For the 78th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky: 40 quotes from the great actor

Quotes from Vladimir Vysotsky

But even bright minds place everything between the lines: they have plans for the long term.

The corridors end in a wall, and the tunnels lead to light.

I have already been buried several times, left several times, served several prison terms, and such terms that I still have to live for another hundred years. One girl from Novosibirsk asked me: “Is it true that you died?” I say: “I don’t know.”

The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too.

Mountaineering is a great way to survive the winter in the summer.

Indeed, everything is relative - everything, everything, everything...

What strange things happen here in Russia!

With my sixth sense, with my whole being, with all my God-given reason, I am sure that I am normal. But, alas! It is impossible to convince of this, and is it worth it?!

We are always replaced by others so that we do not interfere with lies.

Here is my last note: “I worked hard! Please don't wake me up! Never. I fall asleep completely. People, I loved you! Be lenient!”

Our dead will not leave us in trouble, our fallen are like sentries.

Thank you luminaries for spitting and blowing that suddenly my parents were planning to conceive me...

If they turn away, it means they didn’t love you enough.

At the number 37, the hops immediately leave me. And now, as if the cold was blowing, Pushkin guessed a duel for himself and Mayakovsky lay down with his temple on the barrel.

There are no tear-stained widows at mass graves—stronger people come here, and they don’t put crosses on mass graves. But does that make it any easier?

Morning is wiser! But in the morning everything is not the same, there is no such fun: either you smoke on an empty stomach, or you drink with a hangover.

If there was vodka for one person, how wonderful it would be! But always smoking is for two, but always drinking is for three. What about one? For one - a cradle and a grave.

Our time is different, dashing, but look for happiness like in the old days! And we fly in pursuit after him, running away after him. Only in this race we lose our best comrades, without noticing in the gallop that there are no comrades nearby.

We cannot even fall freely, because we are not falling in emptiness.

I’ll steal if stealing is your thing—have I wasted so much effort in vain?! Agree to at least heaven in a hut, if someone has occupied the mansion with the palace!

There is no sense in thoughts and sciences when there is a refutation of them everywhere.

Winged expressions of Vladimir Vysotsky (100 expressions)

Vladimir Vysotsky left many poems and songs as a legacy to his descendants; his works are especially good in moments of mental heaviness, when a person seems to have lost everything, they restore strength and self-confidence. He called for “not to judge at first glance,” “see only the good in people,” and “rejoice in things,” and he was sincerely glad that people appreciated these words. This section contains catchphrases from Vladimir Vysotsky.

I agree to run in a herd - But not under saddle and without a bridle!

Hey you guys, do as I do. This means don't follow me. This track is mine alone! Choose your own path!

Learn it thoroughly, don’t forget And repeat like a spell: “Don’t lose faith in the fog, And don’t lose yourself either!”

Those who did not believe in bad prophecies, did not lie down in the snow for a moment to rest, should meet someone as a reward for loneliness.

I don’t like open cynicism, I don’t believe in enthusiasm, and also, When a stranger reads my letters, Looking over my shoulder.

I don't like myself when I'm afraid, I'm annoyed. when innocent people are beaten, I don’t like it when they get into my soul, especially when they spit on it!

If, cutting the path with your father's sword, You wound salty tears on your mustache, If in a hot battle you experienced what it costs, - That means you read the right books in childhood!

Your soul strived upward - You will be born again with a dream, But if you lived like a pig - You will remain a pig.

Agree to at least heaven in a hut, If someone has occupied the tower with the palace.

We must, we must pour salt into the wounds in order to remember better, even if they hurt.

If you didn’t eat a single piece of meat from a knife, If you watched from above with folded hands, And didn’t enter into a fight with a scoundrel, with an executioner - That means you had nothing to do with anything in life.

I don’t like well-fed confidence, It’s better if the brakes fail.

I don’t like any time of year, When I don’t sing funny songs.

Eh, you've exposed my nerves! If they came to life, they would walk like cripples.

I, of course, will return - all in friends and in dreams, I, of course, will sing - not even six months will pass.

