Sad quotes about resentment and pain in the soul (200 quotes)

Sad statuses about pain in the soul

The statuses appeared quite a long time ago. This is due to the fact that they can be used to tell how you feel or briefly describe the state of affairs. They are usually used to let friends know that you are in danger or need help.

Also tell us what condition you are in. The most common statuses are about pain, friendship, and love. They are the ones who help tell others how you feel at the moment and what’s on your mind. If some unpleasant situation occurs, you can let your friends know that you need help.

Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair is an illusion of the mind.

Someone else's head doesn't hurt. Miguel de Cervantes

Pain has no boundaries. — Emil Michel Cioran.

Man is the only animal that causes pain to others without any other purpose. Arthur Schopenhauer

It hurts not only from pain. Zemfira Ramazanova

It would not be scary to hurt your hand, even several times, if the pain came after a long time. — Nicholas Gomez Davila.

The soul is the biggest mystery. People don't understand where she is, but they feel the pain she causes.

Pain has its causes, pleasure is completely indifferent. Francis Picabia

If pain did not follow pleasure, who would endure it? Samuel Johnson

Only a sick soul can be drawn to the impossible and be deaf to the misfortune of others.

If you can't be happiness, be pain. Sergei Lukyanenko

Suffering and pain are always necessary for a broad consciousness and a deep heart. Fedor Dostoevsky

A record of pain in one memory space cannot be erased by a record of happiness in another.

The words “I love you” in one Eastern language literally sound: “Give me your pain.”

Pain causes us to make bad decisions. Fear of pain is probably the most powerful motivator.

The hardest torment and severe torture for a person is his loneliness.

No matter how much pain you feel, you should always walk as if you were walking barefoot on silk.

Just alone... It’s just easier... It’s just that the heart beats more evenly..

When you love someone, you feel his pain and misfortune with your skin, much stronger than he himself. Any pain is doubled.

Let us accept pain as truth, and question everything else. John Maxwell Coetzee

Anyone who loves to cause pain to others does not know how much satisfaction the feeling of warmth experienced at the moment when he gives people sincere joy brings to a person. Ali Absheroni

The pain stings more sharply when it is caused by someone close to you.

The leaves turn yellow, fall off, and then new ones grow. However, do we know - perhaps when the leaf turns yellow and falls, the tree also suffers. Or when a caterpillar eats a leaf. Why are we so sure that the tree is not hurt? — Anatoly Efros, “Profession: director”

One pain always reduces another.

Sad statuses about loneliness

No matter how sad it may be, it is extremely important to stay alone and put everything in its place. The following phrases are most appropriate:


There is exactly as much pain in your heart as you allow it to be in you. Forget, forgive, let go.


Maybe around the corner I’ll take off my heels, rub mascara across my face, sit on the floor and burst into tears, but now I have to walk past with my head held high, and then I’ll turn the corner.


I no longer write poetry. My soul has become calloused from pain, and who cares about my hard-won words? I don't write poetry anymore


If pain speaks in us instead of reason, We must learn to live without sparing ourselves. Pour salt, and don’t be afraid, onto your wounds, then licking them will be tastier!


Of course, it hurts when it’s not mutual, but it hurts much more when it’s mutual, but not destined to be.


The people who hurt us will forever remain boiling water for us, into which we will never again plunge our souls.


The soul hurts and asks for mercy, Says: “Forget it! Come to your senses, come to your senses!” But the sobbing heart answers: “I will not forget, I remember forever, I will remember forever.


It’s amazing how human memory can cling to moments that so badly need to be forgotten, crossed out, turned over.


The pain will go away. And someday, believe me, we will wake up happy. Just definitely not together


Do you want to listen to my heart? Just snuggle closer to me. You didn’t even know, but this is it, breathing the pain of your soul.


Forgiveness is the best medicine for pain. “I’ll kick his cold corpse and then forgive him!” I will forgive you with all my heart, honestly!


Don’t lie, I ask you, even in small things! After all, I will always recognize your lies, It’s like walking through your soul with a boot with a horseshoe, without even wanting to.


We often don't see other people's pain. We sometimes don't understand why others cry. Then why are we surprised when they don't understand us.


Some people come into our lives to polish our soul until it shines, and after others you cannot find a way to wash away their dirty traces.


Don’t respond to love with pain It’s not worth torturing a loving soul So that by chance the sad vale might suddenly not be able to destroy your happiness


Don’t hope - and it won’t hurt, And don’t trust anyone! And how to live then, people, I don’t understand something anymore!


Time heals by writing a prescription for medicine, but does not guarantee that it will help you?!


Sometimes those you care about the most have to hurt. so as not to make it even more painful.


