Aphorisms and sayings about writers and prose

If I were to be heartless, then at about twenty years old

  1. Well, if you scream, you start calling for help - who cares? R. Bradbury
  2. The best medicine is to just come home and eat some goodies. R. Bradbury
  3. Achieve it yourself. This is not selfishness. This is a very important concern. About Me. R. Bradbury
  4. People love sunsets because they happen once a day and are not always visible. R. Bradbury
  5. The most pointless thing is to try not to be who you are, or to try to be the same. R. Bradbury
  6. Many of those living now deserve to die... D. Tolkien
  7. To regret means to complicate your life. D. Tolkien
  8. I wish I knew you a lot worse. And many of you. D. Tolkien
  9. You can close yourself off from the world, but that doesn’t stop it from being as huge as it is! D. Tolkien
  10. How not to despair? Imagine what you will do if defeat occurs. D. Tolkien
  11. It doesn't matter how small of a person you are! You can still change the course of the future! D. Tolkien
  12. A person born without reason is the same person. D. Keys
  13. There are many opportunities for those who are able to love and be loved. D. Keys
  14. In order to build a new house, you cannot do without destroying the old one. D. Keys
  15. Whatever one may say, you can’t combine absolutely everything in one single woman! D. Keys
  16. Make sure your level of anxiety matches the seriousness of the situation. D. Keys
  17. Why are we moving away from each other? Probably the problem is that the Universe is expanding... D. Keys
  18. Both men and women forgive. It’s just that women remember everything, and men forget everything. M. Fry
  19. If you find yourself in an unusual situation, think about how interesting it really is. M. Fry
  20. If it can’t get any worse, it means that very soon it will be at least a little better. M. Fry
  21. You have no idea how tired your mind can be in company. M. Fry
  22. We have such a world that if you don’t see well, it’s, you know, for the better. M. Fry
  23. I dream of meeting my destiny by chance. I will definitely give her “for all the good things.” M. Fry
  24. Life without love is the same as a world without air. H. Murakami
  25. No opinion is wrong. Some just don't match. H. Murakami
  26. Everything disappears, but something leaves our memory even when we ourselves leave. H. Murakami

Not everyone who likes to talk to themselves is schizophrenic

There will be nothing to be afraid of when we truly learn to count on the good. Even more wise thoughts are in smart quotes from books.

  1. The soul manifests itself with thoughts that others will never know about. M. Pavic
  2. You know, in music there is nowhere without hearing. It's the same with happiness. M. Pavic
  3. Everyone is destined to die. However, not everyone is destined to be born. M. Pavic
  4. Do you know what is forgotten most quickly? Yes, all the best that happened to you... M. Pavich
  5. Remember that if you constantly think about enemies, you will find them. M. Pavic
  6. In order to understand the true meaning of the book, it is not enough to read it only once. M. Pavic
  7. Our problems and our attitude to these problems are, after all, different things. J. Fowles
  8. We are all islands. And, as you know, there must be some distance between us. J. Fowles
  9. Deep feelings are the hardest to express. J. Fowles
  10. The light does not converge like a wedge on one person. Believe me, this is true. J. Fowles
  11. If anything should be taken literally, it is definitely not human speech. J. Fowles
  12. You know, you can only resurrect what was. J. Fowles
  13. Divorce is more than just emotional trauma. Your whole life is turned upside down. E. Gilbert
  14. The place where you now stand was once delineated by God. E. Gilbert
  15. If you can’t explain it in any way, then tell it like it is. E. Gilbert
  16. Falling in love only after assessing the risk is impossible. E. Gilbert
  17. Unhappy love is when you become a victim of your own optimism. E. Gilbert
  18. Happiness is always a consequence of working on yourself. E. Gilbert
  19. Everyone needs to break away from themselves from time to time. M. Houellebecq
  20. I'm torn between grief and the feeling that human extinction is good for the planet. M. Houellebecq
  21. The next time you want to serve someone, remember that humanity wants to destroy you. M. Houellebecq
  22. Being indifferent is common. Try something different! M. Houellebecq
  23. Someone says that love does not exist, but we all see its consequences... M. Houellebecq
  24. If you leave proudly and gracefully, it doesn't matter if you cry alone afterwards. E.M. Remarque
  25. Time does not heal. It just gives you new experiences. E.M. Remarque
  26. Whatever one may say, mutual love is exactly what is needed for happiness. E.M. Remarque

Be ready to let go, and then they will want to hold you

Wise quotes from books - so that the wisdom of great works of literature in no case escapes you. And you can also share it with your friends.

