Sad statuses for the soul: about pain, loneliness, emptiness with meaning

Sayings about mental emptiness with meaning

Nothing is more painful for a person than emptiness in the soul. Quotes about this condition will reveal its features in more detail.

  1. Emptiness appears only where a person’s hope for a better future dies.
  2. The wisest and most creative thing in the world is a person’s desire to fill the inner emptiness.
  3. A huge emptiness is idleness and laziness. When a person has nothing to do, he turns his life into an abyss where there is no place for anything living.
  4. What could be better than peace, than sleep, than emptiness?
  5. Terrible vices - lies, pride, voluptuousness... But even worse - spiritual emptiness.
  6. Emptiness is a state of indifference to everything that happens. It can kill the spirit, deprive one of emotions, and turn the heart to stone.
  7. Any sin of a person represents his desperate attempt to fill the inner emptiness.
  8. Some people are more like high end boutiques. Everything possible is on display in the window; but when you go inside, there’s nothing to see.
  9. Emptiness is easy to define. In this state, a person realizes that he needs to move forward; but doesn't know why to do it.
  10. We want to be loved or hated, respected or humiliated. But the worst thing is ignorance, because it creates emptiness.
  11. People don't care about each other - even during a conversation they express their thoughts as if into emptiness.
  12. Fear of death is stupid. You need to be afraid of a life that was lived in vain.
  13. The worst life is for those who don’t even have memories of the past to occupy their minds on a sleepless night...
  14. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will never be able to compensate for her spiritual emptiness with external attractiveness.
  15. Sometimes only one beautiful ray of light can fill the inner emptiness.
  16. It is surprising that I was not torn to shreds by the volume of emptiness that fills me...
  17. I wonder why most people strive to fill their inner emptiness with the help of all sorts of slag?
  18. It is impossible to appreciate the depth of your own soul when there is only emptiness in it.
  19. Depression always reflects a lack of values. Mental emptiness is cynicism in its highest manifestation.
  20. There is nothing in my head - not a single thought. There is not a single feeling in the heart. This is how the soul turns into stone.
  21. Sometimes people who have a piece of ice instead of a heart cover up this emptiness with defiant behavior.
  22. I am empty, like a dried-up shell on the seashore. Any passerby can crush me.
  23. The emptiness around me... It creates something like a shell around my body.
  24. If a person does not listen to the voice of his conscience, this means that he will soon have to be left alone with spiritual emptiness.

About pain and resentment in the soul

There is no physical pain that can be compared with mental pain.


Lying faces, empty emotions, weak will - this is the basis of a wounded soul.


Wounds from mental insult are worse than from cuts on the body - instead of scars, there is an emptiness that cannot be filled.


Looking at a wounded soul, you get the impression that you are looking into emptiness.


You stop living when you don't feel the pain of your loved ones.


The principle of the universe is that if someone spits in your soul, then there will be someone who will clean everything up.


My wounds and scars constantly hurt, but they are not visible, they are deep inside.


Unrequited love only causes sadness in the soul, and betrayed feelings kill it.


When driving nails into a person’s soul, remember that even after pulling them out, terrible holes will remain.


Today in VK there are only philosophers and everyone knows how to do the right thing, but these are only beautiful words that only a few have survived.


Anyone who has experienced real pain will never remain indifferent to others.


My soul is like a dirty window - you look at a sunny day, but see a dull landscape.


Sometimes it seems to me that time, instead of healing, constantly passes by.


Any wounds heal, only some are on the body, while others are deep inside.


Mental resentment and night silence are two inseparable friends who always come together.


Learn to keep the grudge inside and not show it to anyone, no one cares, everyone is busy with themselves.


Only one who knows pain will never cause harm.


They say that only the weak have tears, but I want to say that they also happen to the strong, but with a rich inner world.


I'm hurt and upset, but everything is fine. I'm just used to it.

Phrases about mental devastation after a breakup

Many quotes and aphorisms about emptiness talk about how bitter and difficult the process of parting with lovers is.

  1. It doesn't take much courage for us to break up. It is required later, when you have to experience emptiness.
  2. It is impossible to comprehend how lonely and desolate an entire city becomes after just one person leaves it.
  3. Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night only to understand: there is emptiness around us... The emptiness of unfulfilled hopes, unrealized happiness, failed love...
  4. Without you there is no life, no light. Only internal emptiness - like a giant black hole in the vastness of the ruthless Universe...
  5. There is nothing worse than the emptiness after a breakup. Every minute seems to drag on for an eternity...
  6. The more you forgive, the more spiritual emptiness settles in you.
  7. What's worse than loneliness? It is also continuous emptiness and unbearable boredom generated by pain.
  8. Mental emptiness is when everything possible has been shaken out of you; squeezed like a lemon; and threw it away as unnecessary.
  9. The worst thing is the emptiness that comes after realizing betrayal. When the man who sang magical love songs turned out to be a scoundrel.
  10. It is impossible to get out of the pool of emptiness and loneliness if no one lends a hand to you.
  11. People promise that they will not hurt each other with their actions. And then it turns out that they are ready to do it again and again. Which leads to mental devastation.