Never punish children without guilt! Don't take your anger out on them! Don't harm them! Don't hurt them! Children, they are closer to God. He hears them more often!


Note! It is advisable to use open-ended expressions so that others do not perceive the entry as a suicide note.


Many use expressions of famous people, quotes from the works of writers and poets.

Quotes about pain

People would be much more likely to hit their finger with a hammer if the pain was felt only a year later.

Night. I sit, smoke and stare out the window. It’s sad, there’s no one to talk to, no one is waiting for my call. I look at the stars and think: “How many of us are still so lonely in the world?”

You can hit the wall as much as you like, but it’s not she who will feel the pain, but you.

Not loving anyone is the greatest gift that makes you invincible, because by not loving anyone, you are deprived of the most terrible pain. Adolf Gitler

Don't complain about pain - that's the best medicine. Omar Khayyam

There is no greater pleasure in the world than feeling that the pain has subsided.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other. Cyril Conolly

There is no such pain, there is no such suffering, physical or mental, that time would not weaken and death would not heal.

Real sadness is when you have no one to share your sadness with...

No one can escape pain. Yes... you can't argue with it, quotes about pain from Julianne Moore

I was in so much pain that I started sticking needles under my nails to numb the pain in my heart.

Loneliness consumes the soul when our dearest and closest person leaves us. Then we become like animals driven into a cage. We start throwing ourselves at the walls and howling at the moon

Humans are the only living being capable of causing pain to others just like that, aimlessly. - Arthur Schopenhauer.

One pain always reduces another. If you step on the tail of a cat whose teeth hurt, it will feel better. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

It is easier to find people who voluntarily go to death than those who patiently endure pain.

Remembering the pain that was caused to you and not feeling anything is scary. Scarier than going through it all over again.

When we say that we are afraid of death, we think first of all about pain, its usual predecessor. Michel de Montaigne

Hurting someone we love is pure hell. In relation to ourselves, this is the state of heroic people: extreme violence. The desire to go to the opposite extreme also applies here.

In our compassion, we manage to first of all take care of our own pain, and aggravate the pain of others. (Alexander Kruglov)

If you can't be happiness, be pain. (Sergey Lukyanenko)

Man is the only animal that causes pain to others without any other purpose. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Suffering and pain are always necessary for a broad consciousness and a deep heart. (Fedor Dostoevsky)

Quotes of great men

Quotes about pain - Pain makes even the innocent lie. (Publius Syrus)

Time does not heal. Time teaches you to live with pain.

A renewed wound is much worse than a new one. (Kozma Prutkov)

The words “I love you” in one Eastern language literally sound: “Give me your pain.”

One pain always reduces another. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

No matter how much pain you feel, you should always walk as if you were walking barefoot on silk.

Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it hurts is what an ideal woman is. (Coco Chanel)

No matter how fast you run, the pain always catches up with you...

Let us accept pain as truth, and question everything else. (John Maxwell Coetzee)

We want everything to remain as it was. We put up with pain because we are afraid of change, afraid that everything will fall apart... We both deserve a better fate than staying together only out of fear of self-destruction. ("Eat Pray Love…")

The first person you think about in the morning and the last person you think about at night is either the reason for your happiness or the reason for your pain. (Erich Maria Remarque)

Anyone who loves to cause pain to others does not know how much satisfaction the feeling of warmth experienced at the moment when he gives people sincere joy brings to a person. (Ali Apsheroni)

The pain will go away. Let her go. Don't think about it and it will dissolve. In the sky, it's so deep. In the sea, it is so warm. In dreams, they are so beautiful. In us...

I love you. I wish it didn't mean "I'll never hurt you."

Memory also has immunity - it erases what brings pain. (Angel de Coitiers)

Not loving anyone is the greatest gift that makes you invincible, because by not loving anyone, you are deprived of the most terrible pain. (Adolf Gitler)

There will always be people who will hurt you. You need to continue to trust people, just be a little more careful. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

One pain always reduces another. If you step on the tail of a cat whose teeth hurt, it will feel better. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

It is very difficult to talk calmly and kindly about pain until you are free from it... (Arthur Golden)

It's terrible to resurrect pain again. (Virgil)

Wise Quotes

Sometimes pain is a part of our life. And we think that it will always be there, because we don’t remember life without pain. But one day, suddenly something changes, some strange, unusual feeling arises. And at such a moment we understand that we are happy.

Why do you hurt those who love you? They are defenseless because of their love for you. ("Female intuition")

Pain shapes opinions and actions. This is a necessary instinct to prevent a faster death.

