Statuses about lawyers. Lawyers - quotes and statuses.

Quotes about lawyers. What the greats said about the law

The legal profession has become so integral to the lives of Russians that it is difficult to imagine what the world would be like without them.
After all, in addition to everything else, this is a very ancient profession. The first lawyers appeared in Ancient Greece and Rome. They were always respected and honored. The work of a lawyer is still considered one of the most prestigious today.

But what exactly did famous people say about the so-called lawyers? And what are the most famous quotes?

Quotes about lawyers

1) “I went broke twice: at the moment when I lost the lawsuit and when I won it.” One of the most famous quotes about lawyers comes from the famous eighteenth-century philosopher Voltaire.

2) “Having won a case, a lawyer congratulates his client: “We have won,” and, having lost, declares: “You have been defeated.” Quote from twentieth-century British writer Louis Naiser.

3) A lawyer and politician from nineteenth-century Great Britain, Genty Broome, defined the essence of the legal profession as follows: “A lawyer is an educated gentleman who will prevent your enemies from getting your property and take it into their hands.”

4) There is also a more modern saying that is humorous in nature. “If you can’t understand what you’re reading even after the fifth time, then you’re reading what a lawyer wrote.”

5) None other than Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II, said: “In a civilization there must be freedom to criticize government, freedom of speech and assembly, freedom to choose religion, freedom from racial prejudice and legal justice.”

6) “The purpose and purpose of legislation is to create a common good on the basis of private interests.” This quote about the law comes from Pierre Boiste, a famous nineteenth-century lexicographer from France.

7) Victor Marie Hugo, Frenchman, author of the novel “Notre Dame de Paris” and other great works in the genre of romanticism, said: “It’s easy to be kind, it’s hard to be fair.”

8) The twentieth century Japanese writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa said: “The most painful punishment is its absence.”

9) Another quote about lawyers comes from the pen of Johann Wolfgang Goethe. “Whoever begins to study all the laws will not be able to find time to break them.”

Ironic Quotes

10) Nineteenth-century British writer Charles Dickens stated about the work of lawyers: “If there were no bad men, there would be no good lawyers.”

11) A rather specific quote about lawyers belongs to the British statesman George Saville. “If laws had the power of speech, they would first of all complain about lawyers.”

12) Karl Heinrich Marx, a philosopher and public figure in Germany, said: “Moral strength cannot be created by paragraphs of law.”

13) “We must become slaves of the law in order to gain freedom.” The quote belongs to Marcus Tullius Cicero, orator, philosopher and politician of Ancient Rome.

14) Leonid Semenovich Sukhorov, a Ukrainian writer, argued that often the verdict proclaims the triumph not of the law, but of the lawyer.

Quotes about jurisprudence

15) “The difference between a lawyer and other people is that he uses words in the manner of mathematical formulas.” Quote about lawyers by an unknown author.

16) “To condemn the innocent is to condemn the judges.” Quote about lawyers from the ancient Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

17) “Laws are designed to help ordinary people. Therefore, they must be based on common sense.” The third President of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson, spoke a lot about legislation, considering it one of the most important areas of human life.

18) “The beauty of jurisprudence is that it can always challenge all sorts of claims. Circumstances, people and form are not important.” The British writer Wilkie Collins inserted such an unusual thought into his famous novel “The Woman in White.”

19) “Customs are humanity, laws are the brains of the country. Customs are often more cruel than laws. But customs, no matter how unreasonable they may be, triumph over laws.” Quote from Honoré de Balzac, a writer from France.

20) There is a more modern saying: “Two lawyers, eight opinions.”


Quotes about lawyers of great people, like nothing else, show the importance of law in public life. The lawyers themselves also talked a lot about their profession, because the ability to choose the right words is one of their leading skills. In it, according to Goethe and Voltaire, they were very successful.


Phrases and quotes about lawyers

They don’t skimp on advertising, doctors and lawyers...

If you are your own lawyer, then your client is an idiot. (American proverb)

A lawyer is a lawyer who can legally protect us from the law. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Lawyer: A person who can find thirteen loopholes in the Ten Commandments. (Humor)

A lawyer is more disinterested than even a mouse - if a mouse stealthily gnaws on someone else’s cheese, then a lawyer honestly feeds only on holes in social laws. (Stas Yankovsky)

Stop, just a moment! You're under arrest. (Anatoly Ras)

Facts are a stubborn thing, but not with good lawyers (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

A good lawyer is one who can prove that in this particular case the law of universal gravitation has no force. (Alexander Tsitkin)

If a lawyer fails to free his client, he blames the judge. (Silovan Ramishvili)

A lawyer is a person who can find loopholes not only in investment commandments (Sergey Nekhaev)

Without a good lawyer, any legal field is a mine. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

A real lawyer is always worthwhile. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

He was an unimportant lawyer, for which he received the nickname halfback. (Vladimir Semenov)

The time has come when the devil must be God's advocate: if he himself wants to otherwise prolong his existence. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

A good lawyer studies the law; a smart lawyer invites a judge to lunch. (Humor)

A lawyer is a person who is paid not to explain what is allowed by law, but to explain how to do what is prohibited by law.