At the number 37, the hops immediately leave me. And now, like a cold blast: Pushkin guessed a duel for himself under this figure, And Mayakovsky laid his temple on the barrel.

Why should I be the soul of society, When there is no soul in it at all!

I will grind the silver collar and gnaw the golden chain. I'll jump over the fence, burst into the burdock, tear the sides - and run out into the thunderstorm!

For me, an art song is an opportunity to have a conversation, talk with people on topics that excite and concern me; telling them about what grates on my nerves, tears at my soul, and so on, in the hope that they are worried about the same thing.

I was fed up to my chin - I even began to get tired of singing - I wish I could lie down on the bottom like a submarine so that they couldn’t take direction finding!

I am less than half a century old, forty-something. I am alive, for twelve years I am protected by you and the Lord. I have something to sing when I appear before the Almighty, I have something to justify myself before Him.

When I sing and play, Where will I end up? You can’t guess where? But I know only one thing: I won’t want to die.

It's funny, isn't it, funny? But he was in a hurry - not in a hurry. All that remains unsolved is everything that he left unsolved.

Everyone returns - except the best friends, Except the most beloved and devoted women, Everyone returns - except those who are most needed...

I think the scientists lied, there is a hole in their theory, a cut: development does not proceed in a spiral, but at random, peddling, across.

The vanity of all vanities is still vanity.

Snow without dirt is like a long life without lies.

Often we are replaced by others, so that we do not interfere with lies.

But clairvoyants - as well as eyewitnesses - have been burned at the stake by people in all centuries.

All of humanity has long been chronically ill, and throughout history it is doomed to be ill...

My cheekbones are aching with frustration: It seems to me that it’s been a year, That where I am, life goes by, And where I’m not, life goes on.

Our time is different, dashing, but look for happiness like in the old days! And we fly in pursuit after him, running away after him. Only in this race we lose our best comrades. At a gallop, we don’t notice that there are no comrades nearby.

Even on patrol you may not encounter an enemy... It’s not a grief if your leg hurts...

With power, with money, or with the crown - Fate throws people around like kittens.

The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too.

And although we were not mowed down by executions, We lived, not daring to raise our eyes. We are also children of the terrible years of Russia - Timelessness poured vodka into us.

And the freak sits on the freak and pushes other freaks around, And all this is in front of the people, Who seem to welcome and seem to approve of everything.

You, Zin, are running into rudeness, That's it, Zin, you are trying to offend! Here you get so busy in a day... When you come home, you’re sitting there!

If there is a debate with vodka, answer: “No, Democratic guys, just tea!”

There, behind the wall, behind the wall, behind the partition, the neighbor and the neighbor were playing with vodka. Everyone lived on equal footing, modestly like this: the corridor system, There was only one restroom for thirty-eight rooms.

Raise your hands, put the Ballots into the ballot boxes without even reading them - Die of boredom! Vote, just don't add me: I don't share your charter!

If they turn away, it means they didn’t love you enough.

The giraffe is big - he knows best!

Even “hello” can be said in such a way as to offend a person. Even “bastard” can be said in such a way that he will melt with pleasure.

Someone was cheerfully yelling about silence.

For some reason, when speaking on television, all people try to appear smarter than they really are. But the most interesting thing is to find out what they really are.

Like flies, here and there, Rumors spread from house to house, And toothless old women spread them to their minds.

There is no passage, and for a long time, In the world from impudent people. Scum and grayness drinks wine from other people's glasses.

Domes in Russia are covered with pure gold - So that the Lord will notice more often.

Neither the church nor the tavern - Nothing is sacred! No, guys, it's not like that, it's not like that, guys!

Heat a white bathhouse for me. I am unaccustomed to the white light. I will get sick and I, maddened, will loosen my tongue with hot steam.

What strange things happen here in Russia!

I stand as if before an eternal riddle, Before a great and fabulous land, Before salty and bitter, sweet and sour, Blue, spring, rye.

Friend! Stop smoking! - and in response - silence: He did not return from the battle yesterday.