Memory also has immunity - it erases what brings pain. (Elchin Safarli)

When it hurts so much, you don’t feel it a second time.

People think that the main thing is to hit harder. But this is not true. It doesn't have to be hit hard for it to hurt. The main thing is to know where to hit. (Neil Gaiman)

A headache in most cases is just an excuse that primarily harms the women themselves. Endorphins released in the brain during sexual intercourse relieve headaches much better than, for example, ibuprofen.

The worst thing is to lose what you wanted to live for...

In a relationship that has reached a dead end, there are two people, one is a “therapist” who entertains hopes, the second is a “surgeon” who will have to cut “to the quick.”

It hurts to love you, but it hurts even more to know that you are with her!

No matter how much pain you feel, you should always walk as if you were walking barefoot on silk.

Loving someone who loves you is narcissism. Loving someone who doesn't love you, that's love.

Love penetrates the soul, makes it strong, kind, sympathetic, and fear, pain and shame only disfigure it. F.E. Dzerzhinsky

We hurt those we love, but it turns out that the opposite can happen. Fight club

A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve. —Kindness partly consists of loving people more than they deserve. Joseph Joubert

The heart whispers about pain, time tries to calm down, but the memory will constantly remind you of that unrequited love.

I'm smart, pretty, purposeful. But the one who owns this happiness does not value me. Losing it will hurt, that's for sure. But I can’t cause him suffering, because I love him.

I know that you loved autumn most of all, and I loved summer. But time has passed and now I like autumn, and you... well, you love something else...

The student is suffering, he is lying sick, his fate is inexorable. Pills cannot help, love is now incurable!

Yesterday - beloved, now - acquaintance, Yesterday it was yours, now it’s nobody’s.

Love is such a thing, either you... or you... although I thought that there was no such thing in our relationship... but I was wrong...

We increased the dose too much. We remembered everything we wanted to forget. Or they got on the rails too late... God is tired of loving us

He who has great love has great trials. Jalaluddin Rumi

What can I do with my pain? Fall in love with her! Ravil Aleev

Caring is showing love in action. Eileen

We will overcome any pain, deceit, anger, attack, armed with love.

Everyone is interested in when love can be considered real - so here is your answer when the pain does not go away, when the wound does not heal and when it is too, too late.

