiness.
  7. To avoid overestimation in life, begin to appreciate everything that happens to you, and rejoice even in negative moments, because they will help you become even stronger.
  8. The greatest pain and the most pleasant moments are often associated with love - and even if it can be different, the main thing is that it happens.
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