They don’t put crosses on mass graves, And widows weep at them, Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them, And they light the Eternal Flame.

After all, the Earth is our soul, Boots cannot trample the soul!

I want to believe that our rough work gives you the opportunity to see the sunrise duty-free.

And I will ask God, the Spirit and the Son, to fulfill my will: May my friend forever protect my back, As in this last battle.

I breathe, and that means I love! I love, and that means I live!

Because love is forever love, even in your distant future.

In my soul there is a desolate desert, - So stand over my empty soul! There are snippets of songs and cobwebs there, - And she took everything else with her.

I secretly hoped that you weren't flipped through, But, like in a reading room, Too many people took you.

I'm not looking for heroes - at least a thousand characters are buried in each of us.

He who is without fear and reproach is always short of money.

Only a hunger strike can convince you that personality is not a smoldering creature, but something even much greater.

If a friend suddenly turns out to be neither friend nor enemy, but so...

There are few truly violent ones - and there are no leaders.

My finish is the horizon, and the ribbon is the edge of the earth. I must be the first on the horizon!

But for some reason he also needs to go four quarters of the way!

The only things better than mountains are mountains that you have never been to before.

And in response to me: “Apparently you were on the road for a long time and forgot people, we always live like this. We eat grass, we live on sorrel, our souls are sour, we are pimpled. And they also had a lot of fun with wine, they destroyed the house, they fought, they hanged themselves...”

Our penetration of the planet is especially pleasant from afar: in a public Parisian toilet there are inscriptions in Russian.

Calm down, calm down the melancholy in my chest! This is just a saying. The fairy tale is ahead.

But in the morning everything is not the same. There is no such fun: Either you smoke on an empty stomach, Or you drink with a hangover.

Oh, how we want, how we all want, not to die, but to fall asleep.

Somehow the air is not enough for me: I drink the wind, I swallow the fog... I feel with disastrous delight: I am lost, I am lost!

The dead are spared, given a funeral service and pampered in heaven, I won’t say about the living, but we take care of the dead.

The whole world is in the palm of your hand - you are happy and silent And you only envy those others a little - whose peak is still ahead.

“Oh, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, rock climber!..” We are now connected by one rope - We have both become rock climbers!

Mountaineering is a great way to survive the winter in the summer.

We are the sons of our fathers, But we are prodigal sons.

Thank you, saints, for spitting and blowing, that suddenly my parents decided to conceive me.

I was given freedom yesterday. What am I going to do with it?

But we cannot fall freely, because we do not fall in emptiness.

Poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife And cut their barefoot souls to blood.

Words run tight for them - so what! - never be afraid to be late. There are many of them - words, but still, if you can, say it, when you can’t help but say it.

Pure truth will someday triumph if it does the same thing as an obvious lie.

Rumors rule in Russia and sing with gossip in thirds. Well, somewhere next to them there is the truth, which they spit on.

Happiness is a journey, not necessarily from world to world... This journey can be into the soul of another person, a journey into the world of a writer or poet... And not alone, but with the person you love.

The amazing is nearby, but it is prohibited!

The wider the mouth, the wider the cat!

Vanya, Vanya, you and I are needed in Paris like pliers in a bathhouse.

We made it in time: to visit God There are no delays. So why are the angels singing with such evil voices?!

It’s a pity that they threw a lasso on me at the wrong time. I would have sucked the glass and off to the Vatican!

In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.

Never judge a dog or a person at first sight. Because a simple mongrel can have the kindest soul, and a pleasant-looking person can turn out to be a rare bastard.

I always look for only the good in people - they will show the bad themselves.

I have something to sing when I appear before the Almighty, I have something to justify myself to him.

But even bright minds place everything between the lines: they have plans for the long term.

I have already been buried several times, left several times, served several prison terms, and such terms that I still have to live for another hundred years. One girl from Novosibirsk asked me: “Is it true that you died?” I say: “I don’t know.”

Best Quotes

You, Zin, are running into rudeness, That's it, Zin, you are trying to offend! Here you get so busy in a day... When you come home, you’re sitting there!

I have something to sing when I appear before the Almighty.