A lawyer is like hemorrhoids; as soon as you are about to sit down, you immediately think about him. (Leonid Bogdanov)

Between shitting yourself and getting off, you have the right to one call to a lawyer. (Mikhail Mamchich)

A lawyer is a hired conscience (F.M. Dostoevsky)

A brilliant lawyer will achieve a new case by accusing the prosecutor of insulting the defendant. (Georgy Alexandrov)

You need to get a lawyer while you are still free. (Mikhail Guskov)

The lawyer looks for the positive in the crime and the negative in the punishment. (Alexander Morozov)

Good lawyers, for the most part, live honestly, work hard, and die poor. (Daniel Webster)

A talented lawyer will build a protective wall that neither prosecutors nor judges can cross. (Georgy Alexandrov)

A good lawyer will turn any legal process from inflammatory to educational

Please note that at the Last Judgment, lawyers will be too busy to defend you! (Boris Krieger)

A real and good lawyer is a good lawyer (Unknown)

If you have no criminal record, then this is not your dignity, but our shortcoming (judicial saying)

The prosecutor and lawyer are the participants in the process who most hinder the judge from calmly reading the documents collected in the case. (Unknown) / LAWYERS / COURT AND JUDGES)

A good lawyer will bring the process to a close. (Georgy Alexandrov)


An experienced American lawyer will seek moral compensation from the Nobel Committee for the unprecedented Nobel Prize for 2021... (Vladimir Borisov)

To interpret the law in court, you need to have a nose for it plus a lawyer's sense. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Ignorance of the law exempts an experienced lawyer from liability. Leonid S. Sukhorukov (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Knowledge of the laws frees you from paying for lawyers' chatter (Elena Ermolova)

A good lawyer will chew through any article of the criminal code like a mouse in a wheel of cheese. (Yuri Tatarkin)

Two lawyers – eight opinions.

I'll hire a lawyer. During the probationary period, you need to complete a difficult task - legally dismiss the previous one.

A lawyer differs from others in that he uses words like mathematical formulas.

The less legality there is in a state, the more lawyers there are.

The law is what we explain (proverb of ancient Roman jurists)

In one lawyer’s office there is a picture hanging on the wall that most accurately reflects the essence of this profession: two men are arguing over who owns a cow, one is pulling it by the horns, the other by the tail, and at the same time the lawyer is calmly milking this same cow...

Lawyers are divided into two categories: some know the law well, others know the judge well.

The lawyer is ready to do anything to win the case. Sometimes he is even ready to tell the truth.

From the prosecutor's report: “The people were imprisoned for a total of 328 years.”

I don't know how to do anything except prosecutor. I am a third generation prosecutor (Vladimir Ustinov, Prosecutor General of Russia).

The Mytishchi District Court banned the sale of Microsoft shares on the New York Stock Exchange.

Due to the fact that the accused took bribes in conventional units, the court decides to give a suspended sentence...

Resolution of the Supreme Court of Russia: “Due to insolvency, Kyiv, the mother of Russian cities, is deprived of parental rights.”

A trial was held in Florida and swindler Sholom Weiss was sentenced in absentia to eight hundred and forty-five years in prison. It was announced that if he turned himself in, the sentence would be halved. I was hoping this would help. But this did not help (from a real speech by an Interpol agent).

What kind of our production is comparable in profitability to legal proceedings? (Grigory Yablonsky)

Spider sued the World Wide Web for copyright infringement.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Knowledge is easy. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

When we break the law, we are fined, when we do the right thing, we are charged taxes...

Yesterday, weapons were seized from illegal gangs. The weapons were transferred to legal gangs.

Where there are ten thousand regulations, there can be no respect for the law (Winston Churchill).

If you find a treasure, then legally take one quarter of it for yourself, and bury the rest!

Knowledge of the laws does not relieve one from responsibility for their implementation.

It is easiest to govern with the help of laws when the consequence of their non-compliance is remorse (Wilhelm Schwebel).

Holes in the law are nets into which large fish pass and small ones get stuck.

If the Law blindfolds the Goddess of Laws, Themis, then what can be said about the executors of the Law?

In primitive society there was a ban on murder and cannibalism. Those who broke the law were killed and eaten.

If the Law blindfolds the Goddess of Laws, Themis, then what can be said about the executors of the Law?

The law is not written to fools; if it is written, it is not read; if it is read, it is not understood; if it is understood, it is not understood...

The legal department of a commercial firm is the anti-legislative department.