*** I LOVE YOU - just three words, but how much pain they bring when spoken insincerely! *** All that remains of love is pain... which, unlike it, does not end... *** It is doubly painful when you know that you are hurting your loved one... *** Love is pain, one loves - another doesn’t love, another falls in love - for the first it goes away...... love is pain... *** Yes, I endured the torments of hell and I still endure it, I need to hate you! And I love everything stupid!!! *** Love is light, it is joy, it is the rejoicing of the soul! If love hurts, it means it's sick. And the light fades, and the soul grieves... and there is only one medicine - Love! *** Sometimes love brings happiness, but sometimes, instead, only pain. *** Love anything and your heart will experience great pain and perhaps be broken. If you want to keep it safe and sound, do not give it to anyone, not even an animal. *** Love is betrayal. Love is longing. Love is a sin. Love is selfishness. Love is hope. Love is pain. Love is death. What is love? Love is a bitch. *** And it seemed like love arose, but the tears flowed again... Probably I’m not used to kissing another yet... *** I don’t know what’s harder - to survive the betrayal of a loved one or his death. *** Tell me, what’s wrong with me? How am I different? After all, we feel good together, but why can’t you love me??? *** Not mutual love is the worst thing I have ever known... *** He left me after a year of living together, now he rejoices in his life, and I am quietly dying without him. I have never felt so much pain, I have no desire to live, complete apathy, only tears! Where can I find the strength to survive everything?! *** Love has long passed... But thinking about you still gives me a “headache”... When will I finally wake up without a “headache”? *** More and more often, I notice that people forget what love really is... now, these days, money and sex are more and more important, and not some kind of feelings. *** And after our quarrel there will be cuts. *** Love came against my will, like a squall, a fire, a whirlpool. With such joy and pain that it just takes me by surprise... *** Yes, it’s a special birthday, of course, I usually just roar, but today I’m also shaking. *** Love is just a moment of happiness, which is overshadowed by tears, hatred of people, you close yourself off and stop trusting people... *** A broken heart does not beat... it sometimes rings like a loud alarm bell in the ears, and sometimes it rings like a dying bell somewhere... then deep inside... *** It hurts me when you are far away, it hurts even more when you are near... *** And where are the thanks, where are the notes of gratitude, tears, pain, and the state will allocate a couple of rubles, So to speak, we, like, Don’t forget the ninth of May, Only every year more and more old people die... *** If a woman doesn’t have a good replacement, she always comes back. *** Loving you hurts not because... I gave all of myself... but because realizing that having given all of myself... you remained empty. *** My love is gone forever. She closed the door in front of me. And there is one sad one at the window. I stood and thought about love. *** Why do I always fall in love with a bitch or a fool...(( *** If you knew how much I missed you, not a call, no text messages from you... only pain... *** When you love a person, separation is very difficult for you with him, but you gradually get used to the fact that he is not around, although you dream of seeing him again, and when you see him and are separated again, it feels as if the wounds were opened again and again it hurts a lot... *** What is the logic: He was ready to break up anyone who would hurt her, but he himself caused her this pain, secretly meeting with her friend!!! *** If there is trouble... Let it happen on my day... so that my child lives in peace... *** In the eyes, full of tears, fiery scarlet sunset. Ashes of extinguished love, pain and resentment of loss. Bright sunlight. Dawn again, sparkling in every tear of love that no longer exists... *** Real mothers love their children equally, and the rest only give the necessary minimum *** The pain of parting is the other side of love! If you don’t experience it, you won’t learn to truly appreciate love. *** How hard and terribly painful it is to feel helpless when your loved one is very bad, and you can’t help him in any way (( (( *** I love you... madly... painfully... I love you... *** I so want to become little, to feel the carelessness of childhood. When mistakes are forgiven, when you can still enjoy a simple sunny day... when you were not in my life... *** Why is there no medicine, pills, injections, anything... Just to quickly stop loving a person who simply doesn’t give a fuck about you . *** And she screamed every night. It's like she's being cut into pieces. It would be better to cut it. Her Love hurt so much. *** Last night I realized that in 22 years, not a single man has ever confessed his love to me... *** All our pain is insignificant. We love despite fate. *** ... I'll just continue to live! And you, my dear, must be too. I managed to stop loving you, we were just different... I won’t call you back, but it’s better to just keep silent. Your features are unpleasant to me, I DON’T WANT to see you!!! *** First, the ancient gods invented people, but people were bored and then the gods invented love, since then they have not been bored. Then the gods decided to try love on themselves, after which they invented laughter so that it would not be so painful to suffer *** A man does not have to hurt a woman himself. His former or current mistresses will do this perfectly for him with their tongues! *** Betrayal cannot be avoided in any relationship. *** Sad eyes, a bitten lip and the heart is breaking with pain... *** Like crystal, so the heart is fragile - It can break in an instant. From offensive words, actions and jokes too. And if you break it, collect the fragments You have to be a craftsman... Only the heart will be very sharp from the fragments. *** He who loved bears scars. *** I want to pierce my heart so as not to love you anymore... I hate myself... *** Two guys. One girl. Typical love triangle. She loves one of them. But what should the 3rd do?? Leave or go to the end? Give up or send everything to hell and fight for love?? Many people ask themselves this question. But I want to know your opinions... *** Loving someone is crazy... It makes you forget about your dreams, family, friends and even yourself... That's why it hurts so much. *** Now I'm with you forever. I kiss you deeply. Your pain... And don’t dream, dear pain. I am in her heart. Real love!!! *** If you love a person, you will do everything to make him feel good, even if it hurts you unbearably *** “If you broke up with a loved one and dear to you, then you don’t have to die for him, for him it’s worth living...” *** It would be like this... at the same time they fell in love and at the same time fell out of love... there would be less pain... *** I am no longer waiting for You! I pray you go away and be happy! *** Time - it does not heal, it just teaches you to live with pain and dulls it (the pain) a little. *** Now I wear dark glasses. People ask me less why I always have sad, tear-stained eyes... *** Adult ticket, last show, film - a love romance, the lights go out, the curtains are raised, the drama has begun, you are an actress in it, shots without takes, the main role, your director - tears and pain... *** The one who was with you became very painful... *** I'm sorry. that I couldn’t help you... I’m sorry. that I couldn’t save you... I’m sorry. that I couldn’t save you... I’M SORRY a hundred times... P R O S T I... P R O S T I... P O S T I... *** Quietly and without drama... the highest aerobatics... cruelly resurrecting the pain again...((( ( *** Everyone knows this old love story! Someone holds on to someone’s heart, and someone else’s heart... lets go... *** I dream about you. In an old crumpled shirt, on the shore and completely barefoot . And I still don’t remember the past. And I still have a hole in my chest. *** Understand yourself from the beginning, only then get into the soul of others, it’s easy to hurt... and anyone can do it accidentally, but not everyone will forgive , not everyone knows how and can forgive *** To at least know where you are, who you are with, is it warm there on your planet... Quotes, aphorisms about the pain of love

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