How many rumors strike our ears, how many gossips eat away like moths.

We must, we must pour salt into the wounds in order to remember better, even if they hurt.

Everyone lived on equal footing, modestly: a corridor system, with only one restroom for thirty-eight rooms. Here the tooth didn’t touch the tooth, the quilted jacket didn’t warm me, here I found out for sure why it was a pretty penny.

When I see broken wings, there is no pity in me, and for good reason: I don’t like violence and powerlessness, I just feel sorry for the crucified Christ.

The only things better than mountains are mountains that you have never been to before.

And although we were not mowed down by executions, we lived without daring to raise our eyes - we, too, are children of the terrible years of Russia, timelessness poured vodka into us.

After all, the Earth is our soul, you can’t trample the soul with boots!

Clairvoyants - as well as eyewitnesses - have been burned at the stake by people in all centuries.

If there is a debate with vodka, answer: “No, Democratic guys, just tea!”

The dead are spared, given a funeral service and pampered in heaven, I won’t say about the living, but we take care of the dead.

You walk and look around, And you catch every glance, You gape a little, They’re already eating you!

... love is forever love, Even in your distant future.

I think the scientists lied, there is a hole in their theory, a cut: development does not proceed in a spiral, but at random, peddling, across.

If you didn’t love - That means you didn’t live and didn’t breathe!

I agree to run in a herd - But not under saddle and without a bridle!

I respect all professions in general, if a person is a professional in them.

We made it in time: To visit God - there are no delays.

Although my nerves are tinned, peace is gone forever. Eh, you are exposing my nerves! If they came to life, they would walk like cripples.

— What do you value in men? - A combination of kindness, strength and intelligence. When I caption photos for boys, I always write: “Grow up strong, smart and kind.” This is the combination.

Why should I be the soul of society when there is no soul in it at all!

Others wear masks of indifference as protection from spitting and slaps.

For the 78th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky: 40 quotes from the great actor

Today marks the 78th birthday of the greatest Soviet poet, musician, actor Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky - a man without whom it is impossible to imagine Russia and unravel the phenomenon of the “mysterious Russian soul”.

It is hardly worth choosing words to try to describe his contribution to the culture of the past era and the life of each of us. It is enough to recall the lines of his immortal poems. We present 40 of the most famous quotes and excerpts from the poems of Vladimir Semenovich. R.I.P.

"God created man,

Like a test mannequin..."

The childhood years of Vladimir Vysotsky. 1946 From the archive of N.M. Vysotskaya


“What strange things...

Here in Russia they are molded!”

Vladimir Vysotsky at the screen test. Mid 60s


“The domes in Russia are covered with pure gold -

So that the Lord may notice more often..."

Years of youth. From the archive of N.M. Vysotskaya


“My finish is the horizon, and the ribbon is the edge of the earth

I must be the first on the horizon!”

Vladimir Vysotsky with Igor Kokhanovsky. From the archive of N.M. Vysotskaya


“We managed to visit God

There are no delays.

So why are the angels singing?

With such evil voices?!”

Khimki, Moscow region, House of Culture "Rodina", 1975


“The vanity of all vanities is still vanity...”

1979, photo by Igor Palmin


“Calm down, calm down the melancholy,

In my chest!

This is just a saying

A fairy tale is ahead..."

House of Culture "Vostok", Leningrad, 1966, photo by N. Drozdetskaya


“Silence, only seagulls like lightning

We feed them with emptiness from our hands

But our reward for Silence

There will definitely be Sound..."

Yaroslavl, House of Culture of the Motor Plant, February 28, 1979. Photo by S. Metelitsa


“Why should I be the soul of society,

When there is no soul in it at all!”

Vladimir Vysotsky in Lyubertsy, Moscow region, TZPP, 1972. Photo by N. Shabaev


“Everyone returns - except the best friends,

Except for the most beloved and devoted women.

Everyone returns - except those who are most needed..."

Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi. Photo by Valery Plotnikov


“After all, the Earth is our soul,

You can’t trample your soul with boots!”

