Sad statuses about disappointment

They say that from love to hate there is only one step. No, one step from charm to disappointment. And between love and hate there are hundreds of attempts to change everything.


The strongest feeling is disappointment. Not resentment, not jealousy, not even hatred, after them at least something remains in the soul; after disappointment there is emptiness.


To avoid disappointment in people, you need to get rid of illusions. Learn to accept people as they are.


It takes an eternity to gain trust; a moment is enough to be disappointed.


Never try to sort things out with people who have disappointed you. Just silently leave them and all their crap alone.


Oh God, when I lose hope, help me remember that Your love is greater than my disappointment and Your plans for my life are better than my dreams.



People are designed this way, at one point you need to forgive the people who were dear to you and leave.


When you are disappointed in a person, it doesn’t matter where he is, who he is with, and what he thinks or doesn’t think about you.


God created man because he was disappointed in the monkey. After this, he abandoned further experiments.


If you are disappointed in one, do not punish the other. All people are different. Don't lose your ability to trust, believe and love.


  • When you don’t expect anything from anyone, help comes like a miracle, but if you count on others, you are completely disappointed.


And then such happiness comes that you understand that it is worth all the disappointments you have endured.


Regret is a part of life. You can't avoid regrets even in a twelfth-century monastery.


Our whole problem is that you will not experience strong disappointments, you will not acquire wounds like Kakter, you are worth nothing.


  • As a smart person said, in order not to be disappointed in people, you don’t need to be charmed by them from the beginning.


The reason for our disappointments is often that we are not in the present, we are busy with memories or expectations.


Sometimes you realize that you have said too many important words to a person for whom they mean absolutely nothing.


Hatred subsides over time, resentment passes, anger fades away, and disappointment forever alienates people from each other.


It is very important to know: any disappointment, any dissatisfaction can serve as the key to the door of self-knowledge and, therefore, to one’s own maturity.


Two things are absolutely inevitable in a woman’s life: dust on the furniture and disappointment in a man.


  • Why can't you mercilessly kill people who mercilessly crushed your heart?


I recognize friendship by the absence of disappointments, true love by the inability to be offended. And if you can steal what you have received, who can take away from you what you have given?


When you do everything the way even the closest person wants, it’s not that it’s uninteresting, but it’s simply not your life, and sooner or later it will turn into disappointment.


No one is obligated to treat us the way we treat them. Once you understand this, you can stop being disappointed in people, expecting too much from them.


It's good to keep your distance from people. Then you will not experience unnecessary disappointments, betrayals and ingratitude.


  • Sometimes people disappoint us, sometimes they surprise you. But you will never know them if you don't try to understand.


It is enough to let them in and give them complete free will, all that remains is to watch how they destroy everything.


When you are disappointed in a person, you understand: he is not that bad! It was you who treated him better than he deserved, and expected from him what he was not capable of at all.


A fool pursues pleasure and finds disappointment; the sage only avoids grief.


There are actions that cannot be forgiven! There are words that cannot be forgotten! There are people who go from being the closest to nothing.


  • It is difficult to imagine a greater disappointment than the indifference towards you of a person for whom you have sympathy.


I don't like loneliness. I just don’t make unnecessary acquaintances so as not to be disappointed in people again.


When you do everything the way even the closest person wants, it’s not that it’s uninteresting, but it’s simply not your life, and sooner or later it will turn into disappointment.


Any disappointment, separation or loss will, over time, lead you to something beautiful, necessary and more important.


Men do not live up to our expectations, and only desserts bring true immediate pleasure without subsequent disappointment.


  • Disappointment is always the fault of the one who was enchanted, not the one who enchanted, so do not scold the glass that seems like a diamond to you.


The only honest road is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes. Life is the identification by one’s own experience of the boundaries of good and evil.


The worst thing is not “it doesn’t work out again.” The worst thing is that I don’t want to try anymore.


There would probably be much less disappointment in our lives if we did not expect more from people than they are able to give us.


Disappointment is like a cold. They need to get over the disease, but then they develop strong immunity.


Pain made you stronger Tears made you braver Disappointment made you wiser Thank the past for a better future.


I was disappointed in just one person and it felt like I had lost the whole world.


Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. For both, marriage brings disappointment.


Don't make plans or dream together. Because the person will leave, but your dreams will remain and trample your empty soul far and wide.


I have a mean character. I dream so eagerly about the future, and when it comes, I feel nothing but disappointment.


Are you disappointed in me? What can I say: you yourself were enchanted, you yourself were disappointed, I had nothing to do with it at all.


The process of a woman’s disappointment in a man is most often insanely abrupt and catastrophically irreversible.


Friendship! Friendship, is this concept even necessary, in order to once again understand that a friend could be a traitor, it is probably necessary. After all, in addition to how to substitute, friendship also teaches you to forgive!


A person sometimes becomes helpless when he experiences disappointment and this unsettles him.


Every defeat, every disappointment and every trouble brings with it a seed of equal or greater benefit.


Don’t clog your memory with grievances, otherwise there may simply be no room left for beautiful moments!


I wanted to read you like a book Having bought into the gorgeous binding But from the very first line I burped


Most people get angry because of grievances that they themselves have created by attaching deep meaning to trifles.


Disappointment, like a cold they need to get over. But then a strong immunity is formed.