The law is what we explain. Motto of an ancient notary office in Paris

Law has the same specialization as medicine. Forget "Uncle Joe" lawyer. He will draw up your will, but what does he know about business insolvency, bankruptcy and the recovery process? Arnold Goldstein, President of a consulting firm (USA)

The law is not as terrible as it is interpreted. Danil Rudy (1926–1983), writer

If you don’t understand what you’re reading even after the fifth time, it means it was written by a lawyer. Will Rogers (1879–1935), American satirist

Every person should know something about laws; and if he knows enough to get around them, then he is a good lawyer. Henry Wheeler Shaw (1818–1885), American man of letters

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. But knowledge often liberates. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (1909–1966), Polish writer

They don't tell you in law school that the most important thing in law is the ability to get along with fools. Doris Lessing (b.1919), English writer

We have a rule-of-law state that is still under construction, and therefore the word “having a lawyer” is misunderstood. Vladimir Platonov (b. 1954), Chairman of the Moscow City Duma

I don't need a lawyer to tell me what I can't do. I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do. John Pierpont Morgan (1837–1913), American financier

In England, the doors of the palaces of justice are open to everyone, like the doors of the Ritz Hotel. James Mathew (1830–1908), English judge

Justice is such a wonderful thing that it is impossible to overpay for it. Alain René Lesage (1668–1747), French writer

There is nothing certain about justice except costs. Samuel Butler (1835–1902), English writer

The law protects everyone who can hire a good lawyer.

In both justice and war, the biggest money ultimately wins. Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) (1869–1948), Indian politician

There is no better client than a scared millionaire. Unknown American lawyer

A lawyer's advice is worthless until it is paid for. If you are your own lawyer, then your client is an idiot.

If you can't find a lawyer who knows the law well, find a lawyer who knows the judge well.

An arbitrator is an outsider who is invited to admit that we are right.

Litigants' lawyers are like two halves of scissors: they destroy what is between them, but not each other. Daniel Webster (1782–1852), American politician and orator

A lawyer is a learned gentleman who saves your property from your enemies and takes it for himself. Henry Peter Broome (1778–1868), English lawyer and politician

In a bullfight, it is not the bulls who win, but the people. In human fights, it is not the people who win, but the lawyers. Norman Augustine (b.1935), American entrepreneur

The lawyer never loses, the client quite often does. Jozef Bulatowicz, Polish writer

A rich practice does not always make a better lawyer, but it always makes him richer.

Present your case to the lawyer honestly and clearly; he will be able to confuse him himself. Alessandro Manzoni (1785–1873), Italian writer

“Why did you go to a lawyer?” “My brother said, any fool can give me advice, so I came to you.” M. Mears and J. Knapp. "5600 jokes"

A lawyer is a person who helps you get everything that is due to him. From the book “Quotes from Peter” (1977)

After winning a case, the lawyer tells the client: “We won,” after losing: “You lost.” Louis Naiser (1902–1994), English lawyer and writer

A bad world is better than a good lawyer. Italian saying

The lawyer's job is not to bring cases to court. Elihu Root (1845–1937), American lawyer, Secretary of War, Secretary of State

An incompetent prosecutor can delay bringing a case to trial for months or years, while a competent prosecutor can delay it for much longer. Evell Younger, California Attorney General

A bad settlement is better than a good process. French saying

He who litigates over a sheep loses his cow. Spanish saying

I've only been ruined twice: once when I lost a lawsuit, and once when I won a lawsuit. Voltaire (1694–1778), French writer, enlightenment philosopher


Legal aphorisms

It is to the help of lawyers that we resort in case of infringement of our rights; it is lawyers who know many laws and rules. The very name of the profession - lawyer - comes from the Latin jus - law. Quotes about lawyers and witty statuses of famous people about the amazing profession of a lawyer are collected in our article. A profession leaves its mark on a person. For example, I am a lawyer. I believe only in facts and evidence.

Yesterday I saw a UFO with my own eyes. But I don’t even believe my eyes! They didn’t take the oath! Every person should know something about laws; and if he knows enough to get around them, then he is a good lawyer. Henry Wheeler Shaw. I'll hire a lawyer. During the probationary period, you need to complete a difficult task - legally dismiss the previous one. The lawyer is ready to do anything to win the case.

Sometimes he is even ready to tell the truth. I don't know how to do anything except prosecutor. I am the third generation prosecutor Vladimir Ustinov, the Prosecutor General of Russia. Due to the fact that the accused took bribes in conventional units, the court decides to give a suspended sentence...

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The topic LAWYER has collected 98 aphorisms since the creation of the site. Clients prefer prosperous lawyers—and less prosperous doctors. If a lawyer looks prosperous, it means he knows how to achieve success in court, and success is precisely what those who start litigation crave. (Arthur Haley) [IF, LAWYER, CLIENTS] [ ] { / 0 / 0 }. Note: Arthur Haley.

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