1972 Photo by A. Gershman


“My finish is the horizon, and the ribbon is the edge of the earth.

I must be the first on the horizon!”

Vladimir Vysotsky on the set of “Kinopanorama”, Moscow, January 22, 1980. Photo by B. Palatnik


“We learn a lot from books,

And truths are conveyed orally:

“There are no prophets in their own country,”

Yes, and in other fatherlands - not a lot ... "

July 1980. To the concert in Lyubertsy


“I breathe, and that means I love!

I love, and that means I live!”

Vladimir Vysotsky on the ship "Georgia"


“The amazing is nearby, but it is prohibited!”

Photo by Viktor Akhlomov. Scene from the play "Antiworlds".

Taganka Theater, Moscow. 1966


"I don't like any time of year,

When I don’t sing happy songs..."

Vladimir Vysotsky. Bulgaria, September 1975. Photo by V. Giltyay


“My cheekbones are aching with annoyance:

It seems to me what year

That where I am, life passes there,

And where I am not, he goes...”

Vladimir Vysotsky in Moscow, House of Cinema, 1976. Photo by D. Chizhkov


“If they turn away, it means they didn’t love you enough”

Severodonetsk, January 25, 1978. Photo by K. Pichugin


“With power, with money, or with the crown - Fate throws people around like kittens...”

Vladimir Vysotsky with V. Perevozchikov in Pyatigorsk, September 14, 1979


“Whoever did not believe in bad prophecies, did not lie down in the snow for a moment to rest, should meet someone as a reward for loneliness.”

Photo by Valery Plotnikov


“Now everything that is prophesied is coming true!

The train leaves for heaven - happy journey!

Oh, how we wish, how we all wish not to die,

Namely, to fall asleep..."

Vladimir Vysotsky with V. Nisanov, Moscow 1979. Photo by S. Borisov


“I think the scientists lied, there is a hole in their theory, a cut: development does not proceed in a spiral, but at random, peddling, crosswise.”

Moscow, DK. Ilyich, December 1977. Photo by A. Sternin


“In my soul there is a desolate desert,”

So stand over my empty soul!

There are snippets of songs and cobwebs there, -

And she took everything else with her..."

Vladimir Vysotsky with students before a performance at Queens College in January 1979. Photo by Natasha Sharymova


“Pure truth will someday triumph if it does the same thing as an obvious lie”

Moscow, 1980. Photo by V. Kiselev


“Learn it thoroughly, don’t forget And repeat like a spell: “Don’t lose faith in the fog, And don’t lose yourself!”

Scene from the play “Listen!”, 1966, photo by O. Shiryaeva


“I, of course, will return - all in friends and in dreams, I, of course, will sing - not even six months will pass...”

Vladimir Vysotsky in 1979. Photo by V. Murashko


“It’s really all relative, - Everything, everything, everything...”

Moscow, Ilyich House of Culture, December 1977, photo by A. Sternin


“The whole world is in the palm of your hand - you are happy and silent And you only envy those Others a little - whose peak is still ahead...”

Vladimir Vysotsky. 1964


“Your soul strived upward - You will be born again with a dream, But if you lived like a pig - You will remain a pig...”

Photo by Anatoly Garanin


“But even bright minds put everything between the lines: They have plans for the long term...”

Still from the film “Bad Good Man”, 1972


“Well, the trembling in my hands has disappeared, Now - up! Well, fear fell into the abyss forever, forever. There is no reason to stop - I’m going sliding... And there are no such peaks in the world that you can’t take..."

Vladimir Vysotsky with his son Arkady at the dacha, 1963


“We must, we must pour salt into the wounds in order to remember better, even if they hurt...”

Vladimir Vysotsky with his son M. Vladi Pierre in Moscow, autumn 1975


“I don’t like well-fed confidence, It’s better if the brakes fail...”

Vladimir Vysotsky at the 15th anniversary of the Taganka Theater, April 23, 1979. Photo by A. Grashchenko


“When I sing and play, Where will I end up, on what? I can’t guess? But I know only one thing: I won’t want to die...”

Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi before a performance at Queens College in January 1979. Photo by Natasha Sharymova


“The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too...”

Vladimir Vysotsky at the Taganka Theater, 1973


So leave unnecessary disputes, I have already proven everything to myself, The only things better than mountains can be mountains that you have never been to before, that you have never been to before.

Vladimir Vysotsky at the Taganka Theater, 1973


… Do as I do. This means: don't follow me. This track is only mine, choose your own track.

Vladimir Vysotsky as Ryaboy. Still from the film “Master of the Taiga”


“Your doors are wide open, but your soul is locked…”

Moscow sees off Vysotsky on his last journey. July 1980


“My finish line is the horizon, And the ribbon is the edge of the earth. I must be the first on the horizon...”


Wise Quotes

- A shortcoming that you do not forgive? - A lot of them. I don’t want to list it, but... Greed. Lack of position, which leads to many other vices. When a person himself does not know - not only what he wants in this life, but when he does not have his own opinion or cannot judge a subject, about people, about the meaning of life - or about anything! - myself, independently. When he either repeats what he once liked, what he was taught, or is incapable of independent thinking.

There are few truly violent ones - and there are no leaders.

Rumors rule in Russia and sing with gossip in thirds. Well, somewhere next to them there is the truth, which they spit on.

Raise your hands, put ballots into ballot boxes without even reading them - you'll die of boredom! Vote, just don’t add me: I don’t share your Charter!

I don’t like well-fed confidence; it’s better if the brakes fail. It annoys me that the word “honor” is forgotten and that honor is slandered behind the back.

Words run tight for them - so what! - never be afraid to be late. There are many of them - words, but still, if you can, say it, when you can’t help but say it.

I think the scientists lied, there is a hole in their theory, a cut: development does not proceed in a spiral, but at random, peddling, crosswise.

Every Magi strives to punish, but if not, they would obey, right?

... Sometimes you write a song and suddenly you see: you yourself are behaving inappropriately. For example, after I wrote “The Ballad of the Transmigration of Souls,” I began to take a closer look at dogs. I think: what if this was some kind of wandering musician before? Or you see some cats there, you think that these were some ladies before, certain ones. And you already behave differently with them...

It is better to live 40 years on a horse than without a shield.

Happiness is a journey, not necessarily from world to world... This journey can be into the soul of another person, a journey into the world of a writer or poet... And not alone, but with the person you love. Maybe some trips, but together with the person you love, whose opinion you value.

Only a hunger strike can convince you that personality is not a smoldering creature, but something even much greater.

Quotes with meaning

... But in whiskey, like in drums, Memory beats, rushing into battle.

Do you know how the priest killed the priest? What does exhausted mean? Killed, that is. Well! Divorce in Italian. Here. He lay in wait for her and lowered the icon of the Savior onto her. Triple effect. Firstly, if the Savior did not save, but killed, then there was a reason.

I was in luck, the Earth was spinning, and, taking three pairs of underwear, I walked there. But instantly I wanted to go back to where I came from.

I have grievances against the authorities of my country, but I will not resolve them with you.

All the prophets - John, Isaac, Solomon, Moses, and someone else - are right in only one thing, that the Lord lived, crucified him, he rose again and now lives, the kingdom of heaven be unto him. And everything else about loving your neighbor, exposing your cheeks to their blows, and also - don’t bully, don’t look, don’t listen, don’t breathe when you don’t ask, and other nonsense - all this was added from oral folk art. Yes, here’s another: “Thou shalt not kill!” - this is right. No need to kill. It’s a pity to kill, and there’s no reason to kill.

I am responsible for my creativity to the country that sings and listens to my songs, despite the fact that they are not promoted by radio, television, or concert organizations.

Never judge a dog or a person at first sight. Because a simple mongrel can have the kindest soul, and a pleasant-looking person can turn out to be a rare bastard.

Happiness is a journey. Maybe into the soul of another person, a journey into the world of a writer or poet... Some trips, but not alone, but together with the person you love, whose opinion you value.

I'm alive, take off the black bandages!..