It is difficult to imagine a greater disappointment than the indifference towards you of a person for whom you have sympathy.


It’s hard when you realize that you are losing friends and you can’t do anything about it, because their happiness is at stake.


Nobody likes to be alone. I just don’t force anyone to communicate with me. This is nothing but disappointment.


You must be constantly prepared for the fading of interest: in ideals, work, occupation, in a person, and not howl at the moon when this happens. Between first and second


If you have been betrayed by your friends at least once, then two will betray you too! Avoid such friends, they are not friends!


Don’t be afraid of disappointment from failure, move on towards your goal, be afraid of disappointment from success when there is nowhere to move further.


He taught me one important thing: you can only let people in at arm's length.


How easy it is to be difficult! It is enough to move away from others, and you will never suffer again.


Start with a simple thing: wish all the best to the people who once offended you.


No need to carry around stupid suitcases of grievances. If only because if your hands are busy with something bad, then it is impossible to take something good from them.


In the East, there is a belief that birds do not know how to be sad, since they have been awarded eternal freedom. When they are disappointed in something, they fly into the sky for a long time.


No one is interested in hurting you, no one is waiting for an opportunity to hurt you, everyone is busy guarding his own wound.


Every person sooner or later is forced to overcome disappointment when everything seems devoid of meaning. If he cannot or does not want to step over, the person will not exist.


You don't forgive others to heal them. You forgive others to heal yourself.


Expand your knowledge without showing off to others; study diligently without feeling tired; to instruct others without knowing disappointment, all this comes to me without difficulty.


To suffer disappointment, dishonor, the pillory, the gallows is not bankruptcy; bankruptcy - to endure nothing.


Accept people whole, as they are, like vitamins, without trying to figure them out, so that it won’t be bitter later.


Blows are not as terrible as disappointments are bitter, deception is offensive. The pain from If I could take out my heart, I would burn it and scatter the ashes over the Black Sea.


Offense is a problem for the one who is offended. This means that it was you who did not have enough mental strength for this person, it was you who could not cope with yourself.


The main disappointment of childhood is that the chocolate bunny is beautiful, but empty inside. The main disappointment of life is that many people are like chocolate bunnies.

Statuses about disappointment in a person

It's bittersweet to realize that the person who was covering your back was just hiding behind it.


It often happens that you naively believe that a love story is the only one, that it will last forever, but in the end - disappointment and sadness.


You can’t deceive me Because you can’t force a person who is disappointed in everything to believe again.


Do you want to know what a person is really like? Just treat it with all your heart! Disappointment is inevitable


– The weather forecasters report good weather for tomorrow! - And you believe in this? - Well, believing in the best is good - No. The less you believe, the less you are disappointed.


There are 365 reasons for disappointment in a year, as someone smart once said. I can’t disagree with this.


Positive girls cry out of disappointment in a person, bad girls get drunk, and wise girls smile and move on with their lives!


New acquaintance - new friend - new disappointment - new quarrel - new enemy Conclusion: you need to eat


Friends are not eternal people. The number of disappointments in them is many times greater than the number of admirations for them


It turns out that in the pursuit of evidence, there is nothing left to prove. Everything sank into the abyss of disappointment.


God gives us children so that death does not seem like the biggest disappointment in life.


Santa Claus Does he exist? Wasn’t it a disappointment for you when, at the age of five, in your mother’s room, in the farthest drawer, you find all your letters?


You know, this is no longer pain, no disappointment, no tears. It’s just a part of me; Thinking about him every day is as natural as eating, drinking, breathing


“Men marry out of boredom, women out of curiosity. Both are disappointed."


At first it was a dull disappointment. Then hatred. It happens. This is tolerated!


009 brought nothing but disappointments, it would be better to start living in 2010, I don’t know why, but I believe in it


New acquaintance - new friend - new disappointment - new quarrel - new enemy Conclusion: you need to eat


Is it possible to explain what disappointment is? Frustration occurs in the head. When the heart still remembers the words, the look, the hands. And since my husband understands - this is a lie


“Don't be disappointed. Frustration turns into a powerful weapon in the hands of the enemy.”


If you want to see the real face of a person, treat him with all your heart, disappointment is inevitable


Frustration occurs in the head. when the heart still remembers the words, the look of the hand. and the mind understands: a lie. both words and glance. and even hands.



I want to be a “ROBOT” they have no heart and soul, they do not feel pain and disappointment.


There is only one way to avoid disappointment. This applies to both business and love. Never ask questions if you don't already know the answers.


Men, give your beloved girls flowers and tears of happiness, not pain and disappointment!


New acquaintance - new friend - new disappointment - new quarrel - new enemy Conclusion: you need to eat1


Looks like I'll have to change my idea of ​​a real man, otherwise I'll be disappointed


I wish I could go back to those times when the most severe disappointment in life was a Kinder toy that you already own


Emptiness in the head, emptiness in actions, in communication, in forays out of the house. Just a terrible disappointment called autumn depression accompanies everything. Fed up


How fake everything is. God, so much disappointment in just one minute, in one thought, in one action.


There is no greater disappointment for a woman than the lack of attention from a man whom she deliberately ignores.


The worst disappointment of childhood is to find out that hot chocolate is regular cocoa.

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