About the depth of the soul


They test the depth of the sea by throwing stones; apparently, a shallow has already appeared in my soul.


Today, the depth of the inner world is nothing compared to the depth of the neckline.


Despite the trampled fields of trust, somewhere deep inside, the sprout of forgiveness breaks through.


The deepest place on earth is the souls of people; you can dive into them all your life.


The depth of the world around you can only be measured by the depth of your soul.


At the very bottom of the heart, there are fragments of love.


I can be compared to the endless ocean - only at the very bottom, in the depths of the sea, can you find a treasure.


To understand what I am like, you will have to dive to the very bottom of my inner world.


You can swim endlessly on the surface of the sea, but still not find anything - all the most valuable things lie in the depths.


To understand who is in front of you, you should immerse yourself in him completely.


Even if you raise a treasure from the very bottom, you can waste it in vain.


People are strange - they kiss you on the lips, hold your hand, and spit in your soul.


Everyone has a body of water inside, just for some it’s an endless ocean with unknown depths, and for others it’s a rotten swamp.


Why is it that for most people there is only one surface on which only the most obvious floats? Why are there few people who, risking their peace of mind, are willing to plunge into the abyss to find something unusual?


Even the cleanest water becomes dark at depth.


The embrace of a loved one is deep, please gnaw me to the very bottom, let me see the beauty of the underwater world.


There are two types of people - cisterns and wells. You can take several glasses of water from a tank and you can already see the bottom, but you can draw from a well your whole life and not see the bottom.


A wound inflicted in the heart reverberates with pain deep in the soul.

Brief sayings

Short quotes about the emptiness inside will help you express your feelings succinctly.

  1. They see me, they hear me, they touch me, but inside I am empty.
  2. The soul is locked from the inside. Behind the castle there is emptiness.
  3. If a person is empty, then you cannot attach any labels to him.
  4. They say that nature does not tolerate emptiness. Mind too.
  5. Two empty people cannot fill each other.
  6. It doesn't matter how big the spoon is when the plate is empty.
  7. Emptiness is timelessness.
  8. Emptiness is death.
  9. Thoughts cannot reach an empty head.

About the beauty of the soul


A luxurious person is a person with a beautiful body, face and soul.


Only the beauty of the inner world makes people truly beautiful.


The soul of a girl is decorated with modesty, the soul of a guy is decorated with responsibility.


The beauty of the soul can be measured by the attitude towards loved ones.


Everyone can appreciate the beauty of the body, but few will understand the beauty of the soul.


If the inner world is ugly, then no amount of cosmetics will help.


Words can describe external beauty, feelings show the depth and beauty of the inner world.


The eyes see external beauty, the soul sees the beauty of the inner world.


It is impossible to stop loving a beautiful soul, you can leave, leave, but never stop loving.


Once we fall in love with a person’s inner world, we will always return to it. Let it be mentally, let it be for a short time, but we will definitely return.


Is it possible to create beauty if you are ugly inside?


You want to hug the outer beauty and not let go, but you want to embrace the inner beauty and dissolve in it without a trace.


One wildflower, warmed by a loving heart, is much more valuable than the richest bouquets.


Purity of the inner world and strength of spirit are qualities that every man should possess.


You can talk a lot about love, but if there is no peace of mind, then all words are empty.


Before you open the door to someone's inner world, you should remember that you are a guest, which means you need to behave appropriately.


It is impossible to destroy the beauty of the soul, you can stain it, injure it, but it will rise again, like a Phoenix.


Once you have wiped your feet on someone's soul, you should not be surprised that you are no longer welcome.


When you decide to visit my inner world, remember to wipe your feet before entering.


It’s a paradox - sympathetic people are most often offended, but they are not offended, thereby showing the depth of their soul and drawing attention to the insignificance of actions or rude words.


A person with a beautiful soul is like a window in impenetrable darkness - the light coming from his heart illuminates the path for everyone who follows him.


A beautiful soul is like the most powerful drug - you see it, touch it once and you will constantly look for something similar.

Phrases with a positive attitude

Sometimes quotes about spiritual emptiness have a more positive character.

  1. Aesthetics of empty housing: anticipation of the new.
  2. If you don’t kill laziness in yourself, you will never fill the inner emptiness.
  3. A person is always the artist of his own life, and he can paint his emptiness as he pleases. Therefore, it is worth choosing bright colors!
  4. If you have even a drop of willpower, then any emptiness can be filled.
  5. Luckily the elevator was broken. Everyone will have to independently pull themselves out of the swamp of depression and spiritual emptiness - just like Baron Munchausen did.
  6. The more difficult it is to fill the void, the more vibrant life will soon be.
  7. If there is no desire to do anything, and there is emptiness in the soul, this just speaks of the need to show will and character.
  8. Life always gives us ideas on how to fill the void.