It’s not scary without a weapon - a toothy barracuda, big and without a weapon - big, we are in consolation, and small people - without weapons are not people: All small people without weapons are targets.

I breathe, and that means I love! I love, and that means I live!

... I have something to sing when I appear before the Almighty, I have something to justify myself to him.

Under power, under money, under the crown, fate tosses people around like kittens.

Poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife And cut their barefoot souls to blood.

So many have been sitting on the banks for centuries - and watching carefully and vigilantly as others nearby on the stones break their ridges and break their heads. They sympathize with the slightly lost - but from afar.

Under power, whether it’s money, or under the crown, fate tosses people around like kittens.

Which women do men love more than others: quote from Vladimir Vysotsky

How I want to open an article on the Internet with the title “Which women men love unconditionally”, quickly and freely acquire information, and, based on statistics and public opinion, quickly become the kind of lady that everyone loves.

Love directed at us is like trump cards in our hands, like a life preserver that we can grab onto so as not to go to the bottom. Like a powerful immune system that will save and protect you from everything. It is a source of inspiration, a reason for self-confidence.

If we are loved, it means that we are beautiful, desired and in demand - women think.

They deliberately go on exhausting diets, go to a cosmetologist and buy high-heeled shoes in order to remain “in rotation” as long as possible so that they can drink from this source of love in large sips.

Vasily Shukshin and Vladimir Vysotsky

But if you are loved, don’t rush to rejoice.

Leo Tolstoy, the author of “Anna Karenina” and “War and Peace,” immortalized his idea on paper:

It always seems that we are loved because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good.

The classic believed that love is not an increased interest in a person, but a state of mind in which you want to embrace the whole world. But not everyone can achieve this nirvana. It happens to a select few.

One of my friends was very lucky with her appearance, at least sign up for a top model. But she was from a family where they didn’t rely on appearance, they forced her to study and work.

There were a lot of men around her, all her girlfriends were jealous of her. Luxurious bouquets, expensive gifts, brave deeds that were performed for her sake.

And then one day she admitted that she did not feel happy at all about what was happening. Were you lying? The well-fed cannot understand the hungry. For us, girlfriends, at least a piece of this happiness, but she wrinkles her nose and makes the sky angry. I would be afraid to throw around such words.

And so the years passed, she married a completely simple guy, gave birth to a son from him. And finally found happiness.

And why? Because she was loved and not considered a trophy. And she sincerely loved in return. And everything that happened before was reminiscent of some kind of bargaining, a competitive struggle between males for a tasty morsel.

Vladimir Vysotsky has these lines:

I once tried to understand their essence, to understand - so what kind of person do I need to be in order to be loved stronger, longer, more diligently and more intensely? I was ready to change - both externally and internally, in order to meet men's needs.

And then I grew up and threw these thoughts aside. They love different people. As Chekhov wrote: “There is no such freak that he would not find a mate.”

They react sensitively to the beautiful ones, enjoy life with the cheerful ones, and take a break from the hustle and bustle with the silent ones. But you can only be happy with someone who is 100% your person. And if you want this person to be rich, smart, educated, well-mannered and tactful, then you need to become like that yourself.

Or be content with what you have.

The poetess Adelina Adalis has the following lines:

And I prayed to God for love: Not to become loved, just to love...

I didn’t understand before how you could formulate your desire like that. It’s more pleasant to be loved. Know yourself, bask in the rays of attention, grow your self-esteem to the very skies. And when you love yourself, it can be painful, stupid, and unrequited. And jealousy is mixed in, and doubts. A whole range of experiences.

But it is from them that our soul grows. Thanks to them, we become real people, we learn to appreciate someone, take care of them, please and respect them, we generate tenderness.

And then it becomes not so important what you look like, whether you know how to manipulate the male consciousness, whether you have an alternate airfield in case of a broken heart and a host of fans. You finally become unlike anyone, you don’t imitate anyone, you don’t pretend. But you just live. And only a woman who knows how to sincerely love herself is worthy of these feelings.

This is the wisdom Confucius came to over the years:

Do you agree with him? Or do you still want to be loved more?


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