  1. Falling in love is happiness. And falling in love without memory is a guarantee that happiness will be lost. E.M. Remarque
  2. All animals can be themselves, but humans are not allowed...intellect. A. Camus
  3. If there is an invincible summer inside you, you will only find out about it in the cold winter. A. Camus
  4. Beautiful flirting is what makes the heart beat faster. A. Camus
  5. Surprisingly, a reason for life can turn into a reason for death in an instant. A. Camus
  6. If you suddenly become lonely, you will have to prove to yourself that you can be happy alone! A. Camus
  7. In order to save a person, you need to really want it. J. Selinger
  8. To become nobody, for this too, you know, there must be courage. J. Selinger
  9. Any person can spoil your mood - both good and bad. J. Selinger
  10. Find kindness within yourself if you are old enough to do so. J. Selinger
  11. It doesn't matter how old you are. In your head, you are, by and large, the same. J. Selinger
  12. The fact that you are being parasitized is, in essence, your problem. J. Selinger
  13. Sometimes the hardest thing is to explain who you really are. L. Stern
  14. The thirst for knowledge, unlike ordinary thirst, grows only when you satisfy it. L. Stern
  15. Respect yourself, even though this is not stated in moral standards. L. Stern
  16. Earning trust again is the real achievement. L. Stern
  17. A woman is a woman, no matter what profession. L. Stern
  18. Lying to those you love is a real sin. E. Rice
  19. Even the most seemingly flawed person still craves knowledge. E. Rice
  20. We live among those who never strive to change anything in their lives. That is the problem. E. Rice
  21. Every person must be internally sure that he is worthy of love. E. Rice
  22. The greatest skill is to be who you really are as often as possible. E. Rice
  23. Sometimes searching is a common excuse. J. Cortazar
  24. You want to cry, and not at all to be consoled. J. Cortazar
  25. In one thing you will definitely be like your ancestors - in that you will both die. J. Cortazar
  26. Every supposedly random meeting is actually not at all random H. Cortazar

Wives, like husbands, unfortunately, are not chosen

What is the wisdom of life? You know, for everyone it is in different things. And you choose your own meaning from winged quotes from books.

  1. If life is a theater, then we watch it from the second act! J. Cortazar
  2. Just because a person had happiness, this does not mean that he will tell you about it. J. Cortazar
  3. Sadness is always followed by joy. But do we believe this? N. Sparks
  4. You need to be smart everywhere, except when communicating with the guy who interests you. N. Sparks
  5. When you're drowning, the last thing you want to do is count the drops. N. Sparks
  6. Stories that have unpredictable endings are the best. Especially if they are alive. N. Sparks
  7. Everyone wants to put in as little effort as possible. All. N. Sparks
  8. A person himself needs a sense of humor to forget his fears. N. Sparks
  9. What you gain quickly is much easier to lose. G. Harrison
  10. A wife cannot be an angel. Except maybe just like him. G. Harrison
  11. Running away is one thing, but maintaining at least some level of calm at the same time is more difficult. G. Harrison
  12. Being alone against the whole world is very beautiful, but it is more difficult than you might think. G. Harrison
  13. When you're in love, the lines between good and evil are almost completely blurred. G. Harrison
  14. A serious illness never comes alone: ​​a person is given strength along with it. I.Noll
  15. Loyalty is a quality that is unique (!) to a dog. I.Noll
  16. The worst thing is to seriously think about suicide and not tell anyone about it. I.Noll
  17. And it’s good that we don’t remember what we say when drunk. What a shame it would be... I. Noll
  18. Parents get angry at idle children because they envy them. I.Noll
  19. Retell the plots of novels that people have not read in order to appear well-read. K.Ishiguro
  20. You cannot accept a new era without leaving at least a piece of the old in your heart. K. Ishiguro
  21. Without memories, every love dies. K.Ishiguro
  22. Living in comfort is good, but those who strive for something more deserve admiration. K. Ishiguro
  23. Someday you will understand that childhood for you is like a country to which you cannot return... K. Ishiguro
  24. In order to go crazy, you first need to acquire them. A. de Coitiers
  25. Heaven and hell do not appear after death. They are in us - from our very birth. A. de Coitiers

Statuses-quotes from books - for cozy cold evenings. This is another opportunity to think about what is really happening in life...

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