Loneliness in the soul


Loneliness is a normal state of mind of a modern person.


The loneliness of the inner world comes with the awareness of the emptiness around.


Emptiness can mean many things, but loneliness can only mean one thing.


A lonely person is someone who has never found a soul mate.


If there is no one nearby, you should think - maybe the problem is not in those around you.


If you constantly accumulate spiritual wealth and do not share it, then sooner or later loneliness will become your eternal companion.


A lonely person is not one who has no one nearby, but one whose soul is not looking for new acquaintances.


Those around you do not allow you to be yourself; only loneliness can bare your soul.


If you have no one to talk to, then this is loneliness, but when there is no one to share with, this is loneliness.


Loneliness can be called the feeling when, after a painful wait, no one comes.


Only a truly close person can understand your internal state and mental anxiety. If there is no one nearby, then you will have to dissolve your pain alone.


If no one comes, it means there is no time, and if you are no longer waiting for anyone, it means you are left alone.


Wisdom can become a weapon, courage an armor, and loneliness a way of life.


Even in a crowd of people, loneliness is my best friend.


Sometimes you need to be alone so as not to become lonely.


Loneliness is when there are a hundred friends in your address book, several thousand on social networks, but there is no one to open your soul to.


Loneliness is a disease that you can suffer from all your life, but never recover.


Having destroyed my inner world, I suddenly realized that I had nowhere to go.


Loneliness is not the worst condition, at least there is no one to break what is left.


There are times when you want to be completely alone, so that even the shadow is lost.


If loneliness settles between lovers, then things are approaching separation.


Loneliness is when, instead of a connecting bridge, you build an impregnable wall.

Don't you dare be sad

Statuses about emptiness in the soul can be meaningfully created by those people who have overcome their emptiness and know how to do it for others:

  1. Emptiness in the soul - a mess in the head.
  2. It is not for nothing that despondency is one of the greatest sins. Do not show weakness and do not follow your immediate negative desires.
  3. It’s easy to empty yourself, but it’s difficult to fill yourself up – you have to constantly work on yourself.
  4. Have pity on me, poor thing, I am completely devastated - it shouldn’t be like this. You need to ask for help, but you don’t need pity.
  5. The emptiness in your soul is the result of your choice in life, everything happens naturally.
  6. Mental emptiness quarrels a person with himself.
  7. When you feel inner emptiness, try to also feel the pain of those around you - because they really need your help.
  8. Yes, life is a struggle, and, above all, with your bad mood and the desire to give up.
  9. Don't be led by your negative thoughts, listen to the positive ones.
  10. Don’t live in a quarrel with yourself - always be able to admit to yourself that you are a wuss.
  11. Yes, you can mope for two days - among friends and loved ones. Then you must definitely pull yourself together and take yourself out of the apartment - no matter where.
  12. Be able to resist pessimism and inner emptiness - begin to immediately fill your soul with colors - at least call your parents or loved ones first.
  13. Emptiness in the soul is the beginning of a deep mental illness - you should not let it develop.
  14. I allowed myself to be weak and led myself to the point where I began to turn into a plant. Thanks to friends who shook me up, I began to live again - step by step, brick by brick...
  15. Don’t be silent about your inner pain - shout about it to your loved ones - then help will definitely come.

Beautiful statuses about tears

There are moments in life when tears cloud your eyes... but it’s a thousand times harder when your soul cries but... your eyes are dry...

Tears flow incessantly, but they are light, like a kiss on the cheek and sad, like the dawn on a birthday...

Because of the extreme cold, the tears did not flow down your cheeks, but froze into small diamonds, and these diamonds silently fell down to your boots.

Dark alley, silence, tear-stained eyes. She doesn’t want to love anymore, because the mental wound is so deep...

I'm not crying, it's just that the smoke of a burnt dream hurts my eyes.

Tears are those words of the heart and soul... which cannot be conveyed by ordinary sounds... you only need to be able to feel or understand them.... But the worst thing is when the heart cries... because these tears cannot be wiped away...

Tears are rolling down my cheeks... And I quietly tell myself: “Everything will get better soon.”

Sometimes, after reading a few words, the heart contracts so much that it takes your breath away... And tears involuntarily begin to flow... Warm and salty...

I write here, you read there, and you obviously know from whom! And the heart cries and suffers that they are far from each other!

Tears are the only water for which there is no bill. They are the score.

- Why are you looking at the sky? - Look how beautiful it is! - Yes, I see... beautiful... And I also see that tears are rolling in your eyes...

My tears will flow to you a hundredfold in your next life!

Do you know why people look at the sky when it hurts them? So they try to hold back their tears...

One day Love asked Friendship why it was needed? And she replied: “I bring a smile where you shed tears.”

Tears are words that the heart cannot say.

Between condolences and consolation lies an ocean of tears.

And again the tears of autumn on the eyelashes of September.

Tears wash our soul, taking with them sorrows and sorrows.

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